
_kbulgrienme wonders if anyone has a good quick link to some description of how to let branches diverge.  I have several branches that mostly follow each other, but I don't know how to skip over some changes when pulling, etc.00:48
fullermd_No such thing as that; any change implies all its ancestors.00:54
_kbulgrienum. well am I asking the wrong question then, because it seems a given that branches should be able to be different.00:56
fullermd_Sure, but it happens by one going off one way and the other not (generally going off another).00:58
fullermd_Can't happen that you take change n+1 from some branch without getting n.  Unless you add a n+2 that's (~n), say.  But then the other side will get that when they sync you, and it gets messier from there.00:59
fullermd_Nobody can do that sort of thing except darcs, since they don't have ordered changes, and are messy from the getgo  ;p00:59
_kbulgrienso once you diverge you can never merge from the source again without becoming a clone of it again?01:00
fullermd_Mmm.  You can't merge without sorta undiverging, since that's what merge _is_; an elimination of divergeance.01:03
fullermd_Once you merge, you've got everything they do.  Of course, you'll still have extra stuff, so you could say you're diverged from them, in that you're now a proper superset.01:03
fullermd_But then when they merge you, they've got everything you have and now they're a superset.01:04
_kbulgrienI'm thinking that mostly I want to follow a source, but I want to be able to let certain files diverge.  It seems like that should be possible.  I guess I have a broken concept of what DVCS was supposed to allow.01:07
fullermd_By "let" you mean "make changes to them versus what upstream has".  So you wind up with always a superset of them.01:08
fullermd_(well, right after you merge anyway.  You wind up both diverged in between while they move ahead between your merges, but...)01:08
_kbulgrienWell, not necessarily superset I guess.  I want to track changes in this file, but where I branched from has a different one.  I'm good with getting the one from upstream, but I'd like to maintain my own history downstream on that one file.01:09
fullermd_Well, that _is_ a superset.  You've got every change upstream does, plus some of your own.01:10
_kbulgrienOk, yeah.01:11
_kbulgrienIs there a way in the VCS to send patches to them without them having to take all my changes?01:23
_kbulgrienI'm sort of thinking along the lines that in CVS, one can selectively merge on a file by file basis without having to merge the branches in entirety.  Perhaps the language is different between CVS and DVCS... (shrug)  I don't know how to translate that to Bazaar.01:32
bob2well of course, you can not accept changes01:35
bob2probably making life hard for yourself, though01:35
exarkunI want to write a post_change_branch_tip hook that updates itself.  So I figure I can have the hook check out the new version of the branch and copy itself into the plugins directory.01:37
exarkunAlso, it has configuration, so I want to copy a new version of the branch.conf into place.01:38
exarkunIt doesn't look like the bzr developers particularly want me poking around here, though.  The only way I've found to discover the path beneath which I'll find branch.conf is `params.branch.bzrdir.transport.base01:39
exarkunAnd that's not even a real filename, but a file:// uri.01:39
exarkunAm I barking up the wrong tree?01:39
fullermd__kbulgrien: Not as VCS data, no.  You can send patches of course; whether they'll apply will depend.  And they won't have any relation to your changes, so you may get some odd conflicts when you merge their application of them.01:52
exarkunGah.... filtered-143716140:///~/highscores/.bzr/ is not a very nice path :(01:54
exarkunSurely there must be some way to find the branch on the filesystem?01:55
_kbulgrienso then I guess I'm asking if the vcs facilitates that sort of thing... upstream agrees my change is good to incorporate, so I send them some kind of spec that they can use to pull the changes from my branch without a merge, or do I have to do the old-style here's my set of patch files, apply it to your branch please?01:59
fullermd_Well, the ideal is that you make a branch of _just_ their stuff, plus that change of yours.  Once its entwined with other stuff you don't want to send, you're down to the old-style patch sending.  Or using darcs  ;p02:14
vilaexarkun: I think you're indeed barking up the wrong tree07:28
vilaexarkun: avoid the direct file access and just use the API: branch.lock_write() ; conf = branch.get_config.stack() ; conf.get() ; conf.set() ; conf.remove() ; branch.unlock()07:29
vilaerr, conf = branch.get_config_stack()07:30
poolieo/ vila07:31
vilapoolie: hey :)07:31
exarkunvila: Thanks.11:46
dr3mrohello , I have a project on launchpad and i use bazaar and there is urgent merge propsal and i have no access except to windows PC can any one help me do the merge by installing bzr on windows14:33
dr3mroi have installed bzr using cygwin !! but it fails to merge ?14:33
bob2unclear what 'failes to merge' means14:36
dr3mroValue "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" is not valid for "ssl.ca_certs"14:40
dr3mroNo valid trusted SSL CA certificates file set. See 'bzr help ssl.ca_certs' for more information on setting trusted CAs.14:40
dr3mroSee `bzr help ssl.ca_certs` for how to specify trusted CAcertificates.14:40
dr3mroPass -Ossl.cert_reqs=none to disable certificate verification entirely.14:40
dr3mrobzr: ERROR: _ssl.c:323: No root certificates specified for verification of other-side certificates.14:40
dr3mrothis is error message14:40
bob2fix your bzr config file14:53
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