
AlanBellmorning all05:25
diploMorning all07:27
* AlanBell wonders who to poke to get the patch to fix bug 1016969 in to Quantal07:45
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 1016969 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "daily live cd boots silent in virtualbox" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101696907:45
MooDoomorning all07:53
bigcalmMorning peeps08:00
AlanBellanyone know an easy way to get chromium to use the firefox user agent string?08:21
SuperMattnot a clue, Alan08:22
popeyan extension?08:23
SuperMattI never do those sorts of thing08:23
AlanBellpopey: ok, found one. Thought it might be built in and I was missing it08:23
AlanBellyay, that was easy08:24
AlanBellboo to sites that still do browser detection in 201208:24
SuperMattso, this release party in two weeks08:31
SuperMattwhat normally happens?08:32
AlanBellintoxicating fluids are imbibed08:32
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SuperMattyes, I see. Go on.08:32
AlanBellCanonical sometimes buys nibbles08:33
AlanBellit really isn't much more complicated than that08:34
JamesTai1Good morning all! :)08:34
bigcalmAnybody here able to help me understand IPSec configuration? :)08:41
bigcalmGood morning JamesTai1. You appear to be missing some t this morning08:43
* bigcalm goes to make a cuppa08:43
SuperMatthurm, my firefox keeps crashing this morning08:49
* SuperMatt blames the fact he's running the beta and thinks nothing of it08:49
hoovergood morning08:51
SuperMattgood morning08:51
bigcalmto you08:53
Laneythere's a wireless network in range of me called "Wi believe I can Fi"09:08
SuperMattthat's pretty cool09:08
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:28
SuperMattgood morning09:28
SuperMattI'm dead excited about going to a release party09:28
mungojerrywhat happens? people drink beer?09:32
SuperMattseems so09:33
SuperMattI've been meaning to go to a release party for ages, but I just never had the chance09:33
SuperMattand now my girlfeind works lates, I have an excuse to be out late too09:34
matttSuperMatt: dew eet09:34
MooDoosomeone say beer09:34
SuperMattI think the unity quicklists are gonna need a few more features09:34
SuperMattI've created my own launcher with a lot of shortcuts to things that I do regularly, but now it's getting quite full09:35
brobostigonMooDoo: yes :)09:35
mungojerryginger beer09:35
MooDoofair enough then, I could do with a pint or 309:36
AlanBellcan you come to the party MooDoo?09:41
MooDooAlanBell: what party is this Alan?  I've come in halfway through the conversation again.09:42
mungojerrywow, getting gnome shell to work is one hack after another :(09:43
MooDooAlanBell: alas no, i'm on lates that week, 3:30 - midnight, but i'll be on IRC and there is spirit09:43
AlanBellmight try a G+ hangout from the pub09:45
SuperMattawesome idea09:45
AlanBellI have all the kit for doing that, should have 3G reception in that part of town09:46
MooDoonow that would be fun :)09:46
AlanBellI will bring my good camera and polycom communicator and possibly some powered speakers09:46
SuperMattwindows 7 install restart count: 209:47
SuperMattUbuntu: 109:47
SuperMattmicrosoft really have a lot of catching up to do09:48
* SuperMatt wonders if it would be possible for ubuntu to start without rebooting the PC09:48
mungojerryhmm, get massive lock ups and stutter when installing a deb file in gnome shell too10:24
mungojerryweird, also in normal operation, dragging windows on screen 1 is laggy and juddery, screen2 is smooth10:25
mungojerrycore i5 and nvidia gfx10:25
mungojerryanyone experienced a problem like that?10:26
davmor2Morning all10:41
SuperMattdavmor2: /j #ubuntu-on-air10:44
gordmungojerry, different refresh rates i assume on the monitors?10:49
mungojerrygord, it was incredibly stuttery, but now is OK, probably a hangover from the i/o caused by installing the deb file :S10:49
mungojerrythe problem is not limited to my pc10:49
gordyeah it'll be the installing a deb that causes it, but i'm just talking about the difference between one screen and another10:50
mungojerryidentical monitors :S10:51
mungojerrythe judder and lag was massive10:51
mungojerry1 fps10:51
NET||abusepopey: howdy dude, I was looking at hte config for the microserver last night, finally got sata cable to connect to the second sata port on the mobo.11:14
NET||abusepopey: but i didn't see any options to activate the drive in the optical bay in the bios?11:15
NET||abusewas wondering if you had a pointer on that?11:15
popeyi didnt do anything to activate it11:15
NET||abuseso i was searching for additional options for a second sata interface11:15
NET||abusei got the ubuntu alt cd 12.04.1 on usb stick and booted it.11:16
NET||abusebut the partitioner couldn't see any drives except the usb stick11:16
NET||abuseyeh, a little frustrating.11:16
NET||abusei realised too late last night that the main sata controller needs to be flopped from ata mode to raid0/111:17
