
BarkingFishMorning guys :)  Does anyone here know what we're doing about adobe flashplayer at all?  11.2 is the last version on which linux is going to be supported.  Do we have any replacements planned?01:23
mparilloBarkingFish: Quick answer now; better answer from somebody who knows later. If you want the real Adobe Flash Player on Linux, supported, you will soon be stuck with Chrome as your only vehicle.01:33
shadeslayerjussi: so like01:38
shadeslayerjussi: done01:38
shadeslayerjust need to implement password saving in KWallet01:39
shadeslayershould be done by tomorrow hopefully01:39
shadeslayerhah, done as well02:00
shadeslayerjussi: you can now join password protected rooms via KTp :)02:00
shadeslayerwell ... via my branch that is02:00
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1057578] Vulnerable against "CRIME" attack @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1057578 (by Felix Geyer)02:11
=== Sentynel_ is now known as Sentynel
* ScottK just read the backscroll on the CC discussion. Seems like it was reasonable.03:24
ScottKRiddell: Those binaries built, but at least some of them are stuck in proposed.03:24
shadeslayerScottK: can I upload ktp 0.5.1 to -proposed once I'm satisfied with QA?03:28
ScottKIf it's bugfix only, sure thing.03:28
shadeslayerI uploaded them last night to https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly03:28
shadeslayerjust waiting for them to finish building03:29
* shadeslayer goes back to tidying his code03:32
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ScottKRiddell: All the missing binary rebuilds are in queue for you to accept if someone else doesn't get to it first.05:30
jussishadeslayer: please let me know when and where I can get it05:54
Kalidarnbug 923587 was resolved in the upcoming quantal release, but there's no backport for precise06:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923587 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "No openconnect support in plasma-widget-networkmanagement" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92358706:05
Kalidarnis it possible that precise will get a backport of that package06:05
Kalidarngiven that precise has 5y release-time typically businesses are going to be the ones sticking to that, and also the ones using openconnect06:06
Kalidarni hope this is the right channel to ask in06:06
Riddellwhat shall I put in the release team report this week?09:15
mikhasRiddell, how about little ponies?09:47
Riddellwe don't do little ponies, we to sparkly unicorns09:48
RiddellKalidarn: does the fix have a minimal patch?09:49
Riddelloh it's a build-dep09:49
Riddellbulldog98_: fancy looking at bug 923587 for a backport?09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923587 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "No openconnect support in plasma-widget-networkmanagement" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92358709:50
Kalidarnyeah Riddell but the dep has been solved09:53
Kalidarnbecause the dep HAD to be updated for security reasons09:53
Kalidarnso it just now needs to be built agains tthe current dep in the repo09:54
Kalidarnwhen that bug was originally filed openconnect 3.02 was what was in main repo09:55
Kalidarnand now precise has 3.1509:55
afiestasRiddell: crashed the installer again09:55
afiestasthis time the only "weird" thing I selected was Spanish lang09:56
afiestasso I guess it got stuck downloading spanish translations09:56
afiestasdo you want logs? it got stuck at the same % it did eysterday09:56
Riddellafiestas: ug09:59
Riddellafiestas: can you report with ubuntu-bug ubiquity ?09:59
RiddellKalidarn: let's see if bulldog98_ picks it up, he fixed it in quantal10:04
Kalidarnyeah hopefully10:11
Riddellhi mparillo, afiestas had some comments on the images for the release pages, would you be up for fixing them?10:27
mparilloThanks, I saw the comments. I certainly could remove the speller widget (I really need it until Rekonq adds spell-checking), but I did not understand the other two comments he made on my screenshot. First, I could not find the rendering issue (and even if I did, I am not sure how to fix), and second, he did not like the Rekonq scroll bars. I cannot see how to get rid of them.10:29
mparilloAnd I do not see the "you have additiona software" thing.10:32
mparillo(Of course I could maximze the Rekonq window, but I don't think that makes sense).10:34
Riddellmparillo: just remove the spell checker widget for the screenshots, it's important to show default setup10:38
