
kdubhey all15:26
pleia2g'day kdub15:26
kdubwhere is philballew when you need him :)15:26
kdubwho all is going to UDS-R?15:27
kdubcool, me too :)15:32
pleia2I'm staying friday too (fly out saturday) to do some touristing15:33
kdubi leave midday friday to take advantage of san diego's only direct flight to europe15:33
kdubsingle runway airport in san diego -_-15:34
pleia2yeah, fortunately SFO has a fair number of int'l flights, I connect through frankfurt then straight on home15:34
pleia2also connecting through frankfurt for my ghana flights, I will be seeing a lot of the frankfurt airport ;)15:36
Darkwingpleia2: I met the guy from Computer Reach (Can't remember his name) at OLF16:01
DarkwingMentioned your guys trip to to ghana16:01
pleia2cool :)16:01
pleia2I haven't met him yet, just via Google Hangouts16:02
DarkwingHe's a really good guy16:02
Darkwingwe talked for a while.16:02
raevolwe just got a purchase order that someone tried to save as a word doc using abiword17:24
raevolcompletely unreadable, and i can't salvage it even with abiword itself, but it warms my heart that someone put in the effort17:24
raevoljust... you know, use libreoffice next time...17:24
philballewDarkwing, you around?18:12
Darkwingphilballew: ping18:24
philballewDarkwing, you run quassel right? Do  you know a good manuel for me to get core running and set up, or is the man page all I need?18:25
darthrobot`Title: [QuasselWiki - Quassel IRC - Quassel IRC Issue Tracker]18:26
philballewsweet! thanks Darkwing gonna set this up this weekend.18:27
Darkwingphilballew: you have an android phone/tablet?18:29
philballewyeah, I have tablet. Darkwing18:30
Darkwingit's a quassel client for android and it's brilliant18:30
philballewah, so it can do android as well. Even more tempting to switch now.18:30
DarkwingOhhh yeah18:30
philballewhows Fort Wayne?18:31
DarkwingRight now? Coldish and rainy18:32
DarkwingOverall it's getting better.18:32
philballewyeah Darkwing hope you enjoy iy18:43

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