
TheDrumsballoons: Yes, I have.01:24
phillwTheDrums: yes, you have what?...01:46
* balloons is preparing01:49
balloonswe're mere hours away01:49
balloonsI should be sleeping I suppose01:49
TheDrumsballoons: Why do you ask about respin anywho?01:50
balloonsit's a secret01:50
balloonslol -- but it won't be for much longer01:50
silverarrowdoes anyone know about trouble with ppc sound cards?01:55
silverarrowwhat does modprobe do? list info or mess up?01:57
phillwsilverarrow: the best place to ask is http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=328 Adam is also there, just use the lubuntu tag when reporting the query01:57
phillwsilverarrow: he is rsavage on the forum area.01:58
silverarrowI see, I posted in ubuntu-101:58
phillwsilverarrow: you'd be better posting onto the apple area :)01:58
silverarrowpeople are so annoying with where you ask "not supported" nana02:02
phillwsilverarrow: that is why it is better to post in the correct area :D02:02
silverarrowbut what does modprobe do in terminal+02:02
silverarrowwhich is ubuntu+1?02:02
silverarrowok, apple section02:02
silverarrowreally daft, is when someone tell you ubuntu channel doesn't support that, and the same person answers in a different channel02:02
phillwsilverarrow: for modprobe? somewhere like http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/11/modprobe-command-examples/ will explain, do expect to get a headache as it is tech stuff :D02:02
silverarrowoh, phil is wearing a green shirt today, we only talk to him on days when he were blue shirts02:02
phillwsilverarrow: indeed it is, but it is thing called trying to keep things on topic. If that were not to happen there would be one channel with everyone on it.02:02
phillwsilverarrow: try getting a word in edgeways on #ubuntu :P02:03
silverarrowthat is the big distro02:05
phillwsilverarrow: besides, you should be getting your notes ready for the presentation at the end of the month!02:06
silverarrowI should?02:07
silverarrowwhat should I note02:07
silverarrowall the apps not working. all kinds of logs?02:07
phillwyup, you are on my radar for the email about the presentation02:08
phillwsilverarrow: well, you have a few days left to ensure it is all working on your system :)02:08
silverarrowI have no sound!!02:09
phillwsilverarrow: then get it fixed! I have no PPC machine to test on.02:09
silverarrowgo fetch your indigo clamshell from the loft02:10
silverarrowI am strying02:10
silverarrowthere are info on the ppc faq page but I just don't understand it02:11
phillwsilverarrow: I did say that joining the testing team would be a steep learning curve. Honest, my young friend, you are doing really well. Please do not get frustrated or down hearted. If you get stuck on the PPCFAQ area, pop a request onto the forum area.02:13
phillwWell, bed time for me. was going to have an early night, but already 03:16 here!02:17
phillwballoons: I'll catch you later on :)02:17
silverarrowthe sound issue I am having is a common one it seems02:29
silverarrowand old bug02:29
silverarrowwhat is a layout id property?02:30
silverarrow...in the device tree02:31
NoskcajWhich iso's can i test on an ibook g4? it has 386MB of ram.02:49
Noskcajdoes the ubuntu daily PPC still fit on a cd?08:26
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balloonshello xnox11:52
* smartboyhw wonders why suddenly balloons says hi:P11:52
smartboyhwpiff balloons you fail xnox quit :P11:53
smartboyhwLOL on you balloons11:53
smartboyhwballoons, in the next cycle if you don't do an intro in the Developer week classroom sessions I am going to kill you:P11:54
balloonsthat would hurt11:54
smartboyhwballoons, yes prepare for smartboyhw's famous ballpoint pen kill:P11:54
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astraljavaballoons: Yes, but only until you really die.12:06
balloonsand now you've seen my picture12:07
astraljava...and he knows vaguely where you live, too. I think.12:14
balloonsphillw, care to make a template for me on the wiki?12:42
smartboyhwballoons, I can12:43
phillwballoons: sure which one?12:43
smartboyhwHi phillw how are ya?12:43
balloonswe'd like to record people who try to install today: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ExoticInstalls12:43
smartboyhwballoons, I am one:P12:44
phillwI'm well. Just about to go sort out some tax stuff for my Dad's compnay12:44
smartboyhwphillw, oh...tax:(12:44
balloonsany volunteers?12:44
smartboyhwballoons, what sort of template you want eh?12:45
balloonssomething simple12:45
phillwsmartboyhw: can you do? Else it'll have to wait until I'm done with my Dad.12:45
balloonsname, install attempted, succes or fail12:45
balloonskeep it simple12:45
smartboyhwphillw, you gonna help in that Open Week QA session?12:45
smartboyhwballoons, ok12:45
phillwbbl. Tax & Computer time :/12:46
smartboyhwballoons, check that page now, just a preview12:48
balloonssmartboyhw, ty12:49
smartboyhwballoons, :)12:49
smartboyhwballoons, go and reply the email that I just sent12:53
