
darkxstjbicha, are we going to be able to include 3.6.1 gdm? or is it too late (~oct 16th)00:02
jbichadarkxst: it likely will need to be an SRU00:15
jbichaUbuntu's October release cycle is horrible for just that reason, we really really should have .1 in Ubuntu00:16
darkxstyeh, its a little to close the gnome cycle00:31
darkxstjbicha, do you know where the current accountsservice branch is? lp:ubuntu/accountsservice is outdated01:12
jbichadarkxst: you can do apt-get source accountsservice then01:12
darkxstyeh, I did that, was going to make merge request, but will just make debdiff?01:13
jbichabranch imports get broken sometimes01:13
darkxstjbicha, autologin should be all fixed with these 2 patches https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1061993 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/105909008:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1061993 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Can't logout when autologin is set" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1059090 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Unable to autologin" [Undecided,In progress]08:57
everaldohow I can call the default gnome's language selector?10:01
greg-ghey all, is it just me or can I not set up U1 on UbuntuGNOME? I have ubuntuone-client-gnome installed, but I can't see where I can give it my credentials (even tried u1sdtool --connect to no avail)18:23
greg-gthe Ubuntu One folder is there, just not connected to my account18:24
darkxstgreg-g, it should come up with a setup wizard on the first run19:15
greg-gdarkxst: should invoke the default browser, right? I see nothing (no output on the cli nor a new browser tab)19:38
erictr1ckso i installed gnome by clicking on the "is just a click away" link on the gnome.org website... unsure what to do now :/19:56
darkxstgreg-g, on a fresh install, click the ubuntu one client, brings up a setup wizard, asking for credentials etc20:02
darkxstif you just get the normal ubuntu one window, you can try remove your computer (if its listed?)20:03
darkxstatleast here, that takes me back to the setup wizard20:04
darkxstjbicha, do we want to include this patch? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=685115, its awaiting design approval upstream which I doubt would happen before freeze20:08
ubot5Gnome bug 685115 in general "screenShield: Implement Simulate User Activity method" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:08
darkxsterictr1ck, just logout and select GNOME from the session list20:10
greg-gdarkxst: where does the ubuntone client live? I have it installed (according to apt) but I see no gui client. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/1262639/20:13
greg-gby, where does it live, I mean, shouldn't there be an entry for it in the system settings tool or show up when I use the Applications view20:15
darkxstyes client should show up in applications view20:18
darkxstas "ubuntu one"20:18
greg-gdarkxst: no results :/20:22
greg-gdarkxst: can you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy ubuntuone*" please?20:22
darkxstgreg-g, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1262659/20:25
greg-gdarkxst: thanks20:27
greg-gtrying ubuntuone-control-panel-qt (wasn't on mine, was on yours)20:29
greg-gthat was it20:31
greg-gthanks much, darkxst20:32
darkxstgreg-g, np20:35
darkxstgreg-g, perhaps you can file a bug for that, we will need to update deps to ensure that can't happen20:40
greg-gjust so it is here (I am inthe middle of something else right now): I installed ubuntuone-client-gnome thinking that'd take care of it20:49
greg-g(it missed -control-panel-qt)20:49
jbichadarkxst: even if design takes it, it may be 3.8 only, so let's not22:47
jbichadarkxst: is the accountsservice patch enough to get autologin working? it seems to work here but I've not tested very extensively22:48
jbichaoh never mind, that only worked the first time...22:48
jbichadarkxst: ok, I'm taking your accountsservice patch and doing it a bit different, I'm going to keep the ubuntu patch but change it so that it reverts the debian patch22:57
jbichathere's a couple different ways of doing this, and I think this is slightly closer to how the Debian maintainer is thinking22:59
darkxstjbicha, accounts service patch just fixes the autologin toggle in user account panel23:20
darkxstthe other (gdm) patch, fixes logout not working, when autologin is enabled23:21

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