
alex_mayorgaWhy is archive.ubuntu.com slooow?00:30
alex_mayorga70.4 kB/s00:30
silverarrowanyone clever with alsamixer?00:40
silverarrowI have no alsamixer00:40
bjsniderit's never super-fast because everybody is using it instead of their local mirrors00:40
alex_mayorgabjsnider: Thanks! I'll try the .mx mirror, but it is not much better most of the times00:45
alex_mayorgasilverarrow: Didn't ALSA go the way of the dodo some time ago?00:45
silverarrownot in lubuntu?00:46
silverarrowand I still think alsa is in ubuntu, under there some where00:46
silverarroweven when pluseaudio is the new thing00:46
alex_mayorgasilverarrow: ask!00:47
bjsnideralsa is how we have sound card drivers, it works with pulseaudio00:47
silverarrowyeah, trouble is I have no alsmixer in terminal !!! even though packages are reinstalled00:48
silverarrowhow do I get sound and aslamixer working ?00:49
silverarrowalex_mayorga: did you like the question better?00:49
bjsnidersilverarrow, this probably isn't going to be the best channel for those questions00:50
silverarroware you kidding00:50
bjsnideri am not00:50
silverarrowwhere is the better channel then?00:50
silverarrowit is not lubuntu00:50
bjsniderwell, first of all, leaving alsamixer out of it, what is the actual problem?00:51
silverarrowI have no sound, no loudspeaker icon in taskbar,00:51
bjsniderhave you ever had sound/when was the last time?00:52
silverarrowI had sound AND alsamixer in 12.0400:52
silverarrowbut in quantal not ever00:52
bjsnideri'm not sure what lubuntu uses as far as sound goes00:53
bjsniderdoes it use pulse?00:53
silverarrowno pulse in lubuntu as far as I know00:53
bjsniderok, check dmesg for sound related messages00:53
silverarrowmajor lits of text00:54
silverarrowI cannot make any sense of it00:56
bjsnidersnd-powermac no longer handles any machines with a layout-id property in the device-tree, use snd-aoa00:58
bjsniderit almost looks like you're using a machine made by the hateful apple corps00:59
bjsniderif this is ppc i don't think it's supported01:00
bjsnideri guess you need to modprobe snd-aoa01:01
silverarrowa few of us are wroking on making ppc suported01:01
silverarrowit is the last iBook, a white G401:02
bjsnideri think the module that will drive that chip is snd-aoa01:03
bjsnidersilverarrow, take a shot at #alsa or whatever it's called. maybe there's a ppc nerd there who can help you01:04
silverarrowthere are a few of us on ubuntu-testing, but I am the only one with this model iBook G4 and sound troubles01:07
bjsnidersilverarrow, try googling the message i posted above from dmesg and you'll get quite a few results. quite a few indeed01:09
bjsniderthis issue seems to go back many years01:09
silverarrowI am all new to the testing team, just an amateur really01:10
silverarrow...and struggeling a bit01:10
bjsniderare we going to have two versions of gstreamer simultaneously with quantal?03:37
DaekdroomAre we? D:03:37
Daekdroom!find gstreamer03:38
ubottuFound: bluez-gstreamer, gir1.2-gstreamer-0.10, gstreamer-tools, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-doc, gstreamer0.10-gconf, gstreamer0.10-gnonlin, gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-dbg, gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-doc, gstreamer0.10-nice (and 108 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gstreamer&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all03:38
Daekdroom!find gstreamer1.003:38
ubottuFound: gstreamer1.0-alsa, gstreamer1.0-clutter, gstreamer1.0-doc, gstreamer1.0-libav, gstreamer1.0-libav-dbg, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-dbg, gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-doc, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base, gstreamer1.0-plugins-base-apps (and 14 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gstreamer1.0&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all03:38
DaekdroomWell, only 0.10 is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop.03:39
bjsniderDaekdroom, my system doesn't seem to work without 1.003:39
bjsnidersome stuff seems to use the 0.10 and others use 1.003:40
DaekdroomIt's not even installed currently in here.03:41
bjsnideri wonder if it's maybe required by the ppa03:44
micahg0.10 is in main and 1.0 is in universe for quantal04:49
gsedej_workHi! Ubuntu 12.10 beta2 does not have "logout" option in menu.07:01
gsedej_workthis is bad, because user can't change to other desktop enviroment (KDE, LXDE, ...)07:02
gsedej_workit's quite usable with USB with persistance07:02
gsedej_workshould I report bug?07:02
