
bazhangtried to discuss with Kheo in PM06:36
bazhanghe just wants to argue that asking every five seconds, then saying help me in the intervening seconds is A-OK06:37
bazhang* [die-uh-ree-uh] (~jen@118-27-66-68.dynamic.cm-pool.d-pcomm.com): Jen   <--- nick seems familiar07:04
IdleOneI almost want to ask them to change nick07:07
IdleOnenot sure it is worth the effort07:07
bazhangwonder if they know mypaint is to be used with wacom tablets07:08
bazhang<die-uh-ree-uh> yes I am, I unplugged it07:08
IdleOnenot familiar with tablets at all07:09
bazhangyeah, not having it plugged in, might be a hindrance07:10
IdleOne!ot > Zaeyx08:58
IdleOne!appeals > Zaeyx09:13
bazhangdoes that work if he's not in a channel with a bot?09:14
bazhangheh OK09:15
IdleOnehe'll be here any minute09:15
IdleOnePlease handle as you see fit09:15
bazhangokie dokie09:15
IdleOnetoo busy rambling at me in PM to read the !appeals I pasted for him09:16
bazhangsounds like a cousin/brother/flatmate of Kheo09:17
IdleOneI haven't seen Star Trek TOS Trouble with Tribbles episode in a long time09:20
bazhangZaeyx, hi09:29
ZaeyxHow is it going!  Quick issue...09:30
ZaeyxGot booted from #ubuntu for "being off topic" and to be fair I'm super new to IRC so getting an understanding of common practices is my current task.  But I wasn't off topic...09:31
bazhanglet me check the logs, just a moment09:31
ZaeyxWhen I explained how I was on topic the admin just told me he "didn't need a lesson from (me)you in GNOME"09:31
MyrttiZaeyx: #ubuntu is very problem solving oriented channel09:32
ZaeyxTake your time, this is all rather fascinating.09:32
Myrttiit's not even for general chatter about Ubuntu and its features09:33
ZaeyxAbsolutely, I was helping a guy with a question on guis09:33
Myrttior lack of them09:33
MyrttiI'm not sure how talking about Gnome 3 was helping a guy09:33
ZaeyxI was trying to explain it to him, perhaps I'm too long winded for IRC as I said I'm really new (2 hours)09:33
Myrttigenerally it also helps in #ubuntu if you address the person you're explaining stuff to09:34
ZaeyxBut he had a question on shells specific all windows.x shell mod "light step"09:34
MyrttiZaeyx: are you aware that if you type the first few letters of a persons nickname and press the tab key, it usually autocompletes the nickname?09:34
ZaeyxHe wanted to reproduce that in ubuntu09:35
ZaeyxI am on a tablet... eeekkk09:35
Myrttiwhich tablet?09:35
ZaeyxLol why would that matter?09:35
Myrttibecause if you're on Android I can suggest some options that might help you with nickcomplete on IRC09:36
ZaeyxI type like a barbarian on it though09:36
ZaeyxYeah it's droid09:36
Myrttidepending on what client you are using, Swiftkey keyboard has a tabulator that you can use for nickcomplete09:38
Myrttiyou see, IRC has some conventions that make it easier to follow the conversation09:38
Myrttiif you don't address the person you are talking to, it's difficult to judge if you're ontopic or offtopic09:38
ZaeyxI'm mostly interested in if I actually violated the code of conduct for the channel.  And let me be clear, I'm not trying to get the admin in Trouble or anything... just I thought I was helping and his lack of understanding on an issue led to this. >.>09:38
Myrttiand #ubuntu being a big channel it is, it's very strict on oftopic09:39
Myrttiofftopic, even09:39
Myrttiin fact, #ubuntu is the biggest channel in freenode09:39
ZaeyxI mean, let's face it... this is the internet... if I want back in... I can get in...09:40
Myrttiyes, and you probably would be kicked and banned again09:40
ZaeyxBut I don't wanna be causing trouble... and I don't get what I did wrong.09:40
Myrttiso please don't do that.09:40
ZaeyxLol, what conventions do you have to stop me though... everything can be spoofed.09:41
ZaeyxPoint is I'm a good guy... I want to help09:41
bazhangdon't bother09:41
ZaeyxI thought I was helping...09:41
ZaeyxAnd banned... >.>09:41
MyrttiI have to go AFK, try to behave and be nice to each other09:42
bazhangyou were on a many line explanation of GNOME and editorializing on UNITY09:42
bazhangwhich *is* offtopic09:42
ZaeyxUnity is also a shell... the current Ubuntu one...09:43
bazhangnot the point here09:43
ZaeyxI had to reference it while explaining my preference I gnome as the solution to his problem09:43
