
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
xieyiI just upgraded to kubuntu 12.10. I meet some problems. One is the kopete can't login gtalk now. kopete used to login gtalk properly before upgrade.00:43
xieyiThe second one is that the glx module of  integrated graphic card can't load properly00:44
xieyiThe last is muon. It can't show the available updates when there actually has some.00:51
LogicallyDashingI have KCalendar set up viewing and editing an iCalendar file that's getting changed by an external program every now and again. This is working fine, but I get a desktop notification every time something other than KCalendar changes that file, and I don't want that. This notification doesn't seem to appear in the notification configurator in the system settings. How do I turn it off?00:54
contrastGreets, everyone. Anyone here using the Window Menubar widget since upgrading to KDE 4.9.1 or 4.9.2? It's been giving me *constant* crashes (tried on a clean profile, problem persists).01:36
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:00
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bjrohanHey there. I have 12.10 installed with 4 virtual desktops. How do I change my default desktop?04:29
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andres_hi, I need some help regarding user permissions... can any1 help me please?07:31
andres_I want to grant permissions to read/write to a user to ONLY A SUBTREE of an externally mounted drive, mounted in /mnt/Iomega07:32
tsimpsonandres_: what's the problem you're having, or do you just not know how?07:33
andres_the problem is that the mount command07:33
andres_mounts the drive with the same permissions for all the partition07:33
andres_and I want the user to have access to only part of the partition07:33
tsimpsonwhat file system does the drive have?07:33
andres_/dev/sdb1             256   488199167  1952795648    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT07:34
andres_so when it is already mounted I cannot chmod or chown any subfolders07:34
andres_and I don't have enough space to copy it to my local drive07:35
andres_and I can't trust this person... I can't let him have permission over all the drive07:35
tsimpsonyou need some special trickery to map NTFS permission and UNIX permissions07:37
tsimpsonandres_: http://www.tuxera.com/community/ntfs-3g-manual/#7 gives some information on it07:38
andres_thank you tsimpson07:38
andres_I will have a look07:38
lordievaderGood morning07:39
andres_I though the system would handle that transparently07:39
andres_when I used chmod and chown07:39
tsimpsonthe access rights information in the NTFS file system is not really compatible with normal UNIX style permissions, that's why you need to generate some mapping for the system to use07:40
andres_tsimpson than you for pointing me in the right direction :) really appreciate that :D07:45
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* scorpking waves..11:00
CQhello, is kubuntu active just another desktop that I can install in parallel to plasma?11:14
CQI have a tablet and want to take notes, annotate slides etc. with it11:14
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arian_is here any body?11:28
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BluesKajhowdy all11:46
Guest37094hello everybody I want to use cron on my kubutnu what i can to do ? ( installed kcron but added nothing,, I want to use cron for opening a bash file at one time for update my system)11:48
Peace-Guest37094: mm11:49
Guest37094<Peace-> ???11:49
Peace-Guest37094: kcron ?11:50
Guest37094I installed that , but it added nothing to my softwares . (no found software on kickoff)11:51
Peace-Guest37094: did you rebooted ?11:51
Peace-Guest37094: or have your runned  kbuildsycoca4  #aka refresh stuff for the user just installed11:51
Peace-Guest37094: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/10/05/plasma-desktopgj1936.png i have just installed11:52
Peace-Guest37094: sudo apt-get install   kcron kde-config-cron11:53
Peace-Guest37094: you need to go on systemsettings btw11:54
BluesKajoh quantal has 129 upgrades here11:54
Peace-BluesKaj: :)11:54
BluesKajoops wrong chat11:54
MySystemhello is there a konsole way to change audiostream volume because in some games there isnt a way to go back to desktop to open kmix without crashing or ending the game and if i end there is no stream listed12:01
MySystemand changing master via some remote way or asamixer isnt a solution because this affects the other streams to12:02
datruthI'm running Kubuntu 12.04 and I am having issues controlling the brightness of my screen it my hotkeys seem to work during boot (grub) and shutdown window but after Kubuntu loads I can no longer control the brightness can someone help with this?12:04
