
magespawngood morning 06:17
bmg505Kerbero, are you active on 20m bbm/mixit?06:25
Kerberonot really06:25
Kerberomy radio progapate the best on the WTF band :P06:25
Kerberoi'm mostly only on IRC these days06:26
Kiloscremora minora07:16
inetprowb Kilos07:16
inetprooh and good morning07:17
Kilosty inetpro struggling with kde and nm07:17
Kilosgot here with sakis3g07:17
Kilosoh and morning to you too07:17
Kiloskde is for clever peeps07:17
Kilosluckily irc connects, for some reason pidgin wont today07:19
Kilosi tried setting up kppp and think i did something that blocking pidgin from sakis3g connection07:20
Kiloshiya superfly 07:20
Kilosconfiguring with kde isnt as easy as with gnome07:21
Kilosor even unity07:21
* inetpro never used sakis3g07:21
Kilosit works everytime when nothing else does07:22
inetproI really don't see what is so difficult to configure on kde07:22
Kilosits a tiny script07:22
Kilosnm cant see my modem07:22
superflyhi Kilos07:22
Kiloswhen i tell it its at /dev/ttys1 it doesnt see it there but sakis does07:23
Kilossuperfly, i like the single click function07:23
Kilosreinstalled and only switched off desktop effects07:24
Kilosi also like the help function but so much to read07:25
superflyKilos: open Konsole, run "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and then plug your modem in and see if you can see a device like "/dev/ttyUSB0" or "/dev/ttyACM0"07:25
bmg505Kerbero, servicing antennas :(07:28
Kilosbmg505, dont fall off07:28
Kiloshi Kerbero 07:28
bmg505no ways, although the one mast only has one stay wire07:28
Kilosis it far to fall07:29
Kilosi go let sheep out07:30
Kiloshiya maiatoday 07:52
Kilosbrb system restart needed07:52
Kilosaw now i forgot what i wanted to ask11:34
magespawnhey Kilos12:16
kiloshi magespawn 12:16
kilosreally struggling with kubuntu and 3g12:17
kilosworks on fone but not modem12:17
kilosso installing again12:17
kiloseven sakis3g stopped working12:17
kilosit says something about magic cookies after entering password and sakis3g dont start12:18
kilosand kppp is a bit much for me to configure12:19
kilosi think the only guys that have done more installs than me do it commersially12:20
kiloseven tried installing 11.0412:21
kilosthen kde without deleting /home12:21
kilosme steals sim for fone again, see you's later12:27
=== miles_ is now known as Kilos
KilosMaaz: coffee on13:25
* Maaz starts grinding coffee13:25
bakumanMaaz, coffee please13:28
Maazbakuman: Alrighty13:28
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and bakuman!13:29
bakumanthanks Maaz 13:29
KilosMaaz: ty13:35
MaazYou are welcome Kilos13:35
Kiloshi bakuman13:35
magespawnhey Kilos13:35
=== miles_ is now known as Kilos
Kilosmagespawn: wassup13:50
bakumanhi Oom Kerbero 13:57
bakumanKilos 13:57
Kilosthe tab goodie catches us all every now and again hey bakuman14:03
inetproKilos: wat sukkel jy so?14:04
inetproKilos: if you don't start with a fresh /home folder you can't expect new results14:04
Kiloseish inetpronm wys nie enable mobile broadband nie14:04
Kilosmoet foon gebruik14:04
Kilostried first without deleting home but didnt work then either14:05
inetproKilos: many settings are stored in the /home folder14:05
Kilosi even installed 11.04 and then kde and didnt delete home14:06
Kilosi even tried backup14:06
Kiloscan i rsync home from maverick and through it in here?14:07
Kiloslol i am on konversation to see if sound works14:07
Kilosno irc clients sound works here14:08
inetprothe home issue is very simple to circumnavigate 14:08
inetprojust create a new user account14:08
Kilosbut thats for later, first gotta get nm to see modem and enble mobile broadband permanently14:08
Kilosand then?14:09
inetprostart with a fresh profile14:09
Kilosi wanna be me not someone else14:09
inetproyou can be you no matter the account name14:10
Kiloslol 14:10
Kilosbeing a new user isnt gonna make nm work is it?14:10
inetproit's not like you're suddenly becoming a new personality14:11
Kilosit must work here14:11
Kiloswhen i fiddled with nm even sakis crashed14:11
Kilosthen there was lotsa error stuff about magic cookies14:12
Kiloskde is becoming a fierce challenge for me14:13
Kilosi will get it working even if i must install 10 times more14:13
Kilosi go get gate14:13
Kilosheres a question. when i start the install isnt it supposed to show something about nm so one can connect14:14
Kiloswhere does one get to connect so it can update while installing?14:15
Kilosis it my imagination or was it here first time i installed kde14:16
Kilosnow i see no bottom panel with nm applet14:16
Kilosi even registered a the kubuntu forum and follow what they said to do and crashed all network connection possibilities14:18
KilosMaaz: coffee on14:18
* Maaz puts the kettle on14:18
