
contrapunctusHolstein? Ailo?09:08
contrapunctusCan someone please help me get my M-Audio Fast Track Pro to run at 24/48 instead of 16/44.1?09:21
contrapunctus(Ubuntu Studio 12.04.)09:22
smartboyhwHi prasanth11:41
prasanthhmm smart11:41
prasanthi need help help11:41
smartboyhwprasanth, ok11:41
prasanthhow ti install my all  updates in terminal11:42
prasanthu know any cmds11:42
smartboyhwprasanth, so you want to update all your software isn't it11:42
prasanthabsolutely smart11:42
smartboyhwprasanth, in terminal type11:42
smartboyhwsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:43
smartboyhwCopy it11:43
prasanthin this also same suddo nly used ah11:43
prasanthi mean i used before ubunto 12.04 in tat also for terminal cmds use SUDO11:45
prasanthtats y i ask smart11:45
smartboyhwYou need to use sudo of course11:45
* smartboyhw still doesn't understand the question er11:46
prasanthits k leave it11:46
prasanththnzz for ur help11:46
smartboyhwprasanth, NP11:46
studio-flobonjour ou puis je trouver un tuto pour open shot video éditeur ? merci13:50
smartboyhwstudio-flo, er English please........13:51
studio-floj'ai oublié de préciser un tuto en français13:51
smartboyhwstudio-flo, ............13:51
smartboyhwstudio-flo, we have a french channel #ubuntustudio-fr, but I am afraid there is nobody there:D13:52
smartboyhwAnyone here know French????????13:52
studio-flosorry thanks13:53
studio-flothere is no french people...here my question in english . looking for beginner open shot video tutor13:57
smartboyhwstudio-flo, you mean you want people to teach you to use Open Shot Video Editor?13:58
studio-flojust a tuto to learn to make short simple movie for you tube14:00
smartboyhwstudio-flo, http://openshotusers.com/forum/ is good14:00
studio-flomerci beaucoup smartboyhw14:02
MaynardWatershey guys15:36
MaynardWatersI have found that when firefox is playing music15:36
MaynardWatersI am unable to start jackd15:36
MaynardWatersany ideas on a workaround?15:36
holsteinMaynardWaters: i woudnt expect so15:37
holsteinyou are wanting to use pulse to JACK i assume.. i would just try and keep those things seperate if possible15:37
holsteinkeep the casual internet off of JACK15:38
holsteinAFAIK, jack needs to "disrupt" pulse to grab it and pipe it in15:38
MaynardWaterssorry holstein a bit of that was a little over my head15:44
MaynardWatersI would like to be able to stream youtube videos while also working on hydrogen etc15:44
holsteinMaynardWaters: the work around would be.. close the browser.. start jack and then play videos15:45
len-dtMaynardWaters, if you start jack first that should be no problem15:45
MaynardWatersah! thanks15:45
holsteinwhat would i do? download videos and play them locally in something that supports JACK.. or use H2 without JACK15:45
len-dtopen up the pulse controler and set jacksink as default output.15:45
MaynardWatersI get a little lost when we start talking about pulse15:45
holsteinyup... starting JACK *after* will "disrupt" pulseaduio15:46
MaynardWatersso pulse is another daemon, like jack, and when jack starts it takes over pulse?15:46
len-dtthe pulse controller is what you get from clicking on the sound icon in the tray at the top of the screen and selecting sound settings15:47
MaynardWatersah, ok15:47
len-dtOnly one  sound source can deal directly with a sound device at once. Jack or pulse or something else.15:48
len-dtpulse can go through jack though15:48
holsteinif think if you had 2 devices, you could get away with starting JACK on one, and leaving pulse on another, and then connecting pulse up to JACK... withouth killing any already running web browsers15:49
holsteinbut, its a good idea to just get JACK running... first... if you plan to use it15:49
MaynardWatersyea, thats what I was considering before getting help from you guys.... when i do alsamixer, i see do devices...15:49
MaynardWatersI see 2 devices*15:49
MaynardWatersI will start jack first in the future15:50

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