
telmichgood day11:30
telmichI'm trying to find out why my init script is not executed on shutdown on centos 6.3 which seems to use upstart - can you give me a pointer on how to debug this11:31
telmichthe chkconfig output and the init script is placed at http://home.schottelius.org/~nico/unix/linux/centos/11:31
jodhtelmich: firstly, why aren't you writing an Upstart job then? :-)12:53
jodhtelmich: I suspect your problem is that you have not created a lock file for your SysV service. Take a look at RedHats /etc/rc and I think you'll find you need to create /var/lock/subsys/$service. This is totally RH-specific behaviour - nothing to do with Upstart btw.12:55
telmichjodh: found the bug - it's in centos - but I'm not actually interested in using upstart, it "has just been placed there" by centos12:55
telmichjodh: yep, that's what I found ~5 minutes ago - but good to have this verified12:55
SpamapSjodh: how's stateful re-exec looking? No show-stoppers?13:47
SpamapSjodh: I've been running your PPA on my two quantal boxes since the call for testing. No troubles that I've seen yet.13:47
jodhSpamapS: alas, it won't make it into quantal. The tests are not complete yet and I've discovered an issue that needs resolving before it's made generally available. The plan is to get it into 'R' as early as possible.14:12
SpamapSjodh: cool. Any chance R will also see a fix for the old dead-pid bug?14:46
jodhSpamapS: difficult to say at this stage. I'd certainly like to see that issue resolved. There's an idea for me to run an Upstart dev workshop session @ UDS that might encourage more contributions so we can work though the TODO list faster :)14:56
gyre007how does upstart compare to runit ? can I use upstart as a service supervisor ?15:17
jodhgyre007: Upstart is a service supervisor. See: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ and http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/.15:19
gyre007cool jodh, how does it compare to runit...we are in a process of deciding whether to go with upstart or runit...i read that upstart is not working properly in EC2 ....15:21
jodhgyre007: I've never used runinit. What EC2 problem are you referring to?15:22
gyre007some people are saying that upstart has troubles with reloading configs ? because of the networkFS nature of EC215:22
gyre007that inotify has some problems with it...15:23
SpamapSgyre007: thats nonsense15:23
jodhgyre007: sorry, I don't know what you mean. There are no problems with inotify and upstart that I'm aware of.15:24
SpamapSgyre007: EC2 is not a network FS15:24
gyre007well I dont know I havent tried it...thats why I came here to ask....as I said we are in a process of deciding which tool to use...15:24
SpamapSgyre007: can you please point me where these rumors are being spread so I can help them find the truth15:24
gyre007SpamapS, its not NFS....but the FS has a "etwork" nature15:25
gyre007SpamapS, on Quora15:25
SpamapSgyre007: EC2 uses block devices attached to VMs. Those block devices have regular file systems running on them, and inotify works great.15:25
SpamapSgyre007: inotify is also not *required* for upstart to work15:25
SpamapSgyre007: it makes things convenient, but you can also just 'sudo initctl reload-configuration' and boom.. new configuration15:25
SpamapSgyre007: this might be a good reason for me to finally join Quora ;)15:26
gyre007one more thing...does it restart the service if it crashes15:27
SpamapSgyre007: yes15:28
SpamapSgyre007: fairly configurable.. but it may give up.. so its just a convenience, you'll want something smarter if you need it to apply complex logic15:28
SpamapSgyre007: 'man 5 init' and read 'respawn' and 'respawn limit'15:29
gyre007it may give up :)...in what situations ?15:29
SpamapSgyre007: when the respawn limits are reached15:30
gyre007I see...reading up now...interesting15:30
SpamapSgyre007: also 'normal exit' is important15:30
gyre007i see...does upstart use init script or does it completely ignore them ?15:32
jodhgyre007: it supports SysV services as well as its own "jobs". I strongly recommend having a read through the Upstart Cookbook.15:34
gyre007yeah will do...its quite massive though :)....looks bigger than the bible mate15:36
jodhgyre007: it does need a bit of a restructure. For the hyper-terse overview, read "man 5 init" (which is still "the" Bible for Upstart).15:44

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