
Kilosmorning sleepy heads04:42
superflyhiya Kilos06:30
Kiloshowdy superfly06:39
magespawngood morning y'all06:43
superflyyo magespawn06:43
magespawnhey superfly 06:43
superflymagespawn: front page of http:// www.techcentral.co.za/06:43
Kiloshiya magespawn06:43
superflyhrm, how did that space get in there?06:43
magespawnKilos gets the worms today06:43
magespawnhey Kilos06:43
Kiloskde didnt give any probs today06:44
Kilosim happy06:44
magespawnpretty cool superfly06:50
superflymagespawn: ta06:51
Kilosmagespawn: i had to resort bios and disable the ac97 option07:33
magespawnKilos at least it is working07:50
Kilosyeah me happy08:01
Kilosso far everything is working08:01
magespawnxkcd.com/1110 for those who have not seen this09:55
tumbleweedyou do want a decent browser for that10:13
tumbleweedsomething keyboard controlled and/or zoomable10:13
magespawnwould be able to zoom the comic out to see more?10:16
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
tumbleweedmagespawn: this is the viewer I did, no zoom http://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/stefanor/xkcd-1110.html10:22
tumbleweedbut other people added zoom10:23
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi Trix[a]r_za tumbleweed11:29
Kilosah Superhumanyou still alive11:29
Kilos Superhuman you still alive?11:29
tonberryE352this one is also amusing11:31
Kiloseven our mailing list is quiet13:41
Kilosmagespawn: coffee on13:41
Kilosyo inetpro het jy vergeet om morning te se13:41
inetproKilos: skuus13:45
inetproKilos: goeie more13:46
Kiloshehe gp13:46
Kilosgaan dit goed boet?13:46
inetproKilos: te warm13:46
Kilosnee man dis lekker. was nou net in die son13:46
KilosUV's vang13:47
magespawnCoffee is ready for Kilos13:59
Kiloshehe ty magespawn13:59
Kiloshey magespawnwhat ubuntu's you running14:00
Kilosthis stupid tab complete doesnt add a space after nick14:01
Kilosmagespawn: hi14:01
Kilosnow it did14:01
Kilosalmost weekend for the working class14:01
Symmetria 4:11PM  up 1499 days,  6:30, 2 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.02, 0.0014:11
Symmetrialol, and the irc daemon was last restarted on the 27th May 201014:12
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
charlvngood afternoon14:57
charlvnhi Kilos, Symmetria, magespawn 14:57
charlvnMaaz: coffee on14:58
* Maaz flips the salt-timer14:58
magespawnhi charlvn14:58
Kiloscharlvn: you still alive too14:58
Kilosmagespawn: coffee please14:58
KilosMaaz: coffee please14:58
MaazKilos: Done14:58
charlvnwow the zar currency has devalued immensely in the last two days14:59
Kiloshow come you jumped in front of maaz with the tab thing14:59
charlvnthat's strange, i start with c, not m14:59
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn and Kilos!15:02
Kilosno man magespawn15:02
Kilosnot you dodo15:02
Kiloscharlvn: you missed all the fun here15:03
Kilosim using kde 12.0415:03
Kilostook about 10 installs to be right15:03
Kilosand lotsa grey hairs for the fly and pro15:04
zerefKilos: to get what roght?15:04
Kilosi think it might be just a shade better than unity15:04
* Kilos ducks15:04
zerefgnoe-shell ftw :)15:05
zerefoh dear, *gnome-shell15:05
Kiloszeref: mate is much better15:08
Kiloshave that on 12.04 on other pc15:09
zerefi went though all of them, always came back to the shell ;)15:09
zerefwaitng  for  gnomeBuntu15:10
Kiloswell i gave unity about 3 months or more now will do the same for kde15:10
Kiloskde aint bad once you know a coupla basics15:11
charlvnMaaz: thanks15:13
Maazcharlvn: Sure15:13
charlvnKilos: i heard there are massive strikes and chaos15:13
charlvnvery sad to hear :(15:13
magespawnman if i did not need winsucks to function i would have dumped it long ago15:16
magespawnsorry bit of a rant15:17
magespawnjust wasted the last 3 hours trying to get a program to work15:17
Kilosmagespawn: you didnt restart often enough15:18
Kilosthere is a very lekker free tool that fixes lotsa winsucks probs15:19
Kilosnot just registry15:19
magespawnyeah maybe15:19
Kiloscalled ccleaner15:19
magespawnjust tired of trying for now 15:20
