
sakangdragonplayer plays the sound but no video.  have all phonon* gst0.1* gst1.0* ffmpeg xine1 &2  libav* installed but no joy.  anyone knows the magic?00:17
shadeslayerxine? lawl00:21
shadeslayersakang: Kubuntu Precise? Quantal?00:21
shadeslayerI'd hazard a guess at the format not being supported, maybe try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras?00:23
sakangit's an mp400:24
sakangif it's not supported it won't show up in play with like if it's an flv00:25
shadeslayerhm, no idea, #kde-multimedia can offer more insight as to what's the issue00:25
sakangvlc and smplayer works just fine even before I added those tons of plugins/lib imaginable.  It just played only audio00:28
sakangshadeslayer: thanks anyway00:30
Riddellcurious flattering e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/565730/10:16
tazzRiddell, you use mutt?10:41
Riddelltazz: sure10:43
Riddellreliably handles my zillions of e-mails and I can get to it from anywhere with ssh or putty10:44
tazzmutt is awesome once you get past the learning curve, unfortunately. A curve I am yet to master.10:45
Riddellyes the keys needed are pretty obscure10:46
Riddellpine/alpine is much more user friendly10:47
apacheloggermorning kids11:02
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: doctor who totally confused me11:02
Riddellapachelogger: were you confused by Amy's insistance on living with Rory instead of with me?11:05
RiddellI've never understood that11:05
apacheloggerRiddell: lol11:07
apacheloggersomething like that11:08
* apachelogger needs to unsubscribe from like 90% of the mailing lists11:08
Riddellafiestas: did that bluedevil release happen?11:15
jussishadeslayer: ping11:33
jussishadeslayer: Ive an update for telepathy here, is it going to break my currently working version?11:33
jussi(I have 0.51 and the muon doesnt tell me which one to be updated)11:35
jussion that note, JontheEchidna, could we have version numbers that the upgrade is listed in muon updater please?11:36
afiestasRiddell: v1.2.4, tarballs are uploaded already11:42
Riddellafiestas: oh 1.2.4?  you said .512:56
afiestaswell, I was mistaken, packaged is 1.2.3, so I wanted to say 1.2.412:57
Riddellthat explains it12:57
BluesKajHi all12:59
ScottKafiestas: Is power management one of the things you worry about?13:03
afiestasScottK: not directly, but I can manage any bugs/thing13:05
afiestasthe maintainer per-se i s Dario Freddi (drf__)13:05
ScottKI have what I think is a regression in 4.9 from 4.8.13:05
ScottKMy normal way to suspend is to use the battery systray applet.  Since 4.9 (don't know when, I first ran 4.9.2) if the battery is fully charged, clicking on the applet does nothing.13:06
ScottKIt should still open up so you can get to the suspend button.13:06
afiestasScottK: that's more in the plasma side of things (not directly me)13:08
afiestasit does open to me, though13:08
afiestasusing lastest quantal13:09
ScottKWhen the battery is fully charged?13:09
afiestasI have to click the "menu" where it is hidden13:09
afiestasthen click on it13:09
afiestasScottK: ah! click on the image13:10
afiestasrather than in the text13:10
ScottKThat did it.13:10
ScottKYeah for consistency.13:10
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1065096] Certain keyboard shortcuts disappear between 4.9.1 and 4.9.2 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1065096 (by Peder Chr. Nørgaard)15:33
tsdgeosyeah, someone butchered kickoff in 4.9.215:37
* tsdgeos is sad too15:37
ScottKtsdgeos: Will it be fixed for 4.9.3?15:39
tsdgeosno ide15:40
tsdgeosbe cool if it was15:40
tsdgeosbut i'm not really uptodate with plasma developments15:40
ScottKshadeslayer should investigate.15:40
JontheEchidnajussi: that's there in v 1.4.x16:03
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1065096] Certain keyboard shortcuts disappear between 4.9.1 and 4.9.2 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1065096 (by Peder Chr. Nørgaard)19:42
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1065096] Certain keyboard shortcuts disappear between 4.9.1 and 4.9.2 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1065096 (by Peder Chr. Nørgaard)20:44
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shadeslayerjussi: upgrade to 0.5.1 and then install http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/kde-telepathy-auth-handler_0.5.1-0ubuntu1~ppa1~precise1~ppa1_amd64.deb22:30
afiestasdo you know if will be possible to ahve Kubuntu cd's for an event?22:36
shadeslayerafiestas: do you have/know a Ubuntu LoCo?22:53
afiestasLocal team is taht?22:53
afiestas*that ?22:53
shadeslayerbut that's not a 'official' loco ... hmm22:54
shadeslayerin which case you'd have to ask Riddell :)22:54
afiestasI can't handle a loco22:55
afiestasbut there is a ubuntu loco for catalan, I'm sure of taht22:55
afiestasthey meed quite often22:55
shadeslayerafiestas: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/#Europe22:56
shadeslayerah yes, the Catalan team is approved22:56
shadeslayerso they can also ask for CD's22:56
shadeslayeror in the case of Quantal, DVD's22:57
afiestasin this case I need the galicians22:58
afiestasbut they are oficial as well22:58
afiestasso np22:58
afiestasoh wait22:59
afiestasdunno if they are official, are they?22:59
afiestasshadeslayer: meh galicians are not approved22:59
afiestasso, I will have to ask the catalans to ask cd's and send them to the opposite part of spain?22:59
shadeslayerafiestas: maybe, plus, I'm not sure if Canonical entertains requests for flavors23:01
shadeslayerthey could just send you a mix of flavors23:01
shadeslayerI always asked Riddell for CD's when he was at Canonical :)23:01
afiestasthere was a time where getting cd's from distros was easy23:01
afiestasopensuse said no23:01
shadeslayerheh wat23:01
afiestaskubuntu seems that will be impossible23:01
afiestasmy answer is: fuck you all i won't promote you23:01
afiestasI mean, if I want cd's is to do promotion of you all 23:02
afiestas(aaah that seemed like a rant but it is not)23:02
afiestas._. I meant I'm not the one interested on having cd's xd23:02
shadeslayerwell ... Riddell should be able to point out the right person to ask for DVD's :)23:02
afiestasshadeslayer: thx !23:03

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