
silverarrowfirefox 16 just installed00:12
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Abhijitwhen will 12.10 be released?02:56
silverarrowsome time this month02:57
silverarrowAbhijit: are you in a hurry?02:57
Abhijitno not much since 12.04 forced me to abandon buntu family02:58
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule02:58
silverarrowyou could do release upgrade to beta 202:58
Abhijiti just want to check if they have improved it in 12.10 so that i can come back02:58
silverarrowimproved what?02:58
silverarrowthat is debatable02:58
Abhijitlets not debate then.02:59
silverarrowsome packages are updated to latest02:59
Abhijitgood to hear02:59
silverarrowif you are looking for newer versions of apps, it should be better03:00
Abhijitno I am not looking for newer versions of app. i can get it in any distro. i am looking for performance improvement. the 12.04 was working 1% and crashing 99% on my machine.03:01
Abhijiti need to restart now and then03:01
Abhijitmy one freind checked the 12.10 beta and told me to try it03:01
Abhijithe told me its better03:01
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bjsnideri'm assuming you reported bugs for all of these crashes03:28
perscitusI just realized why you don't do Transparent or Translucent  Dash.   It hurts the eyes if  you got web page and irc open. You can't focus on the icons.03:42
pepeesudo do-release-upgrade -d  failed to find a new version...04:01
trismpepee: you need to enable normal upgrades, software-properties-gtk, Updates Tab, near the bottom04:02
pepeehow to do that in kubuntu/lubuntu?04:03
pepeeI'd prefer to do it in the command line anyway04:03
trism/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades , Prompt=normal04:04
pepeeI see, thanks trism04:09
erle-is 12.10 good enough for fun computers already?07:55
sloeriestrangely, i cannot login with lightdm -- ls -a shows .compiz, but nautilus doesnt (seen from another user) -- hints and tips?08:22
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MonkeyDuststrangely, i cannot login with lightdm, using my normal user - i can login tty1 and i can login with another user and with guest -- ls -a shows .compiz, but nautilus doesnt (seen from another user) -- the funny thing is: i don't like/use compiz -- hints and tips?08:27
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: is your user the owner of all of it's home directory?08:29
MonkeyDustActionParsnip: yes08:30
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: if you log in to a different session using lightdm, does it log in ok?08:31
MonkeyDustActionParsnip: with the Guest and with another user I created, yes, just not with my normal user08:31
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: so you cannot log into any session as your user?08:32
MonkeyDustActionParsnip: i can when i use ctrl-alt-f1, just not in the GUI08:32
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: what sessions are available to you?08:33
MonkeyDustActionParsnip: i also installed fallback, cannot login Classic (no effects), either -- always with my normal user -- i can with any other user08:34
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: if you install the xfce4 package, can you log into the XFCE session?08:35
MonkeyDustlemme try08:37
MonkeyDustActionParsnip: things have gone completely wrong here, i'm gonna reinstall the whole thing - i don't even try to understand it anymore08:41
ActionParsnipyour call08:41
newmanhello everyone, installed ubuntu 12.10 beta2 but software cetre is not opening08:53
ActionParsnipnewman: try running it from terminal, the output will give clues08:55
newmanhow can we run it from terminal08:57
newmanand also dash is not showig apps for download and other online content08:57
newmani am behind proxy which requires authentication08:58
ActionParsnipnewman: run:  software-center08:58
ActionParsnipnewman: )not american spelling)08:58
newmanahh, that worked i had extra file in /etc/apt09:01
newmanIt opened, thanks09:01
newmanbut dash is still not displaying online content like apps for download or wikipedia results09:02
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dupondjetelepathy-haze is not available ?!12:58
dupondjeI mean, installed telepathy-haze, but can't configure the account types in Empathy?12:58
BluesKajHi all12:59
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj12:59
BluesKajhey ActionParsnip13:00
Guest55397hi. anyone having problems in the upgrade to quantal?13:31
Guest55397I'm having an error with some kde packages13:31
Guest55397trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/kde4/imports/org/kde/runnermodel/librunnermodelplugin.so' which also in in the package plasma-active <version>'13:36
Guest55397how can I fix this mess? :/13:36
Guest55397I suppose this is because of some ppas I had, but I'm not really sure13:37
Guest55397is there any way to reconfigure the upgrade process? it says I'm already using quantal, but it couldn't even install the new kernel...13:38
erle-is it possible to install xorg-ati and fglrx at the same time in quantal?13:51
Guest55397erle-: IIRC, no, it's not, and if you do that one will overwrite parts of the other13:55
Guest55397erle-: check wiki.cchtml.com13:56
erle-Guest55397, ok, i knew that taht was the case in previous versions13:58
ActionParsnipGuest55397: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-generic   (I assume the generic kernel)14:02