Riddellmparillo: the background on the kmenu and activities widget is a different shade from the rest of the toolbar10:38
Riddellthat can probably be fixed by just clicking on those buttons to redraw them10:38
Riddellthe additional software applet is the globe+down arrow icon in the systray, can be got rid of by clicking on it10:39
Riddellhorizontal scrollbar can be got rid of by making the window wider :)10:40
mparilloWill do. What I will do is download a virgin daily build, so I also pickup KDE SC 4.9.2, with all the defaults. If I can widen Rekonq enough to get rid of the scroll bar on my display, I will do so.10:40
Riddellgood idea10:42
mparilloBut not to sound *TOO* defensive, the version I replaced was from Fedora. ;-)10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062183 in Kubuntu Website "Improve Desktop Screen Shot in Release Wiki Page" [Low,New]10:46
mparilloI should get to it today, certainly this weekend.10:46
mparilloSigning off to do some downloading.10:47
afiestasdownloaded the iso again, tried to install it in vbox, didn't worked10:52
afiestasI'm starting to wonder if somebody tested the beta2 iso 10:52
afiestasbecause it is nto working no matter what I do, with or without internet, in Eng or in CA, it doesn't matter will get stuck at 93%10:53
RiddellI promise I did!10:53
afiestasRiddell: 64bits?10:54
Riddellbut will do so again to see if I can recreate your issues10:56
tazzhttp://blogs.kde.org/2012/10/04/its-beta just from the logo, it looks like a twitter + kubuntu ingratiation thing.11:17
Riddellbuenos dias Darkwing 11:17
tazzany clue what bird that is?11:18
Riddelltazz: it's a quatzal, to go with the release name :)11:19
tazzquetzal are epic cute. :)11:19
tazzjust like fennec foxes.11:20
BluesKajhowdy all11:46
BluesKajall seems well on the kde 4.9.2 and quantal front this morning11:47
DarkwingI had a little issue with updates yesterday that required a reinstall of kubuntu-desktop and kde-workspace but, other than that I'm loving Quantal11:48
BluesKajDarkwing, "litt;e issue" ? That sounds serious to me 11:49
DarkwingI think it was more my laptop than anything else.11:49
Darkwingbecause my GF updated no issue11:50
BluesKajtherewere some grphics driver upgrades yesterday that caused concern , but they sppeared work out 11:52
BluesKajoh quantal has 129 upgrades here11:54
Riddellafiestas: no internet, yes install mp3 etc, in catala, install completes fine11:58
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1062225] white borders appear around windows after upgrade to kubuntu 12.10 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1062225 (by Yi Xie)11:58
Riddellafiestas: so I'm wondering what else could be the difference between your and my installs11:59
Riddelluse of es. package mirror possibly?12:00
DarkwingRiddell: do we use any default stuff written in python?12:00
RiddellDarkwing: only ubiquity and usb-creator I think12:01
Riddellsince we changes from language-selector and printer-applet12:01
DarkwingRiddell: we have a maintainer for those?12:01
Riddelloh kde-config-touchpad maybe12:02
RiddellDarkwing: for which?12:02
DarkwingOr rather, a python developer12:02
DarkwingI've been debating learning python12:02
RiddellI recommend it12:02
Darkwingand I was wonder the use toward Kubuntu for it.12:02
afiestasRiddell: in vbox reproduced it twice, out of 6 attemps12:03
afiestasin pendrive is all the time12:03
Riddellafiestas: I believe you, just a tricky issue of tracking it down12:03
DarkwingI think my laptop would be able to handle a scripting lang better than one needing to compile... seeing how the few times I've compiled it's about fried my system heh12:03
RiddellDarkwing: ubiquity could certainly do with some kde love12:04
Riddellusb-creator no doubt has fixes needed too although apachelogger did a few of those recently12:04
DarkwingI'll start learning. I've had a bit of expirence with scripting and so Python wouldn't be that huge of a jump.12:04
Riddellscripting is a pretty derogetory term to many python programmers, it's a full object orientated language unlike say Bash12:05
Darkwingscripting vs compiling language.12:06
ScottKThe term you want is interpreted then.12:06
RiddellDarkwing: some people are put off by the enforced indentation but I love that12:07
Riddelland some people by the excessive use of "self" which is just how it is12:07
DarkwingIt forces clean code IMO12:07
Darkwingunline PHP/HTML messes that are created.12:07
kubotuDarkwing meant: "s/unlike/unlike"12:08
Darkwingthank you kubotu12:08
