
roaksoaxbigjools: i've seen similar issues but seemed to be DHCP issues00:00
roaksoaxbigjools: for example, once it DHCP's once, it seems to lock in the IP address until you set static and then DHCP again00:01
roaksoaxor if you reset the power (like disconnected the servers from power source)00:01
bigjoolsI did that00:01
bigjoolsroaksoax: ok bmc-config just returns "Unable to get Number of Users"00:55
bigjoolspresumably I need some modules/options?00:55
roaksoaxbigjools: yes00:55
* bigjools looks in commissioning_user_data00:56
roaksoaxbigjools: during commissioning, enable the options in the commission-user-data in /etc/maas00:56
bigjoolswell I am in deployment mode00:56
bigjoolscan't ssh to a commissioning box :)00:56
roaksoaxbigjools: modprobe ipmi_msghandler modprobe ipmi_devintf00:57
roaksoaxmodprobe ipmi_si type=kcs ports=0xca200:57
bigjoolssorted, ta00:57
bigjoolsroaksoax: didn't help :(00:58
roaksoaxbigjools: rmmod ipmi_si00:58
bigjoolsroaksoax: as in, the bmc-config worked00:58
roaksoaxthen modprobe ipmi_si type=kcs ports=0xca200:58
bigjoolsbut the dhcp is still borked00:58
roaksoaxuhmm that's pretty werird though00:59
bigjoolsDHCPDISCOVER followed by DHCPOFFER00:59
bigjoolsover and over00:59
bigjoolsit's simply not accepting the offered address00:59
roaksoaxbigjools: that's pretty weird though01:00
jtvbigjools: when you install maas from a package, do you get a /home/maas?02:55
bigjoolsjtv: no02:55
bigjoolsdeliberately so02:55
roaksoaxsmoser: around?04:01
roaksoaxbigjools: do you happen to know if anny changes were made to the power handling? i'm getting an error when trying to execute the ipmi template, which wasn't there before04:39
roaksoaxbigjools: nevermind found the issue04:45
roaksoaxbigjools: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_enlist_ipmi_username/+merge/128857 please :)04:53
bigjoolsroaksoax: looking05:00
roaksoaxbigjools: thanks05:03
bigjoolsde nada05:04
bigjoolsaren't you up late?05:04
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah :)05:06
mgzfix for bug 1064734 <http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1270729/>08:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1064734 in MAAS "ERROR Invalid 'tags' constraint 'set(['test-tag'])': No such tag using maas-tags to deploy with juju" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106473408:51
jtvmgz: I think you meant the juju bug.09:31
jtvrvba: the WSGIApplicationGroup setting from the article I found works, but what I wanted to ask you is: can you think of any problems it might cause us?09:32
jtvMeanwhile, I'm getting a JS test failure in trunk.  :(09:33
mgzjtv: that is a juju bug09:33
mgzjtv: we probably want to use the daemon configuration for mod_wsgi longer term09:34
jtvmgz: argh, misread the number!09:34
mgzblame matsubara! :)09:34
rvbajtv: I can't think of anything really.09:35
rvbamgz: you mean WSGIDaemonProcess?  If so, we already use that.09:36
jtvrvba: thanks, that gives me a bit more confidence than me bunging it in and saying "hey look, it seems to work now!"  :)09:36
rvbajtv: from what I can see, the combination WSGIDaemonProcess/WSGIApplicationGroup seems to be wildly used to deploy Django applications.09:37
jtvWildly?  That sounds exciting.09:37
rvbaSorry, widely :)09:38
rvbahaha :)09:38
jtvDoes anybody want to review the fix?  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/bug-1064737/+merge/12889109:39
mgzhm, had misremembered, thought daemon/appgroup was either/or, but the internet does claim using both as in your branch is the right thing09:45
mgzjtv: approved.09:48
jtvThanks mgz09:50
rbasakIs longpoll broken in the packaging?09:56
rbasakI see "GET /MAAS/longpoll/?uuid=amq.gen-wyS-xRaw0j0Xo1_9NW_leV&sequence=4 HTTP/1.1" 404 188509:56
rbasakCome to think of it I don't think I've seen it working in a while09:56
rvbarbasak: I don't think this has been reported.  I'll test it.10:00
jtvAnd I just saw a JS test failure in trunk... could it be related?10:00
rbasakI also filed bug 1064922 btw10:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1064922 in maas (Ubuntu) "Enlistment fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106492210:01