=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
koftesQuestion: How can I access the boot options when I'm booting with a Kubuntu Live USB/start-up disk?12:48
koftesKubuntu 12.0412:48
LogicallyDashingkoftes: normally you just whack any key while the logo is showing12:49
LogicallyDashingkoftes: i mean the logo that looks like a keyboard, not the kubuntu logo12:49
koftesTrying now12:52
koftesOK, Live usb doesn't even work now :(12:55
koftesNeed to reboot, will be back in a bit12:56
juanitokubuntu its not mantained by ubuntu anymore, so i think this is not an official ubuntu irc channel ...12:59
Picijuanito: its not maintained by Canonical, its still an offical support channel though.13:00
BluesKajkubuntu is maintained by blue systems , juanito , http://blue-systems.com/13:05
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tsimpson!es | felix___14:15
ubottufelix___: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:15
Guest31728Hello does anybody know how enable wmp plugin in firefox? thank you14:25
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backjlackI've had this problem with Kubuntu not saving my screen options for a really long time. What has to be done for it to save the chosen screen resolution?15:37
rockprincesshi everyone, i have a question. maybe someone can help me? i have recently installed byobu manually by compiling it, somehow it didn't quite work for me, so i ran unmake.....so i then decided to install it over the repos, and now when I type "byobu" I get the following message: /usr/bin/byobu: 50: .: Can't open /home/theresa/byobu/lib/byobu/include/common15:38
rockprincessseems like a wrapper script or so, is this bogus....any idea how I could fix this?15:38
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dreamboxHi, I installed Ubuntu server x64 and then... Kubuntu package on top. I wish to move away from KDE and go to Gnome3 or Unity, what should I do to keep the system as clean as possible from stuff?  (while not losing my Nvidia drivers and so on..)16:31
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ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome16:38
rorkdreambox: ^16:38
rorkhi Guest1386416:38
Guest13864I am new too kubuntu... would like to know where I can find free screensavers16:39
Guest13864hi rork!16:39
=== Guest13864 is now known as `Pakrat
rork`Pakrat: you can find additional screensavers in the kscreensaver package (`sudo apt-get install kscreensaver` or look for it in another packagemanager)16:43
rork`Pakrat: you can also find a lot of KDE goodies like screensavers, wallpapers and themes on kde-look: http://kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=3016:44
`Pakratthanks trying it now16:44
natmanwhats the release date for Kubuntu 12.10? how is it shaping up compared to 12.04?16:54
bazhang!12.10 | natman16:55
ubottunatman: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+116:55
natmansorry thanks16:55
`PakratRork, the more I play with this, the more I LOVE it...Windows seven will be the last copy of windows I own!16:55
`PakratGod bless you sir!!16:56
douglanyone home? Just upgraded my internet speed wanted someone to help me get my mind around it...17:00
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Guest23354some here who can help me?17:20
douglI can try...17:20
Guest23354*where are you from?17:21
bazhangGuest23354, kubuntu support question?17:21
douglyou are concerned with where your hlep comes from - lol?17:21
Guest23354yes bazhang support question17:21
bazhangthen ask it17:21
douglnever heard of it before = explain?17:21
Guest23354i want to  install some flash player... i cant do it, and i dont know why... any ideas?17:22
bazhang!flash > Guest2335417:22
ubottuGuest23354, please see my private message17:22
douglyou did not try hard enuff... what did you try?17:22
datruthGuest23354: you should try telling us how your installing it and what type of flash package your trying to install.17:23
dougl!flash > dougl17:23
ubottudougl, please see my private message17:23
datruthGuest23354: I wasn't here when you asked your question what is your issue?17:23
Guest23354i download adope flash player (17:24
dougldatruth, they are having issues trying to install flash17:24
datruthGuest23354: how did you try and install?17:25
Guest23354i try to installed adope (version and the reaktion is apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$distro-partner17:27
datruthGuest23354: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras17:29
bazhangdatruth, kubuntu-restricted-extras I think you mean17:30
datruthGuest23354: well is that working?17:32
Guest23354no -.-'17:32
