
darkxstrobert_ancell, perhaps you can take a quick look at this patch?  Barry uploaded it to proposed, but didnt understand the patch. https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/106426900:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1064269 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "When running lightDM user switching doesnt work" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:29
robert_ancelldarkxst, looking now00:30
darkxstrobert_ancell, thanks00:49
darkxstrobert_ancell, is there a way to get session list from lightdm via dbus? I.e for gdm they do this Gdm.get_session_ids().length to determine correct labels for the usermenu items02:38
robert_ancelldarkxst, no, that functionality is in the helper library liblightdm02:52
darkxstrobert_ancell, oh yeh, of course!03:06
darkxstrobert_ancell, but the liblightdm gi library is not installed by default?03:11
robert_ancelldarkxst, it's in gir1.2-lightdm-103:12
darkxstyeh I found it, but it wasnt installed03:12
robert_ancellunity-greeter uses the library directly, so by default it's not installed03:12
darkxstso I can't really use it, unless we add deps somewhere03:12
robert_ancelldarkxst, use it in gnome-shell?03:13
robert_ancellyeah, you can just add a dependency on it03:13
robert_ancellyou can depend on it and it wont bring in the daemon03:13
darkxstok cool03:14
darkxstrobert_ancell,  although I really dont want to patch to much javascript, since things are just going to break when people install related extensions03:23
darkxstperhaps it would be safer to patch libgdm?03:23
darkxstto divert to liblightgdm when gdm is not available?03:23
darkxstand there are a bunch of extensions that mess around with the user menu03:24
robert_ancellthat's another option03:25
darkxstI might look at doing it that way03:27
darkxstbut there is still this issue, that is probably an unavoidable js patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1063110, and will break again with most status menu extensions ;(03:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1063110 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "ubuntu lock on suspend option breaks when suspending via userMenu" [Undecided,New]03:28
darkxst(not related to lightdm of course) but nasty none the less03:33
jbichaeveraldo: ah, there's one more thing: the isolinux art used when you boot from the live image13:29
jbichaI'd like to use Ubuntu's purple symbolic "press a key for accessibility" background but substituting our blue for the purple13:30
everaldojbicha, oh! right13:36
everaldolet me take care of it13:36
everaldojbicha, is this the one created by iso-build-script or theres a specific package for it?13:37
jbichaeveraldo: currently, we're just using the build script for it; it should end up in an actual package but we might not bother for quantal13:38
everaldojbicha, ok, working on it.13:48
CrusaderADHello. Is Ubuntu Gnome Remix beta available for download?14:42
everaldoCrusaderAD, yes, it is14:42
CrusaderADwhere at?14:42
everaldoCrusaderAD, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.10Beta14:42
CrusaderADthank you much14:42
everaldoCrusaderAD, to be more precise: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/ReleaseNotes/12.10Beta#Download_Beta14:43
smartboyhwCrusaderAD, though I suggest wait for 8 days for final release:D14:43
CrusaderADnice, thanks, I plan on giving it a go14:43
CrusaderADsmartboyhw ya I'm considering that :)14:44
everaldohehe, I am use it every day... to be honest I don't see any major bug14:44
smartboyhwAll minor ones really:D14:44
everaldosmartboyhw, well, we need to fix bugs so, we need to use it14:45
CrusaderADin your opinions, if you have a 64bit capable machine, would you always use 64bit versions?14:46
everaldobetter to have more people testing14:46
everaldoCrusaderAD, I am use 64bit for past 2 years14:46
smartboyhweveraldo, ya sure you are a good dev!14:46
everaldotheres only two things that I don't lie14:46
CrusaderADeveraldo oh ya? what's that?14:46
everaldowhen use skype lots of 32 bit libraries got installed14:46
everaldoand the same for android sdk, it is 32bit only14:47
CrusaderADhm, do you prefer the performance of 64bit over 32bit?14:47
everaldoit is not a real problem but I don't like to have this 32bit libraries installed just because skype and android sdk don't release a 64 bit14:47