rvbaThe failure rbasak is seeing looks like server-side stuff.10:01
rbasakEnlistment is completely broken in quantal until the maas-enlist precise SRU lands, AFAICT10:01
rbasak(since by default we use precise ephemerals which use precise maas-enlist)10:02
rvbarbasak: I'm seeing the problem with txlongpoll too.10:21
rvbarbasak: I'll file a bug and investigate.10:21
rvbarbasak: just in case you'd like txlongpoll to work, all you need to do is: sudo a2enmod proxy_http && sudo service apache2 restart.  The fix is up for review.11:09
rbasakthanks rvba!11:10
rvbaroaksoax: hi, could you please have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/packaging.fix-longpoll/+merge/128904 ?11:10
jtvI'll be off.  Good night everyone.11:24
mgzokay, folded down from a new 20 line test case, to a rewrite of a test class... to a single added assertion13:17
mgzreally want this to be a minimal patch13:17
evilnick_anyone know what the point of the maas-cli files command is? I.e., when would you use it?13:37
mgzis simplejson already a dependency?13:52
mgzor will that require a packaging change?13:52
_rvbaDaviey: can you please have a look at bug 1065062?  I think we want that fixed in 12.10.14:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1065062 in maas (Ubuntu) "/var/lib/maas/celerybeat-cluster-schedule cannot be created by the cluster controller." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106506214:19
_rvbaflacoste: can you please have a look at bug 1065055?  I think we want that fixed in 12.10.14:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1065055 in MAAS "celeryconfig_cluster.py imports utility method from maas (import_settings)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106505514:20
=== _rvba is now known as rvba
mgzevilnick_: if you didn't get an answer, it's probably not used passed debugging14:20
mgzmaas needs a files api because juju expects to be able to poke some strings into file storage, and the cli just exposes all the apis14:21
mgzevilnick: ^ in case your underscore breaks hilight14:21
evilnick_mgz: yeah, thx. I think there may be a few other commands that fall into the same category, so it is a bit of a waste me writing docs for them :)14:22
mgzsome basic "internal thingy used for X" is fine, rather than nice user focuses stuff14:22
mgzthat way a curious kitten doing --help knows to move on14:22
flacostemgz: my understanding is that simplejson is part of python 2.7 now14:24
flacostemgz: in the json module14:25
flacostemgz: but maybe not the fast C implementation...14:26
flacostervba: indeed we do :-)14:26
mgzflacoste: mine too, but under the name 'json'... and the reason for that change is that bob ippolito continued hacking upstream and did various perf improvements... that didn't then get back into the json module14:26
mgzso, just doing s/import json/import simplejson/ will break unless the python-simplejson is also intalled14:28
Davieyrvba: Oh golly14:30
mgz...something is pulling it in currently, but I'm not sure how concrete that dep is14:32
rvbaDaviey: care to have a look at bug 1065080 ?14:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1065080 in maas (Ubuntu) "The host in BROKER_URL is hardcoded to 'localhost'." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106508014:46
Davieyanything for a giggle14:46
rvbaDaviey: medium really?14:47
rvbaLooks pretty critical to me.14:48
Davieyrvba: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance14:51
DavieyTBH, we rarely use critical14:51
rvbaDaviey: ah ok. "Renders essential features or functionality of the application or dependencies broken or ineffective"… High then ;)14:52
Davieyrvba: Right, but it's a config option?14:53
Davieyit's REALLY a low :)14:53
rvbaDaviey: the hostname of the broker_url passed around is hardcoded to 'localhost'.  None of the cluster controllers apart from the one installed next to the region controller will be able to connect to the region controller.14:54
Davieyrvba: I hate to go all technical on you.. but swirly alert14:54
Davieyrvba: Do you want us to go to Blue alert ?14:55
rvbaDaviey: ok.  We have to fix that anyway :)14:55
rvbahehe :)14:56
Davieyrvba: Oh, i thought it was coded into a config file15:03