sagaciI'll try an install of the latest desktop-amd6412:59
smartboyhwGood sagaci13:00
* smartboyhw too13:00
balloonssagaci, excellent13:22
silverarrowhow do you modprobe correctly?13:28
smartboyhwsilverarrow, modprobe?13:29
silverarrowyes, I have no sound13:29
silverarrowthe suggestion on the faq page is to blacklist something under modprobe.d13:29
silverarrowI just don`t get it13:29
sagacisudo modprobe psmouse13:30
sagacisudo rmmod psmouse13:30
sagacior whatever module you want13:30
silverarrowso, modprobe alsa?13:30
sagacito blacklist, just create a file like sound.conf in modprobe.d with something like modprobe pcspkr13:31
sagacisorry, blacklist alsa13:31
silverarrowI do want alsamixer13:31
sagacior whatever module you want to blacklist13:31
sagacithat'll be effective on next startup unless you manually modprobe or rmmod13:32
silverarrowseriously, I don`t know13:33
silverarrow!"#¤%&/ argh13:34
sagacinot sure what module you need to blacklist, so...13:35
silverarrowthis is suppose to list snd-aoa modules in use13:38
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sagaciballoons: the ubiquity installer didn't locate my timezone/country correctly, how high up the tree should I report this as a bug, or is it bug-worthy at this stage... probably a lot of duplicates..?13:51
balloonsohh it didn't?13:54
balloonshow far off?13:54
balloonssagaci, yes, please do report13:54
xnoxsagaci: are you connected to the internet?13:55
xnoxsagaci: or are you offline13:55
sagaciI connected to my wifi and detected new york... should be Sydney Australia13:59
silverarrowI have connected my network wifi to an old _AM radion, I now I can pick up wifi all over the world14:01
silverarrowthe list of networks is a mile long14:02
sagacibug 106162914:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1061629 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "install status messages are graphically messed up when moused-over" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106162914:04
sagacineed to see the attachment screenshot14:04
xnoxsagaci: did you search for existing bugs before reporting?14:09
sagacixnox: as a precursor, is it possible to spit out the info what ubiquity does in the install process without actually doing the full install process?14:11
sagaciin regards to the timezone detect page14:11
xnoxsagaci: if network available & connected & working - attempt a geo-ip lookup to detect timezone. If no network available default to a default location/timezone. The installer boots into en_US locale with New York as default.14:12
xnoxsagaci: hence my question if you were connected to the internet and the http://start.ubuntu.com/connectivity-check.html is reachable & matches the checksum14:14
sagacii'll re-test in a VM14:14
xnoxsagaci: if no network available and you choose Russian locale, the default timezone should be Moscow.14:14
xnox(offline that is)14:14
xnoxsagaci: go on your network to http://www.geoiptool.com/ and see what it detects you as.14:19
xnoxsagaci: maybe your ISP is hidden or .... routed via new york?!14:19
xnoxsagaci: or internetz are not fully functional / setup correctly in the installer14:19
sagacisays Australia, so I'm just downloading the -i386 to test in a VM14:21
xnoxsagaci: harum =(14:22
xnoxif network is available - get to the timezone page and if it gets you wrong.14:22
xnoxswtich to tty1 and file a bug using: ubuntu-bug ubiquity14:22
xnoxit will give you a URL to go to with details pre-collected.14:22
xnoxsuch that you can finish filing it from your host machine / main laptop14:23
sagacimeh, I'll just reinstall14:23
sagacixnox: confirmed, reinstalling, connected to my network before opening ubiquity and it's failed to detect... it's defaulting to new york14:27
xnoxsagaci: can you go into try ubuntu session and open a web-browser and navigate the web?14:29
xnoxsagaci: or swtich to tty and ping something.14:29
sagacigeneral internet works14:29
xnox*sigh* yeah file bug using ubuntu-bug ubiquity from that session to get the logs.14:30
sagaciif it's any different, I'm connecting via networkmanager rather than via the ubiquity step14:30
xnoxsagaci: did you have a green tick on the prepare page?14:32
xnoxagainst network?14:32
xnoxsagaci: than it shouldn't matter.14:32
sagacixnox: I was able to click both those checkboxes on that step, so it must have been ticked14:37
sagaciBug #106165714:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1061657 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity fails to detect correct timezone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106165714:38
xnoxsagaci: apperantly http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup is what we use14:48
silverarrowmy alsamixer problem is one of those stupid things that can be fixed by a new install15:01
silverarrowyet, noone know how to fix the modprobe stuff15:02
sagacixnox: tested again in a Windows host Vm with normal internet working... still New York...15:03
xnoxsagaci: what does our server say if you go to: http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup ?15:04
