
jk_Anybody know how to turn off tool tips for the "home" and launcher icons on the XFCE desktop in version 4.10? Haven't found anything on a Google search.00:17
ochosijk_: could be that disabling thumbnails also disables the tooltips, but other than that i have no clue00:19
jk_ochosi, unfortunately I already have them disabled, and the tips still show up. In 4.10 they also include oversized icons and that's really ugly.00:23
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Marzatahow do you add more Xfce style themes? By default in Xfce aren't they more?08:40
Unit193xfwm4-themes or shiki-colors-xfwm-theme for xfwm, quite a few xfce themes aren't GTK3 compatible.08:42
tabby_catUnit193: thank you :)08:44
Unit193Sure, I take it you wondered too.08:45
MarzataUnit193: thank you!08:49
Unit193Sure thing.08:51
gryyou can also write your own themes Marzata, they're bit similar to CSS (/usr/share/themes/ has a ton of examples)08:52
Marzatagry: will look into that too, thanks!08:52
gryput them into ~/.themes/themename/ and modify, they'll appear in settings-appearance-style under the name you chose, just making sure it is not same as an existing name could work out of the box08:53
gryno problem08:53
k_szeWhat happens if I apt-get upgrade a box through SSH and lose connection?09:48
koegsk_sze: not good, use screen09:49
k_szeoh nvm, it seems to get reconnected automatically, weird09:49
Sysi!info screen09:49
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu8 (precise), package size 582 kB, installed size 1044 kB09:49
k_szeSo how do I usually use it? ssh into the box, start screen, ctrl-a, c, start apt-get upgrade, and if I get disconnected, ssh into the box again, screen, ctrl-a, " to find the vt?09:53
Sysissh into box, run screen, press enter, then whatever, quit with exit or detach with C-a-d and reattach with screen -Dr09:59
k_szeSysi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen says that "when a Screen session is *detached*, the processes that were running inside it aren't stopped." But what happens if my SSH connection gets dropped before I have a chance to detach Screen?10:01
Sysithere's automatic detach10:02
gryyes, screen will detach automatically10:04
Marzatahow do you change to autologin user in xubu?10:58
koegsMarzata: read the F.A.Q. :)11:02
Marzatahuh, thanks!11:13
olivier__hi @ll12:50
kore_Hallo, I am running 12.04, I have a problem geting my nvidia card runing. I have tried running nvidia-config and done a reboot but cant get it to work. Can somone please healp me? Thanks! :)13:27
baizonkore_: what error msg do you get?13:28
baizonhow can you tell its activated?13:28
kore_i dont, I just dont get my any higher resolution then 640x480.13:29
kore_but i have installed the driver thrue the additional drivers program..13:30
baizonkore_: try using the binary nvdia driver from the homepage13:31
koegsadditional driver should be ok, but which nvidia-card do you have?13:32
kore_but its strange I got it working a coupel of days ago, after i used the laptop with a additional screen it stoped working.13:33
GridCubekore_, whats the output of xrandr13:33
GridCubeand the output of lspci | grep "VGA"?13:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:33
kore_xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 640 x 480, maximum 640 x 480 default connected 640x480+0+0 0mm x 0mm    640x480        73.0*13:33
GridCubeokay and the output of lspci | grep "VGA"?13:34
recon_lapseem to have found a repeatable bug in gimp that locks up my computer :(13:34
GridCubeubuntu-bug gimp  << recon_lap13:35
kore_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M GS] (rev a1)13:35
GridCubekore_, just that one?13:35
mona_hello. How do i disable the panel from starting?13:35
mona_i would like to use awn instead13:35
GridCubemona_, just eliminate them13:36
mona_GridCube, but i cant remove the last one..13:36
GridCubekill xfce4-panel13:36
recon_lapwell, I'll try to see if i can repeat it again, but it's more that a gimp bug if it locks up the computer/desktop13:36
GridCubebut it will probably restart itself13:36
mona_GridCube, right. And I would like to disable its startup13:37
GridCubekore_, launch gksu jockey-gtk13:37
baizonmona_: go session and startup and remove the entry?13:37
GridCubekore_, see what drivers are you using, you can pass a screenshot if you feel like ti13:38
baizonNavigate to Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Session, kill the xfce4-panel process and save the session state.13:38
mona_baizon, yep, nice, thank you :)13:39
kore_GridCube: I am using nvidia 173, thats the only one..13:39
GridCubeits activated?13:39
kore_GridCube: yes13:39
GridCubeok, weird13:39
GridCubekore_, you know how to move around ttys?13:40
