
pmatulisanyone else having trouble starting thunderbird on 12.10?00:00
silverarrowno, works fine00:05
silverarrowpmatulis: did you install it properly ?00:05
silverarrow;- )00:06
pmatulissilverarrow: ?00:06
silverarrowdid you try launch it in terminal?00:07
silverarrowIt works fine here00:07
silverarrowI am in lubuntu, which should be the same00:07
silverarrowI get this message when launching in terminal00:08
pmatulissilverarrow: hm, i use lubuntu too.  prolly an add-on issue then00:08
silverarrowWARNING **: Invalid borders specified for theme pixmap:00:08
silverarrow        /usr/share/themes/Lubuntu-default/gtk-2.0/images/scrollbar_vertical.png,00:08
silverarrowborders don't fit within the image00:08
silverarrowthought, there are no problems00:08
silverarrowthe frames are shrollable00:09
wilee-nileesilverarrow, Your familiar with pastebin I assume.00:09
silverarrowyeah, it is only one line though00:09
pmatulissilverarrow: interesting, i get some of that output too.  but a liitle more00:09
silverarrowthe paste police is active00:10
wilee-nileesilverarrow, Came as 4 here please use the pastebin. ;)00:10
pmatulissilverarrow: you're fine with a couple of lines00:10
pmatulisi see 2 lines00:10
silverarrowwilee-nilee: what kind of screen do you have+00:10
pmatulisa phone?00:10
silverarrowbut I will use pastebin, promise00:11
pmatulissilverarrow: '-safe-mode' works, so it's prolly an add-on issue00:11
silverarrowyeah, maybe a package missing00:12
silverarrowor do you sync it with firefox?00:12
pmatulissilverarrow: i think this line is key:00:12
pmatulis(thunderbird:16164): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Evolution.DefaultSources' is not installed00:12
pmatulisi submitted bug #106195800:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1061958 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "[Quantal] thunderbird does not start on Lubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106195800:13
silverarrowpmatulis: I should set up sylpheed to work really, but thunderbird is idoiot proof00:14
silverarrowI alwas have problem with pop and smp what not00:15
pmatulissilverarrow: do you have the 'enigmail' package installed?00:16
silverarrowlet me check00:17
pmatulissilverarrow: can you install it and restart tbird as a test?  i found another report of the same issue and where terminal output mentions enigmail (like mine does)00:18
silverarrowwill it wreak tbird totally?00:18
silverarrowI am on powerpc iso00:19
silverarrowdo you think it should matter?00:19
pmatulisnah, you can remove it right after00:19
pmatulis(but don't you ever need to encrypt stuff?)00:20
silverarrowwell, I don`t?00:20
silverarrowdo I need to?00:22
silverarrowI don`t notice anything00:22
pmatulisneed to what?00:22
pmatulisno, but a lot of people do00:23
silverarrowI have to google enigmail00:23
pmatulisso your mail does not go round the world in cleartext00:23
pmatulis(any person managing an intervening mail server can scoop up your mail and read it)00:24
silverarrowluckily I haven`t that interesting email00:24
pmatulisanyway, did you restart tbird after installing enigmail?00:24
silverarrowI shall have to get try enigmail out00:25
silverarrowyeah works fine00:25
pmatulishm, ok then00:25
silverarrowlike regular00:25
silverarrowwhat hardware do you have?00:25
silverarrowI am on an old iBook G4 that I still like00:26
pmatulisbut keep enigmail installed, it's very useful.  need to get a gpg keypair of course.  enigmail just integrates gpg with tbird00:26
silverarrowI have not tired quantal on my newer hp yet00:26
silverarrowthanks for the tip00:26
pmatulisi just built a new machine.  16 GB of memory and an SSD00:26
silverarrowand you prefer lxde ?00:26
pmatulisit takes but a second to start up tbird00:27
pmatulissame for firefox00:27
silverarrowloads of people seem to hesitate using unity00:27
silverarrowwell, not a second on this computer00:27
silverarrowlike 10 seconds00:27
pmatulisyes, i prefer lightweight.  i despise bloat00:28
silverarrowwell, it is nice to write on, very silent00:28
pmatulisi usually don't even install the Recommends packages00:28
silverarrowUnity run smoother now though, than when it was launched00:28
silverarrowwhen I first tried Lubuntu, I really liked the gnome mplayer gecko setup00:29
silverarrowit wroked with everything I wanted it to in terminal00:29
silverarrownot so much on this ppc though00:29
silverarrowtoo many broken packages for powerpc00:29
silverarrowwhich might improve with quantal00:30
pmatulisi just use vlc to play music00:30
