
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest82817
gregory_hey ho01:54
gregory_wie wechselt man hier denn den Raum :-/01:56
ivanslipeae pessoal? tudo bom?02:41
ivansliptem algu'em online ai pra me ajudar?02:41
ivanslipto com problemas pra instalar o Opera, navegador02:42
ivanslipninguem por ai nao?02:47
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:04
Daz646_Hi everyone.03:19
SIR_Taco_FloodBotK1 is full of net splits today :)03:19
SIR_Taco_Hello Daz646_03:20
Daz646_Could anybody tell me if they are having issues using 802.11n on 5ghz band on kubuntu?03:34
mr-richDo the keepers of the kubuntu site know that the  "tour" still lists "Open Office" as the office suite?03:34
SIR_Tacomr-rich: http://www.kubuntu.org/contact-us   maybe let them know?03:39
dj_segfaultHi.  I'm looking for an image viewer that can do slideshows of images in a directory in random order.  I see gwenview, but it can't show images in random order.  I used to use geequie under Ubuntu, but I would rather not pull in a bunch of Gnome stuff just for that.03:44
mr-richdj_segfault: most of Gnome is already installed anyway ... just use Muon or Apper to install it ...03:46
mr-richdj_segfault: Kubuntu & Ubuntu share the same repos ...03:47
dj_segfaultmr-rich Yeah, I know I can do it but it wanted to pull in about 20 dependencies.  I guess there's no rest for the purist.  I'll just do that.  Thanks.03:48
mr-richdj_segfault: I use Evolution as my e-mail client ... have for over a decade ...03:50
mr-richdj_segfault: Firefox uses a lot of GTK ...03:50
dj_segfaultOK, then it's hopeless.  Done.03:51
mr-richdj_segfault: I still MUCH prefer KDE as a desktop ... Gmome 2 is looking dated & Gnome 3 just plain sucks ...03:52
mr-richdj_segfault: did you know that GTK/Gnome is actually a fork of KDE?03:55
dj_segfaultmr-rich: I was OK with Gnome 2, but it's now a dead end.03:55
dj_segfaultmr-rich: No!  That must have been a LONG time ago.  They use such different architectures03:56
mr-richdj_segfault: LONG time ago ... mid 90's, IIRC ...03:57
* mr-rich is an old school geek03:57
mr-richdj_segfault: KDE was first using the QT widgets, but the license for QT was not fully open source, so a few developers from KDE started began developing a new truely open source widget set called it the Gnome Tool Kit (GTK) ...04:00
mr-richdj_segfault: a few years later, Troll Tech finally relented and made QT truely open source, but by then it was too late ... GTK was taking off big time ...04:01
SIR_Tacoand then the asteroid hit... and all the dinosaurs died.... ; )04:02
SIR_Tacoglad you appreciated that one mr-rich : )04:05
mr-richSIR_Taco: like I said, I'm an old school geek ... got my CS degree in 1990 ...04:07
SIR_Tacothat definitely qualifies you04:07
mr-richSIR_Taco: the first computer I played with was a TRS80 ... and later an Apple ][ ...04:08
mr-richSIR_Taco: did you ever dial up a BBS?04:10
mr-richSIR_Taco: you should see some of my phone bills from the mid/late 80's ... :)04:11
dj_segfaultI have one thing that's really bugging me in Kubuntu (just moved to Kubuntu 12.04 from Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome).    I have 4 virtual desktops in 1 row.  The key sequence I set up to from to the previous desktop/next desktop works MOST of the time, but then all of a sudden it stops working and I can't switch desktops using the keys.  I can still click on a desktop  on he pager to switch, but the keys don't work.  Is that ju04:30
dthongvlhello all05:13
FlameReaperDoes anyone know what is the name of the metapackage that enables you to export a screenshot directly to a image hosting service e.g. Imgur?05:52
FlameReaperI think I might have uninstalled it unknowingly while trying to rid my machine of GNOME05:52
chachanFlameReaper, I think it's kipi-plugins06:22
FlameReaper-PCI see06:23
mah454How can add newmode to VGA-0 ?06:43
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=== mathieu is now known as Guest25460
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=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
Ab3Ldo you know a wallpaper rotator for kubuntu? i've installed wally, but seems not to work (in other terms it seems i'm too stupid to set it and to make it working). can anybody help me?09:25