rvbaDaviey: it is in a config file on the region controller side, then send to the cluster controller over the API when the cluster controller 'registers'.15:04
Davieyrvba: so can a human fix this?15:07
rvbaDaviey: yes, sed -i s/localhost/real.ip.of.the.region/g /etc/maas/maas_local_celeryconfig.py will fix it (I've tested it).15:09
Davieywell then.. it's a Medium!15:10
rvbaAll right :)15:10
DavieyIf it was in .py files.. then sure.. I could see the urgency15:10
roaksoaxrvba: the above bug, that's why you do  sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller15:11
rvbaroaksoax: I don't think so.15:12
rvbaroaksoax: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller' lets you specific the url of the API.15:12
rvbaThen the cluster controller connects to the region (using that URL) and gets back the BROKER_URL.15:12
rvbaThen it tries to get celeryd to connect to RabbiMQ using that BROKER_URL.15:13
roaksoaxrvba: ah I see, so that should be in the region side15:13
rvbaroaksoax: it is on the region side indeed.15:13
rvbaIn the config of the region.15:13
rvbaThat broker url is also used by the region worker (in this case it's fine, because the region worker is on the same machine as the region controller)15:14
roaksoaxrvba: right, so a function needs to be added to update that when updating maas_local_settings to15:15
rvbaroaksoax: I'm a bit unsure what to do here.  Because the host of the region controller is already in many places.15:16
roaksoaxrvba: I;ll take care of it15:17
rvbaroaksoax: it's in DEFAULT_MAAS_URL in /etc/maas/maas_local_settings.py (region).15:18
rvbaroaksoax: we could also use the 'host' part of the url given when running 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure maas-cluster-controller'15:18
rvbaroaksoax: what do you think?15:18
roaksoaxrvba: well I think that whenever we update DEFAULT_MAAS_URL, the BROKER_URL should be updated too15:19
rvbaroaksoax: but what if the user later changes DEFAULT_MAAS_URL manuall?15:19
roaksoaxrvba: that's their problem :). We don't care about that... I mean... the packaging should have taken care of setting that up on initial install15:21
roaksoaxrvba: if the user chances it manually, the packaging cannot do anything about it15:21
rvbaroaksoax: maybe we should extract the 'hostname' part out of DEFAULT_MAAS_URL.  That would solve that problem.15:21
rvbaI mean dynamically, in the upstream code.15:22
roaksoaxrvba: yes, that's what I was gonna say, if that sits in the region controller and will sit there all the time, why not infer the broker url from maas_url if at the end of the day, they are gonna be the same15:22
roaksoax(as in the same IP/hostname)15:22
rvbaroaksoax: I think it's the best thing to do.15:22
rvbaroaksoax: I'll take care of it then :)15:23
Davieyroaksoax: on update, when i get asked to keep orig config or maintainers version.. what should i do?15:23
roaksoaxDaviey: Yes to overwrite15:23
roaksoaxrvba: awesome thanks!!15:24
roaksoaxDaviey: are we going to be releasing a new upstream release by the end of the week?15:24
Davieyroaksoax: good, i did that15:24
Davieyroaksoax: Yes, a new upstream.. latest.. before i go to bed on Thursday15:24
roaksoaxDaviey: ack15:24
DavieyThat is the last point i can guarantee it to be on the cd15:25
DavieyAfter that, it might be a 0-day SRU15:25
roaksoaxrvba: could you please update your packaging MP, I had to merge some other stuff first because that had hit archive15:26
roaksoaxDaviey: ok cool15:27
Davieyroaksoax: I accepted that upload, as i assumed it would be overridden on your next trunk snapshot?15:27
rvbaroaksoax: sure15:28
roaksoaxDaviey: yes thank you! patches recently uploaded will be dropped with new upstream snapshot. I'm just keeping packaging branch in sync just in case15:28
roaksoaxrvba: thank you!!15:28
rvbaroaksoax: changes pushed.15:35
roaksoaxrvba: thank you15:39
roaksoaxrvba: that proxy_http module comes with apache2 itself right?15:42
rvbaroaksoax: yes15:42
rvbaThat module is shipped with apache:15:42
rvba$ dpkg -S /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy_http.load15:42
rvbaapache2.2-common: /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy_http.load15:42
