[02:22] hm === cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj [03:03] hi people [03:03] hi [03:03] i have a problem with conky on lubuntu [03:03] it doesn't launch [03:03] it doesn't show anything [03:04] i launch conky [03:04] it says conky:desktop window (number) is subwindows of root window (number) [03:29] since lubuntu doesn't use compositing, you need a special conky config [08:43] Hi [08:43] I'm looking for the lubuntu developers mailing list [08:43] but I don't find it :( [08:55] launchpad ubuntu team is not they? [08:55] sorry lubuntu [08:59] JohnDoe_71Rus, I was told to write to their mailing list :) [09:19] JohnDoe_71Rus, but I don't know what mailing list the launchpad lubuntu team uses [12:10] howdy y'all [12:21] Hello, can i get some help here ? :) i accidentally deleted my desktop folder [12:23] How did you delete it [12:23] in my home user foler [12:23] folder* [12:23] was it file manager [12:24] no, just "Desktop" [12:24] was it moved to trashcan [12:24] and now everything on the actual desktop appears in my user folder [12:24] in pcmanfm? [12:25] yes but i emptied the trashcan [12:25] is your problem recreating a "Desktop" folder [12:25] the file manager is working [12:25] or something with pcmanfm [12:25] yes, exactly [12:25] recreating the "desktop" folder is the problem [12:25] just create a "Desktop" folder in your home folder [12:26] mind the capital letter [12:26] it doesn't work properly, it appears on the desktop aswel, and everything i create on the desktop appears along side with it [12:26] on the user folder [12:27] are you sure you created the folder correctly? [12:27] logouty and login to restart pcmanfm [12:27] or just restart it if you know how [12:28] pcmanfm the file manager is working great [12:29] you need to restart the program that shows files on the desktop. no? [12:29] no, the problem is that...now if i create a shortcut on my desktop, it appears the shortcut on my user folder instead in the "desktop" folder [12:30] i need you to restart the pcmanfm desktop [12:30] and if i create in my user folder, a folder named "Desktop" then it appears that too on my actual Desktop [12:30] ^ [12:31] how do i restart pcmanfm desktop ? :) [12:31] logout is easy [12:31] i did that already, it did not work [12:33] hold on i will delete my dekstop folder [12:34] ok.. [12:35] does it give you a "specified directory is invalid" error? [12:35] no [12:35] my user folder now is acting just like the desktop folder which i deleted [12:40] i had "specified directory is invalid" errors about the shortcuts i had on desktop, since they were deleted [12:41] test [12:43] please edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs [12:43] the first XDG_ line [12:44] is that too technical? [12:44] brb [12:44] ok [12:58] brb [13:21] i am back, kanliot...the problem is fixed, if you want to know how let me know [13:22] hhow [13:23] open up a lxterminal [13:24] write in it gedit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs [13:25] modifiy the first line into this [13:25] XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop" [13:25] just write at the end after the slash Desktop [13:25] save it [13:25] and then create a desktop folder in your user folder, it will appear aswel for the moment on your desktop [13:25] restart your pc [13:26] and yuou are done, it will disappear from your desktop [13:26] you* [13:26] k [13:27] i put some instructions on the pcmanfm wiki page [13:30] well...i'm glad that it's alright now.. [13:30] thanks for the help [13:30] you're welcome [13:32] bye kanliot [13:40] hello, I have dialogs popping up out of proportion, too large so the buttons are off the screen. How can I make these smaller? [13:42] there is one in Opera browser for activating Opera Link. the dialog for this has its buttons ("next, "cancel") at the bottom, but i can't see them [13:43] you can drag with window with alt+mouse button [13:44] ha, cool! [13:44] Hello [13:44] I've got a question [13:44] hi [13:45] i knew that [13:45] hi Zephyrus1, go ahead [13:45] :D [13:45] i reinstalled lubuntu yesterday [13:45] and now instead of the grub loader [13:45] maybe I can resize windows with a key combo? [13:45] i always get a page where i can choose from what to boot [13:46] and one of them is 'ubuntu' and the others hdd usb etc [13:46] and i cant boot from there [13:46] i have to choose hdd first [13:46] which doesn't work [13:46] and then esc [13:46] and then it boots [13:46] grub 1.99? [13:47] im not sure [13:47] fixing grub can be easy [13:48] but it's hard to understand [13:48] well hard for me anyhow [13:48] how can i make a screen shot [13:48] grub doesn't usually give you the choice of a boot MEDIUM [13:48] i know [13:48] its not the grub screen [13:48] it looks like bios [13:48] but its not biossettings [13:48] Zephyrus1 id on't think you can make a screenshot before booting [13:48] you'd have to take a photo [13:49] yes i mean of the current screen [13:49] use a camera [13:49] ill just copypaste [13:49] sudo grub-install /dev/sda [13:49] [sudo] password for user: [13:49] BootCurrent: 0010 [13:49] Timeout: 0 seconds [13:49] BootOrder: 000D,000B,0007,0008,0009,000A,000E,000C,0006 [13:49] use pastebin.com [13:50] there i went [13:50] kanliot you know about key combos and how to set them? [13:50] sry i was thrown out because of spam ^^ [13:50] Zeph use pastebin.com [13:50] k [13:50] spammer! [13:51] :-P [13:51] kidding [13:51] bennypr0fane, i put it on the wiki [13:51] http://pastebin.com/ATwQg7TG [13:51] if you could test the wiki for me i'd be thankful [13:52] so you can see it lists drives and cd etc [13:52] or i can just tell you [13:52] up to you [13:52] and then at the bottom: ubuntu [13:52] and ill guess ill quickly make a photo from the boot screen [13:52] so ll be gone for another few minutes [13:52] the lubuntu wiki? just give me a link [13:53] should be on google search [13:53] i'm not playing with you, i want to see if you can find it [13:53] like i said i'll give you the info [13:53] if you can find it, then the wiki is ok... [13:53] ok [13:54] I'll try "lubuntu key combos" [13:54] naa search for lubuntu wiki [13:56] of course that gets me to the wiki [13:56] why shouldn't it? [13:56] is that the whole test or did you want to check sht else? [13:57] *sth. else [13:57] can you find the keyboard stuff on the lubuntu wiki? [13:57] it's the 2nd link in Googl and 1st in Duckduckgo [13:58] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard [13:58] anyhow you have the option of editing the openbox config, doing xbindkeys, or by using obkey [13:58] clicked throug the headlines [13:59] ok [13:59] it's cool [13:59] not every wiki you can actually find a topic that way [13:59] so well done [14:00] i think I did xbindkeys yesterday i found it confusing [14:00] whats obkey? [14:00] it's a simple utility that let's you bind keys [14:00] ah, it's right there in the wiki [14:01] hello again [14:02] so this is odd [14:02] preferences>keybd inup [14:02] *>keybd input methods? [14:02] I actually have ubuntu as an option in my biossetup [14:02] obkey? [14:02] that gets me to ibus service [14:02] *bootoption [14:03] sorry i'm newb at grub2 [14:03] #ubuntu or forums... [14:03] no, obkey not installed, i think [14:03] yeah i 'fixed' it [14:03] http://imgur.com/geWt6 [14:03] no input methods not what you want [14:04] by moving it under the hd option [14:04] :) [14:04] good Zephyrus1 [14:04] so now it just loads grub normally instead [14:04] Zeph but what happened to your grub? [14:04] aha [14:04] its not the grub making problems [14:04] i think its due to ubuntu being a device option in my bios [14:05] and when thats choosen as the first boot option [14:05] i get this error [14:05] i don't even know why ubuntuy is there [14:05] do you have a flash drive inserted? [14:05] http://imgur.com/Y6ayT [14:05] no, not anymore, but i used usb to install lubuntu [14:06] this is weird [14:06] i thought i knew bios [14:06] but i evidently do not [14:06] it means that bios must think ubuntu is a medium/device [14:06] and you can't really google efficiently for: 'ubuntu in