pmatulisand watch videos00:30
silverarrowgnome mplayer and vlc is a toss really00:30
silverarrowi have both usually00:30
silverarrowI have had downloads not work on mplayer, but on vlc, and vise versa00:31
pmatulisi noticed that empathy is borked on lubuntu 12.1000:32
pmatuliswhen installed it gives nonsensical setting icons to configure it.  maybe i'm missing something00:32
silverarrowso a fix is needed00:32
silverarrowdid you file a bug report00:32
pmatulisnot yet00:33
silverarrowI could not use xfburn at all in 12.04, but in 12.10 it seems to be fine, the same with pidgin00:33
silverarrowbugreports are important00:34
silverarrow I think empathy will be fixed00:35
silverarrowbeing a gnome basic00:35
pmatulisyeah, i presumed the issue was known00:35
silverarrowI plan to set up sylpheed00:35
pmatulisi'm quite certain that it can also integrate with GPG00:36
silverarrowas soon as I get some guidance, I mess up the config00:36
silverarrowI have serious issues with quantal ppc00:37
silverarrowno sound, no alsamixer00:37
silverarrowno real radeon driver working with graphics card00:38
silverarrowbut we are a few working on it00:38
silverarrowI am totally amateur,00:38
silverarrowlearning a lot though00:38
silverarrowpmatulis: do you think Tbird issues are 64bit specific ?00:41
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pmatulissilverarrow: my issue?00:43
pmatulissilverarrow: strange data point: i just disabled all extensions and plugins while in safe mode and restarted normally.  worked fine.  then i enabled each one at a time, restating after each.  went through all of them.  still works fine.  now i'm back with all enabled and it works00:45
pmatulisnah, just noticed someting...00:46
silverarrowyeah, I was thinking about the tbird trouble00:51
pmatulisah.  i have methodically isolated the problem to the following plugin: 'EDS Contact Integration'.  thing is, it's a default plugin.  can you confirm you have it?00:52
pmatulissilverarrow: ⤴00:53
silverarrowoh yes00:53
pmatulisand it's enabled?00:53
silverarrowyes it lists as active under extentions00:54
silverarrowi have to reboot, brb00:57
trismany bug reports for amazon/ubuntu one launchers reappearing on every new login? (also on my desktop adding terminal isn't sticking, have to readd it every time, not having the problem here with settings migrated from precise)01:16
SudoKingduring the upgrade, this seems to be taking forever --01:50
SudoKingrun-parts: executing /etc/kernel/header_postinst.d/dkms 3.5.0-17-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-17-generic01:50
SudoKingi think it's been sitting 10+ minutes ?01:51
Colton_ubuntu 12.10 i install get through the first 3 steps then ubuntu opens up a cmd window and then crashes02:04
Colton_any ideas02:04
Stanley00Colton_: hi02:06
Colton_hello did you get my previous comment02:06
bazhangColton_, is this a wubi install02:07
Colton_ ubuntu 12.10 i install get through the first 3 steps then ubuntu opens up a cmd window and then ubuntu crashes02:07
Colton_ i downloaded whatever is on the ubuntu site02:08
bazhangColton_, did you check the iso for corruption; burn very slow, and then check the cd for problems02:08
Colton_i burnt very fast02:08
Colton_cd is fine02:08
bazhangColton_, how did you check the iso for corruption02:08
Colton_bu verifying it though a iso burner02:09
bazhangColton_, verifying it against what02:09
Stanley00Colton_: when you boot the cd, press any key, there will be a menu for testing the cd, you can use that02:10
Colton_i took a program called imgburn and verified the burn was done corretly02:10
Colton_i never got that02:10
bazhangColton_, the md5?02:10
bazhangColton_, so you did not do the 3 steps I suggested02:10
Colton_yes i did02:10
bazhangmd5 the iso. burn very SLOW, do the disk defect check on the ubuntu menu. you said no to all three02:11
Colton_do you have a voice chat program02:11
Colton_yes bazhang02:18
bazhangColton_, so do the three things I suggested02:18
Colton_ok well im a try to install it again now02:22
DaekdroomTrying to install it again is not quite the same as checking whether the CD is good or not.02:24
bazhanga corrupt iso is what I suspect02:27
bjsniderDaekdroom, which version of brasero do you have installed?02:47
Daekdroom3.4.1-0ubuntu2 (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_quantal_main_binary-amd64_Packages)02:48
bjsniderDaekdroom, from the cli, attempt to install gnome-sushi, but do not follow through, just to see what else it will pull in02:49
