
TheDrumsAnything other than the fact of added time, is there a reason squashfs isn't being used with the -comp xz option?  I just tried it and it helped quite a bit on space.00:40
nandofevening to all, I'm ready to start with some testing. How I can help?00:43
silverarrowwhat have you installed?00:49
silverarrowor burned really00:50
nandofhi silverarrow, I have installed, right now, xubuntu 12.04 and lubuntu 12.10 in virtualbox00:51
silverarrowI see00:51
silverarroware you trying to do release upgrade on xubuntu+00:51
silverarrowin terminal I mean00:52
silverarrowcould you launch alsamixer -a basic?00:52
silverarrowin 12.1000:52
nandofnop silverarrow, but I can try if you needed ;)00:53
nandofgive me 1 second00:53
silverarrowI have great trouble  with it in lubuntu ppc00:55
silverarrowit does not appear00:56
silverarrowand i have no sound00:56
silverarrowi have to reboot brb00:57
nandofsilverarrow Im updating lubuntu :/ gimme more time XD01:04
phillwwxl: / silverarrow... We are still here. Our VM's simply cannot help.01:08
silverarrownandorf, did you get around to do it?01:14
nandofyes silverarrow, sorry, gimme more time. I'm updating lubuntu01:15
silverarrowyeah, it takes time01:15
nandofthis is my first testing event, so.... I'm newbie and I hope to be helpful01:17
silverarrowthere are some clever guys here01:19
silverarrowI`m mostly here because I have an iBook G401:20
silverarrowand I was stubbornly sticking to lubuntu, and not wanting to go back to tiger or leopard on this thing01:20
silverarrowpowerpc testers were needed01:21
silverarrowit is rather difficult when you have to look for solutions01:21
silverarrowsome people seem to be dead tired of the whole testing thing01:22
silverarrowon the ubuntu forum  I mean01:22
silverarrowhere people are eager to make things work01:22
silverarrowwe miss people with ppc experience I think01:23
silverarrowluckily there are very good people on the job01:23
nandofyeah, I think so01:23
nandofthe upgrading is almost done01:25
silverarroweverything that goes wrong in ppc easily gets blamed on the ppc part, but I have a strong feeling it often is more general issues popping up on different hardware01:25
nandofyou mean about the firmware?01:26
silverarrowis there a difference?01:27
silverarrowone more reboot01:28
nandofno problem :)01:28
silverarrowback again01:36
silverarrowupdates all the time on the beta01:36
silverarrownandof: did you have a restart?01:45
nandofnop, my lubuntu is in a VM's01:45
nandofinstalling updates... ... ...01:45
silverarrowoh of course01:46
nandofit takes too long to upgrade. /Me now desperate01:47
silverarrowit`s all right01:54
silverarrowfirst update?01:54
silverarrowit can take ages, or slow network?01:54
nandofslow network :( silverarrow01:54
silverarrowmine is all right now, but can vary a lot01:55
Noskcajand ouur PPC testing problem are solved http://sourceforge.net/projects/mac-on-linux/02:15
silverarrowwhat does that mean?02:16
Noskcajuseing that or pearPC we dont need to get old macs or do heaps of commoand line stuff in qemu02:17
silverarrownot sure how that  would work02:18
silverarrowrunning osx in virtual mode?02:18
Noskcajrunning PPC02:20
silverarrowit`s been around since 2007, and hardly any progress ?02:20
silverarrowwell, anything that helps02:20
Noskcajalso how do you install an application from tar.bz202:20
silverarrowoh, that again02:21
silverarrowno idea02:21
silverarrowarchivemanager and package manager is the usual02:22
silverarrowis anyone booted in lubuntu?02:23
silverarrowor ubuntu02:23
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Noskcajwhy is there no lvm + encription xubuntu testcase?03:18
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sagaciballoons: the latest entire disk testcase page is unresponsive for me http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/24874/testcases/1300/results04:05
balloonssagaci, as in the tracker is unresponsive?04:05
sagaciyeah, I guess os04:05
balloonsgive it a moment and try again04:08
sagaciyep, back up04:21
balloonssagaci, excellent04:59
balloonssometimes it gets a bit funy04:59
balloonsmaybe during a maintenance period?04:59
balloonsnot sure04:59
elfyballoons: so as you are awake - you look at yesterday's arm daily - main question I have - did it actually boot ?07:59
balloonselfy, I'm not sure I remember!08:00
balloonsbut yes, unity 6.8 is landed08:00
balloonsand when i awake I'll test it and arm again08:00
balloonsregressions are the key to look for08:00
balloonsI have to sleep first08:01
balloonsthen aawake08:01