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timhi, for some reason, i cannot upgrade to quantic on my laptop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1259515/07:42
VolkodavAnybody has issues with sopcast player? It starts up, buffers to 100% and stays blank07:47
timhm also: "do-release-upgrade -d" does not find a new version and for some reason my system things that it is already 12.10, but it is still 12.0408:13
edgyHi, kubntu images are now 900+ M,  how am I supposed to burn it on a CD?08:18
howlymowlyhi poeple.. short question: I just installed kubuntu 12.10  and now have ligthdm as default login manager. I would like to use login as a certain user by default and lock the screen afterwards. but it seems there is no option for doing this in light dm?  any workaround?08:27
howlymowly*is ther any workaround?08:27
tim... or maybe to rephrase my question: how does do-release-upgrade determine the installed version of ubuntu?08:33
edgytim: if you want to know the installed version of ubuntu, check /etc/lsb-release08:35
vega-hmm empathy "internal error" after todays updates, no connection to server08:36
timedgy: i've changed that file from quantal to precise ... probably a stale version from an early upgrade ...08:37
timthing is, my machine *is* precise, not (yet) quantal08:37
edgyvega-: empathy is causing lots of errors for me, try removing the account and adding it again08:38
timedgy: but even after `downgrading' the lsb-release file, `do-release-upgrade -d` does not find a new version08:38
edgytim: what's the output of lsb-release -a command08:38
vega-edgy: same error..08:39
timedgy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1259578/08:39
timfunny ... after running that, do-release-upgrade *does* find an upgrade08:41
tim... but then it tells me that it `could not calculate the upgrade'08:43
edgytim: after running what?08:43
timdo-release-upgrade -d -f kde08:43
edgytim: maybe it checks other files, try to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and use lts08:44
timedgy: changed from normal to lts ... no effect ... back to normal ... no effect08:44
edgycheck this file too /etc/update-manager/meta-release08:45
timedgy: also `do-release-upgrade -d` now reports again: No new release found08:46
timedgy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1259586/08:46
timlooks fine to me08:46
edgytim: I don't know then08:47
timit seems that the apt sources have been updated: apt-get dist-upgrade reports about 2000 upgradable packages08:47
timis it sufficient to run that? or will i expect some further problems?08:47
edgytim: I don't think we can predict but take a backup first and try08:48
TheOneRingkubuntu 12.10 beta 2 still only boots into a black screen on a gma 60009:17
MamarokTheOneRing: read your question on #kubuntu: is it an upgrade or a fresh install?09:18
TheOneRingit is on first bootin the instalation media09:19
Mamarokoh, that is weird09:20
TheOneRingi gess it has to do  with the new driver shiped with the new kernal09:21
TheOneRingdammned touch keyboard... :P09:22
Mamarokcould you just ask the question again so the others can see it here09:22
TheOneRingi already did that right after joining09:26
Mamarokoh, OK then :)09:28
simplewim running the quantzal live cd and when i click to install and i set the mount points, i click to continue and then i get that it cant use the swap partition, why is this happening???09:59
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, try sudo swapoff -a10:00
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, then try the installer and see what you get :D10:00
simplewWarOfTheNerd, why is needed to disable swap?10:00
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, sometimes it uses it before installer loads and thus it goes dumb and can't repartition properly10:01
simplewwell thats a bug...10:01
simplewWarOfTheNerd, anyway thanks10:01
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, well yeah, but it's an ancient one that has been fixed in the past - try it and if installer works, it's probably a stupid regression10:02
simplewWarOfTheNerd, why is not possible to select the encryption cypher and why isnt possible to set encrypted lvm?10:02
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, Ubuntu uses a different method of encryption, based on encrypted /home folders10:03
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, cipher selection has to my knowledge never been available in the live installer10:03
simplewWarOfTheNerd, just great....10:04
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, do you need full disk encryption?10:04
simplewof course10:04
