
=== TheOpenSourcerer is now known as theopensourcerer
diploMorning all07:24
brobostigongood morning everyone,07:36
diplomorning brobostigon07:54
brobostigonmorning diplo07:58
* daubers is having many eye problems this mornin08:06
diploAnd typing...08:08
czajkowskieveryone see my new pet project :) hackntalk.org/hello-world/08:13
JamesTaitGood morning all! :-D08:20
daubersczajkowski: Interesting....... London based I assume?08:24
czajkowskidaubers: anywhere I cna find a venue08:24
czajkowskiI'm not fixed in London08:24
czajkowskias long as I can get to it to oversee it08:24
czajkowskiI'm flexible :)08:24
daubersSo somewhere on a direct train route from London then :p08:25
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daubersczajkowski: Instant venue option.... since what you're talking about is a bit like hackspace open evenings (with the addition of a talk), ask the hackspaces for space :)08:25
matttinteresting, but kinda vague :)08:26
czajkowskidaubers: nice idea08:26
daubersczajkowski: I'll chuck it out to the people at Reading this evening08:26
czajkowskidaubers: thanks08:27
czajkowskijust need it for one sautday 10-4/508:27
matttdaubers: rdggeek was last night :(08:27
czajkowski2 rooms ideally08:27
czajkowskione room for talks08:27
czajkowski1 room for demo/hacking on stuff08:27
czajkowskior showing things off which is also a demo but you know what I mean08:27
daubersmattt: I can't do that one, too much going on. Always try to get to the hackspace on a wednesday evening08:27
daubersczajkowski: Indeed! Reading hackspace is a bit small for that, but there are options. I'd suspect Bristol/London/Nottingham would be quite interested though08:28
czajkowskibut you get the idea08:28
czajkowskiif you miss one08:28
czajkowskiyou cna cathc another on 4 months later08:28
czajkowskiand not fel you have to wait a year :)08:29
matttthe #rdggeek space isn't too bad08:30
matttthey end up using the whole basement floor on a tuesday evening08:30
matttbut i doubt you could get that for a while saturday :)08:30
bootlfdhfrsaJust in case Anyone wants a good book :: http://mad.ly/04f523?pact=12145030818&fe=1 HumbleIndieBundle08:43
bootlfdhfrsaAlanBell, Just wondering what was the wisdom behind your post on G+ this morning ... ??08:46
bootlfdhfrsaOh, I see now .. I responded to your Post.08:47
SuperMattonly 8 days till quantal!08:50
SuperMattI hope my t-shirt arrives before then08:50
matttSuperMatt: i can make you a tshirt08:55
matttSuperMatt: 1/2 price08:56
SuperMattI can make my own t-shirt08:56
* SuperMatt strokes his sewing machine08:56
* mattt has memories of the 'wan buy dvd' fonejacker skit08:56
SuperMattI have never watched fonejacker08:59
matttit's not really worth it08:59
SuperMattfair enough08:59
matttthere are a handful of calls that are hilarious, the rest are rubbish08:59
SuperMattI shan't bother with it08:59
matttSuperMatt: this one's funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwwTFElMX7w09:00
matttSuperMatt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe3cqLPhN-I09:01
SuperMattI might have to watch those later, my boss just came in09:02
gord\o/ working from home, all the youtubes you can eat09:04
matttgord: i'd be eating more than just youtube at home09:06
* mattt would be triple x09:06
SuperMattI *could* work from home09:06
SuperMattmaybe I need to set up some kind of vpn from my office to home09:07
SuperMattmy ip address always changes though :(09:07
bootlfdhfrsaAlanBell, You must be away from keyboard.09:23
AlanBellwhy is that then?09:24
bootlfdhfrsaAlanBell, Oh maybe you there.. I'm still discussing my earlier posts on goole plus .. see 09:43AM10:01
bootlfdhfrsaWe're just wondering if the same thing could be done for the likes of the book that the Ubuntu Dev Team introduced to me this summer ( debian adminstrators handbook ) [ http://debian-handbook.info/ }10:04
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davmor2morning all10:13