elfyok - I'll wait for the daily to change and update it - been a bit away with the fairies the last week or so I'm afraid08:01
elfyyea - you'll sleep the sleep of the righteous :D08:01
elfymight be here - but I appear to have a major regression - it used to boot ok - now it doesn't lol08:03
balloonsso no workie?08:43
elfynot seen anyone say the same - so I'm assuming it's something here :)08:52
balloonselfy, can you mail the list and see?08:58
balloonslet others know -- I'm not even seeing straight now I don't think08:58
balloonsbut ask them to look at a build between now and monday08:58
balloonsand we'll sort it out08:58
elfywell - there'll be a new daily shortly - I'll carry on fiddling about and if still nothing later I'll mail the list08:58
balloonswaiting a day isn't bad, upgraded is also goo08:59
* balloons wnts to make sure it has unity 6.808:59
elfyand yea know how you feel I did 17/18 hour days for 3 months ...08:59
elfygot it :)09:05
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phillw elfy is there an KVM for ARM?10:15
elfyno idea phillw10:16
phillwelfy: hmm, it's still a WIP10:18
elfyphillw: do you find the tracker to be reaaaly slow?11:02
phillwelfy: at this time of day, it is most likely faster than me :) Do you have a link and I can test from 'piglet' and 'the beast'11:04
phillwthat's slow!11:05
elfythought so11:05
knomeworked fine for me11:06
elfyusing mtr I'm getting 74% packet loss from eth0.lutin.canonical.com11:06
phillwelfy: but, with the number of bugs it is looking up, I'm amazed it didn't just go .... I can't be bothered... this is totally broken :)11:07
elfyphillw: :) I'd agree - cept I've had trouble with it all morning11:07
phillwlet me try a case with fewer bugs :)11:08
elfywhen I typed the using mtr - I at the same time passed a testcase - it's still waiting for it11:08
elfyarm is installing faster ...11:08
phillwelfy: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/24898/testcases/1439/results launches immediatly11:09
phillwIt is the fact the tracker is waiting on getting the bugs from LP that I think is slowing down http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/24969/testcases/1303/results11:11
phillwThat's a lot of bugs!11:11
elfymmm - that's a pita11:22
elfyshame the tracker can't tell the difference between flavours11:23
knomeelfy, file a bug :)11:28
knomeelfy, otoh, i think it shouldn't in most cases..11:28
phillwelfy: they have only recently (this cycle) the ability to carry bugs over.... I the past, all bug reports were wiped each day. The new system may be a PITA, but it is one heck better than what we had in the past.11:29
knomewell, there's also that for the installation tests, we are using shared tests11:30
phillwthere has been a lot of work done on QA/Testing area... <joda>  perfect it is not, complaints you will make, fixes we will make </end Joda>11:31
elfyknome: if I filed a bug it'd get added to the longlist and make it worse :D11:32
knomeelfy, no, file a bug against the tracker :P11:33
phillwelfy: that does encourage people to fix them? ... :P11:33
elfyit's definitely only been like this recently ish11:33
elfyknome: I knew what you meant :) just had piskie's head on for a moment11:33
elfymanaged to get quite a few done today - 2 arm's 2 xubuntu so far11:35
phillwelfy: have you had a play with http://systems.cs.columbia.edu/projects/kvm-arm/ ?11:37
elfynope - I know without looking - only really started looking at arm in the last few weeks properly11:37
phillwI think it is the atypical give us some encouragement - the edu's in US of A do turn out decent stuff. There is no harm in engaging them :)11:39
phillwkanliot So, the search teams found you! please /j ##phillw11:40
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phillwwxl: Can you please make bug 1043518 coherent?13:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1043518 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "live cd is unusable due to video degradation with the splash boot option enabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104351813:15
phillwwxl: do you have a fix?13:16
roadmrmicahg: hello! about the checkbox 0.14.8 candidate, I can certainly request FFe for the bug you mentioned, just wanted to ask if the bug itself (driver version when using prop drivers fails) is not enough13:23
roadmrmicahg: also, for changes, is it OK if I just add a commit to the branch to fix them and resubmit, or should I prepare a "clean" branch and send new merge request?13:23
micahgroadmr: you can add to the current merge proposal13:28