kore_GridCube: not really.. :/ whats ttys, you mean to go to bash behinde xserver? with ctrl+ fx F413:41
GridCubeyes, ctrl-alt-f[1-6]13:42
kore_GridCube: yes i do :)13:42
GridCubeok, you can try this then:13:42
GridCubego to a tty log in and do; sudo service lightdm stop    then launch sudo Xorg -configure    follow the steps and then do sudo reboot13:43
GridCubeyou should reboot to a configured by you xorg.conf file13:44
kore_thanks man! :)13:44
GridCube(you could avoid the reboot part and do sudo service lightdm start, but i've found it easier just to reboot)13:44
GridCubeif for some reason you cant log in after that13:44
GridCubeyou can remove the xorg.conf file from /etc/X11/ by doing mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.back13:45
Kore_GridCube: sorry man, didnt work. got an error: number of created screens does not match number of detected devices"13:54
GridCubewhat command did you used?13:54
Kore_GridCube: sudo Xorg -configure13:55
recon_lapok, locked up again, where would i go with this bug?13:55
GridCubeKore_, did you stoped lightdm before?13:55
Kore_GridCube: yes13:55
GridCubetry --configure13:56
GridCubewith two -13:56
Kore__GridCube: got: fatal server error: unrecognised option: --configure13:59
GridCubethats so weird13:59
GridCubeso -configure was right13:59
GridCubeKore_, the previous error says that you have more than one gui14:00
GridCubeif lightdm is stoped then it should not tell you that :/14:00
Kore__gui? screen?14:00
GridCubegraphical user interface = gui14:01
GridCubeKore__, what happens if you go to F714:01
Kore__noting, i get back to this gui..14:02
GridCubeokay so you didnt stoped it!14:02
GridCubeyou need to kill this gui session in order for Xorg -configure to work14:03
GridCubethat what stoping lightdm should do14:03
Kore__i did, but i am in it again now.. thats how i can talk to you..14:03
Kore__I am going inn and out of x itch time :)14:04
GridCubeKore__, not really, you are just switching14:04
GridCubeyou probably need to log out here14:04
GridCubenow that lightdm is stoped you should NOT be prompted for user/password14:05
GridCubeand X's should remain closed14:05
GridCubeKore__, you know how to use irssi? or weechat?14:05
GridCubeirssi and weechat are text based irc clients you can install and run from a tty, you launch then write /server irc.ubuntu.com and then /join #xubuntu and you will be back here even if you dont have a gui14:06
recon_lapwhat command would give a dump of the hardware on my system for a bug report?14:12
bazhangsudo lshw   ?14:13
GridCubesudo lshw14:14
GridCuberecon_lap, ubuntu-bug already takes care of that14:15
kore_GridCube: I got it working. I mv xconfig file in to xconfig.bak and i ran nvidia-xorg and now evertthing works again.. tahnks man ;)14:15
recon_lapyep, just found that, bit annoying that it wiped the description I had already written14:16
mona_hi. I have two issues: my is sometimes dissappearing for a brief moment. This happens especially when the cursor icon is changing to hand or resize or other.. What could be the cause?14:28
GridCubemy? what?14:29
TheSheepit just disappeared again XD14:31
mona_lol sry14:32
TheSheepmona_: cursor mouse cursor theme perhaps?14:32
Sysimona_: virtual machine?14:32
mona_Sysi, nope, native14:32
mona_TheSheep, how do you mean?14:33
TheSheepmona_: in the mouse settings, third tab, you can select how you want your mouse to look like14:33
mona_TheSheep, the theme is default14:34
mona_the theme is okay. But the cursor sometimes disappears until i move the mouse again14:35
TheSheepI think I had it, but I can't remember what was the cause14:35
TheSheepoh, it was on macosx, ignore me14:36
mona_other issue:14:36
mona_chromium-browser is mad and cannot be moved14:37
mona_when i go to options, and select "use system borders" its okay, when i deselect it back, its okay again14:37
mona_but on chromium restart14:37
mona_it cannot be move again14:37
mona_i cannot move it14:37
TheSheeppress alt and drag the window14:37
mona_TheSheep, yes, but well its not the solution really :)14:38
TheSheepa different window manager theme might help14:39
TheSheepotherwise, it's probably a bug in xfwm4 or in chromium (or both), and you can report it to have it fixed in the new release14:40
recon_laphow to you get a new grub.cfg file created after you update /etc/default/grub?14:40
koegs"sudo update-grub"14:42
recon_lapwish me luck, if I'm not back it went badly :)14:42
recon_lapyaa, fixed the backlight control :)14:47
xubuntu777ok, my desktop has changed into a pink screen, but the window manager is running. i dont have any icons or background. can someone help?15:17