xnoxin the web browser on your network?15:04
xnoxif that says australia - bug in debian-installer somewhere. if that doesn't say australia - bug in our geoip server =)15:05
sagaciit says Aus15:05
silverarrowplease do not disturb15:05
silverarrowXML Parsing Error: not well-formed15:06
silverarrowLocation: http://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup15:06
silverarrowLine Number 1, Column 258:15:06
silverarrownot sure why that turned up in four posts?15:08
xnoxsilverarrow: huh?! we serve malformed xml by not encoding dashes?15:09
silverarrowcould you make any sense of it?15:09
silverarrowI can tell you Europe and Norway was the only thing correct in that line15:10
silverarrowcity, area, postal codes, way off15:11
xnoxsilverarrow: meh. I don't care about the actual data. I care that xml was malformed and not parsable to begin with reject _all_ of the return by a client application.15:18
xnoxsilverarrow: as long as we get 1/60 timezones right, I am happy. and we don't use city/area/postal codes/. Only the timezone bit =)15:19
silverarrowyeah, timezone was fine Oslo/PAris15:28
silverarrowa tricky one it looks like15:30
xnoxgeoip is not an exact science, but rather a highly out of date global yellow pages.15:31
xnoxand like embassies usually re-route their traffic via vpn to their home country....15:32
silverarrowI see15:33
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komputeshi folks16:21
komputesHow can I make a request to get twinkle (sip client) back in the repos?16:26
komputesIt was removed in 12.10, and it's only the best SIP client for me.16:27
silverarrowwhat would is anyone affected by bug 1060425 , powerpc and i386?16:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1060425 in linux (Ubuntu) "NFS raw_spin_lock hung task" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106042516:31
silverarrowwrong bug16:32
silverarrowbug 106004516:32
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1060045 could not be found16:32
silverarrowbug 1060045216:33
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 10600452 could not be found16:33
silverarrowlet me change computer16:33
silverarrowbug 106045216:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1060452 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "no alsamixer, quantal, powerpc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106045216:36
silverarrowI have one of those wobbly floating separate keyboards, act up some times16:37
silverarrowis there a way to track the kernel and audio module changes in quantal?17:03
silverarrowI mean, what has changed from precise17:03
wxlsilverarrow: when you run alsamixer -a basic in terminal what happens?17:11
wxlalso apt-cache policy alsa-utils | grep -i installed gives what?17:11
wxlsilverarrow: in any case you should make a bug report17:14
silverarrowI did yesterday17:15
silverarrownot sure if it was any good though17:15
wxlplease link me17:15
wxland what about the above?17:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1060452 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "no alsamixer, quantal, powerpc" [Undecided,New]17:16
silverarrowthe above? sorry, I haven`t logged conversation yet, I have just activated a plugin on pidgin that might do it17:17
wxldoes pidgin do exec commands? prolly not17:18
silverarrownot sure17:18
silverarrowit is quantal default though17:18
wxlit's ok17:18
wxlio used to use it17:18
wxllibpurple in general17:18
wxlthen i switched to finch17:18
wxland then bitlbee17:18
wxlw/ irssi as a client (though i'm tempted by weechat)17:19
wxli digress17:19
silverarrowmy alsamixer bug turned out to be a nasty one17:21
silverarrownot sure why I am the only one affected, which is a bit odd17:21
wxloops wrong channel17:22
wxldo you not read your emails? :)17:22
silverarrowI do :- )17:23
silverarrowand I got a bit further17:24
wxlcuz i told you you weren't the only one17:24
silverarrowwxl, I though you had sound though?17:24
wxloh well i can't find an exec command for pidgin17:25
silverarrowwhat does exec do?17:25
wxlexecutes shell command, optionally sends to channel17:26
wxlirssi is a beautiful thing17:26
wxlanyways, tell me what you get from:17:27
wxlapt-cache policy alsa-utils | grep -i installed17:27
wxlalsamixer -a basic17:27
silverarrow Installed: 1.0.25-3ubuntu217:28
silverarrowis there way to list and check for dependencies in terminal?17:37
silverarrowI was missing the libasound2 package, which lists as a dependenscy17:37
wxlwhat do you mean? what makes you tink that? what exactly did you see?17:38
wxl(the answer is yes, i want to udnerstand the question)17:38
silverarrowI found this list of packages in launchpad17:40
silverarrowwhich I is alsamixer dependencies or something related, I don`t think it  is a complete list of packages in lubuntu17:41
silverarrowwhich I think*17:42
wxlalsa-utils is part of lubuntu-core http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/lubuntu-core17:43