wormAny quassel users here? I've got a small problem on using Quassel. I can see a lot of "--> someone joined #channel", but it goes terrible when I joined in a busy channel. How can I turn that function off?09:53
bazhangworm, tried in #quassel ?09:55
bazhangturn off joins/quits/parts quassel is what you want09:56
wormTrying to ask there, thanks.10:00
bazhangRight click on the buffer -> Hide Events -> Joins, Parts, Quits...     worm10:02
bazhanghttp://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages#Quassel   from here, oddly enough10:03
gingerlingok, so I am getting a bit annoyed with kubuntu now. I have been a linux user for a good while, and set up a computer for my mum thinking kubuntu would be the best option. Endless ENDLESS problems, totally not user-freindly at all. Even today, she has deleted her task manager AGAIN, despite the icons being locked and not opening the plasmoids editor menu, she just "right clicked it" and now its taking hours to make it work again, i cant ev10:24
gingerlingen register for the forums to discuss this, it just keeps saying"invalid email address"10:24
gingerlingthe fist part of that sentance is "I have been a linux user for a good while"10:25
tsimpsongingerling: in the right-click menu there is an "Unlock Widgets" option, perhaps that was pressed. as for the forums, well we don't control that, it's community run like this channel10:34
gingerlingthe widgets seemed to be locked, and we had pressed the lock widges option.10:35
gingerlingagh, b2b10:35
mikael_Hellu people, Anyone here running Kubuntu beta2 on lenovo X230 or similar computer with same specs(Intel IvyBridge with GMA4000) ?10:47
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Peace-mike7b4: what's the problem ?11:00
Peace-mike7b4: btw beta are supported on #ubuntu+111:00
=== Earthwings_ is now known as Earthwings
BluesKajHiya folks11:54
Peace-BluesKaj: hey11:57
BluesKajhi Peace-11:58
matteo_ciao a tutti12:13
Peace-matteo_: english12:14
bacon4435 12:22
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=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
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=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
juanitoHi I use kubuntu 12.04 and sometimes I got a process virtuoso-t running at 100% CPU, how to stop it?16:51
Peace-juanito: pkill -9  virtuos-t16:54
tsimpsonjuanito: go to system settings, desktop search, and un-check the Enable Nepomuk File Indexer16:55
juanitook done, do I have to restart or not?16:57
shadeslayerjuanito: hm, ideally it shouldn't eat that much CPU, are you on 4.8.5 ?16:59
shadeslayertsimpson: just disabling/killing nepomuk is not a solution, it just hides the problem17:00
juanitoyes 4.8.5, ok I'm gona restart to make sure17:00
juanitoshadeslayer,  so what is the real solution?17:01
shadeslayerjuanito: well I'm on 4.9.1 and have no issues wrt nepomuk17:01
juanitook on what distro?17:01
shadeslayerKubuntu Precise, what else :P17:01
juanitoa capucino, lol17:02
juanitoI am on Precise too but did you add aditional apt sources ?17:02
shadeslayeryes, see the channel topic on how to upgrade to 4.9.217:02
juanitodo you have a link?17:02
tsimpsontype /topic17:03
juanitook sorry17:03
juanitoI got it17:03
shadeslayer^ :)17:03
=== magespawn_ is now known as magespawn
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest66506
Guest66506hello, i have problem with kubuntu installer on 12.1017:27
Guest66506this is debug: http://paste.kde.org/563498/17:28
=== emma is now known as em
GH0I have been trying to follow several guides, to install postfix. After talking in #postfix with some of the guys they suggested me come here. Because when I was executing postmap, it would fail. http://pastie.org/private/mscl5igkagepe6apoovq They suggested that it was apparmor, so I did the following: http://pastie.org/private/vt4oxqmq65cmiq1fpqyfg17:33
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GH0Still failed, so now I am left wondering if I didn't do something correctly with apparmor, or if something else is prohibiting it from writing, reading, or creating.17:33
=== david is now known as Guest2274