bjsniderDaekdroom, there's a bunch of gstreamer1.0 stuff right?02:51
Daekdroombjsnider, right02:52
bjsniderthat's essentially why i have both versions at the same time02:52
bjsniderthat and the newer stuff in the ppa depends on it too02:52
cowsquadHow is everyone doing?03:45
cowsquadis the suspend option working for you guys while you press the power on/off button in your laptop?03:46
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fidelhi - my gnome-shell is missing its upper bar & my windows are missing the window-decoration since yesterday06:47
fidelany idea how i might be able to have both back? ;) 12.10 in vmware06:47
fidelhi - my gnome-shell is missing its upper bar & my windows are missing the window-decoration since yesterday07:41
fidelah gnome-themes-standard was missing ;I)08:03
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BluesKajhowdy all11:46
BluesKaj129 upgrades for kubuntu 12.1012:00
TheOneRinghi again, after updating to 12.10 x fails to start with the folowing log http://paste.kde.org/562820/12:07
nicko_Which is better? Download the Ubuntu 12.10 beta 2 or just fresh install with beta 1 and just upgrade. I have the beta 1 but not the beta 2. My internet is not that fast. just got a max of 60+KB/s12:33
jpdsnicko_: Either way, you're going to download an amount of download.12:35
jpdsnicko_: Or you could try using rsync to sync the image differences.12:35
nicko_jpds: thanks for the suggestion. Ill try12:37
SagiShould I expect much churn between beta2 and release?12:58
BluesKajSagi, there are quite few updates/upgrades in the repos atm , altho a daily build will probly give you the latest13:10
* Sagi takes the leap13:32
silverarrowis anyone familiar with the sound trouble shooting page?14:19
silverarrowthe first installation, is there one for quantal?14:20
silverarrowstep 1 I mean14:21
BluesKajsilverarrow, why don't you just tell us what you did and what works and what doesn't14:21
BluesKajwith your sound that ia14:22
silverarrowI have no alsamixer in quantal14:23
silverarrow I have no loadspeaker icon in taskbar14:24
silverarrowI have reinstalled asa-utils and deleted files in modprobe.d14:25
silverarrowlines really14:25
silverarrowI have launched alsamixer -a basic14:26
silverarrowwith error messages14:26
BluesKajsilverarrow, install alsa-base14:26
silverarrowit is there14:26
BluesKajwhy have you deleted files in modprobe.d ?14:27
silverarrowbecause that is the usual suggestion for ppc14:28
silverarrowand it worked in 12.0414:28
Sagiwhat is new name for unity-2d-panel in 12.10?14:28
BluesKajsilverarrow, never heard that before14:28
silverarrowhowever, missing alsamixer is not ppc specific this time14:28
BluesKajreinstall alsa-base and asla-utils14:29
silverarrowBluesKaj: only for ppc for some reason14:29
silverarrowI have now,and I shall try launching14:29
silverarrownothing unfortunately14:30
silverarrowI`ve been at this for a few days now14:31
BluesKajwhich sound card , silverarrow ?14:31
silverarrownot sure14:31
BluesKajaplay -l in the termina;14:32
BluesKajif you don't know which sound card , why are you editing modprobe.d ?14:33
silverarrowno sound cards foun14:35
BluesKajthen you need to reinstall asla-base and alsa-utils14:36
silverarrowBluesKaj, because the fix works for G4s, and I was told to do so on 12.04, and it worked14:36
silverarrowI just have!14:37
silverarrowright now14:37
BluesKajsilverarrow, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils14:37
BluesKajrun that command14:38
silverarrowcannot open mixer, no such file or directory14:40
silverarrowBluesKaj: if you get any ideas on how to go about it, please let me know14:42
BluesKajsudo alsa-force-reload . if there's no output , then reboot , silverarrow14:51
BluesKajooops sudo alsa force-reload14:51
silverarrowfor reboot then15:16
Sagioh brilliant, no alx module in 12.10 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/927782).15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927782 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "integrate the Atheros AR8131/AR8151/AR8152/AR8161/AR8162 Ethernet driver with Jockey" [Medium,Confirmed]15:19
Sagiit used to exist in 12.04 (at least as a backported module)15:19
silverarrow BluesKaj, unfortunately no alsamixer still15:22
silverarrowI wonder what it could be15:22
BluesKajsilverarrow, do you have pulseaudio installed , if so then install pavucontrol15:24
TheOneRingwhy cant I start my xserver anymore since I installed 12.10 http://paste.kde.org/562820/15:42