everaldobut I still prefer 6414:47
CrusaderADI see14:48
* smartboyhw prefers 64-bit libs too14:48
everaldoCrusaderAD, I can't measure performance since I don't use 32 anumore14:48
CrusaderADI recently bought an Acer Aspire S3 (it's the one pictured on ubuntu's homepage) and I do notice a few things wrong with it on the 64bit version, I can't edge scroll on the touchpad and the wireless takes about 2 minutes to connect after I login... not sure if it's 64bit related or not, might have to try out the 32bit version14:49
everaldoCrusaderAD, I would like to hear about your experiences with this computer, maybe a blog post about it?14:50
everaldoalso, if you install a 32 bit and compare problens14:50
everaldoit will be amazing!14:50
CrusaderADeveraldo I just may have to do that :)14:50
everaldoI am sure that lots of people will interest on hear about this14:50
CrusaderADthere aren't a whole lot of comparisons out there14:50
everaldoCrusaderAD, btw, do you know this links:14:51
CrusaderADeveraldo oh snap! no I didn't, thanks!14:52
everaldosmartboyhw, btw, we need to have a multitouch on GNOME3, will be nice to use gesture to open a overview like in OSX14:52
smartboyhweveraldo, wow14:52
everaldoCrusaderAD, I brougth a computer 5 months ago14:54
everaldoat that time I was between aspire s3, mac air and one vaio14:55
everaldobrougth a air but I still want have a S314:55
CrusaderADeveraldo they're nice, light and solid... I really have no complaints14:56
CrusaderADI was on the fence about the air too, do you like it? did you drop ubuntu on it?14:57
everaldoCrusaderAD, well, the mid 2011 model is perfect for linux, really, never see a hardware so compatible with linux and ubuntu14:59
everaldoCrusaderAD, but I don't know if is the same with mid 2012 model14:59
everaldoI had a macbook pro and it work ok14:59
everaldoso some friends also brought one but a more recent model15:00
everaldoand for then wireless was a hell15:00
everaldoCrusaderAD, on my air I run ubuntu 99% of time15:00
everaldojust remember last time I use OSX15:01
* everaldo just remember that found a better way to boot ubuntu on mac and need to doc it15:01
smartboyhweveraldo, good:D15:01
everaldosmartboyhw,  I just create a fat32 very small partition and:15:02
everaldoand it just using efi15:03
everaldowithout use refit or any other thing15:04
everaldoand also if you press "alt" when starting machine the mac firmware recognize partition and show it15:04
CrusaderADeveraldo cool, air doesn't have retina, I saw Ubuntu on a retina and everything was so small cause the resolution was so high... pretty neat15:06
everaldoCrusaderAD, you can change font dpi and it get bigger15:08
everaldousing gnome-tweak-tool15:09
CrusaderADnice chatting with you guys, ttyl15:19
everaldojbicha, just search for the icons used on ubuntu syslinux, not easy available and it is not gnome's symbolic icon15:22
jbichaeveraldo: apt-get source syslinux-themes-ubuntu15:30
jbichaI see access.pcx and blank.pcx15:32
everaldojbicha, yes, I have it but it is purple, we need the symbols transparent or in svg15:57
everaldoanyway, I will try colorize in gimp15:57
everaldosometimes it works15:58
=== gonyere_ is now known as gonyere
jbichaeveraldo: maybe try looking at the commit log and figure out who created the images to begin with16:03
everaldogood idea16:03
jbichasince it's GPL3, it probably should have the original source included but often times that principle is ignored for image files16:04
everaldojbicha, the fast solution was to change the color backgorund just a little bit16:26
everaldoyou can event see the differences16:26
everaldochange to a color that I can obtain using gimp colorizer16:26
everaldojust changed from 4169a4 to 4069a716:28
everaldojbicha, our text background in grub is #133773 but the current syslinux color is 4169a416:30
everaldowhat the right color?16:30
jbichaum, the right color is as close as we can get to what grub will be using16:31
everaldoah, ok, I will change syslinux color16:31
everaldojbicha, done. https://code.launchpad.net/~ecanuto/+junk/iso-build-script17:01
everaldojbicha, but I can't propose merge so you must give me access or commit your self17:01
everaldo(last 3 revisions in my branch)17:02
