
dzhoCheri703: thank you, but I stand by my aesthetic judgement :-)02:10
Cheri703hehe, fair enough :) some people get mad because they think it isn't a real word :)02:23
* thafreak just rooted his first android device...04:14
* canthus13 had his rooted 10 minutes out of the box.04:15
canthus13...Only because the machine I was doing the rooting from was so freaking slow.04:15
thafreakWell, my first phone required me to downgrade the os first and a bunch of other stuff...so I never bothered04:20
thafreakuntil I got my new one04:20
thafreakthen I couldn't finish the rooting of my old one, because the old android required you to setup a google account before you could do anything04:21
thafreakand that required data service...but i cancelled my phone service well before then04:21
thafreakSO, turns out you can get a prepaid sim card from tmobile for like $104:21
thafreakand it has enough time on it to get you past that first screen04:22
* canthus13 nods.04:23
thafreaklooks like the newest cyanogen i can put on here is 6...which is ~android 2.204:24
thafreakatleast it's a tad newer than what I had on there...and maybe performs a bit better too04:25
thafreakwell that's kinda lame04:26
thafreakthey gave me $3.34 with the sim card04:26
thafreakand i chose the $2/day plan (since it included data)04:27
thafreaki started using it around 9pm04:27
thafreaknow that it's after midnight, it's saying my balance is too low04:27
thafreakoh well...I paid $1, and got $3.34 credit too...not bad04:27
thafreakplus they shipped it overnight UPS for free for some odd reason04:28
thafreaki thought so04:30
thafreakyou could get standard shipping free...or overnight for $0.0004:30
thafreakso...i selected overnight...I ordered it last night, it was at my door by 2:30pm today04:30
thafreakwell, now I have a spare phone I can use on wifi networks, and in a pinch, can grab a pre-paid card at a gas station to make calls with04:33
Cheri703thafreak: do you have google voice?05:28
thafreakCheri703: yep, i have google voice14:26
Cheri703if you haven't already, check out grooveIP14:26
Cheri703you can make wifi calls with your google talk and google voice number14:26
thafreakI tried the free version once, but the call quality was pretty horrible14:27
thafreakI have csipsimple, that's a generic SIP client, going to play with that hooked up to my asterisk box first14:28
Cheri703I've got the paid version, and I don't know that it makes a huge difference, but I get great quality when I'm at home. sometimes it gets weird so I reboot the phone and it's fine.14:28
thafreakI may try the paid version...everyone says it's good...14:30
thafreakthey should maybe make sure the free version doesn't scare people off though :)14:30
thafreakand I was running it on a stock phone...maybe this one with cyanogen would work better too...14:31
* canthus13 is testing out awesome.14:32
thafreakthe wm?14:38
thafreakyou turning into paultag ?14:38
canthus13thafreak: nah. I just want something lighterweight.14:39
paultagtiling WMs are nice14:39
canthus13Gnome 3 likes to lock up on me a lot.14:39
canthus134GB and it'll still swap on occasion.14:39
canthus13(mostly due to chromium, but still...)14:40
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
canthus13...ctrl-alt-<arrow> gives me letters instead of switching desktops.14:54
paultagcanthus13: super14:55
paultagcanthus13: super left / right, now. and they're not desktops, they're tags14:55
paultagalso super 1-914:55
paultagmove a window with super-shift-N, where N is 1-914:55
paultagcan't remember if this is my awesome rc or default14:55
paultagbut my bindings are different somehow14:55
canthus13paultag: I figured it out.14:56
paultagcanthus13: want to have your mind blown? Super-ctrl-N14:56
paultagmulti-tag views.14:56
paultagsuper-o to move windows between desktops14:56
canthus13now that's cool.14:57
paultagsuper+space to change layout (top right)14:57
paultagsuper+shift+space to go back14:57
paultagyou should remove ones you don't use14:58
paultagsuper-rightclick to resize with the mouse, otherwise super+hjkl14:58
paultagsuper+shift+jk to move windows14:59
paultagtakes some getting used to14:59
paultagbut it's nice.14:59
paultagnot awesome14:59
paultagbut nice.14:59
dzho> they're not desktops,  they're tags15:08
dzhoand we have always been at war with Eastasia15:08
paultagdzho: well, the idea is your desktop can (at any time) be any set of tags15:09
paultagdzho: so you have one "desktop" per screen, you just change the tags behind it15:09
paultagso let's say all your chat is on tag2, and web on tag3, you can view tag2+3 together on the desktop15:09
paultagso there is actually a slight difference in meaning15:09