datruthGuest23354: what error did you get?17:32
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r0llysry i was afk17:34
r0llyunkonw log17:35
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douglhow come when I open pages/sites from xchat/kmail (and others) rekonq is the browser it uses - how do I make it so firefox is used?17:50
rorkdougl: System Settings > Default Applications > Web Browser17:51
douglrork, thanks17:53
rorkyou're welcome, in KDE many things can be set and usually they are found in the System Settings somewhere, having a look around might be rewarding17:57
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tsimpsonplease play with the bot in /msg rather than here18:55
phoenix_firebrdlast one?18:55
tsimpsonlast warning18:55
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: moderator?18:56
tsimpsonI happen to be, yes. though you should always listen to the users in the channel18:56
DarthFrog!coc | phoenix_firebrd18:56
ubottuphoenix_firebrd: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv18:56
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: Ya i know, I have signed the COC18:57
DarthFrogphoenix_firebrd: That's good to know.  It's better to follow it. :-)18:57
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: Just for fun :)18:57
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: Pizza?18:58
DarthFrogphoenix_firebrd:  Feel free to "/msg ubottu !pizza"  all you want.18:58
tsimpsonphoenix_firebrd: what?18:58
phoenix_firebrdtsimpson: I guess you will echo for that query :D18:59
DarthFrogphoenix_firebrd:  Fill your boots in private chat with the bot.  but not in the open channel, please.18:59
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: sure sure, dont mistake me18:59
phoenix_firebrdDarthFrog: Instead of title of the channel we should put some doodles , what do you think?19:01
ubottumaustrix: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:25
phoenix_firebrdAny one using nvidia binary proprietary driver, could you paste the framebuffers that are blacklisted in modeproble.d. I am using the driver i downloaded from the nvidia website and on a cold boot system hangs after grub19:25
phoenix_firebrdprobably after starting to lod the nvidia driver19:26
phoenix_firebrdafter restarting the system, system boot without problem.19:27
phoenix_firebrdI have modified the list of blacklisted framebuffer drivers manually19:27
SIR_Taco_http://paste.kde.org/563084/   is the contents of blacklist-framebuffer.conf (12.10 version anyway)19:28
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco_: ya 12.10 mine too19:29
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
phoenix_firebrdSIR_Taco: I got my problem fixed, Thank you, have a great day21:17
neweruser123need halp21:30
neweruser123hi nee halp21:30
neweruser123wel teh som boady halp meh21:30
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BarkingFishevening all. wonder if someone could give me a quick hand please - I am trying to run an apt-get upgrade (after reinstalling down to 11.10 yesterday when I changed PCs)  - i have a problem though.  The apt-get upgrade command tells me that 44 packages have been "kept back" - and I want to know why.21:53
BarkingFishHow do I find out?21:53
dfgdfgfgdfI need help with kubuntu21:53
dfgdfgfgdfi tried to uninstall LAMP but it ended up demoving all my vital kde desktop packages, now I cant login.21:54
dfgdfgfgdfand my home folder is encrypted.21:54
dfgdfgfgdfso i cant get in to repair it!21:54
dfgdfgfgdfcan I turn the encryption off somewhow? without a gui?21:55
BarkingFishnot that I'm aware of, dfgdfgfgdf.21:55
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory21:55
BarkingFishthere you go - try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering_Your_Data_Manually21:56
BarkingFishit may work on your home directory too21:56
BarkingFishI stress *may* work - I haven't worked with encrypted directories in a long time, so past weblinks, I can't really tell you too much :/21:57
BarkingFishmeanwhile, anyone got a clue about my little problem above please?  44 packages kept back in apt-get upgrade, don't know how to find out why, or fix it.21:59
dfgdfgfgdfwow, rconq is such a piece of..22:02
dfgdfgfgdfthere is nothing right about it.22:03
BarkingFishyup, tell me about it :)  This is why I don't use it.  Download firefox :P22:03
dfgdfgfgdfokay, I thinkI'd rather just re-install kubuntu desktop, tomorrow.22:09
dfgdfgfgdfor xfce if I have to.22:09
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dfgdfgfgdfis there anyway of installing xfce from a live dvd to another linux installatioon on a usb stick?22:17
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