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* AlanBell has a new toy11:31
AlanBellmotorised webcam \o/11:31
kirrusAlanBell: so.. are you gunna give us all access? ;)11:32
AlanBellsure :)11:32
AlanBelloperator/operator to control it11:33
AlanBellmight have to enter it a few times, the admin interface is a bit rubbish11:33
AlanBellhttp://mumble.libertus.co.uk/ view only mjpeg stream here11:33
kirrusWell.. the controls don't work11:35
kirrusAt least for me!11:35
kirrusenough play time .. looks neat though11:35
AlanBellcontrols are a bit rubish over the WAN11:36
kirrusgunna see if you can put a better control interface on?11:36
AlanBellyeah, might do11:36
AlanBellI have been looking at the javascript from the UI, it kind of reloads a page on mousedown and mouseup which means it is rubbish for high latency11:36
AlanBelland the video stream is mjpeg which is a bit rubish for streaming, so I might use VLC to transcode it to something else11:37
* AlanBell has sriracha in mushroom soup for lunch11:42
diploAttention: Propose using 1024 * 768 screen resolution11:50
diploHow very early 00's11:51
AlanBellfor £35 I am not going to complain about a bit of chinglish in the UI11:51
* diplo gives up on trying to log in11:52
diploI re-wrote front ends for Axis network cameras11:52
diplointo our company specific one11:52
AlanBellthe mjpeg stream is behind basic auth so I can put http://guest:guest@mumble.libertus.co.uk:8080/videostream.cgi in an img tag to just have it display11:54
diployeah I did that on ours11:55
AlanBellI forwarded the port via SSH to our server in Germany11:56
diploMost of ours were really quite old, but I had 36 cameras attached to a nas storing jpgs/mpegs11:56
diploand scripts to convert jpgs to avi's if needed11:56
davmor2AlanBell: failed: exceed max clients. I'm amazed at how popular your new gadget has become :D11:58
diploI want two network cameras for my network at home11:58
diplofront/read doors11:59
AlanBelldavmor2: well I am tempted to write something to control it better and stream it better that should not have any limits11:59
Dave2no no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit11:59
diploGot a link to the camera AlanBell, got me interested :)12:00
AlanBellalso need to get it battery powered so I can put it in the chicken house12:00
AlanBellfound it using the shopping lens :)12:00
Dave2is it R2D2?12:00
diploooh, defo interested now.. wireless and night vision12:01
Dave2You can control it anythere in the world.12:01
diplohardest part would be getting power to them for me.12:01
Dave2"Spy Night Vision Girl Goggles"12:01
Dave2I think them being bright pink somewhat detracts from that12:02
diploDave2: Search for a axis network camera string in google, you can find 100's not set up correctly12:02
Dave2it was more the "anythere"12:02
Dave2wait what, since when has Amazon done ads on other sites12:03
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arsenhas anyone ever developed a 'top'-like app to display various other information related to say.. my own application monitoring etc?13:29
bigcalmI'm having an argument on the internet. I should be locked up for my own good13:32
kirrusarsen: theres like.. mytop and varnishtop13:33
bigcalmEllo christel my dear :)13:47
christelhi hi bigarguementative13:48
arsenok kirrus - ill google them, thanks :)13:48
bigcalmAm I going to have to put that in my highlight list now?13:48
arseni just want a framework for developing a tool monitoring various key server stats/logs/etc13:49
daubersarsen: You want cacti or something like that then13:49
daubers(or just make it from scratch (tm))13:50
arsenyeah we already employ zabbix13:50
arsenbut im more interested in a live view on-host13:50
arsennot that zabbix is great, but zabbix/cacti/nagios style monitoring is too slow for this purpose.13:50
arsenyeah but .. i want to do my own one :D14:03
arsenpulling in a combo of stuff, in one display.14:03
