
inetprogood morning 06:05
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
superflymorning inetpro, SmilyBorg06:21
superflyohi zergi06:21
SmilyBorgHey there06:21
zergiohi [ALL]06:22
zergihi superfly06:22
zergiwho of y'all were at PyCon?06:22
inetprozergi: can you eat it?06:22
SmilyBorgwas curious, but figured I should learn python before going ;-)06:22
zergi.. probably, if you can eat Raspberri Pi, you could probably eat PyCon too.06:23
SmilyBorgso stayed home and played with my Raspberry Pi06:23
zergi... there were NOOB classes there too.06:23
SmilyBorgbit expensive to go to Cape Town in the middle of the week to go to a noob class06:23
SmilyBorgthough it would be nice to visit my grandmother06:23
SmilyBorgI'll go to the next one06:24
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:36
superflyhiya Kilos06:48
magespawngood morning all06:56
Kiloshey magespawn 06:58
magespawnhey Kilos06:58
zergiKilos. Hi. From the mostly-absent one.07:09
Kiloshiya zergi  you well07:10
Kiloswhere you been?07:10
Kiloshmm gone already07:11
zergistill here07:14
* zergi lurks07:14
=== zergi is now known as zerlgi
Kilosah the l came back too07:18
charlvnhi zerlgi, Kilos 07:23
Kiloshi charlvn 07:23
zerlgiHi Charl07:29
* zerlgi reads Sept Linux Magazine now07:40
* zerlgi has work to do.08:41
Kiloshi Squirm 08:53
Kiloshi Vince-0 08:53
Vince-0Hi Kilos -lways lively in here!08:54
Kiloslol only just at times08:54
zerlgiat least it isn't eating your bandwidth, Kilos :-)08:58
Kilosyeah ive been lucky with the 8ta 2+108:59
Kilosnot scratching so bad anymore08:59
Kiloszerlgi, are you using ubuntu?09:04
Kilosoh, and meeting monday evening hey! be here09:05
zerlgiyes, using 12.04 with Gnome-shell... about to put Mint on the wife's desktop so she doesn't have to fight unity09:21
Kilosim using unity and kubuntu and maverick still on another drive09:30
zerlgithe poor peeps in the office with U have endless crashes. (but not wanting to start a flame-war, it's not Friday)09:31
Kilosi nearly forgot zerlgi you can install mate on top of unity09:33
Kilosmakes it very close to gnome209:33
Kilosworks very well and much faster than unity09:34
zerlgiyip. Mate very much like Cinnamon from Mint09:38
KilosMaaz, google MATE for 12.0409:38
MaazKilos: "Ubuntu 12.04 – How to Install the MATE Desktop | Complete ..." http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04/ubuntu-12-04-how-to-install-the-mate-desktop :: "How to Install MATE Desktop in Ubuntu 12.04/Ubuntu 11.10 ..." http://ubuntuportal.com/2012/04/how-to-install-mate-desktop-in-ubuntu-12-04ubuntu-11-10.html :: "Howto: Install MATE on09:38
MaazUbuntu 12.04 with NO other Desktop Environments" http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linu…09:38
Kilosi like it09:38
SquirmKilos: or you could just install Mint :P09:40
SquirmI installed it on my office machine this morning09:41
Kilosno i dont wanna be a traitor to ubuntu09:41
Kilosmate on 12.04 runs well09:41
Squirmit is Ubuntu09:41
Squirmwell, Ubuntu derivative09:41
Kiloscds dont come from canonical09:42
Squirmno, it's not Ubuntu09:42
Squirmbut Mint is based on Ubuntu like Ubuntu is based on Debian09:42
Kiloswe cant all desert mark09:42
Squirmactually, it even uses the default Ubuntu repo's09:43
Kilosmate is just a weak to 12.0409:43
zerlgilol kilos09:48
zerlgihaha, M probably using a mac now.09:48
Kilosmôre inetpro !!10:06
Kilosai klaar middag10:06
inetproKilos: eh10:13
inetproKilos: ek was eerste wakker vanmore, is jy wat laat is10:14
Kiloso skuus man10:14
inetproKilos: hoe gaan dit :-)10:14
Kilosok dankie en jy inetpro 10:15
magespawnA quick one for those with network experience: Are bridges and hub still in use?10:16
zerlgiin use in a small home office10:17
zerlgivs in a big environment?10:17
zerlgibridging via VPN perhaps.10:17
zerlgihubs pretty much all "switches" these days.10:17
magespawnat all realy?10:17
magespawnthats what i thought10:18
zerlgiI don't think you can easily buy non-switching hubs.10:18
magespawnand you could replace a bridge with a router10:18
zerlgi(for ethernet)10:18
inetprowhat is a bridge?10:18
Kiloshehe mage sort this thing out so i can come bother you10:18
zerlgi... but some people like to L2 bridge rather than L3 route10:19
zerlgi@inetpro: I drove under some bridges today10:19
Kilosi got another pc here that cant even ping the other one10:19
magespawnlol @ zerlgi10:19
Kilosha ha ha10:19
inetpromagespawn: bridges are very much in use by VM environments10:19
magespawnokay just to keep the over all network load down?10:20
tonberryE352switches are also very close to being hardware bridges10:21
inetprotonberryE352: true10:21
tonberryE352i think some of the fancier ones that support spanning tree protocol pretty much match the old description of a bridge10:21