ZaeyxThat's logical...09:43
bazhangnot at that length, no09:43
bazhangand when asked to stop, you should stop09:43
ZaeyxSo that's the question was I saying too much?09:43
bazhangyou were being offtopic09:44
ZaeyxI saw him saying off topic.. and being new to IRC assumed it was about reading my things wrong...09:44
ZaeyxI wasn't off topic... >.>09:44
bazhangsure you were. it's not up for debate09:44
ZaeyxPerhaps I elaborated more than was desired...09:44
bazhangit's a very strict support only channel09:45
ZaeyxI would love to understand this logic behind me being off topic...09:45
ZaeyxI understand that.09:45
bazhangnot a let me explain the history and features of gnome3 channel09:45
ZaeyxI was "supporting"09:45
ZaeyxOK see, I feel like I didn't do that09:46
bazhangnot in a helpful manner09:46
bazhangwell we did09:46
ZaeyxI was trying to explain what it was briefly09:46
bazhangand since we moderate the channels, that's not up for debate09:46
ZaeyxSo he would understand what to do09:46
ZaeyxSee this attitude of "not up for debate"09:47
tsimpsonZaeyx: as Myrtti explained, #ubuntu has to be extremely strict in what is on and off topic. we only allow technical support questions in #ubuntu, and we try to keep any discussion or opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic instead09:47
ZaeyxIt really is09:47
ZaeyxI understand...09:47
ZaeyxI want to follow the code of conduct09:47
ZaeyxAs I said I'm home of the good guys09:47
ZaeyxOne* stupid auto incorrect09:48
ZaeyxBut I feel, though longw09:48
ZaeyxLong winded, I was on topic.09:48
bazhangyou wish to debate this09:49
tsimpsonZaeyx: you were offering an opinion, rather than a technical solution to the users question09:49
ZaeyxBut long windedness in the code09:49
ZaeyxI didn't realize that wasn't allowed... >.>09:49
tsimpsonif you said "you can get that feature by 1) ..." then that would be on topic09:49
ZaeyxIt was logical to include my opinion considering I was leading him away from unity towards gnome09:50
ZaeyxHe needed a reason09:50
ZaeyxI tried to quickly offer it09:50
tsimpsonyes, but that wasn't the question they asked09:50
ZaeyxI feel I've been very clear on this issue09:50
ZaeyxWhat was then?09:50
tsimpson"2012-10-06T08:51:54 <brady> you were able to right click , and have a menu come up , with folders you had designated as the parent folders, if you hovered the mouse over one, its contents would show, and you could hover the mouse over the next folder, you would do this until yo got down to your file"09:51
ZaeyxCorrect, go Google it sir!09:51
tsimpsonthey wanted to know if that could be done in Ubuntu, and how09:51
ZaeyxLightstep is a shell in windows9.x09:52
ZaeyxOther people thought he meant terminal by shell09:52
ZaeyxI explained what we were really talking about09:52
ZaeyxAnd was about to tell him t go learn bash scripting09:53
ZaeyxWhen ... ban09:53
tsimpsonsome thought they meant a shell, others were asking for clarification09:53
ZaeyxI clarified and got banned09:53
tsimpsonno, you started talking bout how "Gnome 3 is as sexay as it gets ;)"09:54
ZaeyxSo sorry if I don't remember exactly what was said I don't have the record in front of me09:54
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/09:54
ZaeyxExactly, there is no better shell09:54
ZaeyxNo lightstep09:54
bazhangwhich is opinion09:54
tsimpsonZaeyx: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/10/06/%23ubuntu.html#t08:5209:55
ZaeyxI proceeded to work on explaining how GNOME could perform those functions09:55
tsimpson#ubuntu is publicly logged09:55
ZaeyxLol kthanx09:55
ZaeyxSee, new to Irc...09:55
ZaeyxAlways the trouble makers09:55
tsimpsonthen brady asked you if they could run the Gnome shell "concurrently with ubuntu", and you seemed to just ignore that question and carry on offering up opinions to the channel09:57
ZaeyxWas of the long winded answer?09:58
tsimpsononce asked to stop, you then stared posting the gnome.org website, for some reason09:58
ZaeyxThere is nothing in the code of conduct about long winded answers?09:58
ZaeyxI felt all the information offered up was relevant...09:59
tsimpsonthe code of conduct is only part of the rules in #ubuntu09:59
ZaeyxI was trying to teach...09:59
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:59
ZaeyxDo they include long windedness?09:59
