
hggdhLucid has 5 years for server, not for desktop. Precise is the first version that has equal-time support for both server and desktop00:09
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Laibschhggdh: OK, but duplicity is a command-line tool08:35
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TheLordOfTimewhy is it we don't have a canned response for "Bug Filed Against EOL Release"?14:20
TheLordOfTimealso, i assume bugs against EOL releases get "Won't Fixed"14:21
hggdhTheLordOfTime: as long as they have already been fixed on a supported release, or that the package has been dropped from all supported releases14:32
TheLordOfTimehggdh, its a server package, php5.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/744371  <--14:33
ubot2Ubuntu bug 744371 in php5 "PHP5-FPM doesn't always restart on 10.10" [Medium,Confirmed]14:33
TheLordOfTimei'm already on it with hallyn in the server channel14:34
hggdhTheLordOfTime: cool14:34
TheLordOfTimei also needed a reminder, been a while since i've focused on bugs :p14:34
TheLordOfTimeon another note14:34
TheLordOfTimeI think we should have a canned response for "EOL release" bugs... something like this: Thank you for taking the time to make Ubuntu better.  Unfortunately, this bug is filed against an EndOfLife release of Ubuntu.  This means that the release of Ubuntu this bug is filed against is no longer supported or updated.  If this bug exists in a later release of Ubuntu that is supported (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases contains a14:34
TheLordOfTimelist of all releases of Ubuntu, both supported and EndOfLife), you may refile against the package using information from the package in that version of Ubuntu.14:34
TheLordOfTimebleh stupid paste14:35
* TheLordOfTime pastebins14:35
TheLordOfTimeignore this wordwrap, its evil:14:36
TheLordOfTimei had to manually word-wrap it14:36
TheLordOfTimehggdh, we should have something under Responses IMO for this, otherwise i'll just BS it each time :P14:39
hggdhI thought we had14:39
hggdhTheLordOfTime: if not there, add one, please14:39
TheLordOfTimehggdh, i didnt see one, please  sift through to correct me if i'm wrong14:40
* TheLordOfTime hasnt had coffee or breakfast, and doesn't want to sift through these things.14:40
hggdhTheLordOfTime: indeed, nothing particular to this case. Please go ahead and add one :-)14:48
TheLordOfTimehggdh, see pastebin for a suggested response: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1267499/14:48
hggdhs/against an EndOfLife release of Ubuntu/against a release of Ubuntu that is no longer supported/  # assume an OP is a casual user14:50
hggdhbah. You explain that before14:50
hggdhI really need coffee14:50
hggdhTheLordOfTime: good14:51
TheLordOfTimei'll post that later then14:51
TheLordOfTimeor rather right now.14:51
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silverarrowcan someone un-private a bug for me?20:52
silverarrowit turns out useless when noone can see it?20:52
silverarrowbug report launched by it`s self when mplayer / gecko crashed,20:53
silverarrowhi phillw20:53
silverarrowthis one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mplayer/+bug/106404920:56
ubot2silverarrow: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0x91e6fac> bug 1064049 not found20:56
jtaylorlooks like its a security bug, you'll have to ask in ubuntu-hardened20:57
silverarrowno, it is mplayer gecko bug20:57
jtayloris the number correct? I can't access it20:58
phillwjtaylor: are there any bug squad admins on duty?20:59
silverarrowyeah, I made it a few minutes ago20:59
jtaylorI'm in bug squad but can't read it20:59
jtaylorthat either means a launchpad bug or blocked by security21:00
jtayloror wrong number21:00
phillwsilverarrow: can you check on your lp page for reported bugs? (there is a tab for bugs)21:03
silverarrowlet mehttp://imagebin.org/23132621:03
silverarrowwe keep running in circles here21:04
jtayloris it your bug? you can make it public yourself21:04
silverarrowI can?21:04
jtaylorclick on the button on the top right21:04
silverarrowis it there now?21:05
silverarrowbug 106404921:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1064049 in gnome-mplayer "gnome mplayer with gecko crashes, do not work on PowerPC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106404921:05
phillwthanks jtaylor21:06
jtaylorthe coredump may contain private information21:06
silverarrowI can`t think of any info which should not be public ?21:06
jtayloryou should remove it if you care21:06
silverarrowwell, passworks would be a i bit annying to have plublic, but have no state secrets on the computer21:06
silverarrowpasswords *21:06
jtaylorI wonder why I couldn't see the bug21:07
silverarrowwhat is core dump?21:07
jtaylora dump of the memory at the time of the crash21:07
jtaylorit if you typed in passwords into mplayer they might be in there21:07
jtaylorthough I don't think mplayer has that feature :)21:07
silverarrowno passwords in mplayer21:08
silverarrowin firefox yes21:08
jtaylorif you are unsure make it private again and wait for the apport retracer to get the stacktrace21:08
jtaylorthen check the stacktrace for private information, and make it public again21:08
silverarrowdo they ever?21:09
silverarrowI had a bug yesterday which autolaunched too, never heard anything on it, it went privat21:09
jtaylorits very very rare21:09
jtaylorbut every crash is considered private due to the possibility21:09
silverarrowI understand21:09
silverarrowpassword would be the only thing I mind having plublic21:10
jtaylorcoredumps on the other hand are more likely to contain passwords typed into the application thats why they are always removed by the retracer21:10
silverarrowI see21:10
silverarrowyeah I lost a lot of point there lol21:11
phillwjtaylor: just so as to update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing#My_Bug_went_Private which is being also mirrored at Ubuntu-QA, do you have the time to update that section? Thanks (I'll copy it over to main ubuntu-qa area)21:13
jtaylorthere should be a section on private bugs in the bugsquad wiki you can copy21:13
phillwjtaylor: can you give me the link, thanks21:14
jtaylorhm apparently not21:16
jtayloralso the askubuntu question is laking21:16
jtaylorthats defininetly something that should be improved21:17
jtaylorespecially telling people they can mark it public themself21:17
jtaylorbut I got to go now21:17
phillwjtaylor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Overview#Bugs is what we currently have, whilst it cannot hold a whole wiki area in a few paragraphs, I do ask that you guys have a look at it & update where needed.21:18
phillwjtaylor: thanks, sweet dreams21:19
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