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lanoxx_when i run 'bzr dh-make ...' it shows a list of some properties such as maintainer name and email address, but the email address and license that is shows are wrong, where does dh-make pull these variables from?08:26
tumbleweedlanoxx_: I thought one had to tell it the license10:14
tumbleweedit can't guess that10:14
jokerdinohey devs, any idea when epiphany-browser 3.6 will land in quantal? i see only the source of it11:29
Laneyjokerdino: when webkit gets fixed :/11:29
jokerdinoit doesn't build on armhf, does it?11:31
jokerdinoaww, so i have a choice to build it from source on amd6411:32
cjwatsonHopefully it won't take that long and all you need is a few days' patience11:33
jokerdinoi'll wait11:33
cjwatsonSorting it out one way or another is release-critical ...11:33
jokerdinoi would just install it and remove it in a matter of minutes anyway.. :/11:34
tumbleweedkirkland: now that I see the uplead that you were pinging me about, thanks11:59
tumbleweedI don't like checking for the existance of /etc/dpkg/origins/ubuntu, though. I have that on my Debian desktop... :)12:00
micahgtumbleweed: the alternative for sks would be a .in file for the maintainerscripts so you can substitute in from debian/rules13:26
tumbleweedmicahg: yes13:27
tumbleweedthe danger of testing SRUs in build chroots :)13:27
micahgtumbleweed: I'm surprised there's not a lintian check for that, would think it might be common13:38
cjwatsonmarga: I just remembered the problem with '. /etc/lsb-release' (myunity)13:39
cjwatsonmarga: bug 21486113:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214861 in localechooser (Ubuntu) "expects to be able to source /etc/lsb-release" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21486113:39
cjwatsonmarga: you might want to lift the shell code from either Debian or Ubuntu's localechooser package instead - it's battle-tested, it should be about as quick as sourcing the file, and it's safer13:39
margacjwatson, ok, I'll look at it13:45
margacjwatson, I'm a bit depressed about the sponsoring of this, though13:45
margaI spent 2 weeks waiting for it to be in the "yellow" zone, and since whoever looked at it didn't like the description, it's back at the end of the queue.13:46
cjwatsonI think you got caught up in process confusion around -backports13:46
cjwatsonand I'm not convinced it's back at the end of the queue - didn't Laney say he'd uploaded it?13:46
Laneyyes. It's done.13:46
margaOh, I missed that.13:47
Laneyand it didn't take /that/ long. Try and get an SRU :-)13:47
margaLaney, thanks!13:47
cjwatson(I wouldn't put quite as much stock in the queue ordering as you do, BTW - it's not uncommon for sponsors not to work in the obvious order)13:47
cjwatsonI certainly often do easiest first13:48
margaok :)13:48
micahgand backports is certainly not a queue13:49
margaI'm hoping to get upload rights to universe, but first I need to clear some stuff regarding copyright at my current job.13:49
cjwatsonafter that it shouldn't be too difficult for a DD13:49
Laneyyeah, also that wouldn't strictly help for backports13:52
Laneyunless you also decided to join the backporters13:53
margaI think it would be helpful.13:53
Laneywe certainly wouldn't turn down competent help13:53
margaJust so it's clear, I work for a derivative distro and we intend to use precise, probably until the next LTS, so having access to uploading patches to precise-backports would make my life easier and happier.13:54
LaneyYou should be aware that myunity is a special case because it's removed from Q. Generally we backport packages wholesale.13:55
margaYes, I know.13:55
Laneyso it's not "uploading patches" in the usual sense13:55
micahgwe could consider PPU rights in precise which would grant backports uploading privs (bugs would still have to be filed and such, but would just need a review/acceptance in queue)13:57
Laneywell, that logically extends to all uploaders13:58
Laneywhich brings us closer to the Debian model... maybe that's alright13:59
margaI don't understand exactly what micahg suggested.13:59
Laneyextending the set of people who can directly upload backports14:00
margaper package?14:00
margaIsn't that too complicated?14:00
Laneywhich probably isn't what you're after, since you indicated that you want to go for MOTU14:00
Laneythe ACL is technically the same across components14:00
LaneyI haven't given it much consideration from a policy POV14:01
cjwatsonWell, as you say this is just social policy; if you can upload $package to $series then you can upload it to $series-backports too, as far as the ACLs are concerned14:02
Laneyit will still always land in the queue to be approved by a backporter14:03
cjwatsonBut that probably isn't a big deal14:03
LaneyI think that is what we want in any event14:03
cjwatson(Queue review's easier than sponsoring)14:03
LaneyWe look for some specific things in backports bugs though (which requestbackport gives you checkboxes for)14:05
* jokerdino pokes.14:05
LaneySo it would be good if most uploaders were aware of this if we were to extend the set14:05
jokerdinoi was looking at minitube src a while ago and they don't have any patch :|14:06
jokerdinothey just imported from upstream14:07
cjwatson<cjwatson@sarantium ~/minitube-1.7>$ ls debian/patches/14:07
cjwatsonassure-quit-keybinding  disable-update-check  gcc-4.7.patch  proper-tempfiles  series14:07
jokerdinoand given recent changes for Youtube API, the one in quantal wouldn't work14:07
jokerdinocjwatson: the same patches exist in 1.9 in debian14:08
cjwatsonbug 1057718, I guess14:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057718 in minitube (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync minitube 1.9-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105771814:08
jokerdinoyes that14:08
cjwatsonjokerdino: your comment was sufficiently ambiguous that I genuinely didn't understand what you were talking about at first14:08
