=== JoseeAntonioR changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to the 24-hour Canonical Community Team Marathon! || http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ || Donate on the webpage, let's help! === JoseeAntonioR changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to the 24-hour Canonical Community Team Marathon! || http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ || Donate on the webpage, let's help! || Remember to refresh your browser at 14, 18, 22, 2 and 6 UTC for the new hangout || We're starting soon, so stay tuned [04:42] ok, this is a test for the notices. [04:43] test succeded. [06:21] hi [06:23] hi [07:29] hiiiiii [10:01] We will be starting momentarily folks! :) stay tuned in [10:01] Yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay yay [10:02] Now Live [10:04] Now live add oil to the Community team!!!!!!:P [10:04] * smartboyhw goes to twitter and g+ to post [10:04] HELLO EVERYONE! :) [10:04] HELLO [10:04] hi [10:09] I answer support questions there :P [10:09] JoseeAntonioR, where?:P [10:09] the Ubuntu facebook page [10:10] ah [10:10] jono: its 6am in NYC [10:10] ;p [10:10] 9am is the peak web traffic time statistically for the web [10:10] * smartboyhw is 6:10 PM here doing homework:P [10:12] not sure why balloons' Ubuntu Shrine has CDs all over it, since you can't have an Ubuntu CD any more :) [10:12] aquarius, balloons isn't in this channel btw [10:12] I noticed. I assume he's only just woken up ;) [10:12] aquarius, yeah:P [10:13] yay here is balloons :P [10:13] lol [10:13] I blame canda [10:13] :-p [10:13] balloons, LOL [10:13] ;p_ [10:14] * smartboyhw gets to actually SEE balloons typing for the first time:P [10:14] balloons, slow typing eh?:P [10:16] * smartboyhw goes talking here:P [10:16] * aquarius donates some money to dpm [10:16] what? [10:16] aquarius, but you love music!! [10:16] * smartboyhw is 14 and does not have any money to donate so he can just stay here:P [10:17] I do. But dpm was losing :) [10:17] and I like greenpeace :) [10:17] I would have donated to balloons if I DO have money:P [10:17] smartboyhw, your here :-) That's a nice donation [10:17] balloons, LOL [10:17] you can donate via paypal too, smartboyhw [10:18] mhall119, I don't have Paypal [10:18] anyway my parents won't permit that:P [10:18] hello everyone! hi jono its the former silverlion from Ubuntu-Beginners ;) [10:18] mhall119: you take bitcoins? :D [10:18] * smartboyhw blames his parents:P [10:18] convince AlanBell to migrate meetingology to Limnoria! [10:18] LOL [10:18] bkerensa: no, only real money [10:19] hi [10:19] hey, dubaco :) [10:19] balloons, I am gonna zsync the Ubuntu Studio image and test it today (still QA):P [10:19] i'm in a sociology class :P [10:20] if Erica goes into labour, does Jono leave the marathon? or does the camera go to hospital with him? :) [10:20] teacher is usually way too fast for me to understand her [10:20] jono: I dont go to sleep until 4am [10:20] LOL [10:20] jono: hej [10:21] I could make a payment via failcoin.com if that'd help [10:21] bitcoin? [10:21] ha! now: the community team give jono a remedial lecture in economics ;) [10:22] again [10:22] LOL [10:22] http://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/jt213/eli5_what_bitcoins_are_what_they_are_used_for_and/ [10:23] can someone please cut off the keyboard sounds? that would be great! [10:23] jono: Ten BTC is a lot converted to USD [10:23] :) [10:23] HarryLweber, er that is difficult:P [10:23] we're losing to an error message? [10:23] http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ [10:23] 0.1 btc is $2 USD [10:23] balloons, er what error? [10:23] http://www.reddit.com/ [10:23] laters [10:23] * smartboyhw does not find any errors [10:24] * smartboyhw wonders if anyone accidentally got into the g+ hangout link what will happen [10:25] Why are you all laughing?... [10:25] also, given the instantrimshot noises that are showing up, you lot might find http://myinstants.com/ useful [10:25] lol [10:26] oi! [10:26] less of that, jcastro_ [10:26] cheeky git :) [10:26] hahaha [10:26] * smartboyhw goes and registers the nick ubuntu-marathon === smartboyhw is now known as ubuntu-marathon [10:26] LOL [10:27] ubuntu-marathon: anyways, the IRCC can take it from you at any time [10:27] just lol [10:27] jono: You raised $830 === ubuntu-marathon is now known as smartboyhw [10:27] :D [10:27] make ubuntu supporting a lot of games and everybody will use it because of its performence ;) [10:27] ;( [10:27] *performance [10:27] so, who is responsible for what at ubuntu/canonical? [10:27] Oops sorry wrong smiley:P [10:27] Save The Stalkers [10:27] :) [10:27] da_ravioli, wow you want a lesson for that?:P [10:28] can we ask questions? [10:28] da_ravioli: sure [10:29] hey, Joey! [10:29] **** just a short post sorry: http://2buntu.com/2012/10/03/canonical-community-team-24-hour-marathon/ (the askubuntu unofficial blog:P) [10:30] da_ravioli: there's a lot of people in ubuntu/canonical [10:30] hey ho elfy [10:30] * balloons waves at elfy [10:31] i mean, if we can ask questions, it would be cool to know whom we can ask concerning specific topics [10:31] * jcastro_ nods [10:31] hi balloons [10:31] _ _ _____ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ [10:31] | | | | ____| | | | / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ [10:31] | |_| | _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [10:31] | _ | |___| |___| |__| |_| | |_| | |_| | |_| | [10:31] |_| |_|_____|_____|_____\___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ [10:31] jono, really that blog post is a bit too quick for typing, I type itin 2 minutes and forced roland taylor to approve:P [10:31] dpm, that looks like spam:P [10:32] speaking of translations, can we have software center changed to the british version of centre? [10:33] SuperMatt: Yessssh [10:33] balloons, what are you gona test today? [10:33] morning joey [10:33] hey d0od, can we get a plug on OMG about this? [10:33] smartboyhw, anything and everything [10:34] balloons, oh! [10:34] actually, I'll be doing some iso testing today and working on testcases :-) [10:34] * smartboyhw wants balloons to test smartboyhw [10:34] and share some surprises [10:34] SuperMatt: it reads as centre here for me [10:34] balloons, I'm gonna do maybe like some Ubuntu Studio and vanilla testing today. You want me to work on a testcase?:P [10:34] elfy: 12.04 or 12.10? [10:34] balloons, what surprises eh?:P [10:35] smartboyhw: 12.10 [10:35] elfy, wrong guy mate:P [10:35] SuperMatt: even :) [10:35] weird, my 12.10 says center [10:35] smartboyhw, I hear your going to make the studio post-install cases [10:35] * smartboyhw is going to do 12.10 testing today however:P [10:35] balloons, yes gonna make it to ISO Tracker by RC [10:35] a side goal was to get exotic installations going today [10:35] SuperMatt: I use xubuntu - but I don't think that should make a difference [10:36] not it shouldn't [10:36] we want some edit after today and before RC. [10:36] so if you have some exotic hardware, try for an installation ;-) [10:36] balloons, I only got a notebook dude;P [10:36] hello all :) [10:36] a notebook is exotic! [10:36] hey folks [10:37] balloons, sorry I am doing it on a VM. The notebook is my only working machine you know:P [10:37] I wish I could do more in ubuntu, but I have a demanding job/girlfriend, and very little direction so I can never manage to do anything [10:37] please spread the word on Twitter and your blogs to get people over to marathon.ubuntuonair.com :-) [10:37] smartboyhw, ahh! [10:37] jono, did ..... [10:37] smartboyhw, :-) [10:38] jono, :-) [10:38] balloons, yeah ahh [10:38] * smartboyhw wonders why everyone is talking to him:P [10:38] mhall119, good intro:P [10:39] * smartboyhw is doing some Chinese exercise:P [10:39] balloons, labelling yourself is NOT fun (though I like my nick HTC (Howard the Coward)):P [10:39] absolutely no one is talking in #ubuntu-uk [10:39] un heard of [10:40] balloons, no need to intro please we all know about you:P [10:41] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ [10:41] balloons, er? [10:41] balloons: I'm happy to try an install on my ssd with a massive LVM setup on the other disks [10:41] SuperMatt, excellent :-) [10:42] daily-live better than beta2? [10:42] balloons, testing Ubuntu Studio now:P [10:42] let us know how it turns out.. [10:42] you can report results on the tracker; http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds [10:42] balloons: if I lose all my data there will be hell to pay [10:42] javito, daily-live or beta2 your choice :-) [10:42] There shouldn't be an issue though [10:42] SuperMatt, backups, backups :-) [10:43] * smartboyhw recommends daily-live of course:P [10:43] Is balloons nick? [10:43] yea [10:43] dBod yes [10:43] I will get new pc(A8-3850) these days so before final release need to install something [10:43] balloons: I have backups of the important things, don't worry [10:43] what is this? [10:44] d0od, real name Nicholas Skaggs but nick is balloons [10:44] balloons, why did you choose this nick srsly? [10:44] dholbach: maybe some Gangam style Ubuntu remix [10:44] Gangnam* [10:45] * smartboyhw recommends dholbach jono Daviey balloons mhall119 to play some music for us:P [10:45] gangnam style....... let's see - I can't say I'm really fond of the song, but I'll see what I can do :) [10:45] nice stuff => [10:45] you don't want me playing music [10:45] balloons, lol really that is not a good gamertag:P [10:46] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Twenty-One_Balloons [10:46] * smartboyhw likes this socialization eh:P [10:46] btw my nick = my email [10:47] say Hi, guys! [10:47] JoseeAntonioR, er hi:P [10:47] NOT me :) [10:48] jono: is there a way to *group* donate? [10:48] no, the feed has died for me! [10:48] jono, the two things you want us to do: First one did, second one impossible I don't have money (I'm 14) [10:48] ahh! [10:49] D: [10:49] feed coming back soon [10:49] SHE JUST CAN'T HANDLE 31 CONNECTIONS [10:49] Now who disrupted the hangout?:(:(:(:(:(( [10:49] dholbach, give us the link when ready [10:49] SuperMatt, LOL [10:49] bkerensa: tell your contact at google to watch this to see how well we break it [10:49] Let us just hang out here for a while:P [10:49] :( [10:50] Laney, why :(? [10:50] sooooooo.... [10:50] He was loving the jokes apparently [10:50] because it went away, of course [10:50] sorry folks, hangout coming back soon [10:50] mhall119: hmm [10:50] which forced me to join this channel :P [10:50] what is this marathon about ? [10:50] Laney, LOL [10:50] javito, charity duh:P [10:50] but what they will do for charity:P [10:50] am i the only one having problems with the live stream? [10:51] * smartboyhw is doing promotion in #ubuntuforums to everyone who joined the channel:P [10:51] I realised that my life isn't complete without a bit o'Holbach [10:51] ok, so people leaving is refreshing the page, don't worry [10:51] indeed [10:51] are we back? [10:51] we're back!!!! [10:51] maybe? [10:51] please refresh [10:51] no [10:51] http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ updated [10:52] aha [10:52] I had to force refresh [10:52] OK now it works [10:54] now you all get to watch us eat [10:55] donated [10:55] Ah back [10:55] * smartboyhw accidentally got XChat closed **** [10:55] \o/ [10:55] Congrats SuperMatt [10:55] Congrats to the Community team! [10:56] hey to all those community team members: Er tell me: If you quit the community team today who do you want to replace you?:P [10:56] er that means dholbach mhall119 balloons jono [10:57] would it be possible for the community members to + or @ [10:57] + or @? [10:57] SuperMatt, good idea for + [10:57] ok, doing it now [10:57] LOL [10:57] LOL [10:58] thanks! [10:58] balloons, dpm jono mhall119 jcastro_ dholbach that is stupid answers:P (Sorry):P [10:58] balloons, yeah I finished Ubuntu studio testing amd64 [10:59] smartboyhw, we're just showing how we are :-) [10:59] dpm, lol [11:00] * smartboyhw suddenly lost video [11:00] ah I'm basck [11:00] * UnderControl wishes he could watch :( [11:00] UnderControl, don't worry [11:01] balloons, shame on you in quantal daily you did 15 tests and I did 17:P [11:01] nice! [11:02] balloons, er not nice for you:P [11:03] a punctured balloon? [11:04] globin1, yessssssss [11:04] mhall119 and dholbach enjoy! [11:04] balloons, see what I did for marathon testing :P http://imgur.com/FwDMt === A is now known as Guest99985 [11:05] lol [11:05] nice smartboyhw [11:05] balloons, LO [11:05] *LOL [11:05] oh this donation ticker doesnt update instantly eh? [11:05] bkerensa: every 5mins [11:05] balloons, now I need to prepare for the Ubuntu Studio release mail while doing the 32-bit testing:P [11:05] mhall119: Yorba accepts Bitcoin donations [11:05] :) [11:06] hello! when I try to load the video I get an error, can someone give me the link to the current video? [11:06] and its tax deductible [11:06] ;p [11:06] add your ideas to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HorsemenMarathonIdeas [11:06] for things for us to do [11:06] gema, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=agc0LLUfcaU [11:06] mhall119: fix render.py! [11:06] jono, good [11:06] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=agc0LLUfcaU [11:06] @david: are there any plans to provide www.ubuntu.com in other languages than english? [11:07] jono, er I added a testing idea for balloons [11:07] uhmmm, it keeps saying "An error has occurred. Please try again later." will do :P [11:07] I mean lecture [11:07] * smartboyhw thinks lecture means things longer than 3 hours [11:07] gema: will be waiting for you! [11:07] I'd quite like to see the community members show off their desktops [11:07] balloons, will you be dead talking 3 hours on that?:P [11:07] SuperMatt, good advice [11:07] SuperMatt, what do yo umean? [11:07] JoseeAntonioR: render.py can't be fixed, it can only be killed with fire [11:08] ohh wallpapers, etc? [11:08] balloons: just a screenshot of your setup [11:08] sure [11:08] :P [11:08] ;P [11:08] ok, thx [11:10] jono: nice [11:10] SuperMatt, can you see? [11:10] balloons, dholbach, dpm jcastro_ jono mhall119 how many machines do you have and what do you run on ALL those machines (list ALL):P [11:10] we can't see that too well, we're seeing the person who is talking the loudest [11:11] i'll screenshot [11:11] balloons, just all machines that you own:P [11:11] Yes that's all that ownership = "Nicholas Skaggs" [11:11] or "Daniel Holbach" [11:12] Or "Jono Bacon" [11:12] SuperMatt, smartboyhw et la: http://imgur.com/6ozyS [11:12] dholbach: oxfam just RT'ed u [11:13] balloons: that's huge! [11:13] YES [11:13] thanks bkerensa [11:13] hah [11:13] * smartboyhw thought of an idea: assign a few people to prepare questions to fiercely bombard (ask) to the Community team members...aka "Ask-community-team-question-proposers":P [11:13] balloons: do canonical staff generally use the stock unity setup, or do you see a lot of customisation around the place? [11:14] SuperMatt, I used to customize a bit [11:14] I've done less and less each cycle [11:14] pretty much the same here [11:14] the stock experience is improving or I'm changing :-) [11:14] welcome elfy [11:15] SuperMatt: oh so you only see Jono [11:16] hurr [11:16] SuperMatt: sorry playing catchup, you said you only see the person talking the loudest [11:16] yeah, it's the way google hangouts work [11:17] will ubuntuTV be integrated in the OS like windows media center in windows? [11:17] anyone in the uk having trouble viewing the stream? [11:18] da_ravioli, no I think it is the real hardware [11:18] balloons: I was until I went to the youtube page [11:18] I AM in the youtube page in HK [11:19] I am using Django for the first time for work [11:19] OK jono dholbach dpm jcastro_ mhall119 balloons want to revise Grade 9 (aka Form/Secondary 3) maths? [11:19] :P [11:19] hey autoditac :) [11:19] smartboyhw, ohh my it's been a bt [11:20] balloons, lol [11:20] smartboyhw: nope :) [11:20] mhall119, duh:P [11:21] jono, cook balloons :P [11:21] balloons: seems fine here [11:21] o.o [11:21] smartboyhw, do you need help with your homework? :) [11:21] davmor2, thanks [11:22] speaking of smoking.... :) [11:22] <\sh> dholbach: smoking harms ;) how's the weather over in berlin? [11:22] balloons: there were a couple of stutters on startup but now it's okay, I'm probably not the best tester for that though being as I have a 60 meg connection [11:22] dholbach, no not homework just exercise no help needed [11:22] ??@ 60 meg!? [11:22] \sh, grey, drizzling a bit [11:22] wow.. [11:22] I have 6.. and that's the highest tier [11:22] what's jono talking about? [11:22] typically I've been on 3 or less [11:23] ha, dholbach decides to do the fun sort of smoking [11:23] SuperMatt, jono is talking about bbq [11:23] You could using it for brewing beer :-) [11:23] ... riiiiight [11:23] <\sh> dholbach: KA is windy and rainy... [11:23] balloons: over here top tier is 120 or 150 iirc [11:23] so nothing actual ubuntu related? :P [11:23] SuperMatt, NO:P [11:23] \sh, 16°C [11:23] hurr [11:23] lol.. no, just something he started hacking on [11:23] * smartboyhw is having about 25 C here [11:24] jono: what are you using for graphing? [11:24] now I want a bbq [11:25] yeah bootstrap! [11:25] <\sh> dholbach: need to go back to CA [11:26] balloons: http://store.virginmedia.com/broadband/speeds-explained/our-typical-speeds.html so they say 100 meg but there is a faster one [11:27] yea.. [11:27] I guess I'm stoneagre [11:27] fast enough to stream [11:27] Jono use South [11:27] lol -- everyone said that at the same time [11:27] lol [11:27] <\sh> south is nice but sometimes it screws up when using mysql as db backend [11:28] jono: http://south.aeracode.org/ [11:28] I thought I was contributing lol turns out I wasn't [11:29] I use postgres [11:29] <\sh> postgres is perfect with south [11:29] with postgis for geojason data [11:29] <\sh> sad about django is right now, that it doesn't support mongoDB from scratch...don't like to use the django-nonrel fork [11:30] please sheik yerbouti :-) [11:32] sheik, hahaha [11:32] sheik, the others are just chatting the whole time - I'm trying to get some work done in the meantime ;-) [11:32] ;-) murphy's constantly sitting at the door waiting for u to come in :-) [11:33] what http servers are you guys using with django? apache? nginx? [11:33] <\sh> jono: so I read somewhere you are near Concord/Wallnut Creek? Next time I am in CA, we have to meet and have some nice baby watching and tritip :) (will be next year around june) [11:34] sheik, I can imagine :) [11:34] balloons, what is that debian man pages you said you want to do? I don't understand [11:34] <\sh> spell it like a dick ;) [11:34] for those of you who don't know - sheik is my sister's boyfriend - taking care of my dog today :) [11:34] <\sh> no joke ;) [11:35] http://murphy.holba.ch/gallery/_IMG_2563.html [11:35] Kia ora === aenertia is now known as AEnertia [11:35] aenertia from NZ? [11:36] thats me [11:36] ;-) [11:36] smartboyhw, I was volunteering to do some qa work for debian [11:36] nice bro. :-) I'm in Western Australia [11:36] balloons, ah [11:36] not so much talking it's my language [11:36] dude it's just hello in maori [11:36] fail [11:36] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LvLn9PWln8 [11:36] lol!!! [11:36] wtf? [11:37] I have never heard of that [11:37] it's too orangey for crows! [11:37] haha http://i.imgur.com/KyTcO.png [11:37] <\sh> jono: you missed the moetley crue / kiss / the treatment concert in concord on aug 16th...and I didn't know that you were just around the corner when I was have a great party over there :) [11:37] OMG I am going to have nightmares [11:38] Wow [11:38] That gives me something to talk about [11:38] i just saw a link [11:38] aquarius, jono talking badly about you, that's new! [11:39] hey! [11:39] lol [11:39] screw *all* of you guys. :) [11:39] * dpm hugs aquarius [11:39] from a distance [11:39] * balloons hugs aquaris [11:40] aquarius: \o/ [11:40] hey! [11:40] I am *working* [11:40] * smartboyhw hugs balloons mhall119 dpm dholbach jcastro_ jono [11:40] ha! I am going to do that now, balloons :) [11:40] hey! I'm just being abused here! [11:41] * smartboyhw wonders who is invited to the hangout [11:41] lol [11:41] * smartboyhw still doesn't know who is invited...balloons tell me:P [11:42] * AEnertia puts up hand [11:42] AEnertia, ah [11:42] Note you guys need to do the LCA conf [11:42] basically form co-allitions [11:42] and create competitions for donations [11:42] elaborate? [11:42] one time in band camp [11:42] i've never seen such effective donation solicitation technique [11:43] aquarius, come and join the hangout and talk about Ubuntu One [11:43] ah it is aquarius go on mate [11:44] OutOfControl, oh out of control now? [11:44] jono: bs...you get dressed my the top up [11:44] LOL [11:45] smartboyhw yeah, I've moved to my iPad now [11:45] lol [11:46] Ouch just sent invitation to the guys about having a Ubuntu Studio Open week classroom session....Phew! [11:46] <\sh> music is really important...we need good rockers ;) like the treatment (not really a) new band from UK playing good old hardrock :) so spend money on Jorges charity :) [11:46] ok it's 0045 here, night guys... hey ... do me a favor - actually submit some patches ;-) [11:47] good night AEnertia [11:47] ka kite! [11:47] sleep well [11:51] Wow 1:50 hours into marathon now [11:51] probably chrome? [11:51] a cool 22 to go [11:53] soundhound ;) [11:53] shazaam [11:53] do you have questions for aquarius? add them here! [11:55] What metric to you have to measure "quality"? [11:55] What's the team doing right now? :) [11:56] the design of the U1 client deserves some improvement... [11:56] aquarius, so nobody can contribute to Ubuntu one? [11:56] smartboyhw: you can to the clients [11:56] aquarius: what did you do to the music store it isn't loading anymore :D [11:57] LOL [11:57] <\sh> aq: is it true, that you store the data on amazon infrastructure, or did it change to a local storage farm in canonical operated DCs? [11:57] question about ubuntu one: google drive's price for 100g is $4.99 a month, yours is $14.95. Is there a review into pricing happening? [11:57] balloons, cya gotcha go [11:57] thanks :-) [11:58] what are the plans to add more artists to u1 music? (I'd love to use it, but it just has nothing that interests me ...) [11:58] aquarius: well they hand it to me and then I break it [11:58] balloons: ^ [11:58] davmor2, :-) [11:58] read. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. R.Pirsig. :-) [12:01] dholbach, can you invite me to the hangout again so I can get my tablet on there? [12:01] jcastro_, sure [12:03] any questions for aquarius about Ubuntu One? [12:05] https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone [12:05] lots of projects in there [12:06] surely something in there you can contribute to :-) [12:06] * mhall119 on another meeting [12:08] is contact sync between thunderbird and u1 already possible? [12:12] Hello, Algun PERUANO [12:13] yes, it syncs [12:14] Google drive integrates google docs with online editing [12:16] thanks for the answer [12:18] <\sh> :w [12:19] jono: has Aq moved yet /me ducks behind the sofa for protection [12:19] luconga-peru: I am spanish :) [12:19] hello gema [12:19] hi! [12:20] What's happening with the 'Send to Ubuntu One' button? [12:20] Hypothetical : If time, money & man-hours weren't an issue where do you see Ubuntu one. ie ultimate milestone. [12:20] <\sh> Lucid is rock solid I have several products running on it :) [12:21] Hi balloons dholbach dpm jcastro_ jono mhall119 [12:22] <\sh> Super WoW Human Aquarius: http://www.blogcdn.com/wow.joystiq.com/media/2012/07/azpoppanel2thumb-1341458251.jpg [12:22] <\sh> :w [12:23] ALGUN PERUANO [12:23] d0od, hey [12:23] can you put something on OMG about the marathon? [12:24] jono: Writing something up atm :) [12:24] Great, thanks for answering my Q [12:26] aquarius: it's true I mean you're ginger for a start [12:26] d0od, :-) [12:29] What's happening with the 'Send to Ubuntu One' button? Is it still in development? Have any more websites/services become interested in it? [12:29] thanks for your time aquarius [12:30] is the U1 windows client being actively developed? [12:30] Is there any plans to support symlinks in the future? [12:30] * balloons waves @ phillw [12:31] hiyas balloons [12:32] <\sh> Johnny Cashs Ring of fire?...was it about Aqs hair colour? ;) [12:32] here's a question: why are you leaving? I thought this was a 24-hour marathon (newbie here - be gentle) [12:32] if i have music on u1, why can i not stream it with rhythmbox? [12:33] Anyone wanting a Coffee? some pure Coffeine? Other drugs? Or dont you needs those in the first hours? [12:33] Gotcha, thanks for the clarity. Fellow ginger: represent! [12:34] Sweetshark, balloons said something about 'hash' earlier [12:34] oooohhhh [12:34] don't spoil it [12:35] dholbach: hmmm, I love the smell of hash_tables in the morning ... [12:35] Kick Mike off this thing :) [12:38] Alguien para poder conversar de software libre [12:39] Greenpeace making compost? [12:39] <\sh> Is Sarah Ferguson gone now??? ;) [12:40] <\sh> the red haired former wife of prince andrew ;) [12:41] my ex-wife was always a big fan of hers :) [12:41] <\sh> jono: it's pronounced like 'a dick' (no joke, I had some issues with this name in the US...they thought i'm joking ;)) [12:41] thank you, community team :) [12:41] ty Aquarius :-) [12:42] Rust in piece [12:42] hey phillw [12:42] da_ravioli, if you're interested in writing an Ubuntu One music streaming plugin for rhythmbox, let me know and we can chat about it [12:43] aquarius, i would immediately if i was a developer... :-) [12:43] da_ravioli, heh :) Maybe you can find a developer who's interested in it? dpm might be able to help with where to look for such people :) [12:45] d0od: want to join? [12:46] dance off? dance off? [12:46] invite some developers to talk about their apps, e.g. shotwell/yorba, gwibber etc [12:46] no you dont [12:46] * smartboyhw wants to talk too:P [12:47] * Sweetshark hides [12:50] balloons, why are you wearing a HAT? [12:53] <\sh> guys, (especially Jono as Englishman in California ;)) btw...how do you manage it with meetings between e.g. California and Germany? Are you doing it during early evening (17:00, 18:00 CEST and 8am/9am PST?) or how you manage it...I find it difficult to find good times for meetings with my colleagues over there in Santa Barbara [12:53] why not where a hat? [12:53] balloons, why wear? [12:53] d0od, YO. [12:53] lol [12:54] \sh, er I think that it is easy [12:54] hi [12:54] \sh, 14:00 GMT would be a good time I thin [12:54] *think [12:54] Fuck Off Bill Gates [12:55] balloons, dholbach dpm jcastro_ jono mhall119 : Are you sleepy now? [12:55] yes [12:55] nope [12:55] just getting started! [12:55] takamitsu, er mind language [12:55] ger [12:55] smartboyhw, it's 14:55 here, so not really sleepy yet ;) [12:55] smartboyhw, doing ok :-) [12:55] <\sh> smartboyhw: e.g. between CEST and PST there are 8 hours difference...so when I normally go home my colleagues in CA are starting to work [12:55] dpm, lol [12:56] \sh, that's the time...:P [12:56] <\sh> smartboyhw: which is not really californian time to start ;) [12:57] \sh, well best is that the Asians are going to sleep soon, Europians are gonna have their lunch and Americans just woke up (take me, phillw and balloons respectively) for that so that's when we do QA meetings [13:01] How are you guys going with the App developer showdown approvals ? [13:03] i disavow nickleback [13:06] Ow man this is boring dholbach jcastro_ jono mhall119 any real good topics?:P [13:06] smartboyhw, eh? [13:06] vim vs. emacs [13:06] hah [13:06] Where's mine. pymi :-P [13:07] How often are you going to run it in the future? yearly [13:07] For those of you willing to check out quantal, download the iso and take it for a spin. Let us know how it goes and add your name here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ExoticInstalls [13:09] I don't want to sound like I am complaining. I thought it was a great idea and lots of fun. Gave me the motivation to get my arse in to gear [13:10] good morning everyone [13:11] idtech [13:11] is canonical in talks with adobe to bring their creative suite to ubuntu/linux? i would guess lack of dtp-software is a show-stopper for many people to get rid of windows. ya, gimp is great, but industry standard is still photoshop, illustrator etc. someone who has spent years to learn how to operate photoshop will hardly switch to a new software. [13:12] * smartboyhw thinks Adobe is **** sorry [13:14] * smartboyhw agrees with jono on the suggestion...You guys doing 24-hours without schedule oh gee [13:14] Do any of the horseman have cats, if so I want to see cats!!! [13:15] nperry, lol [13:15] Cat contest.... [13:15] bah, firefox is freezing [13:15] ohh noes! [13:16] it died [13:16] I hope it doesn't take down [13:16] shit [13:16] it did [13:16] we'll be back on soon [13:16] I got kicked off [13:16] dholbach, wow wow wow no foul language:P [13:16] ok, it's back for me [13:16] good, it came back [13:16] we'll be right back----duh [13:16] can you guys see us now? [13:16] Ah it is back [13:16] yep [13:17] * smartboyhw seems that he will do a hell lot of testing when awake to support balloons oh dear the CPU is gonna be burnt;( [13:17] <\sh> As Ubuntu is focusing on having the average user using Ubuntu, how does Ubuntu, better Canonical, addressing issues like Netflix not working on Linux (because of freaking silverlight) or Amazon Instant Video having all the time issues with the Flash Plugin not providing the latest greatest DRM support on Linux (especially Ubuntu)...what can the Community Team do to get those things fixed? [13:17] mine still says unavailable [13:18] vid up for you all? [13:18] ye [13:18] @jono: and i suggest you put information on marathon.ubuntuonair.com about every horseman's job at ubuntu, so people know what/whom they can address (for the ones who missed your introduction). [13:18] it's fine here [13:18] working here [13:18] working here [13:18] donated!1 [13:18] oh yep, it's a nice idea da_ravioli [13:19] balloons, that's quick, you got the next hour! [13:19] who said da** it ? [13:19] think I can talk for an hour? [13:19] balloons, yes you could:P [13:20] dholbach, can you reinvite me? [13:20] done [13:20] dpm: you're typing [13:21] no [13:21] Someone give me some money to donate to balloons please!!!!! [13:22] who has recollected more money so far? [13:22] balloons, what are you gonna talk in the next hour?:P [13:22] chilicuil, you can see the live updates here: http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ [13:22] atm, jono has collected the most donations [13:22] balloons, lol [13:23] balloons: I'm actually there ;) [13:23] balloons, where is the so-called page for the marathon schedule eh? [13:24] and JuJu ? [13:24] jcastro_, it looks like people might be cranking up the Remote MPT again this UDS [13:24] cjohnston, ! [13:25] Wow suddenly those who wanna talk came here [13:25] why do i have to join another channel [13:26] YAC [13:26] yet another channel [13:26] * smartboyhw hates servers:P [13:26] 9 [13:27] ? [13:27] mpt: how come?! =/ [13:27] jcastro_: I am kidding :) [13:28] xnox, howdy mate [13:29] balloons: everything is hoop-la-la =) [13:29] -4 jcastro_ [13:30] * smartboyhw wonders where can he see the schedule..... [13:30] are we talking me Chris mhall119 ? [13:32] <\sh> It's still crap ;) [13:32] WARNING: Don't talk about titanic please......... [13:32] * smartboyhw will get angry [13:32] cjohnston: yes [13:34] <\sh> They are planning a sequel of Titanic ... Titanic 2 - Return of Jack and Rose - The Torchwood Special [13:35] d0od, yo, let's have you on air [13:35] cat session :/ [13:37] where is this magical wiki? [13:37] zul, good question:P [13:37] this one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HorsemenMarathonIdeas [13:37] Just abover the charities below the video on marathon.ubuntuonair.com [13:38] represent! [13:39] wtf.. sounds like a competition to see how loud oyu all can type [13:39] If you guys are bored, enable https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-quantaltest-20120601 and test the unity menu integration of LibreOffice. [13:41] "Delete the wiki!" - Jorge Castro, 2010, 2011, 2012 and comming soon in 2013 [13:42] cjohnston, lol [13:42] :) [13:43] mhall119: can you change the comment to "Marking %s as removed" and propose it against the right branch instead of a new one please? [13:43] though I'm still not sure that we want to mark it as removed if we are doing a -M... [13:44] I would think if we are doing a regular import and its missing mark it removed, but if its a -M import, we are probably doing that for a reason, so it shouldn't be marked as removed [13:44] btw, kudos to nick for the background-decoration [13:44] +1 da_ravioli [13:44] Greetings cool kids! [13:44] designbybeck, greetings [13:47] * cjohnston thinks jono is using a meeting as an excuse for a nap [13:48] de Aville IIRC [13:49] <\sh> not true [13:49] it's not so bad [13:49] they start sleeping after a couple of months [13:49] <\sh> half a year no sleep, and the next 6 months you'll have complaints about:'dad, I want milk now' ;) [13:49] ouch [13:50] I'll make sure at 0400 UTC when I get off shift that you guys are still awake [13:50] jono: I would volunteer for an interview later maybe, provided I get this hangout stuff working. Dunno anything interesting to talk about though ... [13:51] jcastro_ should charm this [13:51] oh, I just heard "volunteering is almost always a bad idea", hmmm [13:51] Sweetshark, no it isn't [13:53] smartboyhw: jono just said so on the youtube, it must be true ;) [13:53] Sweetshark, oh? [13:54] i agree smart volunteering is wut makes these things possiable its awsome by the people for the people [13:55] see.. i wasnt the only one with that thought [13:55] jcastro_, balloons, dholbach, mhall119, while the boss is away, the kids can play [13:56] sudo apt-get remove jono [13:56] cjohnston: does that mean I don't have to work on summit? [13:56] rewritable, lol [13:56] summit is play [13:57] mhall119: push to lp:~mhall119/summit/support-short-slots please [13:57] and no [13:57] cjohnston: oh, didn't realized I misspelled [13:58] pushing now [13:58] ty [13:58] hahahaaha [13:59] humble bundle FTW [14:00] Wait a minute... How is this related to the stream? [14:00] Enamex, it doesn't HAVE to be related to the stream duh:P [14:01] this is the place you can hang out and chat [14:01] ask us questions, etc [14:01] I thought they were replying to this channel or sth... Now I'm confused! [14:01] uhh [14:01] chris from summit nice nice [14:01] i dunno boooooooout that [14:01] whats tht time on gmt [14:01] I have to go ride a bike [14:02] I have to.. I have to work the game [14:02] ahh sweetness ty ty [14:02] date --utc [14:02] NO [14:02] naw ontario canada [14:02] gmt is the same as utc, bst is utc+1 [14:02] chris bike riding is awesome! [14:02] lmnop? [14:03] that is all [14:03] balloons: I get paid for it too [14:03] balloons: there is a college game here today that I am working.. [14:04] balloons: get a go pro.. almost as cool [14:04] not live broadcast tho [14:04] Jennicam [14:05] hi jimlau [14:05] whatup Jorge [14:05] wow -- thanks :_) [14:05] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Ringley [14:05] <3 [14:05] people remember things [14:06] aloha [14:06] czajkowski: welcome! [14:07] turns out sleeping isn't happening [14:07] playing with my birthday pressies :D [14:07] lol [14:07] any of the community team in London for the release and coming to the party? http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2006/detail/ [14:07] czajkowski: anything good? [14:08] balloons, talk to JoseAntonioR_ about that QA session: [14:08] :P [14:08] smartboyhw, good.. he can help [14:08] mhall119: 1TB external HD that is shock proof and PURPLE :D [14:09] balloons: here for 30s, will be back in 4 hours aprox [14:09] what the [14:09] "shock proof" sounds like a challenge [14:09] Have you tested the shock proofness yet? [14:09] I could use one though, I dropped my backup drive a while back and now it's kind of flakey [14:09] mhall119: military grad e:D [14:09] mhall119: bug #1 https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/1034013 [14:10] https://launchpad.net/utah [14:10] czajkowski: nice [14:11] yup [14:11] :D [14:11] mhall119: I found nothing is shockproof given a big enough hammer [14:13] <\sh> how about automatic UI Testing? What are you using? [14:13] balloons: ^ [14:14] poor IS they get such a hard time [14:14] <\sh> UI in general... [14:14] autopilot: https://launchpad.net/autopilot [14:16] xpresser: https://launchpad.net/xpresser/ [14:16] http://sikuli.org/ [14:17] Q? does ubu 12.04 support raid arrys ?? and if so how can this be done ? [14:17] <\sh> thanks :) [14:17] davmor2: nothing id davmor2 proof [14:18] * xnox is confused how raid arrays came into conversation. [14:18] yes ubuntu supports raid arrays since forever. but what exactly do you mean? [14:19] not sur ehow to set it up [14:19] balloons: only issue I hit with sikuli was installing it on precise there are a couple of updated libs that break the way it works [14:21] Where's the video reloading the marathon page didn't show it hmm [14:22] sebsebseb: it's working for me [14:22] ok that's better after closing it down and opening the page again [14:22] sebsebseb: what does it show to you? [14:22] ok [14:23] so what is this, talks and such, whilst you do your community stuff for 24 hours? [14:24] with donations to charity of course [14:24] sebsebseb: they work interview people [14:24] and have to stay awake :) [14:25] and people donate :) [14:25] oh ok [14:25] mhall119: make blake come on and entertain us! [14:25] mhall119: I think we need some more donations to the Autism charity :d [14:25] balloons, you fail:P demo fail:P [14:25] czajkowski: he'll be on later [14:25] :) [14:25] YAY [14:26] sebsebseb: definitely, post/tweet about it [14:26] thinking about donating myself :d [14:26] do it! [14:26] thats dope [14:27] * xnox once did 24 hours of sport. but it was not aired. [14:27] xnox, LOL [14:27] * tealeg once did 24 hours of sleep - I dunno if anyone donated, I was asleep [14:28] hahahaa [14:28] xD [14:28] XD [14:29] tealeg: really? [14:29] sebsebseb: well.. the sleeping part is true - it wasn't for charity, it was directly after submitting my final thesis at Uni [14:30] oh I see [14:30] sleepin [14:31] let's see been awake about 36 hours or more before yep, but 24 hours sleep no never, 12 hours or so by the most [14:32] So Mark Shuttleworth will be keynote at LinuxCon Europe... is anyone else going to Spain next month!? [14:32] Wow only 4 people left in the hangout:P [14:32] droppin like flys [14:32] Nov 5-8th [14:33] mhall119: yes... [14:33] I won the Linux Foundation design contest! That is how I'm getting to go! :) http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe [14:33] very much so [14:33] lol [14:33] i figured out my failed demo [14:33] I blame xnox gema.. [14:33] yesterday was horrible [14:33] * smartboyhw blames balloons [14:34] hhaa [14:34] * xnox is confused. what? [14:34] I forgot the script was looking for 'install now' on that install screen, and not continue [14:34] <\sh> booz is expensive in denmark, so be careful ;) [14:34] there's no error handling yet :-) [14:34] and the bug still exists that says 'continue' [14:34] hello! [14:34] changing it to 'continue' makes it work [14:34] haha [14:34] hahaha [14:34] * xnox is missing context [14:35] xnox, ohh [14:35] there is python gtk3 tutorial [14:35] you missed the demo [14:35] I just demo'd the automated install [14:35] xnox, don't worry the demo failed:P [14:36] and it failed at the installation type screen [14:36] because the script looks for the 'install now' button on that screen [14:36] and there is gi.repository inspection that can be obused =) [14:36] =( [14:36] * xnox should really fix that. [14:36] but the bug still exists that makes it say 'continue' [14:36] lol [14:36] I could change the script to allow it to accept etheir... [14:36] :-) [14:37] balloons, make sure you send that demo code to EVERYBODY [14:38] gtk3 docs would be awesome! had a hard time finding some at first [14:39] mhall119: what is your opinion of not using -s for slots since normally -s is used for summit [14:39] murphy got a little bit wet [14:40] sheik, I can imagine - were you out when it started raining? :) [14:41] cjohnston: it's not broken, if you want it changed file a new bug [14:41] yeah [14:41] but the existing MP shouldn't be blocked byit [14:41] balloons, dpm there is http://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ [14:41] it's just starting to rain in munich now too :( [14:41] at least got back in time at least [14:41] WELL THERE IS ALWAYS iPython3 WELL THERE IS ALWAYS iPython3 [14:42] for sniffing gi documentation =) [14:42] toabctl, ty [14:42] toabctl: thanks [14:42] hello all! [14:43] hello [14:43] NO Qt! [14:43] :-p [14:43] * dholbach hugs sheik :) [14:43] sheik, thanks again for taking care of the dog :) [14:43] lol [14:43] hahaha [14:44] I love how u release they're normal people, very normal people [14:44] http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/tree/demos/gtk-demo is also a good starting point. [14:45] wake up jono! [14:45] da_ravioli, in a meeting :-) [14:46] ;-) [14:46] Daniel, I'd like to know why you are so awesome! ;) [14:46] hi tonytiger [14:46] So does Ubuntu have something like POSSE From Fedora? [14:47] sebsebseb: hi [14:47] tonytiger, awesome? how? what? what are you talking about? :) [14:47] Does Ubuntu have anything like this for Educators: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Professors_Open_Source_Summer_Experience === P is now known as Guest41049 [14:47] * sebsebseb right donations time soon I think :d [14:47] dholbach: Couldn't think of anything pertinent to ask :) [14:48] you're very wellcome [14:48] Professors Open Source Summer Experience [14:48] my puls goes to 11 [14:48] POSSE [14:48] :O [14:48] http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE? [14:48] and for Educators [14:48] summer of code ala redhat style? [14:48] the teachers teaching [14:48] so they can learn about OSS [14:49] balloons, know when Ubuntu will start Summer of code applications?:P [14:49] designbybeck, something like ubuntu open week [14:49] or user days [14:49] I guess [14:49] Let's start one ;) [14:49] it's not for students, but for professors to take it back to "uni/school" and teach their own students. [14:49] lol [14:49] correct xnox [14:50] more method and not programming [14:50] did I get it now? [14:50] down [14:50] hangout stopped guys [14:50] one sec [14:50] yep indeed [14:50] pedagogy and such about using the Open Source Mindset and tools in the classroom so the students can have the same software as well [14:50] we're fixing it [14:50] well in the UK we do it through "Software freedom days" which are usually well attended by local teachers and the like. [14:50] more of a LoCo task than a global task [14:51] i bet they are doing powernaps [14:51] Is google hangouts off air? [14:51] gotcha xnox, how do you combat the IT in the school districts who only know and use M$ stuff? [14:51] closed source === nik is now known as Guest17435 [14:51] is the hangout down? [14:51] yea [14:51] yes yes yes jcastro_ is fixing it [14:51] we hit the 4 hour limit [14:51] !isitout [14:51] yes hangout stopped for me as well [14:51] we're fixing, new stream in a moment [14:52] n_n [14:52] ^_^ [14:52] sad we have 4 hour limits :-( [14:52] oh [14:52] time to get a cup of coffee ;) [14:52] lol [14:53] back online in a few minutes [14:53] we're still not going to sleep! [14:53] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vds9WEH8qi0&feature=plcp [14:54] dpm, jeje ok [14:54] 20hrs of dholbach [14:55] ooh, I've just found a bug (I think it's ubuntu one, but it could be nautilus) [14:55] congrats SuperMatt [14:55] SuperMatt, great [14:56] What did I miss? [14:58] so is this 24 hours of each of them in their respective timezones? [14:58] -if so there's gonna be a a lot of solo jono towards the end, being in california. [14:58] no we all started at the same time [14:58] ohhh, I do want the marathon back T_T [14:59] it's back, you can just refresh the page [15:00] jcastro: back in the day [15:01] zul: grizzling a minor is illegal in most 12 US States ;-) [15:02] mhall119, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports [15:02] mhall119, might miss some information on your specific case, but it should generally cover how to file the bug and include all the info [15:02] etc [15:05] https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/support-short-slots/+merge/127557 <-- needs a commit msg [15:06] cjohnston: fixed [15:07] and jono is back! =) [15:07] chilicuil, :-) [15:07] ty [15:09] lol [15:10] hello [15:10] denemee, hi [15:12] he run away haha, SergioMeneses [15:12] u scare him ;) [15:13] chilicuil, lol [15:13] How is Juju different to Puppet / Chef ?? [15:16] balloons, response of ubuntu desktop is terribly slow on virtualbox. can anything be done about that? [15:17] marrabld, I'll get to that in a sec [15:17] akhila, yes, the unity team has done some work on trying to make this more pleasant [15:18] the final version of quantal should be a bit better.. indeed it's come a long way since moving to unity3d only [15:18] i'm working with desktop images right now. no effect i guess [15:18] oh, okay [15:18] however, it's not going to be as responsive as precise which used the 2d interface [15:19] okay [15:19] I imagine this will be an on-going thing as llvmpipe is used to enable 3d on older machines [15:19] or vbox supports 3d better ;-) [15:19] :) [15:19] I feel your pain though.. interacting with the dash is the only real pain point for me [15:19] otherwise it generally runs ok now [15:19] mhall119, can you take over for like 2 minutes? [15:19] I have to sign something. [15:22] <\sh> Q: Speaking of the Cloud: Will Ubuntu/Canonical only support OpenStack or will Ubuntu/Canonical support also other stacks like i.e. CloudStack? [15:28] dholbach: does https://bugs.launchpad.net/quantal-backports/+bug/1061687 look right to you? [15:29] Thanks jcastro_ [15:29] mhall119, pinging Laney about it [15:29] nice analogy [15:30] mhall119, he said it looks good [15:30] cool [15:33] <\sh> jcastro_: how do you deploy the initial juju infrastructure? especially making zookeeper HA? [15:33] mhall119, I'll upload it in a minute [15:33] that was fast [15:33] thanks dholbach [15:34] nice work balloons et al. sorry i couldn't make any donation as i'm a stay-at-home mom. but appreciate your work thoroughly as it requires noble thoughts and lots of commitment to work for 24 hours non-stop to raise money for charity. [15:34] Kudos!! [15:34] akhila: raise your kids to be Ubuntu users :) [15:34] akhila, thank you! I'm glad your involved with ubuntu [15:34] thanks a lot akhila! :) [15:34] that's a wonderful donation itself ;-) [15:35] mhall119: donated :d [15:35] mhall119, mind joining #ubuntu-motu? [15:35] +1 [15:35] thanks sebsebseb! [15:35] mhall119, doesn't it need to bump Depends to the version of libunity which introuced this? [15:35] mhall119: Sure :) [15:36] thanks balloons. [15:36] you guys rock :) [15:39] stay at home moms rock [15:40] balloons: sebsebseb's donation put be back in front [15:40] mhall119, hah! [15:40] your move :) [15:40] lol [15:41] i feel like we're playing chess [15:41] check [15:42] mhall119: yep needed to up that :) [15:42] get in the £400 's at least [15:42] :) [15:42] thanks again sebsebseb [15:42] <\sh> Horsemen, thanks for sharing your day.../me needs to rush to my meetings ;) thanks a lot...rock on..:) good idea folks [15:50] balloons: the youtube video for your automated install the audio is virtually silent here [15:50] davmor2, reall? [15:50] balloons: never mind I forgot I had me headphone plugged in [15:50] :-) [15:51] I snuck it in quickly between hangouts :-) [15:52] dpm, mhall119 can you guys help promote the next hour to discuss app dev stuff? [15:53] yep! [15:55] hello! [15:56] dpm: G+ is done [15:57] FB too [15:57] mhall119, posted there too [15:57] now I'm leaving, thanks a lot for the marathon =)!, ubuntu rocks for people like u [15:59] play some guitar ;) [15:59] Play some guitar [15:59] well I am going to be donating to the others as well anyway :d a bit [15:59] Master of puppets \m/ [15:59] pink noise probably? [15:59] I have just installed 12.10 beta 2 on my pc, number of updates scared me(447) :D [16:00] I don't know which charity to support, they're all good!!! [16:00] marrabld: support them all :) [16:00] marrabld: Autisam Reasearch :) [16:00] pick me! I can give pictures of puppies! [16:00] I can't afford it. [16:00] or support all yeah :) [16:00] :-P [16:00] +1 Autism Research [16:00] mhall119: yeah, but your biased :D heh heh [16:00] brb [16:00] sebsebseb: in so many ways :) [16:00] done !!! [16:01] I am a phd student. [16:01] thanks marrabld [16:01] thanks.. what are you studying? [16:01] PhD physics/Oceanography [16:02] greenpeace then [16:02] or wateraid [16:02] * sebsebseb heard Jono typing [16:02] I think [16:03] dpm: ł [16:04] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess [16:07] marrabld, oceanography.. awesome field [16:07] what's your dissertation on (in simple terms)? [16:08] Bang, after installing 447 updates for beta 2 it crashed:/ [16:10] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperNetwork [16:10] is the spec for what he's talking about now [16:11] jcastro_, added the info about refreshing the webpage [16:11] looks awesome! [16:12] Javito, what happened? [16:12] harnes sublime edits snipits, its pushed hard in the web dev and design community now where what commmunity lives ( on OSX ) [16:12] did you update from an earlier installed version of ubuntu> [16:12] Kazam has come along nicely and allows you to open the video up in OpenShot or Pitivi right after you are don't editing [16:12] Javito, or where you install from scratch? [16:12] OMG [16:12] is that the other holbach? [16:12] have him do one of those photos [16:13] jcastro_, yes - it's my brother [16:13] jcastro_, he just found a job in Berlin [16:13] oh that is awesome [16:13] and so he's staying with me for a few days [16:13] until he finds a new place [16:13] He looks like you [16:13] but with different hair [16:13] I have installed beta 2 on my new pc, all was going good, but after doing updates it won't start system [16:13] but he said that he might have already found one [16:13] something with X [16:13] jcastro_, more hair [16:13] and fuzzier eyebrows [16:16] sandboxing [16:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess [16:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess [16:17] lol [16:17] jcastro_, Thomas says HI :) [16:19] Is only python work to study for Ubuntu App Dev? [16:19] alright folks [16:19] please hit one of those DONATE buttons [16:19] Javito: many languages are supported, Python is just easy so we recommend it [16:19] we want to hit 3000 English pounds in the next hour [16:19] can anyone donate? [16:20] if you can't donate, post the link to Facebook or twitter and encourage others to donate [16:20] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess#Proposed_Solution [16:23] balloons: what is the voodoo you used to power the installer testing [16:23] davmor2, something I hacked together using xlib and python [16:24] mostly it was me trying out my ideas on how I think it should work [16:24] and seeing the success of failure of it [16:24] balloons: did you try xpresser? [16:24] I've got to prototype the next step of completely automating it (including loading up the vm) [16:24] davmor2, there are things I disliked about xpresser, and I did try it [16:25] 155 pounds to go in 35 mins... [16:25] as far as where it ends up, it's python.. I could incoporate my stuff into xpresser, but how the script works is different enough to break the paradigm [16:26] we can do this! can anyone help with a donation? [16:26] balloons: it's not working for me in quantal at all at the moment so I can understand why :D /me reminds myself to go annoy cwayne about that again :) [16:26] davmor2, are you interested in seeing the script? [16:26] dpm, coming back? [16:26] balloons: sorry, I use the 'color' of the ocean to predict how much phytoplankon is in the water, also rudimentary species identification of phyto. Furthermore, sediment mapping. [16:26] jono, ah [16:26] didn't realize [16:26] trying to reconnect [16:27] dpm, lol [16:27] there I was rambling on to myself... [16:27] marrabld, ahh.. yes, the 'glowing water' phenomenon, which is really phtoplankton [16:28] ala, bioluminescent plankton [16:28] jcastro_: I've stuck that thread in the cafe - hope that helps [16:28] <3 [16:28] so marrabld just a question, does the presence of certain plankton tell you about the 'health' of the water? [16:29] ballons: um not quite my field. I use the pigments they create for photosynthesis. Basically if its greener, there's more phyto. if its murky its sediment. [16:29] jcastro_: you might also like to know that while the Archive is still visible - it's a lot less prominent than it was [16:29] balloons: yes and also if it is cyanobacteria (blue-green) it can be toxic [16:29] nod yeah I noticed that [16:29] so its a management issue if we can identify it early [16:30] speaking of, time to check on the forum vbulletin upgrade! [16:30] lovely stuff.. how much 'field time' to you get? [16:30] balloons: Also where I live in Western Australia we have lots of coast line. We need to monitor with satellites. [16:30] * balloons would love to be on the ocean everyday [16:30] mhall119, hey so [16:30] why not just get zack on the air for a while? [16:30] marrabld, ahh! great location for the research [16:30] balloons: I get to go out to sea for a month at a time a few times a year [16:30] thanks a lot marrabld too! [16:30] to talk about what? [16:30] hello! :) [16:31] * dholbach hugs marrabld [16:31] Kimbery [16:31] Thanks guys :-) [16:31] :-) [16:31] this is awesome [16:31] yes -- ty marrabld :-) I see your donation [16:31] \o/ [16:31] \ME blushes [16:31] d0od, around? [16:32] thanks marrabld for your donation! [16:32] if we hit 3000 you get Master Of Puppets on guitar :-) [16:32] donated to two already, a few more to go [16:32] rock! [16:32] jono: no probs. [16:32] sebsebseb, thanks! [16:33] 2917.45! [16:33] I heard cyan message ringtone... [16:33] getting closer! [16:33] * balloons blushes.. [16:33] the clock ticks... [16:34] 25 mins :-) [16:34] balloons: Have you been involved in oceanography or just a field of interest? [16:34] jcastro_: where's my noodles ? :) [16:34] :p [16:34] hey, send me some bling yo [16:34] what ya want ? blitz and ? [16:34] pingdom? [16:35] hit me up after the on air and i'll hook ya up [16:35] kk [16:35] cool [16:35] or just send everything [16:35] and I'll figure it out [16:35] or make stuff up if I don't get it [16:35] kk :) [16:35] and MoP :) [16:36] \m/ :-O \m/ [16:36] marrabld, as you see from my charity choice, I'm a fan of water :-) [16:37] balloons: If you ever visit Western Australia, go to Broome and the Kimberly region. I promise you wont regret it. [16:37] so it's an interest; i've never studied.. But I love the ecosystems that contribute to the ocean as well. I've not gotten to spend as much time on the water itself as I would have liked [16:37] marshes, tidal rivers, etc [16:37] I grew up living next to an fresh water estuary [16:38] marrabld, noted [16:38] Hello. [16:38] Austrailia and New Zealand are places I must get to at some point [16:39] If you like water. We have beaches and rivers. not too much else though :-P *sarcasm* [16:39] NZ is also fantastic [16:39] marrabld, I also like kitebuggying on beaches [16:39] I hear western aussie is excellent for that :-) [16:39] wepay please! paypal is evil [16:40] balloons: Yes we just hosted the world wind surfing here. We have a really consistent Westerly breeze and lots of empty beach space. Fun for kite surfing too. [16:40] imbrandon, just use your credit card [16:40] no no i mean what he is talking about, i already donated [16:40] cool :-) [16:41] £ 2942.45 [16:41] getting closer! [16:41] :D! [16:42] we are too close to let us fail [16:42] Is there a way to convert to usd? [16:42] tenach, xe.com [16:42] marrabld, :-) [16:42] thanks jono [16:45] and I'll be donating to all of them soon :) [16:46] £ 2993.45 [16:46] just 7 pounds left [16:46] Just donated. :D [16:47] refresh! ;) [16:47] oh yea [16:47] right well I am about to donate to another one so :d [16:47] meh rush [16:48] DONE [16:48] donated [16:48] refresh [16:49] CONGRATS! :D [16:49] danit is I should have donated to not have the guitar! [16:49] ROCK ROCK ROCK [16:49] congrats guys! [16:49] lol [16:49] Damn! I wanted to be the 3000 topper [16:49] i just did one to jcastro_'s [16:49] amazing! [16:49] d0od !!! [16:49] awesome work everyon! [16:49] \o/ [16:50] \o/ [16:50] good job all ! [16:50] ROFLOL [16:50] cheeky marrabld [16:50] mhall119: [16:50] haha [16:50] * czajkowski high fives jcastro_ ! [16:51] in the what ? [16:51] thanks for the translation [16:51] Yeah i donated to Nick and WaterAid because we don't have much in West Texas [16:52] and I know how important it is and how many of us take it for granted [16:52] <3 Texas [16:52] very cool state.. rock on! [16:52] o/ [16:52] I would like to thank everyone for not choosing PETA as a donation recipient. [16:52] well Austin, Texas is ;) some of west Texas not so much ;) [16:52] agreed DaemonicApathy [16:53] Just dropped some cash for balloons cause [16:53] mhall119: You import Michiganinans [16:53] thank you d0od! [16:53] its not a sport, its 3 activties happening at one time , ice scating , boxing, and playing withg a puck ... yall not ever hear carlin ? [16:53] lalalal not listening [16:53] can't we just crack one of nick's balloons now? [16:53] sure [16:54] jcastro_: Exactly haha [16:54] https://picasaweb.google.com/117777908934895049975/Rush2012?authkey=Gv1sRgCOuqp8yVwKWmag <- Rush fans [16:56] http://www.ecardtricks.com/mr1.htm <- card tricks [16:56] Anyone good at cardless card tricks? [16:56] dholbach: the word is feck feck feck feck feck feck :) [16:56] frack! [16:57] czajkowski, lol [16:57] Thanks, now 'buffalo' doesn't seem like a real word anymore. [16:57] haha [16:57] yep [16:57] imbrandon, we don't like no fracking :) [16:57] Oh, if the slap-happy is this level, it'll be at 11 later. [16:57] yup [16:57] definately [16:57] Wonder why aps like Webcam Studio do not work in versions 12.04 or 12.10 beta [16:58] jono: BTW: Note the shirt in those Rush photos. [16:58] Oh, lovely... auto level correction [16:58] jcastro_: refresh :p [16:58] yea [16:58] where is your bass jcastro_ ? heh [16:58] Jono is playing rather quite it seems [16:59] I'm rocking out by sight. [16:59] *windmilling* [16:59] should have put it on studio mode [16:59] whoops [16:59] Heh. [17:00] <\sh> oh metal time :) [17:00] this is the most quiest I have heard JOno play [17:00] online [17:00] One must be courteous of one's neighbors, sebsebseb. ;-) [17:00] DaemonicApathy: hmm? [17:01] Hence, quiet metal rage session. ;-p [17:01] great work \m/ you down tuned [17:01] ok so quite for you lot to? [17:01] Yup. [17:01] Yeah, it was. [17:01] Still, worth turning up the volume for. [17:01] Totally! [17:01] #ubuntu-meeting is where the CC is on [17:02] thanks so much sebsebseb! :) [17:02] * dholbach hugs sebsebseb [17:02] I'd like to buy the walrus. [17:02] walrus FTW! [17:03] :) [17:03] lol [17:04] Hello, dholbach's...brother? [17:04] Who is this Chris Johnston guy you guys keep talking about [17:05] mhall119: you adding the LC to the timetable [17:05] czajkowski: it's on the schedule, just not the page [17:06] ah ok [17:06] Congrats! [17:07] <\sh> what picture do you americans have from the germans...;) [17:07] ROTFLOL [17:07] delicious pizza @ holbach sonnenallee w/ felix, greets!! [17:07] Headlocks = more money, in my experience. ;-) [17:09] * cjohnston is ready for a nap [17:09] Hi [17:10] Hey Daniel, Miichael, btw why are you guys messing with the sound effects? :) [17:10] They're bored. [17:10] oh noes, it turns into #ubuntus-got-tallent with simon cowell [17:10] imbrandon: lol ;) [17:10] imbrandon, excellent idea! Karaoke time! [17:11] Nick has a part setup going it seems [17:11] kamil_, I do :-) [17:11] there's fun stuff in the balloons [17:11] Also that Jono taking about Barbeque , and no one was interested. That was awesome Michael :D [17:11] what happened to 24 hours of work?! [17:11] <\sh> jcastro_: damn you ... no beer in the office here :( need to buy some [17:11] HAHAHAHA [17:12] d0od: :/ :D [17:12] d0od, did you post? [17:12] jono: Yeah, he is asking why aren't you all working? :-) [17:12] kamil_, we are :-) [17:12] we just have fun jobs [17:13] :D [17:13] jono: I know brother. [17:13] :-) [17:14] balloons: may nwant to clarify it's a different community council not the ubuntu community council :) [17:14] That is a great thing to happen, get into some awesome company by mistake :D [17:15] Carlos: Thank you for the bugs! Some of them are downright entertaining. ^_^ [17:15] Rocking the chair, viewers will get a headache(sorry), Carlos has a great chair btw :-) [17:16] I'm officially #TeamCarlos [17:16] <\sh> Only a dead bug is a good bug ;) [17:16] hey d0od, you should come on! [17:16] I disagree, /sh. I like the bugs that completely mess with new users, that experienced ones accidentally fix for themselves right away. [17:17] also, *cough* spread the word that we're hanging out here if people want to ask questions, and so on [17:17] also, I would like a pony [17:17] jcastro_: Sure doing that [17:17] jcastro_: You described me as "a small bundle of britishness" earlier. Totally making that my Twitter bio.:P [17:18] indeed [17:18] At the risk of showing my Minecraft roots too much, I'm particularly fond of the term "Tea Eater". [17:18] jcastro_: I'll be around for a while, so if things get dead/weary later I don't mind jumping on to interrogate/ask questions or whatever [17:18] awww yeah! [17:19] cjohnston isn't going to be available for the next hour [17:19] so I can talk more about the API Website instead [17:20] I have a question regarding the whopsie daisy thing, don't you think that casual users will get frustrated by it? [17:20] d0od, we definitely want you on [17:21] d0od, hey, how about you interview the team in our Q+A? [17:21] OMG! Ubuntu! interviews the Canonical Community Team [17:21] yeah! [17:21] Now on the 12.04.1 it doesn't happen as much as it happened at the time of 12.04 [17:21] and you can ask all the hard questions [17:21] d0od, but get your post online to promote it and the wider marathon :-) [17:21] indeed. [17:22] help get us over 10k pounds! :) [17:22] if you all stop being watchable for 15mins I'll get on and finish it :P [17:22] we can do 10k today [17:22] I know it [17:22] yes they do ... everyone i know ask me to turn them damn things off [17:22] d0od, can you join us for the full hour? [17:22] I don't mind them, but a noob will find it confusing. [17:22] I find the pop ups irritating. I can get a cascade of them pop up sometimes [17:22] jono: What time is the Q&A? [17:22] Yeah, popups [17:22] d0od, it will be at 9pm your time [17:23] Yeah sure :) [17:23] d0od, lets do some promo around it [17:23] d0od, awesome! [17:23] I would like it (woopsie) if they told me why I need to enter password befor I do [17:23] before * [17:23] d0od, can you post ASAP on OMG about it [17:23] https://errors.ubuntu.com/ [17:23] Because it reminds of Windows(sorry) [17:23] if you've not seen it: https://errors.ubuntu.com/ [17:23] d0od, feel free to put together a set of tough questions from us - maybe gather them from the omg crowd [17:24] I mean anything could be asking for a password (cracker) [17:24] I always like to know why I am entering password [17:24] Excellent point by Carlos [17:25] bobweaver: your system info will be gathered afaik [17:25] Yeah I know but . what if cracker sends to me ect [17:25] I should know why I am entering password I will file bug [17:26] what is woopsie daisy name ? [17:26] http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/09/getting-your-bug-fixed-art-of-bug.html [17:26] for ubuntu-bug woopsie [17:27] calll your 11 year old son [17:27] :) [17:27] whoopsie is the crash reporting database [17:27] you can see the frontend on errors.ubuntu.com [17:27] ask! [17:27] Bug filing is super simple, I was 1 week or so to Ubuntu 10.10, upgraded to 11.04, messed with Compiz, filed my first bug. :D [17:27] it collects crash data from people's ubuntu installations [17:28] http://imagebin.org/230902 [17:28] Yeah, askubuntu/IRC work best for this. [17:28] pebkac [17:29] Also the Precaution on Compiz is an excellent move. That stuff is dangerous [17:30] Where is castro going [17:30] Most of my mates go straight to Google and often they get tacken to out dated or bad advice. [17:30] kamil_, I am going to get food. :) [17:31] Food is good. [17:31] I am going to make some sandwiches [17:31] jcastro_ has a beautiful youtube video on it [17:31] the wiki one [17:31] :D [17:32] hi all [17:32] Hallo. [17:32] dholbach: Smoking is injurious to health but you may already know about it [17:32] could somebody name a C sharp developer for linux? [17:32] kamil_, yes, I