BluesKajTheOneRing,  there;s no xorg.conf by default unless you generate one after a your graphics driver install15:43
TheOneRingthe driver is part of the kernel15:45
TheOneRingand I didnt need one with 3.215:45
BluesKajthe kernel module driver is usually sufficent unless you want 3D and DIR , then an restricted/additional driver might be required15:46
BluesKajdependong on nthe gpu15:47
TheOneRingthere is no other driver for the gma600 located on a atom cpu15:52
silverarrowis it  possible to have apps for firefox or chrome which handles html5 streams oriented towards iphone and android16:00
BluesKajTheOneRing, did you look in restricted/additional drivers16:02
TheOneRingthere are no drivers, and thats the reason why I'm trying out the beta because of the new driver16:03
TheOneRingbut there are no oficcial drivers by intel for the device16:03
BluesKajand none in system admin > additonal drivers ..I have to ask since you didn't answer my question the first time16:04
TheOneRing1. I cant start X 2. there are no drivers16:06
TheOneRingat least the internet doesnt know about them16:06
BluesKajBBL ...stuff to do16:06
TheOneRingbut I'll try it again with ssh x forwarding16:06
TheOneRingand yes jockey-kde dosnt find any drivers16:14
TheOneRingwhat about the error16:21
TheOneRing[   636.234] (EE) intel(0): [drm] Failed to detect GEM.  Kernel 2.6.28 required.16:21
TheOneRing[   636.234] (EE) intel(0): Failed to become DRM master.16:21
TheOneRinghm ok sounds like at least 2.6 is needed..16:23
TJ-TheOneRing: Does the motherboard have support for HDMI HDCP?16:28
TheOneRingit has atleast a hdmi port16:34
TheOneRingthe device  is a tablet16:34
TJ-Some intel-based systems have Protected Audio Video Path (PAVP) which can trigger that error. Not sure tablet hardware would, though. You'd need to investigate the chipset16:36
TheOneRingmain source for information about ubuntu on the device is http://www.mogilowski.net/lang/de-de/2012/02/15/install-ubuntu-on-dell-latitude-st-tablet/16:38
TJ-TheOneRing: That web-site is acting up. From your direct-link, or if I choose a link on the site, it redirects wrongly from that intended article to some other!16:42
* TJ- thinks the web-owner has messed up the Wordpress redirecting for slugs and SEO URLs16:43
XVampireXI need some help with a wine game on Kubuntu, when I'm on ubuntu (Unity) it works well, when I'm on Kubuntu it flickers and slows down everything, something is weird16:51
XVampireXIt's as if something is getting in the way (Assuming kwin) but I've disabled the special effects  and it still is the same16:51
natmanwhats the release date for Kubuntu 12.10? how is it shaping up compared to 12.04?16:55
natmanhow so bazhang/16:56
bazhangtry a live cd perhaps. too much to describe16:56
bazhangpolish, apps. presentation the list goes on16:56
bazhangnear the end of the month I'd imagine16:57
bazhangwould be 13.04 , yes16:59
XVampireXwould be 13.10 :D16:59
XVampireXI know I'm just playing :D17:02
XVampireXand listening to Adele Skyfall theme17:02
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic for playing XVampireX17:02
XVampireXNah, thanks, I know about it17:02
XVampireXI just came here to get some help17:02
natmanwhat do you think of skyfall theme XVampireX17:15
XVampireXSounds good, I like the fact that Adele is not a pop singer :P17:15
XVampireX(Well, wikipedia does give it the pop tag, lol, but it's not a pop song in any way... soul perhaps)17:16
jpwhitinghey all, is there a way to choose my session in lightdm? I don't get any button on either of my users to choose the session with17:41
bazhanghit the wheel and a dropdown menu will appear17:41
c_smith_hey, is anyone else having issues with FGLRX causing X11 (or whatever is used to detect relevant hardware) to not detect it when FGLRX is installed and configured with aticonfig?17:42
c_smith_I ask because if this is more than just me, I'll be submitting a bug report.17:43
jpwhitingbazhang: what wheel? I don't get any wheel17:43
jpwhitingI have two user accounts, and unchecked auto login on my main account, but lightdm.conf still has autologin set to my main user17:43
bazhangjpwhiting, to the right hand side of the password field17:43
jpwhitingto the right hand side of the password field is an arrow17:44
jpwhitingwhen I click it it logs in17:44
jpwhitingif I right click it it logs in17:44
jpwhitingnever get a menu17:44
jpwhitingno whele appears17:44
bazhangless enter please17:44
jpwhitingok, sorry, my bad :)17:44
bazhangperhaps wheel is the wrong descriptor17:45
