
knomeok, i'm off to bed00:13
knomesee you later00:13
smartboyhwhi satop 15:22
satopi upgraded to quantal quetzal beta 2 and experienced a high cpu load of 40% for mountall --deamon15:25
satopi upgraded to quantal quetzal beta 2 and experienced a high cpu load of 49 % when trying to start xfdesktop-settings and it does not load it shows up after a 10 or 15 minutes sometimes 15:30
satopthat are the 2 problems i have currently any idea to fix it 15:30
elfyknome: the post installation tests for xubuntu have all been disabled - that's why they constantly come up archived - do we want them back on or are they off for a reason?16:11
JoseeAntonioRHey guys! I'm organizing OpenWeek for this cycle, and would like to know if any of you would like to volunteer on doing a 30-min session about what you're doing on the team, and how can you contribute to it (by team I mean Xubuntu). Thanks!16:34
pleia2^^ I can't do it since I'll be traveling, so I told him to come here and ask ;)16:36
knomeelfy, i'll look at it.17:12
knomeJoseeAntonioR, which days?17:12
JoseeAntonioRknome: it's between Wednesday and Thursday, time TBD as per your availability17:13
knomethis week?17:13
JoseeAntonioRoops, forgot to paste the schedule link. nope, Oct 24/25 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/quantal/Timetable17:13
knomewhen do you need to know?17:14
JoseeAntonioRthe sooner, the better, around this/next week?17:14
JoseeAntonioRby Oct 1517:14
knomeon which channels are you hanging around?17:14
JoseeAntonioR#ubuntu-classroom-backstage would be fine for this17:15
JoseeAntonioRor you can send me an email to joseeantonior AT ubuntu DOT com17:15
knomeok, i'll get back to you17:16
knomethanks for letting us know of the possibility17:16
JoseeAntonioRfor sure17:16
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