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bob2"Not checking SSL certificate for xmlrpc.launchpad.net" <- eh?01:14
fullermdXML and RPC have already exhausted the TLA support, so it can't do SSL at the moment.01:18
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bobsappso i shelved some changes15:46
bobsappbut i never went back to them and i want to get rid of them.15:47
bobsappin fact i fixed the bug before unshelving them.15:47
bobsappcan i somehow discard the shelf?|15:47
mgz`bzr shelve --list` then `bzr unshelve --destroy N`15:47
bobsappmany thanks!15:47
mgzthe first command telling you what N to use (if you used a message when shelving)15:48
mgzotherwise you can `bzr unshelve --preview` to see which if you hae multiple shelves and no way of telling which is which15:48
bobsappI think the problem is i was trying to do too much stuff at once.  Should have just not shelved those changes at all.15:49
bobsappin the first place15:49
bobsappIn my manpage i dont have unshelve destroy15:49
bobsappyeah i might have an older version of bzr15:50
bobsappI have delete only which is the same thing though15:50
bobsappit worked fine.15:51
mgzgah, sorry :)15:52
mgzone of shelve/unshelve uses destroy, one uses delete, and I always forget which is which15:53
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mgzjelmer: can you have a look at torkvemada's branch? I got him to make the mp more verbose and add some tests based on one of your hook additions17:28
jelmermgz: Yeah, bzr-git can create branches an dpush to them17:40
jelmermgz: a somewhat annoying problem there is that dpush itself won't create new branches, unlike push17:40
jelmermgz: but fixing that requires a bzr core change17:40
jelmermgz: I'm not convinced about the commit hooks17:40
jelmermgz: Commit until now was a pretty private object, passing it to a hook seems like a bad idea to me17:40
mgzwait, now I need to do my lines :)17:40
mgzis there a better way to do what he wants though?17:41
jelmermgz: you're a shakespear man, you can handle it.17:41
mgzCommit.commit takes an impressive list of arguments17:41
jelmermgz: pass specific arguments to start_commit I guess17:41
jelmerI guess it's just... message, revprops, committer and maybe the two timestamp bits?17:41
mgzhey, I said that! :)17:41
mgzwhen does Revision._check_properties get called... don't want a hook that can introduce borked properties...17:44
jelmerI guess we17:44
jelmer'll ship 2.6 beta 2 in quantal?17:44
mgzseems that's going to happen17:46
jelmerso then it's perhaps not so bad to land a somewhat riskier change now17:46
mgzhaving multiple things trying to hit freeze window makes life painful17:47
cr3if I "bzr checkout --lightweight lp:~cr3/checkbox/optical_write_test" and then do this in the directory "bzr st --short -r bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/checkbox/", I get: bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno', 'Could not determine revno for {bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/checkbox/} because its ancestry shows a ghost at {tarmac-20120922215931-44bbvwzadme5c8rd}')18:57
cr3I don't understand what that means :(18:58
jelmercr3: there is a reference to a revision that is not present in the repository18:59
jelmercr3: that revision is necessary for determining the revno18:59
jelmercr3: -r with a URL doesn't make sense19:00
jelmer-r takes a revision, not a branch19:00
cr3jelmer: odd, I got that from utilities/find-changed-files.sh in the launchpad source: rev=`bzr info | sed '/parent branch:/!d; s/ *parent branch: /ancestor:/'`19:01
cr3jelmer: maybe "parent branch" in some contexts is a revision, not a branch. that would explain it19:01
jelmercr3: no, a parent branch is always a URL19:02
jelmercr3: "branch:URL" is a revision though19:02
jelmercr3: so perhaps it's just removing the word 'parent' there19:02
jelmer-rbranch:lp:bzr returns the tip revision of lp:bzr19:02
cr3jelmer: aha, it replaces "parent branch" with "ancestor", so you have "ancestor:URL" which works fine when I branch a project, not when I checkout though19:03
w7zthat GhostRevisionsHaveNoRevno thing with lightweight checkouts of stacked branches is bug 104912421:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1049124 in Launchpad itself "bzr log -rxxx crashes out with 'ghost' in branch, but not in trunk" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104912421:08
jelmerI guess it should just be saying NoSuchRevision?21:26
w7zjelmer: the cute thing is it actually has the rev... it's just in the stacked on branch, not the immediate branch21:58
awilkinsjelmer, Ping?22:40
jelmerawilkins: hi22:45
awilkinsRunning into a problem pushing to a remote SVN repo - it looks like #394527 (with a slightly different message)22:46
awilkins"bzr: ERROR: At least one property change failed; repository is unchanged "22:46
awilkinsIt pushes about 8.5Mb and then coughs that up. The revision in question is not especially large but does rename a root level folder and nest it inside a new folder of the same name as the original22:47
awilkinsSo foo => foo/new-foo22:48
awilkinsAlas, I have no access to the server logs or configuration, it's commercial SVN hosting22:48
jelmerawilkins: not sure if there's much I can help with there :-/23:05
awilkinsjelmer, Yeah, was just hoping for a miracle :-)23:07
jelmerawilkins: I guess you could split up the commit so each change would be smaller23:07
jelmerthat might not be very easy though23:07
awilkinsjelmer, I have a feeling it's that one folder move, and all the paths inside being written as metadata in the revision properties23:07
awilkinsThe rest of it is pretty small changes to text files23:08
jelmerawilkins: that sounds about right23:08
jelmerfor the bug you linked23:08
awilkinsYeah, I suppose I could ask if they'll raise that XML limit23:08
awilkinsI'm trying to find an SSH port I can hit it through to circumvent it23:09
awilkinsBah, doesn't help that it's a horrible old build of CentOS in there23:13
* fullermd upgrades pre-2a branches...23:13

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