
slangasekskaet: so I'm starting to go through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/CommonInfrastructure and clean it up a bit; what are the criteria for the bugs listed in the kernel section?  Because they seem quite scattershot to me, and many of the ones listed had never been confirmed on quantal00:06
slangasek("scattershot" in that they seem to be bugs of varying importance, I'm not sure why these are the kernel bugs that wound up in the release notes)00:07
skaetslangasek,  I took them from the list that ogasawara reports on each week.   I expected they'd be pruned down but figured I'd leave it to her.00:14
skaetslangasek, as you clean up, feel free to remove the status info I included from the blueprint scans.00:24
doko_slangasek, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/119290440/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-armel.update-notifier_0.125_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz expected?00:52
infinitydoko_: Fixed in 0.12600:56
doko_ohh, thanks00:56
stgraberRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270326/ <- seems like the langpack mess isn't quite solved yet01:13
slangasekskaet: ah; I wouldn't have expected there to be any correlation between the list of worked / release-relevant bugs and the ones we would want to release note.  Ok, I'll let Leann take it from there.01:51
slangasekskaet: as for blueprints, yes, I've cleaned up most of those; there are still a few that need followed through on01:51
skaetslangasek, ack.02:05
slangasekreuploading shim-signed, because we now have a signed shim \o/03:12
skaetnice news to hear.03:14
skaetstgraber, highvoltage - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseNotes/Edubuntu - could you please review and have updated before Thursday?03:48
pittizyga: I am online now04:29
pittiDaviey, stgraber: thanks for reviewing checkbox; we really need to move away from the old udisks 1.x stuff, and checkbox is the second-last package in main holding it04:30
pittizyga: nice to see you got it in, thanks muchly!04:30
Davieypitti: woot05:40
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tkamppeterpitti, cjwatson, yesterday I have uploaded the fix for bug 1014852. Will this get into Quantal?06:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1014852 in pyppd "openprinting-ppds crashed with UnicodeEncodeError in ls(): 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\ufffd' in position 92: ordinal not in range(128)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101485206:29
pittitkamppeter: I'm not on the release team any more06:29
pittibut simple bug fixes have a good chance to make it, I think06:29
Davieytkamppeter: I don't see it in the queue?07:25
Davieyogra_: Hey, do you fancy looking into why LiveFS failed to build for server ompa/omap4?07:28
cjwatsonlooked like a checksum error on some package or other iirc, which is usually transient07:30
tkamppeterDaviey, it should be in quantal-proposed, and someone accepted it there.07:47
cjwatsontkamppeter: I've copied foomatic-db to quantal now07:55
cjwatsoninfinity: any luck with fso-frameworkd?07:57
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mvois http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/update-manager/main/revision/2553 acceptable at this point ? or SRU? its nr12 on errors.u.c for 12.1008:20
apwmvo, the distro entry in that changlog is borked08:21
seb128mvo, UNRELEASEDquantal08:21
seb128what apw said08:21
cjwatsonmvo: Looks fine to me08:21
mvoI know08:21
mvothanks, I will unbork/upload08:21
cjwatsonMIR folks: we need bug 1064899 looked at as a matter of urgency08:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1064899 in shim-signed "[MIR] shim, shim-signed" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106489908:22
* cjwatson copies libreoffice, finally09:04
tkamppetercjwatson, thanks.09:34
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cjwatsondoko_,didrocks: ^- see my MIR above for shim/shim-signed (1064899)10:02
cjwatsonclose to being blocked on this10:03
didrockscjwatson: looking10:04
didrockscjwatson: I guess the link to amd64 only and having shim only built for this arch is on purpose?10:08
cjwatsondidrocks: Yes - we're only attempting to support UEFI at all on amd64 at the moment10:09
cjwatson(Which may have to change in the future, if we don't manage to avoid it, but that's not today's headache)10:09
didrockscjwatson: ok, of course, I'm not competent enough seeing the rush to do a full code review, will trust you on it :)10:09
cjwatsonI believe the security-sensitive bits are basically copied from Tianocore10:13
didrockscjwatson: hum, what about debian/copyright for shim-signed? From what I understand, it's a binary efi version we got signed from Microsoft, shouldn't that be mentionned in it?10:15
cjwatsonActually Microsoft only supplied the signature10:16
cjwatsonWhich I don't believe is copyrightable10:16
didrocksok, so no code change at all?10:16
cjwatsonNo, it just has to be in a separate package because the process involves building shim, submitting through a Microsoft website, and then you get the sig back10:17
cjwatsonWe've verified independently that the binaries match10:17
cjwatson(cf. 'make check' there)10:17
didrockscjwatson: ok, good, just checking some small things and it should be ok :)10:17
didrockscjwatson: just for my personal knowledge, does Built-Using has any meaning?10:17
didrocksI never saw it before10:18
cjwatsonIt's a recent thing in Debian policy 3.9.410:18
cjwatsonIt's intended to influence garbage-collection in the archive10:18
cjwatsonLaunchpad doesn't implement it yet; not even sure if the Debian archive does10:18
didrockswell, the case of having a binary content built and slightely modified from another package is not widespread I guess :)10:18
didrocksinteresting :)10:18
cjwatsonThere are a number of cases where it's relevant; consider debian-installer, say10:18
* didrocks looks10:19
cjwatsonFor now, we're just being excessively pedantic by including it, but hopefully eventually it'll actually be useful10:19
didrockscjwatson: shim-signed is enough on its own, right? on the targeted machine. it's the binary content + the signature in one file? (we don't need shim, hence the built-using instead of dep)10:20
cjwatsonshim-signed Build-Depends: shim10:21
cjwatsonBut target machines don't need shim,no10:21
didrocksyeah, it was what I meant :)10:21
cjwatsonWe need both in main due to the build-dep10:21
cjwatsonBut yeah, it includes the signature, it's not detached10:22
cjwatson(sbattach(1) can manipulate this)10:22
didrocksoh, interesting :)10:22
didrocksok, both looks good to me (apart from the code that I can't look in that rush, even not sure to be competent enough), do you want me to do the promotion?10:23
RAOFOooh, that was nice and quick.10:23
cjwatsondidrocks: If you want to just leave it approved for now, I can promote it a little later when I'm ready to upload debian-installer with a build-dep on it10:24
LaneyAh, you are here!10:24
LaneyRAOF: I couldn't see that the patches are forwarded - are they?10:24
cjwatsonThat way there won't be noise in component-mismatches in the meantime10:24
didrockscjwatson: sure, acked on the bug then :)10:24
didrocksyw ;)10:24
RAOFLaney: I'm actually upstreamish on colord; the simple one is forwarded, the complicated one is... complicated.10:25
RAOFLaney: colord-sane has been entirely removed in git, because libsane is a steaming pile of terrible. The complicated patch should work around the vagries of libsane, and once errors.ubuntu.com gives me confidence that it does, I'll re-introduce sane support upstream with that approach.10:26
