
bazhang [NiggletSausage] (~nick@c-71-226-128-177.hsd1.ga.comcast.net): Nick03:18
bazhangwas McDickChunk as previous nick03:18
bazhang* [gfdfgfr] (~drizzt@l49-18-203.cn.ru): drizzt   <---- is that LINT?03:25
Unit193stalker  : jdhfr, Lint.03:29
bazhang* gfdfgfr wonders if brokenness of everything in Ubuntu is related to a paid support plan prominently displayed during install03:30
bazhangI bet thats LINT03:30
bazhanglet me check the bt03:30
bazhanglint!~lax@l49-18-203.cn.ru   <----- booyah03:31
bazhang<gfdfgfr> bazhang, it won't tell you anything if you're american03:56
bazhangwhen asked a package name03:56
chuHelpful advice :x03:57
bazhang<gfdfgfr> bazhang, I complain about idiotic dependency handling in ubuntu. It worked without 104 dependencies in fedora04:03
bazhangsame old LINT04:03
bazhangyou know release day is getting close when the same people come back04:05
IdleOneisn't he still banned?04:14
bazhangthought so04:14
IdleOnehello gfdfgfr04:15
gfdfgfrIdleOne, ?04:16
IdleOnegfdfgfr: you came here, how can i help you?04:16
gfdfgfrask bazhang04:16
bazhangyou are +q in #ubuntu gfdfgfr04:17
gfdfgfrI don't care for that irc games and have no idea what you try to achieve.04:18
bazhanggfdfgfr, #ubuntu is the support channel04:19
bazhangit's not for rants about the "idiotic dependency handling in ubuntu"04:19
gfdfgfrexactly. that's why I expect support and not trolling04:20
bazhanggfdfgfr, you are asking for support on a 3rd party application, and refuse to even answer what application as "  <gfdfgfr> bazhang, it won't tell you anything if you're american"04:21
chuPot, Kettle, etc.04:21
bazhanggfdfgfr, you know the channel guidelines, and as user LINT, have had many many issues with not following them in the past04:22
gfdfgfrI have no idea why you need to know what kind of application I use, and you did not explain it. that invades my privacy04:22
gfdfgfrI follow guidelines04:22
bazhangit's normal in support / troubleshooting  to ask for details04:23
bazhang* gfdfgfr wonders if brokenness of everything in Ubuntu is related to a paid support plan prominently displayed during install04:24
gfdfgfrto ask for related details, not just to know fun facts about the others04:24
bazhang#ubuntu i s NOT the place for such offtopic complaints/rants either04:24
bazhanggfdfgfr, so you are +q for not following the guidelines of the channel04:25
gfdfgfrpoint me where I do not follow it. I'm polite, patient, respectful and avoid personal attacks04:26
bazhangI just did.04:26
gfdfgfrI don't understand what you want from me04:28
bazhangno ranting complaining about " brokenness of everything in Ubuntu" would be a start04:28
gfdfgfrI'm came here for support and not socializing04:29
gfdfgfrok I will not emote anything04:29
bazhangor " idiotic dependency handling in ubuntu"04:29
gfdfgfrwhat's wrong with that one?04:30
bazhangI saw no support requests at all04:30
gfdfgfrI asked for help with 4 issues so far04:30
bazhangyou refused to even name the software package you wished to install, and complained "what is this madness"04:30
gfdfgfrinstalling 104 dependencies isn't madness?04:31
bazhanggfdfgfr, it's very simple. #ubuntu is NOT the complaints and rants channel04:31
bazhangwhat package04:31
gfdfgfrit's called coolreader04:32
gfdfgfrsee? it is unknown in usa and english countries04:36
IdleOne104 dependencies is not madness if that is what the package requires04:36
gfdfgfrIdleOne, it doesn't require as much in fedora04:37
IdleOnealso coolreader is not supported in #ubuntu because it is not in the Ubuntu repositories. I suggest you check the wensite/forums for that app04:37
IdleOneUbuntu is not fedora04:38
gfdfgfrthe same application depend on same libraries in both ubuntu and fedora, so that is a distro specific issue04:38
bazhangfor epub?04:38
gfdfgfrepub and more04:39
bazhangall the other formats are handled natively in ubuntu as is epub04:39
bazhangso there is zero need for it, plus it's completely unsupported04:40
gfdfgfrhandled natively? i don't understand. and why we have that discussion in here channel?04:42
bazhanggfdfgfr, to use the #ubuntu channel, you have to keep the complaining/ranting out04:43
gfdfgfrI promised you not to emote anything didn't I?04:44
bazhangit was *much* more than that04:44
gfdfgfrok I promise you not to 'rant'. about 'complaining' one must state issues in a support channel?04:47
bazhanggfdfgfr, about what?04:48
gfdfgfrand discussing with people being patronizing or using retorics to persuade me it is not ubuntu problem when it clearly is is not complaining too04:48
bazhanggfdfgfr, ok04:48
bazhanggfdfgfr, I'm not prepared to remove the +q at this time04:48
bazhanggfdfgfr, you seem to have a hard time distinguishing support , and general dislike of Ubuntu04:49
gfdfgfrand you tell you are not doing it because of my origin? right04:49
gfdfgfrhow can I dislike it when I use it now?04:50
gfdfgfrit just don't work and I have a material proofs to it04:50