Kiloswin stores stuff in registry and then forgets where to find them15:20
magespawnand windows installers are generally retarted becuse they have to work with win15:21
Kilosya i hated that, every game or app needs a restart15:22
magespawnand most of the options that i enjoy in ubuntu are not even there15:22
magespawnwanted to type sudo aptitude install at one point15:23
Kilosit grows on you hey15:23
magespawnit is like they have decided that because you use windows you are stupid therefore cannot make a choice15:24
Kilosthats for the peeps that call in IT guys for everything15:28
Kilosthats why most of the larger companies employ IT guys15:29
magespawneven a person who is busy studying it though it can be exceedingly frustrating15:31
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosyo Trix[a]r_za16:01
KilosMaaz: nickometer Trix[a]r_za16:01
MaazKilos: Trix[a]r_za is 69.4% lame16:01
Kiloshi smile16:02
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
smilehi Kilos :D16:02
* smile is watching Tears of Steel - Blender Foundation's fourth short Open Movie16:02
KilosMaaz: nickometer Trixar_za16:02
MaazKilos: Trixar_za is 14.4% lame16:02
Trixar_zaHey Kilos16:03
Trixar_zaSorry, I'm bored so I'm looking for games to use with ScummVM16:03
Kilossmile: have you tried using blender?16:03
Trixar_zaWill put them all together and put it on a CD or something16:03
smileyes I have, long time ago :p wasn't that easy for me :p16:03
Kilosyeah i struggled as well. blender is for clever peeps16:04
smileso I gave up :)16:04
Kilosall good apart from bored Trixar_za16:04
magespawnMaaz: nickometer magespawn16:04
Maazmagespawn: magespawn is 0.0% lame16:04
magespawnhah cool16:04
magespawn100% cool then16:04
smilebig hug, Kilos :P16:05
Trixar_zaWell admit it, ScummVM is a good reason to find old adventure games16:05
Kilosi think maaz doesnt like funny characters in nicks16:05
Trixar_zaI used to Love them :P16:05
Trixar_zaAnd I can now enjoy them on Linux too :P16:05
magespawnor maybe likes all lower case16:05
KilosMaaz:  nickometer Kilos16:05
MaazKilos: Kilos is 0.0% lame16:05
smilethat's amazing, Trixar_za :)16:05
magespawnhas anybody got the latest humble indie bundle?16:06
KilosTrixar_za: where you get them?16:06
smileno, magespawn :) do you ;)16:06
Trixar_zaEr, I use Abandonia and GamesWin16:06
Kilosmaybe i can get some on night surfer data when i can stay awake one day16:06
Trixar_zaGamesWin has more games, but less English reviews16:06
magespawnno laptop and such are only for work 16:06
magespawnand very little spare cash at the moment smile16:07
Trixar_zaIt also uses rar files instead of zip files - which means the downloads are smaller than with Abandonia16:07
smilemagespawn: okay :(16:07
Kiloswin rar16:07
smile7-zip for linux! :)16:08
Kilosi want to find something like red alert or AOE that is a linux game16:08
Trixar_zaNah, just get the unrar package or the full rar-nonfree package16:08
Kilosdont wanna corrupt kde with wine16:09
Trixar_zaKilos: There is a few16:09
superflyKilos: there is 0ad, and a few others16:09
Kilosoh thats first in muon16:09
superflymagespawn: I did16:09
magespawni heard that it is awesome superfly16:10
magespawnwhat did you think?16:10
Kiloshave you tried it superfly?16:10
superflymagespawn: when I eventually get to downloading it, I will let you know...16:10
magespawnwork getting in the way again?16:10
superflyKilos: 0AD, yes. it looks really nice16:10
Kilosgood ty superfly i will try it16:10
superflymagespawn: OpenLP, my biggest open source project, is releasing version 2.0 at the end of this month, so I'm trying to get everything organised for that16:11
magespawnso not paid work then but still lots to do16:11
magespawnyup read the blog 16:12
Trixar_zaKilos: http://www.lgdb.org/games/all?tid[]=8&tid_9=All&sort_by=field_release_value&sort_order=DESC16:12
Kilosty Trixar_za16:13
superflymagespawn: yup16:13
smileWhat do you think, guys? Fork from LibreOffice? http://www.pcworld.com/article/2011247/gs-calc-a-low-cost-spreadsheet-with-a-unique-interface.html16:13