LaneyHm, alright10:27
LaneyIs it infeasible to fix libsane itself?10:27
RAOFI think it is, yes. Partially because there are plugins involved, and I believe some are proprietary.10:27
RAOFAnd the plugin interface is part of the problem.10:28
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didrocksLaney: just uploaded a small and simple fix for the video lens as it seems to start getting duplicates, maybe you want to consider it for finale (basically just type É and you get a crash) ^10:36
Laneydidrocks: OK, I can't reproduce that myself (perhaps because that has no results here?) but will look10:38
didrocksLaney: yeah, it's when you have matching results10:38
didrocksthanks :)10:39
Laneyunfortunate we got no webapp upload10:39
didrocksyeah, let's see once ken is around10:48
didrocksit's still really flacky for me10:48
didrockslike not working yesterday at all but gmail10:48
didrockstoday, with no updates, working on youtube, linuxfr and launchpad10:48
didrocksthanks Laney11:00
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Riddellstgraber: what were you doing to get those langpack errors?11:20
Riddellah we still have the -kde-xx-base packages11:23
cjwatson^- please review - bug noticed while working on debian-installer, critical path for secure boot images11:26
cjwatsonDaviey,Laney: ^- sorry to ask directly but I need to unblock myself on this fairly urgently11:36
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Laneycjwatson: right11:37
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Laneybuild-efi-images is only called on amd64?11:39
cjwatsonend in sight.  or at least being able to test things for real.11:45
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mdeslaurI've got a security update for bind9 in quantal, can I upload it, or do I wait for a 0-day USN?12:03
cjwatsonI'd say upload it12:06
Davieycjwatson: Sorry, i was eating.12:06
cjwatsonDirect to quantal should be fine; no arch skew problems that I can see12:06
cjwatsonDaviey: np, Laney dealt with it12:06
mdeslaurcjwatson: thanks12:08
dokocjwatson, would you approve a libffi upload only touching arm64 files?12:19
cjwatsonOh no, grub2 failed to build12:23
cjwatsonSigh, local .mtoolsrc made mtools laxer12:25
cjwatsoninfinity: ^- oh, hah, I didn't notice fso-* in the queue earlier12:29
cjwatsonthanks for that12:30
psivaaprobably a very low priority one atm but just in case it has not been noticed, the precise alternate images seem oversized12:31
Davieypsivaa: Yeah, i don't think anyone will look at that for the next 2 weeks12:32
psivaaDaviey, yep understand, thanks12:32
cjwatsonWhat was wrong with libffi?12:35
dokosorry, added ppc64 symbol files in the second12:37
cjwatsondoko: Build-tested on any current architectures?12:37
dokoamd64 and i38612:37
cjwatson(The only non-arm64/ppc64 changes here are testsuite, so I think that's all that could plausibly go rong)12:38
cjwatsonOK, thanks12:38
cjwatson^- please review - should actually work this time12:41
* cjwatson goes for lunch12:41
dokocjwatson, skaet: the grub2 change looks plausible. can't accept myself13:00
highvoltageskaet: will do13:11
jdstrandcjwatson: per discussions from yesterday, thunderbird 16/quantal would be copied today (or later). I just got the go ahead from upstream that this is the final version and want to copy into quantal. is now an ok time?13:14
jdstrandcjwatson: (this was discussed with inifinity and skaet. it's all built and just needs a copy)13:15
cjwatsonjdstrand: Now's fine13:15
skaetdoko, will do.  Thanks for reviewing.13:18
skaetthanks jdstrand13:18
jdstrandskaet: ah, didn't think you were here yet. np! :)13:18
stgraberRiddell: sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-.*13:18
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Riddellstgraber: gosh I never knew you could do that with apt13:22
Riddellstgraber: anyway the -base packages should be really removed now13:22
stgraberRiddell: ok, thanks. I'll retry after the next publisher run13:24
Riddellstgraber: seems to work now13:25
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dokostgraber, while the buildds are idle, would it be possible to review and accept gcc-4.6 for precise? if if that is built, gccgo-4.7?13:37
cjwatsonI brought us down to two armel builders to get the test rebuild done faster, but we can always steal one back if need be.13:39
stgraberdoko: I'm not in -sru13:40
dokostgraber, ahh, ok13:40
Davieyhmm, anyone else seen "supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Ubuntu release: 12.10" ?13:45
cjwatsonI *think* that's from postgresql-common13:48
Laneyknows about 12.10 here though13:50
Davieygoogle seems to agree13:51
infinitycjwatson: Were you going to release that d-i staged in bzr, or did you have more changes to go in first?13:52
skaetcjwatson, infinity - ok to now accept that apport that's being held in reject queue now,  so that the next set of images (candidates hopefully ;) ) will have it.13:53
cjwatsoninfinity: Waiting for next publisher run, then grub2-signed, then build+publish, then I'll upload it13:57
cjwatsoninfinity: Otherwise I'll just have to rebuild again13:58
cjwatsonskaet: Fine by me13:58
skaetk, doing13:58
infinitycjwatson: Check, and check.14:00
infinitycjwatson: I was going to take a stab at fixing bug #1040393, but that requires actual testing to make sure I don't blow up the images in the process, so maybe I'll hold off for SRU time.14:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1040393 in debian-installer "omap netboot partition too small for flash-kernel backup procedure" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104039314:02
cjwatsonYour call, I never understood that stuff :)14:03
cjwatson(Or wanted to)14:03
infinitycjwatson: Well, the fix is simple, it's making sure it actually boots and installs after fiddling with it that takes a bit of time. ;)14:03
infinitycjwatson: Maybe I'll play locally today, and if I get nowhere, postpone it.14:04
skaetinfinity, can you handle disabling the kerneloops for the candidates?14:04
infinityskaet: I'm sure I have the technology to do that.14:05
skaet:)  thanks infinity14:05
infinityskaet: Ooooor, it's already been disabled. :P14:05
Laneyyeah, I was going to say that IIRC it's been off for half the cycle already14:06
infinity(As in, it's been disabled for all of Q, except for a 3 day period when it wasn't)14:06
cjwatsonOh, bah, we missed our publisher slot again14:11
cjwatsonSo I'll upload this grub2-signed, but it'll need half an hour before it can build14:12
cjwatson(It has tight build-deps so it doesn't matter if somebody feels like accepting it earlier)14:12
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mvosorry for the last minute upload of python-apt but it would be great if that could go in, the new auth.py module breaks puchases in quantal right now :/14:18
mvo(fix should be pretty obvious fortunately)14:18
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Davieymvo: You also refreshed the mirrors list for python-apt?14:48
cjwatsonthe pre-build hook does that14:48
cjwatsonit's safer to let it, ime :)14:48
Davieywell sounds wise to have a later mirror listing anyway!14:49
mvoits automatic14:49
mvoyeah :)14:49
infinitymvo: ^14:49
mvothanks \o/14:49
infinityAnd so did someone else. :)14:49
DavieyI did.14:49
mvothanks to both of you!14:49
Davieycjwatson: grub2-signed.. you aren't waiting on anything for it, are you?14:50
cjwatsonDaviey: A publisher run; although it's OK to accept it early, since it has tight build-deps14:50