bazhangpeople of any origin are not welcome to use #ubuntu as an attack platform/soapbox against Ubuntu04:50
gfdfgfrdo you want to say I invented problems I currently have????04:51
bazhanggfdfgfr, plus you have a very long history of this *same* exact issue04:51
gfdfgfrwhich exact issue? it 's new each time04:52
gfdfgfryou want a screencast as proof or what?04:52
bazhangthe inability to understand that #ubuntu is not a rant / complaint platform04:52
gfdfgfrplease explain in plain language what do you call 'complaining'04:53
gfdfgfrI tell my issue, people start telling me stupid things04:54
gfdfgfrI tell they are wrong, you come in and call it complaining04:54
bazhanggfdfgfr, perhaps IRC is not the place for you04:54
bazhangaskubuntu.com and ubuntuforums are much more suited you may find04:55
gfdfgfrnoone reads them04:55
bazhanggfdfgfr, ok04:55
gfdfgfri need real help04:55
bazhanggfdfgfr, that wont be in #ubuntu any time soon04:56
gfdfgfrnot joking by americans on foreigners04:56
bazhanggfdfgfr, our discussion is over. the +q will not be removed at this time04:56
gfdfgfrthen whom can I inform about your special predisposition to Russian users and Russian software?04:57
chu"Threads: 1,884,417, Beans: 11,651,006, Members: 1,740,431, Active Members: 30,647" oh, but no one reads them.04:57
bazhangrussian software?04:57
gfdfgfrcoolreader is ' not supported ' because it was written by Russian Lopatin for Russian People04:58
bazhanghe'd need to get into the ubuntu packaging team among others04:58
gfdfgfrif you have issues with us tell it openly and don't play games with me04:58
bazhanggfdfgfr, please exit the channel04:59
gfdfgfrus Russians04:59
gfdfgfrbazhang, after you tell me where to complain about your behaviour04:59
IdleOne!appeals > gfdfgfr05:01
ubottugfdfgfr, please see my private message05:01
IdleOnePlease part the channel now.05:01
gfdfgfrIdleOne, very good05:01
IdleOneSomehow, his 3rd party app not being in repos means Ubuntu is anti Russian05:03
k1l_hi, can someone remove the arch-user? he is an obvious troll. thanks :)12:39
k1l_ah, he left. bb12:41
IdleOnek1l_: try asking them nicely not to be disruptive and maybe even helpful all the while staying on topic.12:41
ubottuIn ubottu, kolaracdn said: this is not off topic this could be considered a support question. how could one give or receive support if they dont even know what linux is13:46
ubottuanonymous_ called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:06
IdleOneDoesn't know how to change nick but knows about !op14:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (obamuntu appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)14:09
mneptokIdleOne: might as well ban all of lehigh.edu given the short length of most .edu DHCP leases. *sjrug*14:11
IdleOnenot fair to the rest of the school.14:11
IdleOnebut if he keeps it up I just might14:11
mneptoki know it's not fair. but maybe we could start a discussion on their campus. :P14:12
AR__hello friends14:13
IdleOne* AR__ (~AR_@Dyn148115.cc.lehigh.edu) and  * obamuntu (~AR@Dyn148115.cc.lehigh.edu)14:13
AR__i am at public location14:13
IdleOnesame person, don't lie. you are banned. Now leave this channel.14:13
mneptokAR__: hi. anything you want to add to the "NIGGER LINUX" comments?14:13
AR__i am at public location it was not me14:13
AR__im not a racist14:13
mneptok08:14 [Freenode] -!- obamuntu [~AR@Dyn148115.cc.lehigh.edu]14:14
AR__is this an official channel why is it in official namespace?14:14
mneptok08:13 -!- AR__ [~AR_@Dyn148115.cc.lehigh.edu] has joined #ubuntu-ops14:14
AR__yes it is public domain name many have it14:14
AR__anyone connected from large public campus14:14
mneptoklast i knew, Lehigh had a good CS school. go ask someone how IP addresses and DHCP leases can tie a user to a connection.14:15
IdleOneright so someone across campus just happens to use the same ident as you14:15
AR__yes probably14:15
mneptokand same DHCP lease14:15
AR__you dont know my dhcp lease unless you hack me14:15
IdleOnenot gonna waste time14:16
Picimaybe u hack him14:16
mneptokeither that person is not a CS major, or Lehigh *once* had a good CS program.14:16
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1645 users, 3 overflows, 1648 limit))14:41
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1688 users, 9 overflows, 1697 limit))14:41
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1690 users, 9 overflows, 1699 limit))14:41
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== cprofitt_ is now known as cprofitt
Piciikonia: well, that works./19:14
ikoniahe did it in #ubuntu earlier19:14
ikoniacan't be bothered with another round of it19:14
Picifine with me.19:14
ikoniait's not a discussion based on #ubuntu earlier, it's a troll attempt19:14
Picioh, agreed.19:15
PiciI wasn't complaining.19:15
ikoniadidn't think you where19:15

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