wxllibasound2 is a part of it http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/alsa-utils17:43
wxland it suggests libasound2-python http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/libasound217:44
wxl(which means it won't get installed)17:44
silverarrownot installed, hmm17:44
wxlit is only suggested, not dependent17:45
silverarrowI see17:45
wxlbut that still doesn't fix it17:45
silverarrowlibasound2-python is not listed on the launchpad list17:45
wxli have no clue what that list is so i'm not sweating it17:46
silverarrowI see17:46
silverarrowhow much does powerpc differ?17:47
wxlcan anyone recommend what package to file a bug against if i want to describe an xorg.conf to solve a problem with x and a particular nvidia chip (ppc)17:53
silverarrowthat is a tricky one17:54
silverarrowpick any likely one, and it will get narrowed down when more people join in17:55
silverarrowthat is the usual reply17:55
silverarrowphillw: how is alsamixer dong in your vm?18:02
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phillwsilverarrow: I don't use sound on the VM's. As they are generic systems, there is little point trying to test things that are hardware specific (such as your sound card in this instance).18:23
wxlunless there's a generic problem18:24
wxlit's *ALWAYS* worth testing18:24
silverarrowphillw: you can open alsamixer in terminal, or alsamixer -a basic ?18:38
phillwsilverarrow: which arch of lubuntu do you want me to run?18:39
wxlphillw: quantal18:39
silverarrowppc i38618:39
phillwlet me see which iso's I've got stored locally (it takes ~4 hours for me grab a new iso)18:40
wxl4 hours holy crow are you on dialup?18:40
phillwI've got alternate AMD64, but that will need zsyncing18:41
silverarrownew iso took 40 minutes yesterday, almost at least18:41
wxlwell i'd like to see what amd64 does too18:41
phillwwxl: it does seem that way at times! I get about 750Kb/s out here in the countryside.18:41
phillwmy 3G device is faster, but grabbing iso's via 3G gets expensive real fast!18:42
silverarrowooh, mobile network is faster often18:42
wxl3g is faster = not good18:42
* wxl is spoiled by 4g18:42
phillwwxl: silverarrow I have 37% to re-download of alternate amd64 using zsync. I'll leave it quietly running  and keep an eye on it.18:49
phillwestimate is ~ 1hour, which sounds logical.18:50
silverarrowphillw: I can mail you the todays ppc daily18:53
silverarrowa cd in an envelope18:53
phillwsilverarrow: and how would that be faster given the problem is the speed of my b/band link? :P18:54
silverarrowthe mailman delivers18:54
phillwsilverarrow: not in this village! 2 days minimum for a 1st class letter. I get anything urgent sent to my Dad's works address and he brings it home that evening. Faster than getting it delivered to the house :)18:55
silverarrow2 days might happen here too18:56
silverarrowthough mostly it is in the mailbox the day after18:57
silverarrow7 days to my aunt and uncle in mill valley,18:57
silverarrow2-5 days from UK to me18:58
silverarrowphillw: there is one day delay in your local post office18:58
silverarrowor local mail service, wonder what it is18:58
phillwI've found it faster to upload stuff to my main server, then grab it from there. The main server has a good back bone link into the Canonical system and grabs ~11MB/s from them. I then a much faster d/load speed from my server than using the standard links.19:00
silverarrowmy net varies a lto19:01
phillwthe structure for the archiving up of milestones for the 13.04 series is nearly completed. Lubuntu 12.10 ones are there now from A3 onwards. http://phillw.net/isos/19:03
silverarrowwxl: how on earth do you go about fixing issue with the nvida card?19:03
wxlsilverarrow: followed the instructions19:03
phillwsilverarrow: a lot of work 'up stream' is currently ongoing :)19:03
wxlautoconfiguring an xorg.conf is detailed in ppcfaq19:03
wxlso i did it19:03
wxland then it suggested to rmeove some stuff19:03
wxlwhich i did19:03
silverarrowphillw: you are way ahead19:03
wxland then i asked for a wee bit of help (but i had a hint it was going to be that anywho)19:04
wxlone option and we were good19:04
phillwsilverarrow: I'm just following the emails flying back & forth!19:04
silverarrowphillw: really cool19:04
wxlthere's also this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12277607#post1227760719:04
silverarrowI wonder if it could be helpful in relation to radeon card19:05
wxlthat's the suggested fix-- an xorg.conf19:05
wxldid you try the fix at all?19:05
silverarrowwe get hit over the head on mac forums19:05
silverarrowwe do not have accelerated graphics19:05
silverarrowI am on to it19:06
silverarrowi lost all my email sorting19:06
silverarrowI have to do it again19:06
phillwsilverarrow: Colin has now asked -kernel & -xorg guys to try and get it fixed without resorting to boot parameters. He's really against a 'hack' that provides a sticking plaster instead of solving the issue. I do fully support his logic that it is far better to fix the problem then hack some work around together.19:06
