
SteveRiley!find new-printer.ui04:43
PreI have dual booted my system with ubuntu11.10 and win 7. I downloaded the Broadcom sta wireless driver07:32
Preits connected with wifi07:33
Prenow the problem is when i run ifconfig, I am not getting any wireless adapter07:34
Prelisted there07:34
=== glebihan__ is now known as glebihan
Space-DuckI have a ln -s in /var/www that points to /home/user/www I running a PHP script that attempts to make directories and create files within /home/user/www/blah/ The script is unable to create the files due to file permissions. How can I correct this? Do I need to add "user" to the "www-data" group or something?09:59
tsimpsonSpace-Duck: you need to give www-data permission under /home/user/www, like making /home/user/www user:www-data rwxrwxr-x10:56
Space-Ducktsimpson how do you do that?11:00
tsimpsonlike "sudo chown $USER:www-data ~/www" followed by "sudo chmod g=rwx ~/www"11:02
kanliotanyone need help?13:44
Sidewinder!details | kanliot13:44
ubot2kanliot: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:44
smartboyhwSidewinder, I think he means that is there anybody who needed help, which = no now13:45
kanlioti could use some reading material about LXDE and file associations.  i've googled it, but all i got was bad stuff13:49
cobramdcan anyone help with a wireless issue?14:38
kanliotcobramd, can i point to to the forum, post on beginners or on the networking forum14:42
cobramdisn't this the beginners forum?14:50
smartboyhwcobramd, this is the beginners IRC channel LOL14:50
kanliotonly becasue I KNOW there's people on there who can help you with wireless probs14:55
holsteincobramd: you could share more information about wireless.. usually i just link the broadcom wiki page ;)15:08
cobramdthis issue is confusing me.  when i didn't install the driver, the wireless option was in the drop down.  I installed the driver and then it dissappeared on me15:10
escottcobramd, "the drop down" what is "the drop down"15:13
kanliotadditional drivers?15:14
holsteincobramd: you can run lspci in a terminal and paste that...15:15
ubot2For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:15
cobramdupper corner where it shows the network connection.  If I click on it, it drops down and gives me options.  Wireless was there at one point, now just wired connection, edit connection, etc...15:15
holsteincobramd: maybe you disabled it via the keyboard or hardware switch15:15
cobramdguess I did that right.  Haven't used IRC in a while15:19
cobramdchecked the keyboard switch, doesn't seem to have any effect.15:20
holstein03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)15:20
holsteincobramd: that link i linked above is what i would reference15:21
holsteinsudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer15:22
holstein^^ that usually works for me... sometimes with a reboot15:22
cobramdi'll try it.  thanks for the help on this.  pretty new to ubuntu15:22
cobramdlooks like it installed.  I'll try the reboot to see if it worked.  Thanks again15:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bestdndit seems i don't have a swap file (system monitor say it's "not available"). how do i set one up? i have issues with sites leaking memory on firefox, and can't open xkill to quit (failed to fork).18:53
escottbestdnd, what does swapon -s say18:56
bestdndonly headers, no files19:07
escottbestdnd, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/19:10
bestdnd"swapon -s" say i  now have a swap file, with Priority=-1 and Used=0. it it ok?19:22
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=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan

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