Trixar_zalinux game database rocks16:13
superflyI'm busy trying to get a press kit together, lots of work, more than coding16:13
Trixar_zaBut http://www.lgdb.org/game/openra will probably interest you more16:14
magespawnI would not mind helping out if you want superfly16:14
KilosTrixar_za: why?16:15
Trixar_zaIt's a port of Red Alert's engine?16:17
Trixar_zaShame about being written in Mono though16:17
superflymagespawn: if you have some time, that would be great. You're welcome to join us in #openlp16:17
Kilosoh ya red alert16:17
Kilosisnt there an app to convert mono to python16:22
Trixar_zaNow I've seen everything16:22
Kilosoh can you tell what language is used by looking at it?16:22
superflyKilos: VB.NET16:32
Kilosoh my is that a language superfly?16:34
Kilosor must i go to that site?16:34
magespawnVisual Basic16:34
Kilosoh ty magespawn16:35
Kilosty superfly thats what ian has to fiddle with to get them scanner things working16:36
Kilosty magespawn16:39
smileyou didn't know that vb.net is visual basic with .net framework? :)16:40
smileKilos: you have to learn more16:41
smileeven at your age :)16:41
magespawnsmile maybe you do to16:41
Kiloslearning is easy smile , its remembering that is the prob16:42
Kilosbut i been learning almost daily since i came to ubuntu16:42
Kiloslol ya magespawn i told him as well he must still study for a few more years16:43
smilevery good uncle Kilos :)16:43
smilemagespawn: what? :)16:43
magespawnthere is always more things to learn 16:45
magespawnsmile learn more16:46
smileI'm doing that already16:47
smileI'm trying to learn how ChatZilla works16:48
* smile has just made a new bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori/+bug/106242116:48
magespawnand age SHOULD have nothing to do with it16:48
smileof course not, magespawn 16:48
magespawnme thinks that you concentrate mainly on computer though16:52
smileyeah, but you should learn other things too :)16:55
smilelike local geography16:56
smileknow your region16:56
Kilossupper time16:59
smileGuys, do you like http://geoffrey.site44.com/ ? :)16:59
smileIt's in Dutch, but if you know Afrikaans it will be easy to read :)17:00
charlvnhi all17:05
charlvnwow i have never seen the rand drop this fast17:06
charlvnit's like people are moving money out of the country at a massive speed17:06
charlvnare they expecting serious trouble or something?17:06
charlvni thought the strikes etc would blow over17:06
charlvnhi smile17:06
Cantidewell, Amplats just fired 12 00017:07
Cantideand i think the chaos is still to follow17:07
smilehi charlvn :p17:07
charlvnhmmm that's pretty drastic17:08
Cantideit sucks -.- i'm just watching the exchange rate drop...17:08
charlvnis amplats planning on closing down?17:08
Cantidegoing to be poor on holiday ._.17:08
Cantidei don't think so17:08
Cantidei think their workers were striking illegally17:08
charlvnmy uncle has worked there for many years, i wouldn't mind hearing what he has to say17:08
charlvni think he still does consulting for them actually17:08
smilelol, only chatzilla stayed active when enlightenment crashed :p17:09
Cantidecharlvn, i'm off to Korea for a few weeks at the end of November '-'17:09
charlvnvery nice, south korea i hope?17:09
charlvni was looking at this earlier today: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hungry-kim-jong-un17:10
Cantideyup :)17:10
charlvnoh my goodness: http://youtu.be/PWiT6VbVpjg17:12
Cantidenice meme :p17:12
charlvnwatching part 2 now: http://youtu.be/mGycPE3XdIc17:14
Cantidethis is hilarious :D17:15
charlvnok now i have seen it all :)17:16
charlvnpart 1: http://youtu.be/f37K0hIv3zk17:16
smilecharlvn: north is better temperature ;)17:17
charlvnmore insanity: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/death-of-kim-jong-il17:18
charlvnsmile: i hear it's really really hot in south korea, a former colleague of mine's girlfriend is south korean so he spent (spends?) a lot of time there17:19
magespawnhoem time17:20
magespawnhome even17:20