NET||abuseso i can try that next chance i get to fiddle with it, maybe tonight11:17
NET||abusebut otherwise, still got no sign of hte first drive at all11:17
NET||abuseeven the included 250GB drive that was in the first caddy11:17
NET||abusehmm, maybe i need to boot to a live usb and do some lspci and other listings11:18
NET||abuseotherwise thogh, i grabbed a sweet sata bay that fits int he optical drive, http://www.maplin.co.uk/sata-easy-swap-hdd-mobile-rack-21803111:20
NET||abusesits in the chassis nicely11:21
NET||abusejust had to add a screw with teh right head shape to grab the optical slot rails and latch11:21
NET||abusei think i'm a little too excited about building this server, it's been 3 years since i had a real home setup11:22
popeyhttps://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10100518568346671 scary that there's a billion people on facebook11:32
popeyhttp://popey.com/house/ idling lower today \o/11:35
Davieypopey: can we have nagios alerts if you have a power spike?11:38
popeymaybe I should have a twitter account for my house like @andysc does :D11:39
Davieypopey: it's essential, but i need sms alerts.11:39
AlanBellaquarius: how is your rendered dice throwing these days?12:53
aquariusAlanBell, project on hold; doing it with animated gifs won't work because of transparency :(12:54
aquariusso I need to make it render with css3 3d transitions12:54
aquariuswhich I have halfway managed12:54
aquariusand then got distracted12:54
AlanBellgosh, OK12:54
AlanBellso the browser will do the 3d12:55
bigcalmI guess APNG was a no-go12:58
* gord designs websites using entirely apng and jpeg2000 images12:59
brobostigon!info gnome-shell13:05
lubotu3`gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 329 kB, installed size 901 kB13:06
jacobw*sigh* unity is crashing again :(13:15
jacobwkwin ftw13:15
popeyjacobw, what release?13:16
aquariusbigcalm, no-one supports apng, do they?13:20
bigcalmaquarius: natively, FF and other gecko browsers do. There are plug-ins for other browsers and various image processing packages. But without native support, I don't think it's worth the effort13:21
aquariusI didn't even know that ff did :)13:21
bigcalmaquarius: my source of info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APNG13:21
bigcalmWow, Opera Mobile has native support!13:22
gordwell thats five extra users right there13:23
bigcalmgord: I think aquarius is their main user ;)13:23
jacobwpopey: granted, this particular crash is on quantal13:24
aquariushaving used it for one evening, yesterday, I think I probably agree :)13:24
AzelphurAnyone know where I get replacement ones of these? https://www.dropbox.com/s/8muz28gnteqjl9n/2012-10-04%2014.01.21.jpg?m13:24
popeyjacobw, new unity later today13:24
jacobwpopey: ok13:25
bigcalmaquarius: what's your target?13:26
jacobwpopey: the complain i most often hear about unity is that the window switching model is time consuming13:26
aquariusbigcalm, for the dice thing? desktop and mobile13:27
bigcalmaquarius: have banners saying "best viewed in Firefox" ;)13:27
jacobwpopey: i totally agree, will it ever be possible to switch between calc windows with a quicklist or similar rather than the expose method?13:27
popeyalt-` ?13:28
jacobwcan i change that binding? it's not inputable on my keyboard layout13:29
aquariusbigcalm, heh. no. :)13:30
popeyits the key above tab13:30
popeyits not defined as "alt+`" it's alt+key_above_tab13:30
AlanBellwindow switching is getting better in unity, it still isn't good for people who are used to tracking the zindex of all their windows13:31
jacobwit's more a problem of quickly switching to a window with a particular title13:32
AlanBellalt+` is kind of OK, it becomes more understandable when you understand  bug 106122913:32
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 1061229 in unity (Ubuntu) "alt backtick backtick takes you back to where you started" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106122913:32
jacobwfor example if you have 4 letters open in writer with identical letterheads but different filenames/titles and thus window titles then it's difficult to switch easily with a expose like function13:33
AlanBelljacobw: https://code.launchpad.net/~alanbell/unity-window-quicklists/trunk13:40
AlanBellgrab that, it will do what you want with the quicklists13:40
AlanBellI have been trying to live with the standard behavior13:41
AlanBellI have written a couple of things to make unity much more usable, that quicklists thing and I rewrote the applications lens to make it possible to find applications without typing13:43
AlanBellgrouping them by category rather than using the categories as filters13:43
AlanBelland ripping out the software centre nonsense in the applications lens, that should be a separate lens altogether13:44
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/appmenulens.png like that13:45