was told before :) [17:33] jono: There is a mess among some people on this issue [17:33] many people claim crazy stuff. :-) [17:33] hm [17:33] pistman: a person? [17:33] pls help [17:34] no [17:34] application [17:34] for linux [17:34] like monodevelop [17:34] you mean an application for writing C# code? [17:34] cuz it cannot compile normally [17:34] ye [17:34] monodevelop is the most popular, I think [17:34] One thing, how is the Ubuntu moving forward on the performance front, and what happens to Compiz [17:35] you can use any text editor though [17:35] monodevelop works fine on linux [17:35] but it cannot run my programs and write results [17:35] and no input messages [17:35] pistman, mono-mcs is installed ? [17:35] What is Jorge doing… [17:35] making sandwiches [17:35] <\sh> Rock On OpenNMS :) Best enterprise monitoring solution ever [17:35] Is that a chicken or a lettuce? [17:36] lettuce it looks like [17:36] * mhall119 has never seen chicken peeled [17:36] it is installed [17:36] The peformance on a same machine, Unity(Compiz) but not working normally [17:36] jono: Can I use the "rockstar" photo of you and your team in my post? [17:37] 3482.57 British pounds sterling = 5629.5744 US dollars [17:37] I need another alternative [17:37] d0od: cooking... [17:37] mhall119: I was about to say you'r other half puts everyone to shame! [17:37] d0od: yea , that is thw one i would use [17:37] a tofu surprise?! [17:37] czajkowski: she does :) [17:38] idea? [17:38] I want corn bread [17:38] 11:07 PM here India [17:38] oh and tater tots [17:38] <\sh> jono: you have the better weather :) [17:38] czajkowski: you have to come back over for a visit [17:38] mhall119: Cooking-On-Air [17:38] jono: shave your semi beard and see how much you get or it to go [17:38] *for [17:39] czajkowski: Ha! [17:39] you guys could start a telethon :P [17:39] What all gets him more donation :D [17:39] snwh: this *is* our telethon [17:39] jono: go on...... [17:39] beard! [17:39] jono gets to 2K by tomrrow [17:39] and he shaves it [17:39] Keep a full beard on the contrary [17:39] hahaha [17:39] aq needs to get in on it too [17:40] jono: ^^ [17:40] Deli mustard always makes sandwiches better, jcastro_ [17:40] make the ginger shave :) [17:40] jono: DING! New headline in the works now :P [17:40] jono: whoooooooooooooo [17:41] :D [17:41] d0od, feel free to add it to the post [17:41] if I get 3k to my charity by the end of the event, I will shave it off live on air [17:41] *evilgrin* [17:41] nice! [17:41] :-) [17:41] I made Jono's be £1000 or more :) [17:42] :-) [17:42] anyone interested in hair dye? [17:42] jono: best idea I've had all day! [17:42] There is messy system, where mic settings , switch back and fourth between front and rear mic [17:43] mhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/rm-rf/+merge/128078 [17:43] jcastro_: jono is milking his poularity [17:43] turduckin [17:43] And we will make the viewers hungry in this session [17:43] im hungry now [17:44] :D [17:44] l/w 42 [17:44] David is hungry, I can see [17:44] the website is breaking because the donations exceed £1.000, and that's too long for the given space near the donation banners [17:45] so instead of dholbach's bro telling on him, how about you each tell one on each other in the time that you've been horsemen [17:45] HAHA [17:45] fix: A) stop donations, B) move donated amount to someone else, C) ??? [17:45] BTW what system are you using currently? [17:46] imbrandon: nice idea! [17:46] I wonder why it doesn't show the amouts where it should on the page anymore [17:47] the page looks fine to me [17:47] looks fine here [17:47] The page works fine for me. [17:47] in chrome on osx [17:47] yep in FIrefox messed up [17:47] Chromium in Linux here, and it's fine. [17:47] fearfox :-) [17:47] who's dogs ? [17:47] i think it's dholbach's dog :) [17:48] no no [17:48] since we can't blame jcastro_.. blame dholbach [17:48] :-) [17:48] the dog is at my sister's and her boyfriend [17:48] On my side the donation page looks like, jono is teasing jcastro_ with is 1K mark and has pushed him to side http://i.imgur.com/yuGl9.png [17:48] ah :) [17:49] jcastro_: dear gods what size drink is that! [17:49] czajkowski: US Small [17:49] I am just getting started. [17:49] mhall119: hahahaha [17:49] dear gods [17:49] Ride the Lightning! [17:50] dinosaurs! [17:50] jcastro_: ^ [17:50] heh [17:51] jcastro_: was anyone at DjangoCon ? [17:51] Question: what made you all do this ? who's Idea was it ? is the 1st time its happened ? will it happen again ? [17:52] I'll donate to see him shave his head [17:52] jcastro_: ^ [17:52] bobweaver, check out the livestream, are you *sure* you want it to happen again? ;-) [17:52] no.. jono shave his [17:52] Sir Bobby Charlton has a awesome combover that never worked [17:53] had* [17:53] balloons: ^^ [17:53] Just wanted to get more info Think that it is a cool thing that is all [17:53] :D [17:53] .donate-button img { width: 250 } [17:53] you could look like the baby will :-) [17:53] donate to see dpm shave his ;) [17:53] hi all! [17:53] Hallo JoseeAntonioR [17:53] what hair? [17:53] hello! [17:53] JONO STILL KNOWS WHAT "QUID" MEANS! SHOCKER! [17:53] neuro: +1 [17:54] snwh, it'd take a LOT of money for that! ;-) [17:54] this should fix the css , quick hack , .donate-button img { width: 250 } [17:54] a quick fix dholbach put 1.39k [17:54] hello mister beardy man! [17:54] dholbach: ^^ [17:54] imbrandon, mhall119 is helping me out right now [17:54] yes that's should work too dholbach [17:54] jono: have you ever said "frisco"? [17:54] Yeah I using Ffox [17:55] it was briefly skewed in chrome [17:55] haha [17:55] i don't believe you :) [17:55] PO-TAY-TOE [17:55] Nick is almost at a monkey. [17:55] What do say it then jono ? [17:55] but you will say that tomato is a vegitable JoseeAntonioR [17:55] jono: ^ [17:55] sorry JoseeAntonioR [17:55] np :P [17:55] this would have never happened with good old websites [17:55] hangout just went offait "( [17:55] HANGOUT FAIL [17:55] It ended abruptly [17:55] offair [17:56] <\sh> gone [17:56] restarting [17:56] we are coming back [17:56] fail.. coming back [17:56] sadness [17:56] went down again [17:56] just the mention of Chuck Short [17:56] XD [17:57] You all have a good day brothers, late here, I will be taking your leave now. [17:57] balloons, is starting the hangout - we'll be back in a bit [17:57] "The live recording you're trying to play is still being processed by our cluster of Acorn Electrons and Commodore VIC-20s and will be available soon." [17:57] are all of these going to be available later on Youtube, like the earlier QA stuff, I missed the beginning? [17:58] snwh: yep [17:58] JoseeAntonioR awesome === JoseeAntonioR changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to the 24-hour Canonical Community Team Marathon! || http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ || Donate on the webpage, let's help! || Remember to refresh your browser at 22, 2 and 6 UTC for the new hangout || We're starting soon, so stay tuned [18:01] It's back! [18:01] ^its [18:01] ^it's lol! [18:01] yay [18:01] yay! [18:01] yes [18:01] yep [18:01] WHEN YOU HAVE MADE A DONATION, YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION TO STREAM. [18:01] alright, got to restart my machine [18:01] BRB === JoseeAntonioR changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to the 24-hour Canonical Community Team Marathon! || http://marathon.ubuntuonair.com/ || Donate on the webpage, let's help! || Remember to refresh your browser at 22, 2 and 6 UTC for the new hangout [18:03] o/ [18:04] Will jono share the brisket rub source code? [18:05] mhall119, dpm, jcastro_, jono, balloons: can you see people's videos? [18:05] compost for the win! [18:05] I just see people's logos [18:05] dholbach, I can see them [18:05] ahhhhh [18:06] I'm logged in as ubuntu on air [18:06] brb [18:06] The live recording that you're trying to play is still being processed and will be available soon. [18:06] good evening [18:06] inetpro: reresh the page :) [18:06] inetpro: I just refreshed ant it works now [18:07] ahh, thanks [18:08] nice job guys! [18:08] \o/ [18:08] * \sh heads home now...good job Community team :) Great Event :) And still is...so have a good day, night, afternoon :) [18:08] a nice purple score for you, sir [18:08] although there's not much beard to shave :( [18:09] DO THE SIDEBURNS TOO! [18:09] still down here [18:09] the video [18:09] hit ctrl-f5 [18:09] JONO DOG FAIL [18:10] dogs barking, jono has to get the ribs somewhere.. [18:10] I joke === d0od_ is now known as d0od [18:11] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperNetwork [18:13] mhall119, can I get xml ? from this api ? [18:17] hello world! [18:18] sweet Xmllistmodel [18:18] hmm [18:18] that is why I ask [18:18] http://doc.qt.digia.com/4.7.1/qml-xmllistmodel.html [18:18] o/ [18:18] then could make a ascronistic interface [18:19] when dholbach lights up a smoke, i feel i must too [18:19] Thanks mhall119 [18:19] How can I learn what you guys are doing? [18:19] yeah I can use json [18:19] neuro, I start getting tired and felt that standing outside with a cigarette should help :) [18:19] * popey waves [18:20] dholbach: :) [18:20] popey: hola senor [18:20] cool thank you [18:20] dholbach: i'm lazy, i smoke indoors [18:20] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-api-website [18:20] lol, jono sparking up the bbq?! [18:20] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperNetwork [18:20] d0od - nice use of "barmy" in the OMG article ;) (which is here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/ubuntus-24-hour-community-charity-marathon-is-happening-right-now) [18:20] I CARE NOT ABOUT PROPERTY VALUES! [18:20] mhall119, on the site there is pictures of up and cpmmi g interface do you gimp file ? [18:21] hehe i love the wordy barmy [18:21] so I can use qmlexporter > [18:21] bobweaver: no, I made them in balsamiq, I have the source XML from that, and pngs [18:22] neuro: Joey's diction is half the entertainment :) [18:22] How often do you guys work on ubuntu? [18:22] could you email me that ? [18:22] David need new microphone :) [18:22] lp ~josephjamesmills [18:22] snwh: absolutely :) [18:22] is dholbach outside!? [18:22] only us UKers can speaka da english the way what we do [18:22] ahhh, fag break [18:22] popey: yeah, he's having a fag :) [18:23] :) [18:23] as am i [18:23] jcastro_: lots of sun here in Oregon right now too... that doesnt look like a smoker :) looks like a BBQ [18:23] ;p [18:23] I challenge any of you guys to convince alanbell to move meetingology to Limnoria [18:23] jono: \m/ [18:24] bkerensa: jono is bbqing, dholbach was smoking [18:24] i have meetings with my co-workers at canonical on hangouts every day.. why am i watching my co-workers now! [18:24] thanks for the post d0od! [18:24] popey: oh yeah, remember that sysadmin job i applied for at canonical? [18:24] oh yeah? [18:24] popey: i got the knockback :P [18:24] :( [18:24] sorry dude [18:24] bobweaver: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/api-website/ [18:24] d0od: whats up dude [18:24] ;0 [18:25] popey: it happens, sadly [18:25] * popey hugs d0od [18:25] thanks mhall119 I will look into the qt part well qml and make interface [18:25] no clue why i was knocked back though, just a stock "your application was unsuccessful" sadly [18:25] jono: BURN STUFF! [18:25] bobweaver: there's a few things at the bottom that we need to fix to support Qt APIs [18:26] at the bottom of the spec that is [18:26] popey: Are you hugging me cos you know i'm clawing through every single bug report so I can write up on Unity 6.8? ;) [18:26] jcastro_: why don't you update the wordpress install at ubuntuonair.com in the meanwhile? :) [18:26] popey: maybe i should hassle jono and find out what happened ;) [18:26] hello marathoners... cool idea :) [18:26] I'd like to know what jono is using to smoke [18:26] JoseeAntonioR, I can't, my box with the ssh keys is packed up, I should have it today though [18:26] <-- amateur [18:26] oh, ok then! [18:26] jono - your tee is all kinds of awesome [18:26] d0od, seen the changelog? [18:27] popey: Yeah, going through it now. Sounds like it'll be a big performance boon [18:27] jono - sounds good [18:27] lol jcastro_ [18:27] "That's where meat will go" [18:27] I'll avert my eyes for this bit…. [18:27] [18:28] I have to catch a flight from Perth Western Australia to Scotland UK. Thanks for keeping awake and amuzed guys!! [18:28] jcastro_: lol [18:28] hehe [18:28] * popey is cooking [18:28] jcastro_: jono and aq are probably better educators [18:28] everyone wants to see popey cooking [18:29] "Cooking with Jono" [18:29] GOOD GOD, HOW MUCH MEAT IS THAT [18:29] 3 racks of ribs [18:29] someone tell jono to move the laptop/camera a bit [18:29] is jono planning to feed the internet tonight? [18:30] LESS WORKTOP, MOAR MEAT [18:30] How many people is he cooking ribs for?? [18:30] 2 [18:30] http://www.dinosaurbarbque.com/store/product/8_cajun_foreplay_spice_rub << best rub I know of [18:30] the membrane is where the taste lives [18:31] neuro: no, the taste lives in the bone [18:31] bone and far [18:31] paper towel is great for skinning chicken [18:31] fat [18:31] that's the secondary taste [18:31] Those ribs... [18:31] It's lunchtime here and i can't leave yet, and those ribs aren't helping! [18:31] can I suggest my rib rub :) - sweet (or smoked) paprika, cayenne, brown sugar, garlic, salt, pepper, oregano, chili powder, cumin [18:31] COME ON MEMBRANE! [18:31] that membrane is insane [18:31] is jono looking at cooking lens j/k :) [18:31] hahaha [18:31] snwh: ba dum tsh [18:31] bobweaver: hahah [18:32] snwh: I put a spoon full of espresso-ground coffee in mine to,but otherwise the same as yours [18:32] DO NOT NOT BROADCAST! [18:32] lol [18:32] mhall119 - never occured to me, I have espresso marinaded steak [18:33] all this food on air :-) [18:33] mhall119: so in other words, not suitable for a mormon vegetarian? [18:33] Wooo! [18:33] it's great; as a foodie and ubuntu-ie [18:33] neuro: not really suitable for anybody [18:33] :) [18:33] hehe [18:33] hello [18:33] Nobody is going to order a pizza? [18:33] novatillasku: that was my lunch [18:34] WATCH AS DHOLBACH MAKES NOODLES! [18:34] not noodles [18:34] hang on [18:34] TO WHAT? [18:34] i am watching people watching people watching people rip skin off meat [18:34] thats a new internet high for me [18:34] it's going to be channa korma [18:34] vegan even [18:35] you guys should try mongolian food, awesome [18:35] dholbach: +1 [18:35] dholbach +1 for korma [18:35] :-) Time to dine in Spain. [18:35] show us the dungeon jono! [18:35] enjoy whatever your eating, wherever your doing it :-) [18:36] novatillasku: TAPAS! [18:36] need to cook that membrane for that dog that was barking [18:36] * neuro is addicted to patatas bravas [18:36] forget the ribs... I'll take some grilled membrane [18:36] deep-fried membrane I bet would go all crispy [18:36] nom [18:37] om [18:37] +1 [18:37] OH YEAH [18:37] ~/ and i've ... had the membrane of my life ... /~ [18:37] right, that's it, I'm getting on a plane to jonos house [18:38] neuro Bravas and Ali Oli ;-P [18:38] novatillasku: stop it! [18:38] * neuro loved eating in Barcelona [18:38] i can't believe you guys legitimately cook. some of us hackers are domestically challenged :/ [18:38] cgoldberg: Cooking is my break from coding [18:39] cgoldberg <-- some of us are clearly on the eating side [18:39] a recipe is food code [18:39] this stream should be adult-rated [18:39] food pr0n [18:39] memphis tenn kansas ect lol never thought that I would be watching British cooking esp for bbq [18:39] neuro 4 men watching another mans meat [18:39] I believe Erica is the better cook in jonos house ;) [18:40] SIX HORSEMEN ONE TRAY [18:40] popey: probably by far [18:40] 'Cooking with bacon' [18:40] squirty mustard?! [18:40] PHILISTINE! [18:40] he's become american [18:41] real men use colemans [18:41] why not just pour tomato ketchup all over it while you're at it [18:41] YES [18:41] ah, jono, such a waste [18:41] HAHA [18:42] if i was doing this, i'd put haggis in with it [18:42] popey: lol [18:42] lol [18:42] HP Sauce [18:42] haha [18:42] HP SAUCE FTW [18:42] noooooooooooooooooooo [18:42] what are you guys talking about [18:42] HP sauce has a picture of the houses of parliament on it [18:43] hence HP [18:43] Shepards pie is awesome. [18:43] Shepherd's [18:43] [18:43] [18:43] IT'S NOT MUSTARD [18:43] * popey suspects tenach means cottage pie :) [18:44] Shepherd's = Lamb [18:44] I've come across dry mustard on ribs [18:44] Cottage = Beef [18:44] popey: Shepard's. :) <3 Lamb [18:44] Easy now! [18:44] ;) [18:44] mmmmmmm lamb [18:44] yellow ooze from a squeezy bottle is not mustard [18:44] go to kansas ot st louis [18:44] it's mustard-like [18:44] I don't use those two words interchangeably like most people. [18:44] "I'd like a bottle of your finest yellow ooze" [18:44] you think tx is crazy [18:44] jcastro_: you're welcome [18:45] we have STANDARDS in this country! [18:45] yes! [18:45] lol [18:45] Hahaha! [18:45] YES [18:45] worcester sauce makes everything better [18:45] it's like bacon [18:45] NO [18:45] NO! [18:45] oh god no [18:46] I feel like sharing my ribs: http://goo.gl/78ebz [18:46] dude, nom [18:47] jono: Im wearing viking style [18:47] and rice too, elegant [18:48] snwh, this look amazing [18:48] all about the 55 gallon drums ! or at least that is what I see [18:48] YAY [18:48] Good evening, folks [18:49] jcastro_ thanks :) [18:49] Hallo Godmin [18:49] the guys are already sleeping? I knew it, not much power left in ganiel :) [18:49] ganiel -> daniel [18:50] looks like I am tired, too [18:50] gaaah, i keep trying to tail a log on a remote server and Sky keeps dropping the ssh connection [18:50] jcastro_: do oppan Canonical style? [18:50] stupid Sky [18:50] OPPAN BUNTU STYLE [18:51] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw9CALKOvAI [18:51] hahaha [18:52] http://www.flickr.com/photos/pinksherbet/4155618337/ <- the picture of a sandwich mhall119 mentioned [18:52] dholbach: you should make a mix of gagnam style [18:52] Minecraft Gangnam Style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qO3jygyexAo [18:52] gangnam style* [18:53] All this food/cookery has made me start a bolognese [18:53] balloons: love the second top comment on that video [18:53] I would love to watch a series of Jono cooking! [18:54] :) [18:54] weekly lunch hangout starring a different Ubuntu cook each week? [18:55] neuro, loll [18:56] ubuntu community cooking show? [18:56] Yes pls [18:56] balloons - an ubuntu community cooking show would be amazing [18:56] anyone care to watch baking? [18:56] Well, it is an Ubuntu cooking show [18:57] Yes the cooking is awesome! :) [18:57] I'm not the traditional Texan [18:57] Will Jono cook a Ubuntu logo-shaped meat? ._. [18:57] cooking can be kind of interesting to watch yeah, but for me not so much what jono was cooking just now [18:57] I'm not a fan of traditional BBQ [18:58] 225 CELSIUS? [18:58] F [18:58] ofc [18:58] silly americans we be [18:59] openstack of pancakes [18:59] Open Steak? [18:59] CRAZY PEOPLES [18:59] Hahaha [18:59] \o/ [18:59] Huzzah! [18:59] ISO standards, biotches [18:59] Hi philballew :D [18:59] Nobody said hi to me :( [18:59] Did anyone see Jono's Inspector Gadget t-shirt? [18:59] jcastro_: does chuck know what he's in for? [18:59] Qw3rtz: Yeah! [18:59] hi nikitas :3 [19:00] dpm_: looks rather efficent in the kitchen [19:00] what's he cooking? [19:00] czajkowski: hey [19:00] he's making paella [19:00] He is cooking Open Steak [19:00] * czajkowski hugs neuro hello sunshine [19:00] * neuro is hugged [19:00] Hey guys! :D well at least it's true that Ubuntu is a great community to be in! [19:00] The ingredients are open source! [19:00] I agree with nikitas [19:00] tenach, hello [19:01] cana-ria? [19:01] jcastro_: is that the same drink from earlier on is it a bottomless pit [19:01] can-ay-ree-ah [19:01] czajkowski, water this time [19:01] it's usually just ice water [19:01] this time, haha [19:01] gotta stay hydrated, 24 hours! [19:01] better than ice tea! [19:02] because last time it was straight up grain alcohol [19:02] mhall119: knows my opinon on this [19:02] \o/ [19:02] mhall119: dont make me come over there cheeky [19:02] currently sitting beside a turf fire with a bucket of hot tea [19:02] :) [19:02] Now Sweet Tea is something Texans love for sure! [19:03] yellow mustard on ribs and now making tea cold, WHO AM I LISTENING TO!? [19:03] hahah you are right neuro [19:03] GEEKS WITH GRILS, food show or unfortunate typo? [19:03] Haha, neuro +1 [19:04] czajkowski: watching> [19:04] ? [19:04] neuro, rol [19:04] mhall119: yes [19:04] BLAKE! [19:04] :) [19:04] herro blakey [19:05] see guys, this is the kind of banter you'd get EVERY DAY if only Canonical would just hire me :) [19:05] neuro: its true really [19:05] Just joined, what's the current conversation topic? [19:05] czajkowski: i got rejected for a sysadmin role :P [19:05] Gemn: OpenStack [19:05] thanks (: [19:06] just missed cooking hour [19:06] in short, the ribs are on [19:06] wtf [19:06] Total sum of donations: £ 3592.5700000000006 [19:06] OK, WHO DONATED THE FLUFF FROM THEIR BELLYBUTTON?! [19:06] lol [19:06] * mhall119 blames IEEE floating points [19:07] Sorry guys, I had to do something with it.. *shrugs* [19:07] someone please donate 0.999999999999994 [19:07] quick, someone donate more [19:07] more fluff? [19:07] WAIT, I HAVE SOME [19:07] Fun Fact! ... GO Dexas [19:07] Texas! [19:08] not the Bear kind either [19:08] It is Bexar County [19:09] Dexas, Texas' evil twin state [19:09] I thought Texas was the evil one [19:09] like when Superman split into two in Superman III [19:09] dexas does have a nice ring to it [19:09] Not all of Texas is crazy ;) [19:15] Better coaches for