
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
olbisome1 tested new LibreOffice in X 12.10?08:34
olbiLO 3.6.208:34
Unit193!info libreoffice quantal08:35
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.6.1~rc2-1ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 29 kB, installed size 166 kB08:35
elfyknome: on the tracker - the post-installation tests are archived again - any idea what's going on? 13:04
elfyor who and where to ask even ... 13:05
smartboyhwelfy, er actually someone got a bug reported for that let me find it13:15
smartboyhwBug 105728013:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1057280 in Ubuntu QA Website "Post-installation (Xubuntu) Desktop i386 for Quantal Beta 2 (Testcase) cannot report a fail or list bug experienced while performing this testcase." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105728013:15
smartboyhwmay be useful:)13:15
elfywell I've confirmed it if nothing else 13:18
smartboyhwelfy, confirm it13:19
smartboyhwelfy, uh the bug ah you just confirmed the bug:P (I said that since the page is still new at that time:P)13:20
elfydon't understand?13:21
smartboyhwelfy, no no no forget it13:21
micahgknome: ah, we don't have room after all on i386..13:51
micahgamd64 has a little room though13:51
smartboyhwGridCube, why lol?14:13
GridCubebecause yesterday we where happy we had room for more languages and today we are back ot square one :P14:13
smartboyhwGridCube, ah lol14:14
GridCubeits like snakes and ladders14:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
knomeelfy, i'd be in touch with balloons19:19
knomemicahg, right, do whatever what keeps us below19:19
elfyknome: ok - when he's woken up lol19:20
knomeyeah :)19:20
elfyI've pinged him in various places about other things lol 19:21
elfysnoring :)19:21
knomei'm not sure if he's around much on weekends19:22
elfyI'll catch up with him 19:24
elfygoing to try and spend a bit of time this weekend catching up - had a strange fortnight I have 19:25
knomehow strange?19:25
elfyvery - seem to have been trying to get things done and find a job - and succeeded in doing exactly none of them 19:26
knomesounds very lifey day :P19:27
elfyyea :)19:27
elfyyou know how it is - you sort of know what you're up to and life chucks a load of stuff you'r enot expecting :)19:27
knomegoing to go and lecture some about openoffice next week19:28
knomegot a mail today19:28
elfynice 19:28
knome"you might need to teah some basic skills too, like attaching files to email"19:29
elfyha ha 19:29
knomeright, i thought it was an openoffice training19:29

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