
smoseranyone still awake?01:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 1061977 in cloud-init "Machine fails to commission when console=ttyS0 is present on kernel opts" [Undecided,New]01:39
smosersmb`, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1061977 . i'd appreciate your input when you awake.02:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1061977 in cloud-init "Machine fails to commission when console=ttyS0 is present on kernel opts" [Undecided,New]02:02
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rbasakikepanhc: around? May I have some help compiling a test highbank kernel please? With "fakeroot debian/rules binary-highbank" (cross compile), I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1261463/ . A zImage does exist but it doesn't seem to work. How should I be building test kernels instead?07:55
* ikepanhc reads07:56
ikepanhcrbasak: do you `fakeroot debian/rules clean` before fdr binary-highbank?07:57
ikepanhc`fdr clean` will generate changelog, control in debian folder07:57
rbasakikepanhc: when I tried that it wouldn't even start a build. I'll do that now and paste the error.07:57
ikepanhcrbasak: you using cross-compiler?07:58
rbasakikepanhc: yes07:58
ikepanhcrbasak: try `export $(dpkg-architecture -aarmhf)` then `fdr clean` then `CROSS_COMPILE=<toolchain prefix> fdr binary-highbank`07:59
ikepanhcalias fdr="fakeroot debian/rules" first08:00
rbasakIt seems to be working now08:00
rbasakI swear I got an error doing the clean step first yesterday08:00
rbasakSo I tried using git clean only instead08:01
ikepanhcfdr clean is not only to clean those objects, but also generate control and changelog which we need for make08:02
rbasakI see08:02
* rbasak waits for the build to finish08:03
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* ppisati needs to go out for ~30mins, brb08:58
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apwhenrix is having ISP issues11:17
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psivaawhen i run ubuntu-bug linux today, it's reports 'Problem in linux-image-3.5.0-16-generic11:43
psivaaThe problem cannot be reported11:43
psivaaThis is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again'11:44
psivaamessage box is popping up11:44
psivaathis is a fresh install btw11:47
* rtg thinks that was quite a large update for barely being post beta12:18
smosersmb, around ?13:06
smbsmoser, yup13:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1061977 in cloud-init "Machine fails to commission when console=ttyS0 is present on kernel opts" [Undecided,New]13:07
smoseryou have any thoughts there?13:07
smoseri would really rather not take 'console=ttyS0' off the cmdline (as I really want output there by default rather than to any graphical console which has no chance of being logged), but that is about the only option i see.13:08
* rtg uploaded linux-lts-quantal 25 hours ago and it _just_ started building.13:08
smbsmoser, well my first thought was that the first pastebin does not look like console output13:09
smosersmb, on random other note, i know in your cloud-images testing you've had to add ways to get into an image, and that is more involved than you'd like.13:09
smoseri put together http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~smoser/+junk/backdoor-image/view/head:/backdoor-image13:09
smoserthat basically can mount an image, inject a user into it and then unmount it in one command. 13:10
smosersmb which pastebin ?13:10
smbsmoser, By now I have made my scripts add a nocloud file for newer releaes13:10
smoserits not console output, its cloud-init output. he couldn't get console output as it is going to a video console.13:11
smbsmoser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1261109/ shows the cloud-init log.13:11
smoseroh, for "nocloud" there is a util in cloud-utils called 'cloud-localds' that will basically do it also.13:11
smoserthis one actually modifies the image to add the user, so cloud-init isnt involved/required at all13:12
smoserlet me see if i can get it, smb, but its not really important. (the output of running it)13:13
smoserit fails13:13
smoserand 'echo "hi" | sudo tee /dev/console' fails also13:13
smoserthe issue is /dev/console writes fail13:13
smoserwhich causes all sorts of stuff to be unhappy13:13
smbsmoser, I think I saw something for this nocloud thing and at least at that point in time it was still too complicated to get working. Still having run some of the cloud init code is usefull to find problems, so this is what gets done right now.13:14