micahgroadmr: you could add a distro task to the current bug and request the FFe there if you like, or create a new one and point to the old one13:28
roadmrmicahg: a distro task sounds cleaner to me, I think I'll do that13:29
roadmrmicahg: thanks so much :)13:29
micahgroadmr: sure, just keep in mind final freeze is Tuesday at 21:00 UTC13:29
roadmrmicahg: oops :) well I'll ask around, maybe we can just remove that feature if it's not critical13:31
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silverarrowthe alsamixer problems I am having seems to be an old one14:08
silverarroware there any news on the alsamixer trouble ?16:06
silverarrowit seems to be affecting regulari386 too16:06
phillwsilverarrow: bug number, please :)16:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1060452 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "alsamixer fails to load on quantal ppc" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:13
kanliotworking on my 12.10 amd6416:14
komputespsivaa: hey, are you having an issue booting into the Desktop CD?16:56
psivaakomputes, yea that's not consistent though at times the reboot did not detect the usb as the install media16:58
komputespsivaa: I had the same thing, I think. It booted until syslinux then a black screen, after a hard reboot it did not see the usb media (I have to un/re-plug it again)17:00
psivaakomputes, hmm i did not see the black screen though, it just booted without detecting the usb17:03
psivaakomputes, it is not everytime though17:03
komputespsivaa: is this on bare metal or vm?17:08
psivaakomputes, baremetals two of them amd64 and amd64+mac17:08
komputespsivaa: whats the hardware?17:09
wxlphew all night cleaning spree last night17:10
wxlphillw: you mentioned bug 1043518?17:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 1043518 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "live cd is unusable due to video degradation with the splash boot option enabled" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104351817:10
wxlare you looking for the executive summary?17:10
psivaakomputes, one of them is a mac mini and the other is dell inspiron17:11
phillwwxl: some of this stuff has been passed upstream by Colin. You should have the emails?17:12
komputespsivaa: I have both and can test it to see if I can confirm this. If you have exact models it would also help.17:13
wxlphillw: executive summary— the bug was reported on an amd64 system and it seems all the other confirmations were on similar systems. only two folks i know with the problem are johnathan and i and we have the same card. the fix worked for the other folks. for us, i made a new bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nouveau/+bug/1061790 more work needs to be done here but it's mostly good.17:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1061790 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "misbehaving X on quantal ppc w/ nvidia geforce fx go5200" [Undecided,New]17:13
wxlphillw: that good enough?17:13
wxlphillw: also re: emails i'm working on that :)17:14
psivaakomputes, the dell is N4010 i could give you the lsmod if you'd like17:15
phillwa request has been made by colin upstream about this unholly mess.17:17
wxlphillw: largely it's a non issue but adam is right: we need a pointer to ppcfaq in yaboot. and it ineeds to be more obvious (put stars around it or something)17:18
wxlor a big "read me" in ascii art :)17:18
* wxl usually sets up his yaboot and/or motd with ascii art XD17:19
phillwwxl: keep adam in the loop, he is still the guy who has best contact with colin. A grumpy old timer he may be, but no one can call in to doubt his dedication :)17:19
wxlphillw: i'll tell you one thing. now that i know who adam is (rsavage on forums) i know why you were so disappointed by his loss. he is a major help with a lot of knwoledge. a lot. and you're right, he responds well to people that need a little direction to help themselves.17:20
phillwwxl: Colin REALLY does not want to use boot parameters.17:20
wxlhe's also snarky as all get out, but i'm cool with that, becuase, whether you get it or not: http://is.gd/gJ5bRQ17:21
kanliotsomething mucked with audio on my 12.1017:21
psivaakomputes, mac mini is probably 2.3 ( not sure how to find out though)17:21
wxlphillw: oh, and boot parameters are not necessary. as long as colin is cool with xorg.conf.17:21
wxlkanliot: no?! what? on what system?17:21
phillwwxl: He has kept ppc alive. I need say no more. you now realise that.17:22