silverarrowI had all the lubuntu mail in one folder19:06
wxlyeah boot parameters are not good19:07
balloonsphillw, silverarrow background noise for you: ubuntuonair.com ;-)19:07
wxland generally can be done on an xorg.conf anyways19:07
silverarrowone thing thurnderbird is really bad on , is searching19:07
wxlsilverarrow: the fix is the first post on the radeon bug19:07
silverarrowand sorting out19:07
wxlit's REALLY FAST in sylpheed *HINT HINT*19:07
silverarrowoh, I hate the configs in sypheed19:08
phillwhi balloons I've had to drop the video stream as the guys want to check out a sound problem with Lubuntu. Do you have any recent lubuntu iso's on your system? May while away the hours when things go quiet?19:08
silverarrowI have to do them myself lol19:08
silverarrowthuderbird is idiotproof19:08
balloonsI have lubuntu install19:08
balloonsnot a recent iso19:08
wxlBug 104509819:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1045098 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "package lubuntu-core (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104509819:08
phillwballoons: if you get time, can you zsync one up please? I'm grabbing amd64 as I only need 33%. They also want an i686 one testing. it appears alsa is mis behaving.19:10
wxlthat bug seems bad (lubuntu-core not installing)19:10
phillwwxl: / silverarrow can you pop the bug number up on here for us, thanks19:10
silverarrowwhich one?, the alsamixer?19:11
silverarrowor the graphics card19:11
wxlit's a problem with artwork https://launchpadlibrarian.net/114542754/DpkgTerminalLog.txt19:12
silverarrowerror cupy pase19:13
balloonsphillw, syncing.. but I'm starting from nothing19:13
silverarrow bug 106045219:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1060452 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "alsamixer fails to load on quantal ppc" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106045219:13
phillwwxl: that seems a 12.04 --> 12.10 upgrade fail?19:13
wxlremoving stuff seems like it19:14
silverarrowDVD films play, but not ideal screen sizing19:14
wxloh weird19:14
wxlit's an upgrade to 12.04 from something19:15
phillwwxl: I'll go ask the OP what he was attempting to do. It's just not at all clear what he / her was trying.19:15
silverarrowI haven`t heard any manage to upgrade to the new release19:15
silverarrowit either stops or will not start at all19:15
wxlworked for me19:16
wxlbut i do it in terminal19:16
silverarrowI see19:16
silverarrowyeah, they all tried in terminal too19:16
silverarrowregular ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu19:16
wxl12.04 → 12.10 or something → 12.0419:17
phillwwxl: marked as incomplete with request to reporter.19:17
wxlsounds good19:17
silverarrow12.04 to 12.1019:17
wxlhaven't done that one yet19:18
phillwI've subscribed to the bug, fell free to do also!19:18
phillw76% of AMD64 updated.19:18
silverarrowvery unfortunate with the band width19:19
phillwWe will need to check the 12.04 --> 12.10 updgrade route at some point!19:19
phillwbut that will be for the i686 & amd64 guys to go do :)19:19
phillwI couldn't advice a 12.04 --> 12.10 for ppc atm.19:20
wxli may have done one19:20
wxlcan't remember :)19:20
phillwif it were round about A3 stage, it would most likely have worked okay :/19:21
wxloh shush19:22
silverarrowI have bumped into a few with clamshells on the web trying to make any use of them19:22
silverarrowwhich would be quite an accomplishment with todays network and web apps19:23
phillwwxl: silverarrow I'll make you (and Adam) a promise. If you have a iso that I can check on the elderly 'all in one' iMac, I'll take it from the loft & plug the little critter in to test :)19:24
phillwI'm assuming it will be okay with a standard keyboard & 2 button mouse?19:25
silverarrowwich one is that, the lamp?19:25
* wxl shrugs19:25
wxli haven't done naything to tweak inputs19:25
silverarrowubuntu gets blamed for having grown to big and heavy, but it is more about getting stuff to run better19:27
silverarrowget the wrong graphics driver and it can act as glue19:28
* phillw (20:29:26) czajkowski: come one people donate so jono shaves his beard off!!!!19:31
phillwI've already donated to balloons, so that's me out :(19:31
balloonslubuntu iso sysncing low19:32
phillwballoons: thanks, I'm up to 83% for amd6419:33
silverarrowif you log onto your hotmail address from a non windows system, hotmail /live email account is stripped to the bare19:36
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silverarrowdoes updates do the same as the daily nsync ?19:43
balloonssilverarrow, isos always contain a point in time snapshot of the archive19:49
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silverarrowphillw:   I don`t think the ubuntu server allows for much more than 450KB/S download20:01
silverarrowat least not at the moment20:01
phillwsilverarrow: well, don't tell them!20:02
silverarrowwell, I can live with download in 25 minutes20:02
phillwIt's a backbone to backbone link. But it is only used to pull stuff in that I then share to everyone else :)20:02