AlanBellwith a new thing for controlling lenses and what lenses can report results to the home lens it might make sense to revisit that, having multiple apps lenses makes little sense when they all work at the same time13:48
jacobwAlanBell: cool14:11
jacobwAlanBell: it feels like we're reinventing the traditional desktop with shiny labels :p14:12
popeywhere "traditional desktop" is what? CDE? OS/2? GEM? :)14:12
popeythats all you need14:13
davmor2popey: workbench for amiga surely :D14:13
jacobwwhere traditional desktop is based around text labelled window management functions, like a taskbar and a pointer navigatable menu14:16
jacobwwhy have window titles if you don't use them for window management?14:17
AlanBellwell yes it is reinventing the desktop14:18
jacobwfor what purpose?14:19
AlanBellXerox Alto14:19
AlanBellthese things need constant reinvention14:20
davmor2AlanBell: why not just use the filters?14:21
AlanBelldavmor2: because too many clicks14:21
AlanBelland unintuitive and out of the way14:21
davmor2AlanBell: you click it once to show the filters then you click on department14:22
davmor2although I agree it's not completely obvious14:22
AlanBellclick BFB, click apps lens click to show filters click filter you want, click see more results, click hide filter thing because there is no room to show any results, click thing you want to start14:23
popeyyeah, i just tested that to find all games on my system, way too many clicks14:23
davmor2popey: fix the video lens crashing everytime I open the dash please14:25
AlanBelloh yeah, video lens daemon at 100%cpu :( possibly because I am behind a proxy14:26
* AlanBell wonders how much of the lens stuff works behind a proxy14:27
jacobwi don't buy the necessity of reinvention argument14:28
jacobwincremental improvement through the gnome2 cycle worked very well14:29
jacobwit's also worked very well through the kde4 cycle and is working well in the mozilla rapid release schedule14:29
popeyjacobw, no, incremental improvement in gnome2 did not work at all14:32
mgdmAlanBell: I would hope it all would14:32
popeyif it did, go and find me a mainstream pc vendor selling computers running GNOME 214:33
jacobwpopey: how so?14:33
popeyif it was a success, OEMs would have embraced it, customers would have bought it, but it wasn't, so they didn't.14:33
popeyits fine for nerds like us, but not for the 99% of people who are the target market for Ubuntu14:34
jacobwhave OEMs embraced unity? was the dell ubuntu project a failure? that based on gnome2.14:36
popeyyes, dell have hundreds of stores all over china and india branded ubuntu14:37
jacobwi think the inverse of the 'nerds like gnome2' point is true, i think nerds prefer unity as a shiny thing and people who don't care for novel window management prefer gnome2/kde/windows14:37
popeyand it's not just dell14:38
jacobwperhaps differention is the factor in the purchasing decision14:39
popeythere are many factors :)14:41
* AlanBell wonders if Dell will release Sputnik at any point14:45
AlanBellseems absolutely crazy to announce a high end developer ultrabook, then let the hardware age 6 months before anyone can get it14:46
davmor2jacobw: people just don't like change,  When kde went from kde3 to kde4 all the kde people were fuming and that was going from something that changed from a bar at the bottom to a bar at the bottom.  People get comfortable with the way something works and then hate anything that is a change14:48
jacobwi'm not really interested in the purchasing decision, i already have a computer, all i need is a window manager for my OS14:49
jacobwdavmor2: i get that, but it's similar to 'if some climate change is not caused by man, then all climate change is inevitable' argument14:50
jacobwdavmor2: the resistance to change isn't the significient factor IMO, the resistance to kde4 wasn't widespread, trinity was never the sensible option14:51
davmor2jacobw: You know there were flame wars worse than when ubuntu moved the button right14:53
popeybut the people you're all talking about are geeks.14:53
popeythese are not normal people14:53
AlanBellthis is true, however a pretty common theme is geeks saying on mailing lists that they wouldn't install unity for parents and family because it is too hard14:54
jacobw"you're wrong because you're not not normal" is not an argument14:54
AlanBellhowever unity does apparently test well with normal people (or what passes for normal in London)14:55
AlanBelland my parents and children use it without complaint14:55
AlanBellI would suggest to anyone not using unity yet that you should jump straight to Qantal and miss out Precise14:56
davmor2AlanBell: but is that the geeks finding it too hard and saying to themselves that it would be too hard for their parents14:56
AlanBelldavmor2: it is indeed14:56
AlanBellodd though isn't it14:56
davmor2AlanBell: My mom is a complete novice and uses Ubuntu with unity with no issues14:57
jacobwif you browse the web only then most computers are usable without issue14:59