wxlkanliot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-utils/+bug/106045217:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1060452 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "alsamixer fails to load on quantal ppc" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:22
kanliotlol wxl17:22
kanliotjust something installed pulseaudio17:22
kanliotno idea what, haven't installed anything for a week17:22
wxlwell who cares then that's your own darn fault :)17:22
kanliotis it?17:23
wxlkanliot: just being silly, but it does point to the notion about being carefully what your software installs along with it.17:23
kanliotwhat if it just happened after i updated?17:23
wxlthat's strange17:24
phillwkanliot: shouldn't you be off doing better thing?... like editing the getlubuntu area? :D17:24
kanlioti did that already17:24
kanliotbesides i'm testing17:24
wxllook in /var/log/dpkg.log17:24
kanliotsee that's smart17:24
wxle.g. grep pulseaudio /var/log/dpkg.log17:24
* wxl beams?17:24
phillwwxl: if he has done his tasks, he's all yours! I'm off to install an instance for TOR17:25
kanliotyeah it was installed today, just like i though17:25
wxlok so now i need to remember how to look up dependencies and what not17:26
kanliotlol me 217:26
phillwhttps://www.torproject.org/index.html.en Now, who suggested me to that project.....17:26
wxli'm gonna ask elsewhere17:26
wxli know bioterror or holstein or Unit193 knows this17:26
kanliotwell it was gstreamer0.1017:27
wxlhow do you know?17:28
wxli have four packages that begin with gstreamer0.1017:30
wxland no pulseaudio17:30
wxldo you mean gstreamer0.10-alsa?17:32
kanliotok, maybe i don't know what i know17:32
wxlor you mean gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio? cuz you shouldn't have that17:32
kanlioti'm take a break17:33
kanliotthanks for the help sincerely17:33
wxlwe'll figure it out17:34
kanliotcan you check out gpicview on 12.10?17:34
wxlmessed up display with medium-large images?17:35
wxlkanliot: apt-cache rdepends pulseaudio will give reverse dependencies but it will give you all possible ones, rather than only the ones you have installed17:36
wxlyou could write a script to iterate through dpkg --get-selections and grep the list for them, but i think that function is built into aptitude, too17:37
wxlme hates aptitude17:37
wxl↑ oh, you get the point.17:37
* wxl should build that script and spell out the official untimely end for aptitude ;)17:39
komputespsivaa: sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name17:41
komputespsivaa: that should give you the model17:41
komputespsivaa: is this with the daily or the beta2 image?17:42
kanliotwxl i'm using reverse-depends17:49
wxlkanliot: not rdepends but apt-cache rdepends right? they're different17:52
kanliotreverse-depends is a python script you can install17:53
wxlnot sure that's the same17:55
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wxlphillw: ping18:15
phillwwxl: pong18:16
psivaakomputes, its MacMini5,1 and with today's daily image (20121005)18:16
komputespsivaa: and whats the Inspiron Model?18:16
wxlphillw: do you know if adam ever lurks on irc?18:17
psivaakomputes, that it Inspiron N401018:17
wxlcuz now i REALLY need to pick his brain. this sound bug, at least on my end is getting REALLY interesting. i'm wondering if it's an OS bug at all.18:19
phillwwxl: he hates IRC with the same passion you do on forum areas.... A marrige forxed in fell :18:19
wxlif it weren't for arild's case, i'd discount it entirely and say my sound is screwed.18:19
wxlhahahahhah i figured as such. oh well. ;)18:19
wxlwhy linux rules: was going to convert my openoffice co-worker to libre office. only available downloads are torrents. wha?! apt, where are you when i need you?18:20
wxl(this is on windows btw)18:20
phillwwxl: becuase of his disabillity, he really prefers not to use IRC, he's not the only 'old-timer' who prefers forum / email.18:22
wxlphillw: didn't realize he had a disability18:22
phillwwxl: both of them are old timers.18:22
wxlotherly abled people often don't appear to have them ;)18:22
phillwif t=you18:23
wxlundeclared variable18:23
phillwwxl: if you want a dedicated download for libre, I can grab it onto http://phillw.net/isos/ will take but a few minutes once you give me the link :)18:25
wxldon't worry about it, i just think it's stupid18:26
wxlbiggest problems with os x/windows are lack of package management18:27
phillwwxl: you also may hate TOR, but they're getting an area on my server18:27
wxlapp store is kind of getting there but still18:27
wxltor, i.e. onion?18:27