arsennamely tail a few logs, or even a 'watch -n1 wc -l' type thing, combined with top for certain processes, a multicast monitoring system etcetc14:04
arsenwith colours and ASCII art. :D14:04
arsen^ optional.14:04
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diploevening all17:30
geekmepleaseAnyone here ever installed Matplotlib to OSX?17:41
geekmepleaseSee http://dpaste.com/812055/17:42
MartijnVdSWhile Ubuntu might look like OS X, it's not OS X :)17:42
geekmepleaseMartijnVdS: Yes, I know, but I normally use Ubuntu, but I have now only OSX.17:43
geekmeplease* it is difficult for me to think in OSX17:43
MartijnVdSinstalling on OSX is either drag & drop from a .dmg into your "Applications" folder17:44
MartijnVdSor a double-click in the same .dmg to start an installer that does that for you17:44
geekmepleaseYes, but not when installing Matplotlib17:44
geekmepleaseit is like in Ubuntu, but need to everything yourself17:44
MartijnVdSmacports? or whatever it's called these days17:44
mgdmgo and look at either Homebrew or Macports instead?17:44
MartijnVdSthat's what you're looking for, I think17:44
mgdmI prefer homebrew, personallu17:45
geekmepleasemgdm: Does not look promising: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12363557/matplotlib-install-failure-on-mac-osx-10-8-mountain-lion17:45
geekmepleaseThey have same problems in all those tools17:45
mgdmwell, there's a sample size of one17:46
geekmepleaseok, I will try it17:47
geekmepleaseI will just download the binaries and make and install it - a lot easier.17:48
geekmeplease* ok, no such process exists, and python setup.py install uses the same procedure as the first one17:50
shaunoany suggestions for a more efficient alternative to dd?  (I want to dump a full disk, including boot block, fs labels, etc.  but it's a 40GB disk with 1GB of data, so it seems silly to dump 39GB of slack)18:29
directhexdump it where?18:33
shaunohopefully a different disk on the same system, but netcat as an alternative18:33
shauno(I'm not booted from the disk I'm trying to copy)18:33
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directhexyou could use http://www.bouncybouncy.net/programs/blocksync.py with a sparse 20G file as the target18:34
shaunojust an awkward machine.  usb1 & 10meg ether, so trying to avoid moving all 40GB if I can18:34
directhexer, sparse 40G file as target18:35
directhexthe point is it does a blockwise copy but md5sums at both ends to see if the data is the same or not and only copies if needed18:35
MartijnVdSisn't that like rsync?18:35
ali1234doesn't rsync only do whole files?18:36
directhexrsync isn't blockwise though, this is for shuffling lvm volumes around18:36
ali1234thing is18:36
ali1234dd | gzip would probably be just as efficient, if you just want to skip zeros18:36
ali1234because you have to read it to know it's zeros18:36
shaunoit's a 10yo disk, I can't promise slack space is zero'd18:37
ali1234hmm so you need something filesystem-aware?18:37
shaunoit would be handy.  I'm considering just tar & gz and recreating the target volumes by hand  (I just need to match UUID & label, nothing fancy)18:38
ali1234i don't know of anything unfortunately18:40
shaunoI think I'll just try gzip and find a movie to watch then18:43
shaunotrying to move some redhat6 boxes into VMs while they're still bootable.  great fun18:44
shaunolooks like the disk is going to end up being the bottleneck.  getting 500kB/s.  oh well.  I have until Monday :)19:04
AlanBellanyone know how to restream an mjpeg stream with ffmpeg19:56
mgdm'restream' in what sense?19:59
mgdmas in play it out again over the network?19:59
AlanBellwell I have an mjpeg stream from an IP camera19:59
AlanBellI want to restream that in a lighter format so that it can keep up20:00
MartijnVdSdon't mjpeg cams just drop frames if you happen to be on a slow link?20:00
mgdmnot sure about ffmpeg - you could look into mjpeg_streamer maybe, though20:01