L30n0vhi all. i have some problem with updating python3-update-manager, update-manager, update-manager-core packages. they cannot be fetched from the http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/update-manager/update-manager_0.174.3_all.deb  404  Not Found14:02
ActionParsnipL30n0v: tried a different server?14:03
Guest55397ActionParsnip: apparently it's fixed after doing apt-get -f install14:04
Guest55397and some updates14:04
Guest55397it's upgrading now14:04
L30n0vActionParsnip: nope. just this one14:05
ActionParsnipGuest55397: cool14:05
ActionParsnipL30n0v: i suggest you try it14:05
Guest55397erle-: I'd ask in #ati to be sure14:06
CARL0S-has something happened with GIMP? There's no master toolbox/diagolue any more. WTF. I just want to crop an image...14:30
CARL0S-the toobox is gone14:32
DaekdroomI'm slightly suspicious there's something hidden somewhere in a menu through which you can activate it.14:37
ActionParsnipCARL0S-: tried closing gimp then renaming the gimp config folder?14:38
PiciCARL0S-: IIRC, the version of the GIMP in Quantal has been updated to the new version which has a more photoshopy interface14:38
CARL0S-Pici: I know about the single-window mode, but it's not that. There's just no toolbox. I can choose to create a new toolbox, but there used to be a combined brushes/toolbox/etc. dialogue. I'll try clearing out the gimp config folder. Between this, and LibreOffice having all its menu options greyed out the other day, I'm getting a bit fed up. I suppose that's the price you pay for using beta software though.14:39
ActionParsnipCARL0S-: did you try the folder rename?14:41
CARL0S-well, there's a .gimp-2.6 and a .gimp-2.8 in my home directory. I just renamed them both, 1 sec.14:43
CARL0S-yeah that's fixed it. thanks :) I already did my cropping by using the right-click menu, but thanks ;)14:44
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* ActionParsnip knows why he uses pre-release :)15:11
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SpamapSanyone else running quantal on a MacBookPro 5,1 or another system with a BCM4322 wireless chip?15:49
SpamapSmy wifi seems to just stall out every few minutes15:49
jokerdinoquick question, if my nautilus is missing dynamic quicklists, what should i be doing to troubleshoot?15:52
ActionParsnipSpamapS: arte there lots of networks on the same channel in your area?16:01
SpamapSActionParsnip: no, and the MacBookAir sitting right next to it has no such issue16:06
SpamapSActionParsnip: Have actually moved channels a few times to be free from interference.16:06
SpamapS          RX packets:1043972 errors:31 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2033292216:07
ActionParsnipSpamapS: can you ping solidly?16:22
pepeeI'm getting "Activation of org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit timed out", anyone knows what does it means?16:22
ActionParsnippepee: are there any clues online?16:23
pepeelots of reports, can't find a solution, but I'm still searching16:24
SpamapSActionParsnip: sometimes no16:24
SpamapSActionParsnip: but it goes back down to the gateway16:24
SpamapSActionParsnip: so I'm fairly certain it is the wifi, not the internet16:24
SpamapSActionParsnip: as in, .. my router.. will cut out at the same time the internets do16:25
SpamapSActionParsnip: thanks for asking these questions. Sometimes it helps to just get these things out of my head...16:25
ActionParsnipSpamapS: after it drops, run:  dmesg | tail    it may give clues16:26
SpamapSActionParsnip: its definitely all those frame errors16:27
SpamapSActionParsnip: and dmesg shows nothing unfortunately16:27
SpamapSActionParsnip: going to try new firmware16:28
pepeeActionParsnip, apparently rtkit is the problem, I removed it and no more error messages ("Activation of org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit timed out")16:57
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SpamapSActionParsnip: switched to the b43 driver.. no more troubles17:35
bobweaverhello there I am having some troubles and have been having them for like a week now. one night I lost etworking on my 12.10 partition so I looked at it and noticed that there was virtual networks enabled in ifconfig   I never set these up. how did this happen ?17:41
bobweaverI am affraid to use that partition now thinking that I might have been cracked17:42
SpamapSActionParsnip: n/m, I think its something else. :-/17:42
bobweaverI have removed everything that has to do with virtual (kvm,qemu ect )  and they are still there17:42
bobweaverI guess my question is How to get rid of these things ? like in ifconfig I see vlan8 and 10 or something like that have not booted that partition in a week or so17:44
rymate1234is there a way to downgrade from ubuntu 12.10 back to 12.04 LTS?18:26
bjsniderrymate1234, yes, but you're not going to like it18:31
rymate1234bjsnider, what is it18:33
rymate1234if its reinstalling, the meh18:33
bjsniderrymate1234, you might as well stick with quantal at this point18:40
AaronCampbellIt looks like the proprietary driver for my video card is avail now.  What's the difference between fglrx and fglrx-updates?19:48
AaronCampbellMy card is a RADEON HD6870 and I've had problems with it (mostly because it's powering 4 monitors).19:50
AaronCampbellSo I'd like to try the proprietary drivers, but would like to know the difference between the two options first19:51