minor league !! [19:15] mhall119: why are we having 3638.5700000000006? [19:15] we need it here in Rochester for the americans [19:16] minor or ahl is playing [19:16] "Total sum of donations: £ 3638.5700000000006" [19:16] jcastro_: I haz question... When we get new chuck gimp? [19:16] you guys are missing some 000000 [19:16] seb128, donate! [19:16] desktop team is coming up short [19:16] beachball popey? [19:16] jcastro_: hows the LP team ? [19:16] wat [19:16] the launchpad team is crushing you guys [19:16] hah [19:16] jcastro_, what will you do for desktop if we donate? ;-) [19:17] <3 LP team :D we rock [19:17] i'll even make an exception to the rule [19:17] context: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3patjo/ [19:17] jcastro_: can you interview czajkowski next? :D [19:17] Launchpad Team are awesome! [19:17] \o/ [19:17] seb128: Are you gonna get interviewed ?: ) [19:17] o/ [19:17] Daviey, not today, about to go for dinner ;-) [19:18] YES! [19:18] bah, seb128 - lets watch you eat and talk :) [19:18] lol [19:18] !!! [19:18] DUDE [19:18] that's not the way to get money from us! [19:19] no not this seb :d [19:19] dholbach, and it WORKED! [19:19] I heard seb128 also introduced the worst bug in ubuntu history [19:19] hummmm [19:19] and seb128 has been an advocate for switching to GNU/HURD. [19:19] bring us contributors! [19:19] * dholbach hugs seb128 [19:19] * seb128 hugs dholbach [19:20] * Daviey stops trolling. sorry seb128 [19:20] jono: popey donated some bellybutton fluff [19:21] mhall119: a ironing board [19:21] What the flip chips [19:21] woo, food! /afk [19:22] popey did [19:22] he's a cheapskate [19:23] oooh office space! office space! [19:23] I donated 0.00000000000000000001 Bitcoin! [19:23] which is like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 pence! [19:23] O.o [19:24] Is this how every Ubuntu developer cooks food? [19:24] :o [19:24] Like BeerTarget for Open Source Beer [19:24] mhall119: a rub ? [19:24] Ewww... [19:25] JONO HAS BEEN ASSIMILATED! [19:25] Lol [19:25] seasonings czajkowski [19:25] flavors and spices [19:25] lol [19:25] jono: aq would kill you if he saw you buying anything like that [19:25] Vegetables the way they should be. Smashed up into a "patty". [19:25] interesting... [19:25] yes but never heard you say RUB [19:25] *Rimshot* [19:25] yes I had lots of fall off the bone meat [19:25] bbq another thing to thank china for. [19:26] czajkowski: thats the best when it falls off [19:27] @jono When is the first Ubuntu for Android device coming out :C? [19:27] hi ActionParsnip [19:27] "Write failed: Broken pipe" AUUUUUUUUGH [19:27] hi sebsebseb [19:28] Wth is going on o.o [19:29] now switch hands [19:29] mhall119: and you;ll go a long way [19:29] the old kitkat add [19:29] :) [19:29] tell mhall119 to make a "pop pop pop" noise while he does it [19:30] donate 2 pounds and I will [19:30] come one people donate so jono shaves his beard off [19:30] i already donated 20! [19:30] Oh okay thanks :P [19:30] it's all about the lackof beard :) [19:30] mhall119: I could donate a bit more, but I think I have donated enough really :d [19:30] neuro: to me? [19:30] crap [19:30] neuro, 20 what? :) [19:30] QUID! [19:30] scottish pounds? [19:30] so that's like a fiver real money? [19:30] can anyone explain the llvm pipe that unity3d is using. [19:30] i used my visa debit so god knows [19:31] jono should smoke a whole pig next time. [19:31] it could have been guernsey pounds for all i know [19:31] skinning almonds? [19:31] so all over to dholbach for dinner [19:31] mhall119: yours should have much more donations from people, I guess people don't know enough about AUtism in general though, which is also the point of the chariety it seems [19:31] * dholbach hugs czajkowski [19:31] popey: did you know that for every Scottish banknote, there has to be the same face value in pounds sterling held by the BoE? [19:31] popey: SO ENOUGH OF YOUR RUBBISH!!!! [19:31] anything that has coconut milk in it has thumbs up from me [19:32] * neuro runs off to put on kilt and paint face blue [19:32] FREEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOM! [19:32] Rofl [19:32] min hardware ? [19:32] nahhhh [19:32] "neuro runs" don't believe it [19:32] fair point [19:32] :) [19:32] * neuro walks at a reasonable pace to put kilt on [19:32] lol [19:32] neuro: you have a kilt [19:32] actually, since i don't have a kilt ... [19:33] picture! [19:33] bah [19:33] * neuro sits on his sofa and lights another marlboro [19:33] czajkowski: the only time i've worn a kilt was when i was 4 [19:33] sebsebseb: yeah, I thought the FLOSS community would have more people who wanted to donate to that [19:33] at my aunt's wedding [19:33] I still have a lot of donations though, just more small donations [19:33] I think that the unity 2d code was not made for 3d but can run it [19:34] me and my cousin (3 months younger than me) ran about the whole reception party and went from table to table holding open our sporrans [19:34] and wedding guests chucked in money [19:34] the pair of us got like 20 quid each [19:34] which in 1978 was buttloads [19:34] Question for you guys, I heard there's going to be a Gnome remix version of Ubuntu, will this version of the distro have more Intergration with the Ubuntu system like with new features and stuff or is it just going to be Ubuntu with Gnome? [19:34] we were MINTED [19:34] qml [19:34] hello [19:35] c++ declaritive mixed with qml [19:35] TurtlezOnBacon: ubuntu already uses gnome.... [19:35] balloons, unity 6.8 lands today in -proposed [19:35] popey, I was going to ask :-) [19:35] hi [19:35] Hey [19:35] Hey! :D [19:35] "hunt him down ..." [19:35] IT'S THE TERMINATOR [19:35] xD [19:35] he cannot be stopped [19:35] Who donated .0000000000006? [19:35] he cannot be reasoned with [19:35] DoDo45659: popey [19:35] Cheers :) [19:36] Ah, I was confused [19:36] Thanks [19:36] community of panama [19:37] o_o.... [19:37] XD [19:37] * popey has wine \o/ [19:37] "The comfy chair" [19:37] * neuro has an ubuntu version of the four yorkshiremen btw [19:37] "Nobody expects the spanish inquisition" [19:37] bahwhwhahaa [19:37] "It's an ex-parrot" [19:38] http://neuro.me.uk/2009/03/22/the-four-ubuntu-yorkshiremen/ [19:38] jono: https://plus.google.com/u/0/101489925843882654647/posts/iSJVNGxHmjs [19:38] mhall119: you had better not be lumping me in there mister! :) [19:38] czajkowski: no, you're Irish [19:38] czajkowski, no, you're not one of his best friends ;) [19:38] :D [19:38] * czajkowski nicks popey wine [19:38] cheeky arse [19:39] when you going on to entertain us [19:39] Another question for you guys, since you guys are adding Amazon app in Ubuntu 12.10 will we ever see anything built-in like Steam for Linux? [19:39] so we can all get screen grabs to post all over the internet! [19:39] mhall119: btw, i donated that UKP2 to you (actually UKP2.50 with giftaid), so get dancing, sir! [19:39] aloha! [19:39] aloha :) [19:39] jbicha, we should have you on [19:39] steam and unity 3d is comming [19:40] Like gamessss [19:40] yeah, he's probably looking for, you know, steam [19:40] I'm excited about Unity3D(program) for Linux [19:40] Yeah lol [19:40] you are correct, Michael [19:40] Ooooh :/ [19:40] me too designbybeck [19:40] NO, FAIL [19:40] make pop pop noise while doing pat head and rub belly!!! [19:40] TurtlezOnBacon: penumbra is very worth the cash, urban terror its lots of fun and the humble bundles are great [19:40] we have quite a few unity3d games on the USC now... [19:40] bobweaver: unity3d is already here dude... [19:40] Will there be integration of further stores into the shopping lens (like Steam)? [19:40] I got bored of Urban terror, don't know about Penumbra. [19:41] bobweaver: the shell ;) [19:41] unity 3d engine aka unity 4.0 is here [19:41] ActionParsnip: not the interface in Ubuntu [19:41] oh well, at least i've donated to a good cause [19:41] lol ActionParsnip [19:41] even though i only got a third of what i asked for :) [19:41] or are you meaning the Unity3D Gaming Platform [19:41] designbybeck: bob got it :) [19:41] BOOTSTRAP FTW [19:41] bobweaver: ActionParsnip: not confusing at all is it? [19:41] ;) [19:41] YOU SHOULD [19:41] haha [19:42] http://marathon.audataserver.com/ [19:42] so when is dholbach DJing on the show [19:42] we've heard the others play [19:42] late [19:43] booo [19:43] :( [19:43] ROFL [19:43] aquarius: DOWNVOTE! [19:43] @daniel: na, schon müd? [19:44] I really hope it works. [19:44] Greetings from Slovenia (If anyone knows where that is) :D [19:44] * marcoceppi had to test it :P [19:44] Is there any way I can donate .4299999999994? It's really disturbing [19:45] Lolol [19:45] sheik, no no - it's still alright - just had my first club mate :) [19:45] IT'S A TRAP [19:45] It's over 9000. [19:46] I'MA FIRIN' MA LAZER [19:46] :O [19:46] ALL OF MY TIME [19:46] The loser has to use Windows for a year. [19:46] whoever loses this challenge ... [19:46] ... is gonna have a bad time [19:46] Lolzie [19:46] Windows Me [19:46] the loser should sing a song on a hangout [19:46] not just any windows [19:46] indeed [19:47] neuro: Nah, make them use vista :P [19:47] wait [19:47] !!! yes [19:47] +1 [19:47] jono: THEN WE LOSE TOO! [19:47] I like the Windows vista idea lol [19:47] so are you guys working during the charity-a-thon or just talking and entertaining us the whole time? [19:47] neuro: get them on OS2 Warp :) [19:47] http://www.lyricsondemand.com/onehitwonders/werenotgonnatakeitlyrics.html [19:47] warp wasn't actually THAT bad [19:47] mhall119: ^^^ [19:47] compared to win3.11, it was epic [19:47] crazy community team [19:47] neuro: yeah try and run apps on it [19:47] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj628ufciSc [19:48] mhall119: *grin* [19:48] who needs apps? everything's in the cloud, right? [19:48] jbicha, they *might* working if the donation goal is reached, who knows [19:48] jbicha, I've been watching to see if I can have a chance to see dholbach "working" ... seems it's not going to happen today yet :p [19:48] I think that's why I forget to hang out in your IRC channel [19:48] ^linux were not gonna take it song [19:48] mhall119: OI!!! [19:48] OOOOOHHHH [19:48] you plum [19:48] she is not [19:48] Lolwut [19:48] seb128: oh snap [19:48] someone's gonna GET IT [19:48] She isn't British :) [19:48] might start working, that is [19:48] WHAT?! [19:48] no it's not [19:48] not at all [19:48] no, it's really not [19:48] jbicha: well for sure, balloons is still on -testing and about to do some checking on a new iso for an alsa bug :) [19:48] I'm irish and half English [19:48] It's like calling you Mexican mhall119 [19:48] mother of god mhall119 [19:49] it's like saying california is still part of mexico [19:49] OH MY GOD [19:49] STOP DIGGING [19:49] mhall119: wow you're just digging yourself [19:49] good golly. [19:49] mhall119: I see you 3 weeks time, [19:49] Looks like it's dead. [19:49] My views represnet my extreme political views, not that of my employer" [19:49] you cant use blake to save yourself [19:49] DOGS ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR BEING A DORK ABOUT COUNTRIES :) [19:49] Lol [19:50] there's only one answer about daleks [19:50] the new ones are stupid [19:50] and the really new ones are like teletubbies [19:51] * ActionParsnip is confused [19:51] mhall119: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOqk_q4NLLI or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAfJohRLpfU [19:51] OVER FOUR THOUSAND! [19:51] was dholbach rockin' the french accent there? [19:52] yeah thanks dholbach for destroying my name ;) [19:52] you just know the americans in the hangout will do a german accent and end up sounding like Colonel Klink [19:52] cyphermox, sorry about that :) [19:52] hehe no worries :D [19:52] cyphermox, french canadian? [19:52] yes [19:52] slangasek made a video for the maraphon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M660rjNCH0A =) [19:53] Hi! If the QA is still on, will you be integrating other shops into the shopping lens, like for example Desura and Steam? [19:53] awesome :-) [19:53] VERE ARE YOUR PAPERS? ZE PAPERS!!! [19:53] vive le Québec [19:53] aq probably runs an app to track toilet paper usage [19:53] Anon they already said they aren't integrating Steam because it's closed source [19:53] jcastro_: whats the quiz? [19:53] :C [19:53] Annnonnn2, do you mean you will see steam or desura titles in a lens/ [19:54] jono jcastro_ I've got a weighted scale I could apply [19:54] ? [19:54] balloons: Yes, that [19:54] badges are wayyy more points than rep [19:54] Just the results, not the apps directly. [19:54] actually, dholbach would probably win [19:54] since he has the least amount of badges [19:54] That would slow down the system @Annonnn2 [19:54] Show us the meat! [19:54] he could easily score like 10 bronze badges and blow you all away, just sayin [19:55] TurtlezOnBacon: Well, there already are Amazon results, how is this different? [19:55] That already lags the system a bit when you search with the Lens [19:55] Just imagine Amazon and Steam [19:55] why is jono saying "delicious" like an american?! [19:55] good vegetarian food: fried egg and chips. [19:55] d0od, ready? [19:55] jono: yep :) [19:55] d0od: bring the noise :) [19:55] hey, d0od, you going on the telly? nice. [19:55] aquarius: with lea and perins [19:56] TurtlezOnBacon: Since it's just the results, wouldn't the effect be miniscule? [19:56] Hmmmm maybe [19:56] I mean I haven't noticed any performance hit there, it just takes a while before it appears [19:56] "the telly" [19:56] aquarius: lol [19:56] But the rest of the dash works fine [19:56] aquarius: how's tricks, pal? [19:56] heya neuro! [19:56] Lucky you then because my entire system lags lol [19:57] I see a d0od ! [19:57] Annnonnn2, I can imagine others writing a lens for it, if the data is available [19:57] * popey waves furiously at his screen [19:57] ROFLOL [19:57] balloons: hopefully, I'm still waiting for a clementine scope for quantal [19:57] wow, that's like 5-10 seconds [19:57] d0od, don't watch it in another tab at the same time [19:57] "I'm just trying to search for my lower third". If I was, for example, a childish giggly innuendo sort of person, I would have laughed at that. :) [19:57] hehe [19:57] And just an off question, how hard is it to write a scope for unity? [19:57] see like 8 of me! [19:58] mhall119, ^^^ [19:58] there he is [19:58] aquarius: "if"? [19:58] aquarius: what's this *if* business [19:58] :) [19:58] It's not that hard there's a tutorial floating around the interwebz some where [19:58] Lemme find it for you [19:58] HOHO [19:58] Annnonnn2, mhall119 can point you to writing lenses for unity [19:58] TurtlezOnBacon: Thanks! [19:58] OVER 6000 THANKS TO CURRENCY CONVERSION! [19:58] so what is a lower third [19:58] Annnonnn2: it's simple [19:58] czajkowski: the logo/banner/chiron with their names on it [19:58] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses [19:59] Have a UDS here in India, it'll be fun! [19:59] mhall119: Simple is relative, I'm still trying to start with quickly [19:59] HOLY TYPING BATMAN [19:59] jono, mute [19:59] jono typing [19:59] vpp: +1 to that! [19:59] Who is raping their keyboard?... [19:59] Annnonnn2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses [19:59] Annnonnn2: david calle wrote this great tutorial: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/wikipedia_lens_feature/ [19:59] how did someone donate .0000000000006 pence? [19:59] lol [19:59] newbie|3: it was popey [19:59] Thanks everybody! [19:59] That's like 22,259.98! [19:59] hahaha Total sum of donations: £ 3743.5700000000006 [19:59] Emirati Dirham [19:59] mhall119: that one doesn't load for me though [19:59] Annnonnn2: sorry, wrong link [19:59] Annnonnn2: http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/app-developer-cookbook/unity/creating-a-wikipedia-unity-lens/ [20:00] Ayeee it's the dude from Omgubuntu, you awesome bro :P [20:00] "looks like sick" [20:00] Thanks! [20:01] All of a sudden I can't think of any questions to ask, I had like a ton of questions I wanted to ask >_> [20:01] popey: current donations in Congolese Francs would be CDF 5,540,536 [20:01] yeah, someone donated 6 ten-trillionths of a penny. Definitely looking to see jono lose the beard there, donator guy. Or, alternatively, dholbach's floating-point code is made of fail :) [20:01] niiiice [20:01] OVER 5.5 MILLION (congolese francs) [20:01] bring back the hats! yay! [20:01] mhall119: you're really gonna have to remind me to bring that fedora or I will forget [20:01] yay, d0od's lower third has made an appearance! [20:01] fred durst returns! [20:02] FRED DURST! [20:02] jono, show us the temp again but say something to bring focus [20:02] * ajmitch waits for the tricky questions [20:03] I got a question, did John Bernard leaving his position in Canonical really make an impact on the company? [20:03] wait, I now count 7 horsemen, not 6? [20:03] mhall: nice hat :) [20:03] question: after shaving beard, will jono also shave baby back ribs? [20:03] Wth nice hat bro lol [20:03] czajkowski: aren't you already packed? [20:03] (silence as nobody wants to say anything bad about Michaels hat) [20:03] haha [20:03] manchild [20:03] my hat is the best hat [20:03] mhall119: more or less I'll be back in the UK for 2 days to unload and reload bits for UDS [20:04] jono looks like he's about to mug someone [20:04] mhall119, get everyone to wear a hat, you are nearly there! [20:04] LOL [20:04] d0od: see G+ [20:04] QUESTION: ask all the horsemen about this one time ... in band camp ... [20:05] reaction lvl: community [20:05] czajkowski: yeah, he looks like a hipster mugger [20:05] QUESTION: How many hats do you own? [20:05] QUESTION: If you had to use another DE other than Unity, what would it be? [20:05] MOAR QUESTIONS ABOUT HATS [20:07] LESS QUESTIONS ABOUT JONO TALKING ABOUT POLITICS [20:07] Rofl at that hat lol [20:07] re: amazon lens -- I didn't reject the revenue stream aspect, I criticized the amount of results that would show up, some of them looking unrelated and distracting. [20:07] aquarius: please tell me you rip into jono for his slowly-becoming-bay-area accent [20:08] QUESTION: what is % of money that goes to Canonical per buy ? [20:08] bobweaver: great q [20:08] with the unity-lens-shooping . [20:08] though it is a scope [20:09] bobweaver: It would be based on the Amazon Associates commission tiering so likely the highest tier which is 15% [20:09] Lies! I see light outside dholbachs window (with everyone slowly joining back). Is there a way to get a real live stream? [20:09] that's still not close to the 30% Apple gets per app, for instance. [20:09] neuro, I do. :) [20:09] aquarius: good man [20:09] sea shepherd > greenpeace [20:09] aquarius: keep it up [20:10] Worth noting its not just amazon [20:10] people call it the "amazon lens" are missing the point [20:10] it can use loads of different stores [20:10] all around the world [20:10] bobweaver: sorry they reduced the top tier [20:10] bobweaver: https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/join/compensation.html [20:11] thanks all :) [20:11] so thats the current percentages based on volumes of sales [20:11] popey, right, I am guilty of that, too [20:11] everyone *seems* to understand the topic if you say "amazon lens" though [20:11] sure [20:11] btw: unity actually DID evolve into something beautiful, great work on that :) [20:11] but it misses numerous things [20:11] Notably for Magazines there Amazon Ads they pay higher commision up to 25% [20:11] https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/help/operating/advertisingfees [20:11] like the fact that "ads" have been in ubuntu for a couple of releases [20:12] popey: correct music [20:12] and video [20:12] people get taken to the Ubuntu One Music Store (for which we get money) from the music lens [20:12] and amazon video [20:12] popey: ads have been in FOSS for awhile [20:12] Rhythmbox for instance [20:12] ad revenue shouldn't be anything new to people using firefox [20:12] but I rarely buy music and video, but I do buy batteries and other crap [20:12] the in-built Google search has been funding Mozilla for years, for instance [20:13] QUESTION: is this really something canonical should be getting into? [20:13] exactly [20:13] with the amazon adverts things, has anything been done to prevent the web service hiting the API limit? [20:13] AlanBell, yeah, we're on it [20:13] I don't use ubuntu to get price comparisons [20:13] i have an OS-independent web browser to do that [20:13] QUESTION: Will there ever be any relevant results there for users outside of the English speaking region? There's no Amazon here, and U1 music hardly has any music for me [20:13] AlanBell: There is rate limiting :) I have already done some testing [20:13] neuro: browser search one site at a time [20:13] and suck on Tvs [20:13] I mean I'm in Europe and it still sucks [20:13] mhall119: froogle searches multiple stores [20:14] neuro, tried invisible hand? [20:14] neuro: maybe we'll use them some day [20:14] and i watch tv shows on my tv :) [20:14] bkerensa: yeah, I doubt the "search on every keypress" is sustainable even if you ignore missearches whilst typing analyser [20:14] mhall119: my point is that i don't believe it's something for an OS to be involved in [20:14] perhaps the take-away from firefox google search is: as long as it doesn't get into the user's way, ad-based revenue is actually OK [20:14] QUESTION: How come Ubuntu never made it's own computers?, how come it always relied on the manufactors?. I want to see a cheap ARM made by Ubuntu :@ [20:14] sounds like a cash grab, unfortunately, which you're entitled to do, but still ... [20:14] @joey: OMG Ubuntu is good enough even without scandalous news ;-) keep it that way [20:14] ARM computer* [20:14] AlanBell: it doesnt