ZaeyxIs it so hard to believe I posted a link to gnome when I was explaining gnome?09:59
tsimpsonlook at the "Language and Subject" and "When helping: be helpful" parts10:00
ZaeyxOK, I will one moment.10:00
tsimpsonyou posted it, which is ok, then put "jk" and posted it _again_10:00
ZaeyxCause I spelled it wrong on my stupid tablet10:01
ZaeyxIt is two different links10:01
tsimpsonno one asked for the link though10:01
ZaeyxAccording to the guidelines I should be posting links10:01
ZaeyxAnd explaining things10:02
ZaeyxThat is what the be helpful part talks about10:02
tsimpsonwho asked for the Gnome3 link?10:02
ZaeyxIf you go read it10:02
ZaeyxIf you go to the guidelines10:02
ZaeyxI was following the be helpful rule by posting links to information instead of saying rtfm10:03
ZaeyxOr "Google it"10:03
tsimpsonto whom?10:03
ZaeyxI was explaining gnome to him10:03
tsimpsonthey didn't ask for the link, or to have gnome explained to them10:03
ZaeyxHe did actually10:03
tsimpsonthey wanted to enable a specific feature10:03
ZaeyxHis question was on finding an environment similar to light step in ubuntu10:04
tsimpson"still dont know if they can run concurrently.." was the last thing they said before you posted the link10:04
ZaeyxI provided an answer10:04
ZaeyxI was getting to that as fast as I could type10:04
ZaeyxAre you guys trolling me?10:04
ZaeyxCause I can't imagine you are all really like this? XDDDD10:05
tsimpsonyou were posting several lines, seemingly to no one in particular, and not answering any specific question10:05
IdleOneYour answer was not helpful, it was your personal opinion and it was off topic for #ubuntu, you say you want to be helpful and that you are one of the good guys but you continue to argue that you are right when 4 of us have told you that you are not.10:05
ZaeyxSo I was long winded10:05
ZaeyxThat isn't wrong10:05
ZaeyxAs mods do I have to tell you guys to go read the guidelines10:06
tsimpsonin #ubuntu, keep thinks as concise as possible10:06
ZaeyxOK I felt I was10:06
ZaeyxIf it was being judged as too long10:06
ZaeyxBy another party10:06
ZaeyxSo their opinion10:06
ZaeyxCause I am new10:07
ZaeyxI.m probably a bad judge of that10:07
ZaeyxThey should have told me that10:07
ZaeyxInstead of claiming I was off topic10:07
ZaeyxBecause they didn't understand the question10:07
ZaeyxAnd I pmed the mod10:08
ZaeyxDon't know of you guys can see that?10:08
ZaeyxHe was very abrupt and rude10:08
ZaeyxNot trying to get him in trouble10:09
ZaeyxJust saying10:09
tsimpsonbut the way you were answering the question isn't really appropriate for #ubuntu, that channel is often extremely busy and people find it hard to follow10:09
IdleOneThey have seen the PM and I was not the one cursing at you.10:09
ZaeyxGood sweet10:09
tsimpsonthat's why we ask that you try and keep your answers/question as concise as possible, and on as few lines as possible10:09
ZaeyxThere is no guidelines in pm man...10:09
ZaeyxSo someone could have maybe done their job and explained that?10:10
IdleOneAnyway I don't believe you are new to irc but assuming you are and only have 2 days experience...The 4 ops who have spoken to you have 40+ years combined experience.10:10
IdleOneYou were off topic. end of story.10:10
ZaeyxInstead of misunderstanding what was going on10:10
IdleOnetake 2 days out of #ubuntu and come back then.10:10
tsimpson#ubuntu is not the place to explain that, as that would itself be off topic10:11
ZaeyxYou don't believe I'm new to IRC?10:11
ZaeyxAre you guys all like this?10:11
ZaeyxThis is logged too right?10:11
ZaeyxCause you all put on a bad face for ubuntu10:11
ZaeyxI am new10:12
bazhangsee you in two day Zaeyx10:12
bazhangcome back and we can discuss then10:12
ZaeyxI will be back tonight10:12
tsimpsonand we are trying to explain the rules to you, but you don't want to listen10:12
bazhangnot a good idea10:12
ZaeyxIf I want10:12
tsimpsonthat reflects poorly on you, not us10:12
ZaeyxI just want you to knoe10:12
ZaeyxKnow that this isn't one sided10:12
ZaeyxThat's all10:12
ZaeyxHonestly I could care less about all this... but it is bugging me10:13
bazhangso come back in 48 hrs to discuss10:13
ZaeyxWhen one side10:13
ZaeyxTries to hold power over another10:13
bazhangotherwise the ban will stand10:14
ZaeyxBad things happen10:14