yofelDarkwing, Riddell: software-properties-kde could need some love too. Currently we're just stacking hacks on it12:15
DarkwingIt's settled. I'm starting on my python todat.12:16
kubotuDarkwing meant: "It's settled. I'm starting on my python today."12:16
Riddellyofel: oh good point, it needs policykit-ified I think12:16
yofelit needs ported to the dbus interface that the gnome UI uses. That would remove most of the backend compatibility hacks12:17
yofeldoesn't look too hard, just a tad time consuming12:17
DarkwingRiddell: What IDE do you use?12:54
RiddellDarkwing: emacs :)13:01
Riddellor kate13:01
Riddelleric is the native ide for python but I've never used it13:02
DarkwingI was looking at this... http://monkeystudio.org/13:03
RiddellI've not heard of that13:16
DarkwingLooks like it has a bunch of the Qt stuff I will be interested in.13:17
tsimpsonlooks similar to Creator13:18
Riddellit's got Qt Designer integrated same as creator does13:23
Riddellbut it uses a bunch of UI elements from KDevelop13:23
shadeslayerjussi: do you want a deb or a patch ?13:23
jussishadeslayer: ideally into one of the kubuntu ppas, but failing that a deb please13:24
jussishadeslayer: 64 bit/all arch deb ;)13:24
shadeslayerjussi: its a rough implementation at the moment, can't release it 13:25
shadeslayerjussi: quantal ?13:25
jussishadeslayer: ok, deb then13:25
jussino, precise13:25
shadeslayerok, will patch the 0.5.1 release and email you the deb :)13:25
jussimuch appreciated13:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: managed to get anything running with those qt 5 packages?13:45
Riddellin experimental?13:45
afiestasRiddell: I have been looking for the sms that arrived to me about the hotel booking13:54
afiestasbut apparently I have los tit :/13:54
afiestascan you tell me the departure day?13:55
afiestaswas it 1st or 2nd?13:55
Riddellafiestas: the Friday14:01
afiestasookz, needed to be sure to answer Bryan (he asked the return day)14:02
Riddelltravel agents are nosey like that, the want to know all about your journey :)14:02
afiestasnp :p14:03
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Riddellagateau, Quintasan_: have you guys given Bryan@bryton all the info he needs?14:41
agateauRiddell: yes14:42
Riddellafiestas: is this your bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/105961915:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1059619 in grub-installer (Ubuntu Quantal) "Installation hangs on: grub-mount /dev/sdb1 /var/lib/os-prober/mount" [High,New]15:17
afiestasRiddell: I can't tell if the installer hangs there15:33
Riddellafiestas: if you want to confirm it see if it'll get fixed on killing grub-mount15:34
afiestasI can do it right now (I have the laptop still at 93% xD)15:37
afiestasoh nevermind, reinstalling again15:38
afiestasRiddell: I have 2 instances of that15:56
Riddellkillall :)15:57
afiestasRiddell: yep, killing it made the installer finish15:57
Riddellgroovy thanks, I'll mark your bug as a duplicate of this one15:57
* afiestas is trying to find notes from last uds16:42
afiestasany help?16:42
Riddellafiestas: specs https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/?searchtext=kubuntu16:43
afiestas[kubuntu-dev] investigate kde touchpad enabler for packaging/inclusion - find out what exactly this means and what it does and bleh: POSTPONED16:43
afiestasuh, why nobody asked me?16:44
* afiestas is sad16:44
Riddellhum, an oversight I guess, sorry about that16:45
afiestasyou know guys you can ask me as much as you need/want/etc 16:45
afiestasor in this case tsdgeos is the author of that16:45
afiestasRiddell: is there any log to know who put that? just to tell her/him to ask me next time16:49
afiestasor kde-devel for that matter xD16:49
Riddellafiestas: apachelogger did that change16:52
afiestasapachelogger: damn you :p16:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yes, the demos from qtbase5-examples run16:58
ScottKComment: Stale binary restulting from premature copy to -release17:10
ScottKRemove [y|N]? y17:10
ScottK194 packages successfully removed.17:10
KalidarnRiddell: http://www.theverge.com/2012/2/8/2784225/canonical-ends-kubuntu-support :( sads17:12
Kalidarnand yes i know it's old news.17:12
Kalidarnas someone who just came from ubuntu, i won't say what i think about that, other than I probably wouldn't pay canonical for commercial support because of it.17:14
shadeslayerKalidarn: we have a new Sponsor :)17:26
shadeslayeryep, Blue Systems17:27
Kalidarnthat's good news.17:27
shadeslayerKalidarn: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-to-be-sponsored-by-blue-systems17:27
