
tjaaltonso, a fair share of the xserver crashes might be due to -evdev lacking the patch to do sigsafe logging, which has been only on git master, not the stable branch we have05:39
tjaaltonI'll get that in today05:40
RAOFHah. Sweet.05:57
brycehdo we have a mesa9 plan?06:41
brycehoh wait, nevermind.  someone stuck it in already :-)06:42
tjaaltonindeed :)06:44
brycehtjaalton, nice, thanks06:44
mlankhorstPrf_Jakob: yeah but no response :/08:15
tseliotmlankhorst: this doesn't seem correct to me, any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270712/08:37
mlankhorstwait until the bug is fixed08:38
mlankhorstyou can't upgrade currently due to that annoying apt bug08:38
mlankhorsttseliot: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/106250308:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062503 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt fails to install libglapi-mesa-lts-quantal correctly on switching x stacks" [High,New]08:39
mlankhorstyou need to specify the 32-bits version to get the correct resolution for now08:40
mlankhorstbut that will fail like in the bug08:40
tseliotmlankhorst: ok, thanks08:43
mlankhorsttseliot: without letting apt do its thing, could you do apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-quantal libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-quantal{,:i386} ?08:45
mlankhorstshould be correct08:45
tseliotmlankhorst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270724/08:46
mlankhorsttseliot: weird, why is it not pulling in xserver-xorg-core-lts-quantal plus the whole stack?08:47
tseliotmlankhorst: I have most of the new stack installed08:49
mlankhorsttseliot: you probably hit that bug then08:50
tseliotmlankhorst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270731/08:51
mlankhorstyep that's the bug08:52
mlankhorsthave to work around it by installing the amd64 versions directly with dpkg08:52
tseliotmlankhorst: I had to do sudo apt-get install libglapi-mesa-lts-quantal and then sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-lts-quantal libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-quantal{,:i386} again08:52
tseliotit should be fine now08:53
mlankhorstyeah but until it's fixed not much we can do08:53
* tseliot reboots08:54
mlankhorstmvo: would you be willing to add some field to consider alternatives when removing apt-get chooses to remove a package to satisfy conflict resolution? for example if mesa-common-dev was installed previously, all mesa-common-dev-lts-* packages would be considered as a replacement08:57
tjaaltonwonder if 4b7f00346da helps with the xserver logout crashes13:28
tjaaltonoh, final freeze is already on13:43
tjaaltonmlankhorst: btw, as I mentioned yesterday, the second patch to xserver didn't get in yet13:44
mlankhorstyeah its ok15:09
=== tjaalton_ is now known as tjaalton

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