zerlgi+1 tonberryE35210:22
magespawnand I correct in thinking the fancier the switch the more capability it will have?10:22
magespawnoi still so much to learn10:22
Kerberofancier is a synonym of capability...10:23
Kerberodo you perhaps mean "the more expensive..."10:23
Kerberoon which i will answer "perhaps"10:23
Squirmmagespawn: you also get your managed switches10:24
Squirmhave a little web interface10:24
Squirmwait, I lie. quite a big web interface sometimes10:24
Kerberowe bought a very cheap managed switch10:24
Kerberowith some L2 functionality10:24
zerlgi"fancier" also often means "takes longer to set up"10:24
Kerberoand i regret it10:24
Kerberocheap = unstable10:24
SquirmI think our managed switch was about R7k10:25
Squirm+ the 2 fibre optic modules10:25
Kerberothat's about what it should be yes10:25
magespawnso with a managed switch you would have more routable options?10:26
SquirmI've used managed switches once or twice. but not really do do any fancy stuff. 10:26
Kerberowell the main functionality one would use on them are vlanning and multicast filtering10:26
Squirmother than integrating ports10:26
SquirmKerbero: yep. multicast filtering would help10:27
magespawnvlan = virtual lan?10:27
Kerberomagespawn, something like that yes10:27
magespawncool that would be useful10:27
Squirmmagespawn: you could essentially create multiple networks in one physical network. you could even split the ports if you wanted to10:27
Squirmso half the switch uses said ip range, the other half another10:28
Kerberowell i would not describe it by ip range10:28
magespawncould they be on different classes of networks?10:28
Kerberoas one can run many ip ranges on one ethernet10:28
Kerberoseperate ethernets basically10:29
tonberryE352wikipedia calls them broadcast domains10:29
Squirmah, kind of what I meant :P10:29
magespawna bridge would be used to seperate two segments of the same network to lighten the load overall?10:31
tonberryE352in pre switch days yes10:32
magespawnso now thw switch does the same thing essentially by intelligent switching?10:32
tonberryE352pretty much10:33
magespawnhere is a blast from the past: a coaxial network card10:34
Kerberothe "filtering" in a bridge is essentially the same as the "send to the guy it is meant for" in a switch10:34
magespawnis a switch better than a bridge? i have never seen a bridge or worked with one10:35
Kerberothe only bridges we see these days are software bridges on linux and routers10:36
zerlgi+1 Kerbero10:36
tonberryE352and in the router case usually only to join the ethernet and wifi together10:37
zerlgitrue dat.10:38
magespawncool ty guys10:38
Kerberomagespawn, have you seen the online course on netwerks by stanford10:38
magespawnif you ever need questions answered about wildlife let me know.10:39
magespawni am busy with my A+ and N+ now10:39
magespawnfrom these people http://www.it-academy.co.za/10:40
magespawnwill check it out ty Kerbero10:42
SquirmI'm going to the Microsoft IT Camp in Durban on the 23rd10:48
Squirmfree MS camp on server administration. don't want to run MS servers, but there might be a few interesting concepts10:48
zerlgilike developing exploits.10:49
zerlgihaha wouldn't that be fun. Go to MS camp and do a "takedown"10:50
Squirmthat could be fun10:51
Squirmzerlgi: care to join? I would love to witness it10:51
zerlgiDefinitely youtube moment that.10:51
Squirmget all the servers to BSOD at the same time10:52
zerlgihehe. ... and MAC duplication on the network. so none of them could talk to each other after they get rebooted.10:52
zerlgiwith evil Kerberos controller taking over network10:53
SquirmI wanted to go to the MyBB conference. I see it started today10:53
zerlgiwatching it on the stream. and the IRC channel is fun10:54
Squirmthey're streaming it live10:54
Squirmyeah, I see that10:54
zerlgiwith twitter #mybb201210:54
zerlgiand irc.ltnet.tv10:54
zerlgidisconnected from it now coz I have some urgent work to attend to.10:55
charlvngood afternoon11:22
charlvnMaaz: coffee on11:22
* Maaz washes some mugs11:22
charlvnlistening to: http://ltnet.tv/11:23
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn!11:26
charlvnMaaz: thanks11:26
Maazcharlvn: No problem11:26
magespawnhttp://pooky.vdvyver.net:8089/ there is another stream here11:37
Vince-0Anyone on Google+ ? Trying to create a sizeable Public Network - ZA circle11:43
Vince-0add me: +Vincent Swart11:43
superflyVince-0: there's a few of you, which one?11:51
Vince-0Tech geek, metal head.11:55
Kilosmetal head=gnomedome12:02
Vince-0superfly: didn't see anything on G+ yet12:20
superflyVince-0: G+ is not Facebook12:23
Vince-0ya and? 12:24
superflyVince-0: I followed you12:25
superflyYou should get a notification12:25
Vince-0ok, nothing yet12:25
Vince-0when my ZA circle grows I'll reshare it12:26