DavieyYeah, that is what i spotted.14:51
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plarspsivaa: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1065034 reproducible every time?15:23
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1065034 in ubiquity "'ubuntu ubiquity: umount: /tmp/tmp.h3NCLhoxSh: not mounted' during a Reinstall attempt on a previously manually partioned vm installation" [Undecided,New]15:23
plarsxnox: ^ might be worth taking a look at15:24
xnoxplars: yeah. reading.15:24
psivaaplars, yes on vm's it is15:24
plarspsivaa: have you tried it on hardware?15:24
psivaaplars, yes only on mac and there this is not occurring, this is only occurring in vm's15:25
xnoxpsivaa: it's interesting, i'll look into it.15:26
psivaaxnox, plars thanks15:26
bdmurrayinfinity: is there anything we can do about reducing the 7 day period though?15:33
infinitybdmurray: Verify it faster, and ask nicely.15:35
infinitybdmurray: Including re-verifying the bug that was fixed in the previous release, since it never passed through to updates.15:35
infinitybdmurray: If you verify both bugs are well and truly fixed and poke me, we'll fudge dates. :P15:36
bdmurrayinfinity: sounds good thanks!15:40
cjwatson^- next stage in secure boot critical path15:51
cjwatsondebian-installer, that is15:51
cjwatsononce that's built it's a one-liner to arrange for it to be on images15:52
* cjwatson reviews libqt4pas15:52
cjwatsondoko: Have you test-built this libqt4pas sync on powerpc?15:57
dokocjwatson, no armhf only, but succeeded on debian unstable15:58
cjwatsondoko: I think I'd better try it, then - I can't read the symbols diff well enough to make sure15:58
cjwatsondoko: I think I might have to give up and remove aspectc++ and reverse-deps on powerpc, unless you have any better ideas16:02
cjwatsonI couldn't get BenC's suggested -mlong-double-64 trick to work16:02
dokosounds fine. really need to figure out my access to davis again16:03
cjwatsonCan somebody review debian-installer, please?16:03
stgrabercjwatson: I'll take it16:03
cjwatsondavis just works for me ...16:03
cjwatsonstgraber: thanks16:03
stgrabercjwatson: ok, I won't pretend to have followed all the EFI/apt magic in my head, but it looks reasonable. accepted :)16:07
cjwatsonstgraber: Yeah, slangasek understands 2/3 of it and I understand the other 2/3 ;-)16:09
cjwatsonBut it's been boot-tested in VMs at least16:09
cjwatson(That's actually almost literally true, because the extra 1/3 lives in grub2 ...)16:11
DavieySurely combined you understand more than the problem dictates ? :)  there is a remainder of 1/3? </pedant>16:12
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slangasekstgraber: pfft, you didn't push to the bzr branch for your nfs-utils upload :(16:15
* cjwatson replaces Daviey with a very small equation16:16
stgraberslangasek: doh... sorry for that... I need to hack something on top of dput to make sure I push before I upload...16:17
slangasekstgraber: I'm mangling the branch now so that I get my commit history back :)16:18
stgraberslangasek: ok. I checked and I don't have the branch around anymore, otherwise I'd have checked that it matches the wanted history and used --overwrite16:19
slangasekstgraber: bzr import-dsc && bzr push --overwrite done here16:20
giliris there someone available to review lubuntu-artwork ? The full story is on bug 1043129, but I can make a quick summary if it's needed :-)16:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043129 in lubuntu-artwork "[UIFe] Black borders on some active controls" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104312916:23
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plarsxnox: I seem to recall a bug about it being impossible to remove physical partitions, and thus, encrypted volumes when doing manual partitioning, still seems to be the case16:25
plarsxnox: is that one of them that got lumped in with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1042647 ?16:25
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1042647 in ubiquity "[FFe] [UIFe] Manual Partitioning LVM" [High,New]16:25
xnoxplars: well revert does something sensible but results in even more confusing bug 105674416:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1056744 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crashes after creating an encrypted partition manually" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105674416:29
xnoxplars: read description, title is a bit incomplete.16:29
plarsxnox: not as far as I can tell, reverting leaves me with /dev/mapper/sdaN_crypt volume16:30
xnoxplars: yeah. that's a bug I'm woring on fixing right now.16:30
xnoxplars: it's inconsistent.16:30
plarsxnox: ok, so you have a bug open for that already then?16:31
plarswouldn't happen to have the bug# would you?16:31
xnoxthat is my analysis/cause for bug 1056744 i.e. revert does something odd after partman-crypto has been activated.16:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1056744 in ubiquity "Ubiquity crashes after creating an encrypted partition manually" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105674416:31
xnoxeither it should not leave /dev/mapper/sdaN_crypt around or it should fail to revert properly.16:32
plarsthanks xnox !16:32
cjwatsondoko: No, this libqt4pas sync fails on powerpc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271463/16:42
cjwatsondoko: I'm going to reject this as I don't think we should trade one FTBFS for another at this point; please could you upload a merge instead?16:42
dokocjwatson, ok, later tonight, now afk16:44
infinitycjwatson: If you'd accepted the sync, it'd be painless to snag the log output on all 5 arches and bump the symbols.16:46
cjwatsoninfinity: feel free if you know the runes16:47
cjwatsonand are prepared to chase it16:47
infinitypke-kde-tools has a no-brainder "symbol merge from build logs" thingee.  Works great for people who insist on tracking C++ symbols.16:47
infinityI'll do it.16:47
* infinity goes to accept.16:47
infinityno-brainer, too.  Unlike typing.16:48
infinityOh, can't resurrect rejected syncs, right.16:48
* infinity resyncs.16:48
infinityExcept that this is just a new packaging update?16:49
infinityI'll merge. :P16:49
zygahey,I just tried the current alternate i386 iso and grub-pc cannot be installed at the end, has anyone reported this?16:52
xnoxzyga: which alternate?16:53
cjwatsonNot that I've seen16:53
infinityOr, no.  I won't merge.  I'll use your pastebin. :P16:53
cjwatsonBut yeah, alternate kind of dead16:53
cjwatsonUnless you mean some non-Ubuntu product16:53
cjwatsonEr, flavour16:53
xnoxno kubuntu/ubuntu alternates. (if there are any, they are stale)16:53
zygaxnox: define which? do you want the checksum?16:53
cjwatsonzyga: Which URL, please?16:53
cjwatsonI don't want the checksum16:54
zygaer, alternate16:54
cjwatsonWhich URL, pleae16:54
zygait was daily, let me dig it up16:54
cjwatsonThere are/were several16:54
cjwatsonzyga: That's a month old and no longer supported - look at the timestamp16:55
xnoxcjwatson: purge it =)16:55
cjwatsonI should probably nuke it at some point16:55
cjwatsonUse server or netboot as appropriate16:55
zygathat's confusing16:55
zygaso where is the most current daily build now?16:55
cjwatsonIt's gone now *sniff*16:55
cjwatsonzyga: alternate no longer exists16:55
cjwatsonwhat are you trying to do?16:56
zygaah, right16:56
cjwatsondaily-live for desktop; ubuntu-server/daily for server; netboot for netboot16:56
zygacjwatson: deploy a small VM to debug some things with multiple nics16:56
