
jbichano, just white for the normal one00:04
jbichaand sorry for changing my mind again, but what about this? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_66PcmfVUVjI/TKopzR52KMI/AAAAAAAAAVc/mSQ42LQRppY/s320/bear_family_gdm.png00:05
jbichathat last one felt a bit too big to me, maybe something in between the two sizes?00:12
darkxstjbicha, this? https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgbhlpkjargeima/Ubuntu%20UG%20%40%202012-10-04%2010%3A33%3A16.png00:34
jbichadarkxst: yeah, which do you prefer?00:35
darkxstI guess, just the circle of friends is good00:39
jbichaI think that's what we used before lightdm so that's cool00:49
darkxstok, done.01:00
jbichadarkxst: please use 12.10.3 instead of 12.10.2ubuntu1 for the changelog and we can just use the ubuntu_logo.png from plymouth01:17
darkxstoh right, didnt realise there was one in the base package01:20
darkxstjbicha, updated.01:21
jbichadarkxst: why when I test plymouth do I get two plymouth pop up windows?01:37
darkxstjbicha, its supposed to simulate what would happen on a multiple monitor setup01:56
jbichaoh really? interesting01:58
darkxstatleast with the opensource drivers, plymouth displays on all monitors01:59
darkxstfound another plymouth test "plymouth --update=fsck:sda1:40"02:04
darkxstjbicha, once casper 1.327 lands, you can delete the 3 scripts from the casper-scripts folder of the build script02:22
darkxst(just leaving an empty folder), no other code changes are required02:23
darkxstjbicha, what does "wishlist" mean? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/105884502:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1058845 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Apport hook to log running display manager" [Wishlist,Confirmed]02:25
jbichawishlist means it's not a bug but a new feature or improvement02:38
jbichaI do plan to merge that fix before Tuesday02:38
jbichadarkxst: ok, new casper landed so I pushed those changes03:02
* everaldo is full of cake!03:03
everaldojbicha, I am learning how ubiquity works03:15
everaldohope we can get it in time03:15
everaldodon't looks to have different languages for slideshow03:16
jbichaeveraldo: probably not, the translators would hate us03:16
everaldojbicha, do you know where slideshow is translated?03:16
everaldohere it looks like a plain html03:16
everaldogot it03:17
everaldotheres a python script03:17
everaldojbicha, maybe we can just disable slideshow?03:18
jbichaeveraldo: yes, I believe ubiquity works fine if there's no slideshow installed03:20
jbichaeveraldo: translation deadline & final freeze is Tuesday03:24
everaldowell, let me try to get it, nothing to loose :D03:25
darkxstcould do a slideshow with no text? no translation required then03:28
darkxstand would be better than nothing03:28
everaldoyes, we could try03:29
everaldoright now I am testing some colors03:29
everaldoand then start with  some images03:29
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darkxstlooks like the latest Nvidia blob has broken plymouth :(19:57
darkxstjust get the test mode fallback now19:57
jbichayay! more testing for the text theme ;)19:57
darkxstjbicha, need to add 'lib/plymouth/themes' to ubuntu-gnome-default-settings.install20:37
darkxstcurrent package not installing plymouth themes20:37
jbichadarkxst: are you sure? plymouth-theme-ubuntu-gnome-logo.install seems to be right20:40
jbichamaybe we should depend on the plymouth themes to make sure they're installed20:42
darkxstah ok, they just didnt get installed20:43
darkxstdid the bugzilla watcher bot just wake up ;)21:14
darkxstjbicha, how can I merge git into gdm package?22:34
jbichayou mean how can you add a patch from git?22:49
darkxstjbicha, I need to pull in all the patches from git, so I can test patches for autologin bug22:50
jbichadarkxst: have you ever used jhbuild?22:50
jbichabut I don't know how to use jhbuild for something like gdm though22:51
darkxstyes, but I can't build gdm with that22:51
jbichayou should ask ricotz as he does it every week22:52
jbichaI think it might be as simple as22:52
jbicha./autogen.sh; make; make install; make distcheck22:53
jbichabut I don't really package git snapshots22:53
jbichaI'm guessing he just signed off for the night though as he lives in Europe22:54
darkxstmaybe I will just try a git pull over the top of the source package22:56

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