Myrttiit really helps with the legibility if you don't hit enter all the time10:14
tsimpsonyou can do as you will, but please note that evading bans is a violation of freenode network policy, which you agreed to by using the network10:14
tsimpsonnot just #ubuntu10:14
tsimpsonif you don't agree with our rules, there are other channel on freenode10:14
tsimpsonand if you don't agree with freenode rules, there are other IRC networks10:14
ZaeyxThis is the internet dude10:14
tsimpsonyou're not forced to use #ubuntu here10:14
ZaeyxYou're grabbing at the wind10:15
ZaeyxAnd I think you know that10:15
ZaeyxAgain, just not one sided... ;)10:15
ZaeyxYou deciding I'm wrong is an opinion not fact10:16
ZaeyxAnd if you go read the darn rules10:16
tsimpsonyou're not willing to discuss what happened, think it's "one sided" if you want, but we attempted to actually talk to you and you decided that we're crushing your rights or something10:16
ZaeyxMaybe you see what I'm seeing maybe you don't10:16
ZaeyxOh o this has nothing to do with rights10:17
tsimpsonI didn't decide anything, I was talking to you10:17
ZaeyxIt's your channel10:17
tsimpsonyou decided everyone was wrong, and you were right10:17
tsimpsonthat's an unhelpful stance10:17
ZaeyxSo we're even?10:17
tsimpsoneven in what sense?10:17
ZaeyxI have said many times... in this convoy alone... I'm new here maybe I was wrong... But I know I was on topic10:18
ZaeyxAnd someone even WS all like "You're not new here"10:18
ZaeyxThat's horrible10:18
ZaeyxSo nprofessional10:18
tsimpsoneveryone who manages #ubuntu is a volunteer10:19
ZaeyxThanks for doing that dudes10:19
ZaeyxYou're representing a company10:19
tsimpsonno, we don't10:19
ZaeyxDon't what?10:20
tsimpsonrepresent a company10:20
ZaeyxSure seems to me that you do...10:20
tsimpson<tsimpson> everyone who manages #ubuntu is a volunteer10:20
tsimpsonwe represent ourselves, and the Ubuntu community10:21
ZaeyxSo... who holds your leash?10:21
Myrttino, actually we don't. #ubuntu operators represent a minor part of the volunteer community that resides in the freenode #ubuntu channel that have volunteered their effort to make the biggest channel of freenode somewhat usable10:21
tsimpsonthe IRC Council, and the Community Council10:21
ZaeyxOK cool, I was wrong10:21
Myrttithe councils are also volunteer based entities10:22
ZaeyxI'm cool with admitting I was wrong if I believe it is true10:22
ZaeyxCan you guys do the same?10:22
tsimpsonwe have no issue with that, but if you believe we do you have already been told who to contact10:23
ZaeyxI mean heck... if you can't do that.. at least take the constructive criticism of "this has been handled poorly."10:23
ZaeyxI got you10:23
Myrttisure, criticism is always approved.10:24
ZaeyxI'd love to see it... cause as it stands I'm banned for doing something I didn't do10:24
Myrttithis is a circular argument now10:24
ZaeyxAnd maybe I was "long winded" that was explained anywhere10:24
ZaeyxI wasn't off topic10:24
ZaeyxAny fool can see that imo10:24
tsimpsonI have explained that already, you reject our argument, so there's little point continuing10:24
Myrttithen we have a differing view on what is on and what is offtopic10:25
ZaeyxSo that should be explained10:25
ZaeyxI am new here10:25
ZaeyxYou think it's cool to treat new members like this...10:25
Myrttilooking at the backlog it's been explained a few times already10:25
ZaeyxAnd I refuted every way it was explained but if you can't be convinced...10:26
ZaeyxYou're all just doing the same thing in arguement you accuse me of10:26
tsimpsonI have explained that already, you reject our argument, so there's little point continuing10:26
Myrttiso, let me recap the situation10:26
ZaeyxBeing close mined10:26
ZaeyxGo for it10:27
Myrttiyou were explaining stuff to a person, but didn't address it so it was difficult to judge if you were just having a monologue about it10:27
Myrttiyou were told to stop, but you didn't10:27
ZaeyxNoon mistake10:27
ZaeyxThought a not was reading my stuff wrong10:27
Myrttiyou were told to stop but you didn't, and you were quieted10:28
ZaeyxI was addressed once10:28
ZaeyxAtleast that I saw10:28
Myrttiso far we agree on what has happened?10:28
ZaeyxI was not violating what I was asked to stop10:29
ZaeyxAs and such had nothing to stop10:29
Myrttiand that is where the opinions differ10:29