shadeslayerold news actually ;)17:27
Kalidarnyeah well :)17:28
Kalidarni decided to give 12.04 GNOME+UNITY a shot, its getting there but still has a long way to go.17:28
Kalidarnand is still missing the configurability I'm used to with KDE, so when it came around to rolling out our workstations fot the devs i used KDE17:29
Kalidarn4.8/4.9 is much better than the previous releases, no plasma crashes yet.17:29
shadeslayerimo KDE is at a point where we have a very stable base with little to no crashes17:29
Kalidarnbasically and that's from an honest point of view17:30
Kalidarnnobody likes to admit their desktop environment has bugs but yeah.17:30
Kalidarnpeople get quite religious about it17:30
Kalidarnbut ultimately as users become acustomed to their system they want to change things, and im always asked17:30
shadeslayerI agree, KDE was plain horrible to use in the 4.1-4.3 days17:30
Kalidarn"if only i could do XXXXX like i have on XXXXX"17:30
Kalidarnmy manager actually asked me how to set rotating wallapers in gnome like he has on his macbook....17:31
Kalidarnhe was glad the python script on a 20 minute cron job worked, but he did ask me "if it was that simple why isn't there a button to do it?"17:32
Kalidarn(that was before we used a particular environment for the image rolled out to all the workstations)17:33
Kalidarnhe had a few trial systems setup at that point17:33
shadeslayerKalidarn: uhm, this is getting offtopic now ;)17:35
shadeslayer#kubuntu-offtopic if you want :)17:35
Kalidarnyeah that's why i shut up17:35
shadeslayerRiddell: should I just get this printed : http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/Kubuntu-quantal-quetzal.png17:36
shadeslayerRiddell: and what dimensions17:36
Kalidarnshadeslayer: strangely reminds me of the firefox logo.17:36
shadeslayeryeah, people have told me it reminds them of Mark17:37
Kalidarnexcept it's blue and it's a bird not a fox.17:37
shadeslayerit's a quetzal :)17:38
Kalidarni must thank canonical for teaching me about animals i never knew existed.17:38
shadeslayerheh, yeah17:39
Kalidarnwhat happens when you guys get to Z?17:39
shadeslayerstart over I believe17:40
shadeslayerwhich is why some of the tools have already been modified17:40
shadeslayeryeah, like backportpackage ...17:41
shadeslayerearlier it used to version things like upstream_ver-0ubuntuX~precise117:42
ScottKRiddell: We probably want this, right? http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.com/2012/09/plasma-nm-0905.html17:42
shadeslayernot it's upstream_ver-0ubuntuX~ubuntu12.0417:42
ScottKSo we're good for 87 years now.17:43
ScottKshadeslayer: Can you update networkmanagement?17:43
shadeslayerScottK: can't do it today, can I upload it along with ktp ?17:44
ScottKUnless someone else gets to it first.17:44
shadeslayerjust going through the changelog 17:44
Kalidarnshadeslayer: are you talking about for quantal or precise?17:46
shadeslayerKalidarn: hm? well .. the tools were modified for precise, so that if someone backports a package using backportpackage for precise the versioning is safe enough for an extended period of time17:47
Kalidarnno i mean for networkmanagement17:48
Kalidarnbecause in bug 923587 a fix was released for quantal, but precise users see no such bugfix.17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923587 in networkmanagement (Ubuntu) "No openconnect support in plasma-widget-networkmanagement" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92358717:48
shadeslayerScottK: did you read http://prog21.dadgum.com/154.html17:48
ScottKNo.  Reading now.17:49
shadeslayerKalidarn: I'll make sure to backport the package to kubuntu-backports17:49
Kalidarn:) much appreciated17:50
micahgshadeslayer: can it not be backported in official backports?17:50
ScottKIsn't the adrenaline rush most of the fun? 17:50
Kalidarnit should be able to be now because openconnect missing dep has been met with the correct version17:51
shadeslayermicahg: imo it should first go into kubuntu-backports for extensive testing,  and then we can think about -backports17:51
Kalidarninitially the version in precise was not new enough, but then a buffer overflow was found and it had to be updated, so now the networkmanager plugin when built against it should work17:51
jussishadeslayer: did you send that deb yet?17:51
Kalidarnbackports is good enough though17:51
shadeslayerjussi: I'm going to clean up the code a bit today17:52
jussiahh, ok17:52
shadeslayerbecause there are couple of things I don't handle, like incorrect passwords17:52