jacobwi don't 'hard' is the issue, it's that the design makes window management difficult and flat out rejects all known methods of efficent window management15:01
AlanBellyes, it isn't a great window manager15:02
AlanBellthe reaction I got when I wrote the quicklists thing to manage lots of windows was that I should be using tmux and screen so I don't have so many windows15:03
AlanBellthe solution to the window manager not being good with lots of windows isn't really to use fewer windows imo15:03
jacobwusing less windows isn't really use case for tmux or screen15:07
jacobwi guess my problem is that the capabilities of unity are not superset of it's predecessor which to me is a regression15:10
jacobwanyone know how to set permissions recursively in cyrus2.2?15:34
mungojerry   17.732016] NVRM: Your system is not currently configured to drive a VGA console on the primary VGA device. The NVIDIA Linux graphics driver requires the use of a text-mode VGA console. Use of other console15:40
mungojerry[   17.732020] NVRM: drivers including, but not limited to, vesafb, may result in corruption and stability problems, and is not supported.15:40
mungojerryins this normal?15:40
czajkowskiaquarius: was over the heart failure you gave me last night by sayin you werent over *this* weekend16:43
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czajkowskibest idea ever http://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/25391276897193984017:43
DJonesAlready at £100018:00
AlanBellpopey are you in the office tomorrow?18:35
AlanBellyou may drink your tomato juice with worcester now19:36
popeyi may?19:37
popeyunfortunately it's not arrived19:37
AlanBellyes :)19:37
AlanBelloh noes!19:37
* popey checks amazon19:37
AlanBellyou will have to stick to weak lemon drink thne19:37
* czajkowski hugs her new purple harddrive! :D19:38
RaycisCharlesczajkowski: you sound Polish.19:38
popeyReading Depot19:39
popeyUndeliverable - 2 October 2012 7:28:0019:39
czajkowskiRaycisCharles: you've heard me speak ?19:39
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locodir-userhi guys20:14
DaraelGood morning.20:14
locodir-userI am looking for an advice. I cannot open java chat pages.20:14
locodir-userany advice please20:15
lubotu3`To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:15
DaraelUnless thou meanest JavaScript, which is in fact something completely different that shouldn't be giving trouble at all...20:15
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locodir-useron google crhome i can open20:31
locodir-userbut not in mozila20:31
Olipopey: Where is your temperature monitor?20:39
OliNo, I mean where in the house20:39
OliBecause it's very warm there20:41
popeyOli, oh, in the centre of the house next to the server, on top of the freezer :D20:45
popeyso yes, warm20:45
popeyutility room20:45
bigcalmGood evening peeps :)20:55
DaraelGood morning bigcalm.20:56
bigcalmEager :)20:56
DaraelNah.  It's always morning somewhere.  I tend to default to morning so as not to bother thinking about what time it is.20:58
AlanBellso you are entirely correct that it is morning when you enter the channel21:12
AlanBelllubotu3`: nick lubotu321:13
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bigcalmI'm terrible with network address stuff. With /8 /24 etc, can you have /0 for a single address?22:15
Daraelbigcalm: /0 would be no prefix, meaning the entire address space!22:17
Daraelbigcalm: For v4, the just-one-address prefix length would be /32.  For v6, it's /128.22:18
bigcalmThank you22:18
DaraelOne way to think of it is that the number after the / is the number of bits "locked" that way.22:19
bigcalmI have a terrible time understanding it :(22:19
bigcalmAlways have. It's been 15 years since I started22:20
DaraelWell, in v4 it's mostly easy because people don't often use anything other than /8, /16, /24, and /32.  Which correspond to fixing one, two, three, and all four of the numbers in the usual dotted-decimal representation respectively.22:20
DaraelSo when we talk about as a set of addresses we mean all the addresses from to  Usually we're talking about things being in that block.22:21
DaraelWhereas is only to
Darael(Trying to choose reasonably familiar examples.  Obviously we could choose others.)22:22
Darael...I'll shut up now.22:24
daftykinsRed Dwarf wasn't too bad at all22:27
daftykinsanyone catch it?22:27
bigcalmDarael: I see, that was helpful. Thank you22:32
bigcalmTalking of as a /16 makes sense to me22:33
DaraelWell, like I say, it could also mean a prefix anywhere in the range /17 to /32.  Depends how big the net in question is.22:36
daftykinsi did lab sessions at Uni with a /29, that was nuts. like 4 or 5 usable IPs on one of those22:40
DaraelEight IPs total, one of which is reserved for the broadcast address IIRC, and... there are other reasons for them to be unusable but I forget what.22:43
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