Kilosoh my zergles gone12:35
charlvnmoshi moshi14:06
charlvnwow hectic day14:06
charlvnmagespawn: can't seem to connect to pooky.vdvyver.net:808914:06
magespawnthey put it in to the irc on the ltg tv site14:07
magespawnthey guy who put it up wanted to see how many ppl would connect using ipv614:08
magespawni plugged it into vlc, didn't use a browser14:08
magespawnhe may have taken it down already14:08
charlvnseems like the stream is either down or the event is over14:08
charlvni get this on the other stream now: http://i.imgur.com/Y00w2.png14:08
charlvnmagespawn: ah i see, that could have been my mistake14:09
charlvnhmm, vlc doesn't play anything either14:10
charlvnVLC is unable to open the MRL 'http://pooky.vdvyver.net:8089/'.14:10
magespawnmaybe they took it down already 14:12
Vince-0superfly: still nothing on G+. You sure you got the right me?14:23
magespawnlater all14:38
Kilosinetpro, waar is die reen15:58
Kilosmôre eers?15:58
=== magespawn_ is now known as magespawn
achervhi @all16:21
Kiloshi acherv 16:21
Kiloswhats with the @16:21
achervKilos:  meaning hi at all16:22
Kilosthats a twitter habit hey?16:23
magespawnhas anyone else seen http://arstechnica.com/business/2012/10/canonical-asks-desktop-users-to-pay-what-you-think-ubuntu-is-worth/ 17:11
magespawnanybody experinced this17:11
Kilosoh my is mark broke17:11
magespawnlets hope not17:12
Kilosor they just wanna go the lappy route17:12
Kiloslike getting cds/dvds from them things17:13
Kilosat the varsities17:13
superflymagespawn: I think that's just for if you'd like to donate17:13
magespawnthey have to try and make money some how17:13
magespawnit is, bit like humble bundle.17:14
Kilosdo any rich peeps use ubuntu?17:14
Kiloswhats those machines at varsities called17:15
Kilosfreedom toasters17:15
Kilosdo they still work?17:16
magespawnany thoughts on this one http://m.infoworld.com/d/data-center/ubuntu-has-bigger-problem-its-amazon-blunder-203467?mm_ref=http%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2FHKC4BPo617:23
magespawni have long become comfortable with the fact that everything i put online is in the public domain17:24
magespawnBUT i must choose to put it there17:24
Kiloslearn how to hack the dash magespawn  and remove the link to amazon17:30
Kilosim sure lotsa peeps will thank you17:31
magespawnapparently you can already do it through apt-get17:33
magespawnnot something i would actually be too concerned about17:34
magespawnthey are going to have to do a lot worse than that to lose me as a user, wonder if it is in the other buntu's?17:39
magespawnsuperfly from twitter "@mraleph: No SciFi author foresaw this: we are building clans around languages we speak to the Machine."17:44
Kilosi dunno where you guys find the time to irc tweet fb and other things and still work as well17:46
Kiloshey secbrid17:49
Kilosdidnt see ya 17:50
Kiloscharlvn, rand climbing again17:50
magespawnmultitasking Kilos, and that is why sometimes you get no answers in here17:52
Kilosoh i thought it is because you's want me to try sort it out on my own first17:53
magespawnthe amount of help i can be, sometimes that is better17:54
Kilosno man17:54
Kilosat least kde hasnt got a dash thing17:58
Cantideweird, i can't use the launcher or menus18:06
Cantidehow do i log out from the terminal?18:06
Cantidecan't use the panels at all :<18:07
Kilostype exit18:07
Cantidesudo exit?18:07
Cantideor just exit?18:07
Kiloswhat you wanna log out of18:07
Cantideexit closes the terminal18:07
Cantideof the OS18:07
Cantideor do a vid restart18:08
Kilossudo reboot18:08
Cantideneed to get it back to normal18:08
Cantidethanks :)18:08
Cantidebrb! haha18:08
Kiloswhew one of the F keys18:08
smile4everhallo :)18:09
Kiloshi smile4ever 18:09
smile4everKilos: oom kilos :)18:09
smile4everhow is love, Kilos ? :D18:09
Cantidethanks, Kilos :)18:14
Kilosyw but there are easier ways if you got time for someone with brains18:15
Cantidei bet18:15
Cantideusually i do a vid restart18:15
Cantidebut i set up a keyboard shortcut for that on my previous install18:16
Cantideand i haven't needed it since18:16
Kilosoh there is sudo gdm start and sudo service start i think18:17
Kilosnot sure the service one18:17
Cantideit's okay18:17
Cantidei doubt i'll need it again18:17
Cantidewell, at least i know sudo reboot now :)18:17
Kilosi always battle with sudo shutdown18:18
Kilosit tells you to do funny things18:19
Cantidebut now i gotta go study .-.18:22
Cantidesee ya~18:22
smile4everbye :)18:30
Kilostoods smile4ever 18:31
Kilosmethinks early to bed tonight18:35
Kilosnight guys sleep tight18:35
Kilossee you all morrow time18:35
magespawnlater Kilos18:36
magespawnnight all19:44
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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