
holsteinFloatingGoat: hey.. sorry man.. i'll have to catch it some other time i think03:18
FloatingGoatwant to hear my reasoning03:18
holsteini just got finished with my 2nd show, and im eating.. i do have headphones though.. link it up03:19
FloatingGoatfor why LMMS should be included in ubuntu studio?03:19
FloatingGoatlisten to this song03:19
holsteinFloatingGoat: i think you should link it in #opensourcemusicians03:19
FloatingGoatwhys that03:20
holsteinFloatingGoat: we used to do that all the time over there is all. you dont have to03:20
holsteini like it03:20
holsteinthe vocal sounds nice03:20
holsteinthe "synthy" stuff is mostly cool03:21
holsteinthe snare drums is killing me03:21
FloatingGoatthank you :) its my voice03:21
FloatingGoatpicked up through an MXL 990!03:21
holsteinbut that my opinion is all. i think it should be down in the mix though...03:21
FloatingGoatholstein: in what way?03:21
holsteinFloatingGoat: in the way where when i hear it i wish i could die03:21
FloatingGoat"killing me"03:21
holsteineach time it cracks03:21
FloatingGoatyou dont like it?03:22
holsteinbut... again.. most of the synthy stuff is nce03:22
holsteinFloatingGoat: correct.. i do not like the drum sounds03:22
FloatingGoatlol idk what to use in place haha03:22
holsteinbut everything else is very nice03:22
holsteini think even if you like those drums, you could pull them down03:22
FloatingGoatin volume?03:23
FloatingGoatshould I turn down the drums before i post it03:23
holsteinpull them down in the mix.. yeah.. lower the volume of the snare... nah, get other opinions03:23
FloatingGoatoh BTW the only programs I used for that where sound recorder03:25
FloatingGoatand lmms03:25
holsteinsure.. i just think lmms is a toy is all03:25
FloatingGoatwhy I keep insisting that raw audio recording and editing features be03:26
holsteinthe look and feel.. and it  was crashy03:26
FloatingGoatincluded in LMMS03:26
holsteinif its stable, we can entertain adding it back03:26
FloatingGoatfor me it doesnt crash that often03:26
FloatingGoatonly when im trying to export03:26
holsteinFloatingGoat: it would have to not crash at all.. ideally03:26
holsteintoo bad.. it lookes like a nice app for a certain work flow03:27
FloatingGoatyou guys have openshot defaulted03:27
holsteinFloatingGoat: openshot was defaulted, correct03:27
FloatingGoatnot only that but i only have like a maybe 12 hours experience in LMMS03:27
FloatingGoatand im able to make that03:28
FloatingGoatyou want to make it easy for beginners?03:28
FloatingGoatseems like a great way03:28
holsteini want to make it professional for me03:28
holsteinit can be as easy as users need03:28
holsteinbut, like i said, if its stable, i wont vote against it03:29
FloatingGoatidk no other app I see has the features that LMMS has03:29
holsteinFloatingGoat: sure, but it was crashing with jack03:29
FloatingGoatyeah it is pretty shotty with jack03:29
FloatingGoatissues with CPU03:29
holsteinFloatingGoat: i checked it out.. i understand the work flow and the need03:29
holsteinFloatingGoat: i personally dont need it, but that doesnt mean it cant be included.. it shouldnt be included cause its not stable03:30
holsteinFloatingGoat: ive always wanted to ty and contact a maintainer..03:30
FloatingGoatI think ive seen one I think03:31
FloatingGoatI think if no ones on the upkeep someone eneed to fork that03:31
holsteinyup.. i think we need a tool to address that work flow03:31
FloatingGoatwhat do you mean?03:34
holsteinFloatingGoat: i was agreeing with you.. when you say it should be forked if its ead03:35
holsteini personally dont need that tool, but i think ubuntustudio needs it03:35
FloatingGoatyeah i agree03:48
FloatingGoati have really annoying problems with my home folder in ubuntu studio05:14
FloatingGoathi there05:59
holsteinFloatingGoat: with your home folder?15:19
holsteinare you encrypted15:19
holsteini typically have a seperate studio machine where performance is the goal15:19
contrapunctusSup folks :D17:13
contrapunctusWished to ask something regarding my M-Audio Fast Track Pro - I finally got it to run, but only in 16/44.1. Anyone know how to make it run at 24/48?17:14
holsteincontrapunctus: some are locked to 16bit... i thought that was one of them17:15
holsteincontrapunctus: personally, 16bit is fine... i wouldnt lose sleep over it17:15
contrapunctusActually, I got it to run in 24 bits on AVLinux 5.0.3, but that distro has a bunch of other problems which caused me to shift.17:16
holsteincontrapunctus: avlinux could load some firmware we cant ship17:16
holsteincontrapunctus: i would note the kernel in avlinux and the alsa version17:17
holsteincontrapunctus: also, i would do a bit more testing and make sure that its running at 24bit, and not "reporting" its running at 24bit17:17
holsteincontrapunctus: the alsa drivers on some usb devices are what i understand to be the issue17:17
holsteinyou can as in #opensourcemusicians about that unit17:18
holsteini know ailo knows a lot about USB hardware..17:18
contrapunctusIt says 16 bit little endian under capture in the logs in UbStu, and 24 bit in AVL.17:18
holsteincontrapunctus: im not denying... just encouraging17:18
holsteincontrapunctus: i have used both... but avlinux is based on an older kernel AFAIK... depends on what version i suppose17:19
contrapunctusAFAIR 5.0.3 is an older kernel but patched for FTP.17:19
contrapunctusIncidentally, how do I check ALSA version? Synaptic?17:20
holsteincontrapunctus: where ever you like.. that should do17:20
contrapunctusAlright. Brb in a bit with the versions.17:20
holsteinhttp://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-MAudio says Reduced functionality in class-compliant mode, patch available for more features17:21
contrapunctusBack. Holstein, you there? o.o17:38
contrapunctusHolstein, ye there?18:22
FloatingGoatlen-dt: did you hear the song I made yesterday?18:26
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