bobweaverAaronCampbell,  what is fglrx-amdcccle19:56
AaronCampbellbobweaver: I have no idea.20:02
bobweaver!info fglrx-amdcccle partner | AaronCampbell20:03
ubottuAaronCampbell: Package fglrx-amdcccle does not exist in partner20:03
bobweaverAaronCampbell,  fglrx-amdcccle - Catalyst Control Center for the AMD graphics accelerators20:04
AaronCampbellbobweaver: Here is what I'm talking about: http://cl.ly/image/3y0Z2y1C0k3420:05
AaronCampbellWondering what the difference between the second and third options is20:06
bobweaverAaronCampbell,  so there is a number of things that are different between updates and non we can look with command   apt-cache show fglrx-updates      or  apt-cache show fglrx    read the description20:09
bobweaverBut to be honest I am not sure20:10
bjsnider-updates would be anew driver that has been released by amd20:21
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AaronCampbellbjsnider: Thanks20:26
AaronCampbellbobweaver: Thanks to you too20:26
augcamposI there can some help me, with a ATI Radeon HD4850 in ubuntu 12.1021:09
jonathonfdoesn't work with current fglrx21:10
jonathonfuse the open source drivers21:10
augcamposevery time I reboot the resoluton of 2nd monitor is set to 1024x76821:11
jonathonfat the login screen or once you have logged in? dvi or vga connector?21:11
augcamposafter login, and is vga21:12
augcampos<---- script --->21:13
augcamposxrandr --newmode 1680x1050_60.00  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync21:13
augcamposxrandr --addmode DVI-0 1680x1050_60.0021:13
augcamposxrandr --output DVI-0 --mode 1680x1050_60.0021:13
augcamposxrandr --output DVI-1 --mode 1440x90021:13
augcamposxrandr --output DVI-1 --primary21:13
augcampos<--- script --->21:13
jonathonfi take it you've tried using Displays to set it up? I have a 5650 and use a 1280x1024 VGA from time-to-time, it sets up correctly after logging in21:16
augcamposI try but the 1680x1050 do not show in combobox21:17
augcamposafter the script it'll but if I reboot I have to run script again :)21:18
AaronCampbellThanks again to bobweaver and bjsnider - I moved to fglrx-updates and tried to use amdcccle to set stuff up, but it kept crashing the window decorator.  I pulled up my old config and found replaced my xorg.conf with http://pastebin.com/8xG7rbMN and then set up the displays with "System Settings" -> "Displays" and it works GREAT!21:21
AaronCampbellVideo is responsive again and I can once again have the launcher on all 4 screens21:22
augcamposin ubuntu 12.10 how can i check if 3d is enable?21:42
jonathonfaugcampos: glxinfo21:42
jonathonfsorry, i can't find anything to help with your monitor resolution :(21:42
augcamposthnaks any way21:43
ryeHello, is there a way to delete apps from messaging menu that does not involve dconf? I found this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/166655/how-do-i-remove-a-website-from-ubuntus-web-applications21:46
augcamposglxinfo anbd look for, what21:46
BluesKajaugcampos, glxinfo | grep OpenGL21:47
augcamposOpenGL vendor string: X.Org21:48
augcamposOpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV77021:48
augcamposOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 9.021:48
augcamposOpenGL shading language version string: 1.3021:48
augcamposOpenGL extensions:21:48
jpwhitinghmm, something very weird is happening with pkg-config on quantal22:01
jpwhitingpkg-config --libs gweather-3.0 works fine, but pkg-config --cflags gweather-3.0 is giving some error about xproto not being there22:01
jpwhitingsame with webkit-1.0 or anything else under /usr/lib/pkgconfig22:02
jpwhitingerr, maybe not, it seems to be a problem in my jhbuild built pkg-config, doh :)22:02
pepeeHi. the subversion program in quantal crashes when upgrading some repo22:11
pepeeI already reported the crash to someone in #svn22:11
pepeehe told me to use subversion 1.7.7, ubuntu repos svn client is svn 1.7.5 (r1336830)22:12
pepeeerr he told me to try 1.7.7, to check if it's fixed22:13
bobweaverpepee,  did you file a bug on launchpad against this ?22:47
n1ckn4me09876543I have a question: how can I have dual boot operating systems with Ubuntu 12.10 and Windows 8 if I do a full hard drive encryption with ubuntu 12.10 ?22:47
n1ckn4me09876543Like how would Grub Boot loader works? because this is similar dilemma I had when encrypting with TrueCrypt.22:49
pepeebobweaver, no, I didn't, I'm gonna do it now22:50
pepeen1ckn4me09876543, ask in #ubuntu and ##linux too22:51
zoktaranyone had this issue with propierity nvidia drivers (edgers/with the special installer from ubuntu extreme), where only 2 resolutions are made availible. Max res and half of max res. Normally there would be about 10 more resolutions to choose from. 648x480,800x600 etc etc. without counting aspect ratio. id like to add atleast one more resolution of 1920x120023:04
zoktardid xorg.conf get moved in 12.10?23:12
AaronCampbellzoktar: mine was still in /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:25
pepeeok, reported. is this understandable?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subversion/+bug/106531223:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065312 in subversion (Ubuntu) "subversion crashes when finds a conflict while updating " [Undecided,New]23:28
trippehArgh, someone removed the ipv6 mirrors, now all my networks are broken.23:59

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