smileIt's hotter than Cape Town, of course :)17:20
smilegood night, magespawn 17:20
charlvnhaha, just rediscovered this: http://youtu.be/5ac9Arzm7_o17:21
Cantidecharlvn, I was in Daegu in summer a few years ago... that was hotter than Durban ,_,17:22
Cantidebut i think the Philippines is worse - hot all day, all night, all year -.-17:22
smileCantide: Just keep in SA ;)17:24
Cantidesmile, nah :D17:26
smilewhy not :)17:26
Cantidethat's a complex question17:26
CantideAsia gives me economic freedom, safety, a better society and it feels like a permanent holiday '-'17:28
charlvnCantide: wow, that's pretty hectic (the heat)17:29
charlvnand cheap electronics17:30
Cantideoh yeah!!17:31
CantideI'm planning to spend at least a full day in Yongsan this time17:32
smileokay, Cantide :) and what about girls? :p17:32
smiledo you like the asian ones :)17:32
* Cantide blushes17:32
smilelol :D17:32
Cantidenothing wrong with them!17:32
smileI like the girls more here :DD (some :P )17:33
smilehere: Belgium :)17:33
CantideSouth African girls... hmmm not for me17:33
Cantideoh cool :)17:33
CantideI'm sure I'd like the girls there, too17:33
smileOf course you would.17:34
smileIn NL they are nice too17:34
Cantidei bet :)17:34
smilewill ya visit me, Cantide ? :)17:34
CantideAre you an Asian girl by the name of 민아 in 부산?17:34
smilenoo :p but I can show you what pretty girls are17:35
smilebut only if you have a real relationship with them :)17:35
smilegirls aren't there to hurt17:35
Cantidesure, i didn't mean to imply that they were17:36
Cantideanyway, i'm going to see some friends in Korea17:36
Cantideone of them a girl '-'17:36
smilesome guys only want sex. I don't understand17:36
smileCantide: remember it's a friend, not ur girlfriend :p17:37
charlvni met the girlfriend of above mentioned (former) colleague in ireland (we were there for a meeting)17:37
smilehave you planned your trip yet?17:37
charlvnnot saying it's my personal taste in women but she was definitely very nice and pretty17:37
Cantidesmile, we will see when i get there how things go :p and no, sex is not going to happen17:38
smilethats good :p17:38
Cantidesmile, nah, some of my friends seem to be planning it for me -.-17:38
Cantidebut yeah, i have a few things i want to do17:38
smilelol.. but it can be annoying too17:38
Cantidethey did it last time17:39
Cantidei actually told him to relax a little :p17:39
smileI like that.. http://www.hyped.nl/nieuws/samsung-komt-met-kleintje-s3.html17:40
smile(Galaxy Mini S3 coming)17:40
smilewith nice specs :)17:40
smileI hope the price won't be over 200 dollars :p17:40
Cantideoh, nice!17:41
Cantidei always thought the S3 was a little large17:41
Cantidebut i'd still like one :D17:41
smileI don't like the format of the S3, so a mini would be fine :D17:41
smile Johannesburg – 'n Sangoma en sy bestuurder is Vrydagoggend in hegtenis geneem vir die skending van 'n graf by 'n begraafplaas in Mmabatho, in die Noordwes, het die polisie gesê.17:42
smilenuus24 :)17:43
smileI need to inform you of the news :D17:43
Cantidemy Afrikaans is not good enough to understand it 100% ,_,17:43
smileI understand it fully :P And I'm not native speaker :)17:45
smileCantide: Dutch is very similar to Afrikaans17:47
smileAnd the other way around, too17:47
Cantideyes '-'17:47
Cantideof that i am aware17:47
CantideI haven't used Afrikaans for 10 years17:47
Cantideand even 10 years ago it wasn't very good17:47
charlvndutch and afrikaans is a little like dutch and german - there are a lot of things that are the same but they are just different enough to get you into some serious trouble17:48
CantideI know a little German, too17:48
charlvni was having a conversation with some of my colleagues today about it17:48
Cantidebut I think my Afrikaans might be better than my German ._.17:48
smilecharlvn: lol ;)17:49
Cantidebrb, coffee time '-'17:49
smileAfrikaans is more similar to Dutch than Dutch is similar to German17:49
charlvni used the example of a south african that asked the girl behind the till if he could see her "slipje"17:49
