[00:00] I've worked hard on this, and all you can say is "It's not worth it if you don't have money to back it up" [00:00] intothev01d: 12.04 is LTS and is more recent [00:00] I haven't even been given a chance to MAKE a backup [00:00] i can install programs, i can add users, i can delete users, but i cant update [00:01] Greg8823: can you describe exactly what happens after you enter the password? [00:01] jrib thanks === Snaker is now known as fartofagony === fartofagony is now known as Snaker === ubuntu is now known as Guest55588 [00:02] i cant seem to figure out why my touch pad is not working [00:02] and idea? [00:02] just to confirm: to replace my keyring pwd with a blank one, I go to "Passwords and keys" and "change password" of "password login", yes? === Garr255_ is now known as Garr255 [00:04] found here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/134292/unlock-login-keyring-problem-ubuntu-12-04-lts answer no.2 [00:04] is that ok? === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas| [00:04] bennypr0fane: you realize that if your login password is the same as your keyring password, you won't be prompted for it after you enter it in the login screen, right? [00:05] jrib not true, I am being aksed for it, even though it is the same [00:05] bennypr0fane: are you entering it at the login screen? [00:05] jrib no [00:05] hi, i want to install AWIT DBackup into a lucid 10.04 machine. is there a recommended ppa? [00:05] bennypr0fane: right. It only works that way if you enter it at the login screen :) [00:06] my motherboard does not recognize pci to sata card. does that mean i will not be able to use my sata hard drive to boot? [00:06] so i press upgrade from the update manager, i get the release notes for Precise Pangolin and press upgrade again, then it downloads something the screen goes black and a prompt for the administrative password pops up where it wont accept my password, saying that it is incorrect, so i have to cancel. [00:06] ok, got it. I don't want to be asked for any pwd at all at startup though [00:06] bennypr0fane: then make the keyring password blank [00:07] Yeeehaw! done! [00:07] another one bites the dust [00:07] Greg8823: your entire screen goes black? [00:07] Thanks and good night! [00:07] yeah. [00:08] Greg8823: that's pretty weird. Did you ensure you had all the updates for 11.10 installed? [00:08] Can anyone tell me a command that would be the equivalent of wiggling the mouse to wakeup my desktop? === entropy- is now known as [NM]entropy [00:08] Like I'm ssh'd into the box and want to wake up yhe screen [00:09] yeah i haven't had this problem until today. [00:09] buu: see man page for gnome-screensaver-command. If you're over ssh, then you'll probably want to provide DISPLAY=:0 or similar [00:09] jrib: Thanks.. [00:10] Greg8823: well you can try just upgrading from the terminal with "do-release-upgrade" if you want. I don't know what's up with your gui [00:10] i cant seem to figure out why my touch pad is not working [00:11] hi [00:12] I can't get my Atrix HD device to show up in Rhythmbox or Banshee using MTP. I can view it using gMTP, but only if the device has USB debugging turned on. Anyone have any suggestions? [00:13] Wooh, screensaver works [00:14] anyone know how to get the edge scrolling feature working in Ubuntu 12.04 with a touchpad? [00:14] I've resized my Ubuntu partition, but I accidentally added the new space after the swap. Using gparted, is there a way to move the swap to the end of the drove? [00:14] drive* [00:15] Using a VM, btw. [00:15] CrusaderAD: Open the dash, type "mouse" and open "mouse and touchpad". From there, click the touchpad tab, and you will see an option for either edge scrolling or two finger scrolling. [00:15] Perfect it started! thanks! [00:16] I couldn't figure out why it wouldnt accept my password. [00:16] Hello everyone, sorry to repeat. I am using 12.04 on an Acer Aspire Netbook with Radeon HD 6290 graphics, I tried everything, different distros, proprietary drivers, free ones, but I can't get flash and html5 videos to play decently in fullscreen in any browser. Any help would be extremely welcome. Thanks. [00:16] I need some rsync help if anyone is willing [00:16] I am doing rsync -ave ssh mcadmin@wacomalt.com:/home/mcadmin/oldmc/ ./newworld/ [00:16] Ok next question, is there anyway to make vnc or a similar program display on the client's screen instead of the remote screen? [00:17] and getting a reply of total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 [00:17] if u run vnc, both of u will see the same [00:18] hi, is there a way to replicate right click in a toucpad___ [00:18] it depends on who is the server [00:19] Hello, i am using 12.04 and i have done a 3.6 custom kernel, but i got no sound output. Even if am i using the same config from 3.5 witch used to work. [00:19] Can you help me? [00:20] @User_007 what kind of machine? [00:20] @User_007 What hardware? [00:20] Intel Core i7 2nd Gen [00:20] The sound card [00:21] Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset [00:21] 1500 chatters, and no one has rsync experience? [00:22] CerebralVortex, Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05) [00:22] hello === anonymous is now known as Guest20611 [00:23] e [00:23] @User_007 are you on a laptop? [00:24] CerebralVortex, yes [00:24] @User_007 HDMI out? [00:24] yes i have one [00:24] but not using it [00:24] Check your settings my laptop sometimes auto changes to that sound device [00:24] Even if I am not using it [00:24] Not sure the underlying reason [00:24] CerebralVortex, on sound device? [00:24] yea [00:25] I choose embedded speakers, no sout output [00:25] CerebralVortex, the first time i run the kernel it worked. [00:26] but from the second on it have no sound [00:26] Ok, what laptop model? [00:26] Dell 502-x [00:26] XPS [00:27] Microfone works (sound sensor changes when i talk) [00:28] Hrm [00:28] Is there anyway to use a vnc like program to make my output show up on the monitor connected to the machine? [00:29] buu, you'll need a server/client setup for that to work [00:29] Ok, elaborate please? [00:29] How do I speed up the mouse control when using mouse keys in universal access? [00:30] you want the output of 'command' to goto machine2, when its issued on machine1 right? [00:30] yekoms: Not exactly, I have two machines. One is connected to a monitor/tv, the other is remote. I want the remote machine to be able to launch gui programs and interact with them via mouse and keyboard while at the same time having the guis show up on machine 1's monitor [00:31] never tried a setup like that [00:31] #User_007 :1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05) [00:32] @User_007 Thats what I'm running on 3.6 kernel [00:32] @user_007 I'm on 12.10 64bit === AnonCaliber is now known as Calb [00:32] Hey [00:33] is there a reason why /home/ resides on a different partition by default? [00:33] instead of giving / full reign to the full disk [00:33] TimothyA, in case you have to reinstall Ubuntu [00:33] TimothyA, so it is easy to backup [00:33] Your /home won't be overwritten [00:33] @TimothyA what makes it default to a different partition? Otherwise it does it for easy backup [00:33] CerebralVortex, 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05) [00:34] here too [00:34] OerHeks: last time I checked, mysql and all important services are in /var/lib ... [00:34] But i am on 12.04 64bits [00:34] Alright Magi. should i just delete each partition? [00:34] and then there are the logs which will make services stop running when / becomes full [00:34] Calb, yeah [00:34] To fill in more on Calb's issue [00:34] I don't see how it would make it easier to back up.. [00:34] User_007 I had 12.04 on 3.6 kernel, but can't really i my sound card worked. [00:34] He is trying to install Ubuntu from a bootable flash drive [00:35] TimothyA, because you dont have to back it up, you just install a new version and dont format /home [00:35] vivid: ... [00:35] The automatic partitioner didn't work [00:35] CerebralVortex, mine worked the first boot [00:35] vivid: apparently you never had to back up a database [00:35] Alright, I have ~320GB of free space (the whole disk). Select and Install on that i assume? [00:36] Or do I need to partition more on that? [00:36] TimothyA, no, but i dont see how it is more difficult to back up... [00:36] so what's the point of having /home on a different partition than / :| [00:36] User_007 not sure what to tell you, have you posted on forums? [00:36] User_007 someone else with that hardware may have the same experience [00:36] i split my / and /home for fsck... [00:37] not yet... o use to ask on irc first [00:37] smaller slices = faster fsck [00:37] TimothyA, it allows you to preserve your data when reinstalling or updating with a fresh installation [00:37] grrrr, why isn't the owner of the server responding [00:37] I HATE THIS' [00:38] TimothyA, maybe they have a life? [00:38] MagiR2D2: he's supposed to be available 24/7 [00:38] mostly because he has some things so I can actually fix the server [00:38] Nobody is available 24/7 [00:38] MagiR2D2: I only have a 2 hour downtime a day [00:38] ^ everyone has to sleep [00:38] but he's making my life friggin miserable like this [00:38] I have to wait through the entire night now [00:39] Well [00:39] get a new provider then, complaining on irc wont solve the issue ;p [00:39] Find a different place? [00:39] MY JOB IS ON THE LINE [00:40] I have to be 24/7, why the hell can't he be [00:40] Magi, how big should the / partition be? What will it be used for? [00:40] wow [00:40] have ya tried google friend? [00:42] CerebralVortex, by the way, i can hear the boot sound... is the only thing i can hear after boot [00:42] CerebralVortex, but after that i don't get any sound output [00:43] sometimes boot beeps are from a onboard speaker. === _dd is now known as Guest35709 [00:45] yekoms, no.. i am sure, it was from my normal speakers... (laptop) [00:49] exit [00:50] exit === ubuntu is now known as Guest92148 [00:52] hello, how do i access a persistence file? [00:53] hello...I installed ubuntu 12.04.1, finally got it to work, but no touch pad....and might need some suggestion [00:54] 'o [00:54] hi [00:55] 'fuck' [00:55] !language | juniour [00:55] juniour: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [00:55] hey [00:55] Keep polite junior [00:56] plz when using a usb key, is there a difference between "eject" and "take off with no risk' ? / what is the difference ? [00:56] nothing [00:56] eject is the best choice the rest are inane. [00:59] for notes, don't unplug directly [01:02] ok... [01:04] cecy [01:05] hello everyone [01:05] hello [01:05] hi [01:05] there [01:07] not trying to start a flame war but are the intel hd 4000 driver in linux any good compared to the windows driver for it because im looking at a laptop that has that intergrated video card and the only game i play runs on it well in windows but didnt know how the linux driver compaired. [01:07] hello, my motherboard s bios don t recognize a pci to sata card. does that mean i wont be able to boot from it? [01:09] I finally was able to instal ubuntu 12.04.1, finally got it to work, but no touch pad....and might need some suggestion, I'm kinda of lost [01:13] #backtrack-linux [01:13] ? [01:13] anyone know about the preformance of the intel hd 4000 in linux? [01:14] tacomaster, i don't play a bit with this type ... Can't help too much? [01:15] blackshirt: but do you have any issues running the os with out any games with that card? [01:16] tacomaster, i think, you should use driver from intel ... and perhaps perform well ... [01:17] tacomaster: I have core i5, and my ubuntu play urban smoothly at maximum setting :D [01:17] hello [01:17] Stanley00: urban terror? [01:17] tacomaster: yep [01:18] Stanley00: blackshirt: ty for yalls help [01:18] tacomaster, if you want play a game on linux, i think maybe better use the linux version if available [01:19] blackshirt: cant wait for steam but untill then there are not many games i really want to play that dont need wine atm [01:19] tacomaster, i think better you stuck on windows [01:21] blackshirt: i havent used windows in over 6 years but have always used an nvidia card and when you do research on intel hd 4000 linux gaming you find alot on the card for windows and mac but thats it [01:21] blackshirt: so i just figured i would ask if anyone had first had experiance [01:25] good lucks [01:25] hey === Ray2 is now known as moes [01:28] are there any Homework help IRC? === entropy- is now known as [NM]entropy [01:31] myersg: hmm, no [01:31] ok... [01:32] ... are you good with writing? [01:32] if i have deja dup in my local machine, can i make a backup of my server? [01:32] myserg, if you want ask about ubuntu, you can ask here ? [01:32] myserg, but, your homework was your problems [01:32] !alis | myersg [01:32] myersg: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [01:33] ...when does ubuntu 12.10 come out..? [01:33] !quanta | myersg [01:33] !quantal | myersg [01:33] myersg: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 [01:33] !schedule-#ubuntu+1 | myersg [01:33] myersg: A schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule [01:34] thank you [01:34] how should i install http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/deja-dup ? i have 10.04. is there a ppa or should i get from the official repo? [01:35] gabrieluk, install it normally [01:36] hej [01:36] <[x]> blackshirt: how to set up web server in ubuntu [01:37] !lamp [01:37] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [01:37] [x] install web server first [01:38] [x] you can use apache, lighttpd, nginx, and other web server [01:38] bla [01:38] <[x]> "apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql" ? [01:39] <[x]> ok blackshirt [01:39] please someone help me i tried a few times sudo alsa force-reload but my usb headset is not recognized at all, normally when i plug it in at boot time it's there, what can i do? i hotplugged it [01:39] <[x]> ##freebsd [01:39] hello from madrid :) [01:40] who's from madrid? [01:40] me :) [01:40] I need help with my graphics card drivers [01:41] umm [01:41] what graphic card ? [01:41] <[x]> blackshirt: i've unbuntu.iso file is able to run in wubi ? [01:41] Intel HD Graphics 3000 [01:42] ubiquity__: what doesn't run? [01:42] hello [01:42] oooh [01:42] I need help [01:42] with what? [01:42] Unity3d [01:42] [x] i don't play with it before, but i think it was possible [01:43] Ubuntu isnt compatible with my sound driver :( [01:43] graphics card is mean Videocard drive [01:43] veryhappy, unity3d [01:43] ubiquity__: what do you see when you start it [01:43] graphics card and videocard is ok, but ubuntu just cant play anything on my pc [01:43] anyone experiencing problems with gwibber in 12.04.01 ? i can't add my facebook account :( [01:43] ok, what kind of computer is this? [01:43] uhh it just loads up without sound but normally [01:43] dell inspiron 15 (n5040_ [01:44] ok [01:44] give me a sec [01:44] its works if i use it in a virtual machine though [01:44] what is the best programming language to learn for Ubuntu? [01:44] on windows [01:44] deadmousesqueak: try shell scripts [01:44] veryhappy, looking at my "Details" app, my graphics driver states "Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x300)" [01:45] deadmousesqueak, there is no "best" language. [01:45] yes it depends on what you like deadmousesqueak [01:45] find what you want to do with programming, find a language that fits you [01:45] ubiquity__: and i already asked you what doesn't run on unity3d? [01:46] veryhappy, /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p outputs with no Unity3D support [01:46] i need some help on my sound... :( i really want to play a youtube vid in ubuntu with sound [01:47] winstonebook: im trying to find your drivers hang on [01:47] TheLordOfTime OK I know I do not want to use JAVA. [01:47] ubiquity__: well just try it out [01:47] oh [01:47] veryhappy, I am [01:47] thats the thing [01:47] i'm on it right now [01:47] but [01:47] some beep annoyed me.... [01:47] ubiquity__: ok then please answer me what doesn't run [01:47] deadmousesqueak, i didnt say java did I? i said there is no "best language" for Ubuntu. C++'s a big one though [01:47] I need to learn to program and I eventually want to create an extensive English dictionary and thesaurus [01:47] wine === scottas is now known as zz_scottas [01:48] wine is the best to run windows apps on ubuntu [01:48] deadmousesqueak, C++ [01:48] IMO [01:48] have you checked the audio output? It might be muted.. not the button on your taskbar [01:48] c++ is microsoft right [01:48] Guys, C++ is for microsoft programs === fred is now known as Guest20610 [01:48] deadmousesqueak: on which operating system do you want to program? [01:48] learn C or Python [01:48] veryhappy, no .... [01:48] im not sure if its compatible with ubuntu but c++ is microsoft so you need wine (software) to use c++ programming [01:48] veryhappy, hahahaha [01:48] didn't python just earn some kind of award last year? [01:49] Python FOR THE WIN! [01:49] winstonebook, bull. [01:49] for being some kind of amazing language? [01:49] !gcc | winstonebook [01:49] winstonebook: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [01:49] bleh [01:49] eilyx: what hahahaha [01:49] * TheLordOfTime grabs GNU C++ data [01:49] veryhappy. C++ was universal think ... You can use it on linux or windows, bsd or others os [01:49] anyone experiencing problems with gwibber in 12.04.01 ? i can't add my facebook account :( [01:49] oh [01:49] winstonebook, http://gcc.gnu.org/ <-- you'll notice C++ is in there. its pretty universal, except Microsoft's has Microsoft-only stuff [01:49] blackshirt: my fault, someone told me anything different [01:49] winstonebook, C# is windows only, by comparison [01:50] oh ok [01:50] deadmousesqueak, do you want to learn a language that will help you with what you are trying to do and make it easier on you or have you swwet your mind on a language alerady [01:50] yea that's it i confused C++ and C# damn! [01:50] im not having trouble with c++ though; i have a different problem [01:50] veryhappy, and system testing app outputs "OpenGL vendor string: VMware, Inc. OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 0x300) OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 8.0.2 Not software rendered: no Not blacklisted: yes GLX fbconfig: yes GLX texture from pixmap: yes GL npot or rect textures: yes Compiz supported: no" in graphics/compiz_check [01:50] winstonebook: google your drivers, download the one on the dell page. Try getting it to run with NDISwrapper [01:50] TheLordOfTIme thanks [01:51] durrut1: nope, but can you give some more info, like a screenshot? [01:51] eilyx I want to learn to program and at the same time work on critical thinking and problem solving [01:51] ubiquity__: you can only try to install the drivers but as much as i know you can't get all 3d effects in virtualbox [01:51] I can't find out anything about mesa-utils and xserver-xorg-video-intel on my machine, even though I installed them [01:51] veryhappy, i'm not in virtualbox [01:51] deadmousesqueak, what language do you want to learn? [01:51] ubiquity__: sorry vmware [01:52] veryhappy I am on Linux now [01:52] veryhappy, not on vmware either [01:52] deadmousesqueak, asking this question in ##programming may help you [01:52] ill try to install ndisrapper and the idt drive [01:52] r [01:52] veryhappy, this is just a fresh install [01:52] i gotta eat dinner so can u guys wait for me [01:52] eilyx thanks I did not think to start there [01:53] ubiquity__: i'm sorry i can't really help you because i actually didn't have that many problems on clean installs, sorry. [01:53] Stanley00, i can , screenshot of what ? it asks to authorize through facebook ...i put the mail and password ...it asks for permission on facebook , it says : Success and that's all ... dowsn't appear on the left side where the accounts are and then when i try to update my status from the messaging menu doesn't show up either [01:53] veryhappy, I attempted to restart and reconfigure Xorg.conf [01:53] ubiquity__: then good luck, i can't help you how i already wrote. i'm sorry. [01:54] durrut1: hmm, I think you should allow gwibber on faccebook web site too [01:54] so can anyone else help me with troubleshooting graphics card issues? [01:54] Stanley00, it's automatically done when you add it ... after doing that i looked on the page and gwibber has authorization === johnny is now known as Guest23396 [01:55] durrut1: and does it have permission to grab info and post? [01:55] *has* [01:56] oops [01:56] Everyone here appears to be doing work... and I'm just sitting here masturbating [01:56] yes .. when i go to apps in facebook it's authorized [01:56] McDickChunk, can you help me troubleshoot graphics card issues instead of jerking off? [01:56] lol [01:56] what kind of graphics card is it? and one sec, gotta wipe my keyboard off [01:57] lmfao [01:57] Intel HD Graphics 3000 [01:57] alright, are you on ubuntu? or just a relative [01:57] ubuntu 12.04.1 [01:58] lspci -nn | grep VGA returns my correct graphics card [01:58] Stanley00, i even tried to uninstall it ... same problem . I got to think that is a bug .. but seems not [01:58] ok. one sec, lemme think this through. [01:58] McDickChunk, i installed mesa-utils and xserver-xorg-video-intel [01:59] McDickChunk, i restarted and did an auto-reconfigure of xorg.conf [02:00] nobody here with the same problem with Gwibber ? it doesn't add my facebook account ... [02:00] As izx notes, the HD3000 drivers are built into the kernel. There are no separate graphics drivers. However, LCD backlight support is less robust. If you are having problems with brightness and/or flicker, you could try installing packages from the "Linux on my Samsung" PPA. In particular, the samsung-backlight package may be helpful. [02:00] durrut1: http://imgur.com/9PJVd check this in your facebook privacy settings. [02:01] the xorg-video-intel thingy is sketch [02:01] from McDickChunk did that, doesn't work. My googlefu is strong [02:01] http://www.voria.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1091 [02:01] can anyone answer the last question in this thread for me? i think the person helping me is off for the night :-) [02:01] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2068611&page=2 [02:02] McDickChunk, - from [02:02] try the thread i just posted above. Seems like they've dealth with you're card before [02:02] McDickChunk, i'm not using a samsung [02:02] McDickChunk, got me a thinkpad [02:02] suppose I could just post in the forum [02:02] Stanley00, yes it's the same ... hang on i'll make you a screenshot [02:02] but it's just a crapshoot [02:03] try running the additional drivers program yet? [02:03] McDickChunk, there's nothing there [02:04] I do web-based stuff, i'm just getting into the hardware aspect of things. I'm on a lenovo too, running backbox 2.5 [02:04] so what ubuntu help forum should I look at? [02:05] honestly, reddit might help you out [02:05] reddit.com/r/ubuntu [02:06] there's some VERY knowledgeable people there [02:06] fucking reddit [02:06] !language | ubiquity__ [02:06] ubiquity__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [02:06] Stanley00, it has only the las three options but i think it should work -> http://imm.io/HkRU [02:06] stupid reddit [02:07] i am trying to set up a private computer to computer network and for the life of me i cannot get the routing correct [02:07] is there some magic command one has to issue? [02:07] "!language" -- watch out guys, we got a protective mother over here [02:07] sorry [02:07] had to do it [02:07] how do I add lines to modprobe.d blacklist? [02:07] sudo gedit [02:08] then type [02:08] whatever you want [02:08] McDickChunk: you mean sudo gedit modprobe-d... [02:08] !gksu | silverarrow [02:08] silverarrow: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [02:08] I'm trying to install tilemill -- I ran their install script, which just does an apt-add-repository and then an apt-get-install then I did them both on my own terminal -- both times apt says it doesn't know about the pkg [02:09] it seems all the traffic is getting punted out the interface with the active internet connection [02:09] xangua: horror [02:09] I'm wondering if the pkgs just dont exist for my hdwr (I'm on a powerpc) how could I know? [02:09] live on the edge... just use "sudo" [02:10] xangua: gksudo is an app or teminal command? [02:10] terminal command [02:10] whats a good taskbar? like adeskbar? [02:11] durrut1: sorry, got a bit busy, it looks fine, maybe there actually a bug of gwibber :( [02:11] i use docky, then set it to act as a taskbar [02:11] docky icon>setting> "act as panel" [02:11] Stanley00, i'll look around before reporting it ... i need to see if it happends to more users than me [02:11] is it like a deskbar? [02:12] its a dock, but it can be used as a panel. I've used it for a while without a problem [02:12] on multiple linux distros [02:12] yeah , docky rocks [02:13] ^^^ DOCKY!! F*** YEAH!!!! [02:13] stop that please... [02:14] Hi all Anyone good with DDrescue [02:14] I can`t make it work [02:14] you can't get the modprobe to work? [02:14] yeah, the past part [02:15] silverarrow, what you mean? [02:15] damn man ... this Gwibber thing annoys me , now when lightread got implemented the ''Share to Gwibber'' thing :( [02:15] I am trying to paste five blaclist lines to a modprobe.d [02:15] looks like docky is for kde. [02:16] I've used it with Gnome and using it with Xfce right now [02:16] it definately works on more than KDE [02:16] yekoms, don't worry , it's sugarfree [02:16] i used it with gnome also [02:16] before unity [02:16] works perfectly [02:17] worked on unity and Gnome 3 for me as well [02:17] DDrescue is telling me there is no input file but fdisk -l said that sdc: is there? [02:17] it's a nice application. Anybody used Gnome-do before? might give it a shot. [02:17] silverarrow, gksudo gedit [02:17] yeah i dont think it'll work, it dont auto hide and its too big for me :( [02:18] blackshirt, getit is the same as leafpad in lubuntu? [02:18] silverarrow, yes [02:18] it's gedit though.... spelling man!! spelling! [02:19] anyone here good with networking? [02:19] blackshirt: so thenn; gksudo leafpad /etc/modprob.d.... [02:19] foobar_2453: what's the problem? [02:20] anyone here good with Gwibber ? [02:20] hehe [02:20] silverarrow, use file as argument [02:20] Modprobe.d was directory [02:21] argh [02:22] which non- IT inventory software is reliable / good ? [02:23] http://lmgtfy.com/?q=which+non-+IT+inventory+software+is+reliable%3F [02:23] linocisco, describe non-it inventory software? [02:24] blackshirt: gksudo leafpad gives me password command and an open leafpad page, then I paste in filename? [02:24] im back [02:24] im gonna log off windows and boot into ubuntu ok [02:24] blackshirt, non-IT means, it should not be network based inventory software that detect computer's MAC address and show information of each computer and periferials devices PCI, CPU, Memory like OCS-NG [02:24] ok im leaving [02:26] hello to all [02:26] i have a small problem [02:27] hello [02:27] i have disabled flash player from the addons menu in firefox but it still runninf isn"t that strange? [02:27] linocisco, thats bad definitions [02:27] lmn1vg6: did you restart firefox? [02:28] blackshirt, like normal stock control inventory. I would like to record stocks [02:28] yes i did many times [02:28] hey guys, i just did "sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server" and everything installed well. However, I cannot find dhcpd.conf [02:29] McDickChunk, are you jerking again ? :))) stop doing it man ... it'll get you blind :) [02:29] lmn1vg6: and what site did you test flash? [02:29] youtube [02:29] Stanley00 [02:30] lmn1vg6: hmm, youtube will auto change to html5 if you dont have flash, so it can play video without flash [02:30] blackshirt: are you still there? [02:30] yes [02:30] DDrescue is telling me there is no input file but fdisk -l said that sdc: is there? [02:30] <[x]> join #java [02:31] wait! i found dhcpd.conf but it will not let me edit it as it is read only. how do i correct this so i can configure my dhcp server properly? [02:31] I a my have made a mess by running sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf [02:31] not really knowing what I was doing [02:31] Stanley00, i din"t new that === wilee-nilee is now known as super-ego [02:31] is there a way to change the file permissions?? [02:32] blackshirt: this is what I am trying to do [02:32] lmn1vg6: :) [02:32] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ#Why_do_I_have_no_sound.3F [02:32] so this is only for youtube..i mean flash is disabled i have nothing to wory then [02:33] silverarrow, intersting i will check it [02:33] lmn1vg6: yes, you test other sites for sure [02:33] *you should* [02:34] :) [02:34] blackshirt: this is how my folder looks like from filemanger http://imagebin.org/231463 [02:35] mastershake, yes [02:35] silverarrow, you just open it with nano [02:36] blackshirt: trouble is I get this black setup in terminal I cannot use [02:36] blackshirt: and I think I have made duplicate of the file to [02:36] silverarrow, exit with ctrl+x and y for yes [02:39] ctrl x for saving? [02:39] for exit sorry [02:39] until you press y for to confirm [02:39] after exit? [02:40] i have onether question if somebody could help... [02:40] you can open it agains [02:40] you can edit them [02:40] blackshirt: that might have done the trick, now for reboot [02:40] you can remove them [02:41] brb, 2 min [02:41] when i conect to irc my wireless diskonekt from the network and then conect again...is it that strange?any ides what could cause this? [02:43] what the strange happens? [02:43] how do I install KDE nowadays? o.O [02:44] my wireless adapter diskonekts automatikly and then konekts again [02:44] tucemiux, install kubuntu-desktop [02:44] without reason [02:44] ahhh now they