
penguinupi have a question...00:11
penguinupwhy is xubuntu sooo slow?  2ghz cpu with 1.3 gb ram....maybe it would be faster if i had formatted in ext2 ??00:13
cousteauok, so how do I replace the xubuntu-logo.plymouth with a xubuntu-text.plymouth?07:44
baizoncousteau: good question :)08:41
baizoni would like to know the answer too :)08:41
TheSheepbaizon, cousteau: alternatives maybe?08:46
cousteauTheSheep, that allows me to select which graphical theme to use and which text one, but not whether to use the graphical or the text one08:48
SysiI can't tell which one I have, I never see anything but black :/08:49
TheSheepcousteau: the /etc/defaults/grub then?08:50
cousteauhmm, what language are those scripts in?  looks like ecmascript but using "fun" rather than "function"08:58
XRS1how do i get the update manager to stop pestering me to update this check for obsolete nvidia drivers? i have a radeon.09:17
XRS1its popped up 3 times in the past 16 minutes telling me there are new updates09:17
baizonXRS1: remove the drivers :)09:26
XRS1i dont have any proprietary nvidia drivers installed (unless they come prepackaged in which case i dont know the package name)09:27
baizonXRS1: well so check it ;)09:54
baizonnvidia-common you mean?09:54
apm1baizon, hmm black screen i am on 12.04 on my all 3 laptops and nothing like that has happend to me ?10:10
baizonapm1: well to the black screen on boot problem... i now added nomodeset to the boot option and will watch if the problem is gone with my ATi :)10:10
baizonyes i got this since last week or so10:11
apm1i have 1 intel 1 ati  and 1 nvidia laptop so i can pretty much say about all the 3 gpu s :p10:11
baizonall my laptops got the same graphics card10:11
baizonan 6320 mobile10:11
apm1but on my ati i have seen some HDrive trouble it just freezes at times when i am using it on my lap :(10:12
apm1but after a few seconds starts responding again like nothing happend ?10:13
apm1i guess i am experiencing problem with all that knee movement ;)10:13
apm1what's u r guess ?10:13
baizoncant say :D10:14
baizonoverheating maybe?10:14
baizonor memory maybe10:14
apm1well on my lap it reaches 85'C10:14
apm1memory how ?10:14
apm1i suspect the HD10:14
baizonso test both :)10:15
baizonmemoty with memtest86+10:15
apm1ok and the HD ?10:15
baizonHD with SMART and fsck10:16
baizonand badblocks10:16
apm1will gnome disk-utility work on xubuntu ?10:18
apm1actually in the past rhythmbox has messed my audio so i am a little skeptical about gnome apps :(10:20
baizonclementine (QT) rocks or Exaile (GTK) :) this are my recommendations10:23
apm1gotta reboot now , brb10:24
martinphoneim on xubuntu, to use phoenix I need twisted, what is the exact name of the package (repo) I need? none fits it exactly , twisted-conch?11:01
martinphonephoenix is to mine bitcoins11:02
baizonmartinphone: https://launchpad.net/~twisted-dev/+archive/ppa11:03
baizonthere you have a package called twisted11:03
apm1pardon me but that is an unusual name "twisted "  ;p11:04
martinphonethx for that baizon11:07
martinphonedoes launchpad have a search bar addon like tpb?11:11
baizonmartinphone: you mean this?11:14
recon_lapnever got this message before when updating "Requires installation of untrusted packages" -> jockey-common jockey-gtk nvidia-common , and i have Intel HD4000 graphics?11:14
tabby_catare the changes expected in 12.10 published somewhere?11:14
recon_lapgets tinfoil had out :)11:15
martinphonethx again, i was googling already11:15
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recon_lapalso the update does not start, so I would guess all updates are blocked11:28
martinphonei like tinfoil hats, they help to avoid cia tracking :D12:10
knomemartinphone, how is that ontopic?12:11
martinphonei was trying to take a laugh with recon_lap12:12
Mathiasknome: he used up our quota of nonsense :\12:12
apm1recon_lap, tin hat ? aliens , do i need to get my baseball bat ? :p12:14
knomeplease take it to #xubuntu-offtopic.12:15
apm1knome, sorry it was a one off :p12:15
knomeone off after noticing other people being offtopic12:16
apm1kinda yes12:16
craigbass1976This one's been bugging me for a while... I installed Epiphany for using when I want fresh google results (as opposed to the search bubble they've got folks in now) and I can't see any text in the address bar.  It's there but it's white I guess and I can't figure out how to change it.13:01
TheSheepcraigbass1976: try using a gtk theme that supports gtk313:03
craigbass1976TheSheep, heh...  That was retarded on my part.  Thanks.13:19
craigbass1976One more...  I've also got xubuntu running on an ibook G4.  Is there any way to get XFCE to remember where I had my brightness settings when I shut down?  Trying to get this thing to last through two school board meetings might work if I can keep it dim, but I forget to check sometimes.13:23