work :) I have hit the productsearch from multiple nodes with random request amounts per second and it does start ignoring some queries [20:15] bkerensa, we're on it, it's all good :) [20:15] popey: i haven't used invisible hand, looks nice, cheers for the tip [20:16] bkerensa: "on it" != "done" [20:16] the cool thing is now it's on the desktop, we can fiddle with it at te backend [20:16] * nicekiwi -> Joey is so cute! ^_^ <3 [20:16] neuro, they get revenue for redirecting you, but it's a handy thing to have [20:16] yah === ubuntu is now known as Guest46521 [20:17] I want to start up with open source programming but can write scripts to get data from website not more [20:17] NOTE: All the people in this video will have their salaries paid if you buy stuff! Take everything they say with a pinch of salt! :D [20:17] hehe [20:17] (except joey) [20:17] how can i go ahead to become a developer [20:17] popey: +1 [20:17] Guest46521, by writing code and more importantly, by reading other's people code [20:17] \o/ Product Strategy [20:17] Guest46521, are you interested in working on Ubuntu itself? or write an app for Ubuntu? [20:18] STRATEGY! [20:18] HULA HOOPS! [20:18] you know, for kids. [20:18] Guest46521, if you want to work on Ubuntu, you might want to have a look at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ [20:18] dholbach: anything. I want to learn tje things [20:18] ALL THE THINGS [20:18] !contribute [20:18] Guest46521, the first few articles in there should be interesting then :) [20:18] I think the "competition" has a nice program: GNOME Love () [20:18] dholbach: hope so [20:19] "We mark everything POSTPONED on time every time" ;-) [20:19] it tries to make the first steps to actual contributions easier and it focuses on bonding with the community first [20:19] Guest46521: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu [20:19] mikhas: where do i get the codes? [20:19] test [20:19] am I allowed to ask questions *of* d0od? Or is he just moderator for questions directed to the community team? ;-) [20:19] Guest46521: just start playing with stuff that interests you, I just built myself a website using bash+python+php+mysql plus various XML and JSON APIs ... just because I wanted to [20:19] Launchpad for anything Ubuntu specific, git.gnome.org for anything GNOME (which is still a big foundation of Ubuntu) [20:20] aquarius: just do QUESTION: Foo? and see what happens [20:20] always causing trouble aquarius [20:20] dpm_: I hope you're enjoying that dinner :) [20:20] will ask at the end :P [20:20] @Joey: can you tell phoronix to become a better website for Linux Graphics news? [20:20] haha [20:20] i too have ideas that i feel really cool but due to lack of knowledge i cant transforn them to reality [20:20] Derp [20:21] Oooh QUESTION: (for joey) When are you gonna come to UDS!? [20:21] herp [20:21] thanks ajmitch, about to :) [20:21] neuro hope u know how it hurts [20:21] you seem to have figured out how to make OMG Ubuntu a *nice* source for news, at least [20:21] Guest46521: it hurts? [20:21] neuro: it truly does [20:21] i don't understand [20:21] d0od: are you coming to the release party in London? [20:21] read docs, read code, learn, play with stuff [20:22] neuro: i try too to [20:22] so what's the problem? :) [20:22] QUESTION: Do you feel that slashdot is part of the reason this whole Amazon thing got out of hand? [20:22] try to find a mentor that can help with the first steps [20:22] I mean it was all lies that stuff thre [20:22] I definitely have my criticisms about Unity, especially on multi-mon setups. And I'm somebody that loves Unity. [20:22] mikhas++ [20:22] Annnonnn2: when did it get out of hand? [20:22] "I can swear can't I? Looking at the clock in the UK" :D [20:22] Annnonnn2, yeah, damn those news sites that report about Ubuntu! [20:23] is after the watershed :P [20:23] popey: 21:23 here in the UK [20:23] [20:23] ActionParsnip: When they started claiming some ridiculous stuff and only corrected it about 12-14 hours later [20:23] Annnonnn2: not seen any of that [20:23] neuro: i an a py fan, so now if i have a multi module app i cant just figure out how to understand it [20:23] ActionParsnip: i think popey knows what the time is in the UK :))) [20:24] neuro: I assume nothing [20:24] neuro: throw to me an ubuntu app to start with [20:24] neuro: a small nice one [20:24] Guest46521: i'm not an ubuntu dev [20:24] Guest46521: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonBooks [20:25] WINNING [20:25] Well Kickstarter is bringing a bunch of Linux games. [20:26] dholbach, games are often enough incredibly hard to write [20:26] good games, anyway [20:26] who wants to write bad games? [20:26] utility tools or small helper applications are much easier, IMO [20:26] games take 3 years to make [20:26] or more [20:26] 3d [20:26] that is [20:27] mikhas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comp.sys.sinclair_Crap_Games_Competition [20:27] 3d graphics actually make certain aspects easier. in 2d, you'd have to do all the sprites manually [20:27] neuro, hah [20:27] Will there be an update for Thunderbird email or Evolution to support connection to Ms Exchange 2007/2010? [20:27] d0od: QUESTION: Do a dance? [20:28] People read slashdot? [20:28] QUESTION to Joey; Why aren't you participating? :p [20:28] popey: a few still do [20:28] * AlanBell reads slashdot [20:28] popey, it's more an addiction thing really [20:28] digg? [20:28] popey: seems so [20:28] mhall119: it was on r/linux first before slashdot [20:28] i guess it was reddit [20:28] retro [20:28] yeah [20:28] 15 years of /. [20:28] \o/ [20:28] don't follow reddit or digg at all [20:28] i gave up /. years ago [20:28] LOL [20:29] and the register too [20:29] AlanBell: lol [20:29] AlanBell, HN is the new reddit, anyways [20:29] Question: I myself have just started packaging not to long ago . At the last UDS there was talk about a new way of packaging I think that it had something to do with json or somesorta web interface . I also notice that there are thing like susebuilder. Is there any plains like that for Ubuntu and or what is up with that web packaging stuff that I heard about at the last UDS Thanks [20:29] Photoshop. Definitely photoshop. [20:29] photoshop, yeah... [20:29] you think [20:29] gimp is fine [20:29] surely most serious photoshop users will have just bought a win-pc or a mac already === Effenberg0x0 is now known as EffenbergAway [20:30] oh, how could i not say steam on that? [20:30] unity-3d is such a HUGE step for linux [20:30] so excited! [20:30] regarding good games: the last humble bundle was nice, all games seemed to work in Ubuntu [20:30] gaming that is [20:30] AutoCAD maybe [20:30] bobweaver, agree [20:30] and it's not just photoshop, the whole creative suite is really needed [20:30] AlanBell: Only if you're starting from scratch. If you've put 15 years into learning Photoshop, you're not going tos witch. [20:30] dscassel++ [20:30] dscassel: so I have spent 15 years using gimp, I am not going to switch to Photoshop :) [20:31] but with unity-3d engine, expect more games being *designed* for web or tablets but being "ported" to PC, same as what we observed with games primarily targeting consoles [20:31] With steam and unity-3d comming that will pressure UDK to come next [20:31] QUESTION: is the fact that very few apps for Ubuntu are Ubuntu-specific a bad thing? Random example I noticed today: http://hammerformac.com/ -- some sort of dev tool. It proudly proclaims "Built for Lion + Mountain Lion: Developed exclusively for Mac". Are there enough people proud of developing exclusively for Ubuntu? Should people be proud of that? [20:31] AlanBell: then you're fine :) [20:31] zoopster: hey, want to join our hangout? [20:31] Also could Ubuntu software center support Procy Auth like Synaptics??? [20:31] but really who uses photoshop? It is like £600 [20:31] AlanBell: people who pay for the tools they need [20:31] Novacut could be an "exclusive" app ? [20:31] yeah, but it is a niche product [20:31] AlanBell: people who charge thousands for photography work [20:31] niche products are usually expensive [20:31] lots of people might use ripped off photoshop [20:32] this is why AutoCAD doesn't cost 10 quid [20:32] but it isn't a mass market product [20:32] I will but unity-3d (4.0) when it makes it here and that is super $$ [20:32] * neuro thinks for the power it gives, photoshop (and CS) are good value for money [20:32] true, but it is one of the reasons why business users won't consider linux on the desktop [20:32] especially if you can recoup the cost by using them professionally [20:32] same if sony made there video editing software for *nix [20:33] and that Linux users pay the most on average for the Humble Bundle is good [20:33] jono, the software center integration could still need some work perhaps: there was no "batch install" for the whole Humble Bundle, for instance [20:33] snwh: for sure [20:33] rewritable: ok, I get the point for graphic design agencies, but real businesses don't have people sitting about on photoshop [20:34] Awesome hat jcastro_ ! [20:34] AlanBell: "real businesses"? [20:34] yeah mikhas that would be handy [20:34] AlanBell: yes they do [20:34] AlanBell: I know a lot of people who live in Photoshop [20:34] QUESTION: until now, i've told people: install ubuntu and you'll be a lot freer than using microsoft or apple software. ( + you won’t have any malware). now i’m gonna have to tell people, install ubuntu, it’s a great software, BUT first thing you have to do is remove the amazon-dash.......it reminds me of “xp-antispy”, remember?? clustering my desktop with ads and violating my privacy by sending everything i do to ama [20:34] tenach, thanks! [20:34] For their "real business" [20:34] neuro: well anyone who isn't a design agency or art department [20:34] mhall: +1, the most definitely do [20:34] go together? [20:34] you're embarrassing yourself, sir [20:34] tenach: doing what? [20:35] package me that was it [20:35] k1fri: if you install Xubuntu, Kubuntu or Lubuntu you don't get the amazon stuff [20:35] i know photographers, architects, web designers, engineers ... who use photoshop [20:35] k1fri: it doesn't send anything as the results are random as far as I am aware [20:35] dholbach, autotools is the poster child of packagers, no? ;-) [20:35] AlanBell: Graphics designers and web developers. I have even spent a good month of time in Photoshop (but now use GIMP religiously). I was using it 8hrs a day just about, for designing systems. [20:35] neuro: engineers? what for? Proper CAD software on Linux would be nice tough [20:36] +1 ActionParsnip [20:36] *though [20:36] I realize my sentence may not have been very well structured. Apologies. [20:36] How good a replacement is Gimp for photoshop? [20:36] financial services, manufacturing, engineering, etc [20:36] AlanBell: how do you think a lot of mobile app developers create the graphics for their apps? [20:36] thanks again for the great answers all, [20:36] helder_raptor: I'd say it was pretty decent [20:36] there is a weird echo in the stream now [20:36] how do you think architects create/touch up mockup art? [20:36] ActionParsnip: Was ... why was? [20:36] neuro, hopefully on paper =p [20:36] ha [20:36] will have to restart my browser - the google plugin is going crazy again [20:36] brb [20:37] neuro: but architecs =/= engineers [20:37] so we're playing the semantics game now? [20:37] annoying audio echo [20:37] \0/ about /opt [20:37] bottom line, Adobe's Creative Suite is used by way more than just "designers and art departments" [20:37] neuro: No, I just asked about something else. [20:37] neuro: +1 [20:37] That definitely is true [20:37] yes, it would be nice to see it on Linux [20:38] but it will still cost $$$ (and there will be complaints about that) [20:38] AutoCAD would be another thing though [20:38] /opt is fine for everything that does not really integrate with the rest of the packaged software but rather "rolls their own" [20:38] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppDevUploadProcess [20:38] as someone who does some (amateur) photography the miscellaneous Adobe stuff light Lightroom would be nice as well [20:38] like* [20:38] ActionParsnip: i won't use the other flavours, because i love unity [20:38] A lot of engineers need that for their work and most do not care about much beyond having AutoCAD [20:38] Annnonnn2: ^ this [20:39] mikhas: those are the wors. also execution wise, mostly.... [20:39] Annnonnn2: yes [20:39] maybe a dalliance into a spreadsheet once in a while, but autocad is their world, i've seen that before [20:39] "1990s linux guy"!! :) [20:39] QUESTION: App showdown was great. Is there a follow up to encourage developers to actively maintain it, maybe build a small upstream community around the app? [20:39] mhall119: That's how the last IT guy at my work was... [20:39] "here's a nickel, kid ..." === LuisAlvarado is now known as luisalvarado [20:40] QUESTION: Will the process for apps that require cd-keys be somehow improved? It appears many people miss the part where they're supposed to check their email for that [20:40] I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BUILD MY NEW APP IN COBOL [20:40] jono: !! I agree. It's better than half-baked applications that try to build for most of Linux, but try to hae some of the 'deep' integrations into Ubuntu (and not do it well) [20:41] USING HTML 3.2 [20:41] AND AND [20:41] I will keep using FORTRAN 77! [20:41] \o/ [20:41] LOGO! [20:41] suP all ^^. [20:41] * neuro looks up [20:41] No participo porque no hablo Ingles, pero entiendo algo. [20:42] AND AND << marquee actually came back in html5 :p [20:42] "[22:41] AND AND " what is the neuro tag? ;) [20:42] RobinJ: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [20:42] black_puppydog: [20:42] COBOL?? [20:42] COBOL! [20:42] lolcode [20:42] neuro: http://webdesign.about.com/od/css3tutorials/a/marquee-in-css.htm [20:42] QUESTION: Something something window indicators [20:43] IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. [20:43] Wut... [20:43] I'd like to see zeigeist recently used by this program in the quicklists. [20:43] PROGRAM-ID. MY-AWESOME-WEB-APP. [20:43] PROCEDURE DIVISION. [20:43] DISPLAY ''. [20:43] mhall119, not every library makes correct use of XDG specs (see for instance resolving paths) [20:44] RobinJ: oh dear god, no [20:44] mikhas: true, but that's an implementation bug, not an intent problem [20:44] ideally, app developers would not have to think about XDG [20:44] The new tagline for OMG! Ubuntu! ... "d0od: I'm not a developer, so I don't really know" :) [20:45] neuro, I actually think it helps Joey that he's not a dev [20:45] BRING ME THE UBUNTU CLOUD GUY [20:45] mikhas: agreed [20:45] otherwise, you'd get yet another dev-oriented POV [20:45] jcastro_, \o ;-) [20:45] yarp [20:45] jcastro_, Yes, you can make it suck everywhere :-) [20:45] web apps are too complex for most users [20:45] I just tested it : Minitube does use the HUD. Did I misunderstand Joey ? [20:45] tedg: yes, go for it! [20:46] tedg: do we start a web vs. desktop flamewar? [20:46] ....oO(please?) [20:46] totally agree with d0od on this. That sort of thing (apps do their own menus) doesn't happen on, for example, OS X, because there's a strong culture of working with the desktop and users dislike it when an app does not. The Ubuntu user community either doesn't mind when apps work strangely, or are unwilling to push back on apps that do it; I don't know which. [20:46] Is Harvest still working dholbach [20:46] Sweetsha1k, There is only a war if the other team has weapons... it'd be an unfair fight and I'm a gentleman. [20:46] not sure if mhall119 agrees with that, though :) ^^ [20:47] aquarius++ [20:47] blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+spec/other-design-p-papercuts-future [20:47] tedg: true dat. [20:47] aquarius, I certainly dislike it when apps appear broken in Unity [20:47] aquarius: that's not quite true [20:47] X11 apps on OSX don't handle menus properly [20:47] QUESTION: With the integration of webapps, will it be easier for developers to create apps that use existing webapps to connect to sites like Google+, Facebook and Twitter in a since to reduce code work. [20:47] I miss the prominence of bite-size bugs. [20:47] mhall119: that's sort of a special case though [20:47] aquarius, It happens all the time on OSX... look at their panel, almost every menu works slightly differently because they have no controls. [20:47] mhall119, indeed -- and every OS X user I know hates X11 apps for precisely that reason ;) [20:47] :) [20:47] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-September/035924.html [20:47] If I had to file every bug or crash I came across, I'd waste a lot of time doing it :/ No offense, I love Ubuntu, but it's not stable. [20:47] recent example: Libre Office and window managment, because the desktop file for Libre Office uses a different binary name than what is used for the Unity bar [20:47] jcastro_: Thanks! [20:48] aquarius: so if we say "All GTK apps will work with the menus", we'd be just like Mac [20:48] fixable in 5min (for one desktop file), but seems as if upstream does not think about the problem [20:48] If Harvest is still up that was great! for finding bit size bugs [20:48] RobinJ: never had an isue [20:49] aquarius and everyone else: rounding is fixed :) [20:49] dholbach, good one :) [20:49] yeah, javascript hero strikes back [20:49] dholbach, but now it's lying! [20:49] donate more until it breaks again [20:49] haha [20:49] mikhas: probably not trivial due to it using the same binary name for all LO apps, so it ends up not being bitesized [20:49] mikhas, don't think so :) [20:49] ajmitch, yep, it's aa real problem for upstream projects: which primary downstream do we fully support? [20:50] IE, what is the gold standard? [20:50] ActionParsnip: that seems like the typical "open source software contains no bugs, claiming otherwise is blasphemy" answer. there's nobody who uses a computer weekly who never had any issues with his operating system. [20:50] mhall119, dholbach: Maybe you should make it "Insert coin, so that we fix the webpage"? [20:50] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-September/035924.html [20:50] Sweetsha1k, haha [20:50] nice one [20:50] £ 3839.57 nice [20:50] jcastro_, QUESTION: With the integration of webapps, will it be easier for developers to create apps that use existing webapps to connect to sites like Google+, Facebook and Twitter in a since to reduce code work. [20:50] http://harvest.ubuntu.com/ [20:51] mhall119, we roughly *do* say that. But for apps that deliberately don't use standard menus -- d0od's examples, etc -- they see a benefit for themselves, but lose out on the larger picture because the HUD doesn't work with them [20:51] don't forget the 0.0000000000006! [20:51] strange to hear mhall119 talking about Pounds ;-) [20:51] neuro: that went away haha [20:51] you're telling me [20:51] I do! [20:51] A bit. [20:51] tenach: awwww [20:51] i haven't refreshed for a while [20:52] neuro: I know. I was happy to see all the 00000s [20:52] RobinJ: my hardware is super Linux friendly and I web browse and chat. I look after 5 datacentres full of servers as well as my own home systems so pretty much use computers all the time, no issues with my home gear [20:52] floating point fails are always fun [20:52] For sure. [20:52] RobinJ: all software has issues though [20:52] jcastro_, in a since that a single API could be used to connect to multiple social medias === fazzaan__ is now known as fazzaan [20:52] RobinJ: what desktops have you tried? [20:52] d0od: Also for the menu stuff, I would love your feedback on the LibreOffice unity integration currently building on https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-precisetest-20120327 once they are build. [20:52] ;) [20:53] webapps link? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzYmMvqqo4E&feature=plcp [20:53] webapps is in [20:53] http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.04/javascript/unity-web-api-reference.html [20:53] ActionParsnip: you mean desktop environments, or desktop systems? [20:53] QUESTION: Is anyone aware whether Ubuntu online accounts would integrate with a default mail client?; similar to the way that gwibber does for social networking [20:53] popey: did it arrive in firefox? I think I saw a webapps thing today in FF [20:53] hello [20:53] webapps still is wonky for me - it just launches another window of firefox... [20:53] AlanBell, that's what those pop-ups are :-) [20:53] alguien para que me enseñe ubuntu 12.04 [20:53] Thank you jcastro_ [20:54] RobinJ: desktop environments [20:54] vague correction for mhall119: it's not just web *apps* that can integrate with Unity, it's any website at all. I know you know this, but maybe it wasn't clear when calling them "web apps" :) [20:54] QUESTION: App showdown was great. Is there a follow up to encourage developers to actively maintain it, maybe build a small upstream community around the app? [20:54] mhall119: I agree totally. [20:55] ActionParsnip: gnome 2, gnome 3, cinnamon, unity, unity 2d, fluxbox, icewm (i know, window managers, not real desktop environments), kde, lxde, xfce, just a command line [20:55] i'd love someone to write a rhapsody/napster-webapp [20:55] jono still owes me the pictures for my tAoC book. [20:55] NameError: my app is still pending review lol so i'm not really encouraged right now to actively maintain it [20:55] k1fri: do you want to integrate altavista search too? :) [20:56] unity and uinity2d arent desktops, they are shells for gnome :) [20:56] is it an accomplishment? [20:56] jono: I will make you paint them at UDS ... [20:56] WE WANT TO THROW JONO'S BEARD AT A WALL! [20:56] QUESTION: would it be an option to make a platform/toolset/ide for indie game developers (a pretty verbose group on the net) to better use Ubuntu for game jams and such events, thus drawing them into Ubuntu? this would probably invovle working with existing teams (Construct 2, Unity3d...) [20:56] RobinJ: which release are you using? [20:57] dholbach: best wishes from Christina, Steffen, Thomas & Murphy [20:57] * dholbach hugs sheik [20:57] neuro: my beard is bigger :) [20:57] sheik, you all are awesome! :) [20:57] you guys you can make a html5 app in 2 seconds with qtcreator all you need is a html address [20:57] I bought the Art of Community second edition in August [20:57] sheik, thanks again for taking care of Murphy :) [20:57] ActionParsnip: are you shaving yours off though? :) [20:57] neuro: hell no [20:57] bobweaver: go on then [20:57] sebsebseb, but did you *read* it? [20:57] bobweaver: :) [20:57] ActionParsnip: at this point? mageia 2 gnome [20:57] could be quite a useful book to read, got another distro, I am interested in building up the community for properly :) [20:57] Jono gave me 4 copies [20:57] mikhas: no just had a bit of a look, not read it properly yet [20:57] I didn't read it and probably never will, so at least I am honest ;-) [20:57] RobinJ: ahh based on mandriva. Nice [20:58] RobinJ: my first distro was mandrake back in the day [20:58] ActionParsnip: i ditched ubuntu for the time being because (still no offense, but it's true), ubuntu was becoming too buggy and slow for me to use daily [20:58] i still think we've been hoodwinked [20:58] jono's beard is like tiny [20:58] ActionParsnip: mine was edubuntu 7.10 :p [20:58] I read about the contents often enough when jono was advertising for it ;-) [20:58] he'll have that bumfluff grown back in a week [20:58] ZERO RISK [20:58] RobinJ: mandrake 7 :) [20:58] QUESTION: What was your first distro? [20:58] ActionParsnip: which year's that from? [20:58] we need to escalate this [20:58] RobinJ: 2001 ish [20:58] if they get to UKP6000, we need a full jono head shave [20:59] hmm ok i didn't know linux yet when i was 6 :p [20:59] all hair from the neck up [20:59] RobinJ: http://www.geek.com/articles/news/linux-mandrake-72-released-20001030/ [20:59] mikhas: downloaded the free PDF before to, but didn't read, with a pshyicall book nicer to read :) [20:59] "defeated the purpose", dholbach -- there, you just used a military word, too =p [20:59] RobinJ: being 32 helps :) [20:59] hehe :p [20:59] I'd savour the moment just to get close to an author like you. [20:59] starting with linux when you're 12 helps too :p [21:00] mikhas, not a native speaker - I was glad I could come up with some vocabulary to express what I wanted to say :) [21:00] rider, lol [21:00] I DEMAND A TROPICAL FRUIT PLATE [21:00] UDS *is* jono's rider [21:00] Where do i get tAoC [21:00] AND BROWN M&M'S [21:00] dholbach, I know I know … [21:00] brown m&m's? [21:00] hah [21:00] * aquarius doesn't know :( [21:00] aww [21:00] I room with the output of /dev/random [21:00] happy to hear suggestions [21:00] aquarius, :) [21:01] balloons: hahaha [21:01] we shall smoke all sorts of electronic cigarettes [21:01] jcastro_, nah, kenvandine already has a roommate :( [21:01] ActionParsnip: at that point i didn't immediately realise the difference between ubuntu and linux yet, of course :p [21:01] :( [21:01] So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night ... [21:01] aquarius, I'm rooming with mvo - sorry [21:01] dholbach, yeah, I know. I assume I shall get someone random from the pool, which will be fun :) [21:01] STOP USING FAHRENHEIT YOU CRAZY PEOPLE! [21:01] Metric system sucks. [21:01] pshaw [21:01] neuro: that would explain the 180° xD [21:01] +1 [21:01] * ajmitch wonders if the roommate list is around somewhere [21:01] neuro, it transports the idea of "very hot" quite well [21:01] Metric ftw! [21:02] RobinJ: exactly [21:02] SI forever! [21:02] TurtlezOnBacon: .... "i don't know it so it sucks" [21:02] ajmitch: Marianna has it [21:02] RobinJ: haha [21:02] 100C = boily [21:02] I know the metric system lolzie. [21:02] 381.515910589078930251F = boily [21:02] or something like that [21:02] Where do i get tAoC for download as e book? [21:02] my laptop's max is 112°C [21:02] so far [21:02] that was with the beta of ubuntu 11.10... [21:02] 102 for my 13" MBP [21:02] neuro: the original Celcius scale was to have water boil at 0 deg celcius then go from that [21:03] never using a beta of ubuntu anymore outside of a virtual machine, ever since [21:03] "Working" for 24 hours [21:03] look [21:03] jono, I guess the response was: "So you want to get paid for 24hrs of non-sense? Is this Tech Comedy Central?" [21:03] sod this [21:03] helder_raptor, http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/get/ [21:03] let's all just use Kelvin [21:03] my laptop just turns off at like 95C every time I hang out >_> [21:03] RobinJ: I always install the alpha2 , reporting bugs i fun [21:03] ok let's go universal then; my laptop's max so far is 386 degrees kelvin :p [21:03] neuro: kelvin makes sense [21:03] "3909.5699999999997" lol [21:03] hugs for holbach [21:03] lol [21:04] dholbach, floating point death again :) [21:04] Kelvin and celsius is pretty much the same after all. [21:04] aquarius: thnks [21:04] aquarius, no? [21:04] dholbach, Total sum of donations: £ 3909.5699999999997 [21:04] "£ 3909.57" [21:04] jono, it probably grows back within 3 days? [21:04] hahahaha, mhall119 [21:04] someone's trying to compensate for popey's bellybutton fluff [21:05] d0od: it'll take like a week, ZERO RISK [21:05] if jono gets to 3K, SHAVE ALL HEAD [21:05] your using the wrong digit format. just sayin... [21:05] * aquarius donates 0.0000000000003p [21:05] hmmm [21:05] mmmm [21:05] SHAVE WHOLE HEAD [21:05] 4000 British pounds sterling = 4973.6400 euros [21:05] Brummies aren't a _race_ [21:05] so almost 5000€ [21:05] At $5K, wax it off instead of shaving it off ;-) [21:05] They're an anomoly [21:05] $ sudo shave /jono/head [21:06] "anomoly"? [21:06] -typo [21:06] holy moly? [21:06] yea yea :) [21:06] neuro: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/jono/body/head [21:06] popey, why dont you join the livestream for a couple minutes? [21:06] I have monopoly money I can donate. Would that work? [21:06] that should look good :p [21:06] mikhas, hehe, if they ask me later [21:06] they should ask me on, i'd be awesome [21:07] OH NOES, I LIVE IN A HOUSE WHICH PROVIDES PROTECTION FROM PRECIPITATION [21:07] popey, an overview over the last months and teasing for UDS would be nice [21:08] QUESTION aren't you supposed to be working considering 12.10 is about to be unleashed very soon? [21:08] Nokia [21:08] NOKIA!!! [21:08] i need to get nokia ringtones for my iphone [21:08] * RobinJ hits print screen [21:08] jcastro_: lol [21:08] hahha [21:08] :D [21:08] top secret: none of these guys contribute anything, which is why they can do this [21:08] QUESTION: When are you gonna ask the previous questions? [21:08] * xnox is confused what did just happen on air?! [21:08] jono just sits about bbqing stuff [21:09] neuro: i hate nokia [21:09] neuro: Why do I find that so easy to believe? [21:09] xnox: jcastro_ just went all hipster [21:09] helder_raptor: why? [21:09] microsoft deal? [21:09] DROP THE LAPTOP INTO THE BBQ! [21:09] bah! [21:09] QUESTION tell me a bit about that amazon dash [21:09] neuro: propiotory stuff [21:09] yummy! [21:09] neuro: kind of [21:09] Annnonnn2, which questions? can people please repost it if we missed it? [21:09] helder_raptor: ah, irrational hatred then :) [21:09] QUESTION: is there some kind of timeframe for... perhaps reviewing apps which have been submitted months ago? [21:09] QUESTION: How evil are you? You show us such foods but don't let us get them! [21:10] Annnonnn2++ [21:10] neuro: I have never used a smartphone yet. [21:10] helder_raptor: you're missing out [21:10] QUESTION: mhall119 what's the best cereal? [21:10] unless all you want to do is make calls and text [21:10] neuro: wat am i missing? [21:10] na smartphone? [21:10] helder_raptor: apps [21:10] http://i.imgur.com/yRd9w.png [21:10] Here's some reposting then: QUESTION: Something something window indicators; [21:11] hello all [21:11] RobinJ: configutation? [21:11] neuro: naa...i try it on SDKs [21:11] HELLO! [21:11] helder_raptor: umm, ok [21:11] tbh, QA is never busy than right now :-) [21:11] jono's webcam needs shades, too sunny [21:11] neuro: configuration of what? [21:11] who needs QA? [21:11] QUESTION: Are there any plans to have the unity launcher moveable to bottom or right of screen? [21:11] RobinJ: that screen grab, it said "configutation" [21:11] whoose +baloons? [21:11] as opposed to "configuration" [21:12] neuro: my god lol [21:12] RobinJ: when you see it ... hehe [21:12] that's been in there for a long time [21:12] QUESTION: Where can I volunteer for the ARB board? Any requirements? [21:12] neuro: fixed :p [21:12] if that was castro's nap than i have been sleeping for the last few centuries [21:12] RobinJ: :) [21:13] AMAZON ANSWER: it's a cash grab ... next question :) [21:13] :( [21:13] mhall119: RaspBerryPi, Is ubuntu for it under development? I feel its the next big thing. [21:13] loldicators [21:13] no [21:14] Yeah, we couldn't really find enough use-cases for it. There were a couple that were interesting, but not enough to justify building it. [21:14] czajkowski: https://meeja.net/tv/episode/d1827524-90c4-324c-55c2-ac61915339e2 [21:14] crap [21:14] wrong window :P [21:14] Question: are things like windicators more likely once wayland is in use and windows are drawn entirely client-side? [21:14] it's like with the making of a good movie: two-third of stuff some might enjoy lands on the cutting floor (and then you have director's cuts, ugh) [21:15] QUESTION: What's the current status with Wayland? Are we ever going to ditch the dinosaur X11? [21:15] regarding good idea, I just read this today: http://97things.oreilly.com/wiki/index.php/Avoid_%22Good_Ideas%22 [21:15] Bad ideas are easy to spot, for good ideas it takes a bit longer to see whether they are bad ;-) [21:16] isRightToleft [21:16] that is why [21:16] never gonna happen :) [21:16] QUESTION in 12.10 i noticed it's not possible anymore to move dash icons about.....is that a bug or design? [21:17] QUESTION: When will there be some mockups of Ubuntu Tablet? Nexus 7 with Ubuntu perhaps? [21:17] Unity standalone joey ? [21:17] k1fri: it very much is movable [21:17] popey, hopefully [21:17] I can move everything now [21:17] Annnonnn2: somehow i can't anymore [21:18] Must be a bug, everything was made movable [21:18] (except for trash and dash icon) [21:18] yes there is formfactor tv in unity 6.6 >= [21:18] Annnonnn2: everythings fixed [21:18] making hard decisions on where to place desktop elements is good [21:18] it actually allows to design for that [21:18] rendercover flow altered by me in unity 3d http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcepB1E1lX0&list=UUzkAk08QdVFd1CmwWQBD3Sw&index=5&feature=plpp_video [21:19] if everything was movable, then each *good* design would have to take all possibilities into account, too [21:19] I love the extra pane in nautilus. but do feel that it should be increased to 4 panes. [21:19] by the way, canonical: unity is great! now you can see it coming all together! kudos [21:20] But Now that QT 5 and also qt2.0 have opengles what are the talks for panada boards ect [21:20] QUESTION: the future of graphical file management; what's up with Nautilus is the future? [21:20] nm [21:20] snwh, I sense a fork, see Cinnamon :-( [21:20] sure [21:20] but it dont work [21:20] hehe [21:21] you just set the formfactor [21:21] is the "usrMove" going to be a topic as well? was it already a topic? or is it to much of an internal topic? [21:21] gsettings set com.canonical.Unity set form-fasctor = tv [21:21] spelling is bad ^^ [21:21] mikhas, that's likely. Or we'll see a switch to a different one [21:21] just use dconf [21:21] QUESTION how can i get a nerdy job like you and talk about computers all day long while being paid? [21:21] thar is it [21:21] Is there any plans to i guess regulate how games manage windows in fullscreen in ubuntu? Esp if you have 2 or more screens [21:22] abd there is code there also [21:22] and * [21:22] StandaloneDash.cpp [21:22] and standalone.cpp [21:22] snwh, sure, but imagine the outrage it would create if Canonical/Ubuntu was switching from nautilus to say, dolphin [21:22] whhhhhhoops-a-daisy! [21:22] both of which are not rendering the correct window size [21:22] QUESTION: What's the future of Unity previews? Will there be any interesting developments there? [21:23] OMG its soooo annoying!!! Come sup too much [21:23] Like it being actually more useful, since for most things it doesn't do much. [21:23] mikhas, I wasn't thinking Dolphin per se, haha. [21:23] see http://errors.ubuntu.com/ [21:24] Jorge is right [21:25] I experience most crashes during office hours, when I don't want to spend time reporting bugs. [21:25] good night, guys [21:25] mikhas, is it a full on dialog crsh report? [21:25] to me the strange thing is how constant precise is, even though we SRU bugfixes. [21:26] balloons, come again? [21:27] food and Raiders of the Lost Ark for me ... might be back later :) [21:27] "a real rolling release" [21:28] d0od, bring in the kitty [21:28] http://askubuntu.com/questions/93457/how-do-i-enable-or-disable-apport [21:28] useful for when you want to get work done ^^^ [21:29] QUESTION: Does the QA slow down actual feature development? Compared to say, pre 10.04 times? [21:29] qa is sexy! [21:29] I dont care. [21:29] * xnox yes.... [21:30] mhall119: just saw your request...I had to run pick up my kids...listening in again... [21:30] QUESTION: When will Wayland replace X on Ubuntu? [21:31] One last QUESTION; Has any one you been into the development of Ubuntu ever since the beginning? [21:31] QUESTION: Will this very hangout be available later on YouTube? [21:31] zoopster: would you like to join later this evening to talk about MyApps and stuff? [21:31] thanks Nic [21:31] lol [21:31] will it be ever ready? :P [21:31] mivoligo, yeah, they make it available [21:32] jcastro_: thanks [21:32] it's like a real TV news channel. [21:32] jcastro_: you make UDU sound like such a long time ago :) [21:32] storytime! [21:32] I know man, lol [21:32] this one is good [21:32] QUESTION: Is the 200 million users still a realistic goal by 2014? [21:33] hahaha [21:33] Annnonnn2, only needs to grow by 2.5 then [21:33] Really? Is the number that big now? [21:33] Annnonnn2: do you think we don't have that already?! [21:34] I though it was more around 20 million, or at least I remember reading so somewhere [21:34] according to optimistic estimates that say there are 60mio Ubuntu installations, mhall119 will of course go for the pessimistic estimate of some 20 mio installations ;-) [21:34] mikhas: :P [21:34] but 60mio to 200mio in 1.3 years is not so unrealistic [21:34] mhall119: sure...it would need to be after midnight utc [21:34] zoopster: works for me [21:34] @daniel: handy ;-) [21:34] No, if it's 60, then it seems likely [21:34] QUESTION: What do you guys think about the "usr-move" and are you planning on "implementing" it as well? [21:34] QUESTION: Is there any chance to update some of pictures for apps in USC ? a lot of them are out of date and don't look attractive. ( they looks OLD ) is there chance we/community can help with that ? [21:34] Annnonnn2, the harder question is: how to measure install base? [21:35] mhall119: RaspBerryPi, Is ubuntu for it under development? I feel its the next big thing. [21:35] steven: well until initramfs-utils supports we can't do it. I didn't happen yet. [21:35] mhall119: why cant we get those stores in EU [21:35] QUESTION how many employees does canonical have? [21:35] Michael, not PCs but 5% laptops. And not sold, but shipped from the factory which is not the same =) [21:35] k1fri, ~580 [21:35] Your big in Uganda [21:36] Question: For all the new comers that are going to UDS for the 1st time. What are some pointers that you all can give ? [21:36] czajkowski: no idea [21:36] czajkowski: ask popey [21:36] bobweaver, it's in Copenhagen, Europe [21:36] ;-) [21:36] pointer enough? [21:36] xenox: just curious what you guys think about it in general and if you would like to go the same way [21:36] mikhas: he knows [21:36] oh, we've gone over 600 employees! [21:36] Well, there's nothing here in Prague. Like not a single thing. [21:36] Oh yeah, and Copenhagen is a nice city and you can go to Malmø quickly from there [21:37] popey: yeah ;-) hence my email bit. [21:37] bobweaver: first UDS? sleep a week before it. [21:37] I was employee 493 a year ago [21:37] Nexphone d0od [21:37] Fun fact: UDS has more attendees than GUADEC it seems [21:37] It's still on $3,306, so that's probably not happenning [21:37] bah, ubuntu got confused with 4 soundcards attached [21:37] I guess I'll restart :-( [21:38] dholbach: quantal eh? [21:38] dholbach, say "damn you ubuntu!" [21:38] xnox, yes [21:38] =))) [21:38] what's omgubuntu's joey's irc nick name?! =) [21:39] xnox, d0od [21:39] dholbach: keep it running, and start recording -- you will generate your best bassdrops ... ;0 [21:39] I will need to figure out how I can let you hear what I'm doing :) [21:39] d0od: RaspBerryPi, Is ubuntu for it under development? I feel its the next big thing. [21:39] mhall119: my best idea ever! [21:39] jcastro_: no no shave! [21:40] bring spare battery for laptop! [21:40] bobweaver: remember to sleep at night and take part in sessions, take notes and put your hand up :) [21:40] bobweaver: Oh yes, and visit all the LibreOffice session and take notes! ;) [21:40] * xnox has AC100 Toshiba with lubuntu it's nice =) that one has ARM [21:41] It got pretty rubbish reviews [21:41] (notes on etherpad that is) [21:41] It was severly underpowered [21:41] lol [21:42] QUESTION: are you working with dell on sputnik? [21:42] black_puppydog, yes [21:42] QUESTION: can we pivot Jorges camera to find the sticky notes with his passwords? =) [21:42] +jono: RaspBerryPi, Is ubuntu for it under development? I feel its the next big thing. [21:42] QUESTION: Is there any chance to update some of pictures for apps in USC ? a lot of them are out of date and don't look attractive. ( they looks OLD ) is there chance we/community can help with that ? [21:42] QUESTION: What about Ubuntu Tablets/Ubuntu Phones? There hasn't been much news there. [21:42] !!! [21:42] QUESTION... Rasberry Pi ? [21:43] @where does most development happen? in california? [21:43] Joey asks Jono "Have I ruined your meat?" [21:43] QUESTION where does most development happen? in california? [21:43] majster-pl, I have made a bug about that it is on debian not ubuntu [21:44] http://screenshots.ubuntu.com/ [21:44] it will go to debian and ubuntu :-) [21:44] You can run Quantal on RaspBerryPi it's actually compatible using armel. [21:44] pffft [21:44] rpi is old [21:44] popey, how many do you have now? 4? [21:45] but yeah raspberrypi is slow. [21:45] hehe [21:45] only two [21:45] Sweetsha1k, are you doing a LO session for the marathon? [21:45] pandaboard ? [21:45] screenshots vague thing: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil/+junk/needed-screenshots-2 is an app which finds apps you've got installed which don't have screenshots and tells you about them. I never got around to completely finishing it and packaging it, but someone may find it useful [21:45] How about a Ouya Ubuntu Game/TV Console [21:45] Quantal + Lubuntu + armel should be possible to run on raspberrypi, but rasbian is a better distro. It's optimised for raspberry. [21:45] ooh, video stopped? [21:46] hangout is dead, ish? [21:46] yea jus lost vid [21:46] here too... :( [21:46] OUTRAGE! [21:46] etc [21:46] Thank god, I though it was just me [21:46] but here in india its the best product yet for a large population to learn computing as a huge part of the population cant afford a computer [21:46] ahh I thought it was my internet being a dick like last night [21:46] yes, blame Annnonnn2 [21:46] wait a couple of mins, then refresh :) [21:46] outrage tomfoolery even [21:46] bobweaver: pandaboard is the demo, the Ubuntu Desktop Demo Platform. In quantal it's amazing with hardware accelerated Unity ;-) [21:46] Ubuntu Marathon drinking game. Everytime jono says "let's look at Unity as an example" ;-) [21:46] phillw, we are the internet, we do not know the meaning of "wait" [21:46] we know F5 though [21:46] I think we hit our 4-hour limit, going to start a new hangout [21:47] time to restart the hangout [21:47] I get worried everytime that happens its my ISP haha [21:47] please stand by [21:47] xnox, Yeah I see things about that on linaro all the time [21:47] hang tight for a moment, then refresh the page in a min [21:47] popey: go complain to google :P [21:47] * popey shakes fists at the cloud [21:47] YouTube limits on-air broadcasts to 4 hours [21:47] has there always been a 4 hour limit on HoAs? [21:47] fazzaan, used to be shorter [21:47] burtal cant get vid back [21:47] popey: the cloud puffs around popey =) [21:48] * xnox probably to prevent people leaving it on as home surveillance / cctv. [21:48] good night guys! [21:49] still not back :( [21:49] takes a min I guess [21:49] czajkowski, nearly [21:50] Will I have to reconnect? [21:50] refresh the page [21:50] That is reload [21:50] Dammit [21:50] on the plus side.... nearly 4,000 GBP been raised fot charities :) [21:51] Just an off question, they mentioned that the ARB is lacking volunteers, any specific requirements to volunteer there? [21:52] everyone is powernapping [21:52] k, should be live again [21:52] refresh your pages :-p [21:52] yeah jono [21:52] I see ya [21:53] It's not working! [21:53] popey: :D [21:53] There's an echo! [21:54] dat echo, it burns [21:54] echo [21:54] lol the moning people