call it kubuntu plasma desktop o.O [02:45] blackshirt: nothing happened, I don`t think I managed to add the lines [02:45] tucemiux, you know that [02:46] blackshirt: the nano file I made, should it be readable like a leafpad page? [02:46] blackshirt, that's the old kde 3? [02:47] silverarrow, yes [02:48] blackshirt: I think I have made the file, and not mange to put anything in it [02:48] I have a strange problem on my network. When I try to make a connection to a client connected with vpn (pptpd on the server) I get "no route to host". This worked yesterday and I have not intentionally made any changes. [02:48] If I add a route to the vpn client using the vpn server as the default gateway it works. [02:49] we tired him out [02:49] or wore him out [02:49] gave to go for a while thanx for the tips see ya later [02:51] hi [02:51] anyone can help me? [02:51] !anyone | SlitNob [02:51] SlitNob: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [02:51] actually it worked, the lines are there, but no sound [02:51] i am using slitaz distro and i want have 1280x800 resolution [02:51] but i dont success [02:51] what can i do? [02:51] What is slitaz, SlitNob ? [02:51] a linux distro of 35 mb [02:52] SlitNob, go to slitaz support then [02:52] no one talk now in slitaz channel [02:52] SlitNob: /join #slitaz [02:52] no one talk now in slitaz channel [02:52] SlitNob, then be patient, this is Ubuntu support [02:52] all dreaming [02:52] i know but well [02:52] SlitNob: that's where you support is, or you could try the forum http://forum.slitaz.org/ [02:52] all is linux... so i just thought that maybe... [02:52] SlitNob, Try ##linux as well [02:52] SlitNob, no [02:52] SlitNob: probably more activity on their forum, [02:52] SlitNob: no - this is the ubuntu support channel [02:53] My computer says no route to host when I specify the IP address of a remote computer connected by VPN. What would cause it to suddenly stop working? [02:53] i cant talk on linux channel, i think they need reg nick or something [02:53] !register | SlitNob [02:53] SlitNob: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode [02:53] so register SlitNob [02:53] yeah you have to be signed up to freenode, a easy thing and no cost. [02:55] hi, does anyone know how to fix 139846267627168:error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error:s23_clnt.c:724: === super-ego is now known as wilee-nilee [02:55] hi. when 12.10 will be released? [02:55] Hi. I resized my partitions so that I could create a new partition. I now have an extended partition with ubuntu, swap, and unallocated space. Can I install ubuntu directly to the unallocated space or do I need to format it? [02:55] i have an issue [02:55] Abhijit, #ubuntu+1 for 12.10 [02:56] during boot my screen turnes off [02:56] ms_daisy, you can format it while installing it [02:56] monitor, that is [02:56] Abhijit: 18th - http://www.noobslab.com/2012/04/ubuntu-1210-quantal-quetzal-release.html [02:56] cool thanks Abhijit [02:56] ms_daisy, heh. ;) [02:56] hi brother. i from Brazil. [02:56] ok [02:56] wilee-nilee !! where you been man? [02:56] how to fix? [02:56] lucas, ubuntu support question? [02:57] gfdfgfr, ask with details [02:57] ms_daisy, just hanging on occasion and getting my booty kicked trying to write a paper for a specific clas. [02:57] class* [02:57] like what details? [02:57] gfdfgfr: does it actually *turn off* or just blank? [02:57] it goes to sleep mode [02:58] no [02:58] gfdfgfr: I had that and it turned out to be a faulty video card. May be other reasons though. Is the vdeo card old? [02:58] somsip, RIIIIIIGHT [02:58] !nomodeset [02:58] A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [02:58] tint2 is nice and uses no resources [02:59] when is the next linux kernel going to be out? [02:59] ms_daisy, I have a tutor now a English major, I'm learning correct composition as a second language when English is my native language, lol. ;) [02:59] when 12.10 releases lol. [02:59] i tried nomodeset once and it screwed my desktop composition [02:59] myersg, how is that an ubuntu support issue [02:59] wilee-nilee: could you take that to private chat please? [02:59] no need enough said. [02:59] ok... will the next kernel fix my problems? [03:00] myersg, no idea what your issue is [03:00] graphics... [03:00] myersg, details.. [03:00] don't have time to get help now, though... I am trying to get a thing done for english class [03:01] We can help with some English class haha [03:01] wilee-nilee: lol. I hope she's hot ;) [03:01] !ot > ms_daisy [03:01] ms_daisy, please see my private message [03:01] #ubuntu-users-gone-wild [03:01] just for now: how to turn off which ever s...my ubuntu does with my screen on boot? [03:01] hi- anyone having problems with medibuntu? I can't even reach the server, there is not such DNS record :/ [03:01] i want plain init text [03:01] wilee-nilee: catch you later. [03:01] see yah [03:01] McDickChunk, any actual support question? [03:02] just hanging out, waiting for new questions to arise so that I may help some lost soul [03:02] anyone that has problems with gwibber under 12.04.01 ? doesn't add facebook account ! [03:02] otherwise... no [03:02] pepee: Just tried. No dice. Dead for me too [03:03] McDickChunk, then save the chit chat for #ubuntu-offtopic [03:03] McDickChunk, do you use gwibber ? [03:03] I've used it before yes [03:04] McDickChunk, have any clue why he dosn't add my facebook account ? [03:04] maybe he doen't like you? [03:04] also my sound card is nowhere to be found [03:04] ahahah [03:04] i'm so ugly that when i send pictures over gwibber it logs off [03:05] it uninstalled for me when i tried [03:05] hahahahha === felipeal` is now known as felipealmeida [03:05] no seriously , i add it and he doesn't appear on the left side where the accounts are [03:06] I'm having problems connecting to vpn clients on my network (I get no route to host). What should I try to resolve this? It worked a few days ago. [03:07] im back [03:07] ubuntu is now not booting [03:07] is there a way to copy large files in segments across a network? [03:07] winstonebook, remove "quiet splash" from the kernel command line in grub [03:08] TimothyA, #networking may be of help [03:08] no...i use ubuntu wubi so im not sure how to do that [03:10] does ssh require one to set up port forwarding to reach (1) a computer on the same local network, and (2) that same computer from outside the local network? === mike is now known as Guest73139 [03:11] anyone here good with wireless cards ? i have a problem with the wifi also :) [03:11] crimsonmane, port forwarding is necessary if you are using router or something [03:11] !ssh | crimsonmane [03:11] crimsonmane: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [03:11] hey guys i cant get my DHCP server to get up and running properly [03:11] is anybody going to help me [03:12] durrut1, it seems you has so many issues. you may want to docuemnt all of them on askubuntu to get better support [03:12] Abhijit, already asked it some while ago .... no answers :( [03:13] http://askubuntu.com/questions/143002/12-04-doesnt-recocognize-wifi-on-acer-extensa-5620z [03:13] asked on may 27 [03:14] if i'll get it working i'll post the answer myself , hehe ... if more people have the same problem [03:14] durrut1, or try the latest quantal beta beta2 [03:14] please somebody help me [03:14] !ask > winstonebook [03:14] winstonebook, please see my private message [03:14] pepee, try it to fix what issue ? the wifi one ? or the gwibber one ? hehe [03:15] durrut1, then wait for some time [03:15] btw quantal will be released in oct 18 [03:15] yea .. i can wait one week [03:15] durrut1, not sure, could be, could be not [03:15] hey! [03:15] how can I turn off fx during boot and reacquire my sound card? [03:16] Can anybody help me because Ubuntu isnt working for me? [03:16] but damn it gets on my nerves :) [03:16] !patience|winstonebook: [03:16] winstonebook:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [03:16] anybody around on a Acer Extensa 5620Z ? [03:17] All IRC and no play makes winstonebook a dull boy [03:17] lol [03:17] !helpful | NiggletSausage [03:17] Lenovo Z565 here [03:18] durrut1, usb or pci wifi? [03:18] pci [03:18] i am using it with usb [03:18] but his own is not recognized [03:19] don't know why [03:19] durrut1, lspci | grep -Ei 'net|wire' [03:20] robert@roberTUX:~$ lspci | grep -Ei 'net|wire' [03:20] 02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5787M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express (rev 02) [03:20] 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01) [03:20] 0f:06.1 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Texas Instruments PCIxx12 OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller [03:20] durrut1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:20] uhm [03:20] sorry [03:20] durrut1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=791639 [03:20] !broadcom | durrut1 [03:20] durrut1: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [03:21] thanks guys .. i'll read it right now [03:21] but [03:21] hello! pls, reconnect on russia irc [03:22] the dirver is activated [03:22] !ru | dark133 [03:22] dark133: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [03:22] thk u!!! )) [03:23] durrut1, to the pastebin, if possible: ifconfig -a; iwconfig [03:24] lol also I cannot mount disks!!\ [03:24] !fstab | gfdfgfr [03:24] gfdfgfr: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [03:24] gfdfgfr, what does mount say? [03:24] pepee, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270452/ [03:25] Unable to mount LABEL: Addring read ACL for uid 1000 to '/media/USER' failed: operation not supported [03:25] anyone having problems with medibuntu? I can't even reach the server, there is not such DNS record :/ [03:25] screw mount [03:25] is there a way to restart the wireless connections w/o having to reboot [03:25] that what Files give me [03:25] if I do a /etc/init.d/networking restart|stop, I seem to lose it until rebooting [03:26] quit [03:26] disk buttons on ubuntu toolbar don't doa nuthing either [03:27] xenome: there is a terminal hardware reset command that will do it. [03:27] xenome, yes, you can do it. dhclient -r _interface_; ifconfig _interface_ down to release the IP and put the interface down [03:27] also, what cfhowlett saif: use rfkill [03:29] * gfdfgfr wonders if brokenness of everything in Ubuntu is related to a paid support plan prominently displayed during install [03:30] is it possible to open a browser so it automatically takes up half the screen? so i dont have to push it there? [03:30] rfkill can be used to bring it back up? [03:31] no, brokenness is because the lack of developers, bug reporting and support from hardware vendors [03:31] xenome, yes, but you will have to connect again manually [03:32] oh also: how to put menubar back? [03:32] that's done with dhclient? [03:32] !notunity > gfdfgfr [03:32] gfdfgfr, please see my private message [03:32] Hi, I just updated my precise box and flashplugin-installer complains "file not found", any links where I can download it? http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_11.2.202.243.orig.tar.gz [03:32] I think that's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/1064743 [03:32] Launchpad bug 1064743 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "flash plugin tar.gz file missing" [Undecided,Confirmed] [03:32] xenome, I suppose networkManager will reconnect automatically, but I'm not sure [03:33] if my server is in linux... or any *nix is it easy to write c#/asp apps or is that only windows servers [03:33] Hey can someone help me out really quick? [03:33] For some reason, "sudo nano /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server" wont execute [03:33] thomedy, see the Mono project [03:33] and also wine [03:33] i have it [03:34] it says stop: unknown instance start:job failed to start [03:34] I get this message in the syslog when trying to connect to a linux access point using hostadp and dnsmasq: "DHCP packet received on wlan1 which has no address" Where should I put this address for wlan1? In /etc/network/interfaces? But if I do that, then won't network manager not be able to manage that interface (that is, I'll need to switch the contents of /etc/network/interfaces quite often). [03:34] im stil learning how to use it [03:34] i don't need gnome shell. I just need menubars in a right place [03:34] but i use host gator mono will get me there? [03:34] pepee, did you see it ? -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270452/ [03:34] thomedy, #mono [03:34] oh im sorry good point [03:34] last question ubuntu specific... not mono [03:34] Anyone? [03:34] i taught myself how to make commands in ubuntu... it was surprising ly easy and jus tput it in /user/bin [03:35] well now i want to make buttons [03:35] you knwo [03:35] instead of the image for a text file [03:35] durrut1, are you more than one wifi adapter? [03:35] tut? [03:35] thomedy, do you need ,desktop files? [03:36] mastersh2ke: umm, is that a text file you're trying to open? Does nano work for other files? [03:36] pepee, i have a usb one what i use it to make it work and then the laptop has it's own .. i think is this one -> 04:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01) [03:36] BCM4311 [03:36] kunji: nano worked to edit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server [03:36] kunji: nano worked to edit /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server [03:36] is there a way i can add the gnome menu to a taskbar (tint2 is what im using) [03:37] kunji: i cannot get the service to starty [03:37] *start [03:37] durrut1, I can see just one wifi device in that list === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas- === Abbas- is now known as Abbas5 [03:37] gfdfgfr, ... [03:37] so the other one is not being recognized. that's probably because of the driver [03:37] no i just want them [03:37] i think its so gcoo [03:37] its something i have never done before [03:38] pepee, should i remove it ? [03:38] and then list them again ? [03:38] mastersh2ke: oh, because you said above that the nano command gave you problems, I'm not really familiar with the service you're trying to run, but my guess would be that some config option isn't right [03:38] i was psyched when i learned to do /bin/bash thing... now i want to take it to the next step [03:38] durrut1, no, try reinstalling the driver for the one that's not working [03:38] next step in what? [03:38] durrut1, remember to reboot after that, and before loading the driver [03:39] thomedy, I'm not understanding too, buttons for what? a message box or somthing? [03:39] *something [03:39] pepee, tried to install this one but it says it's already installed -> bcmwl-kernel-source is already the newest version. [03:40] thomedy: when you say make buttons, do you mean like the regular clickable icons, or like the ones in the launcher? [03:41] hey back sry [03:41] !broadcom [03:41] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [03:41] yeah i cant get a particular service to start [03:42] pepee, yea that's the one ... already did that and it says it's installed [03:42] mastersh2ke: sorry then, I don't know really know anything about that particular service [03:43] both really kunji .. [03:43] i have the newest install which i think is precise [03:43] mastersh2ke: there might be something in the syslog [03:43] and i would love to see my buttons on the side there [03:43] durrut1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Broadcom_BCM4311_rev_01_%28ndiswrapper%29 [03:43] hey [03:43] durrut1, sorry, that one looks old === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas| [03:44] thomedy: mmk, the stuff in the launcher has a special format, but I'm forgetting the name right now T.T, hmm [03:46] durrut1, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 and there is a channel: #bcm-users [03:46] thomedy, gnome2 could create them for you, but not anymore [03:46] ill just google it an not make you guys do my work i was here anyways...b ut though i want a button i do enjoy the terminal [03:47] so i want to do it terminall [03:47] and its not all that much of a priority right now [03:47] peace out guys you guys are awesome [03:47] thomedy: yeah, I've done it before, I just can't remember the name of the format so I can let you know so you can find it easily [03:48] oh that would help [03:48] i wouldnt be googling randomly [03:48] brb [03:48] thomedy:what are you trying to do [03:49] why ubuntu doesn't have gdebi by default? [03:49] thomedy: Hmm, I think they're .desktop files that you want to look at [03:49] !info gdebi [03:49] gdebi (source: gdebi): simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5build1 (precise), package size 25 kB, installed size 195 kB [03:49] Hi, I can't get Banshee to detect either an MTP device or a UMC device. Ubuntu automatically detects and mounts the device in UMC mode, and in MTP mode, I've managed to get the device to be browsable using mtp-tools or gmtp, but Banshee won't show the device in either mode. The same goes for Rhythmbox. [03:49] hola === carlos is now known as Guest24138 [03:50] !es | carlos [03:50] carlos: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [03:50] gfddgfr:says optional, so not sure why its not default [03:50] sorry [03:51] Grundoko:had a user last day with same issue like you, if i remember good it has some to do with pictures in music folder [03:51] thomedy: and I guess you'll need to look up where to put them in Ubuntu and whatnot, but yeah I think .desktop is probably what you want to look at, though I don't think it's the most straightforward method, it seems to be the way now. [03:51] holy shit [03:52] pardon my french. [03:52] !polite | ryan_moore [03:52] ryan_moore: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [03:52] i just installed xubuntu 12.04 and it's running so well [03:52] this is incredible [03:52] !yay | ryan_moore [03:52] ryan_moore: Glad you made it! :-) [03:52] yeah, *ubuntu > ubuntu + unity [03:53] lotuspsychje: any idea on the dnsmasq question I asked? [03:53] Having some trouble getting the nvidia drivers to work on my other laptop, a Dell Latitude D800 [03:53] But on my X300 it runs like a charm. [03:53] kunji:i recently joined mate can you re-ask? [03:53] kunji: what are you trying to do with dnsmasq ?? [03:53] hell I just ckick a deb-file and it wants to install 104 (ONE HUNDRED_AND_FOUR) packages! [03:53] lotuspsychje: There are no pictures in my music folder. And the device will only detect using mtp-tools or gMTP if it is in usb debug mode. It's a Motorola Atrix HD android phone. [03:53] brb [03:53] what kind of madness is this? [03:53] gfdfgfr, calm down [03:53] ryan_moore:did you install nvidia-current? [03:54] lotuspsychje: Sure, I get this message in the syslog when trying to connect to a linux access point using hostadp and dnsmasq: "DHCP packet received on wlan1 which has no address" Where should I put this address for wlan1? In /etc/network/interfaces? But if I do that, then won't network manager not be able to manage that interface (that is, I'll need to switch the contents of /etc/network/interfaces quite often). [03:54] gfdfgfr, what package [03:54] an application [03:54] gfdfgfr, what is the packages name [03:54] bazhang:he asked why gdebi wasnt default [03:54] setkeh: trying to give out ip addresses over wlan1, which is a wireless access point, via hostapd [03:55] bazhang, it won't tell you anything if you're american [03:55] gfdfgfr, pardon? [03:55] kunji: so just set that as the dhcp interfacew [03:55] but it cannot have this much dependencies [03:55] setkeh: it is, I get this message in the syslog though: DHCP packet received on wlan1 which has no address [03:55] gfdfgfr, just the package name, no need for the editorializing [03:56] kunji: did you give the interface an ip adress ?? [03:56] kunji:what wifi security on what wifi card? [03:56] I don't know how I should set that address, in /etc/network/interfaces, or what? I'm not using any security for now [03:57] kunji: if thats where ubuntu looks for adresses then yes [03:57] and it has to be in the same subnet as the dhcp pool [03:57] kunji: isnt dhcp auto assign an adress? [03:57] what for? it won't tell you anything, it's not in repository, and it is not related to the matter. it's small qt4 utility of no use to english speaking world [03:57] * baotiao [03:57] lotuspsychje: this is on the dhcp interface though it needs a staic one [03:57] gfdfgfr, then why complain about it here. [03:58] Well, I don't actually know if that is where it looks for dnsmasq, but generally yes. umm, yeah dhcp auto assigns an address, but that's for the people connecting to wlan1 in this case, so I guess I need to set an address for wlan1 manually, as the gateway device I guess? [03:58] bazhang, I complain about idiotic dependency handling in ubuntu. It worked without 104 dependencies in fedora [03:58] * lotuspsychje hides [04:01] kunji:you could install etherape to see whats happening === jgraham909 is now known as zendulu [04:01] lotuspsychje: maybe, what is it? And also is it in the repos (probably is?), I don't really want to mess with other sources. [04:02] !info etherape | kunji [04:02] kunji: etherape (source: etherape): graphical network monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12-1 (precise), package size 828 kB, installed size 3124 kB [04:02] !info wireshark | kunji [04:02] kunji: wireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.7-1 (precise), package size 801 kB, installed size 2138 kB [04:03] anyone qemu/kvm experts around? [04:03] kunji:maybe this could help too? http://askubuntu.com/questions/150425/lan-works-but-internet-gone-after-going-to-static-ip [04:03] lotuspsychje: hmm, it's too big... I'm running on pretty slim HD space, turns out I won't be able to install it without kicking out some other stuff [04:03] !kvm | xenome [04:03] xenome: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM [04:03] xenome: depends on what your trying to do ?? [04:04] I've got one guest bridged/tap and that works with DHCP...but now I'm trying to run to VMs with their own static IPs each on a different subnet [04:04] hello, i ve tried what i could but this bios dont seem to accept a pci to sata in order to be able to boot from it. can some one give me a tip? [04:04] hi, i'm trying to find the compile time options used to build the zabbix-server quantal package [04:04] pepee, which one of these 2 you think is the internat one ? -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270488/ the one that it says Subsystems : Acer , right ? the other one is the usb ? [04:04] internal* [04:04] so my host can be whatever IP, but I need each VM to be and [04:04] kunji: install ubuntu-tweak to shred out your system to a clean one [04:05] I think I need to do some ipchains/routing setup to make this all work, but I'm not exactly sure [04:05] xenome: you might look at postrouting and masquerade for iptables instead of bridging [04:05] xenome: so why cant you just subnet it ?? [04:05] nightcrab:can you give us more details, what are you trying to do? [04:05] i'm trying to emulate a particular network topography all within this one machine [04:05] durrut1, first one is ethernet, the other one (BCM4311) iw WIF [04:05] *is WIFI [04:06] and the VMs need to match as close to the real thing as possible [04:06] lotuspsychje: already have that, guess I should use the package cleaner? [04:06] xenome: pretty simple to setup your networks inside of vbox so I'm guessing you should be able to do it in qemu as well. [04:06] so do I forget the bridge/tap stuff and just add aliases for my eth0 for each of the subnets? [04:06] kunji:yes it removes old stuff nicely [04:06] lotuspsychje , i am trying to connect a ssd sata hard drive in to an old ide only motherboard [04:07] pepee, so those two can be the same fisical card ? [04:07] nightcrab:change bios to AHCI [04:07] so right now I have host=, and VM1=, VM2= - I need them all able to communicate [04:07] lotuspsychje , unfortunately this bios doesn t have that option [04:07] so does that just require iptable forwards between the interfaces? [04:08] durrut1, no, ethernet = cable [04:08] nightcrab:what error u get on trying to install ubuntu on the ssd? [04:08] xenome: and can you ping those interfaces from your host machine on .1.8? [04:08] xenome: pretty much, but I think you should look up masquerade and postrouting, as I feel those give you a cleaner configuration [04:09] pepee, ah ok ... then there is the controler of ethernet and wifi ... but i don't know which one , how can i see the internal pci card ? [04:09] nightcrab:you getting no system disk at boot or no drice show in ubuntu install? [04:09] optichip: no, but I wouldn't expect it to at the moment as they are all different subnets [04:09] lotuspsychje , when trying to install ubuntu it crashes at installing system [04:09] Hey everyone, question, why is it that every time I do apt-get upgrade I run into booting/logging on issues? Is it a common thing that everyone should avoid? [04:10] nightcrab:any errors on the crash? [04:10] durrut1, you said the broadcom is the pci one, the other is USB? [04:10] lotuspsychje , i can see the hard drive on ubuntu but not in bios. no erros it simply freeze [04:10] hex20dec:what kind og login issues? [04:11] nightcrab:if ubuntu sees the ssd, it might not be an ssd error..any other low hardware could cause trouble? [04:11] pepee, let me get this straigh because now i'm confused ... haha , i have one usb card inserted already that makes it possible to connect to the internet and then the laptop has its own but i don't really know if its the broadcom or if the usb is the broadcom [04:12] lotuspsychje: Well, as of now, after I enter my password it accepts it then I see the some commands on the screen and then it goes back to the login screen. [04:12] grrr [04:12] xenome: is the vms on the same subnet as the host network ?? [04:12] if the internal one is the broadcom or the usb one [04:12] lotuspsychje: But every time it's a different story and then I have to reinstall the OS [04:12] =[ [04:12] no, each is on a different subnet [04:12] hex20dec:can you access the /var/log/syslog to see whats happening? [04:12] durrut1, the USB won't show as PCI [04:13] lsusb shows USB cards [04:13] vm1= and vm2= [04:13] lotuspsychje , i tryed with cd and usb live so i think the problemcames from the ssd hard drive. and what about the bios? [04:13] host= [04:13] ah ... didn't knew that [04:13] durrut1, that, unless it's some strange setup [04:13] i don't really care about routing out of the host, I just need host,vm1,vm2 connectivity [04:13] lotuspsychje: Will try that now [04:13] nightcrab:it might be interesting tryin install xubuntu, to make sure its no other hardware fault [04:13] ok [04:13] xenome: what are you usint for emulating the network ?? [04:14] setkeh: not sure I understand the question [04:14] Bus 002 Device 003: ID 07d1:3c03 D-Link System AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.C1) [Ralink RT2571W] [04:14] this is the usb one [04:14] nightcrab:maybe precise to high for the old pc? [04:14] and the 4311 is the PCI [04:14] i tried creating an alias for eth0, eth0:1 and then adding it to the bridge...but I guess you can't really do that since eth0 is already part of the bridge [04:14] pepee, thanks ... off to install the broadcom driver and see if it works [04:14] hex20dec:did you try login to unity2d to test too? [04:15] xenome: are you using vde to configure the tapdevice as a switch ?? [04:15] no [04:15] lotuspsychje , let suppose i could install xubuntu. what about the bios if i cant set the ssd to boot? thats why i would like to rsolve the bios problem first [04:15] my initial setup was to create a bridge, add eth0 and tap0 to it, then tell qemu to use tap0 [04:15] Uhmm.. I don't think so, but as of now I do ctrl+alt+f1 to login to try to view the log, is it good? Also, I will try the 2d now. lotuspsychje [04:16] lotuspsychje: unity2d is the same. [04:16] nightcrab:if its a pci to sata convert, bios will think its pci..i dont think its trouble [04:16] with dhcp on vm1, that works fine...it gets all the way out of my host to the router and gets a dynamic IP...but once I change it to static, on a different subnet, it obviously stops working [04:17] hex20dec:you could also try adding 'nomodeset' to grub to see if its a compiz crash [04:17] !nomodeset | hex20dec [04:17] hex20dec: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [04:17] lotuspsychje , but what would i choose as boot priority? bios has a try other boot devices option [04:18] xenome: ok you cannot talk between subnets without a router or a switch with per interface vlans configured to route thoes subnets [04:18] nightcrab:if ubuntu see the ssd in install, bios is set correclty, i would focus on other hardware crashes [04:19] xenome: what i suggest is look into vde and install open wrt in one of your machines will make it much easyer === Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia [04:19] nightcrab:your bios recognize the drive? [04:19] i can't bring any new hardware into this unfortunately....why can't do I do all that routing on my host? [04:20] lotuspsychje , you may have lots of hard drives pens cd rom connected to a computer but you ll have to choose one to boot it [04:21] nightcrab:you dont make sense mate, you say ubuntu install see your ssd hd, but now you asking me wich hd to set as primary boot? [04:21] xenome: you can if you configure it correctly but you can get rid of the tap interface (loopback) and replace it with a VDE switch then you havent introduced any new hardware just used a switch instead of a loopback === WACOMalt is now known as WACOMalt|AFK [04:23] lotuspsychje , your first answer was to choose AHCI, remember? [04:23] lotuspsychje: mmk, I've got etherape, what do I do with it, I've opened it, I can see a number of devices both on my network, and a few that seem like they're outside of it... Though