roaksoaxrvba: ok fcool,t hat's weird though when loading wsgi (i think) the proxy_http should have been loaded too15:43
rvbaroaksoax: apparently not.15:43
roaksoaxyeah that's very rare cases maybe15:44
roaksoaxi have never seen that issue :)15:44
roaksoaxi always saw it being loaded15:44
rvbaYeah, I'm surprise too.  But rbasak found that problem and I was able to reproduce on a canonistack instance so…15:46
roaksoaxrvba: are we wnating to eliminate maas-common some day?15:53
rvbaroaksoax: I haven't thought much about it TBH.  It's probably possible and not really complicated but definitely not something we want to do now.15:54
roaksoaxrvba: ok cool then, because I think i'll move the creation of /var/lib/maas /var/log/maas etc etc to it15:55
roaksoaxrvba: instead of doing it in cluster and region15:55
rvbaroaksoax: sounds good.  We're sure it will be installed before the cluster controller or the region controller right?15:55
roaksoaxrvba: the only thing that cluster installs in /var/lib/maas is the scheduler for celery right?15:55
roaksoaxrvba: maas-common is a dependency of both so it will15:56
rvbaroaksoax: cool.  Yes, that's the only thing that the cluster puts in there.15:56
roaksoaxrvba: so cluster-controller only has 1 log too?16:08
rvbals /var/log/maas16:09
rvbacelery.log  oops  pserv.log16:09
rvba2 actually16:09
roaksoaxrvba: oops are also needed?16:09
rvbaWell, it has been created by the oops package.16:09
rvbaI /think/.16:09
roaksoaxnope it is ceated by cluster16:10
roaksoaxrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/packaging_update_lp1065062/+merge/12898816:13
rvbaIt's referenced in /etc/maas/pserv.yaml (oops:directory: "/var/log/maas/oops")16:13
rvbaroaksoax: I thought you wanted to do that in maas-common…?16:14
roaksoaxrvba: yes, but I have to do it, test it,  etc etc, so I first prefer fixing that16:15
roaksoaxrvba: and then evaluate the other16:15
rvbaroaksoax: all right.16:15
roaksoaxrvba: could you approve though please?16:18
rvbaroaksoax: approved.16:18
roaksoaxrvba: thankyou16:18
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
Davieyrbasak: still around?18:21
rbasakDaviey: yes18:22
Davieysmoser & rbasak: So how are we fixing the power problem?18:22
Davieyenlistment + power setting18:22
rbasakI thought that would be fixed with a precise sru? Or is the problem that this will take too long?18:22
Davieyrbasak: take too long18:22
Davieysmoser: How do you feel about including it in the ephemeral images?18:23
Daviey(before it hits -updates)18:23
smoseri'm not opposed to doing that.18:24
smoser2 comments18:25
smosera.) its not a big deal to me, since we're already ppa'ing 4 packages in the ephemeral images for precise18:25
DavieyNext smoser Okay JFDI, and create a new ephemeral image pronto?18:25
mgzwhat's the ubuntu equiv. of ftpmasters and how do I see what packages are queued to land in quantal...18:25
smoserb.) i'd like to hold off on spinning a "release" image until after (or on) release.18:25
roaksoaxDaviey: enlist with quantal18:25
Davieymgz: Archive Admins, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue18:25
smoserDaviey, so i'd do it to 'daily' build.18:26
smoserwhich is easily configurable18:26
roaksoaxDaviey: you ca enlist with quantal in the meantime too18:26
mgzDaviey: thanks, you beat google.18:26
Davieysmoser / roaksoax: Okay. How do i fix this /right now/?18:26
Davieymgz: Wassup?18:26
roaksoaxDaviey: go to the Settings and select quantal as the commssiioning release18:26
roaksoaxDaviey: and make sure you have quantal, and that's it18:26
Davieymgz: I am an AA.. is there something you are expecting ?18:26
roaksoaxDaviey: quantal ephemerals by enabling it /etc/maas/import_pxe_files18:27
Davieyroaksoax: how do i make sure?18:27
mgzDaviey: pinging SpamapS about it now.18:28
mgzneed my brown paper bag juju fix.18:29
SpamapSmgz: sorry I got de-railed by wifi problems18:29
SpamapSmgz: will hopefully finish shortly18:29
DavieyHow do i cleanly delete all nodes now?18:30
mgzSpamapS: no problem!18:30
roaksoaxDaviey: is the problme commissioning on enlistment?18:30
Davieymgz: can you describe the issue ?18:30
Davieyroaksoax: i have 16 nodes with no power paramas.. would make sense to delete and recycle  them.. no?18:31