wxlyou know you're a geek when you're at work using logmein to remotely connect to another computer in the building that's running a lubuntu vm in windows that's ssh'd to two other machines— and your job isn't even in it20:04
phillwIf my own link were faster, I'd use my server for running the VM's. It was trialled and if you have a decent speed the lag is not too bad.20:04
phillwwxl: LMFAO :D20:05
silverarrowthat is a horrid but funny music duo20:05
phillw97% .... Gee, this is like watching paint dry :/20:06
silverarrowooh, download is up to 500kb/S now20:06
wxlsilverarrow: lspci -v | grep -i audio20:06
wxlwhat's that give you?20:06
silverarrowdidn`t we do that one20:07
wxl nope20:07
wxlwe did use grep tho20:07
wxland on another thing we used lspci20:07
silverarrowabsolutely nothing ?20:07
wxlsame here20:07
wxlmeans the system doesn't even recognize your sound being connected20:08
silverarrowthere is no sound, so figures20:08
wxlit's like it's thinking you have no sound card20:08
silverarrowI see20:09
phillwwxl silverarrow now please do not shout at me, but I assume you have followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1885240 ?20:10
wxlNOT IN THE WIKI >:(20:10
silverarrowno, new to me20:11
wxlspeaker-test can't find card020:11
silverarrowI have been stuck in the ppc section since I took on this iBook20:11
silverarrowphillw: thanks20:11
wxlnot a permissions/group issue20:12
phillwsoz, just dawned on me. The multimedia section of the forum is really good... Just I know wxl hates forum areas with a passion!20:14
silverarrowphillw: not totally new,  but I have sort of put it aside20:14
phillwas I have a sound card listed, and my VM's are generic. I'm not too sure how much help I can be to you guys if you're not even seeing the sound card at low level :'(20:16
phillwwxl: stuff from the forum is being moved to wiki (you may recall the squeals when the LOST area was one of the first to be moved).20:17
wxlwell it seems to be ppc only20:18
phillwlspci is far to close to kernel stuff for me to even try to reason it out.20:19
wxlmost of these issues relate to fixing alsa anwyays20:19
phillwballoons: is there any of the guys on the chat-athon who could shed some light as to why a sound card is simply not being reported?20:19
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
phillwsilverarrow: when was the last time you ha sound?20:20
balloonsnot being reported?20:20
balloonshw issue20:20
balloonsboot livecd confirm it's not20:20
wxlagree balloons20:20
wxlnow that i know the boot parameters to actually make it work XD20:21
silverarrowphillw: since 12:04, which is a few days ago20:21
phillwsilverarrow: do you still have your 12.04 LiveCD>20:22
silverarrownot sure20:22
silverarrowI have the iso20:22
wxlyou mean 12.10 right?20:23
wxlcuz we're not necessarily seeing this on 12.0420:23
wxlwe want to test the 12.10 system20:23
silverarrowI had to delete a modprobe.d folder to get sound in 12.04, and reinstall alsa-utils pacakge20:23
wxli should have enough memory to do an upgrade on a 12.10 live cd20:23
phillwwxl: we also want to see if it is a rergression :)20:23
wxlthat's not the same kind of problem, silverarrow20:24
wxlthat's fixing alsa or fixing device drivers20:24
wxlthat's not fixing the issue that the computer doesn't detect the card at all20:24
silverarrowno, it is not20:24
phillwmodrobe has caused issues in the past.20:24
phillwhave you tried that with 12.10?20:25
wxlwell the thing that really sucks is i can't figure out what driver i'm supposed to use XD20:25
Noskcajwhy is there no ppc netboot testcase but its still listed?20:25
wxlppc netboot sounds scary20:25
phillwNoskcaj: most likely because I have not written one!20:25
Noskcajpoint taken wxl and ok phillw20:26
wxlthis coming from the guy who types this through logmein → other windows computer → lubuntu virtual machine → ssh to another server20:26
silverarrowfor a while I had alsamixer turing up in terminal, but with "this sound device does not have any controls"20:27
wxldoes that make me doubly virtual and also doubly remote?20:27
wxlthat could be fixed silverarrow; again, alsa problems20:27
phillwwxl: nope, it just means that we are still awaiting the people in white coats to arrive at your place of work and gently take you to a padded cell.20:28
wxlwhat are you talking about, phillw ? i told you i'm at work. pretty much there anyways.20:28
phillwNoskcaj: have you some interest is running netboot on a ppc system?20:28
Noskcajphillw: yes, i got an ibook g4 from the local computerbank just for ppc testing20:29
wxllsmod | grep snd → snd_powermac20:29
wxlthat's a good sign to some degree20:29
Noskcaji will do the lubuntu tests until a netboot testcase is made20:29
wxlNoskcaj: !!! what video card?20:30
Noskcaji dont know20:31
wxlNoskcaj: lspci | grep VGA will get you there20:31
silverarrowwell, having a alsamixer would be a fix20:31
silverarrowbut no I get nothing20:31
Noskcajin osk10.4 or once i have lbuntu on?20:31