I need to disconnect the wireless interface to start the access point again. [04:23] nightcrab:is its pci to sata convert you should set primary IDE to boot [04:24] nightcrab:not achi cause it acting as an IDE [04:24] ok I'll check it out [04:24] lotuspsychje , nothing appear to choose from to boot [04:25] but I think I have a hack...I can ping the host if I add the gw address ( to the bridge [04:25] xenome: and if you decide to use it what your looking for is per interface vlans :) [04:25] kunji:it just shows your network packets layout graphicly might help to see whats problem? [04:25] lotuspsychje , i have no boot options [04:25] but how do you tell qemu to use that [04:25] I thought you had to give it a tap essentially so it had "an interface" [04:26] nightcrab:why do you need boot options if ubuntu see your ssd? === eilyx is now known as \n [04:26] lotuspsychje: hmm, maybe, but I'm pretty sure the issue is internal to the access point laptop, just that it is not giving out dhcp, which I think it because of that error from dnsmasq === \n is now known as eilyx [04:27] kunji:router configged correclty for it? [04:27] lotuspsychje , dont i? [04:27] xenome: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/QEMU << that will help you setup qemu and vde :) === WACOMalt|AFK is now known as WACOMalt [04:27] nightcrab:tell me how you booted into ubuntu? [04:27] setkeh pls dont post that here [04:28] lotuspsychje , using live usb. choosed usb boot in bios [04:28] doh [04:28] its a good guid i swear XD [04:28] haha [04:29] nightcrab:then after your ubuntu sees the ssd drive and you started to install..then what? [04:29] !info frivolous links | setkeh [04:29] setkeh: 'links' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, stable, testing, unsta [04:30] lotuspsychje: routers shouldn't be involved, what I am doing is setting the wireless adapter in my laptop to master mode, so the laptop is the access point, and then trying to connect to that wirelessly. I can see the network, but when I try to connect to it I get the error "DHCP packet receive on wlan1 which has no address", so I think I need to set an address on the laptop for wlan1 somehow [04:30] kunji:maybe try ##networking ? [04:31] kunji: it needs to have an ipaddress on WLAN1 [04:31] i dont know how to do it permanently in ubuntu but for testing you can do [04:31] setkeh: yeah, that's what I'm thinking, gonna try messing with that for a while and then I'll report back or try ##networking [04:32] hi, how to enable mod_rewrite in apache2 [04:32] ifconfig wlan1 ipaddrhere netmask=the subnetmaskof youiphere [04:32] kunji: ^ that will assign on untill next reboot [04:32] lotuspsychje , when trying to install ubuntu it crashes at installing system [04:32] setkeh: thanks, I'll try that out [04:32] mobhero:try #httpd [04:33] nightcrab:what makes you so sure its ssd problem? [04:33] kunji: might not be 100% accurate but im pretty sure its right lol [04:33] this is a totally noob question but, if I do a cmake->make->make install, is the program that is getting installed tracked by my package manager? if not is there a way to uninstall safely and/or automatically? [04:34] lotuspsychje , because i was talking to god === jack is now known as Mittens [04:35] nightcrab:try xubuntu on the usb, to see if its really nothing else [04:35] lotuspsychje: he's trying to install on a machine that has IDE ports, doubt it'll boot from USB. [04:36] Optichip:he just tols me he installed ubuntu with usb stick [04:36] im running ubuntu 12.04, fresh install [04:37] hello [04:37] gridwest_user: hello [04:37] Optichip:he thinks he need bios set correclty for ssd boot, but ubuntu already sees the hd in livecd [04:38] setkeh: I think that did the trick [04:38] Does anyone know how to close a forwarded port in the terminal [04:38] sorry close an open port [04:38] !firewall | gridwest_user [04:38] gridwest_user: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist. [04:39] kunji: kool deal :) now just look on ubuntu wiki on how to do it permanently im not sure how :) [04:40] setkeh: I think it's by editing /etc/network/interfaces, but I actually think I would prefer to set it this way in a script for when I start the access point, since I'll want to use my wireless to get internet most of the time [04:40] kunji: that works :) [04:41] does anyone know how to cause a script to run administrative commands on bootup [04:41] i have troubel with wireless: http://pastebin.com/KX99syBm [04:41] !info cron | gridwest_user [04:41] gridwest_user: cron (source: cron): process scheduling daemon. In component main, is important. Version 3.0pl1-120ubuntu4 (precise), package size 82 kB, installed size 295 kB [04:41] Yep, setkeh and lotuspsychje, thanks for all the help, I really appreciate everything you guys do here, both for me and the community as a whole [04:41] i already followed directions here, i have ubuntu 12.0.4 http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware [04:42] !broadcom | kamas [04:42] kamas: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [04:42] kunji: welcome :) [04:43] lotuspsychje i just looked at that page before this but i can't solve it [04:43] pepee, thanks again dude ... managed to make it work :) i think i have one year using my laptop with the usb wireless card :) i owe you a beer :) [04:43] kamas:did you install the correct broadcom driver? [04:43] yes [04:45] i don't think ufw is the answer to my first problem [04:45] durruti, you are welcome ;) [04:45] can netstat be used to close an open port [04:46] I need to cleanly close an open port [04:46] help more people, so we all can use free/open source software [04:46] gridwest_user:the url describes howto open/close ports on iptables.. [04:46] pepee, you're nick name sounds spanish :) where do you live ? hehe [04:47] yep, I'm chilean [04:47] http://www.linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported_devices : i used this resource too [04:47] I know it's ugly when you read it in english [04:47] pepee, uhh sons of allende :) [04:47] i think everything is installed correctly, i restarted, but for some reason cannot use wireless stil? [04:47] yup [04:48] well, these days is more likely "sons of pinochet"... :/ [04:48] By default UFW is disabled. [04:48] pepee, right now i'm answering to my own question on askubuntu ... if that makes any sense , haha :) [04:49] durruti, try helping kamas too [04:49] gridwest_user:which port are you trying to close? [04:49] pepee, what is kamas ? [04:49] i am kamas [04:49] a [04:49] LOL [04:49] LOL [04:50] guys pls stick to ubuntu support [04:50] 54545 [04:50] kamas : what happened ? broadcom 4311 dirver ? [04:50] i instaelled it correctly but i cant use wireless [04:50] i using ubuntu 12.0.4 [04:50] I open the port with a script to run a process [04:50] kamas, you need to remove the other drives [04:51] what did you installed ? [04:51] is there command i can type to see what i have installed already? [04:51] firmware-b43-installer [04:51] this one ? [04:51] yes i think so let me see [04:51] listen ... don't get more complicated [04:51] just go to additional drivers [04:51] ok let me try [04:51] and remove the one you already get installed [04:51] got* [04:52] and then the system it will say that it needs to restart [04:52] you got connection via cable ? [04:52] actually i only have one driver installed [04:52] yes , now i am using ethernet cable [04:52] that one [04:52] remove that [04:52] what's a good UML diagramming program (not Dia)? [04:52] unplug it? [04:52] and then the b43 will take effect [04:52] yes [04:52] hit remove [04:53] and the system will ask to reboot [04:53] i don't have that on the list [04:53] do as i tell you .. i did this 5 minutes ago [04:53] the only thing i see on the list is this: broadcom sTA wireless driver [04:53] it doesn't show because it's not yet effective [04:53] if ufw is disabled by default then it seems that it is not the issue [04:53] should i hit "remove" for the broadcom STA wireless driver?? [04:54] yes [04:54] ok ill try [04:54] you installed firmware-b43-installer , right ? [04:54] yes [04:55] ok i did the exact same thing [04:55] How come my FF is so slow and choppy? I can't seem to 'stream' youtube or anything without chats being all jumpy [04:55] and until i removed the broadcom STA wireless driver nothing happened [04:55] why do i need to remove it if i want it active? i will try and see what hapen [04:55] that is strang why it does that? [04:55] because that is the old one [04:55] and the new one cannot function until its disabled [04:55] ok, i remove it [04:56] this waht hapen [04:56] "SystemError: E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [04:56] fuuuuck [04:56] what's that ? [04:56] hello [04:56] haha [04:56] how did you removed it ? from the control panel ? or from the console ? [04:57] from control panel , i just clicked the 'remove' button [04:57] uhm [04:57] dunno what's that ... mine just removed without giving a fight :) [04:57] listen [04:57] reboot [04:58] and do it again [04:58] really quick question for yall, if I want to copy files that may be corrupted, what's the easiest way to do it? [04:58] then ill be back to ask again [04:58] ok [04:58] i'll be here [05:04] Hi all. [05:05] I'm using thunderbird 14.0 on ubuntu 11.10, Is there a lightning package for these versions as I'm unable to find one. [05:06] subb1, you mean xul-ext-lightning doesn't work? [05:07] ok im back [05:08] now it says "driver is not activated" [05:08] should i click "activate" now? [05:09] kamas:yes you can try [05:10] command line for RAM info? [05:11] no [05:11] kamas, did the system asked you to reboot after you removed the old one ? [05:12] http://www.nongnu.org/dmidecode/ reseracher123 [05:12] Daekdroom, your suggestion worked. Thanks [05:12] :) [05:13] no it did not ask to reboot [05:13] researacher123: yeah, go with dmidecode first, "sudo dmidecode --type 17" will give you your RAM [05:15] kamas : huh .. i installed first that package , reboot , removed the old one...and then the system asked for reboot . rebooted and it was working [05:15] Hi , How do I launch firefox in minimized window by default from command line. [05:21] this my first time with ubuntu [05:21] i just put it now [05:25] jivora: http://askubuntu.com/questions/4876/can-i-minimize-a-window-from-the-command-line [05:28] lotuspsychje : Thanks. I was looking for a option that I can launch firefox with. I am not using x server. I am using xvfb to simulate X server [05:29] jivora:i also use sux firefox launching from terminal, but thats not relevant for minimized windows [05:31] !security | gridwest_user [05:31] gridwest_user: Security Updates are dealt with here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server [05:31] kamas: You will enjoy it. [05:48] Hey guys, I just installed apache2 and I was trying to setup public_html dir to serve the html pages i am working on but i keep getting The requested URL /~instant/public_html was not found on this server. [05:48] can someone point me in the right direction [05:51] rollitup, you need to install 'userdir' module for apache2 [05:51] rollitup, or, rather just enable it, sudo a2enmod userdir (i'm not sure if it was exactly userdir, just do sudo a2enmod to see all available extensions) [05:51] yes i did do the sudo a2enmod userdir [05:52] also [05:52] the url for /home/instant/public_html will be yourserver/~instant, not ~/instant/public_html [05:52] so of course it was not found [05:52] ... :) [05:52] Quick question - does anyone know how to switch channels in XChat? [05:53] im getting a permission denied although im root user in the shell, any idea why? [05:53] What are you trying to do Phaba? [05:53] Phaba: what are you trying to do? [05:53] I probably can't help, but it's worth a try [05:53] ./metasploit-latest-linux-installer.run [05:53] that command [05:53] sudo ./metaspolit-et [05:53] :x [05:54] Phaba: chmod +x meta.... [05:54] *etc [05:54] chmod +x [05:54] ahhhh [05:54] chmod +x metasploit-latest-linux-installer.run [05:54] Is +x the permission for "executable files"? [05:54] i thought root would have full execute access by default, cheers guys [05:54] Baralabite: makes it executable [05:54] Thanks [05:54] root doesn't have 'execute' flag, the files do [05:54] :p [05:55] !who | Baralabite [05:55] Baralabite: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [05:55] Sorry :/ [05:55] sorted, thanks again :P [05:55] hey its working now!! [05:55] finally wireless is working [05:56] Another "Thumbs up" to Ubuntu - I got a wireless stick the other day, took it out of the box, plugged it straight into my Desktop (running Ubuntu 12.04), and it worked! No drivers :) [05:56] *No driver installation required [05:56] another thumbs up to linux kernel, rather [05:57] Well, yes, to linux as a whole [05:57] baralabite, what did u get? [05:57] u got USB bootable linux? [05:57] No, it's Installed [05:57] Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop LTS [05:57] oh, but what wireless stick [05:57] * Baralabite is rummaging for box... === Guest35709 is now known as _dd [05:58] "I know it's here somewhere..." [05:58] kamas: Netgear N150 Wireless USB Adapter [05:59] So, I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on VirtualBox first gave me terrible performance [05:59] tried mint on virtualbox [05:59] same [05:59] Then I installed Ubuntu 12.04 using Wubi [05:59] how can i make my ubuntu 12.0.4 lock the screen after 1 minute [05:59] Increase RAM? [05:59] and how can i change the password [05:59] to unlock it [05:59] !enter | Josh [05:59] Josh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [05:59] Despite from the replies I heard about wubi [06:00] so any idea bazhang ? [06:00] Josh: How much ram have you given it? [06:00] Josh, ask a question [06:00] 1024 [06:00] bazhang, already have, just read it [06:00] How to cleanly kill all vnc processes [06:00] Josh: And what CPU have you got? [06:00] kamas: I'll look for a solution in a minute [06:01] Baralabite, I've got 2GB ram so I gave it half [06:01] I gave it 2 processors (from processor tab of virtualbox) [06:01] Josh, use a real install , not vbox or wubi [06:01] Josh: How much CPU have you got? [06:01] My CPU has VT-x by the way [06:01] Josh: What's your CPU [06:01] bazhang, That is not what I want. [06:01] How do I cleanly kill all vnc processes [06:01] Baralabite, Intel Duel Core [06:01] Josh, then expect slower performance [06:01] Josh: And what is your host OS, and what programs are you running on the host [06:01] Windows 7 [06:01] Josh: GHz? [06:02] None programs when I want to run Ubuntu as VM [06:02] except maybe X-Chat only [06:02] Josh: What is the GHz of the CPU? [06:02] virtualbox experience is pretty crappy, and will stay so [06:02] Baralabite, Let me show you screen shot of CPUz [06:02] vesa driver for gfx.. [06:02] Josh: Don't bother [06:02] Why? [06:02] Josh: Just type in "dxdiag" into the "Run" menu on windows 7 [06:02] It' [06:03] nah, I've already got screenshot [06:03] It'll have the CPU specs on that page [06:03] My guess is, that your computer can't perform any faster - understandable though [06:03] True. [06:03] But then Why WUBI is amazingly fast [06:03] I used to run Ubuntu in Windows, and it was pretty bad [06:04] Ohh, I thought you were saying that WUBI wasn't working(?) [06:04] Heck, its exactly like Actual proper install of ubuntu [06:04] because wubi = native install, only in windows filesystem [06:04] it's not virtualized [06:04] Yeah [06:04] Josh, it _is_ actual proper install of ubuntu === alyosha is now known as alyosha_sql [06:04] Josh, it only runs inside an image in windows'es filesystem [06:04] crizis, Yes, but people say, It is not a "proper" install [06:04] Josh: When VirtualBox is hosting an OS, it is sending the commands to the CPU [06:04] since the file lies in NTFS partition [06:04] As well as the Host OS [06:04] and experiance is bad. [06:04] it's not, kinda, but it's not virtualized [06:04] and yes, i wouldn't trust it, it breaks quite often [06:05] and i really mean it *breaks* on updates [06:05] So, now 2 OS's is sending commands to the OS, which slows everything down [06:05] and you can't fix it in any way anymore [06:05] *CPU [06:05] Baralabite, I see. [06:05] wubi was removed from the livecds for a reason, so crizis is right [06:05] *So now 2 OS's are sending commands to the CPU, which slows everything down [06:05] People seem to still adore VirtualBox over wubi [06:05] While for me it isn't even workable :3 [06:05] The Ubuntu installer has a "Install alongside Windows" option so I'd just use that [06:05] Josh, install 'guest additions' in virtualbox to get better gfx performance [06:05] That is why when you installed Wubi, since it is only running Ubuntu, and not windows, it is faster [06:05] crizis, Did [06:06] ok well, then it's pretty much best you'll get [06:06] and yes, vbox is slow [06:06] :P [06:06] sad. [06:06] crizis, what exactly guest addition does, Basically, how it has all the necessary drivers for every type of guest os? [06:07] Josh: So, anyway, summary: 2 OS's running at once slows down the CPU for both, but since Wubi (AFAIK) is only running Ubuntu, it's much faster, because it's only running one OS. Solution: Install Ubuntu seperately, and not virtualize it [06:07] it doesn't have drivers 'for every type', but it does have drivers for ubuntu up to 12.04 currently [06:07] and fedora and few other 'big' distros [06:08] So far I've found Ubuntu and Windows (and a few small (30MB)) distros of linux work fine in Virtual Box, although slow on my laptop [06:08] Baralabite, Can I format part of one of my (existing) NTFS partitions to ext4? and when I don't want it, remove it and join it back to main partition? as NTFS [06:08] crizis: Not exactly correct, it has generic Linux drivers (when you go to Devices -> Install guest additions), they do have requirements to kernel/X versions though [06:08] Probably... Don't take my word for it [06:08] Ohh, another note: [06:08] Josh: Yes you can, the Ubuntu installer will handle that just fine [06:08] Baralabite, The developer his self says of wubi that it is designed as a try out ubuntu, and not for longterm use. [06:09] theadmin, close enough :) [06:09] theadmin, Currently with wubi I have advantage of growing space as necessary [06:09] I gave it basic 15 GB space. [06:09] Although, I havn't really ran out of it yet [06:09] Josh: Uh, you can't grow it without doing a complete reinstall of wubi [06:09] theadmin, wubi says it grows? [06:09] Josh: So I don't see how that's an advantage of any kind [06:10] it is dynamic [06:10] Josh: Well the file will grow up to 15GB and then Ubuntu will report the drive as full [06:10] Josh: That's the idea [06:10] Josh: I installed Windows Along side Ubuntu, and then rather than, when I wanted to run Windows inside, installing a Windows in VirtualBox, I rather ran the Virtualization from the partioned space [06:10] I see. [06:10] did somebody answer my question i missed what was said [06:10] wilee-nilee Thanks :) I don't know much about Wubi, I've never used it [06:10] Kamas, I got it, I've just been a bit busy [06:11] But I've forgotten it again - refresh me [06:11] wilee-nilee, Well, but this try is running efficiently well if you ask me :D [06:11] I have complete ubuntu installed on other computer and it works exactly same. [06:12] <3 Ubuntu... I've got it installed on all my devices now :) [06:12] Baralabite: Even on the toaster? :P [06:12] (This is comming from a guy who for as long as he remembers has used Windows) [06:12] theadmin, hahaha [06:12] I don't own the toaster ;) [06:12] Me either. [06:12] Mum does :} [06:12] xD [06:13] If I could, I probably would install Ubuntu on the toaster though :} [06:13] Well, I suppose I'll just continue to use Ubuntu with wubi [06:13] until I get any problems [06:13] If I got a Raspberri Pi to controlling the turning on and off of the toaster.... :P [06:13] What problems I may expect ? [06:13] So I wont get heartattack >_> [06:13] :P [06:13] Josh, eventually it will break when you install updates [06:13] Josh: Well you can expect it to suddenly stop booting, that's about it [06:13] Updates? [06:13] Josh, Good, it can be transfered to a partition if you decide to have a regular install. [06:13] and it's not possible to fix it [06:13] All installed. [06:13] Baralabite: Ubuntu has no ARM support afaik [06:13] Baralabite: So no rpi for you [06:14] :'( [06:14] I'll just have to Virtualize it ;) [06:14] theadmin, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/arm [06:15] @crizis: Nice! [06:15] Well, The problem with alongside windows is that it installs Grub [06:15] crizis: Don't see anything about the Raspberry Pi there. Actually, I've seen on raspberrypi.org that they say that Ubuntu doesn't work with the pi [06:15] I don't want grub [06:15] I want MBR :3 [06:15] Josh: Why not? [06:15] theadmin, still, ubuntu does have ARM build :P [06:15] Just say I frequently make changes. [06:15] i downloaed .rb file for linux, how do i install it now on ubuntu 12? [06:16] theadmin, And without internet support, I don't know how to fix grub when ubuntu is uninstalled. [06:16] kamas: .rb looks like a ruby program... [06:16] Yeah [06:16] So, I like the way Wubi does it :3 [06:16] so how can i open it? i downloaed from here: http://speedcap.net/ [06:16] ruby .rb perhaps? I don't have any experience with ruby [06:16] Baralabite is correct. [06:16] It uses Windows Boot to boot ubuntu :3 [06:16] Well you need to install ruby first [06:17] whre can i get rubyfrom [06:17] Josh: It uses the Windows bootloader to boot GRUB after which that loads Ubuntu [06:17] kamas: sudo apt-get install ruby [06:17] sudo apt-get install ruby perhaps? [06:17] theadmin, I see. [06:17] ok [06:17] theadmin, So If I install along side windows how to tell it to do same? [06:17] I really don't want grub [06:17] is there any reason not to want grub? [06:17] what is the shortcut to paste in terminal? [06:17] * wilee-nilee waits to see josh here crying when a grub update puts grub in the mbr [06:17] ctrl+v does not work [06:18] kamas: Ctrl+Shift+V [06:18] * Baralabite almost booted the ubuntu partition from within ubuntu virtualbox... [06:18] kamas, ctrl-shift-v if you mean gnome-terminal [06:18] wilee-nilee, :[ [06:18] :P [06:18] looks like ruby is now installing! [06:18] ;D [06:18] Kamas: Next time choose a python program :} [06:19] C++ [06:19] :P [06:19] C [06:19] \o/ [06:19] has anyone noticed that df does not print / filesystem status anymore? [06:19] easy fix the mbr windows or grub load, a wubi grub in the mbr is a whole other thang [06:19] is python easier [06:19] i3d, ? [06:19] Yea, python is easier IMO [06:19] i3d: It does for me... [06:19] Python comes installed with most linux distroes [06:19] kamas: Python is one of the easiest languages around indeed. [06:19] *distros [06:19] Josh: 12.10 with Linux i3dmaster-linux 3.5.0-17-generic #26-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 3 21:29:51 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux [06:20] wilee-nilee, I mostly dislike grub because If tomorrow I remove ubuntu, grub fails miserably. [06:20] there's really no difference in coding with ruby vs python. syntax is 90% the same and they both work pretty much alike [06:20] saying another is "easier" is just clueless [06:20] with today's udpate [06:20] Except ubuntu comes with python pre-installed, and is pretty universal [06:20] But then again, ruby is also pretty universal [06:20] so it comes with perl too... :P [06:20] But I'm ignorant in such matters :/ [06:20] ok now i have ruby, how do i install the .rb file [06:20] ruby isn't that portable [06:21] i type something in terminal? [06:21] wilee-nilee, and then to restore it, I have once used some googling, but say if I don't have internet at the time [06:21] python is slightly better portability-wise [06:21] crizis: I know both Python and Ruby. Python makes more sense in many ways. [06:21] I am screwed === kelebra is now known as rocheux [06:21] ruby .rb in terminal [06:21] I can't even boot windows then :D [06:21] crizis: hi warsow dev! [06:21] theadmin, i know both too, and i think c makes more sense :P [06:21] do i have to go tothe directory first [06:21] kamas: In terminal, type in: ruby .rb [06:21] Calinou, hi :) [06:21] Kamas, yes [06:21] Josh, Actually grub or a windows bootloader to the mbr is one or two commands, it is just a matter of knowing how. If you have windows and ubuntu dual booted and you want to remove ubuntu you just instal the windows boot to the mbr, one command and remove ubuntu, everything is working. [06:22] how can i get to the folder i need [06:22] crizis: Anyway we got offtopic, if you want to continue this you may PM me. [06:22] although, this is going a bit offtopic [06:22] :3 [06:22] yes :-) === anael is now known as Guest19973 [06:22] Okay, kamas [06:22] is there any reason not to want grub? < there is none [06:22] Do you know the "cd" command? [06:22] bootmgr cannot boot linux [06:22] yes [06:22] wilee-nilee, hmm... [06:22] Okay, err, you should know how to get to the Directory [06:22] wilee-nilee, To know how you need internet :D [06:22] :P [06:22] Usually. [06:22] but i dont know the names of any folder [06:22] ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ [06:22] thats whre i am now [06:22] Josh, Persoanlly I have 4 OS on my one 160 gig hd W7, and 3 linux installs. [06:22] i need to go to download folder [06:22] kamas: Right, that's your home directory [06:23] kamas: cd Downloads [06:23] kamas: Type in "cd Downloads" [06:23] wilee-nilee, wow [06:23] wilee-nilee, so, How do you transfer ubuntu from wubi to proper partition? [06:23] kamas: Then type in "ls" and see what comes up [06:23] I have a 400 GB partition with 300 GB free space. [06:23] I want to give ubuntu 30 GB space in that partition [06:23] but downloads might be a subfolder do i need to go to main folder first [06:23] Josh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MigrateWubi [06:23] it does not find cd downloads now [06:24] is there cd all command [06:24] Kamas: Re-download the file and save it to the desktop [06:24] or cd list all folder [06:24] wilee-nilee, Thanks, one more question, If I remove ubuntu and format ext4 back to ntfs [06:24] can I join it like it was previously [06:24] 400 GB [06:24] without formatting the entire 400 GB ? [06:24] kamas: "downloads" and "Downloads" are not the same thing. [06:24] Kamas, do you want to go into private message? [06:24] ok [06:25] Josh, It will be joined automatically windows sees a NTFS automatically. [06:25] It sees NTFS yes, but it will be treated as 30 GB different partition [06:25] C D E and F of 30 GB [06:25] can F be joined to E again ? [06:25] Josh, It wil just be another lettered drive like you see in computer. [06:25] without formatting entire E [06:25] I know. [06:26] You can parition the free space from E to F but can you merge them back? [06:26] without formatting E [06:26] Josh: Please don't use Enter so much. Type the whole question on one line. [06:26] Josh: You can merge them back, yes, GParted (Linux) or EaseUS Partition Manager (Windows) will deal with that just fine. [06:27] Josh, The key here as far as partitions go is understanding the limitations in the max amount of primary partitons, and the use of a extended partition for the linux partitions [06:27] Josh: if your HDD is recent, you can have 128 partitions (GPT), else you can only have 4 (MBR) [06:27] your computer must use UEFI bios in this case too [06:27] if you use MBR, only primary partitions are bootable [06:28] theadmin, Sorry and The main concern is not merging, the main concern is without formatting one of them [06:28] Confusing much... [06:28] Josh: You don't have to format during the resizing, that's what I meant [06:28] Ah [06:28] Cause, I don't want to loose stuff that lies in My E [06:28] if I want to install ubuntu alongside windows, and my hardrive already has two partions, if I select "install along side windows" it acts like there is only one partition, I can change the size of it which is cool, but if I do that will it erase the info on one of my partions? [06:28] Josh: The basic idea is: resize one of the partitions and make another one in the free space (for Ubuntu). Then, if necessary, reverse the procedure [06:28] or will it create it's own partition? [06:28] Josh, I think in widows there are merge functions, in a linux setup we just resize the partitions, which you can do with a NTFS, in other words expand the ntfs into the area unallocated by the removal of a partition. [06:29] windows* [06:29] It sounds good then [06:29] Aravoth: It won't erase anything, it just gives yo the "space for windows" and "space for Ubuntu" sliders (space for Windows being both of your NTFS3 partitions) [06:29] I am off to moving from wubi to proper partition [06:29] in hope I wont loose data [06:29] Aravoth: If you're not sure what it's gonna do (I never am), better choose "Something Else" and deal with partitioning manually [06:29] Thanks a lot wilee-nilee theadmin and Calinou [06:29] so it won't erase anything fom either partiion? [06:30] Josh, Just make sure when doing this that you do not go over 4 primary partitions. [06:30] I've never really merged partitions [06:30] at least not without a format [06:30] :P [06:30] theadmin: heh, the installer should tell you what it does when you use the other options too, imo (just a suggestion) [06:30] Aravoth: Shouldn't. But then again, I never trust auto-partitioners :P [06:30] has anyone suggested this? [06:30] quite obvious [06:30] Calinou: Yeah it's obvious, have no idea why it doesn't do that [06:30] gotcha [06:32] if I could use after effects in ubuntu I'd drop this windows crap right now [06:33] Aravoth: You might be able too (there is some support for Windows applications through WINE) [06:33] Hmm, creating another partition from Gparted [06:33] Hope all goes well [06:33] s/too/to [06:34] If I lose my data, I am going to cry hard [06:34] :D [06:34] hi all [06:34] hi aneek [06:34] By