=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
kubuntu_how to report bug to kubuntu installer in 12.10?\18:17
kubuntu_http://paste.ubuntu.com/1264321/ - becouse i dont knwo how to add bug and i must go away18:19
kubuntu_Installer hang out on timezone18:19
SteveRiley!find languageselector.qt18:24
ubottuPackage/file languageselector.qt does not exist in precise18:24
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest87281
=== Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower
bluecrowHi, I am trying to setup lightIRC chat client on my web server, it loads fine but refuses to connect to my irc server on the same host, because of a flash policy error. Is there anyway I can just turn this off from the orc server end through a config?19:34
=== euphoria|jacked is now known as euphoria
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=== Dreadtower is now known as Breadflour
bjrohanI recently did a clean install of 12.10 beta. Previously I was using Ubuntu 12.04. On my bottom bar I want to add quick application launchers, how do I do so? right now I have the KDE button, the virtual desktops, then dolphin and chrome icons. I want to add more icons like CHrome and doplhin20:33
bjrohanI had heard it was impossible to do, I suppose it is :-(20:35
bjrohanWhen I right click it says remove this launcher, I suppose it would be called add launcher?20:36
roneybjrohan: You have to unlock your widgets first.20:36
roneybjrohan: Then you right click on the desired icon in the menu and select "Add to Panel".20:37
bjrohanHow do I do that? unlock the widgets20:37
roneyClick on the fancy icon in the top right corner of your desktop.20:38
roneySome options will appear, "Unlock Widgets" is among then.20:39
bjrohanI don't have one there? I have a panel toolbox on the bottom right, and on the right side a new activity20:39
bjrohanIf I right click on my desktp an option is lock and then unlock widegets20:40
bjrohanright now it give me the option to lock widgets, so I assume they are already locked20:40
roneyThat's fine, your widgets are already unlocked.20:40
roneyEverything you have to do now is to right click on the icon you want and select "Add to Panel".20:41
bjrohanOkay. That added the icon to the right side of the panel, how can I add / move it to the left side so it is smaller and beside the virutal desktops20:42
=== cary is now known as Guest37771
roneyClick on the last icon of your taskbar. It will raise a painel and let you move the icons as you wish.20:44
roneyIt is the "Plasma" icon, right after the system clock.20:45
bjrohanHere is what I have, I want to move the Konsole icon to the left:   http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/1505974/302834820:45
bjrohanDoing the Plasma Icon didn't work :-(20:46
roneyThis video will show what I'm saying: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrouuYxGu3E20:47
bjrohanI can see that in the video, I can move the Konsole icon, I just can't move it to the area I want on the left where you see the Chrome and Dolphin icons20:49
roneyMaybe you're just not moving it enough.20:50
bjrohanPerhaps something new in 12.10?20:51
roneyNo, that's a KDE feature that the Kubuntu people wouldn't mind to change.20:51
bjrohanOne other item I am also trying to install ffmpeg so I can do desktop recordings. I think I added the PPA, but in Muon discover I still can't find ffmpeg20:52
roneyMuon lists ffmpeg normally for me here.20:53
roneyThere's no need for an extra repo.20:53
bjrohanOkay. I went into Muon Discover typed ffmpeg, I can see winFF, but not a ffmpeg. Do I look in the package manager instead?20:54
roneyI just ran Muon and typed ffmeg.20:56
bjrohanI can't find it in Muon Discover, But I did find it in Muon Package Manager. When I choose it for installation, it can't, says it need dependcies, but doesn't offer an option to install dependencies, How would I do that?20:57
bjrohanThe "ffmpeg" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:20:58
bjrohanDepends: libavformat53 (>=6:0.10.5~), but 6:0.8.3-6ubuntu2 is to be installed20:58
bjrohanDepends: libavfilter2, but it is not installable20:58
bjrohanor libavcodec53, but is not installable20:58
bjrohanDepends: libavdevice53, but it is not installable20:58