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GridCubefredom, remove nautilus and restart your session15:19
fredomthank you, i'll be back if it continues15:22
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fredomshould i also remove libnautilus-extension?15:25
fredomwell i've still got the pink screen15:26
GridCubethen do autoremove15:26
GridCubesudo apt-get autoremove15:26
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fredomone sec i'ma restart whole machine15:27
mona_Now working towards setting brightness here on acer one. I have added acpi vendor stuff to grub, updated grub, but  /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness: no such file or directory15:27
mona_what is this madness?15:28
fredomok, still a pink screen. also i am having to start my windowmanager and panels from autostart menu. not sure if that has anything to do with it15:32
fredomand a popup says my panel is running in kiosk mode15:32
GridCubefredom, do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:33
GridCubeit should install you all the default xubuntu packages15:34
GridCubethen when you log in check that you are using a "xubuntu session"15:34
recon_laplol, had the answer to mona_ question, shame they left15:34
fredommultipule personality?15:36
recon_lapsound better than it :)15:36
fredomstrange, why did xubuntnu desktop get removed..?15:37
fredomoh well time to restart15:37
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fredomnow i have to startup xfdesktop too from the startup menu15:44
fredomjust solved the problem though15:44
fredomwel patched it15:44
GridCubewhat did you did to your system fredom ?15:45
GridCubedo you have lightdm running?15:45
GridCube:/ do you have xfwm4 runing?15:46
GridCubexfwm4 --replace probably?15:47
fredomyes i set that to startup automatically.15:47
GridCubeto make it the deafult15:47
GridCubei dont know, check if loging in with a new test user fix the issues?15:49
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fredombite me, i do have the panel running15:52
fredomoh well15:53
fredomany other essential programs i should check?15:53
fredompower manager is good. oh how do i set the fan on ac power15:54
fredomnvr mind15:55
fredomon the cpu frequency governor applet, when i set a governer from the dropdown box then close the box. it goes back to ondemand15:57
holsteinfredom: it might not ever get changed.. you might not have support for it..15:58
fredomwait, just saw15:58
fredompower manager prefer power saving over performance on battery15:58
fredomomg i cant change the opwer manager settings15:59
holsteinfredom: i dont seem to have any issues... what have you changed so far from the default setup?16:01
fredomi havent had problems till recently16:02
mona_can i somehow enable this command gksudo "setpci -s '00:02.0' F4.B=99"  to be run without the need for sudo?16:02
holsteinfredom: sometimes i make a new user and either look at the config there, or try looking in the live CD16:02
recon_lapmona_: you trying to get you brightness control working?16:03
fredomwhat program operates the cpu frequency scaling?16:05
mona_recon_lap, yes16:08
mona_the gksudo "setpci -s '00:02.0' F4.B=99"16:08
mona_so i attached it to keyboard shortcuts16:09
mona_but its not very elegant, because everytime i invoke it, it asks for passwd16:09
recon_lapmona_: this might be a help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight , depends on what you problem is? is it the brightness applet not working or just the shortcut keys?16:10
mona_recon_lap, bothj16:12
TheSheepmona_: xbright doesn't work?16:12
recon_lapmona_: you should work through that guide, depending on you video driver you can get the proper fix16:13
TheSheep(or was it xbrightness?)16:13
recon_lapmona_: fn + right arrow/left arrow are the default keys for changing brightness16:14
Marzatain Action Buttons applet it says Lock, but there is no lock?16:30
Mathiasrecon_lap: is it?16:30
Mathiasisn't it usually fn+left/right ?16:30
recon_lapMathias: ?? searches keyboard for key with "left" or "right" on it :P16:32
Mathiasrecon_lap: i think you know what i mean :P16:33
recon_lapMathias: can't really answer, I'v got two keyboards, one got a Fn key , the other does not, works fine with the Fn key16:40
baizonany ideas, i set grub to nomodeset, now i can only choose between 2 resolutions?16:43
SysiKMS doesn't work with nomodeset and your xorg is missing it or config16:44
baizonso i cant enable this option?16:46
Sysiyou need to add modelines to xorg.conf if you can't use nomodeset16:47
Sysi*if you have to use16:47
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Monte_Cristohi. how can i uninstall the grub of xubuntu? which command could I use?16:51
baizonSysi: thanks16:58