silverarrowIf I use the trouble shooting guide for 12.04, would it need any alteration ?20:32
wxlNoskcaj: with linux of some kind. else you can look it up in system profiler in os x.20:32
phillwNoskcaj: I've just had a quick look, please use the i386 ones. The stuff that needs testing is there, let me know if there are any arch specific things that need altering (such as when it asks about what CPU you're running).20:32
Noskcaji will check wxl and thanks phillw20:32
silverarrowno such file or directory20:32
wxlNoskcaj: please let me know as we have two nagging video issues that would love your help20:33
wxlsilverarrow: note the "mixer" before that, though. the syntax is interesting. it's like a command is missing.20:33
phillwNoskcaj: please do report back... phillw@ubuntu.com and I'll get the test cases installed.20:33
Noskcajphillw: ok20:34
silverarrowNoskcaj: what does it say at the bottom, year of make?20:34
silverarrowwxl   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1260781/20:36
Noskcajsillverarrow: i cant read that but it uses a ati mobility radeon 9200 if that helps20:36
wxlok good20:37
wxlwhen you get an install going, ping me, Noskcaj and we'll play with xorg.conf files20:37
Noskcajhow do you use the netboot image(it is a tarball instead of an iso)?20:38
silverarrowi find cd/dcd easiest install20:43
Noskcajbut xubuntu only works from the netboot silverarrow20:45
silverarrowI see20:47
wxlwhen i go to lunch i *THINK* i have my live dvd and i'll test out how the sound works20:50
phillwNoskcaj: I've just been chatting about that. netboot, from memory, uses the mini-iso install system to give you just about enough linux so that it can boot and see the outside world. there is no desktop installed, in fact it is slimmer than server edition!20:53
silverarrowNoskcaj: I have never done netboot, but is this of any help ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot20:53
phillwsilverarrow: yeah, I see netboot == mini iso, it is named so on the iso areas.20:54
phillwNoskcaj: just to check we are chatting about the same thing, could you have a read of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall Whilst it is Lubuntu, the install of the DE is the same for all flavours.20:55
silverarrowNoskcaj: did you get anywhere?21:07
silverarrowcould the first terminal command be used in quantal ppc?21:09
wxlsilverarrow: i looked at all the sound/audio troubleshooting pages on the wiki and found nothing helpful21:11
wxlphillw: you notice the progress on the FFe for pcmanfm/libfm?21:12
phillwwxl: yeah, I get not just lubuntu FFe's... I get ALL of the ..... ones :P21:13
phillwwxl: I must get you subscribed to that list :P21:13
* wxl is scared21:13
silverarrowI need someone to blame this on21:14
silverarrowwho made this mess21:14
silverarrow;- )21:15
phillwwxl: A lot of the FFe's are nothing to do primarily with lubuntu, but as they are 'could also affect' I do get them.21:15
silverarrowbrb booting21:17
Noskcajsilverarrow, phillw: i will try both netboot and lubuntu PPC soon21:18
Noskcajbut i still dont see how to make the netboot an iso instead of a tarball21:20
Noskcajphillw: the i386 testcase needs http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists//main/installer-armel/current/images//netboot/ replaced with http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/main/installer-armel/current/images/netboot/21:23
Noskcajbut i think that link doesn't work either21:24
silverarrowcan someone give me a hand with booting radeon driver in live cd21:28
silverarrowI am trying to get a useful xorg0 log21:28
Noskcajthe i386 has been copied from one of the arm installs21:29
silverarrowI have tried video=ofonly radeon.agpmode=-1, which turns out -1,/vmlinux: unable to open file, invalid device21:30
silverarrowNoskcaj: are you on ppc, i386 or both?21:31
Noskcajsilverarrow: i was going to use ppc to test it and phillw told me to use the i386 testcase21:32
Noskcajwhich was copy/pasted from an ARM netboot testcase21:32
silverarrowI see21:34
silverarrowsame procedure I suppose21:34
silverarrowchromium in stead of firefox21:34
wxlmy dvd is an alternate21:35
silverarrowyou need a new one21:36
silverarrowdownload 24 minutes21:36
silverarrowif lucky 1021:36
silverarrowdepens more on server than your own network speeds21:36
silverarrowIf I install Ubuntu alongside lubuntu would it work smoothly?21:37
silverarrowthere is a function in the CD which lets you install and have access to same files and folders21:38
silverarrowI could sort of dual boot ubuntu and lubuntu21:38
phillwsilverarrow: you get the choice of which DE to use, but you do also share all programmes.21:39
silverarrowanyone tried it?21:39
silverarrowso it would be slower, or a mix up of all applications?21:39
silverarrowphillw: , is the bug with ralink drivers been looked at, which is pan ubuntu21:42
silverarrowfor ubuntu, RTL8187 does not work as it should21:48
phillwsilverarrow: is there a bug # for it?21:52
silverarrowno, I have not made one21:54
silverarrowbut it is there21:54