dzhoalso, the zeitgeist is that we're gearing to use these on non-desktop systems15:10
dzhowhich makes the whole "year of the Linux desktop" ever so much more the punchline these days15:10
dzhothough how key combos translate to touch interfaces is a bit rough to contemplate15:11
Cheri703so I found out last night I'm getting a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" (like...the original one, but still!) so now I have to figure out what the heck I'm going to use it for other than work things when doing errands15:14
paultaguse it for all the things15:14
Cheri703but I have my phone! which is pretty massive already15:14
Cheri703I guess I need to figure out what stuff is tablet specific15:15
paultagget another arm for it for your batwoman gave15:15
Cheri703saw some interesting wall mount ideas that I might get for when I'm doing dishes/chores, because I need amusement15:16
dzhoCheri703: I got mine ostensibly to be an ebook reader, but now I (sadly) use it mostly for reddit (via Diode)15:16
dzhoit's rooted, but now I really need to get cyanogenmod or something on it15:16
Cheri703I have a nook already! that's the thing15:17
dzhoyeah, but nook doesn't give you amazon book access, does it?15:17
dzhosee, I started with a gifted Kindle15:17
paultagyou can if you root it, no?15:17
dzhopaultag: they're computers, it's all just programming, right? :-)15:17
Cheri703with this I will have: old android phone (that is used for specific things on occasion), current android phone, nook simple touch, samsung galaxy tab, netbook, desktop (not counting various other computers not in normal rotation)15:17
Cheri703paultag: I have mine rooted, it can run the kindle app15:18
Cheri703*dzho ^^15:18
paultagyep, right15:18
Cheri703I have all the root15:18
* dzho has not dared to try rooting his wife's Nook15:18
dzhonow, that doesn't sound quite like it should15:18
Cheri7033 rooted android devices already15:18
Cheri703soon to be 415:18
dzhogot CM on any?15:18
Cheri703cm7 on sprint hero, cm9 on samsung galaxy s215:19
Cheri703probably run cmWhatever on the tab, but I don't know15:19
Cheri703it'll probably be for experimenting mostly :)15:19
dzhoyeah, cm that sucker out of the box15:20
Cheri703theoretically cm10 should run on my phone once it's out15:20
paultagI can't find a CM over 7 that can run on my HTC Ace15:21
Cheri703well, on the S2, the hero I don't think can handle much above 7, haven't checked in a while15:22
Cheri703anyone recommend any tablet specific apps that are amazing?15:45
* dzho watches with interest16:04
dzhoI guess I'd just say that at the 7" form factor the Hackers Keyboard is useable in a way I can't imagine it being on a smaller device.16:26
canthus13paultag: Where do you autostart stuff in awesome? (like nm-applet)18:12
paultagcanthus13: I use fbautostart / wrapper around awesome wm18:12
* canthus13 nods.18:12
paultagcanthus13: my setup is non-standard, but you can get it by installing hairycandy-desktop18:12
paultag@ http://archive.pault.ag/18:12
paultagsource for that is @ https://github.com/paultag/hairycandy and via dsc18:13
paultagthis is what'll pull in - https://github.com/paultag/hairycandy/blob/master/debian/substvars.json.d/hairycandy-desktop18:13
thafreakhackers keyboard...that's what i was missing!19:25
thafreakthanks dzho19:26
dzhothafreak: glad to point it out!19:26
dzhothafreak: be sure to get it from f-droid, just to feed that whole FOSS love thing19:26
dzhowe all using f-droid, right?19:26
dzhoor, I don't know, cm has its own way of distributing this stuff, maybe.19:27
thafreakirssi connectbot works pretty well on this 7" tablet...but was stillmissing a few things19:27
thafreakwhat's an f-droid19:27
dzhofree software android repository19:28
dzhothink, google play or amazon app store19:28
dzhoonly, you know, FOSS19:28
dzhoobviously it's not going to have the tons and tons of apps, but it is growing19:29
thafreakis it an app you sideload first?19:34
dzhothafreak: it is19:37
dzhothen, you can manage repositories within the app itself, though I have not done that.19:37
dzhoor, I guess I should say, I think you can do that.19:37
dzho[confirmation needed]19:38
thafreaknice, thanks for the heads up19:39
dzhohope you like it19:40
dzhonot sure I'm ready for an android device that has no other proprietary software than the radio firmware (probably best case one can realistically use these days) but I'm open to working toward that.19:41
* thafreak busy installing f-droid on all the devices19:43
* dzho hopes thafreak doesn't blame him if his dog runs away or his truck gets stolen, now.19:50
thafreakof course i will...that's how opensource works20:12
drkokandyInstalling f-droid now :) first I've heard of it21:31
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