baizonMonte_Cristo: you cant uninstall grub, or your system wont boot16:58
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: you need to be a bit clearer about what your trying to do.16:59
Monte_Cristoi installed ubuntu on my notebook, and now in the netbook i have windows 7 and xubuntu in dual boot. windows 7 will not boot up. I want xubuntu uninstall, and reinstall windows 7. I created a live usb with the package of windows 7, but when I start the netbook from usb windows live, I get a screen that says xubuntu Default. And I can not reinstall windows.17:03
koegsthen you did not boot from the usb17:04
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: you should check the BIOS to see what the boot order is17:05
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: And personally I've never hear of windows booting from a usb? but I'm out of touch with windows17:06
Monte_Cristorecon_lap of course17:06
koegswin7 can be installed from usb, win8 even can be installed on a usb17:07
Monte_Cristowin7 can be installed from usb, i downloaded the iso from the official web site, and i have the installation key17:08
Monte_CristoI'm sorry, but in my netbook, xubuntu is very slow, unlike windows 7. so I decided not to give up linux and install ubuntu on the notebook. but I want the netbook windows seven!17:08
recon_lapyep, software companies coping the open source movement and charging people for their innovative updates :)17:09
Monte_CristoI do not care about this17:10
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: no worries , linux is not for everyone, and seems it's not for you laptop anyway :)17:10
koegsMonte_Cristo: this is not a xubuntu problem, make sure you have the installer right on the usb and check your boot settings17:10
koegswindows will overwrite grub during installation17:11
Monte_Cristokoegs, I know this17:12
Monte_Cristokoegs, when i change the order in bios, and start the machine, a screen 'xubuntu' appears, with the word default and a countdown timer that wakes up to infinity. later, if I remove the usb, 'xubuntu' starts normally. In the notebook, where I installed ubuntu, I tried to create more time live usb win7, I tried to re-download the package. I think it's a problem with grub. I am convinced that, if I remove the grub, the machine would17:17
Monte_Cristo be able to access the live usb.17:17
koegsMonte_Cristo: no it is not, check your netbook and see if you can get a bios boot menu or something17:18
koegsthis happens before grub17:18
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: well if you're convinced, format the drive and grub is gone. It's not booting from USB for some reason, because if it was you would not be seeing grub.17:19
koegsi think the netbook is not able to boot from the usb for some reason and that is why it is loading grub from the harddrive17:20
Monte_Cristobut because if I give priority in bios to the usb, and boot the machine from the live win7, it seems a strange screen xubuntu?17:20
Monte_Cristo*why,not because17:20
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: are you sure you dont have grub on the USB instead of windows?17:21
koegsMonte_Cristo: see if you can get some bios boot menu where you can clearly select the usb stick to boot17:21
koegsif this fails, your configuration on the stick is wrong :)17:21
Monte_Cristorecon_lap, i'm sure, i formatted more time the usb and installed twice the17:22
Monte_Cristoiso win717:22
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: and have you booted this laptop from USB before?17:22
Monte_Cristokoegs, i've already done, i selected the usb, In recent weeks I've done that many times17:23
Monte_Cristorecon lap, yes, more times..17:24
koegsMonte_Cristo: i am sorry to say that but then there is something wrong with your usb or the way you put win7 on the usb, this is not a problem of xubuntu or grub :(17:24
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: well, have you checked the partitions, because you may have more than one17:25
Monte_Cristomy four partitions are distributed as follows: 1) windows (does not work anymore, for some reason) 2) Windows recovery (even this does not work anymore) 3) always dedicated to windows, I do not know what (does not work anymore even) 4) partition for xubuntu, having therein two logical partitions: one for xubuntu, the other for swap. These last two only unique to operate17:28
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: I meant on the USB :)17:29
Monte_Cristoi formatted the usb17:29
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: you formatted a partition, if there are more than one partition which did you format?17:30