smbsmoser, Yeah I think it probably makes sense to move some of the info from later comments into the description. I think I just stopped somewhere at the top as I could not really guess what you/the report is up to13:15
smosersmb, well, run 'cloud-localds' it gives a full example of booting an image even.  iss simple for 12.04+.13:17
smbsmoser, So for the question: as far as I remember everytime you do a console= the kernel assigns a console device, just the last one I believe is a bit different as there is one sort of preferred console13:17
smosersmb, well, comment 4 has just about everything you need.13:17
smbsmoser, You assume I care to read that far13:17
smoserno, I SAY YOU CARE!13:18
smbYou *hope*13:18
smoserif you' dlike i can move the explanation up to the description.13:18
smoserbut anwya.13:18
smoseryeah, each 'console=' ends up receiving kernel printk13:18
smoserwhich is good.13:18
smoserand it is good that 'console=ttyS0' when there is no serial device present does not stop the kernel from booting.13:19
smoserthe final console= parameter gets assigned to /dev/console13:19
smoserand init writes output to /dev/console, and cloud-init inherits that as its stdout13:19
smbthe preferred console thing, yeah13:19
smoserand any writes to stdout then fail13:19
smoserwhich can cause problems :)13:20
smoserwhat i had *thought* (apparently wrong) the kernel did was assign /dev/console to the last *good* console= on the cmdline.13:20
smoserbut i guess it only makes intelligent decisions if you give no console=13:20
smoserotherwise it does exactly what you tell it to do.13:21
smoserthe basic problem is, then:13:21
smbNot sure it makes any great decisions on its own. 13:21
smoser * if there is a serial device, i want output to go there (including /dev/console)13:21
smoser * if there is no serial device, i would rather writes to /dev/console not give IO error.13:22
smosersmb, well  http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/serial-console.txt says "If no console device is specified, the first device found capable of acting as a system console will be used."13:22
smoser"At this time, the system first looks for a VGA card and then for a serial port. So if you don't have a VGA card in your system the first serial port will automatically become the console."13:23
smoseri'd really just like that order switched.13:23
smoserand i kind of thought that is what i was getting by adding multiple console=. but i guess not.13:24
smoserso i think i understand the issue, and i'm just bothering you in a hope that you know something i do not.13:24
smoserand you can come up with a solution13:24
smoserand i have not read any kernel code, only doc.13:24
smbsmoser, Really you want a decision about something the kernel does not know until it finds out done before it can find out. And then you cannot say if there is a serial port whether it is a serial console. So normal boot might siddenly go wrong13:24
phillwhi good people, I'm sorry to say that my suggested patch from RedHat does not seem to work on all Nvidia chipsets. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1043518 As the RC is up coming. PPC needs a bit of help. Arguing with 'X' does not solve the issue, it is a kernel change that was undertaken and has serious regression issues. My ask? please make it work, the PPC people are runnning around getting patches in. the kernel is where 13:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043518 in linux "live cd is unusable due to video degradation with the splash boot option enabled" [High,Fix released]13:24
smosersmb, right. i know its tricky.13:25
smoserbut the doc says it already does such trickyness.13:25
smoserif you dont pass any console=13:25
smosersmb, the other option i considered was that I could have the initramfs notice that /dev/console was busted and "fix it". 13:26
smbYeah, using a VGA (compatible) card which really is there most of the time and then try on serial (just in case)13:26
smoserhttp://www.mail-archive.com/linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org/msg246433.html discusses changing it13:26
smoserbut i dont think it really seems to work.13:26
smoserat least it wasn't extremely simple to change the target device of /dev/console13:26
smbsmoser, I think that part of the kernel "suffers" from not needing much special cleverness as long as you stick to a certain architecture. And it gets even more complicated when there are things like grub in between passing some information or setting up stuff13:29
smoserwell, in this case the thing thats pasin the cmdline is pxe boot13:29
smoserand i really, *really* want a "one set reasonably fits all" solution.13:30