roaksoaxDaviey: right, so you can delete them thru maas shell18:31
mgzDaviey: the issue is I'm a moron. see bug 106473418:31
roaksoaxor maybe the CLI if it is supported18:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 1064734 in juju (Ubuntu Quantal) "ERROR Invalid 'tags' constraint 'set(['test-tag'])': No such tag using maas-tags to deploy with juju" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106473418:31
Davieyroaksoax: we still don't have multi-slect in GUI, ffs18:32
DavieySpamapS: Can you get that patch in asap?18:33
roaksoaxDaviey: i have enlisted/commissioned with quantal without issues18:34
roaksoaxso you should be good using that18:34
smoseri'll agree, enlistment should work fine from quantal.18:34
smoserDaviey, do you want me to create a new daily of quantal?18:34
Davieyokay, that is fine.. i want to delete all nodes18:35
DavieyPlease advice how :)18:35
Davieysmoser: is there a need?18:35
roaksoaxi'm trying to check18:35
smoserwell, you want that maas-enlist in it.18:35
DavieySpamapS: Are you handling that upload?18:35
SpamapSDaviey: yes its almost done, just want to finish the test build18:36
roaksoaxDaviey: these are not HP MicroServers either right18:36
DavieySpamapS: did you see Kapil's comment? <-- mgz ?18:36
Daviey(it still strips operators18:36
roaksoaxDaviey: i guess from maas shell would be18:38
roaksoaxfrom maasserver.models import Node18:38
roaksoaxnodes = Node.objects.get()18:38
roaksoaxfor node in nodes:18:38
roaksoax   node.delete()18:38
DavieyYeah.. but earlier n the cycle doing that caused an explosion18:38
roaksoaxDaviey: i have done that verious times without issue TBH18:39
DavieyITYM, node = Node.objects.all()18:39
mgzDaviey: yup, and updated in response, will note that in the mp18:40
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah18:40
roaksoaxDaviey: i just deleted nodes without issue18:40
Davieyroaksoax: seems to have worked18:41
roaksoaxDaviey: so now, are these HP MicroServers, no right?18:42
Davieyroaksoax: no, these are proper rack servers18:42
roaksoaxDaviey: ok, cool. so the ponly thing would be to enable quantal ephemeral images18:42
roaksoaxmaas-import-pxe-files to get them18:42
roaksoaxand that should be all18:42
roaksoaxadn of course changing the default release for commissioning (which will be used for enlistment too)18:43
roaksoaxand that's done on the WebUI settings18:43
Davieyhttp://pb.daviey.com/in2m/ :-)18:47
Davieyahh, i imported ephermals18:47
Davieyroaksoax: Using maas-cli, how do i accept them all?18:49
roaksoaxDaviey: that i don't know i haven't played much with it18:52
roaksoaxmatsubara: ^^18:52
Davieysmoser: Did we remove serial console then?18:54
Daviey(for intel)18:54
matsubaramaas-cli maas nodes accept-all18:54
smoserDaviey, :-(. yes.18:54
matsubaraDaviey, ^18:54
Davieyhttps://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/maas/drop-ttyS0-kernel-opt/+merge/128747 :(18:54
smoserread the bug referenced.18:55
smoserthere wasn't a lot of option.18:55
smoserif /dev/console gets assigned badly (which is possible if you specify console=/dev/ttyS0 and there is no hardware), then basically a lot of stuff ceases to work as writes to stdout start failing.18:56
* roaksoax lunch18:56
Davieywell ok.. But the sitation now is i have 16 nodes in epidermal with NFI why they haven't enlisted18:56
smoseryou can "configure" console=ttyS0 on by editing the config file.18:56
smoserwhich just happens to be python source code in /usr/share/pyshared18:57
Davieyand lost on upgrade, right?18:57
flacostesmoser: i marked that bug as high18:57
flacosteDaviey: have you figured out the way to delete systems?18:57
flacosteDaviey: you can use the cli now to do that18:57
smoserDaviey, yes.18:57
flacosteDaviey: list-systems to get the id and then a for loop calling delete-node18:58
flacostei might get the name of the commands wrong though18:58
Davieyflacoste: ok, and to accept?18:58
Davieyflacoste: Are the doc's being updated for this?18:58
flacosteDaviey: there is an accept-all command18:58
flacosteDaviey: yes, evilnick has all the details18:58
SpamapSDaviey: uploaded18:58
SpamapSmgz: ^^18:58
roaksoaxDaviey: i have re-added the console stuff tothe code18:59