bjrohanno go for ffmpeg?20:58
roneyYour package manager is a total mess right now.20:59
roneyI've seen this before, just can't remember how I fixed that.20:59
bjrohanAny idea how it would have? I recently installed 12.10 fresh, and only used the muon discover and update21:00
=== david is now known as Guest86580
roneyrun a sudo apt-get update and try to install ffmpeg again.21:01
roneyI'm guessing you know how to install a package from the command line.21:02
bjrohanno :-(. I have before, but I am not well versed in Linux yet21:02
roneyOpen konsole, than type "sudo apt-get update".21:03
bjrohanYep, I did that21:03
bjrohansaid it fetched 13.221:03
roneyNice. Now go to Muon and try to install ffmpeg.21:04
bjrohanthe package manager or the discover? seems discover just does applications21:04
roneyThe package manager, of course.21:05
bjrohanSame thing21:05
bjrohansame error msg21:05
roneyHow did you install 12.10?21:06
bjrohanfrom a thumbdrive, downloaded 12.10 beta 1 at the time21:07
roneyI think it would be better for you to wait a few days for the official release.21:08
bjrohanI tried to install the first error message: libavformat53  I have it installed, it says upgradeable, but when I try to upgrade it is a no go21:08
bjrohanThe "libavformat53" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade:21:08
bjrohanor libavcodec53, but is not installable21:08
bjrohanI shall wait21:09
svsplI'm using 12.04 right now and won't even switch to 12.10 after it's released. Reason? 12.04 is great LTS version and I will use it as long as it's supported. Don't install new software just because it's new. Do it only if you really want it and need it.21:11
kubuntu_where can i report bug on kubunut installer?21:12
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel
roneykubuntu_: You mean the live CD installer?21:16
kubuntu_roney: yes21:18
kubuntu_roney: i report this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/106302521:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1063025 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "kubuntu installer hang on timezones" [Undecided,New]21:18
roneyYeah. I think you just have to wait now.21:19
kubuntu_and now i havent system, maybe i must install grub manual and maybe kubuntu run21:19
kubuntu_becouse i need it to work :D21:19
roneykubuntu_: I really recommend you to stick with 12.04.21:20
kubuntu_roney: now i have only dont work 12.1021:20
roneykubuntu_: It's an awesome version and will be well supported for many years.21:20
kubuntu_roney: but i need kernel 3.5, and i cant install him in 12.04 becouse i have uncompability wifi drivers21:21
roneykubuntu_: Perhaps your .iso file is corrupted. Try to check its md5 sum.21:22
kubuntu_roney: good idea, wait21:23
kubuntu_roney: is good21:24
roneykubuntu_: :-(21:26
kubuntu_ok, grub installed, user added21:26
roneyHow are you installing it?21:28
ConkerchenHi, I got a question on multimediakeys in kubuntu.22:15
ConkerchenThe keys are recognized correctly and I can assign them to certain action.22:15
ConkerchenBut I would rather want to forward them to the active app (eg. Browser, VLC, etc)22:16
ConkerchenHow do I do that?22:16
ConkerchenLike when I watch a youtube video on windows, the flash player grabs the PlayPause key and does, as expected, play/pause the video.22:17
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
FloodBotK1oldsoul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:36
dj_segfaultI have one thing that's really bugging me in Kubuntu (just moved to Kubuntu 12.04 from Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome).    I have 4 virtual desktops in 1 row.  The key sequence I set up to from to the previous desktop/next desktop works MOST of the time, but then all of a sudden it stops working and I can't switch desktops using the keys.  I can still click on a desktop  on he pager to switch, but the keys don't work.  Is that ju23:53
shadeslayerdj_segfault: how do you set the switching combos?23:57
dj_segfaultshadeslayer:  System settings -> shortcuts and gestures23:58
shadeslayerdj_segfault: try System Settings > Workspace Behaviour > Virtual Desktops > Switching23:58

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