jokerdinoi am extremely sorry.14:09
jokerdinowas on another room :|14:09
jokerdinoanyway, i tried building it and it fails.14:09
cjwatsonI'm reviewing the feature freeze exception now14:10
jokerdinothank you14:11
cjwatsonjokerdino: I guess your build environment must be wonky somehow, or else it's an architecture-specific failure; it builds cleanly in a quantal/i386 sbuild chroot.14:25
jokerdinoah, it fails on amd6414:26
jokerdinoi was using pbuilder amd6414:26
* cjwatson kicks off an amd64 test build14:26
cjwatsonhow did it fail?14:27
jokerdinoi'll test it again.14:27
cjwatsondon't bother, mine's running14:27
cjwatsonit was only if you already had it14:27
jokerdinoi did but closed it.14:28
cjwatsonjokerdino: Builds fine on quantal/amd64 too.14:40
jokerdinoshould be a PEBKAC then14:41
jokerdinobah, i purged the minitube source. too lazy to download it again14:41
jtaylorwhat happened to default-jdk in ubuntu?14:54
jtayloror what should be used instead now?14:54
micahgjamespage: ^^14:55
jtaylorit can't be installed in quantal14:55
jamespagejtaylor, still there as far as I can see14:55
micahgwfm in a clean chroot...14:56
jtaylorhm maybe I messed up my indices14:56
jtaylorwas playing around with ports before14:56
jtaylora it works now sorry for the noise14:57
kirklandtumbleweed: okay, well, then perhaps you can suggest another solution, that doesn't depend on dpkg-vendor?15:38
kirklandtumbleweed: perhaps "lsb_release -si"15:40
micahgkirkland: you need a binary depends on lsb-release for that16:49
micahgbdrung: why did you tell that person to get those bugs for new packages in the sponsorship queue when they need an FFe?16:54
ScottKParticularly when the odds of a new package FFe at this point are 'very small'.17:11
* micahg sees them as candidates for backports17:12
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jtaylorsomeone got a machine with sse4?18:32
jtaylorI'd like to fix bug 1027977 but can't reproduce it on my machine :(18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1027977 in valgrind (Ubuntu) "strstr() function produces wrong results under valgrind callgrind" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102797718:33
micahgjtaylor: sse4_1 sse4_2 ?18:33
* micahg doesn't have time for anything complicated ATM though18:34
jtaylorhm lets see if amazon as a suitable machine ._.18:35
jtayloris quantal backports open already?18:37
jtaylorhow does that work?18:38
jtaylorthere is no series to copy from18:38
micahgbut the requestbackport script doesn't recognize them yet18:38
jtaylork, the usual procedure file bug and wait 6 month? ;)18:38
micahgwell, wait until the backporters see it, Laney's been busy with release duties and I'm trying to finish up stuff so I can +118:40
micahgs/see/have time to process/18:40
Laneyjoin the team?18:54
jtaylorI was thinking about that18:55
jtaylorthough I doubt I could put much time in it18:56
jtaylorgreat valgrind breaks if rebuilt19:03
jtaylormmh memory corroption19:11
jtaylorlets see if I can run valgrind on valgrind19:12
Laneyah, good ctte19:15
ScottKLaney: ?20:00
LaneyScottK: The Python question was put to rest finally20:01
* ScottK looks.20:01
ScottKNot a bad ending.20:03
jtaylorsuccess :D20:10
jtaylorops valgrind isn#t universe20:31
micahgjtaylor: I can sponsor if it's bug fix20:42
jtaylorits bugfix20:42
jtaylorquite important even20:42
micahgjtaylor: bug # w/debdiff?20:46
micahgjtaylor: also, if I sponsor, you take responsibility to fix any fallout as I won't be available until after final freeze20:47
micahgjtaylor: do you agree to take responsibility for any fallout resulting from the upload?20:50
micahgok, looks good20:51
jtaylorall fixes are from upstream/debian20:51
micahgright, I don't expect any, but I won't be available :)20:52
cjwatsonHah, apparently I dodged having to be on record one way or the other on the Python question by forgetting to read my -ctte mailbox. :-/20:56
cjwatsonBut my preferred option on the ballot won so that's OK.20:59
dlentzi would like to discuss bug 106081321:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1060813 in youtube-dl (Ubuntu) "[SRU, precise] Current version (2012.02.27) doesn't work anymore" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106081321:16
jtaylormicahg: as we are on the topic suggestion on what to do with minitube?21:16
jtaylorits broken in quantal and fixed in unstable21:16
jtaylorwe could sync the major update, and hope it won't break again21:16
jtayloror remove it21:16
micahgwell, if we can get an MRE, I'd say sync latest version and keep up to date21:17
micahgotherwise, remove, but not blacklist, and we can throw it in backports21:17
* micahg wanted an MRE for gnash as well21:18
micahgbut it seems development on it has slowed21:18
jtaylorfor the mre there is the question who files it, I really don't care about them ._.21:18
jtaylorbut I do care about packages being unusable in the archive21:18
micahgcjwatson: would the tech board IYHO be willing to grant an MRE to something like minitube and youtube-dl which need to be kept up to date and belong in something like volatile?21:19
cjwatsonjtaylor: I already granted an FFe for the minitube update21:19
jtaylorjust saw it in the list21:20
cjwatsonmicahg: we've established the general principle in the past; I expect it would depend on having a developer take responsibility more than anything else21:20
cjwatsonI'd rather we updated it properly in the mainline repositories rather than going to the effort of creating a volatile, though21:20
micahgcjwatson: well, I would think it's in archive or backports21:21
dlentz cjwatson that's why I SRU'd21:21
cjwatsonI don't see why it shouldn't be updateable in -updates21:21
* jtaylor syncing minitube21:23
tumbleweedkirkland: I'm fine with that approach for now :)23:30
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