trismjpwhiting: if this is a default ubuntu install, there are no other sessions to choose from so the session button won't appear17:45
jpwhitingI've heard there's supposed to be a cog17:45
c_smith_jpwhiting, the wheel is above the password field next to the username.17:45
bazhangthat would do it17:45
c_smith_the wheel that bazhang is talking about.17:45
jpwhitingtrism: ah, I see, I have built my own kde into /usr/local, does lightdm not look there for session files?17:46
bazhanginstall gnome-shell , gnome-panel or the like17:46
trismjpwhiting: I believe it will only look in /usr/share/xsessions/ (but not 100% on that)17:46
c_smith_I take it nobody here even uses fglrx?17:46
trismjpwhiting: you could always copy a .desktop file there with the correct paths17:46
jpwhitingtrism: ah, ok I'll put a kde one in there, cool thx17:46
* jpwhiting thought the session chooser would at least have unity and unity 2d or something17:47
trismunity-2d was dropped a while back so just the Ubuntu session now17:47
bazhangthey need to be installed, unity-2d17:47
bazhang!find unity-2d17:47
trismbazhang: the packages are there but they are empty17:48
ubottuFound: libunity-2d-private-dev, unity-2d-dbg, libunity-2d-private0, unity-2d, unity-2d-common17:48
c_smith_jpwhiting, they dropped that in favor of an llvm pipe17:48
trism!info unity-2d17:48
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.0-0ubuntu6 (quantal), package size 7 kB, installed size 84 kB17:48
bazhangtrism, so it's fallback now?17:48
trismjust made from the unity package17:48
trismbazhang: yeah it is supposed to fallback to llvmpipe for software rendering17:48
bazhangok thanks trism17:48
c_smith_bazhang, unity-2d essentially stopped existing, correct me if I'm wrong.17:49
bazhangI just went from 11.04 to 12.10 , /ignore me17:49
bazhangand I have kubuntu/lubuntu/xubuntu all installed17:49
bazhangthus the 'cog'17:50
jpwhitingah, ok gotcha17:50
* jpwhiting tries this kde.desktop17:50
jpwhitingbtw, what's the difference between Exec and TryExec in those files?17:51
bazhanggnome-panel will yield the 'classic ' look17:51
trismjpwhiting: I believe TryExec is a path to an executable to test for existence for whether or not to show the session, so if you had TryExec=/usr/bin/somesession but /usr/bin/somesession didn't exist or is not executable then it won't show that session17:54
trismjpwhiting: helpful since for instance, gnome.desktop comes with gnome-session but you can't use that session unless you install gnome-shell17:55
jpwhitingtrism: ah, ok gotcha17:56
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ZtaIt is extremely annoying that there's no tool to backup user settings.  Something that scans dconf and finds all key values that have been changed from default and saves this to a file would perhaps be helpful.18:07
ZtaI'm particularly interested in backing up keyboard shortcuts.  Upgrading to 12.10b2 reset all mine to defaults =\18:09
johnjohn101do you think unity 6.x will ever be backported to 12.04?18:13
wilee-nileejohnjohn101, If you look on the web you find these things. http://askubuntu.com/questions/183164/will-there-be-an-backport-of-unity-6-compiz-for-precise  https://launchpad.net/~benkai/+archive/precise-unity-backport18:32
johnjohn101thanks, have you used any of these?18:34
wilee-nileejohnjohn101, I have not I use gnome 3, but I would be hesitant to try the ppa without being sure I could back my way out of it if needed.18:37
johnjohn101i'll probably upgrade work machine to 12.10.18:38
johnjohn101i don't like using "hybrid" releases. though it would be nice to mix and match18:38
wilee-nileejohnjohn101, I loaded all my 12.04 stuff to 12.10 to start using it as a regular OS, but I have clones of the 12.04 and the couple other OS on my HD in case needed.18:39
wilee-nileeI never upgrade18:40
johnjohn101i imagine the 13.04 release of ubuntu will have unity 7?18:43
trismjohnjohn101: I imagine so since there is already a bug targeted at it, bug 105752818:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057528 in Unity "Small chunks of the panel shadow appear individually (and very dark)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105752818:46
ZtaHm, how does one find the author of a package?  I need an extra option to gsettings =)18:49
Milos_SDI need help getting gtk apps theme back to the default19:21
Milos_SDI started kde session, and now in gnome, almost all GTK apps use kde theme (gtk+ oxygen)19:22
Milos_SDpidgin, xchat, deluge ...19:22
Milos_SDand kde (QT) apps like ktorrent, smplayer, etc, don't have theme at all19:22