Monte_CristoI selected the usb from the side menu of ubuntu and I set up the formatting. I did not create partitions in usb, and in fact the machine does not ask me which partition to format. it formats everything.17:35
Monte_Cristothere is a way to uninstall xubuntu, or a command to uninstall the grub? if I act in this way, as soon as I will start the machine by usb win7, would not appear the screen xubuntu, and perhaps, would start win717:35
GridCubeformat it17:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:35
TheSheepit also tells how to remove grub17:36
Monte_CristoI hope17:36
koegsMonte_Cristo: how do you put win7 on the usb-stick?17:36
koegsstill, this is not a matter of grub...17:36
GridCubekoegs, theres an usb-installer from microsoft17:36
koegsGridCube: i know, but i want to know what Monte_Cristo does ;-)17:37
Monte_Cristokoegs, ohh!! with Unebootin of ubuntu. perhaps that is the problem?17:38
Monte_Cristowhen the machine show me the world Default with the count down, show also the word Unebootin17:39
Monte_Cristobut I can not figure out where i mistake17:39
koegsthere are serveral reports that win7.iso + unetbootin does not always work17:40
koegsdo you have another windows-pc?17:40
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: burn the ISO to the usb again, but burn it as just a ISO from a DVD writing app17:40
koegswtf recon_lap?17:41
koegs"burn to usb" with a dvd burner app??? :D17:41
Monte_Cristokoegs, no17:41
Monte_Cristorecon_lap i don't understand what you wrote, sorry17:42
recon_lapMonte_Cristo: ok, looked it up, not going to work :(17:45
GridCubehe "CAN" make a booteable is using unetbootin17:48
GridCubei've done it17:48
GridCubeit works17:48
recon_lapstill, I'd be checking the ISO for errors and using windows tool at this stage17:50
bazhangand joining ##windows17:50
libanyone know of a way to use expose in xubuntu xfce?22:11
ochosilib: you mean as in osx's expose effect of showing all open windows?22:12
ochosithere was/is skippy-xd22:12
ochosiit's kinda stable, wouldn't 100% recommend it though22:12
ochosii guess the best shot you have at this is by using compiz22:13
libyeah i saw it but the website seems to be down http://thegraveyard.org/skippy.html22:13
ochosino, there's one at code.google.com22:13
libi wasnt sure if it was still maintained22:13
ochosisomeone applied a few patches22:13
ochosibut i don't think it's actually that well-maintained22:13
libhmm thanks for the info. ill give it a try22:14
ochosiyeah, but don't complain about it ;)22:14
ochosi(there should even be ready-to-install debian/ubuntu packages of skippy-xd there...)22:15
libochosi: i clicked the .deb file and There isn’t a software package called “file:” in your current software sources.22:19
ochosilib: you can use "sudo dpkg -i $path-to-your-deb-file" if you want22:28
ochosibut dpkg -i doesn't take care of dependencies22:28
ochosiyou have to manually install those via synaptic or something like that22:28
Unit193sudo apt-get install -f for that.22:29
libthanks again linux jedi master22:29
* ochosi wasn't aware of Unit193's nickname22:30
GridCubei dont understand why im not getting the html5 videos on youtube :/ i've applied on youtube.com/html5 but i still see all the videos, even the most new ones as flash23:11
drciirc, you have to allow youtube cookies for the html5 settings to take/last.23:16
drcI always forget that :(23:16
Unit193May want to check back there, and at html5test.com23:17
GridCube363 and 9 bonus points23:18
GridCubeis that good?23:18
drcbeats me...no, really, I got 346+923:20
Unit193GridCube: Look at the video section.23:20
Unit193youtube.com/html5 has it too.23:20
GridCubeyes i have that all, if log in using my brother's google user i get to see the html5 videos23:21
GridCube:/ but not from my user23:21
GridCubecan it be tnat NON of all the videos i see are rendered to webm?23:21
v1adimirGridCube: there are /very/ little html5 ones, you sure you're viewing the same one?..23:22
GridCubebut wasnt it that all the new uploads where on webm?23:22
v1adimiri mean the same link as the one that works on your bro's23:22
GridCubeoh okay23:23
GridCubethats weird23:23
v1adimirGridCube: 0k, how about trying it with another browser; have you got another one installed?23:23
Unit193http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=kitties&aq=f&webm=1  Try that.23:24
GridCubesure, but i've figured it, its just that none of my subscriptions upload webm23:24
strtokso after upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 final beta, my mac pro is bricked :)23:51
strtokoops, nevermind, my bad23:52
Unit193How so? Or not.23:52
strtokwas issues with reffit23:52

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