jussishadeslayer: I can hang on till monday, when I really need it again :)17:52
shadeslayerso I want to implement that tonight, will roll a deb tomorrow morning and email it :)17:52
shadeslayerah :)17:52
shadeslayerScottK: there was a follow up post to that btw : http://thecodist.com/article/yes_i_still_want_to_be_doing_this_at_5617:56
ScottKshadeslayer: That seems about right.17:58
shadeslayeryeah :)17:58
yofel_shadeslayer: I took a quick look at networkmanagement, you need to backport openconnect too, the version in precise is outdated18:01
shadeslayerah ok18:01
Kalidarnyofel_: are u sure?18:03
Kalidarnim pretty sure openconnect was updated from when that bug was originally opened for security reasons18:03
yofel_to what version? I only see 3.15 in precise, nm requires >= 3.9918:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelquantal has 4.06 so that'll be fine18:04
ScottKIt could be there's a patch that could be cherrypicked if someone cares to investigate.18:05
Kalidarnah i was looking at comment #1318:05
Kalidarnperhaps the commit mentioned in #12 could be made into a patch18:06
Kalidarnyofel: what does require?18:08
yofelthat's talking about 3.02, it *was* updated to 3.1518:08
yofelno idea. I still have that lying around in a PPA, sec18:08
Kalidarnmaybe can be compiled against 3.15 and problem be gone?18:08
Kalidarnunless there were serious issues with that were bad18:09
yofelno luck18:12
Kalidarn:( hmm18:12
Kalidarnand it's doubtful openconnect will be put in the PPA?18:13
yofelshould be fine, different so versions in 3 and 418:13
Kalidarni doubt a whole lot was changed in the openconnect package18:14
Kalidarnoh wait, it went from 3.20 to 4.9918:14
Kalidarni thought that was multiple releases, turns out it's only 1 release18:15
Kalidarnand you actually need openconnect 3.2018:15
Kalidarnbecause in that they fixed: Fix progress callback with incorrect cbdata which caused KDE crash.18:15
Kalidarnthough that's probably the commit commenter #12 was talking about18:16
yofelwell, I would still have to talk to lamarque before patching the cmake check18:17
yofelso let's try with 4 first18:17
Kalidarnmight as well18:17
Kalidarni can test those debs if you want18:17
yofelwould be good, I have no precise system that uses NM right now18:19
yofelwait, I do have one18:19
shadeslayerI'm on precise as well18:22
yofelthanks launchpad for being as slow as ever...18:24
shadeslayerI heard you like unity in your unity, so i put a unity in a unity in your browser http://wstaw.org/m/2012/10/05/plasma-desktopk11760.png18:26
Kalidarnshadeslayer: *snort*18:27
Kalidarnshadeslayer: i can 1up that18:28
Kalidarnunity, with a vm with unity with a browser with unity18:28
Kalidarn3 levels of unity reached, score!18:28
shadeslayerbut it's not webscale18:29
shadeslayerwhat's the point if it's not webscale18:29
yofel Start 2012-10-07 WHAT?18:30
yofel30h queue, just great (https://launchpad.net/builders)18:31
* yofel goes for medium urgency18:33
Kalidarnlol shadeslayer 18:34
Kalidarni went to the tour in safari (because i thik my plugins were blocking it)18:34
Kalidarnand i got an advert for mackeeper.18:34
Kalidarnwhile doing the ubuntu tour, that's not good advertising18:35
Kalidarnactually i like how they do the browser, it might have been triggered from the browser opened within the tour18:35
yofel Started a moment ago  - better :)18:35
Kalidarnthat tour is a really good idea.18:36
* shadeslayer waves fist at yofel for jumping build queue18:36
shadeslayermy ktp builds have been in queue for the last 24 hours18:36
yofelI don't want to wait on openconnect, I'll put nm in the regular queue18:37
Kalidarnit totally is missing an easter egg for the nerds in us though shadeslayer 18:37
yofelubuntu isn't for nerds18:37
Kalidarnyes but for those who are there needs to be an easter egg hidden deep within the tour :)18:37
yofelnah, they'll be too busy trying to figure out how to configure unity with dconf and gsettings to search for the easter egg18:38
yofelgreat, the publisher seems stuck too18:50
Riddellyofel: sure it's not stuck in a queue somewhere? what are you wanting?18:53
Riddellshadeslayer: yes please, that's a good design to get printed18:54
yofeldoesn't usually take half an hour18:54
yofelbut it's not urgent anyway18:54
Riddellshadeslayer: previous ones I have are about credit card size which worked well18:54
RiddellScottK: mm yes very likely we do18:55
Riddellbulldog98: ping ping?18:56
shadeslayerRiddell: ok19:06
shadeslayerRiddell: ^ our sticker printer guy ;)19:09