bekksMilos_SD: "gtk+ oxygen" is not a KDE theme.19:22
bekksIt is a gtk+ plus theme.19:23
Milos_SDbekks, maybe it is not that theme19:23
Milos_SDbut it looks like oxygen19:23
zoktar_where is the preferred applications located in 12.10?19:24
Milos_SDyea, and firefox use that theme too :)19:27
trismzoktar_: System Settings/Details/Default Applications19:27
phoenix_firebrdAny one using nvidia binary proprietary driver, could you paste the framebuffers that are blacklisted in modeproble.d. I am using the driver i downloaded from the nvidia website and on a cold boot system hangs after grub19:28
phoenix_firebrdprobably after starting to lod the nvidia driver19:28
yofelphoenix_firebrd: http://paste.kde.org/563090/19:29
yofelif Milos_SD comes back, tell him to wipe ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini19:32
yofeland ~/.gtkrc-2.019:32
phoenix_firebrdyofel: no, the framebuffer one19:33
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i got it from a fellow19:33
yofelah, that has nothing to do with nvidia though19:34
phoenix_firebrdyofel: does nvidiafb has problem?19:34
yofelis that even supposed to work? Haven't tried it in ages19:34
phoenix_firebrdyofel: no nvidia recommends to disable some framebuffer that may create problem with its driver19:35
yofelIIRC this system uses vesafb + nvidia-current19:35
yofelworks, but I know the driver shows a warning19:35
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thats good, i will try vesafb19:35
phoenix_firebrdyofel: how do i get the kernel message in verbose19:36
phoenix_firebrdyofel: also afaik there is nothing in the xorg log and kernel log19:36
yofelwell, you get the kernel messages with dmesg. Not sure what would be wrong though if you get no message. Did you boot without 'quiet splash' at least?19:39
phoenix_firebrdyofel: thats right the quite splash, going for the reboot , brb19:40
silverarrowdoes anyone use java? I can`t make it work19:44
silverarrowI have installed a java 7 plugin package, in addition to the extras19:45
yofelin a browser or on the system?19:45
silverarrowtrying to connect to my bank and java test page19:45
yofelhm, icedtea-7-plugin works for me in firefox19:45
silverarrowlet me double check19:45
silverarrowI was looking at an Asus Zenbook,19:46
silverarrowdo they go well with Ubuntu+19:47
yofelwell, that detection site doesn't work, but the only java applet that I normally use works fine19:47
* yofel needs to reboot19:47
phoenix_firebrdyofel: removing vesafb from the blacklist didn't work for me19:49
silverarrowI have these http://imagebin.org/23103119:49
yofelphoenix_firebrd: what are you trying to do?19:49
phoenix_firebrdyofel: Using nvidia propriatery driver, cold boot=hang on boot probably before lightdm/kdm19:50
silverarrowbefore I installed the browser package, I got "no java installed", no the cursor circle keeps circeling in the java test19:50
yofelthat shouldn't have anything to do with the framebuffer, but with the module not loading if it's set in xorg.conf19:51
yofelnouveau IS blacklisted, right?19:51
phoenix_firebrdyofel: checking19:51
yofellsmod will tell if it's loaded19:52
yofelnvidia can't be loaded if nouveau is running19:52
phoenix_firebrdyofel: lsmod-> http://paste.kde.org/563102/19:53
yofelsilverarrow: it does the same for me, so maybe they're using some oracle-only part in their binaries19:53
yofelphoenix_firebrd: does 'modprobe nvidia' tell you something useful?19:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf.save, it will be ignored in a future release."19:54
yofeler wait19:55
yofelthe nvidia module is loaded19:55
yofelwhat happens if you now start lightdm?19:55
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya, the nvidia settings will complain otherwise19:55
phoenix_firebrdyofel: during cold boot?19:55
yofelwell, anywhere. If X starts now it should also start when you boot19:56
silverarrowyofel, hmm, it worked with icedtea in 12.0419:57
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I remember something about the kernel log, it contained something like, "the license of nvidia driver taints the kernel , so disabling logging"19:57
yofelphoenix_firebrd: sure, but that probably has nothing to do with your poblem at hand19:58
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya19:59
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I am using the same driver version in nvidia-current but from the website, the one in the repos doesnt work for me20:00
yofeldoesn't work in the same way as the other one does right now?20:00
