
* AlanBell is suitably impressed czajkowski 00:22
mhall119czajkowski: lucky00:42
JoseAntonioRcjohnston: hey, do you know who may have the uds-q crew photo?03:54
JoseAntonioRejat is looking for it03:54
=== fenris is now known as Guest20941
=== fenris_ is now known as Guest71909
=== Guest71909 is now known as ejat
=== glebihan__ is now known as glebihan
dakerejat: http://www.pixoulphotography.com/2012/05/31/official-uds-q-group-photo-and-personal-photo-set/12:51
=== fenris is now known as Guest76633
czajkowskiAq is one of the best speaker, he just makes fun and yeet makes sense15:09
Guest76633daker: thanks16:35
=== Guest76633 is now known as ejat
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
=== balloons is now known as Guest33844
mhall119I need someone to join a G+ hangout to test20:08
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as JoseAntonioR
=== JoseeAntonioR is now known as Guest90167
=== Guest90167 is now known as JoseeAntonioR
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan

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