shadeslayerand KDE contributor ofcourse :P19:09
spacetimeof all the things I'm known for :P19:09
spacetimeah.. better19:09
shadeslayeryou were saying something about it being squareish?19:10
spacetimeah yes, lemme scale it down and give you a number19:11
shadeslayerplz use karbon19:12
shadeslayersince it renders incorrectly everywhere else19:12
mparilloafiestas, Riddell: I have posted two different screenshots of desktops from today's daily build to bug 106218319:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062183 in Kubuntu Website "Improve Desktop Screen Shot in Release Wiki Page" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106218319:19
mparilloWhich would you prefer?19:19
* Riddell looks19:21
Riddellhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/118508094/DesktopWithApps.png looks lovely19:21
shadeslayerexcept please get rid of that search bar in ktp, and actually have some contacts in there :P19:22
yofelis the pager supposed to be visible?19:22
yofelwith just one desktop?19:22
shadeslayerit's not ...19:22
Riddellpresumably that's what the pager is like on the CD19:23
Riddella curious bug19:23
Riddellshadeslayer: why no search bar in ktp?19:23
shadeslayerRiddell: looks a bit out-of-place to me19:23
mparilloI tried to do absolutely nothing to the vanilla install.19:24
mparilloSo the pager is OotB.19:24
Riddellmparillo: yes, it'll be a bug somewhere19:24
shadeslayerwell at most it'd come from our plasma setup script19:24
shadeslayerand iirc I didn't see that there19:25
mparilloWho uses pages anymore? I thought that was old Gnome folks. We have Activities?19:25
shadeslayerwe have both :)19:25
yofelI do19:25
shadeslayerand I just use one virtual desktop tbh19:25
yofeland you might as well count into the old gnome folks :P19:25
yofel*count me19:26
mparilloI suppose TIMTOWTDI19:26
spacetimeshadeslayer: 55mm x 50mm sounds good?19:26
yofelI have nothing against activities, but the switching widget is totally useless compared to the pager19:27
shadeslayeryofel: use meta+q :P19:27
yofelwell, not completely useless. I mean it doesn't have the information I want to see19:27
shadeslayerand is actually usefull for touch devices :)19:27
shadeslayerspacetime: can you upload a scaled image somewhere?19:28
shadeslayerI'm on neon and installing calligra will take time19:28
spacetimeshadeslayer: http://imgur.com/jhAlS Get a ruler, you can get an idea of how big 5cmx5.5cm is19:33
shadeslayerso it's basically half a RasPi19:36
spacetimeSend me one and I'll let you know19:36
shadeslayerI'm telling you :P]19:36
shadeslayeractually, 3/4ths of a Raspberry Pi19:37
shadeslayerRiddell: ^ Good enough?19:39
KalidarnRiddell: except for the kopete with no contacts19:50
Kalidarns/kopete/ktp/ bad habbit19:52
kubotuKalidarn meant: "Riddell: except for the ktp with no contacts"19:52
Riddellshadeslayer: looks good20:03
shadeslayerspacetime: ^ please email us a quote :)20:04
spacetimeshadeslayer: okay :)20:04
shadeslayerthe xubuntu folks got this : http://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/8054550913/20:05
shadeslayerwho wants to test the new ktp bug fix release for quantal? https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly20:31
shadeslayerjust waiting for a couple of packages to publish20:31
Riddellshadeslayer: what's the fix?20:52
RiddellDarkwing: holy hmmz?20:53
shadeslayerRiddell: fix? It's a entire bug fix release :)20:53
shadeslayerloads of them20:53
Riddellmm, gosh20:53
shadeslayerDarkwing: ohai20:54
Riddellshadeslayer: seems to work21:23
shadeslayerI'll upload it to -proposed21:24
shadeslayeroh wait, I'm not sure if I have upload rights for ktp21:27
shadeslayeryus, I don't have upload rights21:27
shadeslayerRiddell: ^21:28
shadeslayerI should apply for MOTU :P21:28
Riddellshadeslayer: that you should21:35
Riddellshadeslayer: got a list of packages for me to get?  or even better the packages themselves for sign and upload?21:40
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/563150/21:41
shadeslayerthe only issue is that you'll need to add sed calls in there to remove ppa1 and change quantal to quantal-proposed :)21:42
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1057578] Vulnerable against "CRIME" attack @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1057578 (by Felix Geyer)22:06
shadeslayeryofel: any ideas if the publisher is even working?23:24
yofelfrom my POV: It's not23:24
shadeslayeryeah looks like it crashed 23:24
shadeslayerRiddell: thanks for uploading ktp :)23:26

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