the way how do you update ubuntu :P [06:34] is it possible? [06:35] I have 12.04 [06:35] it' should update automatically [06:35] Josh: Um, sure. Whenever there are updates available for your release, an update manager icon SUDDENLY on the panel [06:35] josh, apt was great to update [06:35] hi [06:35] do you mean update or upgrade [06:35] Josh: Just click it and it will guide you to it [06:35] can any one tell me how to manually locate any package in ubuntu , when its getting eror unable to locate package [06:35] can u please tell how to tell ls to show files with direcory [06:35] hi rock [06:35] crizis, Upgrade I assume [06:35] otherwise you can upgrade to 12.10 by unchecking lts realease only or whatever [06:36] Josh, for regular updates, just click top-right power icon and there's updates available / system is up to date- menu entry which opens update manager [06:36] I excited for steam porting games to ubuntu [06:36] Josh, for upgrade, this same updater app will tell 'new distribution release available' when stable release comes [06:36] Aravoth: You can't really upgrade to 12.10 yet [06:36] aneek, you need update your apt databases [06:36] Aravoth: It's in beta [06:36] Flash has just mysteriously stopped working for me in Chromium on 12.04. Thoughts? [06:36] crizis, I know how to update stuff with update manager [06:36] rock, ls [06:36] cjs: Tried restarting the browser? [06:36] Josh, well, it's the same app that will notify you about distribution upgrades [06:36] crizis, then entire ~600MB is downloaded again? [06:36] Or the parts which are updated? [06:37] like if i am in music direcotry i want tht "ls" give the output like /root/music/*mp3 [06:37] i need output in this format [06:37] Josh: Pretty much everything will be updated if you're upgrading to another Ubuntu version [06:37] Josh, also from ubuntu software centre -> manage software sources, you can define whether the updater prompts you for LTS releases only or for all releases [06:37] theadmin: Yes. [06:37] blackshirt i have tried with apt-get update, i am having debian package downloaded , when i am installing it. getting error unable to locate package [06:37] Rock: So with full path? [06:37] Josh, it'll update all the packages. so ye, it's usually 500-1500mb depending how much software you got intsalled [06:37] ah ok crizis [06:37] thanks [06:37] rock, you can grep it [06:38] yea but its not showing actually i want append ls output in txt file with full path but its only showing mp3 names [06:38] Oh, hang on, it's working some places. Weird. [06:38] aneek, you not describe on the detail [06:38] look i need my output in txt file like this /HDD1/music/10-the_smile.mp3 [06:39] in Gparted I clicked Resize, I wonder what Freespace preceeding and Freespace following means :3 === Breadflour is now known as Dreadtower [06:39] Rock: use find. But why do you want this output? [06:39] i did it before long time ago but now i forget those command plz help [06:39] Rock: I don't see anything related in the ls manpage, try using find like jrib said [06:40] blackshirt, i am installing kaseya on my desktop, when i am runingin sudo apt-get install kaseya.deb or dpkg -i kaseya.deb its showing unable to locate package " [06:40] I first noticed the breakage on Steam's website, which used to work but now tells me I need the latest version of Flash to play the videos. Now, on Youtube, some videos work ok, others, such as < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krhHysLmXV0 >, give me, "The Adobe Flash Player is required for video playback." [06:40] theadmin, please help a bit, so I wont fail miserably and loose my data [06:40] :P [06:40] Does that video work for anybody else in Chromium on 12.04 64-bit, with the latest updates? [06:40] Josh: I have to leave in about an hour... But what do you need help with? [06:40] actually i want to make a playlist of a file to play in mplayer [06:40] in Gparted I clicked Resize, I wonder what Freespace preceeding and Freespace following means :3 [06:40] cjs, youtube.com/html5 :) [06:40] Preceeding and following? [06:40] crizis: Doesn't help with my Steam issue. [06:40] I thought it will be as easy as, get 40 Gigs from the free part [06:40] :3 [06:41] Josh: Basically, how much space will be before the partition, how much space will be after it [06:41] Josh: You don't really have to touch those 2 [06:41] Oh ok [06:41] New size = 40 [06:41] Thats it? [06:42] Josh: Um, I think the size is specified in mb [06:42] Josh: so 40960 [06:43] ah [06:43] Thanks a lot [06:44] Anyway, can nobody with a current 64-bit 12.04 Chromium have a look at that page for me? [06:44] * Josh gulps [06:45] it says Possible loss of data [06:45] cjs: Verify that you find either "Adobe Flash" or "Shockwave Flash" in about:plugins in Chromium and that it's enabled. [06:45] theadmin: Neither is there. Mysterious. [06:45] cjs - working fine here [06:45] somsip: Thanks! [06:45] today after ubuntu update dont work flash (youtube dont support html5 huh?) how to install 64bit version ? down from official site and copy .so to mozilla/plugins ? [06:45] patie: Did you just arrive? This sounds like exactly my problem. [06:46] cjs: Bah.. Try reinstalling Flash: sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer [06:46] theadmin: Yup, did that, too. :-) [06:46] cjs: Ok... Then I say the problem is with Chromium... [06:46] i am trying to run SpeedCap.rb how can i do it? [06:46] Flash... Never... Works... [06:46] cjs: Someone fixed a similar problem by using the deb from Adobe's website [06:46] i did it all right but still not working [06:46] Baralabite: right :) [06:47] Then again, get Google Chrome [06:47] theadmin: Actually, I lied a little; I did an uninstall and a reinstall. But I've just tried your way, and have the same issue. [06:47] Baralabite: dont like.. .chrome :) its fast but unusable :P [06:47] i am using ubuntu 12.0.4 [06:48] theadmin: I was kind of hoping to just continue using the package system, but maybe installing it myself is the best solution. But what's the bit on this install page about 11.2 being the last version of Flash for Linux? [06:48] cjs: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/completion/?installer=Flash_Player_11.2_for_Ubuntu_(apt) [06:48] Here is the diff of 'df -ma' from 3.5.0-17 #26-ubuntu and 3.5.0-17 #27-ubuntu. http://pastebin.com/AnW9g5zj maybe some wise mind would tell what's going on. [06:48] sucks [06:48] cjs: And yeah, they're dropping Flash for Linux [06:48] kamas, * 12.04, versioning is .. just to nitpick a bit :) [06:48] I can't go over 4 primary partitions :3 [06:48] theadmin: WTF? [06:48] I actually have 3 already [06:48] and 4th was system reserved :3 [06:48] cjs: yeah, Adobe aren't continuing with Flash for Linux, and Mac OSX is going away soon too [06:49] cjs: it's pretty much obsolete now, though [06:49] cjs: Something about Google... It will only be available as a part of Chrome with the Pepper API or whatnot [06:49] gordonjcp: Why on earth are they doing that? They feel they have too much market share? [06:49] gordonjcp, not so "soon".. they promised updates for 5 years before deprecating it [06:49] theadmin, sad :[ [06:49] I can't move ubuntu to a proper partitions [06:49] which is likely a good timeframe for adobe's html5 tools to mature [06:49] Not that I object too much if everybody moves to HTML5, but it seems a strange move from a business point of view. [06:50] cjs, nah, development tools are exactly the adobe's product, not flash itself [06:50] Hm. I guess if they have a full set of Flash-like tools for HTML5, maybe they still keep all their old customers. But who knows. There's certainly less lock-in. [06:50] cjs: well it costs them money to produce [06:51] (quite a lot, at that [06:51] crizis: Yes, I know. I'm pretty familiar with the internals of SWF and their, uh, "interesting" interactions with Adobe's dev tools, since I wrote a SWF file editor myself. [06:51] cjs, they've already released some html5 tools - http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/09/adobes-continuing-revolution-pushes-the-cutting-edge-of-html5-development/ [06:51] gordonjcp: I wouldn't be surprised if maintaining the flash player is actually cheaper than handling all the different versions of HTML5 that will be out there. [06:51] cjs: not for Adobe it isn't [06:52] cjs: for HTML5 you just need to target Mozilla and Webkit [06:52] Anyway, back to Ubuntu stuff: theadmin, this page gives me an option for "ATP for Ubuntu 10.04+," but says, "Browser: Firefox". Is that OK? [06:52] and they've done a pretty good job of keeping things much the same [06:52] cjs: Should be... They should correct that to "Any browser with NPAPI support" [06:52] cjs: Chromium is among those [06:54] hi [06:54] can someone help me with c programing in ubuntu [06:54] rkrara: #c possibly [06:54] rkrara: depends on if it's Ubuntu-specific or not [06:54] thanks [06:55] i have been through lots of tutorials on how to do c programming on c [06:55] ubuntu [06:55] sorry [06:55] rkara, greats [06:55] but even the hello world program comes up with lots of errors [06:55] i have done lots of c programming in windows [06:56] rkrara, thats bad [06:56] rkrara: pastebin your code and the errors [06:56] rkrara,check your header [06:56] can you tell me how can i make sure things are set up correctly for c programming [06:56] rkrara, sudo apt-get install build-essential, for starters [06:56] gcc -o hell.c hello [06:56] comes up with errors like these [06:56] i did that [06:57] #include "stdio.h" [06:57] void main() { [06:57] printf("hello"); [06:57] } [06:57] show your errors ? [06:57] rkrara: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [06:57] !pastebin | rkrara [06:57] rkrara: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [06:57] sorry [06:58] rkrara: no worries, everyone's got to learn [06:58] thank you [06:58] right [06:58] rkrara: Rule #1: main should return int. [06:59] rkrara: Anyway, works for me: http://ideone.com/q2rSM [06:59] i have debian package, unable to locate them please tell me any manuall way [07:00] I'm partionng another area of my harddrive right now [07:00] http://ideone.com/0q9qY [07:00] please see here [07:00] seems safer that using ubuntu's auto installer [07:01] these errors are driving me crazy [07:01] hi all [07:01] rkrara: You're using #include wrong. [07:01] rkrara: #include [07:01] reallly [07:01] it used to work that way [07:02] rkrara: Next, I told you main should be an int. [07:02] rkrara: int main(){ ...; return 0; } [07:02] ok [07:02] i edited it [07:03] i have large increasing database and i will do business logic with it. . I prefer to use cluster server but i still information. please give me some clue... [07:04] i edited it as per instruction [07:04] but it still wont compile [07:04] rkrara: What's the command you're using to compile? [07:05] gcc hello.c -o hello [07:05] rkrara: Hm... That looks right. [07:06] theadmin: yes but i dont know what it wont compile [07:06] rkrara: Are you using some unofficial gcc package? [07:07] how could i make sure that gcc are set up properly [07:07] rkrara: why don't you pastebin the new contents of your file and the full output from gcc? [07:08] jrib: ok [07:08] please wait [07:10] http://ideone.com/C1IL3 [07:10] here [07:10] please have a lott [07:10] look sorry [07:10] rkrara: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:10] rkrara: Sounds like you're using some mad gcc package... The official one doesn't give such errors with exactly the same command [07:11] i used this command to install gcc and otheres # apt-get install build-essential [07:11] So is there way to create a 5 th partition? [07:12] rkrara: Hmmm... What Ubuntu are you using? (version and arch) [07:12] G parted says I already got 4 primary partitions. [07:12] Josh: Nope, only with extended partitions [07:12] theadmin: sudo apt-get install build-essential [07:12] How to create that? [07:12] i am on ubuntu 10.10 [07:12] But that will also be a primary partition [07:13] rkrara: 10.10 support was dropped a while ago. Please upgrade. [07:13] Josh, For a single HD it is 4 primaries or 3 primaries and a extended. [07:13] !eol | rkrara [07:13] rkrara: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [07:13] yes i would love to but recent versions keep crashing [07:13] all the time [07:13] wilee-nilee, Is it possible to remove system reserved and create extended :P [07:14] so it was only yesterday i installed 10.10 [07:14] Will removing system reserved kill windows? [07:14] :P [07:14] so that i can complete assignment on time [07:14] Josh: Yes, it will, it's the boot partition for Windows. [07:14] but no luck yet [07:14] Josh, What is the system reserved, and how big is it? [07:14] i cant even run hello world [07:14] rkrara: Try using some other distro then... Nobody will help you here if you're using an unsupported release (except to upgrade to a newer one) [07:15] ok shall i upgrade this one to 11.04 [07:15] online now [07:15] wilee-nilee, Its terribly small [07:15] It sucks to keep it as primery :P [07:15] I see, theadmin [07:15] Josh, It is the boot partition prbably is ut at the front of the disc? [07:15] probably* [07:15] rkrara: are you sure you don't have some hardware issue? What's with the "input/output" error [07:16] wilee-nilee, yes it is [07:16] and then I have my C D E [07:16] wilee-nilee: It is the boot partition recent versions of Windows create. [07:17] Josh, If you ran the bootscript a linux script we could see how the boot is set up, but you don't want to resize the main C partition the windows OS from the front is all [07:17] jrib: yes because 10.10 work very well [07:17] as soon as i install 12.04 things go bad worse [07:18] rkrara: well this error is on 10.10, no? [07:18] wilee-nilee, I can't resize C, Its already terribly small [07:18] rkrara: Hm... I blame faulty RAM. [07:18] 40 Gigs [07:18] yes this is on 10.10 for now [07:18] rkrara: 10.10 doesn't need as much RAM so it probably won't touch the damaged registers, but as soon as you start doing anything serious... [07:18] but i remember i used this for programing earlier and it worked [07:19] Josh, If it was me I would clone the ubuntu if it is working, and then in its place put a extended, then put ubuntu back in a logical in the extended, I think this will work, then in the extended you can basically put as many logicals that wil fit, including NTFS that windows will see. [07:19] could you tell me command to remove and install things all over again for c programming [07:19] wilee-nilee, Umm, Clone ubuntu if it is working <== fine [07:19] But it is currently installed on Wubi :P [07:19] Which is on E [07:19] rkrara: at the very least run a few passes of memtest to check theadmin's theory [07:19] Josh, Exactly. [07:20] System Reserved, C D E [07:20] Those are the primary partitions [07:20] i can't remove any of those [07:20] Too much of data. [07:20] Josh, People all the time run into the manufacturer install of 4 primaries, you can deal with it in a number of ways. [07:21] wilee-nilee, Without having loss of data of partition E [07:21] Tell me a way, Kindly. [07:21] Josh, What is in E? [07:21] I didn't understood the previous one [07:21] Lots of C++ projects and other stuff I work on [07:21] And a few other vids and stuff [07:22] over 150 Gigs [07:22] 180 to be exact. [07:22] Josh, IS this stuff symlinked or free standing stuff? [07:22] sort of symlinked, I mean VS can't detect the projects if Drive letter is changed. [07:23] Vids are freestanding. [07:23] Projects are not and thats the main part. [07:24] Josh, Ah, Some just clone the main OS, and or have a install or recovery discs full install dics that is and remove the backup, I assume you have a backup partition. Some remove the manufacturer data partion or save it and put it in the exteneded. [07:24] Whats manufacturer data partition? [07:25] Josh, Many manufacturers have a small partition that has drivers..etc from them. [07:25] Ah, mine is assembled by me, so no manufacturer. [07:25] crapware really it makes the computer run slower in genral, and has more active processes. [07:26] Josh, That's good then as far as extra stuff not needed from the manufacturer, do you have an external? [07:26] Nope [07:27] Also copying takes tons of time :[ [07:28] Josh, Well to be honest you may be better with the wubi as it is now, but in the future I think you are getting the gist of how to setup the ubuntu in a extended partition in logical partitions if needed. [07:28] Yea, well I have done that previously [07:28] when I had 160 Gigs old HDD spare [07:28] That died a few months ago :[ [07:29] Thanks wilee-nilee :] [07:30] Josh, no problem. === christian is now known as Guest72974 === theplanet is now known as elixey [07:35] Ok so.. I installed Chromium. However flash isn't installed. But when I try and sudo apt-get the plug in. It tells me I alredy have it. How come chromium isn't seeing that [07:39] CellTech: get Chrome, get rid of Chromium [07:40] hi, internal server error from apache, pls help me how to fix it. === xubuntu is now known as Guest5468 [07:47] hi, I need help setup Ad-Hoc WiFi WPA2-PSK with /etc/network/interfaces here is my not-working config https://gist.github.com/38ea3f0a8a445819ee91 [07:49] hello === rt is now known as Guest74676 [07:50] Hello [07:51] I have a postfix+spamassassin+procmail setup. User specific mail doesnt seem to filter according to rules, when I create a .procmailrc in the home dir, although if I define the rule globally, the mail gets filtered [07:51] any ideas why would this happen? [07:55] Hey everybody!I've just scanned some documents as pictures and saved them into pdf files using XSane. There's one thing I don't find very nice though: when I open the pdf files with evince I can read "XSane scanned image" in the window title. Is there a way to remove this kind of mark? People receiving my pdf scans are more interested in the document title than in the software I used to scan the document.. [07:57] Lorra: ahem "xscan scanned image" in google is quity funny [07:57] Lorra: I imagine there's some option in the program you use to scan to change that. Or you could look into using a tool to change the title afterwards [07:58] Lorra: I have no experience with it though [07:59] jrib, do you ever use a scanner software? Which one do you use? [07:59] Lorra: I don't [08:00] Lorra: http://askubuntu.com/questions/27381/how-to-edit-pdf-metadata-from-command-line is probably enough for you, but I'd be willing to bet there's a nicer way to do it with your scanning software's configuration [08:02] Lorra, there used to be "simple scan" or something with similar name [08:03] Can not get chromium to load flash plug in [08:04] brontosaurusrex, which frontend are you talking about? XSane? The only buttons I found interesting there were the number of dots per inch and "scan preview" and "scan" [08:04] Hi, the ultrabook on www.ubuntu.com is Acer S3? [08:06] Lorra, there was an app with that name [08:06] "simple scan" or something [08:11] Is there any way I can make a 12.04.01 LTS disk that could install both 32 and 64 bit? === amogorkon_ is now known as amogorkon [08:14] #jython [08:14] orik: what do you mean? 64 & 32 bit apps on one install? [08:16] orik: or you want flash disk with the ability to install two different systems? [08:16] orik, you can use the 32-bit install CD to have a 32-bit operating system both on 32-bit and on 64-bit hardware, not sure that this is what you want to do though... [08:17] orik: if you mean a DVD/USB with the option to install either 32bit Ubuntu or 64bit Ubuntu look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1767308 [08:18] hey everyone, does anyone know what's been happening to the Software Centre recently? All my reviews are gone! [08:18] TheShadows: I can't even write them any more... [08:19] Redi: I know! What's new section is gone too in 12.04 [08:19] Redi: The only way to get it know is through the beta [08:20] TheShadows: is there a bug report about it? I'm on phone right now, I can't check it... [08:21] Redi: I've been looking all over for an official e-mail to contact canonical and have them fix it. they're making money out of it, after all [08:22] TheShadows: launchpad is the official way... [08:23] Redi: sorry, never used it :) well, apparently there are quite a bunch of reports === Guest19973 is now known as anael_ [08:24] TheShadows: I will look at it later then :) my notebook just died so I need to buy a new one first :D [08:25] im trying to cross-compile stuff for arm, but the cross compiler commands are all prefixed with "arm-none-linux-gnueabi-" - can i make symlinks to the commands with "normal" names and then chroot into the current directory? [08:28] hi [08:31] hi bona [08:32] Is the ubuntu logo trademarked? What do you think of this abuse? http://linuxforniggers.us/download === redmuscle is now known as tester [08:34] eamon: sadly you will get stuff like that, it is free to modify etc. [08:34] eamon: there is a thread for logo abuse on ubuntu forums. Post it there... [08:35] Ubuntu logo is not free to modify [08:35] Can you post me a link to the tread please Redi? [08:35] where is the IGNORE button. I find this person offensive posting this type of web name [08:36] _ [08:36] joe_evans what client are you using? [08:36] joe_evans: its a genuine concern of the user. I'm quite sure there are no malicious intents. CAlm down [08:37] eamon: I'm on phone. I broke my laptop so I can't post it... [08:38] * eamon will search. [08:38] joe_evans: http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=3900 [08:38] eamon: I'd report a bug, amy get things moving too [08:38] why abiword not work on ubuntu 12.4, it is slow and like cuting [08:38] tata: is it slow for all users? [08:39] I have only one user [08:39] tata: make a new one, your OS can hold literally billions of users (this is pretyped) [08:40] Heya [08:40] what new? [08:40] tata: a new user [08:40] thankyou [08:40] tata: then log off, log in as the new user and run the app. Is it slow === JoFo_ is now known as JoFo [08:40] don't post that link on the forums eamon [08:41] ok, dut what with existing user, it is administrator [08:41] nothingspecial:agreed [08:41] tata: its testing, see if your configs are to blame [08:42] nothingspecial: Does it not warrent reporting? The internet is being racist. [08:42] <[x]> is it possible to run c# in ubuntu ? [08:42] Being racist in ubuntu's name. [08:42] This is wrong. [08:42] ok, I try [08:42] hello, I [08:43] eamon: any racism, period is wrong [08:43] Agreed ActionParsnip. [08:43] It is wrong eamon but there's nothing anyone can do about it via the forums and that sort of link will be removed [08:43] [x]: http://ubuntumanual.org/posts/392/how-to-do-c-and-net-programming-in-ubuntu-using-mono [08:43] I'm using chrome browser and youtube keeps demanding adope flash (it's installed) [08:44] "Users agree not to post anything abusive, rude, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, advertising or marketing related, or sexually-oriented." [08:44] <[x]> thanks ActionParsnip [08:44] Ansam: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark|chrom' Thanks [08:44] thanx sctionparsnip [08:44] Ansam: a page like http://pastie.org (or similar) can be used. Thanks [08:44] <[x]> ActionParsnip: using mono we could run .exe ? [08:44] nothingspecial: I will be reporting it to the higher-ups via the forums. The legal wrath of canonical can bring this abuse to an end. [08:45] [x]: not something I use, just found the guide. You could ask in the C# channel [08:45] that is the way to go eamon [08:46] but not via the forums [08:46] if you wish to discuss this further eamon join #ubuntuforums [08:47] <[x]> ok ActionParsnip [08:47] eamon: i think in america they will call it "free speech". if you disagree EFF will probably protests :p [08:47] Hi, i have an usse with a window in chrome goes nuts when i mark something and klik around a bit, is this the place to figure out why ? [08:48] i just installed ubuntu, but unity is not displaying apps for download and wikipedia results [08:48] and it's ofcourse chromium-browser [08:48] bamf: I'm sure hate crime isn't a cool thing though, especially where business logos are involved [08:48] <[x]> how to extart a file to a folter ? not in same directory [08:48] hallo guyz how do i update my mozila browser to support flash content [08:48] <[x]> .tgz [08:49] [x]: install unp and you can use that as a one hit command for all archives [08:49] <[x]> unp ok [08:49] i am using proxy server for connecting to internet [08:49] [x]: unp uses the pwd as the output folder :) [08:50] ActionParsnip: Agree :) [08:50] is there a chromium-browser irc channel here on freenode ? [08:51] [x]: use tar-option -C path/ [08:52] <[x]> ok llutz [08:52] cromag: #chromium [08:53] hi guyz how can i update my mozilla to support flash content [08:53] <[x]> "tar -xzvf file.tgz -C path/pako" ok ? [08:53] amos: apt-get install adobe-flashplayer i think [08:53] amos: what is the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark' === VivekVC is now known as Guest13943 [08:53] amos: you can install flash plugin [08:54] amos: use http://pastie.org (or similar) thanks [08:54] by using sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras === Guest13943 is now known as Vivek [08:54] eamon https://forms.canonical.com/trademarkviolation/ [08:54] ActionParsnip: thanks [08:55] ty nothingspecial [08:55] np === Vivek is now known as Guest16445 [08:55] Hello [08:55] I was just filling out another form to canonical as a matter of fact. This is better! [08:56] Anyone mind tryign to Q me, trying out some settings [08:56] anybody help me? [08:56] thelanmath: just ask [08:56] i want to start a sh file when startup [08:56] thelanmath: ask and see [08:57] thanks [08:57] i added in startup application [08:57] but it did not work [08:57] i have searched many methods on google but still not work [08:57] Hey guys. I'm still having a bit of a problem. I get to the GRUB menu, highlight 'install ubuntu' and it goes to a blackscreen. [08:58] my ubuntu is 10.04 [08:58] _ === alain is now known as Guest48404 [08:59] hi...i'm following method 2 described in this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318789 but when i am on the step: sudo cp ~/NewBiosFiles/* /tmp/cdr, i got error...not enough disk space...how can i solve this? [08:59] anybody help i appriciate that [08:59] thelanmath: what does the startup item do? [08:59] <[x]> at last runnine .exe @ ubuntu [08:59] <[x]> :S === Guest48404 is now known as Melchizedeck [09:00] Silight: what GPU do you use? [09:00] i put this command such as /path/to/file.sh [09:00] thelanmath: is the file executable? [09:00] yes [09:00] I'm useing AMD Radeon HD 65300 [09:01] when i put this /bin/bash /path/to/file.sh [09:01] still get error that can't start mysql server [09:01] when i put command in terminal as [09:01] cd /path/to/file.sh [09:02] sudo sh file.sh [09:02] it did work fine [09:02] but i want to startup it automatic when restart [09:02] ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/5028589 [09:02] could you help me? [09:02] !enter [09:03] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [09:03] thelanmath: does the command need root access to work? [09:03] morning kids btw [09:03] no need to root [09:03] thelanmath: then why use sudo? [09:03] sudo or no sudo still work [09:03] thelanmath: but WHY are you using sudo, if its not needed? [09:04] amos: ther flash package isn't installed [09:04] thelanmath: what's please desired goal ? [09:04] amos: if you run: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer what is output? [09:04] sorry [09:04] privmsg Still figuring out IRC [09:04] Silight: try the boot option: nomodeset# [09:04] i want to start a shell script file.sh [09:04] Silight: try the boot option: nomodeset [09:05] automatic when ubuntu start [09:05] thelanmath: in the startup items, did you add a new entry to run the script? [09:05] thelanmath: pastebin the content .. first [09:05] yes sure [09:05] amos: Lucid desktop is EOL in April next year, just so you are aware [09:05] add new entry [09:05] thelanmath: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu%20add%20service%20startup [09:05] ^^ many many articles describing step-by-step howto [09:06] I've got a problem. I've got 1 webserver and 1 gateway/firewall machine (simplified). I've got 2 separate internet connections. I can see website when connectiong thru 1st connection but while trying to connect thru 2nd I cant. Probably bad settings on gateway but cant find out ... [09:06] i did all method as you guide, mice [09:06] but still not work [09:06] nomodeset still gives me a black screen. Assuming I'm doing this right. [09:06] !bootoptions | Silight [09:06] Silight: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset. [09:07] Phule: depends on apache settings .. show us section with either virtual hosts or root in httpd.conf [09:07] thelanmath: pastebin that script first [09:07] sure [09:07] ActionParsnip : http://pastie.org/5028607 is the output [09:08] hola....necesito flashear la bios de un pc...estoy siguiendo el metodo 2 de este link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318789, pero una vez montada la imagen en /tmp/cdr no me deja añadirle los archivos para flashear la bios...me dice que no hay espacio suficiente en el dispositivo...alguna idea? [09:08] !en [09:08] Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [09:08] amos: yes, remove it [09:08] !es @ BootCD [09:08] mnice: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:09] mnice: use a pipe instead of the at symbol [09:09] hi...i'm following method 2 described in this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318789 but when i am on the step: sudo cp ~/NewBiosFiles/* /tmp/cdr, i got error...not enough disk space...how can i solve this? [09:09] ah, bit different syntax [09:09] BootCD: is the partition mounted writable? [09:09] mnice: httpd.conf in /etc/apache2/ is empty [09:09] Boogeyman, mas espacio en el dispositivo duhh :) [09:09] amos: does it remove ok? [09:09] sudo mount -t vfat -o loop FDOEM.144 /tmp/cdr [09:09] ActionParsnip: should i istall it again??? [09:10] http://pastebin.com/HMQcRhKG [09:10] ActionParsnip: sudo mount -t vfat -o loop FDOEM.144 /tmp/cdr [09:10] hello [09:10] amos: I recommend you enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin package. If you are using Chrome (not Chromium) you don't even need any of the adobe flash plugins installed [09:10] Phule: well, listen - you reported issues with your webserver, it implies, that you set up your webserver somehow .. if you say that you can't find httpd.conf it indicates, that you should start with your webserver documentation first [09:10] BootCD: "df -h /tmp/cdr" [09:11] sjfh [09:11] BootCD: not sure you can add to files to images like that [09:11] Hey guys, I can't use my touchpad (move my pointer or click) on my main account, although it works very well on other accounts, and guest account. :( Please help. [09:11] BootCD: doesnt floppies use "msdos" fs, not vfat? [09:11] Yeah, I've read that guide on some of the other forums. Unfortunately, I'm not getting the graphical interface to do any of that. I'm just getting the GNU GRUB version 1.99-21ubuntu3.1 menu. Gives me the three options but all lead to black screen. [09:11] llutz: just following method 2 in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=318789 [09:12] hello [09:12] thelanmath: is script itself working for you when invoked manually ? [09:12] yes [09:12] really? [09:12] when i cd to the directory [09:12] and run sh run.sh [09:13] thelanmath: you have to call my name in your responses .. there's real buzz in the chan .. i dometimes do something else for a while than checking carefuly every line if you're talking to me [09:13] llutz: even if i mount it msdos...still got not enough space [09:13] ActionParsnip: how do i enable the partner repo ? [09:13] yes, mnice [09:13] sorry about that mnice [09:13] i need to create a boot cd to flash my bios....any idea? [09:13] got no floppy drive [09:14] thelanmath: anyway, what steps you completed in order to put your script to autostart ? [09:14] BootCD: "df -h /tmp/cdr" [09:14] Any help resetting touchpad settings on main account? [09:14] open startup applications [09:14] llutz: 1.44mb [09:14] oh my god [09:14] mnice: webserver is working fine on one public IP. But cant make it running on second public IP [09:14] add startup program [09:14] BootCD: used? [09:14] mnice: Server compiled with.... -D APACHE_MPM_DIR="server/mpm/prefork" -D APR_HAS_SENDFILE -D APR_HAS_MMAP -D APR_HAVE_IPV6 (IPv4-mapped addresses enabled) -D APR_USE_SYSVSEM_SERIALIZE -D APR_USE_PTHREAD_SERIALIZE -D SINGLE_LISTEN_UNSERIALIZED_ACCEPT -D APR_HAS_OTHER_CHILD -D AP_HAVE_RELIABLE_PIPED_LOGS -D DYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT=128 -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/apache2" -D SUEXEC_BIN="/usr/lib/apache2/suexec" -D DEFAULT_PIDLOG="/va [09:14] hello i was wondering.. i want to compare two directories with kernel sources using the diff command and output the differnces to a third file. how would i write the command in termninal? [09:14] llutz: 512 free [09:14] and put command /bin/bash /path to file . mnice [09:15] llutz: files i want to add are bigger than 1.44 [09:15] thelanmath: what ? [09:15] and what's the command to add a new user with sudoer privileges? [09:15] mnice: -D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/apache2 = I can find the file and I can see whats inside. But there is nothing there. [09:15] i did put two command in one line : cd /path to file && sh run.sh [09:15] mnice [09:15] it worked on terminal === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas- [09:16] mnice === Abbas- is now known as Abbas5 === Kartrohm_afk is now known as Kartrohm [09:17] help [09:17] amos: youy can use software centre, or uncomment the lines in /etc/apt/sources.list [09:17] !ask | KeithInCtn [09:17] KeithInCtn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [09:17] thelanmath: you have to place the service script into etc/init.d and then link it to desired runlevel [09:17] it's easy [09:17] just crying for help is usualy a bad idea ;) [09:18] thelanmath: no need, just add the absolute path to the script, no need to change dir for a single script [09:18] you should use update-rc.d script before that [09:18] please guide me the detail, mnice [09:18] Phule: from the random output you provided i have to encourage you to hire real sysadmin to do your work or for consulting .. [09:19] i dont know about link it to desired runlevel [09:19] you mean chkconfig --level right, mnice? [09:19] Phule: but not here .. this chan is not supposed to provide full installation/configuration services [09:19] hey mnice [09:19] hey thelanmath [09:20] hi Eriq [09:21] hi plw i need help zith ;y keybeord [09:21] thelanmath: wait minute, i'll show ya [09:21] thanks [09:22] is there a way to adapt the repositories so that I can use a proxy server for authentication? [09:22] help ppl [09:22] How you guys doing? [09:22] how can increase contrast in ubuntu 12.04? === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas| [09:23] keybeord is set to belgian but its set to qwerty id mqkes no sense it changed zitout notice [09:23] mnice: I'm not looking for "full installation/configuration services". I'm just looking for experienced user/sysadmin to help me. Any different channel I should look and ask at? [09:23] i am installing a new 12.04 xubuntu on a travelmate acer 2702. the new system cannot see my onboard wirelles card. any advise please? [09:23] how do I write a diff command to compare two directories and output differences to a separate text file === uw is now known as Guest91033 [09:23] need help with appScale config.. anyone? [09:23] hello [09:24] hi [09:24] new to this irc thing! [09:24] anyone plw i need help [09:25] Does anyone know of a way to force Gnome-Shell to use NotifyOSD instead of its built-in notifications? [09:25] rocks3: diff /path/dir1 /path/dir2 >> /path/differences.txt # Is that what you want? [09:25] thanks! [09:26] rocks3: I'm not sure that's exactly correct but won't cause any problems if the command fails [09:26] wöw [09:27] qnyone i cqnt do qnything noz [09:28] mnice im waiting [09:28] jao [09:28] hi everybody [09:28] Phule: no, you're looking for someone who will do your entire work hence you're unable to even show configuration file when asked .. please go reading a docs for your webserver firts [09:28] thelanmath: http://susepaste.org/view/raw/84896813 [09:29] BE AWARE ^^ .. the way above is stupid and not specific ubuntu however it works .. i'm rhce, clp [09:30] ActionParsnip: ^^ please check the susepaste link and provide corrections to thelanmath [09:30] thank you i will try mnice [09:32] mnice: you asked for contents of httpd.conf file. And this file is empty. [09:32] mnice: this scipt will need root access, there are outputs to files outside of $HOME [09:32] Phule: then please go consulting the docs of your webserver to find out, where the settings are [09:33] thelanmath: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [09:33] ActionParsnip: it was just an quick'n'dirty example of adding service === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas- === Abbas- is now known as Abbas5 [09:33] he will use some script shipped with JBoss === xubuntu is now known as Guest39197 [09:35] lucid ActionParsnip [09:36] i tried but the output is servicedesk 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off [09:36] mnice [09:36] !enter [09:36] Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [09:36] thelanmath: i provided step-by-step example of adding service tested in ubuntu .. i can't do more .. sorry [09:37] i tested that and it is working [09:37] thank yyou [09:37] is there a way to adapt the repositories so that I can use a proxy server for authentication? [09:37] Is it possible to increase the installation size with the WUBI installer? [09:37] thelanmath: is that yoour script you made? [09:38] no it's a program [09:38] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/HMQcRhKG no [09:38] servicedesk plus [09:38] 我 [09:38] ActionParsnip [09:38] ActionParsnip: and JFYI I asked him and he claims that it works when invoked manually so seems like he only wants to add it to default runlevel [09:38] PiNinja: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=777797 [09:38] mnice: conf file for apache is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and files in /etc/apache2/conf.d directory. What files to show is at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default. What axactly do you want to see? [09:39] mnice: is it a server install? [09:39] any advice please why my 12.04 cannot see my acer travelmate onboard wireless card? === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas| [09:40] /sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1 [09:41] I have a 64-bit computer, does it matter which one I choose to download? (32 bit vs 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) [09:41] akis: sudo lshw -C network [09:41] i have an error when run chkconfig --add servicedesk [09:41] is there a way to adapt the repositories so that I can use a proxy server for authentication? [09:41] PiNinja: 64 is always recommended if you can run it. Very few exceptions [09:41] mnice [09:41] Phule: i want to see your apache configuration .. preferably the section VirtualHosts, if you have no vhosts, then just "Listen" parameter .. if you do not know where they are, go and consult docs [09:41] somsip: Alright, thanks. [09:41] mnice: you asked to show you section with either virtual hosts or root in "httpd.conf" and this file is empty. [09:41] hi [09:42] are there any reported issues on upgrading from 10.04 and a faulty ath9k driver? [09:42] Phule: i'm gonna ignore you .. someone else might help you .. really sorry - i tried [09:45] after changing /etc/exports do i have to reload something? [09:47] iSeeDeadPixels: I suggest you check the bugs [09:47] Thanks for all the help guys. Have a nice night. [09:47] ActionParsnip: my WiFi is terribly slow, <1kbps [09:47] iSeeDeadPixels: have you disabled ipv6? [09:48] nope, not yet, would that help? [09:48] iSeeDeadPixels: it helps sometimes [09:48] iSeeDeadPixels: also add this lot to /etc/sysctl.conf [09:49] iSeeDeadPixels: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270813/ [09:49] hello, I've been a freakin idiot and removed python resulting in dpkg not being able to use debconf and I'm now stuck not being able to (re)install anything [09:49] iSeeDeadPixels: I suggest you check bug reports though [09:50] rubensayshi: you may be able to use a chroot and fix things [09:50] it seems very difficult when start up shell cript when start up [09:50] ActionParsnip, I dont think I understand what you mean [09:51] rubensayshi: you can chroot from the liveCD to the installed OS. The commands you run will execute on the installed OS and can help you fix things [09:51] ok [09:51] thanks [09:51] rubensayshi: omgubuntu has a nice guide called: sticking it to grub [09:52] rubensayshi: once you get chrooted, you can attempt to install pacjkages [09:52] i cant instal my HIB games on ubuntu [09:53] i get theis in the software center [09:53] There isn’t a software package called “jamestown” in your current software sources. [09:53] is there a way to adapt the repositories so that I can use a proxy server for authentication? [09:53] ty ActionParsnip [09:53] paulus68: what are you actually wanting to do? [09:54] hib: have you tried installing using apt-get [09:54] whats that? [09:54] im just folowing the hib instructions [09:54] hib: its a terminal based way of installing packages [09:55] actionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1270820/ any idea? [09:55] how do i do that? [09:55] timfrost: well I am behind a proxy and I want to do sudo apt-get update/upgrade but it won't pass my proxy [09:55] akis: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc [09:56] akis: its a single line, so it ok here [09:57] in previous versions of ubuntu you could add the proxy in synaptic hower in 12.04 this is not possible anymore [09:57] actionparsnip: precise [09:57] akis: seems you need to use ndiswrapper with neti2220.inf and 12220ntx.sys files from the windows driver. Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/ipn2220 [09:58] paulus68: you can set the proxy for apt-get in /etc/apt/apt.conf [09:58] what do i have to do in terminal?? the code i got im my email dousnt do anything [09:58] ActionParsnip: doesn't want to work already tried that still requesting proxy authentication [09:59] do i have to proceed with the procedure described in that link? [09:59] ActionParsnip: another strange thing is that i have to other machines on the same router and they don't require proxy authentication only my ubuntu box [09:59] paulus68: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf add: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://username:pass@proxy_address:port/"; [10:00] actionparsnip: do i have to proceed with the procedure described in that link? [10:00] hello all, is anyone he knowledgable with gconf editor? [10:00] *here [10:00] akis: I gave what you need to do, you don't really need the link [10:01] paulus68: https://raetsel.wordpress.com/2006/10/29/laptop-build-apt-get-behind-a-proxy/ [10:01] paulus68: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+question/1320 [10:02] what you mean when you write that i don't really need the link. is there any other way to make the system recognize my wireless card. thenk you for your time in advance! [10:02] ActionParsnip: thx how do you get to synaptic in 12.04 [10:03] paulus68, sudo apt-get install synaptic [10:05] hello all, is anyone he knowledgable with gconf editor? [10:05] *here [10:05] ActionParsnip, I chrooted into my harddrive from the install disk [10:05] should I manually copy over files from the install disk or smt? [10:08] rubensayshi: try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop [10:08] paulus68: could run: gksudo synaptic [10:09] ActionParsnip: vivid thanks [10:10] does anyone know where gconf editor stores the wireless connections that it shows when you run it as administrator? [10:11] just a guess but /root/.gconf* of sim [10:12] or .config [10:14] dr_willis, that sounds very promising i will give it a try [10:14] is there a number of ppa's per user limit on launchpad? [10:14] samuel: look in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections [10:14] hi [10:14] crazydip: I'd ask in #launchpad [10:14] can't help myseft stop thinking [10:15] ActionParsnip: thanks! [10:15] greetings comrades [10:15] ActionParsnip, i believe i have already looked there,but i will look again, thanks for the suggestion [10:15] my FF got updated and now flash is broken. when go to youtube, etc, reads "missing plugins" [10:15] hi [10:15] startup shell script depend on the structure of scripts? [10:16] guys, I see in my unity ubuntu systray, kde-accessible appears and can not be hidden. It always reappears not so long after I click on it and clik "quit." I have check the dconf-editor, whitelist, but I cannot find it. It seems to me that it appeared for the first time when I ran orca. From kde-desktop I was able to hid it. Any suggestion? [10:16] ActionParsnip: you're a beast man! #2 on launchpad's top karma in ubuntu catagory, #1 in answers! you're killing it man! keep up the awesome work! [10:16] hi people [10:16] i cant connect to ftp [10:16] hi apg [10:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (193,107,238,149,220,123). ftp: connect: Connection timed out [10:17] who may help me [10:17] crazydip: I try :), Trying to catch Martin now [10:18] devjustforfun_, what client? try filezilla [10:18] hi [10:18] hi guy [10:18] devjustforfun_: can you ping the server? [10:18] hi Ahmet [10:18] yes [10:18] ActionParsnip, the issue is that when i delete connections from the network manager applet [10:18] they reappear [10:18] if i run gnconf editor as non super user i can see the one connection i want [10:18] but not the other two i want to get rid of [10:18] brontosaurusrex i tried filezila but had some errors [10:18] what's up [10:19] but if i run it as sudo, it displays the 2 i want to get rid of, and not the one i want to keep! [10:19] samuel: its possible you have config files in your users home owned by root. you may want to look there [10:19] Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (193,107,238,149,185,51). Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing [10:19] File zilla error === mdeputte is now known as makkusu [10:20] hi, how to enable mod_rewrite in httpd server [10:20] Hi guys. Anybody available to give me some advice related to a kernel bisect ? Thanks in advance. [10:20] dr_willis, that is another great suggestion, i'm just looking to gather info before i "have at it" again, the problem started after an update i believe [10:20] hi [10:21] devjustforfun_: do you have multiple accounts to log on to the same server with? [10:21] dr_willis would anything bad come of recursively changing the ownership of files in the home folder? [10:21] is there a webui for proftpd what doesnt needs mysql & php? [10:21] devjustforfun_: can you connect to the FTP service from the local system? [10:22] yes i think [10:22] anybody who on windows might have connect [10:23] hii.. [10:23] can anyone hlp me out with issue I am facing ?? [10:23] or maybe something wrong with firewall or something else [10:24] on my ip adress [10:24] samuel: common problem is one or more getting owned by root from missuse of sudo. [10:25] my FF got updated and now flash is broken. when go to youtube, etc, reads "missing plugins" [10:25] chromium source is 430mb - what a monster! [10:25] ActionParsnip any suggestions [10:26] hi [10:26] bad question. sorry. i would like to download with the help of a webui. so is there an ftp client with web interface what doesnt needs mysql and php? [10:26] so a ftp client daemon [10:26] !question | anups_ [10:26] anups_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [10:26] guys how i can add user to group? [10:26] there is patience? [10:26] !patience [10:26] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [10:27] suzuka, adduser user group [10:28] dr_willis - well thank you for the suggestions, i personally have to used sudo on that particular system other than to perform updates, but who knows, i appreciate the input fingers crossed that at least one of these suggestions fixes it! [10:28] suzuka usermod --append group [10:28] hi ubottu I have an issue while starting KVM in Ubuntu -getting error Could not initialize SDL(No available video device) - exiting [10:28] suzuka usermod --append -G group [10:28] Hi guys. Anybody available to give me some advice related to a kernel bisection? Thanks in advance. [10:29] suzuka: sudo usermod -a -G group user [10:29] yes ActionParsnip you are right [10:30] or sudo adduser user group [10:30] oops, blackshirt already covered that === livingdaylight is now known as triplepolar [10:31] ActionParsnip may i ask you in private about ftp [10:31] ftp: don't. [10:32] blackshirt: that will add "group" to user but remove every other group that the user is in! [10:32] ftp - just say no. ;) [10:32] hello xD [10:33] crazydip: look up -a [10:33] rp2: exactly, it's usermod -a -G group not usermod -G group === Justasic2 is now known as Justasic [10:34] ubottu: have any idea abt issue ?? [10:34] anups_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:34] :) [10:34] usermod -G group this is replate existing groups of the user [10:34] devjustforfun_: make sure you can connect from the local host to the local service using the same account [10:35] devjustforfun_: you are correct sir! [10:35] oh, sorry [10:35] ActionParsnip what do you mean about local [10:36] i have a remote ftp service [10:36] and i'm connecting from my local machine to remote ftp service [10:37] what's mean connect from local host to local service [10:37] i'm not a owner of ftp and i havent ssh [10:37] devjustforfun_: ssh to the server and ftp to localhost [10:38] devjustforfun_: you need to be sure the FTP can be connected to ok [10:39] another people connecting to that ftp use same login and pass just fine [10:39] hi [10:39] Hi there, Im wondering if anyone knows of a screen recorder that works with cinnamon UI? [10:40] I use cinnamon [10:40] devjustforfun_: so you mean you *use* a remote ftp service [10:40] But i don't know :P [10:40] yes [10:40] rp2 yes [10:40] and i haven't access to that service as root by ssh [10:40] i would think most of the recorder tools would work with any of the desktops [10:40] which ftp client are you using? [10:40] try the ftp command [10:41] Josh, fair enough. I know Kazam has big issues in Gnome3 and cinnamon. [10:41] i tried but nothing happened rp2 [10:41] WACOMalt: the DE isirrelevant, just use any [10:41] 227 Entering Passive Mode (193,107,238,149,220,123). ftp: connect: Connection timed out [10:41] what do you mean by that? [10:41] ah [10:41] WACOMalt, But cinnamon is FTW [10:41] that error was ocures [10:41] Its supposed to be built in to cinnamon and Gnome3, as a feature. but the keyboard shortcut doesnt work for me. Josh can you try ctl alt shift R [10:41] ok [10:42] maybe they don't support passive more? [10:42] mode i mean === Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st [10:42] WACOMalt: tried kazam? [10:42] can you get through to the FTP port at all? [10:42] Josh: its also unsupported here :) [10:42] ActionParsnip, I mentioned that [10:42] and yes, it has big issues. [10:42] another people connect to it in passive mode and for them is work fine [10:42] whgat happens on 'telnet 21' ? [10:42] ActionParsnip, It dosn't needs support :D [10:42] WACOMalt: or recordmydesktop [10:42] I'd rather say that [10:42] :D [10:43] cinnamon on ubuntu 12.04 > cinnamon on mint [10:43] ActionParsnip, I havent personally tried that, but posts seem to indicate it has the same problems. Apparantly gnome3 screen recorder, built into gnome3 and cinnamon should work [10:43] My experiance. [10:43] but its not in my gnome3 or cinnamon :/ === lizzin is now known as Guest34724 [10:44] rp2 server is avaliable [10:44] WACOMalt: there is also istanbul and xvidcap [10:44] and authentication work just fine [10:45] rp2 [10:45] ActionParsnip, do you know if Kazaam has a chatroom? Id love to talk to their devs about it [10:45] !alis | WACOMalt have a search [10:45] WACOMalt have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* [10:45] WACOMalt: #kazam maybe [10:46] WACOMalt: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=kazam+irc yes [10:46] devjustforfun_: If the *server* is sending "227 Entering Passive Mode" then you need to configure the FTP *client* to use PASV mode, else it will ignore that message [10:46] WACOMalt: see how I searched, and found the result needed...? [10:46] I did :) [10:46] i use PASV mode [10:46] WACOMalt: so why ask? [10:46] * WACOMalt learns from ActionParsnip's example [10:46] TJ- i use PASV mode [10:46] devjustforfun_: how do you mean 'authentication works just fine'? you can log in, and only switching to passive mode causes the timeout? [10:47] Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (193,107,238,149,185,51). Command: MLSD Error: Connection timed out Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing [10:47] then why switch to passive mode? [10:47] anyone faced with SDL issue [10:48] hmm' [10:48] devjustforfun_: Are you working through a proxy? [10:48] yes [10:48] but [10:48] Also mildly offtopic ActionParsnip but do you find duckduckgo to actually be better than google's results? [10:48] Is it an anonymous proxy, or does it require authentication too? [10:48] ah so the proxy asks the server to switch to passive mode? [10:48] sysadmin say ftp not by proxy [10:48] hmmm [10:48] So, you're *not* using a proxy! [10:49] so what is causing that PASV Response to be sent? [10:49] but for http i'm using [10:49] I'm on 12.04. What I would like to do is use the GTK2 toolkit instead of the GTK3 toolkit so I can use GTK2 themes in WindowMaker. How do I go about this? [10:50] well, the ftp command line client doesn't use a HTTP proxy [10:50] you don't [10:50] which client are you using? [10:50] filezilla [10:50] ardchoille, install old gtk2 software, that's pretty much. but you can't change toolkit for gtk3 apps [10:50] try the ftp command line client [10:50] WACOMalt: lots as you can use the bang syntax [10:50] and i tried just a ftp command [10:50] ok [10:51] nothing happened [10:51] crizis: ok, thank you [10:51] and you still get the switching to PASV mode response? [10:51] devjustforfun_: I'd be using "tcpdump" to watch the actual packets on the wire for this; that might clue you in on what's missing [10:51] what do you mean by 'nothing happened'? please be specific [10:52] ardchoille: you can't change the toolkit that a program uses without re-coding the program... it's like, if you're house is made out of wood, you can't just that without rebuilding your house :) [10:53] have you read the FileZilla docs: e.g. http://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Network_Configuration#Passive_mode [10:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (193,107,238,149,220,123). ftp: connect: Connection timed out # that for ftp command error [10:53] devjustforfun_: Do a session to the server in the command-line FTP client, and pastebin the session transcript for us [10:53] ftp -vp [10:53] crazydip: Got it, thanks [10:54] TJ- ok [10:54] Hello [10:54] FileZilla does support HTTP proxies, so make sure its proxy- and PASV-related settings are correct [10:55] I have problem with install ubuntu12.04 . receive this message "Stopping System V runlevel compatibility" [10:55] How can fix it ? [10:55] http://pastebin.com/xRDez1pr [10:55] mah454: are you installing to a virtual machine? [10:55] this is for filezilla [10:55] ActionParsnip: no [10:55] mah454: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? [10:56] guys, I see in my unity ubuntu systray, kde-accessible appears and can not be hidden. It always reappears not so long after I click on it and clik "quit." I have checked the dconf-editor whitelist, but I can not find it. It appeared for the first time when I ran orca. In kde-desktop, I was able to hide it. Any suggestion? [10:56] ActionParsnip: yes it's true [10:56] mah454: are you using a CD or a USB stick etc? [10:56] CD/DVD [10:56] devjustforfun_: you confuse us. you are not explicit enough. without knowing what you're doing helping you requires mindreading capabilities. mindreading is not yet an Ubuntu feature [10:57] mah454: did you burn the CD as slowly as possible? [10:57] devjustforfun_: "PORT 192,168,12,216,164,225" [10:58] hello i'm back :P [10:58] ActionParsnip /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections is empty === peterrus- is now known as peterrus [10:59] devjustforfun_: the server is unable to connect to your client's listening socket, therefore it goes into passive mode [10:59] also my /root/.gconf contained only a folder for the first connection that i wished to do away with, removing that did not remove it from the nm-manager applet [10:59] devjustforfun_: That causes your client to be told (by the server) that it can't do a direct connection, so the client then asks for PASV mode, the server replies (227 Entering Passive Mode ...) ... and the connection times out after "MLSD" - that tells us the client isn't establishing the DATA channel correctly [11:00] ActionParsnip: maybe ! burn have problem ! [11:00] if i do a locate on connections it shows me an entry for 1 and 2 in ~/.gconf but not 3 (the one i wish to keep) if i cd to that location it only shows me a folder for 3! [11:01] so the new port the server's listening on is not connectable from the client end either. FTP is such a broken protocol [11:01] devjustforfun_: I'd use tcpdump for this. You need to know if the client is establishing/trying a connection to the server's DATA port. tcpdump should reveal which end is having the problem. I'd suggest it is the local firewall on your LAN [11:02] mah454: burn slowly, it helps [11:02] devjustforfun_: If the LAN's local firewall policy for outgoing connections is restrictive, it *may* block outgoing connections to high-port numbers (> 1023) in order to ensure clients are only connecting to well-known-services [11:02] Is there a driving route planning software that anyone knows about [11:03] TJ- i will trying [11:04] TJ- how to use tcpdump [11:04] This is a command line application [11:05] howdyl. i have a problem which drives me nuts: i run an intel dh67bl motherboard with snd-hda-intel driver pci id: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05) . and the sound starts stuttering and i get scratchy noises in all adio applications from time to time. especially when i run quodlibet. when i turn off the sound using applications it reverts to normal sound again. crazy bs [11:05] i tell ya. can anybody help? [11:06] bondj, open up terminal, type alsamixer, set PCM to 80 [11:07] devjustforfun_: I'm a bit rusty on FTP capture, I'm checking now since you need to follow the PASV port too === glebihan_ is now known as glebihan [11:08] bazhang, why would the volume be related to this? i mean it works ok for some time with volume 100 and then suddenly the sound goes to hell and starts stuttering and all [11:08] hi, is it possible to set the sender and answer-to address with the command "mail" in the console? [11:08] bondj, the scratchy sound you referred to [11:08] my guess would be that you need to open up your firewall for either active or passive mode [11:08] devjustforfun_: This *should* do it. "sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -tttttt tcp and host" [11:09] devjustforfun_: On a side note, can't you get around it by using a saner, modern protocol (like ssh or samba)? ftp belongs in a museum [11:10] TJ- thanks i try [11:10] bazhang, let me make it clearer. sound is good, even when i turn it up. but the sound is not just a little scratchy on high volumes etc. it just goes to hell from time to time and not only on high volumes. and sound lags hangs and sounds different and very very broken and F'd up as it could be. [11:11] geirha not i'm not only ftp [11:11] bondj: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* wait 10 seconds then reboot [11:12] ActionParsnip, why should i delete my pulseaudio settings? do you think i misconfigured something? i'd rather find the source of this madness than reverting to defaults [11:12] since i run 5.1 system and headphones with mci [11:12] mic [11:13] i mean i had the problem right after installation anyways [11:13] bondj: I think what ActionParsnip is getting at is, if you run it with defaults, is the sound breakage still present. If it was there at installation, that rather answers the point :) [11:14] you can always use mv ~/.puslse{,OFF} [11:14] bondj: In your position I'd be identifying which sound module is in use by the kernel and doing some searches about that to find out if maybe you're encountering a common problem with a known workaround. There's often solutions in the launchpad bug reports, for example [11:15] ahem [11:15] I mean mv ~/.pulse{,.OFF} [11:15] how could i analyze this sound problem of mine? interestingly a friend of mine has the same problem on an intel laptop with the snd-hda-intel driver [11:15] but hes even more of a linux non-guru than me :) [11:15] i need some help please. i am trying to install what i am reading here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/ipn2220 [11:16] TJ-, i run snd-hda-intel [11:16] bondj: The key thing here will likely be the sound CODEC in use, which will depend on the sound chipset. There are often-times options you can add to the kernel's sound driver to let it know to use some quirk or other with the particular CODEC/chip combination [11:16] sudo modprobe ndiswrapper stops, doesnt give any answer [11:16] then i cannot proceed with sudo ndiswrapper -i neti2220.inf [11:17] its says culdn't open neti2220.