yofelanyway, if the module is loaded - what *does* happen if you start lightdm?20:01
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya, thats right, is there a way to purge and install the graphics system? ubuntu clean install 12.10 with nvidia-current drivers from the repos work20:01
yofelwell, IIRC the nvidia .run had an --uninstall option or something similiar. Then reinstall all X/mesa packages or check with debsums what's damaged20:02
phoenix_firebrdyofel: during the cold boot system crashes with a black blank screen before lightdm/kdm , I couldn't do anything except to hard reset and the system boot normally with lightdm working fine20:03
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok, let me try that20:04
phoenix_firebrdyofel: If I had by mistake removed a mesa package will that can cause this problem ? for that matter is it possible to remove a single mesa package without causing a dependency issue?20:06
yofelprobably not if it's required20:06
yofelit's not about removed packages, but about overwritten and deleted files20:06
yofelthe nvidia installer just wipes everything in it's way20:07
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya20:07
phoenix_firebrdyofel: reinstalling xserver-xorg-video-* will do?20:08
yofelrather check with debsums, libgl stuff maybe too, although multiarch might have saved most of the files from being erased20:10
silverarrow does someone use USB wireless adaptor in quantal?20:11
silverarrowI have trouble with RTL8187 and realtek 307020:12
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ok, going to uninstall the prop nvidia driver and install nvidia-current, brb20:12
fishsceneIs there more information on the remote terminal/desktop feature that can be accessed on the login screen?20:13
silverarrowyofel: my bank works fine, java based login, but not java test page, funny?20:18
yofelnot if oracle used some method that they only ship in their binaries for the test page20:19
silverarrowI see20:19
silverarrowdoes this test compute on your machine ? https://www.bankid.no/Hjelp-og-nyttige-verktoy/Nyttige-verktoy/Test-din-BankID/20:21
silverarrowsorry it is not in english, but the java stuff should run20:21
silverarrowbrowser crashes here20:22
silverarrowI am in firefox20:23
yofelme too, tried it twice, both tries crashed20:23
silverarrowthen it is a common ubuntu error20:24
silverarrowor java error20:24
silverarrownot sure what package to blame on20:24
silverarrowshould I file a bug?20:25
silverarrowit could even be regarded a security risk20:25
yofelfirefox crashing is worth a report in any case20:25
silverarrowand bankID is widely used with sensitive info20:26
silverarrowso, java or firefox trouble ?20:26
silverarrowboth probably20:26
silverarrowyofel, what are you on, i386 or i686?20:27
silverarrowor 64 bit I mean20:27
silverarrowI get those confused20:27
IdleOneno crash here on 32bit20:30
IdleOneusing firefox also20:31
silverarrowIdleOne: the test ran through?20:33
IdleOneas far as I can tell20:34
IdleOneShould I see anything beneath Test din BankID ?20:35
IdleOnean image or something?20:35
silverarrowyes, there should pop up a java window20:35
IdleOneah, no. no java popup20:36
IdleOnebut firefox is not crashing.20:36
silverarrowI only get as far as "trust this site" I mark of for yes, and crash20:36
IdleOnea bug is worth reporting IMO20:37
silverarrowidle, which java do you have, I have icetea and java common20:37
silverarrowIdleOne: sorry20:37
IdleOneoops I don't have java installed20:38
IdleOnethat would explain the test not working20:38
silverarrowyeah, i386 crashes too20:44
silverarrowworks in windows20:44
silverarrowI made a bug report, hope it gets noticed. It is the same in 12.04 too, but I could not find any bug reports20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062543 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox crashes in java-based BankID test" [Undecided,New]20:54
phoenix_firebrdyofel: installing nvidia-current didn't work. Reinstalled the proprietary driver. Now system boots properly during a cold boot, I Updated initramfs which i forgot to do after removing the vesafb from the blacklist ad that might have solved the problem21:08
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I have something related error message from nvida installed log after uninstall?21:09
phoenix_firebrdyofel: do you want to see it?21:09
yofelfeel free to pastebin it21:10