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:22
Kilos_Maaz: where is the coffee14:26
MaazKilos_: Not a clue, sorry14:26
=== Kilos_ is now known as Kilos
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloswb Trixar_za Ludo16:24
Trixar_zaHey Kilos16:24
Kilosinterwebs messing around again16:24
Kilossuperfly: does one use medibuntu on kde?16:43
superflyKilos: these days you just need to install kubutnu-restricted-extras, I think16:44
Kilosok ty16:44
Kiloshi smile17:25
smilehi Kilos :p17:25
smileI'm trying to learn about portable apps format17:26
smileit's very different from what I used to know (version 1.0, now at 3.0)17:26
Kiloslo nuvolari17:38
nuvolarihi oom Kilos :> gaan dit goen vanaand oom?17:42
Kilosja dankie en daar?17:43
nuvolarikan nie kla nie dankie oom17:43
Kilosek stry met kde17:43
nuvolarioom is op oom se eie daar... :P17:45
nuvolaridaar is te veel goeters wat 'n mens kan stel17:45
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilossuperfly: whats the reason desktop effects must be unticked?18:07
Kilosis it because of nvidia-current not installed18:07
superflyKilos: yes18:07
superfly(in short)18:07
Kilosah and what do them effects do18:07
Kilosuse more resources?18:08
Kilossuperfly: im in phonon settings and the notifications block is grayed out and doesnt enable. is that maybe why i got no sound in quassel and xchat?18:24
superflyKilos: phonon settings, in System Settings?18:24
Kilosits only the notifications block thats disabled18:25
superflyKilos: I have a few grey entries, and one enabled entries in notifications18:25
Kilossuperfly: if you tick apply device list to at the bottom is the notifications one in there enabled18:27
Kilosin mine its only notifications that cant enable18:28
Kilosim sure thats why i got no bloeps18:28
Kilosi cant enable mine18:29
Kiloswhats missing18:29
superflyKilos: it changes depending on which section you have enabled. click on the "music" item, and then click that button again18:30
Kilosaw i thought id found the prob18:31
* Kilos keeps looking18:31
Kilosty superfly18:31
smilewebgood night, kilos and superfly18:32
Kilosnight smilsleep tight18:32
superflyKilos: is it *just* notifications? do you hear the login sound?18:34
Kilosyes lekker music18:34
Kilosonly quassel konversation and xchat no sound18:35
Kilosmethinks maybe its one gstreamer missing18:35
Kilosonly the irc clients dont bloep bepp or whateva18:36
Kilosmaybe this is the prob  http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/issues/112418:41
superflyKilos: in the notifications dialog in Quassel, if you click on the little play icon, does it play a sound?18:41
Kilosbut they dont say how to fix it18:41
Kilosi dont think its a quassel bug though18:41
Kilossame thing18:43
superfly<superfly> Kilos: in the notifications dialog in Quassel, if you click on the little play icon, does it play a sound?18:45
superflyKilos: do you want it to bloep for every message, or just when your name is mentioned?18:46
Kilosnick mentioned 18:47
Kilosor even all of them to start18:47
Kiloswas in #kubuntu now and heard you say my nick18:48
Kilosonly when im here theres nothing18:48
superflyKilos: your main problem is that IRC is the only window you have open18:48
superflyKilos: Quassel doesn't bloep when the current channel is selected and Quassel is focused18:48
Kilospidgin opera18:48
superflythat's what that bug said - they're not going to change that18:49
superfly(though I thought the one notification does that)18:49
Kilosoh  my18:49
superflyKilos: but we can get around it18:49
Kilosoooo that sounds good18:49
superflyKilos: go to Settings -> Configure18:50
KilosConfigure quassel or notifications18:50
superflyThen go down to "highlight"18:50
superflyclick the Add button, and then double-click on the new item in the list18:51
superflytype your nick in there, and uncheck the "CS" checkbox18:51
superflythen click "apply"18:52
superflyI don't know if this will work for sure, but it might18:52
Kilosdont hi superfly18:52
superflyKilos: does this work?18:53
KilosMaaz: hi18:53
* Maaz waves to Kilos18:53
superflyKilos: I'm afraid you're not gonna get much better than this18:54
Kiloshehe ok ill leave it off if i wanna hear18:54
Kilosty superfly18:54
Kiloshehe im gonna try this one19:05
Kilossuperfly: 19:16
Kilos<SIR_Taco_> Kilos: if you follow the links in the bug report you posted, it says to be fixed in 'future release', but also (more links in) that the notification system is being re-worked to remove duplications and reduce overhead19:16
Kilos<SIR_Taco_> or minimize the window19:17
Kilosthere we go19:17
Kilosinetpro: ^^19:19
Kiloslotsa peeps on #kubuntu19:20
Kilosnight all, sleep tight19:47

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