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, remember that it's unnecessary except for defending against evil maid attacks10:04
simplewi always encrypt my systems10:04
simplewjust encrypting home its a false security10:05
WarOfTheNerdSo is encrypting the whole disk if you don't know what you're defending against10:05
simplewim defeding from entering in my machine10:05
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, so you're planning to always boot from CD?10:06
WarOfTheNerdif not, remember /boot is unencrypted and anyone can replace the kernel ;)10:06
simplewWarOfTheNerd, why would i need to boot from cd???10:06
Mamarokhe jsut told you why :)10:06
simplewi dont need to encrypt boot files10:07
simplewand if those get screwed its easily workaround10:07
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, why not?  What's to stop someone replacing them with trojaned versions and capturing your passphrase?10:07
dr_willisi dont really see the need to encrypt / either.. but  i dont even know the original problem10:07
simplewwith a aes-xts-benbi cypher i dont see how would it be possible to crack it10:08
WarOfTheNerddr_willis, people think encrypting / means they'll be secure because people can't modify most system files - but then they have to boot from CD or USB stick with their own known safe kernel/bootloader/initrd10:08
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, if someone trojaned your kernel, bootloader or initrd; since it's unprotected, they could keylog the passphrase off you10:08
simplewWarOfTheNerd, im not using a cbc cypher that can be exploited10:09
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, it's not about the cipher, it's about evil maid attacks against the kernel, bootloader and initrd10:09
simplewWarOfTheNerd, i really dont see how would that could happen but its a scenario10:09
WarOfTheNerdsimplew, it's a scenario that full disk encryption was invented to cover; because encrypting /home/* and swap provides as much security as encrypting everything but booting from an unencrypted, exposed kernel10:11
simplewi have not considered that, but having the an encrypted system its far better that having none10:12
WarOfTheNerdit is, but only having /home and swap encrypted is equal to doing everything when you're not factoring in the exposed kernel10:12
simplewbut the issue is that the install should provide the encryption to the user, that is available in other main distros like Opensuse and Mageia for example10:13
simplewreboot time10:13
WarOfTheNerdYou can do it with the alternate installer, which is comparable to what the other two provide10:13
simplewin /etc/fstab of the isntalled quantzal i see this: overlayfs / overlayfs rw 0 0       why is that line in fstab for / ?10:32
lampsBRgood morning. Is this the right place to ask about the gnome 3.x launcher? =D11:52
BluesKajHi all11:58
drbobbhi, today's update of quantal seems to want to remove apper, libpackagekit, kde-standard11:59
drbobband some other stuff which doesn't look like it should be removed12:00
drbobbis something broken?12:00
lampsBRI did the update and my system appears to be running ok. But i'm not running kde, i'm on gnome 3.612:01
drbobbare you on a laptop? mine seems to have lost the ability to switch off the toughpad12:02
lampsBRnop, i'm on a lenovo desktop. usb kb and mouse.12:03
drbobbI can't type a single line without touching the damn thing and throwing the cursor all over the place12:03
drbobbI use a usb wireless mouse anyway, can't stand touchpads12:04
drbobbthere is an option "switch off touchpad while typing" in system settings, but it doesn't work12:06
drbobbyeah I know this is a beta, I just hope this is gone before release12:07
drbobbanyway, not trying to flamebait or anything, but kde nowadays is so much better than gnome or unity, it isn't even funny ;)12:11
lampsBRhahahaha u troll. ;]12:14
drbobbmy personal opinion of course (but then, why would I be voicing someone else's)12:15
Simplewi have followed the howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto to have ubunti QUANTZAL encrypted in LVM but when booting it does not aks for the passord to open the encrypted container, can anone tell me whats going on12:30
Simplewappears to me that ubuntu is not reading /etc/crypttab12:30
ferniSimplew: check that you do have the package "cryptsetup" installed12:32
Simplewferni: yes it is12:33
kawaiidesuwhat's new in the final beta?12:33
kawaiidesuwhere's the blueprints12:33
kawaiidesuMeh found it, thanks guys12:37
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bercik1Is ATi 12.9 beta compatible with Ubuntu 12.10 beta? I cant get it working14:18