charlvna "slip" is a "bonnetje" in afrikaans so that is perfectly normal to ask to see the slip17:49
charlvnof course, in dutch it has a whole other meaning and the girl was very angry17:50
charlvnbut that kind of thing happens so easily17:50
charlvnit's like when i tried to log into google in germany and i got asked to log into "google konten"17:50
charlvni understood "konten" to mean "assholes" so i was quite terrified of having to "log in"17:50
charlvnthen i looked it up in the dictionary and found out it means "accounts" in german17:51
charlvnagain, have to be very careful ;)17:51
smilePeace and happiness might be found. :)18:03
smilelol, charlvn :p18:04
charlvni just got this sent to me by someone in south africa: http://i.imgur.com/x7r4N.jpg18:12
smileThe most explicit song text was written by I Wayne18:15
smileOne man can't satisfy her / She needs more wood for da fire / Sex price getting higher, ah more money she require18:15
smileHouse, car , and land she desire / so from di prostitution work she won't retire / Flames and fireee, burn the sex seller and the fire18:15
smile / is new line ;)18:16
charlvnsome gangsta stuff 18:20
smileyeaah :p18:21
smilecharlvn: are you gangsta? :o18:21
* smile runs to to the other side of the world18:21
smile* to to => to18:21
charlvnnope, i'm gangnam style, nog gangsta style ;)18:21
charlvnoppa gangnam style!18:22
smileDancin' before she reach eleven :o18:22
charlvnlike on a horse18:23
smileWhat they mean with the L zone?18:23
charlvnl zone? no idea, where did you see it?18:24
smilein that video, I thought I heard that18:24
smileWho's that? :)18:27
Cantidegangnam style :p18:27
Cantidetransposed onto a picture of the NZ rugby team doing the haka18:28
smileoo :)18:28
Cantidelooks like the same moves :D18:28
smileCantide: how many mb/month have you? :)18:28
Cantide60 GB + 60 GB18:29
Cantidelasts for a year or until i use it up .-.18:29
smileokay :)18:29
Cantideso if i use 5 GB a month, i will be fine :p18:29
smileI see :)18:29
Cantideand the other 60 GB at night i can use for downloads or such '-'18:29
Cantidei won't ask about your internet connection, because it'll make me weep18:30
smileCantide: boemboem => BOOM!! :D18:30
Cantideoh :p18:30
Cantidetalking to that girl now '-'18:31
smileCantide: I'm even uploading.. :p not only downloading18:31
Cantideso excuse my slow responses18:31
smileis the pretty :)18:31
Cantidesmile, i would if i had the bandwidth to spare :p18:31
Cantidesmile, all girls are pretty :)18:32
smilecharlvn: ja.18:32
smileCantide: they aren't :p18:32
Cantidedepends how you look at them :p18:32
Cantidewell, if you like a girl, she is pretty to you18:32
Cantideso of course my answer is yes18:32
smiledoei! :)18:33
charlvnciao smile 18:33
smilei see, Cantide :)18:33
smilebut not every girl is pretty (according yourself)18:33
smilegood night everyone :)18:33
charlvnoooh that film, that "egel" is obnoxious18:33
Cantidegood night smile :p18:34
Cantidesmile, that's because you can only like 1 at a time :p18:34
smileyou could be right :)18:34
smilesee ya18:34
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight18:39
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
magespawnevening all19:16
charlvnhi magespawn 19:28
magespawnhey charlvn19:29
magespawnhey Squirm 19:47
Squirmhello magespawn 19:47
magespawngood night y'all19:54
Squirmsame. I'm off. gnight19:55
inetprogood evening20:09
charlvnhi inetpro 20:22
inetprohi charlvn20:22
inetprohow goes20:22
charlvnlong time no speak to, how's it going20:22
charlvni'm doing well thanks20:22
inetprogood and yeah self?20:22
charlvnfinished moving into my new appartment, feeling great20:22
charlvni still have a couple of loose ends i need to finish off here though20:23
charlvnbut for the most part i can start taking it a little easier now20:23
inetprocharlvn: I was wondering, have you dealt with drupal yet?20:23
charlvni used to develop on drupal 6 and 7 a long time ago20:23
charlvnwell, by long time i mean something like 6 or so years20:23