roaksoaxso you should be able to see it now18:59
DavieySpamapS: What was mgz's response to it still missing something, from Kapil?19:00
Davieyroaksoax: You've added it to Mark's garage?19:00
roaksoaxDaviey: yes19:00
Davieyroaksoax: I really think we need to get this fixed properly.. as an /etc/ config option.19:00
Davieyflacoste: ^ What do you think?19:01
roaksoaxDaviey: i think that this should be kernel_opts node attribute19:01
roaksoaxDaviey: allowing to set it independently to some value19:01
Davieyw.t.f.. http://pb.daviey.com/Nr2C/19:01
roaksoaxhowever, it should default19:01
roaksoaxI have an idea of how to do it19:01
flacosteDaviey: yes, I,ve targetted that bug for 12.1019:02
Davieyflacoste: bug number?19:02
Davieyroaksoax: Did you spot that /etc/maas/import_pxe_files has oneiric as a comment?  shouldn't that be quantal as a comment?19:04
SpamapSDaviey: 2nd patch, all included19:04
roaksoaxDaviey:yes i saw19:04
DavieySpamapS: cool19:05
flacosteDaviey: bug 104450319:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1044503 in MAAS "kernel command line is not easily customizable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104450319:06
DavieySpamapS / mgz: Accepted19:07
SpamapSDaviey: ty19:07
roaksoaxmatsubara: you can dailybuild now19:08
Davieyflacoste: thanks19:08
matsubararoaksoax, already did.19:08
matsubarabut thanks anyway :-)19:08
roaksoaxcool :)19:08
* roaksoax finally off to lunch19:09
Davieyroaksoax: o/19:09
Davieyhmm, still no serial console19:12
Davieysmoser: do you know why we lost rsyslog?19:13
smoserduring enlistment?19:14
smoserbecause we used to get it via the installer19:14
smoseri suspec thtat we can probably get it back with some craftyness.19:14
Davieywould be good, as currently i a SOB19:15
smoserenable ttyS019:16
smoserok. i'm copying maas-enlist and building a daily with it inside.19:17
flacostesmoser, roaksoax: who is taking care of bug 1064922?19:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1064922 in MAAS "Enlistment fails with 12.04 ephemeral images" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106492219:18
smoserflacoste, that is fixed19:19
smoseri thought.19:19
smoserwere you referring to bug 1063946 ?19:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1063946 in maas-enlist (Ubuntu Precise) "maas-enlist does not take power-type and power-params" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106394619:20
Davieysmoser: ttyS1 is enabled.. i wonder if this is ttyS019:20
flacostesmoser: right, it's a dupe19:20
smoserflacoste, not really a dupe19:21
smoserone is fails19:21
smoserone is "doesnt do ipmi enlistment"19:21
smoserwe are going to get ipmi enlistment done in 2 ways19:21
flacostedo we support enlistment now?19:21
smoser a.) SRU the maas-enlist package to 12.0419:22
flacosteor we reverted that?19:22
Davieysmoser: I am massively concerned it is reporting an invalid mac address19:22
smoser b.) i'm going to build a daily image with quantal's maas-enlist inside.19:22
smoserDaviey, do you want some help?19:22
Davieysmoser: please19:22
roaksoaxsmoser: SpampS already accepted maas-enlist in precise-proposed20:14
roaksoaxsmoser: were you able to help Daviey with the mac error?20:17
smosergetting there.20:17
roaksoaxsmoser: i'd say just ssh into the enlistment image and see why it is doing that20:18
roaksoaxand that's it20:18
roaksoaxDaviey: fixed? What was it?20:18
Davieyroaksoax: no..20:18
roaksoaxsmoser: i figured out the issue20:29
roaksoaxjoin to explain20:30
smoseranyone want that?20:43
Davieysmoser: status?21:38
Davieyroaksoax: ^?21:38
Davieysmoser / roaksoax: How far off having it functioning are wek?21:39
DavieyIt's blocking adam_g_ from doing a deploy.21:39
DavieyI'd quite like it if I could reliably do a precise/essex deploy by my morning.21:40
roaksoaxDaviey: uploading fix to quantal21:41
roaksoaxDaviey: fix uploaded to quantal21:41
roaksoaxadam_g_: ping21:41
roaksoaxadam_g_: after the newwer masa-enlist lands, simply enlist/commission with quantal images and then you should be able to deploy precise21:42
adam_g_roaksoax: cool21:51
smoserDaviey, still awake?23:07

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