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robclarkdoes anyone know anything about this error from lightdm:17:52
robclarkWARNING: Error using VT_ACTIVATE 7 on /dev/console: Invalid argument17:52
ogra_not really, try #ubuntu-desktop (specifically robert_ancell, he is upstream)17:52
robclarkfwiw, I don't see this on my laptop.. I do see on panda, and when I google for that I turn up a bunch of other panda or other arm-ish looking setups..17:54
robclarkogra_, or anyone else that has a panda setup with working lightdm, could you check quickly if you see the same error in /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log?17:56
ogra_i wonder if thats a vesa function17:56
robclarkwell, looks like normal VT switch stuff, which I would *expect* to work..17:56
robclarkof course, might be some funny dependency on vga-switcharoo or some vesa stuff17:56
ogra_[+66.25s] DEBUG: Greeter connected, display is ready17:57
ogra_[+66.25s] DEBUG: New display ready, switching to it17:57
ogra_[+66.25s] DEBUG: Activating VT 717:57
ogra_nothing else wrt VT17:57
ogra_so it seems to be fine for me17:58
robclarkok.. then I guess that I am on the right track about my lightdm issues..17:58
ogra_did you compare your kernel config to ours ?18:01
robclarkogra_, well, that is just w/ TI ppa kernel..  my dev filesystem w/ self-built kernel is fine18:02
robclarkI guess I can grab /proc/config.gz18:02
robclarkI'm not sure what config you have in main repo's..  or if ours differs.. but I guess somehow lightdm works for at least some other people..18:03
ogra_not sure we ship that enabled but /boot has the config18:03
robclarkgot a config handy that I could diff against?18:04
ogra_one sec18:06
ogra_robclark, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1264305/18:08
robclarkurrg.. way does paste.ubuntu.com make me login to download as plain text..  wget doesn't like that much :-/18:10
ogra_yeah, its odd18:10
ogra_the alternative would be a capcha i guess18:11
ogra_IS doesnt wont to run it fully open18:11
robclarkwell, I guess wget couldn't deal w/ a captcha either :-P18:12
robclarkogra_, hmm, we have CONFIG_VT_HW_CONSOLE_BINDING=y, but you do not..18:13
robclarkthere are a bunch of other diff's but I guess they are unrelated (I guess this is from 3.5 kernel in your case?)18:13
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