
AlanBellhello, bug #1016969 has an associated debian patch, any chance we can get it in for Quantal?09:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 1016969 in ubiquity "daily live cd boots silent in virtualbox" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101696909:25
AlanBellgetting the live CD to make sound in Virtualbox is kind of hard right now and a lot of our users first test in virtualbox09:25
xnox_AlanBell: I targetted it for quantal release. and it should be in relevant reports.09:38
* xnox_ not sure if somebody else replied. As i had network drop.09:39
AlanBellthanks xnox_09:39
affluxhi. quick question on bug #794112 - stgraber says it was uploaded to precise but I can't find it in either -proposed nor -updates. any hints?10:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 794112 in nfs-utils "Kerberos + LDAP + NFSv4 - Unable to recover unattended client" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79411210:07
xnoxafflux: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=10:12
xnoxafflux: before proposed, it goes to unappored queue waiting on sru team to accept it into proposed. there will be comment on the bug report when it is accepted into proposed.10:13
affluxxnox: ah. I remember now. thanks.10:25
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s9iper1bug 106182419:45
s9iper1any body who is affected by this bug please add him self in the bug affected people19:47
=== Nafallo is now known as ubot2
=== ubot2 is now known as Nafallo
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
hugh_huronIs there some place where the current (very) 12.10 phonon failures are being talked about in real time?  I have the failure bad and can help test.22:45

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