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 219 [11:17] any help please. its important for me. thanks in advance [11:18] i dont get any sound via my hdmi, why is that? [11:19] Anyone got a Humble Bundle 1 key (or a 2 key that includes 1) for sale? [11:19] !ot | lantizia [11:19] lantizia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [11:19] also web videos liek youtube are realy fast [11:20] hello? [11:20] http://pastebin.com/ifiQNuL8 TJ- this is my trace [11:21] I created a Cron Job by using sudo crontab -e and wrote * * * * * /home/user/myfile.sh in it. In my shell script i perform an SCP. but even though i do this the crontab does not seem to transfer [11:22] i have just installed Ubuntu on my lenovo Z580 and this is the first time i am using a linux so i dont have any idea about the device drivers and how to install them [11:22] please help [11:22] ActionParsnip - you still here? [11:22] in there not proxy server just connection between me and ftp server [11:22] c_nick: why sudo? [11:22] devjustforfun_: That shows the remote server is unable to respond to the outgoing PASV DATA connection. I'd say that is caused by your local LAN firewall. [11:22] shivam, what device drivers do you need? [11:23] k1l_: I followed a tutorial which suggested to run via a sudouser [11:23] i dont have my wireless drivers and video and audio drivers.. [11:23] c_nick: dont use sudo in front of all commands. if you want to run the script as your user dont use sudo [11:23] TJ- local LAN firewall may be setup in my local machine [11:23] my wireless card is broadcom 802.11 n [11:24] you shouldnt need audio drives, are you saying that you are getting no picture sound or wireless? [11:24] what version of ubuntu are you using? [11:24] the latest? [11:24] devjustforfun_: It could be, but more likely on the internet gateway router [11:24] !broadcom | shivam [11:24] shivam: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [11:24] TJ- what kind of ports i should open for that firewall [11:24] i am not able to connect to internet through wifi [11:24] and neither i am able to play any audio [11:24] my version is 8 [11:25] ubuntu 8.04??? [11:25] shivam, what version ? [11:25] !eolupgrades | shivam [11:25] shivam: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [11:25] shivam, thats end of life [11:25] devjustforfun_: If the firewall is blocking the ftp outgoing connection, it would most likely be a rule that blocks outgoing connections to high port ranges [11:26] shivam, see the link above to upgrade [11:27] TJ- that mean that ftp server try to connect to hight port ranges but firewall for ftp connection block high port ranges [11:27] TJ- that might be only for my ip address? [11:29] devjustforfun_: It could be; there's no telling what rules are being enforced without talking to the network adminstrator [11:29] lol [11:30] devjustforfun_: Be clear though, for PASV mode, the server doesn't try to make any connections. PASV means that the server tells the CLIENT which ports to connect to [11:31] http://is.gd/ZsI5ia [11:31] anyone can help me please? i followed the procedure of this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/ipn2220 but the systme still denies to recognize my wireless card. any idea? [11:32] k1l_:alright [11:33] devjustforfun_: check the firewall on your own machine first ... === eikko is now known as akemEikko [11:36] ok i'm going to try asking again, maybe someone will be able to give me a different suggestion [11:36] i have a problem with network manager not deleting wireless connections from the panel applet === subdesign is now known as sub|dog [11:36] i have tried in ~/.gconf* there is no entry for the networks i wish to get rid of there [11:37] rp2 i haven't one [11:37] i have also removed the entries from /root/home/.gconf [11:37] and they still reappear after they have been removed [11:43] anyone can help me please? i followed the procedure of this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/ipn2220 but the systme still denies to recognize my wireless card. any idea? === david is now known as Guest46007 [11:45] In which package can i find the command ldapsearch [11:45] hi someone can help me with a remote desktop?? [11:45] hi all [11:45] ldap-utils Eagleman [11:46] <[1]shivam> i have a 64 bit system so which version i should install 32 bit ubuntu or 64...at website it says 32 recommended [11:46] 64bit if you have more than 4GB RAM [11:46] you can still install a 64bit os if you want [11:46] <[1]shivam> i have 4 gb ram === [1]shivam is now known as shivam [11:46] so install the 64bit [11:47] will that make difference to availability od drivers and softwares later after installation [11:47] shivam: if your hardware runs 64bit, why install 32bit? [11:47] ripinged: you meant 32bit and yes you can and use the -pae kernel [11:48] IdleOne: so why recommend 32bit? its outdated if the system runs 64bit [11:48] k1l_: it isn't outdated [11:48] some people just don't know and 32bit is the safe bet that will work. [11:49] Can anyone recommend a good channel for people talking about computers? [11:49] shivam: it says 32bit recommented because 32bit runs on 32bit and 64bit systems. so its a 100%. the 64 cant run on 32bit so there is a possible failure. so they recommend 32bit to avoid the failure [11:49] last time i started up my computer and turned on firefox something glitched and the computer froze up. the text doubled? gt all glitchy looking and there was no way to close out FF or ctrl shft f1 into a terminal to kill it. idees to figure out whats wrong and how to prevent it int he future? [11:50] ILOVECATSnTACOS: test it again === Onixs_ is now known as Onixs [11:55] ripps: computers in what sense? [12:04] Eagleman, apt-file search ldapsearch <-- that's how you'd find out.... [12:06] hi guys, can anyone tell me how can i open *.chm files [12:08] sasuke: .chm is the Microsoft Compiled Help file. You need Windows, or Windows tools at least [12:09] TJ-, cant we open in ubuntu without wine program [12:09] sasuke: there are some chm viewers in the repositories like xchm (there are others) [12:09] sasuke: If there's a viewer ... haha! see what jrib said [12:09] chmsee sasuke [12:10] jrib, TJ- , chking that [12:10] sasuke: yeah chmsee is written in gtk, so you might like that better [12:12] i am clicking on thunderbird and it opens twice. any idea? [12:13] How do i connect samba to ldap? [12:13] There was a command for that but i cant remember it [12:15] _ [12:15] hi! how do i allow some user to run sudo without entering password? i tried username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL but it didn't help [12:16] \quit [12:16] hi [12:18] give me a hand === Guest55405 is now known as akljfalweae === akljfalweae is now known as kamas [12:20] okay, here's a fun question [12:20] how do I specify the "priority" of network interfaces, so that when I plug in a USB network device it doesn't immediately try to be the default route? [12:20] How do i connect samba to ldap? [12:20] There was a command for that but i cant remember it [12:20] !help | gxc [12:20] gxc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [12:21] goraxe, disable network manager, manage the ifs yourself [12:21] jrib, TJ- ,bazhang, thanx guys its working [12:22] goraxe, or in network manager, in the connection settings, in the ipv4 settings, in routes tell it to ignore automatically obtained routes [12:22] i have ssh [12:22] )) [12:23] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/484252 this must be the most sad thread in launchpad history. How can the same bug exist from 2009-2012 and such a serious one? [12:23] Launchpad bug 484252 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Precise) "Format action wipes all partitions" [High,Fix committed] === sub|dog is now known as subdesign [12:29] just wondering .. do I need to be root to install this: https://github.com/anarsoul/libfprint [12:29] zetheroo: libfprint is in the repositories, use apt [12:30] jrib: the repo version does not support my hardware [12:31] zetheroo: well you don't /need/ to be root but you may want to install it system-wide anyway [12:31] hi guys - ubuntu 10.04 sits in a data center. They like all outbound http/https connections to go via a proxy. I have configured aptitiutde to use the proxy OK. Question is, how best can I use it so that any outbound connections from the server use this http/https proxy? [12:32] bubu\a, you could do it via netfilter/iptables, this way its transparent to any application. "they" could do that aswell [12:33] hi folks. I got some advanced network problem here. I'm sitting in a large reading room of a library with only a single wifi antenna. There are further antennas outside I could connect to, but my wifi seems to choose the nearest one (although the connectivity is bad). Is there a chance to select an antenna manually? I'm using precise. [12:33] thx nibbier , was thinking ip tables [12:33] jrib: this does not seem to be working [12:33] sudo: ./configure.ac: command not found [12:33] usb flash drive will not reformat, i can still see some files on it, but they cant be deleted, any tools to solve that? [12:34] my main question would be how the different wifi antennas behind one ssid are encoded and where to set them manually [12:34] I'm trying to run newly installed 12.04 LTS in a vmplayer but I'm getting "load fallback graphics devices - [fail]" during boot. Then it drops to console prompt. Any ideas pls? [12:34] bubu\a, so you were thinking right already ;-) http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/TransparentProxy.html goes this direction. most software will honor the HTTP_PROXY enviroment variables which might make netfilter solutions a bit overkill [12:34] delete the partitions and remake them perhaps brontosaurusrex [12:34] zetheroo: my recommendation is for you to either: 1) seek for an existing backport of the version in quantal 2) create a backport of quantal using the tool ubottu is about to tell you about 3) create your own updated package using the docs ubottu can send you if you /msg ubottu packaging (see the recipes section) [12:35] dr_willis, wont work, i tryed gparted [12:35] nibbier, wold it be: iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination proxyip:port ?? [12:35] brontosaurusrex: see if you can use dd to zero it out. if that fails the usb has gone bad would be my guess [12:35] jrib: I don't think the version for quental supports my hardware either [12:35] dr_willis, example command? [12:36] brontosaurusrex: ive aeen them fail where they get stuck 'write' protected === Mikilivil is now known as Mikelevel [12:36] bear in mind that this is a web serer and therefore only want http outbound that originates from the server to route via proxy... [12:36] jrib: otherwise wouldn't everyone be using that version already? [12:36] bubu\a, sounds good.... does it work? [12:36] dr_willis, thats exactly the behaviour [12:36] zetheroo: are you sure? (3) is still an option. but if you want to ignore my advice, you probably need to run autogen.sh so a ./configure gets created [12:36] dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX [12:36] typical noobuntu users [12:36] be sure to get X right ;) [12:36] erasing hard disk without knowing [12:36] zetheroo: quantal is still not released, that's why everyone is not using it :) [12:37] n00bs [12:37] arch-user: do you have a question? [12:37] jrib: sorry, I meant using the package not the OS [12:37] Yes [12:37] arch-user: try and be constructive [12:37] nibbier: not sure if you were aiming your comments at me [12:37] jrib: there is a autogen.sh in this tar ... how do you run that? [12:37] Why is ubuntu not as good as arch? [12:38] typical troll is typically ignored.. [12:38] gordonjcp, yes i was. dont use autoconfig if you are not happy with the results - or manipulate it to make you happy [12:38] nibbier: yeah, I want autoconfig [12:38] nibbier: I just want it to ignore a particular interface [12:38] arch-user: troll the arch channels, pls [12:39] gordonjcp, i think interfaces mentioned in the /etc/network/interface (or such) are not autoconfigured, so ignored for that [12:39] arch-user: #ubuntu-offtopic, if you must [12:39] arch-user: that's an opinion,. so is not concrete. WHat is ideal for one is bad for another [12:39] dr_willis, its blinking after this command, red light thought :P [12:40] brontosaurusrex: how big is the usb? [12:40] 4 gigs [12:40] you should have added bs=1k [12:40] shouldent take too long.. if its deag.. seen 4gbs for sale for $5 [12:40] it will take forever now... [12:40] bubu\a, http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/TransparentProxy.html#s6 is pretty precise on that, its pre and postrouting, you might be able to skip the snap part... [12:40] zetheroo: why don't you at least try to backport the version of quantal to see if it works since you aren't sure whethere or not it does? And at least make an attempt at (3) if it doesn't? [12:40] !backport > zetheroo [12:40] zetheroo, please see my private message [12:41] dr_willis, i know, its academic question .... [12:41] bubu\a, snat part is what you mightbe able to skip, depending on your network setup [12:41] ctrl-c and do it again with bs=1M [12:41] sorry 1M not 1k [12:41] varikonniemi: i think thats the default these days.. not sure if thats true on all distros [12:41] zetheroo: are you even sure it's a version issue? [12:41] oh, last time i checked was a year ago and back then it was something like 256k [12:41] well bs=1024 i think.. where did i see that at. some forum/wiki posts [12:42] jrib: this is where this is coming from : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfprint/+bug/657031 [12:42] Launchpad bug 657031 in libfprint (Ubuntu) "[08ff:2810] AuthenTec, Inc. AES2810 fingerprint reader not recognized (worked in 10.04)" [Medium,Triaged] [12:42] thats 1k [12:42] nibbier: solved, though; turns out I can just add the MAC address of the radio to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf [12:42] byebye [12:42] way too low [12:42] 1M would be good. ;0 just dont go overkill with like 10000M ;) [12:43] jrib: I will look into backports etc ... but got to run to a meeting ... I just wanted to quickly test this new driver out ... ;) tks anyhow ... ! [12:43] i was thinking the default was higher then 1K these days. [12:43] zetheroo: those comments mention a ppa [12:43] having a problem using the package manager... [12:43] Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/fontconfig-config_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_all.deb [12:44] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/fontconfig-config_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_all.deb (--unpack): unable to create `/etc/fonts/conf.d/README.dpkg-new' (while processing `./etc/fonts/conf.d/README'): Invalid argument [12:44] how is this fixed? [12:45] TimothyA: sort of a weird error. almost like those files are protected. or a typo in thr script [12:45] anyone can help me please? i followed the procedure of this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/ipn2220 but the systme still denies to recognize my wireless card. any idea? [12:45] TimothyA: are there any bugs reported? [12:45] yes [12:45] akis: did you get the 2 files named from the windows driver? [12:45] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fontconfig/+bug/1039828 [12:45] Launchpad bug 1039828 in fontconfig (Ubuntu Quantal) "package fontconfig-config 2.8.0-3ubuntu9 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [High,Fix released] [12:45] but it's for version 9, not 9.1 [12:46] and they claim to have fixed it in 9.1 [12:46] TimothyA: since its about a README file. a dirty work around may be to just rename it by hand to some backup name [12:46] there is no file in /etc/fonts/conf.d [12:46] make it? ;) [12:46] want me to make windows as well? [12:46] so the script can rename it/z thats even weorder [12:47] TimothyA: 12.10 is supported in #ubuntu+1 [12:47] It has taken me awhile, but I think I'm finally getting the hand of Unity/GNOME 3 hehe [12:47] sounds like its trying to backup a config filw with the wrong options [12:48] is it possible to set up the launcher bar in ubuntu insteadof being on the left hand side to be like the start bar in windows? [12:48] made README, still breaks [12:48] well. i can tell you what i did. i download whta the link says. and i think i compiled and installed ndiswrapper [12:48] actually, it removed the file I just made [12:48] TimothyA: the package is in an unstable release, so you will get issues [12:48] so... I can't use the package manager anymore? [12:49] ripinged: theres some classic gnome menu tools out. askubuntu.com had a list of them. several indicator applete. and one called 'cardio' (i think) [12:49] then i tried to install neti2220.inf. i found it from the net and i installed it, but i got the message that 12220ntx.sys file is missing and maybe must be needed. [12:49] Awesome thanks dr_willis [12:49] so then the system doesnt recognize my wireless device. what can i do to fix it? [12:50] IdleOne: also, this is ubuntu 12.04 [12:50] not 12.10 [12:51] i appreciate so much your help [12:51] akis: did you have it in the same folder as the inf file? [12:51] TimothyA: So why are you using a quantal .deb? [12:51] IdleOne: I don't know. this is a fresh ubuntu server install [12:52] it's getting everything from archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu as precise [12:53] so how do I get this dependency check out of apt-get? [12:53] TimothyA: strange. Not sure how to help you though. might try sudo apt-get -f install [12:53] I need to install other things [12:53] IdleOne: http://pastie.org/5029469 TimothyA is using the Precise deb [12:53] no, ecause i didnt find it in the net and the link you provide me doesnt mention that i have to find it. do you have any idea what can i do next? [12:53] apt-get -f install is what gave me those errors [12:53] akis: you'll need both files in the same folder [12:53] ActionParsnip: indeed he is, thanks [12:53] so.. [12:53] IdleOne: np :) [12:54] I'm trying to run newly installed 12.04 LTS in a vmplayer but I'm getting "load fallback graphics devices - [fail]" during boot. Then it drops to console prompt. Any ideas pls? [12:54] how I fix? :P [12:54] TimothyA: try sudo apt-get -f install [12:54] that's what gave me those 2 errors [12:54] -f will try to fix any broken packages/not completely installed [12:54] yes i understand but wheer can i find it and how can i install it althouht neti2220.inf is already installed? [12:54] http://pastebin.com/6nJQ0TJW [12:55] apt-get -f install does not work [12:55] /http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3809866/how-do-i-set-up-android-adt-plugin-for-eclipse [12:55] ignore that [12:55] akis: do you have the driver CD for the wireless device? [12:55] TimothyA: I see the problem. you need to apt-get dist-upgrade [12:55] ...upgrade to 12.10? -_- [12:55] no [12:55] well... I can't do apt-get dist-upgrade [12:55] it's complaining about fontconfig [12:56] yes, dist-upgrade doesn't take you to the newest release [12:56] err I forget how to explain what dist-upgrade does [12:56] so how the hell am I supposed to run dist-upgrade when there are broken packages [12:57] TimothyA: you could use do-release-upgrade [12:57] no [12:57] TimothyA: purge fontconfig-config [12:57] !dist-upgrade | TimothyA IdleOne [12:57] TimothyA IdleOne: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. [12:57] then do the dist-upgrade [12:57] Pici: thanks, forgot about that factoid [12:57] np [12:57] yes i think i have some old cd's but they are available right now. what do i have to do? [12:58] akis: I have the sys file, gimme a sec [12:58] IdleOne: it won't let me purge it [12:58] catch 22 [12:58] I am not amused by this [12:58] one broken package, and the whole system has gone to ****? [12:58] calm down [12:58] akis: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/i2220ntx.sys [12:59] oh thanks. it is very kind of you. i am waiting for it [12:59] Hi all [12:59] akis: i put it on my dropbox for easy grabbing [12:59] I'm trying to run newly installed 12.04 LTS in a VM Player but I'm getting "load fallback graphics devices - [fail]" during boot. Then it drops to console prompt. Any ideas please? [13:00] so I can't do -f install, I can't purge, and I can't do distupgrade [13:00] so what's left? [13:00] TimothyA: you should be abot to delete the .deb from /var/cache/apt/archives and then do the dist-upgrade [13:00] do i have something to pick it up? [13:00] able* [13:00] TimothyA: can you give a pastebin of the output of: sudo apt-get -f install; lsb_release -a; uname -a Thanks [13:00] when does ubuntu come out to the public for android [13:01] We don't know [13:01] nothing has been announced yet [13:01] basketballstar: there is one, but you are VNCing to a running system on the device [13:01] IdleOne: does not work [13:01] what isVNCing [13:02] ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/private/3wti9oeu1mehym2zoes6ja [13:02] basketballstar: when you use VNC to view the display of another system usiong an old unsecure protocol [13:02] do i hyave to be root to get android on ubuntu [13:02] ubuntu on android [13:03] basketballstar: Canonical has not released any product that allows you to do that. IdleOne is talking about using remote desktop software. [13:03] TimothyA: try: cd /; sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/fontconfig-config_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_all.deb [13:03] do u guys know a way to put ubuntu on a tablet [13:03] ActionParsnip, do i have to root [13:04] basketballstar: no, sudo will manage access as needed [13:04] TimothyA: I'm sorry but I am out of ideas, maybe ActionParsnip has some [13:04] ActionParsnip: what do i have to do to take this missing .sys file you wrote that you have? [13:05] ActionParsnip: now workie [13:05] *no workie [13:05] akis: put it in the same folder as your inf file then reinstall the driver as you did [13:05] TimothyA: same output? [13:05] same error [13:05] do u guys know a way to put ubuntu on a tablet [13:06] TimothyA: if you run: file /etc/fonts/conf.d/README is it present? [13:06] yea ok. but i dont have the .sys file! [13:06] I just gave you it! [13:06] do u guys know a way to put ubuntu on a tablet [13:06] on android do you need to root to put ubuntu on [13:06] kolaracdn it depends on what kind of tablet [13:06] ActionParsnip: no [13:07] kolaracdn, i need the same thing [13:07] basketballstar: you can run a Linux distro in the background of the system, then VNC to localhost [13:07] i have galaxy tab 2 10.1 [13:07] what kind of android tablets will it work on [13:07] i dont understand [13:07] TimothyA: and if you run: file /etc/fonts/conf.d is it a folder? [13:07] yes [13:07] basketballstar: jeez [13:07] samuel: do u know the kind of tablet needed [13:08] basketballstar: theer is a package to make a Linux based OS run in the background of your device [13:08] how do i instaLL IT [13:08] kolaracdn it depends on whether it is an ARM tablet or an x86 (intel compatible) one === [1]MarcelT3 is now known as MarcelT3 [13:08] basketballstar: there is a full LXDE desktop and all that stuff, you communicate with it by connecting to the localhost on the VNC port and you will see the desktop [13:08] ARM devices tend to have the O/S installed on a ROM that needs to be flashed [13:08] [2012/10/10 15:00:02.208298, 1] lib/smbldap.c:1330(another_ldap_try) [13:08] Connection to LDAP server failed for the 1 try! [13:08] samuel: arm tablet [13:08] ? [13:09] what is this for [13:09] getting it installed on those devices tends to be more of a hack as the bootloaders are locked [13:09] basketballstar: http://www.redmondpie.com/install-and-run-ubuntu-on-your-android-device-with-ubuntu-installer-download-now/ [13:09] quit [13:09] basketballstar: 99% of what you can do in Ubuntu you can do in that session, so its fairly pointless [13:09] The purple terminal theme that come with a new Ubuntu installation, what's name? I'm trying to get the same theme for my Mac at work.. [13:09] check out vivaldi not sure if it is available yet but that is an interesting project to provide open tablet hardware [13:09] basketballstar: do in Android, sorry [13:10] ActionParsnip: could you please provide me the sys file you wrote that you have? [13:10] is there a way to programatically set static ip to ubuntu server [13:10] big up geniuses! [13:10] TimothyA: try: sudo touch /etc/fonts/conf.d/README; sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/fontconfig-config_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_all.deb [13:10] waddup nikkkkk [13:11] akis: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/i2220ntx.sys [13:11] ActionParsnip, thanks for the help earlier sadly it was none of the things you suggested, i'm still hunting for a solution [13:11] ActionParsnip: no difference [13:11] I'm on a mint13 install and my laptops hardware isnt supported rly.. would a fresh ubuntu install have better support? [13:11] my network manager still regenerates the same 2 connections after they have been removed [13:12] its the proprietary driver for my gpu thats buggin a lot [13:12] touch: setting times of `/etc/fonts/conf.d/README': No such file or directory [13:12] Why is samba not working: http://pastebin.com/STAwqMgi [13:12] if i do a locate on "connections" it shows a file path to ~/.gconf where connections 1 and 2 reside, but if i cd there, it shows nothing [13:12] <\bMike\b> Update Manager shows changelogs when my system has pending updates. How can I access those on the command line with apt-thing or aptitude or something? [13:13] TimothyA: was the file created? [13:13] ActionParsnip: it was not [13:13] nikkkkk what gpu do you have? [13:13] TimothyA: make the file, just to humour the installer, may work [13:13] an hd3650 [13:13] ActionParsnip: I did that [13:13] it just removed it [13:13] and gave the same error [13:13] for some reason I can't create any file with touch there [13:14] I tried tons of installs and its all bugging cause the hardware is unsupported [13:14] TimothyA: you could force install the deb [13:14] ActionParsnip: how? [13:14] i find AMD gpu's still cause me pain, have you tried downloading the catylist drivers from the official website [13:14] the mint13 users said that cata 12.4 was the only option on mint, and it couldnt work [13:14] TimothyA: sudo dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/fontconfig-config_2.8.0-3ubuntu9.1_all.deb [13:15] yes I have, the newest and the mintsupported [13:15] anyone know SARg report ? [13:15] ActionParsnip: again! [13:15] but now I'm giving up on mint, and I lost my win7 [13:15] TimothyA: again what? [13:15] same error [13:15] how is performance with open source drivers? [13:15] so I'm looking for a linux distro that would work :D [13:15] it just won't proceed [13:15] TimothyA: I suggest you report a bug [13:15] TimothyA: maybe try asking in #ubuntu-server [13:15] its very buggy, even the OS seems buggy in ways that I wouldnt think had anything to do with the gpuy [13:15] also, why can't I touch files in /etc/ ? [13:16] I just finished installing 12.04. Is mplayer 2 in the repos ? [13:16] I can do it everywhere else [13:16] Any ideas? [13:16] TimothyA: is the filesystem for / mounted read only [13:16] no [13:16] I can do touch in / [13:16] just not in /etc/ [13:16] TimothyA: you need sudo touch as the folder and files will not be owned by your user [13:16] but samuel did you say you had a pain with an amd gpu on ubuntu [13:16] I am currently logged in as root as I was prepping up the server [13:16] are you on a fairly older laptop? === wcchandler_ is now known as chimichanga [13:17] ubuntu or linux mint, AMD gpu's often have inferior drivers to intel and even nvidia [13:17] adding sudo in front of it didn't change anything either [13:17] I just can't do touch in /etc/ [13:17] TimothyA: try being user and running: sudo apt-get -f install [13:17] I can open up nano and save the file... [13:17] no i had my problems with the newer APU's, that got better over time [13:17] ActionParsnip: I don't have any users yet.. [13:17] TimothyA: is there a separate partition for /etc === chimichanga is now known as kired_ [13:17] ActionParsnip: no [13:17] TimothyA: you do, you made one when you installed [13:17] so I really shouldve installed linux WITH win7 haha... [13:18] sadly [13:18] nikkkkk: why so? [13:18] ActionParsnip: it doens't make one when installing ubuntu-server [13:18] TimothyA: it does, I've done it a tonne of times [13:18] cause it seems I'm not competent to fix the driver issues on this os [13:18] then what's this secret user? [13:18] and now it seems ubuntu wouldnt make a diff [13:18] because I've never come across an ubuntu installation with a pre-configured user [13:18] linux mint is based on ubuntu [13:18] nikkkkk: using Wubi doesn't give anything different with drivers or access to hardware [13:19] I rly dunno [13:19] TimothyA: you must have enabled it, or ran: sudo -i [13:19] wait - you are using wubi?? i have had issues with graphics and wubi installs [13:19] is there just a way I can remove fontconfig and its dependencies and anything depending on it so I can continue to work? [13:19] Im on mint13 [13:19] I am logged in as root. there are no other users right now! [13:19] other than service users [13:19] they said that I could only instal cata 12.4 on mint13 [13:19] im trying to DB ubuntu and win7. i have 80GB of "unallocated sapce" that im trying to make an expanded drivr, with '/home' '/' and 'swap space' as logical drives in the expanded drive. can make the space an expanded drive. [13:19] I am logged in as root, I have root. I am root. [13:19] nikkkkk: the ONLY difference is that wubi installs are stored in files on your NTFS partition and are loop mounted, nothing more [13:19] is it the same with ubuntu, seeing as its base [13:19] I am not an underprivileged user right now [13:19] TimothyA: then it can't be ubuntu [13:20] cant* [13:20] I gave you the pastebins, it most definitely is ubuntu [13:20] TimothyA: custom kernel? === kired_ is now known as wcchandler_ [13:20] IdleOne: probably [13:20] it would explain why dediserve is a piece of shit [13:20] ActionParsnip: could that be causing an issue? [13:20] TimothyA: none of the official ubuntu releases have the root acount enabled and the server installs has you make a user at install time [13:20] IdleOne: probably [13:21] ActionParsnip: well...it's the only one account I can use right now [13:21] TimothyA: I think you need to talk to your VPS help desk [13:21] default server installation [13:21] IdleOne: you mean 99% of server hosters? [13:21] ActionParsnip: I dunno what you meant I should do with wubi, I dont think I'm following u any more ... but I'm gonna try on ubuntu [13:21] ActionParsnip: i repeated the installation giving the command sudo ndiswrapper -i neti2220.inf with i2220ntx.sys in the same dir with neti2220.inf file and i got the message that driver neti2220 is already installed. the same message i got previously when i repeat the procedure without the new .sys file, but not hte first time when i got the missing alert message. is it ok now. or do i have to do somenthing else. for example to deinstalla the [13:21] drive r and install it agian? [13:21] TimothyA: an Ubuntui default server installation does not have a root account enabled for interactive login. so your provider has done something odd. [13:21] is there any way to FIX apt-get? [13:21] I don't want fontconfig [13:21] I don't need it [13:22] TimothyA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Garnfv2pf2s blast forward to 1:20 and watch. [13:22] I want it gone [13:22] just tell me how to get rid of this fontconfig abomination [13:22] apt-get is not what is broken, that package is broken and probably because of that custom kernel [13:22] akis: thats because you screwed it up last time, remove all the drivers from ndiswrapper and start again with the ndiswrapper config [13:22] IdleOne: so how do I get rid of this package so I can use apt-get again? [13:22] that's the only thing I want right now, as this is just wasting time [13:23] TimothyA: "MY head hurts, help me remove it." "It's probably a headache. try some analgesics," "HELP ME CUT MY HEAD OFF!" [13:23] TimothyA: I think you have tried pretty much everything. [13:23] ok. that a good idea. but how can i remove them completely and start for the begining? [13:24] TimothyA: you don't know how to fix the issue, seek advice from those that do, and then dismiss that advice as "not what i want." [13:24] mneptok: ... so far none of the advice has worked [13:24] least everything we have been able to think of [13:24] why is apt-get this fragile [13:24] IdleOne: if you look at the paste, it also says (while processing `./etc/fonts/conf.d/README') which seems obscure [13:24] "Oops. I downloaded a package that is broken. NOW YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ANYMORE!" [13:24] YEYA [13:24] TimothyA: contact your VPS provider. ask about custom tweaks they have done, and how a user works with them to fix package issues. [13:24] TimothyA: That custom kernel is probably what is causing the issue. [13:24] TimothyA: its not so fragile, its just one of the huge weaknesses in package based OSes [13:25] so how do I get rid of the package? I don't want it anymore [13:25] TimothyA: YOU CAN'T, talk to your VPS support. [13:25] ...WHY THE HELL CAN'T I [13:25] TimothyA: you could extract the deb and put the files around the place, then install the deb. Should be ok, especially the readme file [13:26] because your VPS provider did done went and broke something. I can't make this any more clear. [13:26] IdleOne: odd that I am the only one then [13:26] TimothyA: oh, is it a VPS? [13:26] this specific server is a VPS, yes [13:26] oh jeez those are always fun [13:26] anyone know SARg report ? [13:27] ActionParsnip: look at the kernel name, there is some custom stuff in there for sure. [13:27] so why the hell would it work for everyone but me? [13:27] I've seen all sorts of dumbness wjith VPSes [13:27] hi i only have 1gb hdd on my ubuntu computer because linux dont need lottof space so i want to add more memory i was wondering since i have lot of old cell phone around can i use wires to connect cell phone memories together and make more room in computer memory with cell phone? [13:27] ActionParsnip: ... I need apt-get to install a package in order to extract the .deb ... [13:27] TimothyA: no, you can just use: ar x filename to extract debs [13:28] The program 'ar' can be found in the following packages: [13:28] is any apt get package for what i want? [13:28] this sucks... [13:28] TimothyA: ar is in a standard install. Your VPS has removed it for some stupid reason [13:28] I spent all night transferring 600GB... [13:28] and now *THIS* [13:28] hello? [13:28] one MINOR problem, and the entire OS has become utterly unusable [13:29] and there is no option to remove the broken package [13:29] TimothyA: if you had a standard install you would not have an issue [13:29] ActionParsnip: ... [13:29] TimothyA: I've seen people on VPS where the setuid bit wasn't set on sudo [13:29] TimothyA: makes sudo NOT work [13:29] help please [13:29] "If you used OS9 you would not have this issue" [13:30] TimothyA: VPS idiots seem to love messing with the OS so it doesn't work. The OS will installl and upgrade just fine and you should at least have ar installed. Its a default app, but again, your admin peeps have been messing around [13:31] dont get mad [13:32] AR__ i'm not sure what you mean about sticking your phone memories together like that, i cant see it working easily [13:32] ubuntu memory manger very smart [13:32] if they were SD cards you could use a hub and then mount the file system and creat a link between the mounted media and somewhere in your userspace [13:32] should maybe work [13:33] 1gb is quite small, are you using a minimal installation to get that working? [13:33] ubantu linux no x server [13:33] ActionParsnip: could ypu please advise me how can i deinstall the driver to start from the begging the installation? [13:33] so its essentially just a terminal? [13:34] that is linux [13:34] no, linux is a kernel :P [13:34] linux is not a kernel [13:34] the terminal is one way, the main way of interacting witha linux based os [13:34] linus not intend graphic lol [13:34] test [13:35] ubuntu is an o/s, linux is the kernel [13:35] Linux is a kernel, or OS, that coupled with userland apps creates a Linux distribution [13:35] linux is the os the kernel is BSD [13:35] you best be trolling [13:35] ubuntu is the flavor/distro like how windows has xp 7 8 [13:35] hello. anyone else know about issues with google plus hangout? I'm on ubuntu 11.10 [13:35] kolaracdn: linux certainly is a kernel [13:35] mrsnow: you still there? [13:35] please, go to kernel.org [13:36] does anyone have a question , or is this silly debate going to continue? [13:36] download the kernel [13:36] load it onto a system, and tell me how you proceed [13:36] how does this debate relate to Ubuntu support? please move on. [13:37] no fighting [13:37] LINUX IS NOT A KERNEL [13:37] hi all [13:37] Linux is rms? [13:37] I'm not sure if it's a support question, more of learning about the system. What are the steps from power on to the login screen? I know initramfs is in there [13:37] linux is not a kernel the definition is: An open-source version of the UNIX operating system. [13:37] root mean square have nothing to do with ubantu [13:38] so, issues with google plus hangout on ubuntu? anyone know anything? [13:38] gplus hangout fun [13:38] hi whats up guys [13:39] hi all [13:39] does somebody know how to fix mi wifi ..it keeps diskonekting all the time [13:39] kolaracdn: troll harder [13:39] lmn1vg6: what wifi chip? [13:40] this is a support channel, please move to the offtopic channel [13:40] Marzatha, no one support me [13:40] i have some problems updating "python3-update-manager update-manager update-manager-core" packages [13:40] kolaracdn, you have any source for that nonsene? this might need a fix ,-) [13:40] nibbier: please, let it be and move on. [13:40] ActionParsnip: could you please advise me how can i deinstall the driver to start from the begging the installation? [13:41] after 2-3 try i stil have no luck [13:41] kolaracdn: i don't think like that, kernel was not full OS [13:41] i dnt know exactly i i have a wireless netgear adapter ... [13:41] lmn1vg6: lspci/lsusb will usually tell you [13:41] \list [13:41] \LIST [13:41] Hello [13:41] / [13:41] L30n0v: could you provide more info? Errors received? [13:41] \help [13:42] i heard that you can help me with some of my question [13:42] ok justa sec i will check it [13:42] ardchoille: yes, one min. [13:43] ITS CALLED A COMPTIA LINUX + CERTIFICATION!!! thats my source [13:43] ardchoille: here is error: Err http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/main python3-update-manager all 1:0.174.3 404 Not Found [13:43] i want to install Ubuntu as an second bootable operation system [13:43] Err http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/main update-manager-core all 1:0.174.3 404 Not Found [13:43] also google what is linux [13:43] Err http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal/main update-manager all 1:0.174.3 404 Not Found [13:43] Failed to fetch http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/update-manager/python3-update-manager_0.174.3_all.deb 404 Not Found [13:43] Failed to fetch http://hr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/update-manager/update-manager-core_0.174.3_all.deb 404 Not Found [13:43] obama use ubuntu? [13:43] L30n0v: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [13:43] the kernel is the core of an operating system [13:43] how can i do it? [13:43] the kernel is the core of an operating system [13:44] lmn1vg6: in channel please [13:44] its not linux [13:44] the linux kernel is the bsd kernel [13:44] lmn1vg6: also uname -m [13:44] kolaracdn: stop [13:44] kolaracdn: find somewhere else to play. [13:44] kolaracdn, they dont like hear truth lol [13:44] you guys are on a linux irc and u dont even know what linux is lol [13:44] AR__: ur right :) [13:45] wow [13:45] !offtopic > kolaracdn [13:45] kolaracdn, please see my private message [13:45] can somebody help me with the installation? [13:45] ardchoille: is there maybe problem with packages on server? maybe they are not available [13:45] !Offtopic [13:45] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [13:45] !dualboot | Testimoni [13:45] Testimoni: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [13:45] its [Atheros AR9271] [13:46] kolaracdn: http://cstrips.bitstrips.com/X01PL_3RCL.png [13:46] lmn1vg6: uname -m [13:46] if rule same in ubuntu and offtopic how is channel differnet? [13:46] AR__: read the guidelines [13:46] AR__: different topic [13:46] L30n0v: that's 12.10. you need to be asking in #ubuntu+1, not here [13:46] one's on-topic, one's off-topic [13:46] oh it depend on who set what topic of day or ? [13:47] today's topic is favourite soups. [13:47] ok [13:47] so only talk about that [13:47] right [13:48] ardchoille: OK, my mistake. Thanks on info... :) [13:48] L30n0v: you're running Ubuntu 12.10, your best option is to join #ubuntu+1 [13:49] ok i talk to kolaracdn and he is official kernel developer i think he know what he talk about ok [13:49] i go learn from him instead [13:49] bye [13:49] AR__: that is wise. farewell [13:49] ardchoille: i will... ;) [13:49] i am back again [13:49] lmn1vg6_: uname -m [13:49] lmn1vg6_: and uname -r [13:49] uname -a [13:49] please learn [13:49] Hi everyone. I am utterly stuck with configuring my Wacom Bamboo tablet to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I don't want to upgrade to 12 just yet, but every guide so far hasn't allowed the tablet to be recognised at all. Can someone help me out? [13:50] !behelpful > AR__ [13:50] AR__, please see my private message [13:50] AR__: I would rather have -mr [13:50] i686 3.0.0-26-generic [13:50] AR__: I know perfectly well what -a does [13:50] what is ubuntu robot spammin my private message [13:50] reporting [13:51] lmn1vg6_: what signal strenght are you getting, and does dmesg say anything intresting when the net drops? also do you have power saving enabled for the wifi? [13:52] Fanshawe: perhaps there's a way to get what you want from 12? what do you like/need from 10.04? [13:53] i have 37% signal stength.... [13:53] hod o i use apparmor to secure a directory from any and all programs i want access denied to? [13:53] i have 37% signal stength.... MrElendig [13:53] lmn1vg6_: try moving to get better signal and see if it still drops [13:53] .... MrElendig i have try it [13:53] i think is something difrent [13:55] <\bMike\b> Update Manager shows changelogs when my system has pending updates. How can I access those on the command line with apt-thing or aptitude or something? [13:55] \bMike\b: apt-get changelog packagename [13:55] Hello, may i can ask how i can chec if i have UEFI in windows? I am going to install ubuntu on dual boot, and first i need to know if it is uefi then i need to do it specific for uefi...It says on website... [13:55] <\bMike\b> iceroot: well now I just feel dumb :) [13:56] ArcaneWater: ##windows or the manual of your pc [13:56] ArcaneWater: or look into the bios [13:56] does somebody know how to deal with the continius diskonection of my wireles wifi adapter? [13:57] t-mart: It's mainly that I've just about squeezed everything I need from my OS onto a 4GB SD, and if I upgrade I'd need to find a way to do that all over again. [13:57] some times it also hapens when i konekt to irc chanels [13:58] The purple terminal theme that come with a new Ubuntu installation, what's the name of that theme? I'm trying to get the same theme for my Mac at work.. [14:00] lmn1vg6_: check dmesg and so on as I suggested [14:00] and try disableing powersaving for the wifi [14:01] how i do that ? disabling? mrelendig>? [14:02] hello ubuntu [14:02] hello how are you [14:02] I'm doing alright [14:03] that is very good [14:03] i am glad to hear [14:03] Is there a channel other than this one that I should join for help with getting my hardware working with ubuntu 12.04? [14:03] ##electronics i think [14:03] lmn1vg6_: iwconfig eth1 power off (replace eth1 with the name of your wifi interface) [14:03] TobalJackson: what hardware? [14:03] TobalJackson: Just ask your question and if anybody can help they will [14:04] specifically [14:04] My USB3.0 ports [14:04] on my Asus M4A89GTD-Pro motherboard [14:04] seem to be recognized as only usb 2.0 [14:04] TobalJackson: usb 3.0 provided by the intel chipset? [14:04] and i gues if i wnat to enable again i use iwconfig eth1 power on?? mrelendig? [14:04] its an AMD/ATI chipset [14:04] TobalJackson: are the ports set to usb3 in BIOS? [14:05] TobalJackson: xhci_hcd loaded? [14:05] I tried disabling legacy support [14:05] lmn1vg6_: yes [14:05] but I didn't see anything in the bios related to switching usb 3.0 specifically off [14:05] lmn1vg6_: the name is probably not eth1 though [14:05] lmn1vg6_: run iwconfig without any args to see what interface has the wireless extention [14:05] Is there someone who can help me shed light on some DNS issues? I can't access some Internet domains (which i previously could), my DSL Provider claims "it's your linux" - I think they deliberately block. But since I have proof for neither, I need to start somewhere debugging my DNS settings, I guess... suggestions? [14:05] lmn1vg6_: morelikely wlan0 [14:05] I'm unfortunately at work right now, not near my computer [14:06] Hey [14:06] MrElendig: how can I verify that xhci_hcd is loaded? [14:06] lsmod [14:06] LOL [14:06] nicofs: try: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null then try some websites [14:06] How do i reaname ? [14:06] anonymous_: mv [14:06] i using xCHAT on fking Anonymous OS [14:06] .mv [14:06] .rename [14:06] !op [14:06] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U! [14:07] and MrElendig , how can I enable it if it isn't? [14:07] TobalJackson: modprobe xhci-hcd [14:07] anonymous_: Anonymous OS isn't supported here [14:08] thanx guys i will try it....!! [14:08] hello guys, i removed compiz from my ubuntu. After that i didnt get window-manager [14:08] ActionParsnip, no change... [14:08] is this a replacement handler for AHCI? [14:08] can anyone help me out [14:08] nicofs: tried rebooting your router? === anonymous_ is now known as Nazaryman [14:09] Nazaryman: its also rumoured to contain malware [14:09] NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX NIGGER LINUX [14:09] ActionParsnip, I rebooted everything... my smartphone can access the domain via the router, my pc can't... [14:10] thanks MrElendig , i'll try that when I get home [14:10] nicofs: can you ping via IP? [14:10] is that a common issue? [14:10] and if it doesn't work, is there a specific bios setting I should be trying to toggle? [14:11] which kernel version btw? there was some improvements for usb 3.0 in 3.5 and 3.6 === Bish_ is now known as Bish [14:11] ActionParsnip, ping works... could it be my browser? [14:11] nicofs: can you ping by name? [14:11] I am running a lamp server on 12.05, I need to back up my db, is there a specific file for the table, or a application I can install to do it automatically? I would like to upload it offsite. [14:11] ActionParsnip, yes [14:11] nicofs: tried a differnet browser? [14:12] ActionParsnip, just did. works... I would have never thought that possible... oO [14:12] !info automysqlbackup [14:12] automysqlbackup (source: automysqlbackup): daily, weekly and monthly backup for your MySQL database. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.6+debian-2 (precise), package size 14 kB, installed size 98 kB [14:13] hey nerds [14:13] mzuverink: looks like a strong candidate to me [14:13] nicofs: then you have some addon/extension enabled [14:13] ActionParsnip, thanks for that, looking at it now [14:13] ActionParsnip, does Chromium use its own DNS servers?!? [14:13] i have just 1 big ubuntu partition on my harddisk. whats the best way to shrink it to half its size and make an other free partition? [14:13] I'm pretty sure it's 3.6 [14:14] nicofs i dont think so [14:14] mzuverink: mysqldump command? [14:14] nicofs: it has some pre-caching DNS abilities in there to grab DNS's of links before you click them [14:14] hello guys, i removed compiz from my ubuntu and after restart i didnt see any windows-manager. Can anyone help me out. [14:15] ActionParsnip, AdBlockPlus... and when I enter the domain I get redirected to my Provider's search engine telling me, they couldn't find the domain - yet listing it as the first result in their "did you mean..."-list... [14:15] sasuke: what do you see now? [14:16] just wondering what's wrong with my man pages i can't scroll through them without using th arrow keys and if i search for a string in a man page if the string is not found man closes, what's wrong? [14:16] melvincv, all i can see is only desktop. === deric is now known as dericpr [14:18] sasuke: Only the wallpaper? [14:18] melvincv, all of my data is there [14:19] sasuke: Try alt+F2, and enter: metacity --replace [14:19] melvincv, through terminal i can do everything [14:19] Does anyone know of a way to use the NotifyOSD notification bubbles, the default Ubuntu ones which appear in the top-right hand corner, when logged into a Gnome-Shell session? ... I may prefer the Shell to Unity, but NotifyOSD is far more elegant/useful than the default Gnome ones =/ [14:19] I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and Gnome-Shell 3.4 [14:20] sasuke: try through terminal, only if you don't get a run box on pressing Alt+F2 [14:20] melvincv, will it replace old lap [14:21] melvincv, i mean same as before removing the compiz [14:21] sasuke: why you removed compiz in the first place? [14:22] melvinc, i want to remove effects, dashhome, from my ubuntu version. i want menu bar which is like 10.04, 10.10. [14:22] sasuke use gnome classic [14:22] sasuke: then just apt-get install gnome-panel [14:23] that will give you gnome classic interface similar to Gnome 2... well almost. [14:23] I have an odd problem on my Thinkpad T420: sometimes, if I close the lid, when I open it, it will just be a black screen [14:23] melvincv, through google i found that if i remove compiz i will get menu bar. so i did it [14:24] anyone have similar problems? it also rarely effects just locking the screen with Ctrl+Alt+L [14:24] sasuke: well, that will remove the animations, but will break your Unity desktop, because it runs as a Compiz plugin :( [14:25] sasuke: sudo apt=get install gnome-panel [14:25] I'm trying to upgrade from 12.04 to the 12.10 beta, but do-release-upgrade -d says "No new release found" [14:25] melvincv, u mean so i cant get menu bar [14:26] hey, i have 1 ubuntu partition using my entire harddrive. i would like to size it down to the half to make space for an other partition. howto? [14:26] Fixed it with prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [14:26] sasuke: of course, you will get menus, but you won't be running Unity. (Is this what you asked for?) [14:26] yes [14:27] philipp__: boot live cd and use gparted [14:28] sasuke: Welcome to Ubuntu. Do remember to take backups before you experiment :) [14:28] :) [14:28] and don't remove critical stuff unless you know what you are removing/doing :) [14:29] hi i have an ubuntu server running at home without x installed. how can i start and access X from work via vnc? === dpac|away is now known as 1JTAAHMSU === 1JTAAHMSU is now known as dpac [14:29] !vnc | jca1981-2 [14:29] jca1981-2: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [14:29] i want x to unly run when i need to connect to it [14:29] melvincv, thanx for that i dont have anything for taking bckup.. I am leaning linux (new comer) :D [14:30] jca1981-2: you can't access something that's not there (in your case X) [14:31] of course i will install x, i just only want to run it when i need it, i dont want an x running on my server when im not using it :) [14:31] melvincv, i installed gnome-panel [14:31] does FreeNX have a windows client? === TheWarden is now known as Guest84290 [14:32] hi [14:32] jcal981-2 why dont you install x, but create a session that doesnt use it? [14:32] then SSH in and run startx when you need it [14:32] samuel... how do I create a session that doent use X? [14:32] I want to download the whole web page of http://vijayanagara.in/ who to do it using wget ? I Want to use it for offline [14:32] samuel thats a good idea, but i dont know how [14:32] could any help help me quick [14:33] Darn - someone's called themselves Jupiter and sprung my 'highlight' from ##astronomy - I'm an amateur astronomer with aparticular interest in Jupiter [14:33] lol neither do i, i know how to customise a session that DOES use a GUI but not one that doesnt [14:33] Do we linux peeps have anything that can mimic silverlight? I wanna watch streaming hockey but it requires silverlight [14:33] i'm not sure if the display manager can do that even? [14:33] jca1981-2: here is a guide on server with gui: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI [14:34] !FreeNX [14:34] FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX [14:35] how to download whole webpage using wget command for offline use [14:35] could anyone help in this regard [14:35] jca1981-2: don't install X on servers [14:35] jca1981-2: although i recommend staying away from the gui on a server, and if you are super intent on one don't install a full-blown Desktop Environment, insted some lightwieght window manager [14:35] Jupiter123 are you using elementar os? [14:36] elementary# [14:36] no [14:36] what is it [14:36] i want to somtimes run eclipse to program some python. what would be best for that? fluxbox? [14:36] jca1981-2: there is absolutely no sane reason to have a GUI on a server [14:36] Jupiter123: if you want just the html (no images) just use wget [14:36] a desktop basedon ubuntu on of its versions is jupiter [14:36] i tried it but i only get the front page of the site [14:37] jca1981-2: that's crazy, why would you open up eclipse on a server via ssh? [14:37] note the link corresponding to other tabs [14:37] I meant not their [14:37] wget -r didn't work indeed === zhurai-tsuki is now known as zhurai [14:38] http://elementaryos.org/ [14:38] crazydip i would like an easy envioment to program python in accesseble from anywhere :) [14:38] we don't support ubuntu-forks, satellit_e [14:39] ok [14:39] i could have another virtual machine on my server just for that but that would meen more overhead and more ram usage, and i only need to run x sometimes. [14:39] could anyone know how to download whole webpage to work offline [14:40] Jupiter123, answer #1 > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8755229/how-to-download-all-file-from-website-using-wget [14:41] i suggest you use an advanced text editor like vim which you can get on pretty much any platform (of course it works best on linux) and just ssh into your server and hack away... if you do really really want X (bad idea/habit imo) i already gave you a link to a wiki [14:41] that link , I tried it, but still no success [14:41] working with different links [14:42] hi all. i am trying to setup my wireless onboard card using ndiswrapper. i tried once to see wireless management on network management but afte i rebbot hte system i lost it. any idea to restore it? === phuang is now known as penghuang [14:42] nikos: what wifi card/chip? [14:42] jca1981-2: ^^ see answer above [14:43] ndiswrapper should not be used unless it is _really_ needed [14:43] yep a chip on board [14:43] or maybe a pci, plugin on board form factory [14:43] from factory === erry__ is now known as erry [14:44] nikis, open terminal: lspci ( and find the line with your wifi, and post it here) [14:45] Hi! Do you know html-editors with web-based user interface? === neunon_ is now known as neunon === locherm_ is now known as locherm === AaronMickDee_ is now known as AaronMickDee === mukhbiir is now known as neoark === adante_ is now known as adante === fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy [14:45] !netsplit [14:45] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit === [1]MarcelT3 is now known as MarcelT3 [14:45] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271278/ === Onixs_ is now known as Onixs [14:46] otkrick: I *know* of codemirror [14:46] otkrick: What exactly are you trying to do? [14:46] otkrick: there are various wysiwyg javascripty things for adding to web pages (such as for the editing interface of a CMS) [14:47] Ethernet controller: InProComm Inc. IPN 2220 802.11g i think is my device i am trying to setup === huk is now known as huklbery [14:48] gordonjcp: I avoid CMS, I need simple web-editor for my application [14:48] nikos: my condolances [14:48] nikos: one of the worst wifi chips ever made, and no sane drivers for it [14:48] Hi, i have a bunch of files in a folder, and would like to move them all to a subfolder, what is the command to do so? Preferably without changing any timestamps or similar [14:49] nikos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2049417&page=2 etc === JonathanS is now known as JonathanD [14:49] vikorasm1ssen: rsync or cp -a can do it [14:50] otkrick, Have you looked at Quanta Plus? Perhaps it might meet your needs. [14:50] or you can mv, but that is slightly unsafe if doint it across filesystems [14:50] find . -type f -exec mv '{}' subdir/ \; [14:51] This command doesn't take me to the folder what am i doing wrong? cd ~./downloads [14:51] sidney_: no . [14:51] sidney_: ~/.downloads [14:51] ~/downloads I bet [14:51] sidney_: ~./downloads is nonsense [14:51] MrElendig: do you think i could fix it or is it not worth to try? [14:51] nikos: ndiswrapper might work [14:52] MrElendig: I'm not moving across filesystems, just copied a bunch of files