smoseras on the first pxe boot of a node, i know zero information about that node.13:30
smosers/pasin/passed in/13:30
smbYeah, I understand the issue. (btw grub seems to do the passing not by cmdline but directly transferring some structure). I just don't think it will be an easy solution.13:31
smosersmb, well, could you at least read a bit and see if there is a way i could change /dev/console during initramfs ?13:32
smoserthat'd be sufficient for me, if i could recognize its busted and poke around to fix it.13:32
smoserbefore /sbin/init came up.13:33
smoserthen, my solution would be to just do what i'm doing (multiple console= parms) and have initramfs walk them backwards until it finds one that does not give io error.13:34
smoserand then fix to that.13:34
smbsmoser, I put it on my list but I cannot really say when I get to it. There are enough other things broken that take up time.13:35
smosersmb, well, at least read that thread on lkml, and tell me if it looks like it is possible or not.13:36
smoserbecause i came away with "um... maybe"13:36
diwicI'm trying to track down a regression between two ubuntu kernels, what's the easiest way to see what patches there are between two kernel versions?14:15
henrixdiwic: git log?14:16
rtgdiwic, it also depends on whether there has been a rebase between them.14:16
diwicthe person claims "" is not working and "" is.14:17
rtgdiwic, vanilla stable is linear. git log -p v3.2.0.30..v3.2.0.3114:18
rtgyou can also restrict your search to just sound, e.g., 'git log -p v3.2.0.30..v3.2.0.31 -- sound'14:19
diwicrtg, should that be working on a precise tree? I get "unkown revision or path not in working tree"14:19
rtgdiwic, lemme check14:19
smbsmoser, Hm, *if* it is correct, I would think that it only will work when the current /dev/console driver is a pty. Which would need the console=tty0 last. And there can only be one re-assignment active and not sure whether it can be done when upstart already has changed its stdin and out there.14:20
smoseryeah. oh well.14:20
rtgdiwic, oh, likely not since stables patches are rebased onto ubnutu. clone the real stable repo at git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git14:20
smoserthanks for reading, smb. thanks for your time.14:20
rtgs/are/are not/14:20
rtgdiwic, hmm, you're talking about Ubuntu versions, not stable versions, right ? i.e., Ubuntu-3.2.0-30.4814:22
diwicrtg, okay, so replacing v3.2.0 with Ubuntu tags should do it14:23
diwicSometimes you just get unsure of what a command really does14:23
rtgso then you can get a list of patches by doing 'git log --reverse -p Ubuntu-3.2.0-30.48..Ubuntu-3.2.0-31.49'14:24
rtgdiwic, you can also look in the changelog14:24
diwichmm, it seems there are no relevant patches in the sound directory that could have caused this error AFAICS14:25
diwicI'm reassinging it to the linux package and let someone of you bisect it, chances are it's something completely unrelated14:26
rtgdiwic, make sure jsalisbury is aware of the bug number. note that he's out today.14:27
diwicrtg, ack14:28
* henrix -> brb14:29
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* henrix -> out for ~20mins15:24
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sconklinapw: what triggers the CVE tracker to move a CVE from "triage needed"? I've looked at 1012-4467 and updated the break-fix. Do I need to nudge it in any other way?15:38
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hallynhi - bug 1057024, last comment - those messages about /dev/sda, are they serious?  serious enough to disregard other bugs from that system (when they can't be reproduced elsewhere)?15:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1057024 in libvirt "internal error Process exited while reading console log output: char device redirected to /dev/pts/1 error when creating a vm" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105702415:50
apwsconklin, if its pushed to kernel it should be found in an hour sort of thing15:51
hallynsmb: ^ do you mind taking a quick look?15:51
smbhallyn, just opening15:51
apwsconklin, the processing kicks off at :20 and if there is a change can take some time, when did you do the update15:52
hallyn(note the msgs go on, you can see more in the dmesg file in the tar.gz she appended)15:53
smbhallyn, serious in the sense that a write failed. not much more info info that piece of output. 15:53
smbhallyn, Let me check the full log15:53
hallynsmb: thanks.  (i also see kvm: VM_EXIT_LOAD_IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL does not work properly. Using workaround)15:54