n2diyI have a file that doesn't appear in filezilla, so I can't upload it? I can list it with ls, and see it in thunar, put not filezilla?13:25
GridCubecraigbass1976, how do you change the brightness?13:25
GridCubeand you might want to check the "remember session" check box when you shutdownk, that might help.13:26
craigbass1976Alt+F1 a bunch.  One too many and it shuts the screen off. Alt+F2 makes it brighter13:26
GridCuben2diy, it starts with .?13:26
n2diyHi gridcube, no, it's a regular gnumeric file.13:27
craigbass1976GridCube, that wouldn't show up with a plain ole ls though would it?13:27
GridCubecraigbass1976, no, probably wont13:27
GridCuben2diy, are you sure you are in the correct directories on filezilla?13:27
GridCubeand refreshed the list?13:28
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n2diyGridCube, ,yes, I found it. The files in the directory are listed alpahbetically, sort of. A-Z, and then another group A-Z, it was in the second group!?13:31
craigbass1976n2diy, it's always something dumb...13:32
GridCuben2diy, some are starting with capital letter and some oters with low caps13:32
GridCubesmall caps? i dont know how to say that in english13:32
recon_lapGridCube: lower case13:33
GridCubecraigbass1976, difference between upper case and lower case (thanks recon_lap ) its very important13:33
n2diyGridCube, yes.13:34
GridCubemany, many mistakes can come from disregarding them13:34
n2diycraigbass1976, yes, but something is weird, I think GridCube is on to it.13:34
GridCuben2diy, no thats just it, upper case and lower case are different kind of characters and go separadetly, the file File is different form the file file and from the fIlE or FiLE, and so on13:35
craigbass1976Maybe simple was the better word.13:35
n2diyGridCube, so A-Z are listed, and then a-z?13:36
GridCubeand before that numbers13:36
n2diyGridCube, ok, makes sense now.13:36
GridCube:) no problem13:37
n2diybeen using linux for 11 year and I just learned that!?13:37
GridCubethats the very first thing i ever learned, LS would not work, because its ls13:37
xubuntu434xubuntu da bomb14:28
GridCube:D awesome14:29
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dav-hi - I'm trying to work out of a usb stick with a casper-rw partition (xubuntu 12.04 32). I'm adding a user with an ecrypted home and it cannot login: Mount of device (uid: 0) not owned by requested user (uid: 1000) [I googled for this and the permissions in the ecrypt folder are correct so it's not the same problem others had with this error message]. Any thoughts?15:37
holsteinwhats the goal? i would probably just do a normal install to the USB stick and encrypt the home15:39
dav-holstein: the goal is to carry this stick with a full fledged OS + ecrypted home around the world instead of lugging around a laptop15:45
holsteingood luck with that.. i might just start with an actual install instead of a live stick15:45
dav-holstein: any rationale? what's wrong with the live stick?15:46
holsteindav-: i dont need a live stick, so i dont use it.. i need an install on a stick.. and i can do that.. i can put grub right on the stick15:46
recon_lapdav-: have you tried booting to a install CD , then installing to the USB?15:46
holsteini find it easier than hacking at the live usb trying to make it into an install.. then i get a proper file system... i can choose to not have swap15:47
holsteini can run updates, or whatever else easily too15:47
dav-ok I will try that15:47
dav-can run updates on livestick with casper..15:47
holsteindav-: i had issues.. i dont as a normal install15:48
holsteindav-: if it works for you .. go for it.. if you are here because its not working for you, then try the install15:48
dav-side question: what's the minimum size you would allocate for /15:48
dav-3G ?15:48
GridCubeshould work15:50
GridCubemore is better15:50
dav-more means less for /home..15:50
GridCube/home is kind of irrelevant when you use cloudstorage15:51
* GridCube just saying15:51
holsteinif i had a 4g stick, i would just install to it.. no swap15:51
dav-it's a 32Gb stick. I think I'll go with 4G for the home. I'll have to find a way to set-up tmpfs too..15:52
dav-and yes, no swap.15:52
dav-is there something I need to do at install time for Grub to go to the USB stick instead of the harddrive?15:53
holsteindav-: i would want the laternat installer iso15:53
dav-and GridCube, what service are you using for cloud stuff?15:53
GridCubegoogle drive and 4shared15:53
dav-holstein: ah ok. lemme download that.15:53
GridCubedoes the works15:53
dav-GridCube: thought google drive didn't yet mount well on linux15:53
GridCubenope, through browser15:54
dav-GridCube: oh that's convenient :)15:54