phillwwxl: oniion18:28
wxloh i don't hate tor. it's not 100% fun but i don't hate it. what you running on that server btw?18:28
phillwonion is ZNC, the new VM is for TOR18:30
phillwTor have asked for a ubuntu-server install.18:31
wxlah cool18:31
wxlthe server i connect to runs debian which is fine (esp. considering it's free and a friend/customer runs it so i can ask him to install packages and he is happy to oblige) but sure wish it was canonical something sometimes18:32
phillwwe had a chat and I mentioned I had A 12.04 ISO kicking about, they said that would do nicely.18:32
phillwmy server runs CentOS, but the VM's under KVM don't actually give a **** :)18:33
phillw**** == the slightest problem...18:34
wxlkvm don't work on my main machine18:35
phillwwxl: how come?18:35
wxli put 12.10 on the crappy dell desktop i got for free (yes, i am very adept at getting free machines and i'm working hard at figuring out what i need to barter for this 15" powerbook with the radeon chip)18:35
wxlwe'll see if it works18:35
wxlbut the main machine (free laptop) has a cpu that doesn't appear to support kvm18:36
phillwahh, yes, there is the cpu issue.18:36
wxlyep, insurmountable really, esp. on a laptop18:36
phillwthankfully, piglet passed18:36
wxlalso: centos?! you a card-carrying redhatter?18:37
phillwso, does oracle vBox work for you?18:37
wxlyep. qemu, too.18:37
phillwwell, f18:37
phillwdon't worry too much about KVM.18:38
wxlwell i really *WANT* to use it18:38
wxli'm all for the native solution18:38
wxle.g apt rules. everything else sucks. ;)18:38
phillwwxl: I'm also a card carrying 100% result for Red Hat Certified Admin person. To me, CentOS is a tool, I can happiliy run lubuntu in it.18:41
phillwwxl: my other hard drive is lubuntu & happily runs CentOS... they share the same /home partition.... is there really that big a differene?? I say not and just keep quiet :)18:44
wxlphillw: well if there's any one thing going for red hat it's the certifications and the fact that there about the only globally-recognized linux cert out there.18:50
wxli mean within the linux community, there are others that would fly but for joe blow company that happens to use linux? nope.18:51
wxlhonestly i haven't used rh or any variant thereof in years18:51
phillwI'm a firm believer that the penguin is agnostic .... Let's concentrate on bug 118:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority desktop market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:53
phillwbbs, just got to finish off the server for Tor18:54
phillwhah, kill -9 on my own login doesn't help :)18:57
wxlouch colin declined it19:01
phillwhe was never going to put a fudge in. it is for the upstream teams to sort the mess out.#19:05
wxli'm gonna confirm that later. i didnt' realize there were such good bugs19:05
wxlare you familiar with mixxx? open source dj software? qt interface?19:06
wxlwhether or not you are, you get the general idea. waveforms, knobs, all sorts of gui crap going on, right?19:06
wxlwith that in mind, grok this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mixxx/+bug/66436919:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 664369 in Mixxx "ANSI text terminal interface" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:06
phillwthat is why I SCREAMED at you guys to herd the bugs together.... Only then does PPC have a case for regression.19:07
wxlit's fun AND serious19:07
phillwwxl: welcome to the club :)19:07
wxlphillw: i am working feverishly on ppc and browbeating testers as much as possible to submit their findings in bug reports. it's a never ending battle even people who know better. *ahem* silverarrow *cough cough*19:08
kanliotits not screaming unless its all caps19:08
phillwwxl: that is why I needed a PPC person to take over. Between you and Adam, I am confident that it will happen19:10
wxlphillw: yep, we're both geeky enough. i just need more hardware to test on.19:10
phillwColin has rightly said to 'upstream'.... get it bloody sorted.19:10
wxlmust find a way to coerce my coworker out of this radeon 15"19:10
wxlshe did say i could replace the hard drive temporarily but that's a lot of work19:11
wxli MIGHT see if i can get a usb hard drive going but that could add other potential negative byproducts19:11
phillwwxl: I must pop off for a while to finalise the tor VM area for them.19:12
wxli also have a g3 but that thing is messed up19:12
phillwping me if urgent19:12
komputespsivaa: I am getting a "Boot Error" when trying the amd64+mac daily on a mac mini19:53
wxlsilverarrow: yes, dear?19:55