AlanBellthat is the camera in night vision mode20:01
AlanBellit seems better now than it was earlier, it was just getting behind20:02
MartijnVdScan't it do h.264?20:03
MartijnVdSwhat kind of camera is it? (brand/model)20:03
AlanBellhttp://www.rewont.com/web/enProductshow-51.html tenvis  JPT3815w20:05
AlanBellthe night vision thing is really good20:06
AlanBelland the firmware upload format is kind of simple, might be able to hack my own web interface onto it20:10
popeyooh thats good20:22
popeyAlanBell, where did you get it? which specific one?20:22
dwatkinsAlanBell: how much upload bandwidth do you have?20:32
dwatkinsI ask because I have about 1 MBit and I'm wondering if I could stream something like a camera or not.20:32
AlanBelldwatkins: about 16mbit20:37
AlanBellbut that is going over SSH to Germany and back20:37
AlanBelljust cutting out that link at the moment20:37
dwatkinsAlanBell: oh wow, quite a bit more than my home internet upload bandwidth :)20:42
dwatkinsI'd like to do timelapse videos as well, but I'm guessing that's easy enough with wget and ffmpeg20:43
chambsIs anyone else unable to change to a custom colour scheme in gnome-terminal in 12.10b2?20:46
chambsI can select it from the dropdown, but none of the colours I've selected show up20:46
chambsChanges I make in gconf-editor also don't seem to have any effect20:47
chambsAh ignore all that - fixed it20:48
chambsCan't do without zenburn :)20:49
popeyjonathonf, i think you're some way off with your G+ post21:01
jonathonf"tell us what you think is important and we’ll put your cash towards improving your favourite features"21:02
jonathonfi may be misreading that, but it seems as though feedback counts when it comes with money21:03
popeyyou are21:03
jonathonfso why not just a donate button?21:04
jonathonfdonate if you want, vote if you want21:04
AlanBelltop tip, get the default gateway setting right on devices you want to port forward through your router21:07
* AlanBell wonders if canonical will provide a VAT receipt for these payments21:10
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jonathonfok, well, i can't say anything else without sounding a bit snarky (phrasing a criticism is difficult) so i'll just point out i don't think it looks good; it seems as though it's prioritising the needs of people with money which isn't what Ubuntu was supposed to be about.21:20
ali1234i like having a choice21:23
ali1234linux is all about choice you know21:23
ali1234my question is will canonical produce a report on where the money went, like wikipedia does, for example?21:24
czajkowskijonathonf: no it's a case of if folks want to donate great, and if you cant that's also fine21:24
czajkowskiali1234: yes I think there will be, how frequent or when I dn't know21:24
* czajkowski goes back to sleep21:25
AlanBellis the Ubuntu Foundation involved in it?21:25
christelthe donate button doesnt work!21:26
czajkowskiunsure tbh. I thought it was Canonical doing it21:26
czajkowskiperhaps jono would know ali123421:26
jonathonfoh it's being updated21:27
jonathonfTHANK YOU!21:27
jonathonf"Or, alternatively, help out in the bug tracker ;)"21:28
jonathonf_that's_ what it needs21:28
ali1234so as a unity hater, do i donate to the desktop in the hopes it will get fixed, or do i donate nothing to it in the knowledge that it will just fund further disimprovements?21:30
jonathonfwait... it's a random title.. bah21:31
ali1234also, you need to get google checkout because i'm not touching paypal21:31
lubotu3Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:32
popeyAlanBell, no21:32
popeyali1234, yes, I already asked if they would add more payment providers21:32
jonathonfali1234: i guess that could go under "better coordination with Debian and upstreams" ?21:33
ali1234jonathonf: nah, "better support for flavours" would be my choice, except that gnome isn't listed21:33
ali1234and if it was no doubt it would be gnome shell21:33