philinuxbercik1: it's a very slow channel at time. You might be better with a thread here. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=41614:30
DaekdroomDid Empathy stop working for anyone else?14:38
silverarrowhas anyone tried quantal on powerpc?14:38
TheOneRing[11:17:13] <TheOneRing> kubuntu 12.10 beta 2 still only boots into a black screen on a gma 60014:47
TheOneRingcould anyone investigate?14:47
wilee-nileeTheOneRing, Are you familiar with nomodeset as a option?14:51
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:52
silverarrowfor quantal bootup?14:52
silverarrowyeah, I tried it14:53
silverarrownot for the latest dailies though14:53
TheOneRingok Ill test nomodeset14:54
TheOneRingwilee-nilee: hm I still get a black screen15:05
wilee-nileeTheOneRing, This a install or booting a cd, and have you installed any graphic drivers?15:07
TheOneRingyes its on booting the image15:08
TheOneRingusing unetbootin15:08
wilee-nileeTheOneRing, Ah you were able to find the option for nomodeset with unetbootin?15:08
TheOneRingbecause I dont have a cd drive or a second usb slot (the one I got is used by the keyboard)15:08
TheOneRingI added them manually15:09
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TheOneRingkernel /casper/vmlinuz boot=casper only-ubiquity quiet splas nomodeset --15:10
wilee-nileeTheOneRing, Ah I'm not familiar with unetbootin other then straight booting in so I can't really confirm if what you have done is correct, I think others may be more helpful here.15:10
wilee-nileeprobably correct I'm just used to the f6 option.15:10
TheOneRingeit more or less enables you to boot the cd image from your harddrive(windows)15:10
TheOneRingits a grub but the grafical grub is disabled but I can edit the boot options15:11
wilee-nileeI have to get going to a meeting so best of luck. ;)15:11
TheOneRinghm thx15:11
TheOneRingbtw I installed a kubuntu 12.4 and made a distupgrade, so now I have kubuntu 12.4 installed and the same issue15:13
TheOneRinggetting a black screen after booting15:13
TheOneRingbut I was able to install sshd before15:13
TheOneRingso I could give you some logs or stuff like that15:14
BluesKajTheOneRing, this channel is for 12.10 support , join #ubuntu for 12.04 help15:17
TheOneRingI need help with both :P15:17
silverarrow...that binds us all15:18
silverarrowthem all15:18
silverarrowshould be banned really15:18
BluesKajyou have both 12.04 and 12.10 installed ?15:18
TheOneRing12.04 installed with wubi15:19
BluesKajand 12.10?15:19
TheOneRingand 12.10 not yet installed because I cant boot it :P15:19
silverarrowif he has done a dist upgrade he should be in 12.1015:19
TheOneRinggetting a black screen on boot15:19
BluesKajin wubi?15:20
Picino, thats not what a dist-upgrade is.15:20
TheOneRingWelcome to Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-32-generic-pae i686)15:20
BluesKaja dist upgrade doesn't upgrade to a new release15:20
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.15:21
silverarrowyeah, you are right, that is the sude release upgrade15:21
BluesKajno , it's sudo do-release-upgrade -d if you want to upgrade to a alpha or beta release15:22
silverarrowbut I always have to look them up to get them right15:23
silverarrowI am looking into two subjects at the moment15:24
silverarrowone missing alsamixer15:24
BluesKajTheOneRing, so you're still on 12.04 in wubi15:24
silverarrowtwo, radeon drivers actually working with xorg and graphics card15:24
BluesKajso for 12.04 support , join #ubuntu15:25
silverarrow you get help fast in the #ubuntu channel, at least usually15:25
silverarrowunless you are on ppc15:26
TheOneRing sudo do-release-upgrade -d15:26
TheOneRingChecking for a new Ubuntu release15:26
TheOneRingNo new release found15:26
TheOneRingso how to get the dist upgrade via console?15:26
silverarrowor wear a green shirt15:26
silverarrowmaybe you have to mark of  in settings for it to take15:27
myk_robinsonMorning, all15:27
myk_robinsonGot a weird problem. hoping to get some help. Graphics on some sites, for some reason, I just cannot see15:28
BluesKajthe open the software center and disable the option LTS upgrade notification only , or something similar , TheOneRing15:28
TheOneRinghm I only can acces the device over ssh15:28
myk_robinsonLooking at Google Ad Words, and lots of the graphics are missing. The same is true of my remote management site with GFI Max. They work fine on my Windows machine, however.15:28
TheOneRingand x over ssh is quite slow15:28
myk_robinsonScreenshots coming shortly15:28
BluesKajmyk_robinson, install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:29