silverarrowmaybe I should21:54
phillwsilverarrow: we feed on bug numbers... that is the only sane course we have to track stuff. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#Bugs21:54
silverarrowmy Kasens G5000 usb wireless do not work,21:54
phillwsilverarrow: not maybe.... MUST21:55
silverarrowi cold do it now, even on ppc, though it is not cpu architecture spesific21:55
silverarrownobody cares until it gets confirmed and decided21:56
wxlstarting from scratch here21:57
silverarrowone problem, how do I know which pagage the realtek drivers are in?21:57
phillwsilverarrow: then do it. Trying to keep the temprature of bug reporting down, may I give an anology? You go and go complain to friends that the current government is rubbish, yet you failed to go out and cast your vote.21:58
wxlyou can change the precise bit to quantal if you like21:59
wxlsmaller list for sure21:59
wxlin any case you file against linux21:59
wxlnot slow here :)21:59
silverarrowthis usb card, does detect and log on to network, but no real connections whatever you do22:01
silverarrowmy wifi sky which uses the same drivers are fine22:01
silverarrowbut different chip22:01
silverarrowweird, in bug laucher package does not exist22:09
silverarrowi have looked it up in package manager, and it is listed as installed !!22:09
silverarrowcan anyone do me a favor, if you have time?22:11
silverarrowlook up linux-image-3.5.0-16-powerpc22:11
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silverarrowtry launch a bug in run "ubuntu-bug then package name22:12
wxllxterminal is missing in the menu or is that just me?22:12
silverarrowit takes 20 seconds22:12
silverarrowjust you22:13
wxlok weird22:13
silverarrowI have mine where it usually is, accessories22:13
silverarrowwhy would a package not exist ?22:20
silverarrowit does exist, but not listed22:20
silverarrowin quantal is even thy bug reporter buggy22:21
silverarrowor bug launcher22:22
wxlyou reported another bug, remember?22:22
wxlwas it buggy then/ cuz if it's not why would it be buggy now?22:22
wxlwhat are you filing against?22:22
silverarrowbut what about this then?22:22
wxlfile it against linux22:23
wxli told you that like 20,000 lines above22:23
silverarrowthe package, with that exact name is listed in package manager, which it should reconize22:23
silverarrowwill do22:24
wxlpackages in launchpad don't necessarily have the same names as the actual packages22:25
wxldoesn't make sense but it's true22:25
wxllike weechat22:26
silverarrowthanks, I just didn`t understand what you meant22:26
wxlweechat points to weechat-curses so that's ultimately what you end up getting as a package22:26
wxlso if you try to file against weechat-curses it doesn't work as it's called weechat in launchpad22:27
silverarrowI`m with you22:27
silverarrow:- )22:27
wxli can't like it but it's the way it is22:28
Noskcajare we meant to test the boot.img or mini.iso for netboot PPC22:37
silverarrowwat is smp?22:51
silverarrowit doesn`t say anything about smp in package manager22:51
silverarrowbut it is either generic, or powerpc-smp in launchpad22:51
wxlfile it against powerpc-smp22:58
wxlthat's obviosuly what yr using22:58
silverarrowbug is reporte23:00
silverarrowhowever, it is the same in i36823:00
silverarrowcan anyone give me a clue how to generate a xorg0 log for radeon card23:03
silverarrowI struggle23:04
silverarrowthere is an ojordan, he gave me a boot modulation, that turned out not as expected23:04
phillwwxl... ping23:06
wxlphillw: pong23:06
phillwcan you phrase a question about future support for ppc?23:07
wxli'm thinking about registering a domain name for myself in hex. 77786ch.com. no one will get it.23:09
phillwwxl: /j #ubuntu-on-air23:10
silverarrowmy bug became confirmed right away23:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1061938 in linux (Ubuntu) "Wireless cipset RTL8187B does not work in Ubuntu PPC/i386" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:17
wxlbad news23:29
wxlno sound in live23:29
wxlagain nothing in lspci23:29
wxlis this a bug against linux?23:29
silverarrowlive what?23:37
silverarrowppc or i38623:37
silverarrowI don`t think phillw got around to try anything23:38
silverarrowhehe, and we complain about osx23:38
silverarrowlubuntu, hardly ever works23:39
silverarrowluckily final release is usually  good23:39
silverarrowI am having computer crisis23:41
silverarrowmy regular laptop is failing23:41
silverarrowhave to take it in for repair tomorrow23:41
silverarrowwxl, do you know a way to get all the b43 stuff on a usb stick?23:42
silverarrowthis time I have access to terminal and package manager23:43
wxlsilverarrow: i haven't tried but you can try downloading firmware-b43-installer and b43-fwcutter and the device driver files and good luck23:44
wxlyou'll need to install the debs and run then pointing them at the device drivers23:44
silverarrowI have a feeling it could be handy when I don`t have immediate wired connection23:46

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