dav-GridCube: might as well get a chromebook15:54
GridCubebut then again using the google docs is very helpful, for work and for lots of things15:54
holsteini get netbooks.. they are cheap used and have great batteries.. after the portable usb stick failed on a few machines, i gave up on depending on it15:55
recon_lapdav-: and let us know how you get on :)15:55
dav-recon_lap: downloading alternate now15:56
* GridCube netbook's batery lasts 20 minutes, tops15:56
holstein:/ .. mine gets over 6 hours typically15:56
dav-having to purchase a netbook doesn't qualify as a solution to the posed problem ;-)15:57
dav-will the alternate very clearly give me the option to install grub on the stick? I'm on someone else's laptop and can't afford to mess up their HDD15:58
holsteinthe stick didnt work for me.. your at a hotel.. then have a particular per-machine network config... or you show up at your friends place "can i reboot your machine??".. sure, and the bios has some odd password15:58
holsteinthe stick didnt work for me in a dependable way.. i cant "expect" the host to work.. my netbook always works. but thats just me15:59
holsteindav-: theres a step toward the end... you can always *not* install it and do it later to be sure16:00
dav-I have an android phone + tablet. I generally don't *need* a computer. The USB stick is just to "have one" once in a while..16:00
GridCubeyou can have a qemu live session that you could run from any windows/most linux setups you could find16:00
holsteinyup.. that might work easier.. but you still need to install something on the host, and that failed for me a few times too16:01
Sysihaving portable linux is one thing, having encrypted home folder on it is different16:01
dav-Sysi: huh? How so?16:02
Sysieven if I keeped sensitive data on stick like that I'd consider using just some encrypted folder16:03
Sysido you even need separate partition for home?16:04
SysiI think you could encrypt it without that too16:04
dav-Sysi: ecrypted home folder is pretty much just that...16:04
holsteinyeah.. something like truecrypt for the data? maybe.. keep the install simple16:05
dav-Sysi: I'm not encrypting the partition, just using the standard 'secure home' feature..16:05
Sysiyeah sorry, I confused myself a bit16:07
dav-the stick is ready, i'm rebooting. tty guys later.16:12
dav-onlything is 4Gb for / is on the tight side16:35
recon_lapgood work, was it as simple as just installing from the CS to the usb?16:35
dav-only have 1.4Gb available now16:36
dav-well I was going from stick to stick but yes16:36
dav-the alternate installer did prompt me on where to install grub to16:36
recon_lapgood to know :) to many people just disappear and never let us know if they fixed their problem and how16:37
dav-I would never ;)16:38
dav-one thing I'm a bit worried of is the way grub stored partition names. When I plug my stick somewhere else, if grub runs it could mess up the local system..16:39
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)16:39
GridCubeif you run "update-grub" you would mess things up16:40
Sysigrub should use those16:40
dav-GridCube: doesn't update-grub get run if the grub package gets updated?16:40
dav-(or the kernel)16:41
GridCubedont update grub, or kernels16:41
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:41
holsteinshould explain how to "fix" it though.. if something bad happens16:42
dav-set root='(hd1,msdos1)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root cf6dbd26-df38-4105-b125-a4b1dcfa3b7e linux   /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-31-generic root=UUID=cf6dbd26-df38-4105-b125-a4b1dcfa3b7e ro   quiet splash $vt_handoff16:46
dav-the UUIDs look good16:46
dav-but the '(hd1,msdos)' is worrysome16:46
GridCubethats bad16:47
GridCubeunless you boot from usb and it takes that as hd116:47
GridCubedunno how that works16:47
GridCubeuuid should be better16:47
dav-but root=UUID might take precedence over 'set root' ?16:48
GridCubedav-, :) why dont you ask at #grub?16:50
dav-hmmmm I'm thinking. it's only grub-install that messes with the mbr16:52
dav-and grub-install doesn't run every time!16:52
holsteindav-: i wouldnt run "update grub" with a hard drive that is not going to be there *all* the time16:53
holsteindav-: you can always refer to that linnk and "fix" it.. if something breaks16:53
holsteindav-: i would probably just pin the kernel though, and likely wouldnt be upgrading a lot, since you might just spend most of the time that OS is in use running upgrades16:54
dav-holstein: but a kernel upgrade shouldn't affect the mbr either? grub is dynamic enough that it just looks up the configs no?16:54
holsteinhardware fix.. boot on a machine that has no hard drives.. update kernels and grub16:55