* inetpro is thinking about importing lots of legacy data to a drupal database20:23
charlvnfor ict terms, a really long time20:23
inetproall text based20:24
inetproone record per file20:24
charlvndrupal can have a very strange database structure sometimes, as long as you're careful it shouldn't be too difficult20:24
charlvnit used to have a really strange way of handling metadata20:24
charlvnit had these nodes but that then link with a bunch of different tables20:24
charlvni didn't really like it very much, i found it too complex to and unhandy to work with20:25
charlvnthat said, that was a long time ago :)20:25
charlvnmaybe by now it's much cleaner / easier20:25
* inetpro needs to find some time to learn the structure a bit20:25
charlvnonce you "get it" it isn't too bad20:25
charlvnyou just need to put some time aside and learn it properly20:25
inetproI've seen a html to drupal import module somewhere but not text to drupal20:26
inetproor a script at least20:27
charlvnif it's a simple structure it should be really easy to do it directly into the database20:28
charlvni have done database imports where i literally generate the sql with some bash script20:28
charlvn*scripting i mean20:28
* inetpro should actually create some dummy data and put it out as a challenge for anybody20:29
charlvncould be fun20:29
charlvn(for someone who still works with drupal, i mean, not me) ;)20:29
inetproLudo: wb20:53
inetprocharlvn: can you see the files in the following link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hifxmtf9hdemu36/TtZNa0Q-AL/DrupalTXTImportTest20:54
charlvninetpro: that's just a date, title and body right?21:02
charlvnthat's very easy21:02
inetprocharlvn: yes it is basically as simple as that21:03
charlvnso you wanna loop through each directory and just import the files one by one21:03
inetprojust for proof of concept21:03
charlvnif i remember correctly that would be very easy to do21:03
inetprocharlvn: true21:03
charlvnwith a little python script or something21:03
charlvnyou just need a database connector and some basic file/string handling21:03
charlvnif i had a drupal database handy i would have done it for you21:04
inetprocharlvn: even if you just play with the basic concept of reading the data from file and submitting to a dummy database I'd appreciate the help21:06
inetprowe can find out about the drupal structure laters21:06
zerefany css, php guru here?21:11
inetprozeref: don't ask to ask, just ask21:12
inetprooh and anybody is welcome to help with above mentioned challenge21:12
zerefforgot bout the asking thing.21:13
inetprozeref: no problem :-)21:14
zerefk, i would like to create a table with a couple of rows and colums21:14
zerefi will use css for that.21:14
zerefnot i need to fetch data from database and place it into the rows and columns21:15
zereffor that I'll use php.21:15
zerefhow do i get the data into the table?21:15
charlvnzeref: retrieve rows, loop through each row, generate <tr>...</tr> html?21:20
charlvnthat's pretty simple, there should be a million tutorials out there that can give an example21:21
inetprozeref: I was thinking the same thing as charlvn, there should be many samples out there for your case21:21
inetpronot sure how you want to use css for creating rows and columns21:22
charlvnand a million others, just google21:25
superflyA million bad tutorials too.21:25
charlvnthat's true21:26
charlvnbut you start somewhere :P21:27
charlvnstart dumb, iterate until smart21:27
superflyif only it actually worked that way...21:35
inetprozeref: wb21:39
* inetpro 's challenge described in just a bit more detail: http://slexy.org/view/s208X0EQYU21:44
zerefinetpro: I'm also busy with drupal as well :D21:48
inetprozeref: I just had to spell a few things out for myself to start with, will continue with the exercise as I find time21:50
* inetpro heading off to hit the sack21:50
inetprogood night everyone21:50
charlvnsuperfly: you don't become smart by practising? are you smart overnight?21:51
charlvninetpro: good night! :)21:51

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