zygaright, I want the latter than16:56
cjwatsonthen server or netboot was probably more appropriate anyway, yeah16:56
zygathanks for the tip, I now recall alternate going away16:56
zygacjwatson: while we're on the topic, I'm interested in using those new network interface naming schemes16:57
zygacjwatson: do you know if it is possible to emulate that in a VM16:57
zygacjwatson: I'm looking for docs on the topic, some dell/redhad docs claim I need smbios 2.616:58
cjwatsonI'm not sure17:00
cjwatsonDaviey,slangasek: doing an amd64-only server build to see how/if it works with secure boot17:01
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cjwatsonAnd I'll try an amd64-only desktop build as well while I'm testing this.17:18
skaetcjwatson, infinity - we're going to need to keep the arm builders clear later today/early tomorrow for a security fix landing that needs to go in release candidate17:20
cjwatsonHow many packages?17:21
cjwatsonSource packages, I mean17:21
skaet11 hour window17:22
cjwatsonIf it's just one, then we have enough builders that that won't be a problem.  It'll just pre-empt something in the test rebuild.17:22
cjwatson(Even if we accept a fair bit of other stuff, we have 10 builders that aren't doing anything desperately long-running right now.17:23
micahgcjwatson: 1017:24
Davieycjwatson: works for me17:24
cjwatsonmicahg: 10 source packages? *blink* Would appreciate details in /msg17:24
cjwatsonAnyway, can't keep them very much clearer than they are right now, really17:25
Davieyrbasak (or anyone): Do you know why why maas-enlist precise was rejected?17:26
rbasakDaviey: I wasn't aware of this, but I do know that roaksoax re-uploaded with a second fix (the IPMI enlistment stuff) after my fix (the subarch enlistment stuff). Is the rejection of the first upload what you're seeing? I still see a maas-enlist in the queue.17:27
Davieyrbasak: i suppose it was, thanks17:29
balloonsskaet, btw, feedback on the ARM upgrades from beta1 is it does not work.. the desktop won't boot, or boots to pure graphics corruption17:34
cjwatsonHow about ARM upgrades from precise?17:35
balloonsif we wish to diagnose, I have a dd'd image of the issue17:35
balloonsthe dailies are installing usable images however17:35
balloonscjwatson, I don't know :-) That's a more interesting case17:36
balloonsupgrading these things takes FOREVER17:36
slangasekbeta1?  weren't we still missing the binary video drivers at beta1?17:39
zygaso, grub-pc failed to install on current daily server i386 iso17:41
zygacjwatson: ^^17:41
cjwatsonzyga: logs plz17:41
cjwatsonor a bug17:41
zygacjwatson: coming right up17:41
cjwatsonwell, preferably in a bug :)17:41
skaet^ accepted  based on discussions with lubuntu yesterday that this was least risk path forward.17:42
skaetballoons,  thanks for finding that out.   was worried something like that might be the case.     Please open a bug number, so we can track things there, and see if we can figure out best path forward.17:44
* skaet thinks likely to be a release note as long as dailies installing usable images17:44
skaetballoons,  has anyone tried from beta2?17:44
cjwatsonskaet: I think we'll be OK, but I've worked out some timings with micahg and dropped doko a note in case we need to kill running GCC builds (I hope not).  Either infinity or I will rebalance builders as needed.17:45
skaetthanks cjwatson.  :)17:45
zygacjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/106516317:46
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1065163 in grub2 "grub-pc fails to install at the end of installation from server iso" [Undecided,New]17:46
cjwatsonzyga: OK.  Dinnertime now - I'll look later17:46
cjwatsonzyga: Er, no logs17:47
cjwatsonzyga: Can you get at the contents of the installed filesystem?17:47
cjwatsonzyga: I need /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/installer/partman - that is, if they've been copied17:48
zygatrying to17:48
cjwatsonIf not, I need /var/log/syslog and /var/log/partman from *before* rebooting the installer17:48
cjwatson'anna-install openssh-client-udeb' from tty2 and you can scp them out17:48
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
zygacjwatson: there's no /var/log/installer or did you mean from /target ?17:49
cjwatsonfrom /target17:50
cjwatsonbut if you're in the installer environment, just grab /var/log/{syslog,partman} directly17:50
zygacjwatson: still not there /target/var/log/17:50
cjwatsonright, anyway, dinner17:51
balloonsslangasek, yes we were missing drivers @ beta1.. the installed system is really painful to use17:53
balloonsskaet, no one from beta217:53
slangasekblah, whose idea was it to make 'eject' of a USB disk cause the partition mapping to disappear from the kernel?17:58
infinityBecause "eject" != "umount"?17:58
highvoltageit's been like that since... forever though17:58
slangasekinfinity: "eject" is the only option being shown17:58
slangasekwhich means I can't, from the GUI, unmount the automounted installer image that I want to overwrite17:58
infinityslangasek: Yeah, there used to be two options that were (mostly) redundant, except for that one difference, but I'm pretty sure that was crazy user-unfriendly.17:59
slangasekright, so now it's just crazy-user unfriendly17:59
infinityslangasek: I suspect the assumption is "people who want to umount but not make the device go away probably also know how to use command-lines for their weird use-case".17:59
slangasekinfinity: why would I *ever* care about making the device go away17:59
slangasekI don't understand why this option is presented for a USB stick in the first place18:00
infinity(Used to be "Eject" and "safely Remove" which was all kinds of confusing)18:00
infinityslangasek: So, your contention is that when they removed one of the two options, they removed the wrong one?  Maybe.18:00
infinityslangasek: Though, completely making it go away prevents other processes from remounting behind your back, or otherwise mucking with it.18:01
infinityWhich fits the "it's actually safe to pull it, honest" message.18:01
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
slangasekinfinity: for the USB disk case, yes, I think the wrong one is removed18:04
=== henrix_ is now known as henrix
slangasekok, why am I getting an email that's telling me the exact opposite of http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt regarding the linux-ti-omap4 binary packages?18:15
infinityBoth are lies, ignore them. :P18:16
slangasekinfinity: is this your doing? :)18:16
infinityNo, it's just what happens when d-i and seeds and new kernel ABIs all interact slightly out of sync.18:16
slangasekit is?  I wouldn't expect anything to say "these need promoted to main" as part of an ABI transition18:17
slangasekwhich is what the mail says18:17
infinityHrm.  I don't have that mail.  Only the 212 to universe one.18:18
infinityWhich is a lie, cause it really means "delete please".18:18
infinityMaybe I deleted the earlier mail.18:18
slangasekyes, I know how to interpret "to universe"18:19
infinityAnd it's entirely possible that whoever did the binary NEW missed the main promotion in the same breath.18:19
slangasekthese were 21218:19
slangaseknot 21318:19
slangasekand it said "to main", not "to universe"18:19
stgraberslangasek, cjwatson: bug 106518018:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065180 in grub2 "Wrong EFI boot entry on system with secure boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106518018:19
infinityOh, you've had 212 going both directions?18:19