phoenix_firebrdyofel: the log lot overwritten during later  install process sorry. But i can remember it said something like " Unable to restore the symbolic link to libgl.so because the file exists"21:13
yofelah, the alternatives might have confused it21:13
phoenix_firebrdyofel: ya21:13
phoenix_firebrdyofel: so can i assume that if the nvidia-current from the repos work in ubuntu 12.10 will also work in  kubuntu 12.10?21:14
yofelshouldn't make a difference21:14
phoenix_firebrdyofel: In that case , peace of mind for me.21:15
phoenix_firebrdyofel: I am off to bed now, see you later21:16
silverarrowyofel, could you open browser in terminal and navigate to the java bank test?21:17
silverarrowif you are not too buisy21:17
yofelwill have to wait a bit21:17
silverarrowthat is fine21:17
komputesDoes anyone know how to disable advanced visual effects in Quantal?21:47
bekksSomeone please can clue me on how to crosscompile a kernel for ppc on a x86_64 box?21:56
TJ-bekks: I wrote on article on CC for ARM, and I've used it myself as a basis to do CC for MIPS too. It may help you: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Kernel/ARMCrossCompileOnIntel22:00
bekksI guess it strictly depends on ARM :(22:02
Milos_SDhi guys... I have a little problem ... some gtk applications use kde (qt) theme22:04
Milos_SDpidgin, xchat, firefox, deluge ...22:04
Milos_SDit happend after I started kde session... now  in unity, and gnome, gtk apps use qt theme :S22:05
Milos_SDhow can I fix that? :S22:05
silverarrowMilos_SD: did you start Pidgin in terminal?22:07
Milos_SDbut I can22:07
bekksTJ-: Do you think http://www.ifp.illinois.edu/~nakazato/tips/xgcc.html would work for crosscompiling a kernel?22:08
Milos_SDsilverarrow, there is a lot of this in xsession-errors too22:08
TJ-bekks: I installed a pre-made MIPS CC, and just used it where my article instructions said to use the ARM tools.22:09
TJ-bekks: I'm just starting up the PC that has it on to find out what it is and where I got it22:10
silverarrowMilos_SD: oh, a good list of errors22:10
bekksTJ-: :)22:10
Milos_SDsilverarrow, I found this file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini ...22:11
Milos_SDand there was gtk-theme-name: oxygen-gtk22:11
Milos_SDdo I change it to "ambiance"?22:11
TJ-bekks: OK. I got the mips 3.3.6 toolchain from a source/tool drop for an embedded Linux PCI ADSL device. There should be other sources for it, but I'll link you to another article detailing that toolchain and how I installed it.  http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Embedded/Infineon/Danube/ADSL2PCI#BuildingfromSource22:12
silverarrownot sure really22:12
silverarrowI`m not clever enough to suggest a fix22:12
Milos_SDfixed it :)22:17
Milos_SDthere was .gtkrc-2.0-kde4 file in my home dir :D22:17
silverarrowx errors are always  horrid to track down22:17
Milos_SDdeleted it, and now it is ok :)22:17
silverarrowclever guy ;. )22:17
Milos_SDnow kde apps don't use kde theme, but gtk... but that, I can fix :D22:17
silverarrowI`m struggling to understand driver issues and bypassed graphics card22:18
bekksTJ-: I guess thats a bit of "too much" for me, since I just dont get it on how to adapt that for a PPC.22:19
bekksTJ-: Do you know something about "icecream"?22:20
Milos_SDsilverarrow, what drivers issues?22:20
silverarrowradeon drivers, and an ibook which only works with software rendered graphics22:21
bekksTJ-: What do you think about http://en.opensuse.org/Icecream#Cross-Compiling_for_embedded_targets_using_icecream22:22
silverarrowthere is a bug report on it too22:22
TJ-bekks: Ice-cream Sandwich, aka Android 4.0 ?22:22
bekksTJ-: No, icecream the distributed whatever compiler, like distcc22:24
TJ-bekks: Oh! it is an alternative to distcc for distributed compilation across a build farm22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1058641 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) ""No devices detected" radeon regression" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:26
silverarrowdo you think it is possible to compile tenfourfox on ubuntu?22:27
bekksTJ-: Yes :)22:27
silverarrowit is made for osx22:27
Milos_SDif there is no linux version, then no ...22:29
silverarrowit is open source, but no linux version22:30
Milos_SDyou can alweys try, but I don't think it will work22:30
silverarrowI wish it was though22:30
silverarrowit is great for ppc22:31
silverarrowhowever, ubuntu ppc packages can be good too22:31
silverarrowthey need some attention though, like html5 and other media streams in browsers22:32

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