ali1234i heard that the gnome classic in ubuntu 12.04 is actually quite different to the upstream one21:34
popeyi cant see gnome shell getting any love21:34
ali1234so i wonder who is maintaining that21:34
jonathonfali1234: i switched from gnome-shell to cinnamon and haven't looked back21:35
ali1234cinnamon is gnome shell21:36
ali1234it has all the same problems21:36
jonathonfhave to admit 1.6 is working well for me - what sort of problems?21:37
ali1234rubbish multimonitor support21:37
jonathonfhow so rubbish? (not doubting you, wanting to know ;)21:38
ali1234can you put a panel on the second monitor?21:39
ali1234can you have multiple workspaces on the second monitor?21:39
ali1234can you even move the panels at all?21:39
ali1234can you use indicators with it? gnome terrible without them21:40
jonathonf1) not a separate panel, but you can stretch them across both21:40
ali1234stretching them won't work, my monitors are different sizes21:40
jonathonf2) Almost. There seems to be a bug with Expo21:41
jonathonf2) cont. but it mostly works as multiple desktops21:41
jonathonf3) top or bottom or both. not sides which is a bit limiting21:41
jonathonf4) indicators, yes. full notification support.21:41
ali1234notifications aren't the same as indicators21:42
jonathonfindicators as in the new system tray whatsit?21:43
AlanBellit is the new standard21:43
AlanBellnow we have two standards \o/21:43
ali1234yes, but the old one is so bad that nobody should ever use it21:43
ali1234can i have a clock and a start menu and a "tray" on both monitors, without everything shuffling around all the time?21:44
ali1234oh and a volume control and messaging widget and networking widget21:45
jonathonfhmm... i thought i had an indicator-applet but maybe i don't...21:46
ali1234most of that simply doesn't work in vanilla gnome, in 2 because their whole applet system is broken for multimonitor and in shell because they've just given up on multimonitor and you can't have any panels or widgets on the second monitor at all21:46
ali1234but indicators fixed all that21:46
shaunoif anyone's curious, a tool named 'zerofree' saved the day.  zeroes unused blocks on ext2/3, so I got the 40GB disk down to a 1.1GB gzip21:46
ali1234shauno: nice one. i was going to suggest just filling unused space with cat /dev/zero > filler but i figured hat would take just as long as cloning the full disk21:47
jonathonfshauno: if that's a vm disk image there's an application CloneVDI (free, runs in WINE) that will do the same as zerofree but also works for NTFS/FAT21:48
shaunozerofree took 12 minutes, then about 30 for dd|gzip.  before zerofree, it was looking closer to 25 hours (they're very underpowered machines, 700MHz VIA)21:48
shaunojonathonf: they're not yet, but should be by the end of the night :)21:49
ali1234jonathonf: this is what my desktop looks like https://plus.google.com/117474986382867317779/posts/82D6UjGZh6L21:51
ali1234most of the things i like about it can't be reproduced in any other desktop21:51
ali1234the theme is ubuntu, the indicators are ubuntu...21:52
ali1234yes, it's still the best desktop i've ever used21:53
ali1234no other distro ever polished anything up this good21:53
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ali1234popey: look, i was even considering making a tutorial video on how i did it back then...21:55
ali1234i should do it21:56
popeyyou should21:56
ali1234though the multimonitor stuff is kind of hard to do in a video21:56
ali1234the tricky part was recording the login screen21:56
ali1234someone asked a question about screenshotting the login screen recently, but not video21:57
ali1234i've done it before, but it always sucks21:58
ali1234i could just edit it in21:59
ali1234or fake it with a vm21:59
ali1234or buy a HD capture card22:01
popeyi have one of them22:04
popeyblack magick thing22:04
ali1234internal or external?22:07
ali1234theinternal one has a usb port on the inside22:07
popeyexternal usb vga capture22:07