slangasekinfinity: the only mail I saw was "to main", which was the opposite of c-m; so maybe a bug in the mail-generating script18:20
infinityThat sounds more like someone demoted 212 instead of deleting it, but the seeds hadn't changed yet, and hilarity ensued.  Or something.18:20
infinityI didn't read the subject!18:20
infinitySilly me.18:20
infinityI just read the body, which matched the file.18:20
infinityReading.  Hard.18:20
infinityNeed lunch.18:20
slangasekso if that's the case, could people please stop moving things around in components before they show up on c-m?18:20
infinitySo, yeah, it could also just be the diffing script being daft.18:21
* skaet contemplating some lunch as well.18:22
infinityAnyhow, old binaries removed now, it can stop annoying us. :P18:23
slangasekstgraber: could you attach the output of 'sh -x /usr/sbin/grub-install --uefi-secure-boot'?18:26
stgraberslangasek: done. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271664/18:27
slangasekstgraber: attach :)18:27
infinityslangasek: Want to accept that lsb before you lose context and actually have to review it all over again? ;)18:27
stgraberslangasek: I pasted the link on the LP bug too. Do we actually care about it being an attachment vs URL to a paste?18:28
slangasekstgraber: yes18:28
slangasekbecause paste.ubuntu.com is a PITA for grepping18:28
infinityAnd, more importantly, pastes timeout and you lose context in old bugs.18:28
infinity(which drives me BATTY)18:29
slangasekalso that18:29
slangasekinfinity: accepted18:29
stgraberslangasek: alright, attached18:29
slangasekstgraber: thanks :)18:29
cjwatsoninfinity: although as it happens paste.ubuntu.com never times out (so I'm told), though other pastebins do18:32
infinitycjwatson: Oh, curious.  Not that I'd count on that forever.18:33
* stgraber uses experimental pbget with paste.ubuntu.com support (pbget <URL> | grep ... is actually much easier than going to LP grab the attachment)18:33
slangasekstgraber: so the grub-install output shows efibootmgr being called with the right option (-l \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi), but this doesn't match the output you showed from efibootmgr after the fact18:35
slangasekstgraber: is something else calling efibootmgr out from under us?18:35
slangasekstgraber: and, does 'efibootmgr --verbose' currently show the right entry?18:36
stgraberslangasek: hmm, it does now... that's odd. All I ran since it last returned the wrong thing was update-grub and grub-install --uefi-secure-boot18:36
stgraberso it might have been that you need grub-install --uefi-secure-boot + update-grub to get it to update to the right value?18:36
slangasekstgraber: no, the update-grub doesn't matter for this18:37
slangasekand I don't see any bugs in grub-install18:37
stgraberoh, hold on a sec, I think I know what happened, it's right around the time unattended-upgrades applies updates...18:37
slangasekso I'm wondering what else could have happened *after* you ran grub-install --uefi-secure-boot to cause the entry to be overwritten with the wrong value18:37
slangasekoh, hah18:37
slangasekthere you go then ;)18:38
slangasekmind updating the bug and closing it as invalid?18:38
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
stgraberyep, will do with a note to "reboot immediately after running grub-install --uefi-secure-boot" otherwise the entry will get overwritten whenever grub/shim updates18:39
stgraberalright, let's see if that machine boots now :)18:40
TheLordOfTimehate to be annoying, but... when's this being migrated to the repos for precise from -proposed?18:41
ubot2Ubuntu bug 997978 in qemu-kvm "KVM images lose connectivity with bridged network" [High,Fix committed]18:41
stgraberslangasek, cjwatson: so, different problem now :)18:42
micahgTheLordOfTime: 7 days is up today, so probably soonish18:42
infinityTheLordOfTime: Vaguely around nowish.  It only just hit 7 days.18:42
stgraberthe machine boots and gets the now usual "Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*". Hitting enter at that point gets me into grub, trying to boot something fails.18:42
stgraberhmm, wondering if I have a signed kernel, /me reboots into setup mode again18:43
TheLordOfTimemicahg, infinity, its one of those "high priority" issues for an organization i work with, so... sorry for another prod about that one :P18:43
slangasekstgraber: you shouldn't need a signed kernel18:43
slangasekstgraber: why are you getting "Image failed to verify"?18:43
infinityTheLordOfTime: When I say "nowish", I mean "now".18:43
TheLordOfTimemicahg, infinity, its one of those "high priority" issues for an organization i work with, so... sorry for another prod about that one :P:P18:43
infinityTheLordOfTime: As in, just released.18:43
* TheLordOfTime kicks xchat18:43
slangasekstgraber: also, why does hitting enter get you to grub?!18:43
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, nice.18:44
zygacjwatson: hey, I've added the logs that you've requested18:44
stgraberslangasek: no idea ;)18:44
stgraberfirmwares don't seem terribly good at logging18:45
stgraberso yeah, I'm getting: firmware splash => boot menu => select ubuntu => get access denied => hit enter => get to grub menu => try to boot anything hangs (purple screen)18:46
slangasekstgraber: no, I mean, if it actually failed to verify the signature, it's a violation of the Win8 cert requirements for it to let you boot by pressing enter18:46
slangasekoh, so you only get access denied after the grub boot menu?18:46
stgrabernah, the "select ubuntu" part there means select the ubuntu entry in the EFI boot menu18:46
stgraberonly entry in grub that doesn't hang is the "System setup" entry which reboots the laptop and get me into the config screen18:49
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stgraberswitched back to setup mode and it boots fine (first time I actually use the shim to boot)18:53
stgraberif you want something even weirder :) I installed linux-signed-generic and it now boots18:55
stgraberstill showing the access denied error though18:55
stgraberand the variable in /sys/firmware is now set to 1 as expected18:56
* stgraber reboots to confirm that the same unsigned kernel still won't boot18:56
slangasekI'm not sure why you would be seeing this; I'm definitely able to boot an unsigned kernel here in secureboot mode18:57
stgraberwell, I confirmed that an unsigned kernel won't boot here. I edited the Ubuntu entry and removed .efi.signed from the kernel filename and hit F10 and it hangs18:58
stgrabernow, how can we debug that mess? (considering that dropping splash vt.handoff and adding verbose doesn't give me anything)18:59
psivaaxnox, i see that the personal files are destroyed when i use live session path, in the Reinstall option, but the straight install does not destroy them19:01
TheLordOfTimeinfinity, what's the time-to-build for stuff just moved from proposed to -updates (or similarly)?19:10
TheLordOfTimeor is it just a copy from proposed to whatever it goes to (probably -updates for precise)19:11
infinityTheLordOfTime: It's just a copy, if it rebuilt, all the previous testing would be pointless.19:11
TheLordOfTimeyou never know, so it never hurts to ask ;P19:11
stgraberslangasek: I'll try to boot the Windows 8 install media to check that I'm not getting that weird access denied message with it19:18
stgraberbut I'd think Lenovo would have tested that as it's a production firmware I'm using...19:18
infinitycjwatson: Should be a new lbqt4pas landing in the queue soon with sane symbols for armel, armhf, and powerpc (the latter being based on your build, so I hope your chroot was sane).19:22