myk_robinsonBluesKaj: It's already installed15:29
myk_robinsonHere's a shot15:30
TheOneRingBluesKaj: ok got it with ssh xforwarding15:30
myk_robinson..and again from the Google AdWords page:    http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/v5oxrjk8/Selection_003.png15:31
myk_robinsonFor whatever its worth, i get the same issue in Firefox or Chrome15:31
BluesKajGFI Max?15:33
silverarrowwhat would it take to get city and area code right?15:34
silverarrowI am in Bergen15:34
myk_robinsonBluesKaj: its a tool for managed service providers15:34
BluesKajmyk_robinson, I'm asking what  GFI Max is15:35
myk_robinsonremote management solutions, etc, for IT service providers15:35
myk_robinsonThat screenshot was from my dashboard where I can check on some of the systems I am monitoring15:35
myk_robinsonweird, now the images are showing.. Hasn't worked in a few days, seemed to coincide with me beta testing Ubuntu 12.10... I now also notice on the Google AdWords page, as I refresh the page, I get random results. Sometimes they will show, sometimes not...15:36
myk_robinsonPerhaps server issues either on the other end or something abnormal going on with the ISP...15:37
myk_robinsonhave no clue what it is, seems to only be affecting these two pages at the moment. My "normal" browing is working just fine..15:38
BluesKajmyk_robinson, sorry I have no experience with remote management and I don't think that's a support subject for ubuntu15:38
myk_robinsonMy issue is not with the remote management, but with the graphics not displaying in the browser15:38
silverarrowI`m lost at sea15:38
myk_robinsonI was simply answering your inquiry as to what GFI Max is :)15:39
silverarrowdon`t even know what to search for, sound and kernel changes in quantal15:39
myk_robinsonMy screenshots are showing the missing graphics on webpages15:39
BluesKajwell , GFI Max seems to be the problem , doesn't it , myk_robinson?15:39
silverarrowmyk_robinson: yeah, it is interesting15:39
myk_robinsonNO! It also occurs on the Google AdWords page...15:40
myk_robinsonand as I stated before, the pages in question work fine on my Windows machine, which leads me to wonder if something is amiss in this release of Ubuntu15:40
myk_robinsonThis is all stated in my original question15:40
BluesKajwell ,it is beta after all ...it's not for a production/office situation15:41
myk_robinsoni understand that.... Just asking a question, relax15:41
myk_robinsonthis is not mission critical, just finding possible bugs like everyone else15:41
myk_robinsonThis is one that I can only duplicate on the 12.10 beta, and makes no sense, as the graphics in question are simple .gif files15:42
myk_robinsonThe fact that the issue spans two broswers on the same system but works fine on a another computer on the same network suggests the issue is somewhere within this clean install of the OS15:42
myk_robinsonjust trying to find the root so I can properly report it, but somehow it is wrong for me to pose this on a public forum that is for spotting bugs in the beta OS?15:43
whitmanAnyone else seeing this nvidia-settings-updates error? http://pastebin.com/D14PQV1R15:50
BluesKajwhitman, that's nvidia-current upgrade which seems to have failed , try sudo dpkg --configure -a , then sudo apt-get install -f15:56
whitmanBluesKaj, I'd already purged nvida-settings-updates in the hope it would install properly after that but still the same error.15:59
BluesKajwhitman, which nvidia card ?16:00
whitmanAn old AGP GeForce 620016:01
BluesKajwhitman, yeah the updates can be troublesome thru the software center , seems to coatin breakages for nvidia upgrades16:02
whitmanI'll give it a few days and try again16:02
BluesKajgeforce 6200 should be supported ..I've seen 6150s working ok on 12.10 but I think they're pcie cards16:04
whitmanThe drivers seem to be installed ok, just seems to be nvidia-settings-updates that won't install.16:05
BluesKajwhitman, don't use them , uninstall them16:08
BluesKajI haven't used nvidia-settings-updates , since they broke my setup about 5-6 weeks ago16:10
BluesKajwhitman, I installed the new 304.51 driver successfully without errors this morning16:11
whitmanHmm, well there's a bug open about it which I'll keep an eye on, everything else seems to work. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-settings-updates/+bug/106165916:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061659 in nvidia-settings-updates (Ubuntu) "package nvidia-settings-updates 304.43-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/man/man1/nvidia-settings.1.gz', which is also in package nvidia-settings 304.51-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:12