holsteindav-: a kernel update runs update-grub.. to update grub to see it16:55
dav-holstein: yes but update-grub doesn't touch the mbr, just the config file which is on the filesystem and has a bunch of UUIDs in it16:56
dav-holstein: so I think this works?16:56
holsteindav-: it "touches" grub.. wher ever that is16:56
holsteindav-: all it takes is an entry in grub that says something about the internal hard drive.. then, when that hard drive is not there.. grub will hang. in my experience16:57
dav-holstein: what makes you think that? I don't even think there's a config file that saves which device it should be installing grub on16:57
holsteindav-: try it.. you dont break anything permanently.. you can alway fix it16:58
dav-I'm ok with grub hanging. I just don't want to touch my host's harddrive16:58
holsteindav-: its not an issue of touching the hard drive.. its the hard drive that gets "added" to grub16:58
dav-my first and foremost priority is to not touch my hosts's HDD16:58
holsteindav-: when you go to another machine, that hard drive wont be there16:58
dav-yes I can live with that16:59
dav-even if that messes up my system, as long as it doesn't touch theirs.16:59
holsteinit would be like, when i have seen folks (and this has happened to me) having a usb hard drive plugged in during install16:59
holsteingrub "sees" that drive, and its added.. when its not present at boot, grub gets "upset"16:59
holsteindav-: this might not be the case with the USB installs now.. its just something to be aware of17:00
dav-yep. thanks.17:00
holsteindav-: the internal hard drives will need to be mounted17:00
holsteindav-: worst case, you are on a host, and the kernel panics during boot (which has happened to me) and you force power off, permanently damaging the hard drve17:01
holsteindav-: something else to consider having "in your bag".. http://www.plop.at/ for those legacy machines that dont boot USB.. might work on apple machines as well, i havent tried17:04
davidquite interesting: when I used tmpfs for /tmp, couldn't log in graphically.17:11
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tsimpsonthere's a reason we all moved away from tmpfs for /tmp17:12
dav-fstab entry: none /tmp tmpfs nosuid,size=10%,mode=755 0 017:12
dav-tsimpson: I'm running on a usb stick. what else should I be using?17:12
tsimpsongenerally nothing17:13
dav-tsimpson: isn't that bad for the sd card?17:13
tsimpsonit's not great for it17:14
tsimpsonbut, you can make that same argument for /var17:14
dav-var wants to persist from 1 boot to the next..17:15
tsimpsonnot /var/tmp17:15
dav-anyway, why did we move away from tmpfs?17:16
tsimpsonor /var/run, etc17:16
tsimpsonthere are some things that really don't like being on a tempfs, (look elsewhere for technical reasons)17:17
tsimpson(... because I don't know them)17:17
dav-huh oh17:19
dav-[  404.050544] EXT2-fs (sdb1): error: ext2_check_page: bad entry in directory #11: : rec_len is smaller than minimal - offset=4096, inode=0, rec_len=0, name_len=017:19
dav-[  404.050553] EXT2-fs (sdb1): error: remounting filesystem read-only17:19
dav-[  404.050557] EXT2-fs (sdb1): error: ext2_readdir: bad page in #1117:20
rainfyreCan someone shoot me a torrent download link for the current xubuntu? Thank you thank you17:22
genii-aroundSorry, not torrent17:23
rainfyreThanks :)17:23
rainfyreNo worries, I got it17:23
blackgatonegrohow i update the software keys in Xubuntu? I am getting some "Unauthenticated software sources" errors18:00
recon_lapblackgatonegro: it's not just me then18:06
holsteinblackgatonegro: link your sources? share the error output on sudo apt-get update18:06
blackgatonegroPossible solutions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1258562/18:12
blackgatonegrorecon_lap, I fixed the problem following this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1258562/18:14
recon_lapblackgatonegro: thx, I'll give it a try later18:14
Mathiasis there a place i can download the xubuntu desktop background?18:52
holsteinMathias: you can always just grab it from a live CD18:53
Mathiaswhere is it on the live cd?18:54
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork usr xfce4 backdrops18:55
Mathiasthanks! :D19:00
Mathiasi'm on slow network so googling isn't easy :P19:00
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griffanyone there?20:35
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:36
griffQuestion! haha20:38
griffI was hoping to find some assistance with the Linux OS, Xubuntu?20:39
SkippersBossgriff, u need to be more specific20:40
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:41
SkippersBossThere are plenty people about but some will only react if they feel that they can assist you with a specific problem20:41

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