
dholbachgood morning06:35
dholbachhey dpm07:28
dholbachdpm, well rested from the marathon? :)07:29
dpmdholbach, yeah, I still went out on Friday, but had the weekend to rest :)07:29
dpmhow about you?07:29
dholbachdoing well - I took a small nap on Friday but then managed to stay up until 20:0007:31
dholbachhey czajkowski07:50
czajkowskidholbach: morning07:52
smartboyhwGood evening cjohnston10:30
dholbachdpm, did you mail all your donors?10:37
dholbachdpm, I find the justgiving page a bit hard to use in this regard - for the first few people I resorted to using LP to figure out email addresses :)10:38
czajkowskiheh nice idea10:46
dholbachczajkowski, do you have an "LP" highlight? ;-)10:49
czajkowskidholbach: I'd never get work done then10:49
dholbachhaha, I can imagine, yes10:49
cjohnstondholbach: my understanding is we decided to not do 30 minutes10:58
dholbachcjohnston, aha?10:59
dholbachcjohnston, is Jono aware of that? :)10:59
dpmdholbach, that's a great idea. Not sure I'll be able to figure out all e-mail addresses, but I'll have a go at it.11:37
dholbachdpm, OK - if you can find an option in the justgiving page to be a bit more clever about it, let me know :)11:38
dpmdholbach, I'll have a look, but if you haven't found it, probably there isn't a way11:42
dholbachhey mhall11913:26
dholbachczajkowski, am I the only one getting "There is 1 error." when trying to file a blueprint? :)13:30
dholbachI'm on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-r/+addspec and quite sure that I added content to all fields which are not optional13:31
czajkowskithat bug is gonna cause me no end of grief today13:32
dholbachhum, even filling all the fields does not help13:32
dholbachok - what do I need to do?13:32
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1062207 in launchpad "Unable to raise blueprint" [Critical,Triaged]13:32
czajkowskiwill be worked on tomrorw as person on that branch is off today13:32
dholbachah, found the workaround13:33
dholbachfor everyone who is struggling too:13:33
dholbacha workaround:13:33
dholbach- change the information type to proprietary13:33
dholbach- change it again to public13:33
dholbach- submit the form13:33
mhall119dholbach: should have registered your BPs on thursday :)13:36
dholbachyeah, sure13:36
mhall119that way whenever there's a mistake on them, you get to blame lack of sleep13:37
elfybkerensa: ping13:50
popeymarcoceppi, you have a sputnik laptop don't you? What wifi chipset does it have?14:34
popey(and anyone else who has one)14:35
JoseeAntonioRpopey: my dad has one, I can check if needed14:38
popeyhttp://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Dell_XPS_13_Ultrabook#WLAN_Card  suggests centrino...14:38
popeythanks JoseeAntonioR only if it's within reach :)14:39
JoseeAntonioRpopey: my dad says he's got the one listed in the page, and he's got bluetooth, so14:40
JoseeAntonioR    Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6230 802.11 a/g/n with Intel® Smart Connect Technology + Bluetooth 3.014:40
dholbachalright, I'm calling it a day a bit earlier today - see you all tomorrow! :)15:30
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mhall119can somebody reddit http://mhall119.com/2012/10/six-geeks-for-charity/ for me please?18:50
mhall119bkerensa: ^^18:52
mhall119and a retweet if anyone feels so inclined: https://twitter.com/mhall119/status/25538064296195276918:55
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: doing it now19:03
JoseeAntonioRupvotes: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/115gli/six_geeks_one_sleepless_night_and_513370_for/19:06
mhall119thanks JoseeAntonioR19:17
mhall119man, I gotta get nginx setup on my blog19:22
JoseeAntonioRisn't there a charm for it?19:25
JoseeAntonioRoops, no charm for nginx19:26
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: there is for Wordpress + nginx, marcoceppi and jcastro made it19:31
JoseeAntonioRmaybe that'll work19:31
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: ping?19:43
bkerensamhall119: ping19:43
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: PONG19:43
JoseeAntonioRoops, cap fail19:43
mhall119bkerensa: pong19:46
bkerensamhall119: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/10/alpha-version-of-reditr-makes-debut19:46
mhall119bkerensa: not to nit-pick, but I think it's "had written", not "had wrote"19:48
mhall119or "we wrote"19:48
bkerensamhall119: it was fixed already cache is old :( and I cant clear the cache19:50
mhall119that would be so much cooler for me if it wasn't a chrome extension19:51
bkerensamhall119: yeah and the weird thing is they encrypted portions of the extension and profile19:51
bkerensaunsure why19:51
mhall119is it open source?19:52
bkerensamhall119: no19:54
mhall119that might be why, then19:54
doctormonCan anyone remember the official http apt-url redirect?20:57
doctormonfound it http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/vlc21:20
mhall119doctormon: unless you're giving it directly to someone you know has Ubuntu, we're recommending using https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/vlc/ instead22:14
mhall119actually either way, we recommend that one22:14
mhall119it gives more information to the user before trying to install it22:14
mhall119and it'll work for non-Ubuntu users too22:14
doctormonmhall119: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptUrl needs to be updated with your information22:14
doctormonOK great http://ubuntu-artists.deviantart.com is now updated with fresh links and I don't have to worry about them not working on other systems.22:23
doctormonThanks mhall11922:23
bkerensamhall119: are you using dnsmasq caching currently?22:50
bkerensaI just enabled it and saw a noticeable boost in loads :)22:50
mhall119bkerensa: probably not, since i have no idea what that is23:39
bkerensamhall119: it is a application that does dns masquerading and caching its been apart of Ubuntu since 12.04 but the caching is disabled by default so unless you enable it will not benefit you (its disabled due to trivial security concerns)23:40
bkerensaUpstream has it enabled23:40
bkerensabasically it takes your 150-400 most commonly queried domain names and caches their dns23:41
bkerensareducing dns look ups results in faster load times23:41

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