bjsniderthere should be an alternative for that file which would resolve that issue16:16
bjsnideri understand the .51 blob breaks compiz though16:17
whitmanTechnically I'm using Xubuntu on that machine so that's ok for me :)16:17
BluesKajno need for compiz here altho my understnding is that kwin integrates compiz or parts of it16:21
komputesHow can I make a request to get twinkle (sip client) back in the repos?16:26
micahgkomputes: get it ported to qt416:27
micahgthen get it into Debian...then request a backport16:27
komputesmicahg: Is that necessary?16:28
micahgkomputes: which part?16:29
komputesporting to qt416:29
micahgqt3 is gone in quantal16:29
komputesbut I use the command line part of twinkle too16:29
micahg(should've been gone for precise, but that's another story)16:29
micahgsflphone, linphone, qutecom, and ekiga are other options currently in quantal16:31
micahgkomputes: twinkle is available in precise for 5 years FWIW16:33
komputesmicahg: yeah, but I'm encouraged to use the latest16:34
* komputes starts testing alternatives16:34
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IdleOnetomasm-: in the topic there is a link that should give you the info you need17:35
tomasm-i've read theres some new amazon suggestions in the dashboard..... is this something that can be turned off easily?17:48
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping.17:49
tomasm-i'd think it might be less intrusive to have it disabled by default until someone clicks on 'show me suggestions from amazon' or something.... have it be a setting rather than simply installing/removing the package... what about if there are multiple users, and some want it and some dont?17:50
IdleOneit is up to the admin to decide what is best for all the users17:52
IdleOneif the admin is half decent he/she will take users opinions into consideration.17:53
tomasm-hmmmm, sounds very totalitarian. i thought linux was about freedom and customizability per user17:54
IdleOneit is.17:54
IdleOnebut even in a free society there needs to be someone who makes the final decision17:54
tomasm-i take it ubuntu/unity is headed in the 'no-customization-needed' direction17:56
bazhangnot really no17:56
thiebaudetomasm-, im trying to like it17:56
bazhangI have around ten choices when I login17:57
tomasm-bazhang, you mean other WMs? or customization within unity?17:57
bazhangand GNOME classic *no effects* wfm17:57
bazhangon 12.1017:57
tomasm-thiebaude, but??17:57
IdleOnetomasm-: I should say there is probably a way of using the shopping lens on a per user base. I don't know how that is done though17:58
thiebaudeeverything is slow to open17:58
thiebaudeits almost unusable17:58
bazhangso troubleshoot or use something else17:58
tomasm-thiebaude, I installed xcfe only and it's fast as heck17:58
thiebaudei think i'll put gnome classic on here17:58
bazhangthere are *tons* of choices17:59
thiebaudebeen using linux since ubuntu 6.1017:59
bazhanggnome-panel and gnome-shell I added right away17:59
thiebaudeok bazhang i'll do that17:59
yofelare you running unity in a VM? I've tried a live disk a while ago and it was ok, just in a VM it's slow as hell17:59
IdleOneI got Kubuntu and it runs smooth as ice17:59
bazhangnot even checked anything out about gnome-shell yet17:59
thiebaudeno vm here18:00
bazhangthe thing about unity is it has some very nice lenses18:00
thiebaudeyes it does18:00
bazhanglike the askubuntu one18:00
thiebaudei like where ubuntu is going with that18:00
tomasm-IdleOne, I just got the impression that unity is deliberately being stripped of flexibility/customization... kinda like the apple philosophy of minimalism. but i think advanced users should still have a choice.18:00
TheOneRinghm hzow to fix The following packages have been kept back:18:00
TheOneRing  linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae18:00
TheOneRing0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.18:00
* yofel doesn't particulary see why he needs his webbrowser integrated into the Desktop18:01
thiebaudeok guys bbl18:01
jtaylorTheOneRing: apt-get dist-upgrade18:01
bazhangand the system settings, and so many other areas are just *so* polished18:01
IdleOnetomasm-: it's the opposite really, there is more flexibility now then there was on the first Unity release18:01
TheOneRingsudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:02
TheOneRingReading package lists... Done18:02
TheOneRingBuilding dependency tree18:02
TheOneRingReading state information... Done18:02
TheOneRingCalculating upgrade... Done18:02
TheOneRingThe following packages have been kept back:18:02
