
qwebirc66822is mythtv 0.26 release for normal updates and not current version03:10
tgm4883qwebirc66822, not sure I understand the question03:40
qwebirc66822mythtv 0.26 just release for mythbuntu but, haven't received any updates for it03:44
tgm4883qwebirc66822, did you activate the 0.26 repo?03:47
qwebirc66822no when i select the 0.26 but it still says you selected the development version and requires a password03:50
tgm4883qwebirc66822, did you refresh it?03:51
tgm4883qwebirc66822, hmm, I'll take a look at that03:52
tgm4883qwebirc66822, you can safely ignore the dev version warning (unless you are using 10.04)03:52
qwebirc66822you have to do this in mythbuntu control centre?03:53
tgm4883you can add it from the command line too03:54
tgm4883but if you do, you can't configure it from the control centre then03:54
qwebirc66822I see now i have doing it form the control centre03:56
qwebirc66822what repository do i need?03:57
Zinn[launchpad.net] 0.26 : “Mythbuntu Developers” team03:57
qwebirc66822thank you for helping04:00
qwebirc66822yes it worked thank you again04:12
=== qwebirc37139 is now known as kruz
=== kruz is now known as kruzayn
kruzaynAnyone able to assist me with 2250 analog setup?  I seem to have all the digitals, but my provider still broadcasts most chans on Analog it seems05:20

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