psivaakomputes, that's strange, i was able to boot without any issues19:55
silverarrowI don`t understand the problem completely, really19:55
wxlyou forgot the last word19:55
silverarrowhow does open firmware enter into it?19:55
wxllshw, for powerpc, returns the open firmware device tree19:55
wxlin other words, it's supposed to tell you everything that the firmware sees19:56
silverarrowhmm, bad firmware?19:56
wxlthat firmware, as i hope you know, is "upstream" of the operating system19:56
wxlin other words, if the firmware can't see it, the operating system can't19:56
silverarrowor was the some tricky function in 12.04 that made it bypass firmware?19:56
wxlon the other hand, perhaps the problem is lshw is limited19:56
wxli certainly don't understand how sound works in open firmware but i know enough about how to hack around in it and i couldn't find any good info except that the bus for sound should be a pci component which goes back to my original notion that lspci should pick up on it if the firmware does19:57
silverarrowI never say that19:59
silverarrownot sure where it came from19:59
wxloh SAW that20:02
silverarrowI have never even entered open firmware20:03
wxldon't advise20:03
wxlit uses forth which has a nasty syntax20:03
wxlfor example, to find out the device tree you do:20:04
wxldev / ls20:04
silverarrowI see,20:04
wxlwhich is transliterated like "devices of root list"20:04
wxldoesn't sound right20:04
silverarrowdoes icedtea work ?20:04
* wxl shrugs20:04
wxlnot there yet20:04
silverarrowI installed extra and the browser plugin, but java test cursor keeps circling20:05
silverarrowit worked in 12.0420:05
silverarrowI have to stop saying that20:05
silverarrowjava and adobe flash gets a lot of hate these days20:06
silverarrowI need it though20:06
wxlyou're forced by them to need it20:06
wxli could do without them20:06
wxlthey're annoying20:06
wxlthat's like saying you need windows to play good games20:06
silverarrowwell, I need my web-based bank20:06
wxlno, they need to use an open interface20:07
silverarrowit is the login code and bank ID which is java run20:07
wxlmy bank doesn't use that garbage20:08
silverarrowit is the most widely used too, so we just have to live with it for years still20:08
silverarrowalsamixer and sound turned out more tricky than I thought20:09
silverarrowmy bank works fine20:17
silverarrowfast and easy20:17
silverarrowincluding java20:17
wxlin the past i've had few issues with icedtea20:18
wxlexcept for SERIOUS apps e.g. logmein20:18
wxli usually just install sun java20:18
wxlphillw: thx for the reminder. i need to grab 12.0420:23
phillwwxl: most likely quicker to grab from http://phillw.net/isos/lubuntu/ (it even knows zsync)20:26
wxlphillw: too late XD20:26
wxli need to fix my script to account for md5sum -c20:26
phillwwxl: Well, IIRC, you and unit193 are haggling over the script?20:27
wxlif [[ -n "$(md5sum -c MD5SUMS 2>&1 | grep OK ]] → success20:28
wxli need to get to that at some point20:28
wxltoo busy20:28
silverarrowsun java is better than icedtea?20:28
wxland besides look at that crappy syntax error-ridden shorthand yikes20:28
phillwyou have ~ 2 months20:28
wxlsilverarrow: it's what java is. but it's not open.20:28
wxlor at least not free20:29
silverarrowfirefox crashes on BankID test, immediately, is it java or firefox crash?20:29
wxltry in another browser20:29
silverarrowmidori crashes too20:29
silverarrowthere is hardly any much better browser than firefox20:30
silverarrowjust different or slightly better in some areas20:30
silverarrowphillw: did you manage to open alsamixer in vm?20:31
wxlalso read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IcedTea for why icedtea over sun/oracle java20:31
silverarrowIced tea, works with my bank, I am happy about that20:32
wxli'd say in general icedtea > java in regards to freedom but not always in regards to function20:33
wxldepends on how RMS you want to be20:33
silverarrowwxl, what do we do with the sound issues ? it is horror21:42
wxlpatience grasshopper21:43
wxlthese things take time21:43
wxlbesides you don't need sound to access your bank21:43
wxlso shush it XD21:43
wxltesting doesn't mean everything works perfect21:43
silverarrowtrue, and I have sound elsewhere, but I am reading up on this21:44
wxlit means you work hard to identify where it doesn't and provide information to those who can make a difference while exercising patience that they can't fix everything immediately21:44
silverarrowYeah, I will give it a rest21:44
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