TheOneRing  linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae18:02
TheOneRing0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.18:02
yofel!paste | TheOneRing18:02
ubottuTheOneRing: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:02
yofellooks like the meta package was published before the kernel binaries18:03
yofelwait a few hours18:03
tomasm-IdleOne, well im glad the unity developers are loosening up18:03
IdleOnetomasm-: I agree that it could be better.18:03
BluesKajTheOneRing, what's point of your post?18:03
TheOneRingthat I get the  3 not upgraded message on dist-upgrade18:04
TheOneRingso dist-upgrade wont help me18:04
yofeljust wait18:04
IdleOneTheOneRing:  looks like the meta package was published before the kernel binaries ~yofel~18:04
thiebaudewhen i click on tweak-tool is does not come up, any suggestions?18:07
thiebaudeim re-installing it now18:10
Simplewi have created an encrypted lvm and installed ubuntu quantzal beta 2 in it, however when booting it does NOT asks for the password to open the encrypted container, seams it does not read /etc/crypttab, can anyone tell whats going on?18:11
=== vega is now known as Guest95779
Simplewi just reinstalled ubuntu and the file /etc/crypttab does NOT exist!!! and the package cryptsetup is installed by default, how can this be???19:09
zoktaris there a way to create custom launchers in unity for 12.10?19:23
trismzoktar: sure, just create .desktop files for them and put them in ~/.local/share/applications/19:25
Simplewi just reinstalled ubuntu and the file /etc/crypttab does NOT exist!!! and the package cryptsetup is installed by default, how can this be???20:08
trismfun, compiz crash during do-release-upgrade, and on respawn: compizconfig - Error: dlopen: /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/libgconf.so: cannot open shared object file, so I guess compiz already upgraded20:21
foormeahi. quick question, in telepathy i ticked the box to let it run in the background20:23
foormeahow do i then close the background job?! i tried killing it but it kept coming back. after a reboot it fixed it but... apart from rebooting, what can i do?20:23
silverarrowdoes anyone use RTL8187 drivers21:50
silverarrowthey should be tested for quatal,21:50
TheOneRingyea I updated the kubuntu 12.4 instalation installed with wubi to 12.1022:12
TheOneRingnow I get a error when I try to start x1122:12
Guest57307hey all, I installed quantal amd64 today which works very nicely btw, the installer had all the options I needed (entryption, lvm, etc.)22:13
Guest57307but now I can't get jhbuild to build anything22:13
Guest57307it complains about wireless-tools not being installed, though it is installed22:13
ZtaUpgrading to Ubuntu 12.10 wiped all my custom keyboard bindings.  Now I would like to make a script that make it easy to restore them.  Anyone happen to know how?  Back in 11.04 I used gconf...22:13
jribZta: dconf has replaced gconf22:13
Guest57307I'm using the same .jhbuildrc I used previously on an arch setup that worked fine22:13
jribGuest57307: you have the corresponding -dev package installed?22:14
Guest57307jrib, there doesn't seem to be any -dev package for wireless-tools22:14
ZtaIs it a known bug that the Launcher won't autohide?22:14
Guest57307at least apt-cache search wireless-tools isn't showing one22:14
Guest57307maybe it's got some funky name?22:14
jribGuest57307: I haven't used jhbuild in a long time.  Maybe you can pastebin exactly what you are seeing?22:14
silverarrowcan anyone do me a favor? look up the package linux-image-3.5.0-16-22:15
jribsilverarrow: why not use http://packages.ubuntu.com ?22:15
silverarrowit is a driver package, for wireless22:15
Guest57307jrib, it just says No matching system package installed: wireless-tools (required=25)22:15
Guest57307ubuntu has version 30, so I changed the 25 to 30 in the moduleset xml files, but it still complains22:16
silverarrowwell, trouble is I cannot launch bug report22:16
Guest57307it seems to be looking for a wireless.h file according to the xml22:16
* Guest57307 looks for what package provides that22:16
* Guest57307 installs libiw-dev and tries22:17
Guest57307phew, much better22:17
Guest57307thanks for listening guys, good job on the installer too btw, it rocks22:18
silverarrowjrib, no, it does not help22:20
silverarrowwhy would a package not be recognized in the bug-report launcher?22:21
yofelsilverarrow: linux-image-3.5.0-16- is incomplete, for the kernel 'ubuntu-bug linux' is enough22:22
TheOneRinghttp://paste.kde.org/562490/ with a gma60022:28

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