
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
FloatingGoathey its me06:00
len-dtFloatingGoat, hey its you... whats up?13:10
* smartboyhw wonders too:P13:10
smartboyhwlen-dt, awake so early?13:10
len-dtNormal time... but should be getting lunchs ready13:11
smartboyhwlen-dt, ah13:11
drupinerrr how ya smartboyhw and len-dt 13:13
smartboyhwhow are you drupin 13:13
drupinall is well13:14
len-dtIt has been a long week. Glad it is almost done.13:14
smartboyhwlen-dt, good:P13:14
len-dtAnyway, gotta go...13:17
smartboyhwbye len-dt 13:17

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