ing th background !! [21:54] moving * [21:54] bobweaver: Ha i know [21:54] comedy gold [21:54] waiting for them to drop something [21:54] waaah, what about sputnik now? missed the last minutes... [21:54] Where any other questions answered? [21:55] sputnik will be asnwered in a moment [21:55] Hahahaha [21:55] What about the tablet/phone bit? [21:55] exactly :) [21:56] I like how everyone else is in some sort of standard looking living room and czajkowski looks like she's in a completely empty North Korean jail. :-) [21:57] aquarius: +1 [21:57] i would choose the description "favourite nondescript location"... :) [21:57] goldarnit, the airport car park doesn't have any spaces left! [21:57] good lord ... [21:57] i went out for some cigs and wildlife had a go at me [21:57] nearly ran over a cat in my street [21:57] nearly ran over a fox on the main road [21:58] jcastro_: What are the requirements to help? [21:58] then coming back home I drove right over a hedgehog [21:58] heh [21:58] (luckily between the wheels, so he was OK, I double checked) [21:58] lol neuro thats hilarious [21:58] whooo, club mate for the win! :) [21:58] How are accessibility features doing these days in Ubuntu? [21:58] aquarius: i'll deal with you tomorrow!! [21:59] popey is on tv! [21:59] * aquarius grins at czajkowski [21:59] Thanks jcastro_ [21:59] jcastro_: there's no furniture in your house, are you squatting?! [21:59] hah yeah [22:00] I'm thinking of staying up just to see how you look. [22:00] But I like my sleep. [22:00] Annnonnn2: I'm staying up to see it. XD [22:00] falling asleep in hangouts is fun ^_^ I feel like staying up to watch. [22:01] you should join daniel and get some beer as well, i promise it'll get funny in a couple of hours if u keep up drinking [22:01] :D [22:01] nothing is as funny as a bunch of drunken developers [22:01] steven: +1! [22:01] steven: That's why I love going to conferences. [22:01] youtube livestream still down? [22:01] No, it's up. [22:01] steven: nor is there anything so potentially productive ;) [22:01] ?! [22:01] orly? [22:01] I'm watching it. [22:01] Just refresh [22:02] ofc they will be productive [22:02] Tried that. gonna restart flashplayer plugin + nightly. :P [22:02] they just gotta get a good QA team up [22:02] How does one kick their LoCo team into gear if it is inactive? :( [22:03] ok weird, I can hear eeveryone but jono [22:03] It just went down jcastro_ [22:03] jcastro_, restart [22:03] bargh [22:03] timing! [22:03] Dammit [22:03] now we never get to know what he was going to say [22:03] streams down [22:03] have removed jono's beard in the Gimp and without it he looks like this: http://tinyurl.com/9g9nh7k [22:03] I wanted to hear this oen. [22:03] aquarius: hahaha [22:03] aquarius: rofl [22:03] bobweaver, really? [22:03] isnt it up? [22:03] yeah [22:03] jono: "We'll be right back" [22:03] heh...potty break? [22:03] hangout is down with a "we'll be right back" error messae. [22:03] aquarius: haha [22:03] damn [22:04] yup hangout's down [22:04] do google and canonical have issues at the moment? [22:04] hangout interlude [22:04] and again guys, time to grab some beer! [22:04] So the echo I hear is my boss now watching too... hahaha [22:04] http://imagebin.org/230924 [22:04] now is the time [22:04] balloons, can you rejoin? [22:04] Any chance of the on-air thingy becoming a biweekly event? An hour here and there [22:04] hang on folks [22:04] "The live recording you're trying to play is still being processed by our cluster of Acorn Electrons and Commodore VIC-20s and will be available soon." [22:04] * tenach is hanging on. [22:04] is this when they serve icecream? [22:05] BEFORE the ribs?! [22:05] it's back! [22:05] They're faking it and just went back to sleep [22:05] :D [22:05] its b [22:05] shhh! [22:05] its up again [22:05] darnd, lost the hats in the process i guess... [22:05] back [22:05] sorry mates.. my internet just died hard [22:06] LAURA! LAURA! =) [22:07] http://loco.ubuntu.com/ [22:07] awesome side show about a guy arranging furniture in an empty room running below the main video :D [22:07] at least the guys are working [22:08] don't worry, we'll tell you if they try to steal your stuff [22:12] kind of expecting jono to appear in the screen to his right... [22:12] #ubuntu-locoteams is the IRC channel [22:12] What can someone do to revitalize their LoCo? The one in my state seems rather dead and/or dormant. [22:12] throw a bbq [22:13] I haven't been able to get in contact with the people leading. [22:13] What's the deal with approved/unapproved teams? [22:13] New Teams - these are teams that are in the process of getting started and have not yet been officially approved as an Ubuntu LoCo team. [22:13] Approved Teams - an approved team is a team that is up and running, has each of the required resources in operation and the team is working well. [22:14] Thanks, I wasn't sure what unapporved meant in this case [22:14] ¡¡¡ £ 4021.57 !!! [22:14] they just gonna answer it anyway [22:14] : ) [22:15] what should i do to create up a local team with 10 members [22:16] that sounds a bit like a religious movement, doesn't it? [22:19] my gosh, how does alan manage to do such great audio streaming for the uk podcast with this connection? [22:19] #ubuntu-locoteams is the IRC channel [22:19] (step 1) get people: real live or over irc (step 2) hang out and have fun (step 3) there is no step 3 =))))) [22:22] I was staying literally around the corner from the CA UDS and I missed it by 1 day :( === nik is now known as Guest58219 [22:24] Damn, it's late here. I hope I'll be up again for the 6 AM session. Bye! [22:26] dammit, stockholm is pretty late, too... thanks for the sessions! gn8 [22:32] It got all quiet in here. [22:32] the Washington LoCo (state) [22:35] Thanks! [22:36] go daker! go go go! :) [22:37] dholbach: for what :D ? [22:37] * Cimi heads balloons dholbach dpm jono mhall119 jcastro_ a pair of http://goo.gl/1ygcj and goes to bed :) [22:37] daker, you're a hero! [22:37] Thanks! I'll keep trying to get in touch with WA LoCo people to get it going again. [22:37] dholbach: hah :D [22:37] those glasses are classic! [22:37] good night Cimi :-) [22:37] daker, شكرا، أخي! [22:38] night Cimi, we're not looking like that yet, but we're on our way ;) [22:38] keep on guys [22:38] ahaha [22:38] QUESTION: does the LoCo team structure have it ruled in that a new LoCo is not seen as a threat when in geographic areas? [22:38] dholbach: thumbs up :) [22:38] phillw: what do you mean? [22:39] Close-proximity LoCos, I think he's referencing mhall119 . [22:39] Not competing for members, etc. [22:39] Promote working together. [22:39] Or I could be completely off. phillw ? [22:41] dpm, Alter, ich zieh gleich 'ne Sonnenbrille an - vielleicht sieht man dann nicht, dass ich die Augen zu hab und penne :-) [22:42] dholbach, ich wurde gerne es auch machen, oder so: http://goo.gl/1ygcj [22:43] HAHAHAHA [22:43] genau daran hab ich auch gedacht :) [22:43] von Cimi ^^ [22:43] super [22:43] I am going to bed... but well done team! keep going! [22:44] cheer for popey :) [22:44] * popey hugs bobweaver [22:45] :) [22:45] popey, ant asked me to help him with updating translations for the ubuntu-online-tour. May I ask you to add me to the ubuntu-online-tour-team, so I can commit the .pot file directly to the branch? [22:45] completely failing to load your video on the link above [22:45] dpm, sure [22:46] does the video work for anyone else? [22:46] works here [22:46] dholbach, yeah all good here [22:46] thumper, can you hard-refresh the page? [22:47] dholbach: yeah, tried that a couple of times too [22:47] weird [22:47] popey: I wanna see your cats or you might not be the real popey [22:47] Friendly competition is good. [22:47] thumper, does http://www.youtube.com/user/UbuntuOnAir?v=dDkbD2gpf-M work? [22:47] Cimi, haha [22:48] haha [22:48] hahahaha [22:48] thumper: wfm, if that's any use :) [22:48] actually no it doesn't now, yay [22:48] ajmitch: interestingly, works on my laptop, but not my server [22:48] soz tenach mhall119 yes, it was about LoCos being 'too close together'... Good to hear they are discussing it. (Sorry, was afk wrapping up my Dad's B/day presents wrapped :) [22:49] * ajmitch is hearing cats [22:49] * Cimi ahahahahha [22:49] ajmitch: that's popey [22:49] popey, can you show your cat? [22:50] * dholbach <3 Elvis [22:50] cat show and tell [22:50] and guess what, i have found a picture of dholbach, posting it rightnow! [22:50] lol [22:50] daker, what what? [22:51] I do know in the states around here, they broke up the PNW group so we had to be AK/WA/ID/OR. :( [22:51] QUESTION: what is it? you don't have so much women with you?? [22:52] I think the CoC helps mitigate a lot of potential issues. [22:52] At least publicly. [22:53] thumper: so I suppose the NZ loco should do something one day :) [22:53] QUESTION: Is there any work on how different languages are handle in the community? not everyone speaks English, many people don't report bug or test or other because of that [22:54] ajmitch: nah... [22:54] :QUESTION: the NEW C-o-C arriving is finalising its discussion stage, Any Views on that? [22:54] saying morning is probably enough for now, we don't want to rush into things [22:55] @dholbach: dinner was great and you guys rock in general, vegan or omnivour, so rock on! [22:55] You guys all rock, btw. [22:55] * dholbach hugs autoditac [22:55] autoditac, you rock too my friend :) [22:55] 1...2...3 [22:56] wow [22:56] WOW [22:57] GO http://s004.radikal.ru/i208/1105/d6/8cff0f8358f9.gif [22:57] daker, haha, very funny [22:57] awesome [22:57] good night popey ! [22:57] erk [22:59] :D [23:01] question for Rick Spencer? [23:01] dpm, all sorted? [23:01] popey, nice job [23:01] QUESTION: Are you all excited about Valve releasing Steam on Linux? [23:01] mikhas, thanks [23:02] popey, yep, great, thanks! [23:02] generally clueless? [23:02] who is writing these? [23:02] goodevening guys [23:02] :-) [23:02] * thumper looks at jono [23:02] thumper, lol [23:02] I would think you write that yourself. [23:02] indeed ^^ [23:02] could anyone tell me what the hell is going on? It's the #1 question on OMG!Ubuntu [23:03] hi akgraner [23:03] :) [23:03] Why is there no Netflix yet on Ubuntu if Steam can come on why not Netflix? [23:03] thumper heya! how are you? [23:03] akgraner: getting over a virus, but generally OK :) [23:03] questions? [23:04] MillerMan silverlight... [23:04] luisalvarado, ask away [23:04] @MillerMan: IIRC, it's because the Netflix guys didn't want to go the Linux route [23:04] thumper, glad you're feeling better [23:04] It has nothing to do with Canonical's efforts [23:04] then why could Google get it on there Chrome OS [23:05] it can not just be silverlight [23:05] Well, that's sort of Netflix' idea [23:05] IIRC, it's sort of an add-on, installed in Chrome [23:05] it's not a technical issue it's a licensing issue [23:05] yeah but would there not be more people to come on Ubuntu if Netflix came to it? [23:05] I don't know why it can't be in Ubuntu [23:05] QUESTION: What about unity 3d (4.0) gaming is canonical working with them at all ? [23:06] I would probably use Netflix if it were supported on Ubuntu. [23:06] http://jacksonh.tumblr.com/post/965806498/how-to-watch-netflix-streaming-movies-on-linux-with [23:06] That and steam were my reasons for having a windows partition [23:06] why would not canonical not put any effort to get Netflix on Ubuntu [23:06] thank you :-) [23:06] amazon video :-) [23:07] QUESTION: What has been talked about for compiz/unity regressions in the 6.x, at least the 6.4 and 6.6 versions in relation to video performance, specially intel. [23:07] MillerMan, dont you have that backwards? [23:07] convince Netflix to put effort into it [23:07] not Canonical [23:07] mhall119 what do you mean by if everyone will beat Jono? [23:08] ok thank you Rick for your answer [23:08] jcastro, tell Jill hi! [23:08] UnderControl: each of us has a charity we're raising money for, if each of the rest of us raises more than jono, Popey goes bald [23:08] thanks for your answers, rick [23:08] Mhall119 ahh, this well be interesting :D [23:09] QUESTION: There are a lot of efforts from Canonical to make development easier on Ubuntu: quickly, ground control, scripts, etc. But they don't seem as integrated as it could be and sometimes the development/bug fixeing process becomes more complex than it should be - at least for a beginner. Why not put more effort in an integrated development environment to achieve a more complete Ide? (Such as pydev was created to accelerat [23:09] Steam is the last leg for most people I know, that keep them back from Linux. [23:09] Valve at UDS, hah [23:09] QUESTION: Is there still an engagement to keep ppc systems? aka Lubuntu which is for older kit. [23:09] I'm definitely switching to ubuntu full time once Steam comes on. Gaming is the only thing holding me back. [23:10] dpm, John Pugh was on stage at a Unity 3D event - Unite [23:10] \o/ [23:11] did someone say… ppc? [23:11] QUESTION: Are you working with google to know why HangOuts are having so many problems on Linux? Like sharing Desktop for example... We make a streamming program about linux every two week. [23:11] #linuxIO [23:11] if steam and unity are here UDK comes next I feel [23:11] bkerensa: ^^ are you letting your Google contact know about the issues with hangouts we've had? [23:11] QUESTION: What has been talked about for compiz/unity regressions in the 6.x, at least the 6.4 and 6.6 versions in relation to video performance, specially intel. [23:12] luisalvarado, heh, I sometimes fallback to metacity because of that … [23:12] QUESTION: Steam is coming to Ubuntu. There will be a Steam Software Center (or something like that). Do you think that there will be competition between the Steam software center and the Ubuntu software center? Are you guys planning any sort of integration with the Ubuntu software center? [23:13] popey, I know, I know. My fault, sorry, I should have mentioned I was forwarding bobweaver's question [23:14] thx for the question.. [23:14] why not just latch onto eclipse? I would think it would be easier than starting from scratch [23:15] any further questions, folks, so I can get them in the queue [23:16] Eclipse already feels too complex to ever be a convincing IDE [23:16] Part of the problem being that Eclipse tries to target all platforms. [23:16] at the moment i use Sublime Text 2 [23:16] QUESTION: how is Rick Spencer so awesome? :) [23:16] Visual Studio only targets Windows, guess why it is so much better than ahyting Ecliplse-based? [23:16] hey jderose! [23:16] daker: me too ;-) [23:16] qtcreator ?? [23:16] great stuff [23:17] hi mhall119 :) [23:17] I love qtcreator myself, but sadly it only targets Qt [23:17] has anyone messed around with the new gtk animations and transitions? [23:17] (not even C++, even though it easily could, I think) [23:17] I'm off to bed. Don't make me shave my hair when I get up! [23:17] cya popey [23:17] and yet, qtcreator wont help you to get your applications published in Ubuntu [23:18] jderose, quit sucking up :-P [23:18] it is actually quite sad what Rick has to say about the developer experience … [23:19] I think Rick has had his walls painted ubuntu orange. [23:19] jderose, j/k :-) [23:19] yep. Great! [23:19] night popey! [23:21] hey what happened [23:21] looks like the stream stopped [23:22] has it stopped for anybody else? [23:22] stream down? [23:22] working here [23:22] working here [23:22] cool [23:22] MillerMan: try refreshing the page [23:23] further questions? [23:23] luisalvarado had a question [23:23] remember you can ask about anything you like :-) [23:23] QUESTION: What has been talked about for compiz/unity regressions in the 6.x, at least the 6.4 and 6.6 versions in relation to video performance, specially intel. [23:23] about unity quality [23:25] When will we get Ubuntu TV [23:25] so does this mean you ARE going to talk to google? ;-) [23:25] tooo funny! [23:26] QUESTION: (by Argoz) When will we get Ubuntu TV (I would like to add Ubuntu for Android as well) [23:28] luisalvarado, 6.8 is coming out in the next hours [23:28] Yes, Ubuntu for android and TV is on the main site, when will it be tangible? [23:28] it does have some fixes for compiz/unity in it [23:28] QUESTION: Although Unity 6.8 came out a couple of hours ago, does benchmarks used in the openbenchmark site by phoronix help in any way discover regressions? [23:29] QUESTION: Jono in his latest post mentioned 'Automated Testing'. How was it done and how is it going to be different in the future - for the better? How can the community be engaged and help? [23:30] Thanks for answering my question guys :-) [23:30] :P [23:30] hi mhall119 dpm dholbach jono balloons i have a challenge for you, if the team raises £ 5K, you will do the Gangnam Style live :D [23:32] was that a cop out? ;-) [23:32] I shall stay tuned ;D [23:33] jcastro_ http://www.dramabutton.com/ [23:33] we don't have one as far as i know in miss. [23:33] I live in Olympia... you suck. [23:33] we have a lug, but its mostly just techs [23:34] daker, not sure about that ;) [23:34] Any more questions anyone? [23:35] It's not a bug, but a feature? [23:35] webkitgtk for the ui [23:35] the backend stuff is all HTTP client server stuff [23:35] Hi. Short question. Are there problems with the ubuntu.com servers? My laptop can't connect to them 1hr ago. [23:36] wow. buuuurn [23:36] anothervisitor: seems not [23:36] other questions? [23:37] QUESTION: Anything from France you really miss? :) [23:37] @Rick: that's still the development model of some other company behind a popular Linux distro ;-) [23:38] Thx. My wish for ubuntu, Don't concentrate on mobiles. I haven't one, only real pc('s) and some are very old... [23:38] other questions? [23:38] remember you can ask about anything [23:38] jono, you could ask Rick whether he's aware of how much of a pain bzr is becoming for the success of Launchpad [23:38] QUESTION: why does lp bug 1042137 give me a 404? [23:38] but that's sadly a flamebait [23:38] Canonical, Ubuntu, App Devs, anything else [23:38] the site rick is referring to: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/ [23:38] senshikaze: maybe it's private [23:39] take this as an Ask Rick! session! [23:39] JoseeAntonioR: sooo, i just need to wait for a vinagre release? :-( [23:39] can be [23:40] Hi JoseeAntonioR ! [23:40] hi again, tenach :) [23:40] The integration test that Rick just explains takes exponential amount of time, for each package … [23:40] QUESTION: How can a poor, broke sales engineer, like myself, help the dev team most effectively? [23:40] testing reverse dependencies is an excellent idea [23:40] :D [23:40] ! [23:40] That is awesome [23:40] jderose, I would still refine that approach [23:41] 1. integrate all apps with zero rdepends, 2. integrate all apps with 1 rdepends, 3. … [23:41] That's a great idea. I thought it was already part of that process... [23:41] IE, start with the least invasive apps, then slowly crawl towards core (where each package will require more tests to run) [23:42] QUESTION: Which framework is used for UI tests in Unity? [23:43] I must have missed that … [23:43] mikhas, autopilot, https://launchpad.net/autopilot [23:43] mikhas: autopilot is the one he was just talking about [23:43] ah thanks [23:43] QUESTIONS: is wayland replacing X still on the roadmap? [23:43] Unity (PC): I dislike that i cant modify the menubar with some sensors i wish. [23:43] autopilot didnt click as a project name with me [23:46] Ubuntu seems to get no credit for testing jhbuild, the one tool that helps to build GNOME [23:46] at least I haven't seen any blog post on planet.gnome.org thanking Canonical for the CI infra [23:47] anyway, I need to sleep, have fun! [23:47] anothervisitor, what sensor are you looking for? [23:48] Great guys. Thx for the explanations... [23:49] CPU-Load, HW-Temp(lm or acpi) diskusage and so. But i only found indicator-multiload. Nothing else worked. [23:50] and this indicator conflicts if i start a kubuntu session where it should not be started. [23:51] anothervisitor you could try this: https://launchpad.net/indicator-sensors [23:52] yay - +1 for the end users!!! :-) (but I am a little bias) [23:52] Thnx. Will try this tomorrow. [23:53] anothervisitor no problem [23:53] I think thats the case for lots of distros and other opensource/freesoftware projects as well, its about having at least some users :) [23:53] Thanks! [23:54] That's why I try to convert people to Ubuntu :) [23:54] usually successfully. [23:55] sen-shi-ka-ze [23:55] no problem [23:55] I used linux since '91 on my homeservers and since 1-2 years on desktop/laptop. And it works;surprisingly mostly great - with a few problems of course. [23:56] Hey guys. Just wanted to know your say on a community where in kids primary school are taught to use Windows, in mid-school Office and in high school Visual Basic. [23:56] Simply put, non of my friends/relatives/acquaintances ever heard of Ubuntu. Some of the older guys did but that's through their own means. Through official schooling only MS sw is known to students, raised on it, if you will. I just want an opinion. [23:56] anothervisitor: yep most distros are quite stable etc :) [23:57] cool. thanks for answering! [23:57] I think teaching some programming/computer science in schools is a good idea. in any form [23:57] i am; historically; debian-near oriented. Step to ubuntu was logic. I was surprised how good it worked. [23:57] snwh: indeed hence the Rassberry Pi for example [23:58] sebsebseb and Arduino [23:58] But it has some points where it is not as comfortable as windows. [23:58] It was awesome hearing from you rick! [23:58] night. thx! [23:59] snwh: read about somethign similar the other night, but not quite, may have been that, goes in USB this similar device as well