* everaldo needs to restart17:07
everaldojust finished to generate my daily iso18:20
everaldoeverything ok18:20
darkxstrobert_ancell, what happened to this upload? I cant find it and doesnt appear to have been released? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/105784119:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1057841 in gdm (Ubuntu) "After logging into unity or gnome classic, I can't switch users. Goes to lock screen. Using GDM" [High,Triaged]19:49
robert_ancelldarkxst, an archive admin rejected it but I don't know why (the rejection system doesn't indicate why)19:49
robert_ancelldarkxst, oh, the reasoning is in bug 105535919:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1055359 in gdm (Ubuntu Quantal) "GDM package fails to uninstall if GDM not running" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105535919:53
darkxstrobert_ancell, oh right, would have been nice to have the user switchnig fix in quantal, but I guess its too late now19:58
robert_ancelldarkxst, yeah, will have to SRU it19:58
jbichait could still get in before final release20:02
darkxstjbicha, ok, and I suppose this will need to be a SRU as well? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/106311020:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1063110 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "ubuntu lock on suspend option breaks when suspending via userMenu" [Undecided,New]20:26
darkxstjbicha, who did you speak with about potential lightDM support in gnome-shell? clearly gcampax is not really keen on the idea!21:53
jbichayeah, he wasn't in Boston21:58
jbichaRay Strode & Jasper St. Pierre seemed interested in working with lightdm, especially if lightdm could use gnome-shell as a greeter/lock screen21:59
darkxstand he is responsible for most of the gdm only code!22:00
jbichathey said that they hacked a way for the lock screen greeter to not need vt switching which was a big problem when unity-greeter tried handling the lock screen several months ago22:01
jbichaironically, gdm has become a bit more similar to lightdm, especially if they drop the fallback mode like they want to22:02
jbichabut lightdm's big advantage is that it is cross-desktop; a distro could ship lightdm as the foundation for all of the flavors they support22:03
darkxstyes that would seem logical! as nice as the gdm/gnome-shell integration is, it does present problems22:20
darkxstjbicha, something I have been thinking about for 13.04 is to have some sort of 'migration mode'. It would be a carefully selected set of shell extensions, that would ease the mental transition to gnome-shell. Then users can turn them off one-by-one as they get used to the new interface23:10
darkxstfor example many new shell users complain about lack of traditional application menu, or bottom panel.23:13
darkxstBut give them a few weeks and they will probably realise they don't even use these anymore!23:14
jbichadarkxst: in Boston we discussed getting rid of fallback mode23:14
darkxstjbicha, not talking about fallback mode23:14
darkxstin the shell proper23:15
jbichagonyere suggested that we officially support a set of extensions that bring back some of the gnome2 feel23:15
jbichalike the applications and places menu extensions23:15
jbichathere will be more discussion, but I think that compromise position could stick23:16
jbichaGNOME doesn't really like the idea of distro's packaging extensions23:16
jbichabut Jasper was talking about adding a "download rpm" button to extensions.gnome.org; adding a "download deb" button shouldn't be too difficult23:17
darkxstyeh I know, Jasper was hinting at package kit support for extensions at one stage though23:17
jbichathat way there is an answer for sysadmins23:17
jbichaand extensions should auto-update some day...23:18
darkxstyeh that didnt make it for 3.623:18
jbichahe remembered that you had written some extensions (since he's one of the main reviewers on the site)23:19
darkxstnot so much anymore, he has a couple of review slaves now ;)23:19
darkxstthough he has also reviewed some of my bug fixes also23:21
darkxstjbicha, are you planning to have ubuntu-gnome session at UDS?23:31
darkxstjbicha, are you planning to have ubuntu-gnome session at UDS?23:59

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