slangasekhmm, anyone else seeing firefox plugins broken by unresolved reference to libxul.so in /usr/lib/firefox/plugin-container ?19:43
slangasekoh, ignore that19:43
slangasekthat's just me invoking it wrong from the commandline when debugging19:43
mdeslaurcan I upload a moin security fix?19:44
* skaet --> appt, bbl20:09
slangasekstgraber: you said that the 'access denied' message came only after the grub menu, though?20:15
slangaseknot sure how that can be the firmware's fault20:15
stgraberslangasek: no, that error shows up right before grub, possibly somewhere between the shim and grub2, no idea20:16
slangasekah, hmm20:16
stgraberslangasek: though when trying to boot grub directly I get the access denied and then the laptop just gives me a blank screen20:16
slangasekif you try to boot shim directly, do you get the access denied message?20:16
stgraberso going through the shim certainly triggers a different behaviour that then lets me boot (but only a signed kernel)20:16
stgraberslangasek: how do I do that?20:17
slangasekperhaps the 'access denied' is in response to the firmware trying to boot some other image before it tries your configured one20:17
slangasekstgraber: ah, well, every UEFI UI is different, so... I have no idea :P20:17
slangasekstgraber: however, the ref platform I have here has a 'boot from file' option20:17
slangasekwhich was what I had in mind20:18
slangasekor if not that, then at least a boot menu to explicitly select the boot device?20:18
xnoxpsivaa: please give me a little more context or a bug # .20:18
stgraberyeah, I have a boot menu on F12 to choose what to boot, but it only lets me choose EFI boot entries20:18
stgraberso I guess I need to add a couple of test entries with efibootmgr20:19
slangasekstgraber: ok, if you explicitly choose Ubuntu from F12, do you still get the message?20:19
slangasekso I'll consider that Not My Problem for now20:19
slangasekI'm more concerned about the kernels not booting20:20
slangasekdoes your firmware give you a UI for loading keys into KEK?20:20
slangasekbecause effectively, for debugging a boot failure under SB, you're going to want direct control of being able to sign test images20:21
stgrabernot that I could find. All I can do is wipe all the entries or reload the Windows ones20:21
stgraberslangasek: do we have a signed CD image yet? I could try to write that to USB and see if I get a different result20:27
slangasekstgraber: yes, the current daily server and desktop images use the signed bootloader20:28
slangasekthe server one gives me a garbled framebuffer; I'm struggling to sync the desktop one now to test20:28
stgraberok, grabbing the desktop image here20:28
Laneyah, fun, /me tries too20:30
slangasekLaney: you have UEFI?20:30
Laneythink so, checking20:30
LaneyI just got this hardware last week, so here's hoping20:31
stgraberyou may need a firmware update. I got my laptop last month and the UEFI firmware didn't have secure boot, I had to reflash to get the win8-compliant version with secureboot20:32
LaneyI have "UEFI/Legacy boot"20:37
slangasekthat's no guarantee of SecureBoot availability; but all the same you mind find it worth testing whether the images boot for you in UEFI mode20:37
stgraberLaney: no secureboot/windows8 option hidden in some security menu?20:37
Laneydunno, I'm just looking at the manual20:38
Laneydding the iso now20:38
stgrabergah, cdimage is slow today, I'm just getting 700kB/s out of it...20:39
* xnox can't see any updates from my OEM, but they are Latvian so I am not holding my breath. Last time around it did not boot the CD in UEFI mode will try usb.20:39
psivaaxnox, sorry dont worry that was a confusion on my part, ignore that20:39
xnoxpsivaa: ok =) got me worried there for a second.20:40
* stgraber reboots20:41
cjwatsonstgraber: I'm a bit confused by you marking your own grub-install bug invalid; the --uefi-secure-boot option is not supposed to be required, and if grub is reinstalled - even by unattended-upgrades - while the system is in SB mode, it should install a signed version20:44
slangasekcjwatson: he wasn't booted under SB mode when this happened20:45
cjwatsonstgraber: the grub-install trace you uploaded shows that the system was not ...20:45
slangasekhe was bootstrapping his way to it :)20:45
cjwatsonyeah, that20:45
cjwatsonah, OK, I thought this was a fresh install20:45
psivaaxnox, coincidently i had used the same username for ubiquity and different ones for for live session re-installs and that made me suspect the installer :)20:45
xnoxpsivaa: =) I see.20:46
stgraberslangasek: ok, so my machine is at least very consistent in its behavior :) botting the ISO from USB I'm getting the access denied, then once I select OK, I'm getting into grub and from there any attempt to boot a kernel hangs20:47
stgraber(assuming that the kernel on the image isn't signed, that means I'm getting the exact same behaviour as my installed system)20:48
cjwatsonoh, yeah, the kernel on the image isn't signed20:48
cjwatsonblast, we're going to need to fix that20:49
stgrabercjwatson: is it normal for grub to just hang on an unsigned kernel? (slangasek said earlier that grub should still happily boot an unsigned kernel)20:50
cjwatsonit isn't normal20:51
slangasekcjwatson: in the meantime, I've successfully booted your latest desktop image to a desktop with secureboot enabled20:51
cjwatsonslangasek: do you think that using a signed kernel on the image (and hence efi handoff) would help with your efifb woes?20:51
slangasekcjwatson: no20:52
cjwatsonat least efifb is built in so it shouldn't require d-i modifications to handle that ... hopefully20:52
cjwatsonslangasek: but we ought to do it anyway, yes?20:52
slangasekcjwatson: I think the desktop CD works because it's switching to inteldrmfb, and it's possible the server image isn't20:52
cjwatsonslangasek: IIRC inteldrmfb is modular, so that would be quite plausible20:53
slangasekcjwatson: yeah, I think we ought to get the signed kernels into the images20:53
cjwatsonisn't the efifb stride configurable with boot parameters?20:54
cjwatson(not to mention that grub is supposed to handle configuring it properly ...)20:54
slangasekis it configurable?  dunno20:54
slangasekthis was a kernel bug that mjg59 and pjones were hacking on during plugfest, fwiw20:55
slangasekthe fix must not have made the round trip20:55
slangasekcjwatson: do you think d-i *should* be loading the same fb modules that get used in the desktop installer?20:58
cjwatsonI would hesitate to state that as a general principle20:58
slangasekfrom the "dropping alternate" thread, I get the impression that not using the kms drivers may be a feature for some users20:59
Laneyaha, firmware update → secure boot options21:02
stgraberslangasek: I copied the win8 installer bootloader in /boot/efi and added a boot entry, that one loads without the weird access denied error, though all it gets me is a blank screen (makes sense as I only copied the loader and not the actual install media)21:04
stgraberslangasek: are you aware of any secureboot test binaries that are signed by microsoft? I'd like to check that it's really only the shim+grub2 that's triggering that weirdness21:05
slangasekstgraber: uh, there is one, but I forget what it's called and where it lives; try pinging manjo21:06
slangasekstgraber: he should know21:06
slangasekcjwatson: desktop daily successfully installed and booted with SecureBoot=121:07
cjwatsonzen coding ftw21:09
cjwatsonand it installed all the right -signed packages?21:09
slangasekincluding the signed kernel packages, yes21:10