bios boot devices' [14:07] so the solution is you just don't choose that to boot, but your hdd? [14:07] nope [14:08] yes [14:08] i put it at top [14:08] and it just goes to the grubscreen [14:08] kanliot lxkeymap is not it either, is it? then where is this xbindkeys? [14:08] usb boot can be a bit fickely [14:09] "fickely"? :-D [14:09] is it cli? [14:09] apparently it has something to do with EFI [14:09] yeah, biosetting, getting the iso correctly on the flash, .... [14:10] try obkey, then editing openbox by hand [14:10] then xbindkeys [14:10] in order of difficulty [14:10] aha [14:10] ok [14:10] although someone will come in here and say xbindkeys is easier [14:10] i know it [14:12] iwell ty anyways, it's working now ;) [14:12] good [14:13] goodbye [14:13] you should e-mail Canonical [14:13] me? [14:13] yeah [14:13] Ok [14:13] tell em the UEFI secure boot problem is solved [14:13] you just let Bios boot right to Ubuntu! [14:13] :-D [14:14] haxx [14:14] :P [14:14] im just ignoring the problem, i know [14:14] ^^ [14:14] have a good day! [14:14] you too [14:16] obkey can't find ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml file [14:16] is that supposed to be there? should i create it? [14:17] nope [14:17] it's a file called lubuntu something.xml [14:17] lubuntu-rc.xml [14:17] obkey lets me edit that? [14:17] i donno [14:18] I mean is lubuntu-rc.xml supposed to be there already, or do I need to create it? [14:19] should be there [14:19] must be there [14:20] where exactly? [14:21] ~/.config/openbox [14:21] in that directory [14:21] http://pastebin.com/YKLaTqmv [14:23] I'm sortry, I don't know what the ~ means in front of the / [14:24] it means home dir [14:25] you see it in your bash prompt [14:27] actually it works with obkey ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml [14:27] yay! [14:29] i'm making wiki edits as you make progress :) [14:29] about 4 edits so far [14:30] cool [14:31] yup [14:32] i *dded * keybind now [14:33] result * key (first letter of *lph*bet) resizes the *ctive window! [14:33] trying to undo this now... [14:35] ok got rid of that [14:36] apparently if you press "add new sibling keybind", its' assigned the a-key by default, and takes effect if you don't change it [14:37] I want to assign "resize active window" to Shift+Pagedown [14:39] should be ok [14:39] there's a resize function [14:39] not working [14:39] it does nothing [14:39] you probably didn't do openbox --reconfigure [14:39] after saving [14:39] did not [14:39] where is that [14:40] oh in the terminal [14:41] yup [14:41] man openbox [14:41] still nothing [14:42] save, close obkey, openbox --reconfigure, no effect [14:43] what's with the "edge" setting in top right? what's it refer to? [14:43] yeah was looking at that [14:43] *top right of obkey [14:44] snack time [14:44] I think the obkey guys should add the info about doing openbox --reconfigure afterwards [14:44] yeah, good call [14:45] yeah well i didn't see any obkey docs at all [14:45] can't complain if they don't exist [15:01] http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Actions#Resize [15:02] openbox actually has fine dox [16:59] I asked this last night so sorry for the repeat but does anyone know how to prevent Lubuntu desktop from loading on boot up? [17:00] and I told to use "text" on grubs kernel line [17:00] and I think so did holstein too [17:00] bioterror: Yeah, i wish that worked.. I'll figure it out and post back [17:01] why it would not work? [17:01] after the "ro" you add "text" without "" [17:01] probably there's quiet too [17:02] for some odd reason no matter what I do, it boots into X. [17:02] I'm going to reinstall and start fresh [17:02] it will not boot into X if you use this "text" [17:04] you can try it first from grub [17:18] <___Dice-Man___> kanliot: ping ? [18:08] kanliot: hey [18:09] kanliot: i've read your message can be more precise about this special config of conky in lubuntu ? [20:13] i don't get thumbnails showing up in the file manager (pcmanfm) for .MOV files. anybody have a clue? using 