popeyand internal pcie one22:07
ali1234what's the usb port for?22:08
popeydidnt know it had one22:08
ali1234top left corner22:08
ali1234mini usb22:08
popeyno idea22:08
* popey gets it out of the box22:08
ali1234i would guess usermode firmware flashing22:09
popey" This port is for internal programming and will not be used by the customer in most cases."22:09
popeywe have used these to do some of the ubuntu promo videos22:10
ali1234what software does it use?22:10
popeytheir own22:10
popeythey have a kernel driver22:10
popeyand I think you can hook up to it with other apps like vlc22:10
ali1234that goes for both versions?22:10
popeybut they ship their own desktop tool22:10
popeythe external one I have isnt black magic22:11
ali1234ah ok22:11
popeyone of them22:11
ali1234i wouldn't really trust USB tbh... it would have to compress it a lot22:11
ali1234so i'd get the pci-e one anyway... but then i have to have another desktop PC22:12
ali1234not a laptop for example... but then a laptop probably couldn't handle the bandwidth anyway22:12
ali1234not any of mine at least22:12
popeyany of you using thunderbird can you go to Tools -> Import and see if you can import mail?22:14
popeyI get a blank screen in there making it impossible22:14
ali1234wfm, on 12.0422:15
popeywhat do you see after the "please select the type of file that you would like to import" screen?22:16
popeyhmm, wonder what populates that22:17
popeyits blank22:17
ali1234i see "seamonkey 2 or later"22:17
ali1234that's the first thing i see22:20
popeyclick mail22:21
ali1234ah yeah, blank22:21
ali1234presumably it wants a unix mailbox?22:21
ali1234or... i dunno22:21
popeyyeah, I've used it in the long past22:25
ali1234this is why i don't use thunderbird22:30
ali1234it's not even correct22:31
ali1234i only have about 40000 unread emails22:31
ali1234it must be counting dupes where a message has two labels22:31
DaraelIn fairness to it, I've not encountered another client that correctly handled GMail labels over IMAP.22:32
ali1234i have. the mail app on android and the mail app on symbian22:34
ali1234both do a better job than thunderbird22:34
ali1234thunderbird is mostly ok though, after the initial 16 hour sync22:34
DaraelSomewhat amusing, really, that mobile clients can do a better job of understanding labels than desktop ones.22:35
ali1234well the nokia/symbian one goes through a proxy22:35
popeyAzelphur / directhex you on the steam beta?22:36
DaraelAnd the Android GMail app isn't designed for arbitrary IMAP accounts, just GMail ones.  Unless th'art talking about some specific vendor one?22:36
Azelphurpopey: it isn't out yet22:36
Azelphurthey only have a private internal thing, no public members have it yet afaik22:36
directhexpopey: :o no :(22:40
directhexpopey: the steam beta is open now then?22:52
popeydunno, i thought some people were signed up22:53
ali1234hey does 12.04 server usually have a fancy coloured shell prompt?23:05
DaraelMine does, but I've deliberately got it set up that way, partly so I can tell I'm in zsh rather than bash.  My Precise server's bash prompt is without colour.23:09
ali1234probably a customization the hosts have done23:10
ali1234Darael: btw this might not have come through. i was talking about the gmail app but android 4.0 has a generic "email" app. it looks very similar to the gmail one.23:11
ali1234with the logos removed23:11
ali1234at least, cyanogen has it23:11
ali1234i didn't actually try it though23:11
Daraelali1234: Ah.  I've seen several vendor-specific ones but I've not played with ICS, cyanogen or otherwise.  Most of the vendor-produced ones follow the GMail one's style, which can be confusing...23:12
ali1234hmm thunderbird just said i have 170000 unread emails now23:15
shaunothis VM migration isn't going so well :/  the resulting .vmdk doesn't have labels on the filesystems (and appears more partitions than the original)23:44
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