slangasekconfirmed also that the grub.cfg got written correctly using the signed images21:11
cjwatsontracked down zyga's bug earlier to a busted es.archive21:15
stgraberslangasek: manjo said to ping jk but he's not around at the moment. Anyway, I successfully booted the MS countdown efi binary (Press any key to boot from CDROM... with a countdown) without getting the weird message from the BIOS21:15
slangasekoh, you know what21:16
stgraberslangasek: so apparently something in the shim/grub is triggering that weird behaviour on the Lenovo firmware21:16
slangasekthe reason he's redirecting you to jk is because of a test binary that's in the RT queue waiting for me to sign off on21:16
slangaseksorry about that21:16
vanhoofstgraber: ~5am for jk, he's usually on in a couple hours or so21:17
slangasek(this is for getting our UEFI test app signed by MS)21:17
Laneyshould I be disabling the CSM?21:17
stgraberLaney: yes, you'll have to if you want to get secureboot enabled21:17
Laneyyeah, it refuses to boot with that because of my graphics card apparently21:17
slangasekthe Crawling Spaghetti Monster?21:18
Laney"Disable the CSM to fully support the Windows Security Update and Security Boot."21:18
Laneygood old asu21:18
slangasekcjwatson: I believe this is the efifb stride patch in question: https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/7/27/30721:21
cjwatsonslangasek: I'm a little surprised that I can't find evidence of a corresponding boot loader patch to fix the GOP detection21:30
slangasekah, so grub2 never sets this bit anyway?21:31
slangasek< helpful21:31
cjwatsonnot afaics21:32
cjwatsonand if it did, we wouldn't need that patch ...21:32
slangasekwouldn't we?21:32
cjwatson(because presumptively it'd be getting things right)21:32
cjwatsonoh, ISWYM I think21:33
slangasekmy understanding of the problem is that the bootloader gets it right, then the kernel doesn't pay attention to what the bootloader did21:33
slangasekand asks dmi again, which gives a wrong answer21:33
cjwatsonyeah, I misread21:34
cjwatsonLaney: compatibility support module - i.e. BIOS mode21:34
cjwatsonstgraber: "access denied" - I wonder if that's being printed by grub21:35
Laneyyeah, gleaned a quantum of insight21:35
cjwatsonstgraber: any chance of a screenshot or something?21:35
slangasekcjwatson: mjg59 just confirmed on #ubuntu-kernel that there's no patch available for grub21:35
fgintherinfinity, ping21:35
Laneyseems like this no VGA support business is a blocker21:35
slangasekthat they're using the kernel efi stub instead21:35
stgrabercjwatson: sure, I can take a few photos21:35
cjwatsonslangasek: so using a signed kernel *would* avoid this21:37
cjwatsonbecause we'd use efi handover21:37
cjwatsonas I read it ...21:37
slangasekwould it?  or would it only do so with this patch?21:37
slangasekcjwatson: can you join #ubuntu-kernel?21:37
cjwatsonyou may be right21:38
cjwatsonfor booting with the signed kernel: I'll have to add linux-signed-image-generic or whatever to the live seed, but that will affect non-SB systems since they'll have to ensure that that gets removed21:39
cjwatsonnow, I *think* my ubiquity patches handle that21:40
cjwatsonthough actually ... I don't think s21:40
stgrabercjwatson: http://www.stgraber.org/download/DSC02667.JPG http://www.stgraber.org/download/DSC02668.JPG http://www.stgraber.org/download/DSC02669.JPG21:40
infinityfginther: Pong.  Might want to hit me up in /msg, I'm about to head to lunch and don't want to lose context.21:41
stgrabercjwatson: that's when I get when turning on (first), pressing F12 (second), choosing ubuntu (third)21:41
stgrabercjwatson: I then press enter at that last message and the system boots fine (so long as I'm using a signed kernel too, otherwise it hangs)21:41
cjwatsonOK, so not directly from GRUB, although I hope that isn't what happens when the shim fails to verify something21:42
cjwatsonI don't think it is though21:42
cjwatsonSo that zaps my hypothesis and leaves me none the wiser really21:42
cjwatsonUnless perhaps the shim isn't installed21:43
cjwatsonThat's an installed system, not a CD/USB image?21:43
stgraberI'm 99% sure the message comes from the firmware as I'd get it when trying to boot grubx64.efi directly, though in that case it wouldn't let it boot at all21:43
cjwatsonThe "press OK" "yeah, whatever" business is just bizarre21:43
stgrabercorrect, that's an installed system, though I'm getting exactly the same behaviour when booting form the latest desktop daily (expect that the kernel won't boot as it's not signed)21:43
slangasekI haven't inspected the shim's protocol handler very closely21:44
cjwatsonIt doesn't contain that text21:44
stgraberyeah, that message is weird but it doesn't look like selecting OK actually bypasses secureboot as the bit is still set to 1 after boot and booting grubx64.efi directly won't let me boot at all21:44
slangasekcould this be a firmware message output because grub does *not* verify under firmware?21:44
slangasekand so shim trips the message, then applies its own check and boots it anyway?21:45
cjwatsonI thought it copied the tiano code rather than calling out to the firmware, though21:45
cjwatsonI mean, that's why it has its own embedded cryptlib21:45
cjwatsonwhy would it need to make a firmware call for that?21:46
stgraberit certainly feels like the shim is doing a call that's rejected by the firmware but recovers from it and still lets me boot fine21:46
cjwatsonhuh, except it *does* call LoadImage21:47
stgraberand it could be that Lenovo implemented a nice visual error message instead of just silently rejecting it, which would explain why it doesn't show up on slangasek's system (really just guessing, but that'd kinda make sense)21:48
cjwatsonah, it tries that first21:48
cjwatsonYeah, that would make sense21:48
cjwatsonsee shim/README21:48
stgraberhmm, right, well, looks like we should remove the LoadImage/StartImage part if we want a reasonable user experience on Lenovo machines (apparently all the new ivy bridge laptops run essentially the same firmware as I have currently so will be affected)21:49
cjwatsonstgraber: can you arrange to have 'set debug=all' in the grub.cfg stanza that tries to boot an unsigned kernel (warning: should produce shedloads of output) so we can see how far grub gets?22:00
cjwatsonthis'll be a "take photo of end of output" kind of deal22:00
* infinity lunches.22:01
stgrabercjwatson: http://www.stgraber.org/download/DSC02670.JPG22:04
cjwatsonbah, that's really not especially helpful22:05
cjwatson"hi, I read some stuff off the filesystem"22:05
cjwatsondoes it behave the same way if you flip to setup mode and boot grub either (a) directly or (b) via shim?22:05
slangasekIIRC in setup mode he had a clean boot22:06
cjwatsonI guess that may not signify much since grub checks internally whether SB is on22:06
stgraberboots fine in setup mode both through shim and directly to grub22:06
cjwatsonand because you can't install your own keys the only way we can add more debugging is to upload stuff to the archive22:08
cjwatsonTHANKS, EVERYONE22:08
stgraberthere may be a weird way of getting to some screen where I can manage the keys, though the new firmware is only a couple of weeks old, pretty much nobody is using it and there's no documentation on it...22:10
cjwatsonI really can't see anything wrong by code inspection :-/22:10
cjwatsonThat doesn't look like enough output for it to have read the whole kernel22:11
cjwatsonWhich it should have done before verifying the sig22:12
cjwatsonOh, wait, wrong units22:12