12.10 if it matters [20:13] pmatulis: know where i can find one? [20:14] wxl: find one what? [20:14] a .mov [20:14] wxl: sure, 'touch test.mov', no? [20:14] not sure that will work [20:14] might read headers, metadata, etc. to determine thumbnails [20:15] ha, prolly. dunno then. maybe google and d/l a small one [20:15] let me check [20:17] pmatulis: and when you say thumbnails you mean that it appears as a video file or thumbnails meaning it appears as a screenshot? [20:17] (to be clear) [20:19] probably becouse of filesize [20:19] grow the thumbnail filesize for local files [20:19] cuz i do see a video-specific thumbnail [20:19] s/thumbnail/icon/ [20:20] bioterror: i have a 600 kB file but it does not show [20:20] pmatulis: you still haven't answered my question [20:21] have you checked tumbler? [20:21] wxl: getting there. it shows a generic icon (roll of video film) [20:21] pmatulis: and that's not what you want? [20:21] wxl: but it plays (in vlc) [20:21] it appears on my end that's all you get :) [20:22] wxl: well in straight ubuntu i got a thumbnail. first frame? [20:22] lubuntu != ubuntu [20:22] pcmanfm != nautilus [20:22] need i go on? [20:22] wxl: really? wow. lubuntu is not ubuntu? [20:22] wxl: i'd rather have a more technical reason [20:23] wxl: if you would oblige [20:23] wxl: and it's logical. how does one choose what video to play? [20:24] well, #1 you need to realize that what you want to have or what you think should be isn't necessarily what is [20:24] for example, many people think lubuntu's choice of mail client is atrocious [20:25] wxl: yeah i zap that thing pretty quick [20:28] i don't know that video thumbnailing is supported to be frank [20:28] if not having a directory full of identical icons and nonsensical filenames is considered a feature request then if we had a technical reason maybe it can be brought in eventually [20:29] wxl: but thanks for confirming that there is nothing borked on my end [20:29] yeps [20:30] there's little things missing here and there [20:30] a bug report will go a long way in ensuring that we get them all taken care of [20:30] wxl: will submit [20:30] file it against pcmanfm if not obvious [20:30] i'll confirm it [20:30] k [20:31] wxl: Main tracker is on SF.net. [20:31] true enough, i'll take care of sticking upstream on there, Unit193 [20:31] or erp [20:32] good point, yeah both would be good… [21:49] wxl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/1064089 [21:49] Launchpad bug 1064089 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "Thumbnails for .MOV files are not available" [Wishlist,New] [21:54] pmatulis: thx it'll pop up in my inbox anywho ;) [21:55] wxl: y/w bro [23:17] wow, i hate the fact that you can open 2 firefox windows but they both close when you shut one down [23:21] pmatulis: that doesn't happen to me.. [23:21] redderhs: what release? [23:22] 15.01: mozilla firefox for ubuntu canoncial - 1.0 [23:22] redderhs: i mean lubuntu release [23:22] 12.04 [23:22] x64 [23:23] redderhs: k, 12.10 here. i wonder if i should open a bug [23:23] it's definitly a bad thing [23:24] use 12.04 its the long term support.. [23:24] so? [23:24] for the most part the build is very stable and i have very little to complain about [23:24] lts on the destkop is retarted IMO [23:25] in the enterprise it makes sense [23:26] think of it as stable and svn [23:26] Any idea why running xinit with sudo blows up user's home directory requiring re-chmod/grp ing to fix? Has anyone else tried sudo xinit to a remote x server and had issues? I was connecting to a raspberry pi originally but it also seemed not to work to other linux systems. Bug? [23:26] redderhs: what is svn again? [23:26] subversion [23:27] redderhs: so how does that relate to LTS again? [23:28] subversion [23:28] thats the way i see it [23:28] lts is stable usually [23:28] @pmatulis if you are talking to me, i have not had issues with xinit on other debians [23:28] redderhs: how does subversion releate to an LTS release? [23:29] its my own personal opinion. [23:31] redderhs: alrigthy