smbhallyn, I think I see that in some of my machines too. Without any apparent effect. I would say it *does* us a work-around. :)15:55
hallynsmb: ok, thanks.  just making sure15:57
smbhallyn, But yeah, there seems to be quite a bit of trouble with that disk. Might be worth trying to check all cabling and maybe trying to limit the speed to 1.5G...16:02
hallynsmb: i think it's a laptop16:04
smbhallyn, Ok harder to check cables. But something is wrong even before16:05
smb[  975.481263] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x3f SErr 0x0 action 0x6 frozen16:05
smb[  975.481274] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE FPDMA QUEUED16:05
sconklinapw: I did the update around 30-40 mins ago I think16:05
apwso perhaps just missed it16:06
apwworst case delay16:06
sconklinprobably. no worries, I'll wait16:06
apwbzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for https://xmlrpc.launchpad.net/bazaar/: Unable to handle http code 502: Bad Gateway16:06
apwor perhaps something bad happened16:06
apwi'll watch it for the next run16:07
apwis bzr down for maintenance perhaps16:07
ogasawaraapw: I was hearing grumbling recently within the hour about LP issues16:08
apwcould be that too16:08
ogasawaraapw: in other news, I'm discovering that in order to use the --include-removal flag for packaging, we have to change our debian/source/format to 3.0 (quilt)16:10
apwogasawara, thats not going to work well for us, as we have debian.* outside our debian directory16:11
ogasawaraapw: yep, I'd then have to shove an --auto-commit flag in there as well, or it vomits because of that fact16:11
hallynsmb: dunno what that means16:12
apwogasawara, i wish we had chose debian/branch not debian.branch ... with hindsight16:12
smbhallyn, Don't know in detail but looks like some dma write timed out16:12
apwapw@dm:~/git2/ubuntu-quantal$ cat debian/debian.env 16:13
apwthough as its encoded that way we ought to be able to move it, yeah right16:13
apwsomething to talk about at uds in teh bar16:13
ogasawaraapw: indeed.  I think its harmless for now for us to leave things as they are for now.  that highbank clock.c file is never used, and the redundant firmware is not a huge issu16:13
apwits not ending up in the binaries which is mostly what we care about16:14
* ppisati -> gym16:14
smbhallyn, Just one other note that apw recently had to reboot to get virt-manager working. We have not really found why that was16:15
apwindeed, logging out and in was not enough for sure16:16
apwas i tried that before giving up and doing a windoze on it16:16
hallynsmb: after installing libvirtd, you do have to log out and back in to be in the libvirtd group (or run newgrp).  had he tried that first?16:17
hallyna reboot would of course effect the same thing :)16:17
apwyes logging out and in changed nothing16:17
smbhallyn, Yep.16:17
hallynapw: hm16:17
apwi know i was pissed16:17
smbapw, Did you not also have the complaint about not being able to load the kvm module (though it was loaded)16:17
hallynapw: can you reproduce that?  i've been doing these tests for awhile the last two days and haven't seen that16:18
apwthat rings a bell but you test my memory16:18
hallynso if you can reproduce, can you give as much detail as possible?16:18
hallynapw: oh, hey, did you install kvm *after* installing libvirt by chance?16:18
apwhallyn, very possible yes16:18
smbhallyn, While I usually go for "apt-get install virt-host^" which takes care of those details16:20
apwi think i assumed kvm would be a dependancy16:20
apwthough thinking about it clearly it will not be16:20
apwso i think i did do them in that order16:20
hallynapw: ok, then that makes sense.  and iiuc 'restart libvirt-bin' wouldn't even work, you'd have to 'stop libvirt-bin; start libvirt-bin' to get it to work16:20
apwthat i wouldn't have tried indeed16:21
* smb cannot remember whether we tried the one or the other16:21
apwsconklin, this is not the right format:16:22
apw break-fix: 644595f89620ba8446cc555be336d24a34464950 - ed6fe9d614fc1bca95eb8c0ccd0e92db00ef9d5d16:22
apwits a two field thing16:22
sconklinhuh, ok. I copied what I found in another file.16:22
sconklinOh wait. I'll bet the '-' was a placeholder for a nonexistent break16:23
sconklinI'll fic it16:23
hallynperhaps upstart should warn you when it knows 'restart' won't restart16:25
smbMaybe restart should restart16:26
sconklinapw: pushed. Now we wait another cycle. I have to run a quick errand anyway16:27
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* apw is about done ...17:19
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* rtg -> EOW19:43

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