cjwatsonIt's read between 6291456 and 6815744 bytes, I think22:13
cjwatsonDoes that match the kernel size?22:13
cjwatsonThough actually the first 1.5MiB or so of that is from a different location, so maybe I should just ask "how big's the kernel?"22:13
stgraber-rw------- 1 root root 5129040 Oct  9 15:54 /boot/vmlinuz-3.5.0-17-generic22:17
cjwatsonOK, that's the above figure minus the three blocks from a different location22:17
cjwatsonSo I can at least say that it's loaded the kernel, probably from linuxefi22:18
cjwatsonTempted to stick a load more grub_dprintf in the next upload22:19
cjwatsonslangasek: ^-22:31
slangasekcjwatson: looking22:37
slangasekcjwatson: ^^ trade ya22:41
cjwatsonAlready there22:42
cjwatsonAlso have a ubiquity upload coming up, which I'd like to sneak in before the builders get eaten22:42
cjwatsonslangasek: looks ok - have you managed to boot-test or anything, even unsigned?22:44
slangasekcjwatson: yes, have verified both allowed and denied boot paths with shim's handler22:45
cjwatsonOK, cool22:45
slangasekSB enabled, boot Canonical-signed image: succeed; SB enabled, boot unsigned image: fail; SB enabled, boot unsigned image whose hash is added to db: succeed22:46
slangasek(SB disabled, boot unsigned image: succeed)22:48
slangasekcjwatson: efibootmgr accepted22:49
cjwatsonstgraber: I guess your mysterious inability to boot an unsigned kernel means that you can't verify whether you suffer from bug 1065263?22:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065263 in linux "wrong stride for efifb on some systems" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106526322:53
slangasekcjwatson: except boot in setup mode works22:54
slangasekand that bug isn't tied to SB22:54
cjwatsonSure, but that means SecureBoot=022:54
cjwatsonWhich takes different code paths22:54
cjwatsonOK, so perhaps stgraber can verify that he doesn't suffer from it, but still can't actually test the server image22:55
slangasekah, right22:55
cjwatsonWhich means we have zero QA of that right now22:55
slangasekwe had zero qa of it at all before22:55
slangasekat least now we boot to a kernel :P22:55
cjwatsonslangasek: could I get a ubiquity review asap?  want to preempt some other builds ...23:02
slangasekah oops, yes23:02
slangaseksorry, misread the bot as 'accepted'23:02
stgrabercjwatson: I'll grab a new 64bit server image and try to boot it in setup mode see if I'm getting any corruption in d-i23:03
* stgraber kicks the download and gets back to packing23:03
slangasekcjwatson: so I'm fine with this ubiquity change for now, but isn't one of the consequences that, when we do get the efifb bug fixed, only users running with SB=1 get the advantage of it?23:06
cjwatsonYes (although we could set that capability bit in grub2 as well, in principle)23:06
cjwatsonIf you think it's preferable to leave the signed image installed, I could live with that too23:06
slangasekI think it is preferable23:07
slangasekbut I've already accepted :P23:07
cjwatsonWell, I can revert before release if you like I guess23:07
slangasekthe kernel efi stub is going to be the better-supported path, on account of the work RH/Fedora are putting into it23:07
cjwatsonIt's 5MiB extra download on every kernel update23:07
cjwatsonI guess these days that's lost in the noise23:08
infinityDoes someone want to review my libqt4pas that's hidden under all the langpacks?23:08
cjwatsonNow maybe not the optimal time for lots of queue flushing23:08
infinitycjwatson: Oh, we can make ubiquity happy.23:08
cjwatsonUnless it's RC-critical23:08
cjwatsonI don't mean that, I mean the way security's about to sit on all the ARM builders23:09
infinityIf by "about to", you mean they already are.23:10
infinityI didn't realise that happened while I was lunching.23:10
cjwatsonNo, only some23:10
slangasekcjwatson: could vmlinuz.efi.signed conceivably be synthesized at install time from vmlinuz + stub + sig?23:10
cjwatsonI did actually mean "all"23:10
slangasekthat would address the issue with duplicate download time23:10
cjwatsonslangasek: Yes, but we'd have to MIR sbsigntool23:10
cjwatsonslangasek: I think this would be sensible for R23:10
* slangasek nods23:10
slangasekI might try to MIR sbsigntool yet this week anyway23:11
infinityYeah, if we rely on it, not supporting it seems silly. :P23:11
slangaseksince jk found a fix for the sbverify bug that was preventing me using it in shim-signed23:11
cjwatsonslangasek: moved linux-signed from ship-live to live; may eventually want to move into boot (not sure about for 12.10)23:17
* skaet starting to clean out some of the language packs translations that are in queue now....23:30
cjwatsonskaet: um23:30
skaetcjwatson,  best not?23:31
cjwatsonI'd leave them until after the mozillathon23:31
cjwatsonhmm, so why are aatxe and lamiak idle23:31
skaetcjwatson,  ok.    Please let them through tomorrow morning your time then.23:32
cjwatsonoh, please don't tell me it's that thing where a given PPA can only use up so much of the farm23:32
cjwatsonskaet: will do23:32
cjwatsonThis is going to suck for ARM more than is strictly ideal23:32
infinitycjwatson: Oh, it almost certainly is that, the real security PPA gets a pass, the mozilla security PPA is just a normal devirt. :/23:32
infinityNo idea how or where that free pass is given.23:33
infinityIf it's a simple twiddly on an admin page, we should untwiddle it.23:33
cjwatsonTrying to find it23:34
dokocjwatson, this is easy, first make all armhf builders armel until armel builds, then make the opposite ...23:35
infinityOh, actually, that would totally work. :P23:35
cjwatsonWay too much hand-management23:35
infinityBut eww.23:35
cjwatsonI'm not sure it would actually; 10/14 may be over the limit23:35
infinityPlus, ubuntu-mozilla-security should have the same restrictions as ubuntu-security-proposed.23:36
cjwatson(Given I don't know what the limit is, but 4/5 is over it)23:36
infinitycjwatson: Make a bunch of x86 buildds manual and switch them to armel too.23:36
infinity(Or wait until they have long builds and do so)23:36
* infinity vomits a little for suggesting this.23:36
cjwatsonThe limit is 80%23:37
cjwatsonSo 10/14 might actually work, but ...23:37
dokodid do the dance on Monday23:38
infinityAlright.  Let's just do that for now.23:39
dokoinfinity, *that's* insane, but if it works =)23:39
infinitydoko: It would work.  But yes, disgusting, and we won't need to.23:39
stgrabercjwatson: I tried the server amd64 image in setup mode, boots fine and no framebuffer corruption (right resolution and getting KMS)23:39
infinityAnyhow, time to dance.23:40
slangasekstgraber: you're getting kms within the installer?23:40
slangasekstgraber: are you sure you mean kms, and not just fb?23:40
slangasekstgraber: (what does /proc/fb say, at the point the installer first boots?)23:41
stgraberslangasek: probably just fb, sorry, used KMS to mean "something that looks better than some kind of text mode"23:42
slangasekstgraber: right - the distinction is material, because once inteldrmfb is loaded on this hardware here, the problem goes away23:42
slangasekstgraber: so if you are managing to get a kms driver loaded by the installer, I'd be interested to know that23:43
stgraberslangasek: I'll be able to retest some time on Friday, I just finished wiping that disk and packed it in my bag23:44
cjwatsonI don't think the installer has access to inteldrmfb - not in the relevant udebs23:44
slangasekstgraber: ok.  by friday, we should in theory have an updated signed shim, so you might actually be able to test the server in SB mode23:44
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