ZaeyxBut if you read the rules10:29
ZaeyxYou will find10:29
ZaeyxThat I am right10:29
Myrtticould you please stop hitting enter all the time10:29
Myrttiit really makes it hard to read10:29
ZaeyxAt least the rules you provided to me... yes I can try lol... I type like William shatner10:30
ZaeyxI gotta give you guys points for sticking this one out though!10:31
Myrttithe guidelines discuss the subject on a general level, as we have a lot of channels that have different subjects and topics. However, the fact is, that #ubuntu is strictly support only, and usually discussing the merits of different WM's and Ubuntu features is discouraged, as the channel is so big and hard to follow for the noobs that come for support issues10:32
ZaeyxRight!  No I totally get you... like I said I thought I was possibly being too long winded10:33
ZaeyxI'm a noob here... just with a whole load of technical knowledge10:34
ZaeyxThought I could help out a bit, wanted to try...10:34
ZaeyxI still argue that the admin didn't understand what I was talking about.10:35
ZaeyxWrong or right that was the impression I got10:35
bazhangthe time for discussion is past10:35
bazhangcome back in 48 hrs10:35
ZaeyxCause as soon as I explained how I as on topic10:36
ZaeyxHe shifted to different accusations10:36
bazhangperhaps 48 hrs is too soon10:36
bazhangso shall we say 72?10:36
ZaeyxIt's like a challenge... goodness guys... ask nicely and I'll leave10:36
bazhangplease exit10:37
ZaeyxBut all this is just gonna get you pwned10:37
tsimpsonZaeyx: we have tried to explain it to you, you don't want to accept it, I don't think we're going to get anywhere right now. you may see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for appealing, or come back in a couple of days10:37
ZaeyxThanks for chatting10:37
ZaeyxI like Simpson the most10:37
Myrttisorry, I had to go extinguish a fire10:37
ZaeyxHow do I leave10:37
ZaeyxOK just kick me10:37
bazhang /exit10:38
bazhangno way he'll ban evade10:38
bazhang<kenj> Guest79351: In that case, install Windows p5.13:32
bazhang<troll detected>13:32
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu kenj (~smuxi@host-92-29-81-88.as13285.net) posting links to porn and telling users to install windows 9513:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:34
ubottuIn ubottu, allu3 said: !omgubuntu is a ubuntu related blog.14:19
IdleOneno it isn't14:22
bazhangah this guy15:47
bazhanghis quirky typing style, and he wants it declared a bug15:50
saviorwhy does i got directeded here16:56
ubottuIn #ubuntu, ardchoille said: ubottu: threefinger is three finger tap middle click is disabled by default in 12.04+ since it conflicts with some of the gestures, but: synclient TapButton3=2; will reenable it17:37
ubottuIn ubottu, ardchoille said: touchpad is For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad See also !threefinger17:39
ubottuUbuntu Certified Professional is a training course for systems administrators who need to deploy Ubuntu in an office environment. More: http://www.ubuntu.com/support/training/course-descriptions/certified-professional18:29
DJonesDoes anybody know if that page has changed? its giving a 404 error18:29
Unit193http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Certified_Professional for some info. :P18:35
DJonesI looked at that, 2 out of the 3 links at the bottom are dead links18:36
DJonesIts as though the certified professional part of the ubuntu.com website has vanished18:36
DJonesI can't find any reference to it thats current18:37
Unit193Yeah, Canonical blog post links to that page too.18:37
FlannelDJones: they're dead links because the Canonical website folks are required to change website paths every release and a half.  They're also not allowed to put in redirects from the old content to the new content.18:42
DJonesThat would explain it18:43
FlannelDJones: I don't have any non-empirical evidence of this, but that's the only explanation that doesn't involve complete incompetence.18:43
DJonesI was beginning to wonder whether the ubuntu certified professional training had been quietly dropped18:44
FlannelDJones: I can't find any reference to it on LPI's site18:46
FlannelThat's probably the authority as to whether it exists18:47
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