to a folder when I really wanted it in a subfolder.. Actually, it might be easiest to just just do it with SFTP or something to avoid any large mistakes :\ [14:52] Sidewinder, jrib: thx, but I need in simple alternative of GoogleDocs for my users (web-based interface for editing html-documents). Not source-editor [14:53] *I'm connected via SSH, which is why it had to be a command* [14:53] i tried ndiswrapper already as i wrote bove. i swa once my wireless and then i lost it. what did i make wrong. how can i restore the procedure? [14:53] hi i just set up a virtual host on my server and everything seems to work accordingly until i try to write to the home folder [14:53] otkrick, It was just a suggestion; sorry if it's not what you're looking for. [14:53] vikorasm1ssen: just use find then [14:53] video frame rate is very slow on my new xubuntu install 750mb ram 1.7ghz,also anything thats graphics intese is crappy. [14:53] Sidewinder: try ~/Downloads [14:53] find + mv [14:53] sidney_: try ~/Downloads [14:54] ILOVECATSnTACOS: what encoding and res? [14:54] MrElendig: I'll try it, thanks [14:54] hi i just set up a virtual host on my server and everything seems to work accordingly until i try to write to the home folder [14:54] ILOVECATSnTACOS: that hardware is really too slow for eg 1080p h264 [14:54] jrib, :P [14:54] how do i fix my permissions [14:54] ILOVECATSnTACOS: also what gfx chip and driver? [14:54] MrElendig, without the . No such file or directory [14:54] jrib, I'm just glad that I'm not the only one that does that. :) [14:55] philaneous: chown, chmod, chattr, setfsacl [14:55] MrElendig, how do i determine that info? [14:55] setfacl* [14:55] Sidewinder: :) only 26 people should be allowed in a channel at a time [14:55] ILOVECATSnTACOS: you don't know what hardware you have? [14:55] MrElendig: Oh, by the way.. If i read the find correctly it copies only files from the current directory. I need it to recursively copy all files in subdirectories to the new location too :\ [14:55] MrElendig, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01) [14:55] ILOVECATSnTACOS: if so, lspci + the xorg log [14:55] !permissions > philaneous [14:55] philaneous, please see my private message [14:55] MrElendig: i tried sudo chown username:username /home/username [14:55] vikorasm1ssen: find is as recursive as you want it to be [14:56] philaneous: if you want more specific help, you need to ask a more specific question (i.e. state exactly what the current permissions are and what exactly you want them to be) [14:56] vikorasm1ssen: look at -maxdepth in the man page [14:57] MrElendig, thats my hardware,by xorg log do you mean xorg.cong? [14:57] jrib: i want the user to be able to write to it and whats the command again to see what permissions are enabled [14:57] ILOVECATSnTACOS: /var/log/Xorg.0.log asuming X on display 0 [14:57] philaneous: ls -ld === nzelot is now known as nZeloT [14:58] MrElendig: Thanks, I have some reading to do :) [14:58] vikorasm1ssen: find is recursive by default btw [14:58] Q: Updating the Kernel helps solving Driver issues ? I have a Killer Wireless-N 1102 that doesn't work properly (connection drops every 15m). Under 12.04, computer brand new. Been trying to fix this since last night, more then 6 hours now. I'm not in that machine ATM. Thanks! [14:58] test it by replacing mv with echo :) [14:59] MrElendig, http://pastebin.com/E5jRsbZG [14:59] shwaiil: what wifi chip does it use? [15:00] ActionParsnip: Atheros AR..but I can't say the model atm, not in that machine [15:00] :( [15:00] MrElendig, i think my problem might lay in this msg "intel(0): Detected a hung GPU, disabling acceleration." [15:00] jrib: drwxr-xr-x 4 [15:00] Tks for looking! I found bugs reported on launchpad, so I think I can't do much really [15:00] for the user i created [15:00] philaneous: you should give the whole line [15:00] shwaiil: we need the chip model [15:00] exit [15:00] ActionParsnip: I'll try to find it [15:00] ILOVECATSnTACOS: that would indeed be a problem [15:00] shwail: Have you tried ndiswrapper as a last resort? [15:01] jrib: drwxr-xr-x 10 is what i need right [15:01] I'm not an expert, but I've heard of some friends who had great success with ndiswrapper. It allowed them to simply use the Windows drivers for their WiFi chip. [15:01] MrElendig: i read the link you sent me and i typed "sudo ndisgtk' and i can see that neti2220 is already installed. why i havent wireless? [15:01] nikos: what does iwconfig say? [15:01] ActionParsnip: AR9462 chipset [15:02] ActionParsnip: according to one article. I do remember getting something like that on the command line === spupuser is now known as Guest65030 [15:02] How can I find this "Global Menubar Integration" extension Firefox installs with on Ubuntu? [15:02] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271303/ [15:02] I'm curious to examine it [15:02] jrib: drwxr-xr-x 4 mauriceab mauriceab 4096 Oct 10 10:40 [15:03] philaneous: so what exactly can't you do? [15:03] ActionParsnip: I'v found a different article saying that it uses The 1102 uses the AR9382 wireless chipset [15:03] jrib: i cant write to the home folder as the user i created [15:03] philaneous: what user? [15:03] i have to say that now i can see a tick before wireless but i cannot scan wireless networks [15:03] jrib: for the subdomain i created [15:03] philaneous: what user? [15:04] jrib: mauriceab [15:04] MrElendig, is it a fixable problem? Or is it a hardware ssue with my GPU? [15:04] how would you go about fixing a kernel mismatch with a nvidia driver from terminal? [15:04] philaneous: how are you trying to write exactly? [15:04] jrib: thru ftp [15:04] ILOVECATSnTACOS: different kernel/driver version might help [15:04] jrib: the only way i can write is thru terminal via sudo command [15:04] Hello, Need hepl in Ubuntu 12.04. Unable to login to Yahoo mail, answers. able to login to Gmail. [15:04] im debating of just doing a fresh install of crunchbang [15:04] jrib: drwxr-xr-x 10 is what i need right [15:04] shwaiil: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/836250 [15:04] Launchpad bug 836250 in Linux "[Oneiric] [Regression] Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 poor networking, packet loss and very slow Lenovo X201 and T500 laptops" [Medium,In progress] [15:05] philaneous: stop using the .run file from nvidia.com, use the package manager to install the driver instead [15:05] I did [15:05] MrElendig: what nvidia lol [15:05] I used the apt-get command to update and upgrade [15:05] philaneous: and if you are running a custom kernel, build a .deb against your kernel [15:05] buenos dias [15:05] MrElendig: no custom kernel buddy [15:05] philaneous: those are the same permissions. mauriceab already has write permissions to /home/mauriceab. You can check with « touch /home/mauriceab/test » if you want [15:05] u favor === johnm_ is now known as johnm [15:05] and i think my kernel was updated and screweed it up [15:05] !es | maomix [15:05] maomix: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:05] I was using the recommended driver [15:05] philaneous: sorry was for pun15h3r [15:06] jrib: obviously not if its not letting me write to it [15:06] philaneous: well what happened when you ran that touch command as mauriceab? [15:06] tengo un moden zte mf190 y no lo recono para la intalacion si algien sabe como hacerlo se lo agradesco [15:06] MrElendig, ive had issues with graphics intense stuff on a few ubuntu distros. studio,lubuntu and now xubuntu so the kerna might not be the issue,but im a semi noob so who konws.. How would i change my driver? [15:06] MrElendig, or what would you recomend? [15:06] using lubuntu 12.04 amd64 on a laptop with nvidia proprietary driver, how can I change screen brightness in a persistent way? [15:07] jrib: it made a file [15:07] bbl dinner [15:07] the keys do not work [15:07] philaneous: there you go [15:07] MrElendig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271303/ i have to say that now i can see a tick before wireless but i cannot scan wireless networks [15:07] ActionParsnip: I remember finding the exact wirleless card on launchpad, without any solutions. Is this the same chip ? [15:07] I cant even start the login manager [15:07] jrib: it wont let me write to public html man [15:07] thats what i need [15:07] jrib: see what im saying [15:07] Calinou Which brand is your laptop? ... Mine had the same problem, a Sony laptop with an nVidia 310m video card, which was solved by editing my xorg.conf [15:07] philaneous: ls -ld ~mauriceab/public_html [15:07] nikos: ip link wlan0 up && iwlist wlan0 scanning [15:07] nikos: as root [15:07] was going to try a non graphics intensive windows manager like openbox to try anddo it from there [15:08] * MrElendig runs off for dinner [15:08] jrib: drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 10 10:37 /home/mauriceab/public_html [15:08] philaneous: now do you see the issue? [15:08] MrElendig: sudo ip link wlan0 up && iwlist wlan0 scanning? [15:08] jrib: permissions correct [15:08] tengo un moden zte mf190 y no lo recono para la intalacion si algien sabe como hacerlo se lo agradesco [15:08] nikos: sudo -i then run the commands [15:08] jrib: i need to change them [15:08] m000gle: HP pavillon dv7, from 2009 [15:08] philaneous: look at the ownership [15:09] also I am forced to use 50hz while I can use 60hz just fine [15:09] jrib: it says root [15:09] philaneous: right [15:09] (used to on older distros like ubuntu 10.04/11.04) [15:09] if anyone can help please message and thank you in advance to all in the channel who have responded so far [15:09] jrib: so i need to change this right to mauriceab? [15:09] philaneous: probably, yes [15:09] how do i do this === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia [15:09] jrib: how do i do this [15:09] philaneous: chown [15:09] tengo un moden zte mf190 y no lo reconose para la intalacion si algien sabe como hacerlo se lo agradesco [15:10] MrElendig: Command "wlan0" is unknown, try "ip link help". [15:10] philaneous: as the user, do: sudo chown $USER: ~/public_html [15:11] Hello, am I the only one having trouble login yahoo ? Ubuntu 12.04 [15:11] m000gle: what should I edit? [15:11] navin: yahoo what? Yahoo host many services [15:11] Calinou: Take a look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ... Tell me if you see this line anywhere: Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1" [15:11] MrElendig: Command "wlan0" is unknown, try "ip link help". [15:11] Yahoo mail and answers [15:12] jrib: i went into my root account and did it but no success [15:12] from both firefox and chrome [15:12] philaneous: I didn't say to do it as root [15:12] anybody suggestion guide to setup ubuntu 12.04 for python/django, apache, ngnix, mod_wsgi? [15:12] hi all .. === zz_scottas is now known as scottas [15:12] navin: sorry, ip link set wlan0 up [15:13] exit [15:13] philaneous: does mauriceab have sudo ability? [15:13] jrib: i dont think so because it says its not in the suoders file [15:13] my xorg.conf has about 6 lines only, and it doesn't have that m000gle [15:14] philaneous: then you should do, chown mauriceab: ~mauriceab/public_html [15:14] jrib: in my root account or in mauriceab [15:14] philaneous: as root or using sudo and some account that can actually sudo [15:15] MrElendig: No scan results. WHY? [15:15] jrib: i did [15:15] jrib: lets see [15:16] jrib: thanks a lot man [15:16] philaneous: no problem [15:16] jrib: its working now and i can write to it [15:16] Calinou: Hmmm, that seems a bit small. You said you have the proprietary driver installed, though, right? ... Try: 1) open your nVidia Xserver Settings window; 2) open the Xserver display configuration tab; and 3) hit "Save to X configuration file" [15:16] jrib: makes a lot sense when i saw that the only permissions parameters were set to root [15:17] MrElendig: i got: No scan results. why? any idea? why cannot scan. does it need any privileges maybe? [15:17] scanning as root should work [15:17] it could ofcourse mean that there is not networks in range :p [15:17] or that ndiswrapper just fails as usual :p [15:17] check dmesg [15:17] Calinou: This should create a more complete version of the file. Then, we can go back to it, see if the line exists and add it if necessary [15:17] ok, it has more lines now [15:18] Ok, look for the line ... Mine was in the " Section "Device" " portion === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [15:19] there are plenty of networks as i can see from other devices (mobile phone). [15:19] I have a ZTE MF190 moden and not for intalacion reconose if anyone knows how to do it agradesco [15:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271330/ [15:20] Hello When I use Simple scan on ubuntu 12.04, there is no automatic email attachment to tunderbird which is my default e-mail. I found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/simple-scan/+bug/515386 but apparently it still is a bug [15:20] Launchpad bug 515386 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "No attachment when Thunderbird is set as default client." [Medium,Triaged] === edasawa is now known as deathneetland [15:21] I have a ZTE MF190 moden and not for intalacion reconose if anyone knows how to do it agradesco [15:21] NMAXC, "Triaged" doesn't mean fixed, by the way, it means its awaiting action or a fix to be published / available [15:21] Calinou: Try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271338/ ... The only change I have made is line 46 where I added: Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1" [15:22] m000gle: k, and how can I disable splash screen? as soon as you save the file you have splash screen :p [15:22] Calinou: It may not be a bad idea to save a backup copy of your xorg.conf file first, on the off chance this causes a problem [15:22] k [15:22] TheLordOfTime So is there anything I can do ? [15:22] howdy all. Say I want to find the inode of /usr/bin/java, which is the output of $which java on my machine. Is there a way to feed that directly into ls, like ls -i "which java"? [15:23] NMAXC, you mean apart form checking with thunderbird upstream and asking whether or not its a thunderbird issue? [15:23] econdudeawesome: "ls -i $(which java)" [15:23] Im having graphics issues can somneone take a look at my xorg log and see what the dillio is?http://pastebin.com/E5jRsbZG [15:23] TJ-: Thanks! Exactly what I'm looking for. [15:24] Calinou: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1271342/ ... Line 46 should enable brightness control, while Line 47 should remove the splash screen [15:24] thanks :) [15:24] TheLordOfTime Where would I go to check with Thunderbird ? Is there a chat support ? [15:24] Calinou: Good luck! I can't guarantee it will work, but this is what did the trick for me :) [15:25] made a backup before editing it [15:25] francaise [15:25] also, how do you get a brightness control GUI in lubuntu? do you have to install gnome-power-manager? [15:25] NMAXC, #thunderbird @ irc.mozilla.org <-- they're on another IRC netowrk [15:25] !fr | edasawa [15:25] edasawa: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. === edasawa is now known as karoshi [15:25] TheLordOfTime Thank You [15:26] tengo un moden zte mf190 y no lo reconose para la intalacion si algien sabe como hacerlo se lo agradesco plis [15:26] !es | maomix [15:26] maomix: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [15:27] Quick question, I'm trying to configure darkstat, and when I run it "sudo darkstat -i eth0", I get an error "failed: Name or service not known: Device or resource busy" [15:27] How do I find the destination of a symlink? [15:27] Calinou: I'm not sure about that. However, assuming this works, it should enable brightness control in general. So, however one would normally change brightness on LXDE should work [15:27] Hello everybody [15:27] I installed xbacklight too, xbacklight -set 50 says "No outputs have backlight property" [15:27] ...this is a LED screen with a backlight === marco is now known as Guest17693 [15:28] m000gle: you can't change brightness in xfce/lxde, no GUI for that [15:28] nevermind--found $readlink [15:28] Im having graphics issues can somneone take a look at my xorg log and see what the dillio is?http://pastebin.com/E5jRsbZG [15:28] maomix you have to create the rules to use it with usb_modeswitch [15:28] econdudeawesome, do "ls -la" on the folder containing the symlink [15:29] Calinou: I find that a little hard to believe. If that's the case, though, you will need to find someone who is more familiar with LXDE. Unfortunately, I've never used it [15:29] cautiousobserver: have you tried running it via sudo? it probably needs superuser privileges to set the interface to promiscuous mode. [15:30] cautiousobserver: oh bloody hell, i should read better. [15:30] where can i find ubuntu themes [15:30] The log shows it going into promiscuous mode, then immediately out [15:30] ILOVECATSnTACOS, that's not very informative. give us more details first. [15:30] Calinou: What does this show: "ls /sys/class/backlight/" [15:30] ILOVECATSnTACOS, such as what your actual issue is [15:30] It's like some other application is locking the device somehow. (I'm running it as root) [15:30] acpi_video0, with several brightness_related files [15:30] I guess I can edit them :P but will the settings be kept after reboot? [15:31] cautiousobserver: thanks! readlink worked fine. I'm trying to set up a single node Hadoop server but didnt know where my JAVA_HOME actually was. [15:31] np [15:31] cautiousobserver: ls -la will follow symlinks to their termination? [15:31] Well, it will display the symlinks destination folder. [15:31] er, directory. [15:32] cautiousobserver: ah, so it will show me the destination of any symlink contained within a folder? [15:32] Exactly [15:32] cautiousobserver: I'm getting the feeling symlinks are the filesystem equivalent of GOTO statements in Fortran :P ;-) [15:32] lol [15:32] Think windows shortcuts, but done right. [15:32] IT WORKS, I can use end+f7 and end+f7 [15:33] end+f8*... thank you :D [15:33] cautiousobserver: but seriously--do you know how I should enter this particular variable for "JAVA_HOME" in a script? line looks like: export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME:-"/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/bin/java"} [15:33] cautiousobserver: thats what I've done so far--does that look right? [15:33] now to try whether it works after reboot :/ [15:34] Unfortunately I think you may be a little over my head. [15:34] okay. Not a problem. Thanks for the help on the symlinks! [15:34] Sorry. [15:34] cautiousobserver: can you try running it with the --verbose and --no-promisc switches enabled? [15:34] Ok. 1 sec === matt_ is now known as Guest73863 [15:36] can't wait to get back [15:37] OK, I pasted the output. Still getting the error. [15:37] cautiousobserver: okay, can you try running it with --no-dns as well? [15:38] k. [15:38] Same output exactly [15:38] I mean, different PID, but otherwise. === karthik is now known as Guest25497 === tayfun is now known as Lush [15:39] cautiousobserver: really? odd that it should still fail on getaddrinfo. === Guest25497 is now known as bhatta === Lush is now known as Guest66860 [15:39] I thought so === bhatta is now known as karthikbhat [15:40] cautiousobserver: hang on a sec. do you have something else listening on 667? [15:40] I'll look === Guest66860 is now known as protected [15:40] netstat -ant shows nothing listening on that port. === protected is now known as NoNick [15:40] cautiousobserver: alternatively, see if it works if you specify a different port with "-b" [15:41] * NoNick .. [15:41] ok [15:41] Woah, no errors. [15:42] Lol. How do I tell if it's working? [15:42] video frame rate is very slow on my new xubuntu install 750mb ram 1.7ghz,also anything thats graphics intese is crappy. i thinks its caused by this.. http://pastebin.com/E5jRsbZG [15:42] cautiousobserver: point your web browser to the port you just specified [15:43] Hm, no answer. checking /var/lib/darkstat [15:43] Nothing there. [15:44] It is in the process list [15:45] hi guys [15:45] cautiousobserver: sorry, of course it should be "-p", not "-b". i'll blame dyslexia. anyway, see where it's listening with netstat, and point your browser there. [15:45] why isnt my pc recognizing my phone when its in fastboot mode [15:45] but recognizes it when its on [15:45] any help? [15:46] hi there [15:47] does this work also in windows 7 basic 64bit? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-ubuntu-with-windows [15:47] Thanks for the help. gtg [15:47] I am new to windows 7, and it is shit [15:47] so I want to try ubuntu [15:48] help [15:48] comeon guys [15:48] i need help [15:48] another issue: loading youtube videos enters "smurf mode" :| [15:48] all colors are swapped [15:49] no need to bad mouth windows here burbuja_ , it won't get you help any quicker [15:49] sorry :) [15:49] !details| uhyaeiu [15:49] uhyaeiu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [15:50] i said them [15:50] when my phone is in fastboot mode [15:50] it doesnt get recognized [15:50] but when turned on normally the pc recognizes it [15:50] why??? === ghoti_ is now known as ghoti [15:51] uhyaeiu what kind of phone, how do you want to connect, any errors etc etc, details! [15:51] no [15:51] htc [15:51] android [15:53] video frame rate is very slow on my new xubuntu install 750mb ram 1.7ghz,also anything thats graphics intese is crappy. i thinks its caused by this.. http://pastebin.com/E5jRsbZG [15:55] ILOVECATSnTACOS, on that much RAM, you're going to have graphics lag. systems that are older like that have issues sometimes (from what i've observed as an IT technician) with graphics-intense things [15:55] If I'm running Server 12.04 is it possible to use an older GUI? My computer is older and I'd like to run a GUI for movies but the new one is too heavy for the machine [15:56] !lubuntu | Kwayzu [15:56] Kwayzu: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. [15:56] xubuntu is not lightweight; lubuntu is [15:56] Kwayzu, did you try running LXDE? [15:56] No I haven't, I'm failry new to Linux [15:56] fairly* [15:56] and grammar apparently [15:57] lubuntu isnt light weight windows 3.1 is [15:57] Kwayzu, i'd look into installing LXDE on your server, it shouldnt be too hard, i just don't remember the packages on it [15:57] I'm sure I can google it :D [15:57] samuel, in comparison to XFCE, Unity, or KDE, it's lightweight :P [15:57] avoid installing X on a server for security reasons [15:57] thanks TheLordofTime [15:57] better do it with just SSH; this is possible. it's not that hard [15:57] it depends on what you are comparing [15:57] I'm just looking to run a mumble server with a lamp stack [15:58] if you were to order them in terms of weightyness you would do lxde, xfce, gnome, kde, unity [15:58] son that scale its on the light weight side [15:58] TheLordOfTime: why LXDE on a 'server' ? Just curious. [15:59] unless there is a maximum default ram usage rule for light weight, i have never seen one mentioned [15:59] melvincv, if and only if you want a GUI :P [15:59] melvincv, personally, i do most stuff in CLI [15:59] how do you manage the power settings in ubuntu studio? i'm used to the regular ubuntu and need to find the power management icon. [15:59] even on my GUI installs (that includes desktops) === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas- [15:59] TheLordOfTime cant you get some kind of panel for the server for administration? === Abbas- is now known as Abbas5 [15:59] or ssh into it? [15:59] Its me [15:59] not TheLord [15:59] TheLordOfTime: me too. How about X forwarding for the beginners? [15:59] lol soz [15:59] samuel, i ssh in, yes. but Kwayzu wants a GUI [15:59] so panel? [16:00] melvincv, evil evil evil evil. oh, did i mention its evil? (i don't like it :P) [16:00] I could, but I want the gui for movies in my living room where the server is [16:00] !ebox | samuel [16:00] samuel: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04). [16:00] its just a home server, nothing for production purposes :) [16:00] cant you achieve that with a samba share Kwyazu [16:00] That would require another computer :S [16:00] samuel, to give you an idea of a web administration panel... :P [16:01] You have another computer for me Samuel? [16:01] :D [16:01] lol [16:01] Hi [16:02] no, samba runs on your server and shares the files with other computers on the network [16:02] Lol, I know [16:02] I have it installed already! :D [16:02] otherwise, if you only have one computer, then you dont need a server, you just need a desktop os [16:02] I have a computer [16:02] but I've got roommates too [16:02] :P [16:02] Who I like to share with. [16:02] Kwayzu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [16:02] so use samba to share the files on your computer [16:02] you can get a gui for samba to manage the permissions [16:03] er.... [16:03] I'm not looking for the gui to manage the server. I wanna watch movies and play SNES [16:03] O_o [16:03] yes.... === Eplemosen is now known as Eplemosen|away [16:04] Kwayzu: xbmc isn't too horrible [16:04] Kwayzu: then lxde is probably the best comprimise. [16:04] anyone have an idea why multiple tty's arent available to me in rescue mode? is that just how it works? [16:04] it even has snes/gba emulator intrigration [16:04] dougsko: because what you call rescue mode is really single user mode [16:04] Hola! [16:05] dougsko: there's no inittab called in rescue mode, so you'll only see single user screen. [16:05] Hello! [16:05] dougsko: you can spawn more tty's if you want thouhg [16:05] though* [16:05] Calquin, hello :) [16:05] I'm a newbie, so have patience... [16:05] MrElendig: hmm... my situation is that i started to grow a raid array in single user but now i cant really check its progress in another tty which was my original plan [16:05] MrElendig: would a mumble and uTorrent server still be installable on XBMC? I know you can get into the backend of it and not just see the video interface [16:05] I have a problem with my dvd player === Abbas5 is now known as Abbas| [16:06] throw it out [16:06] MrElendig: i htink i might just be stuck until it's done [16:06] I insert the dvd but nothing happens [16:06] I know it works because i booted under windows and it does [16:06] Calquin: DVD works in another machine? [16:06] I'm not sure if its worth your time to fix, how much does a new DVD drive run for these days? [16:07] guys how can i make a link to a ntfs mounted partition? the option is greyed out [16:07] in the same machine with windows [16:07] Calquin: is it a movie or a data dvd? [16:07] I tested both [16:08] none works [16:08] Calquin: hmm [16:08] ok lol i did it with ctrl+shift [16:08] the yellow light in the dvd player flashes allright [16:09] at /etc/mtab I can't see it [16:09] and at /var/log/syslog nothing shows [16:09] Calquin: ide or sata dvd? [16:10] dyd: ln -s also works fine [16:11] MrElendig, thanks [16:11] Kwayzu: it's not that it doesn't work, I'm not such a newbie! I KNOW it works, I tested it with windows and it does [16:11] nevermind: disabling hardware acceleration fixed smurf mode for flash [16:12] Sorry Calquin: my bad. [16:12] OptiworK: wait... Im not sure... === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [16:13] m000gle: when restarting, brightness is lost :| [16:13] it is reset === IboS_ is now known as IboS [16:14] I bet I should use a script that sets /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness to 0 [16:14] how to make it automatic? [16:17] I opened my cpu... it's IDE [16:19] OptiWork: IDE [16:19] Hey guys, I'm currently booted in the Ubuntu Live CD I had a few questions before installing it. Everything seems to be working fine with it but I absolutely detest Unity. Worst idea ever. Anyway, that's besides the point. I have two harddrives one is a 1TB and the other is 500GB. The 1TB is Windows 7 and the 500GB is what I want to install Ubuntu on. I was wondering, will the Windows bootloader on the 1TB hard drive effect the [16:19] I hate UNITY too [16:19] sucks! [16:19] thank you for sharing your opinion of unity. [16:19] Once I install Ubuntu I'm ripping out Unity and just throwing Gnome 3 lol [16:20] me too, so i don't use it, simple [16:20] Just install Xubuntu [16:20] Xfce is sexy [16:20] xubuntu is slow and bloated [16:20] better use lubuntu [16:20] actually usable [16:20] depends how old your machine is [16:20] if its kind of old, xubuntu, if its OLD, lubuntu yeah [16:20] but if you really care so much about bloat just go with arch linux === karthik__ is now known as karthik_ [16:21] It so bloat-free it has no installer for the gnu [16:21] I'll stick with Ubuntu and just remove unity and install gnome 3 but that's not really answering the question lol. [16:21] how to download youtube videos and convert them to avi [16:21] AresTheLion Calinou Calquin, you're starting to drift into offtopicness, please leave this channel open for support, discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic, or in #ubuntu-discuss if its Ubuntu-centric discussion. === Seednode__ is now known as Seednode [16:21] TheLordOfTime, Sorreh [16:21] Since it's a new hard drive, will it install boot on the new hard drive and detected the second hard drive? [16:21] detect* sorry [16:22] TheLordOfTime: banned from #ubuntu-offtopic :P so no, I'll just stop [16:22] anyway, can anyone help me make a script that sets brightness to value 0 when I start my computer? [16:22] it should just edit /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness [16:23] Hi guys. I am new to the community and I am currently working on a bug. I would need first to understand kernel tags and version numbers. Can somebody give me a quick hand please? [16:23] Calinou: sure, you can add it to /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line and it will run at boot [16:24] So, how about that boot question/ [16:24] ok, thanks :) [16:24] I have a problem with my dvd player. I insert the dvd but nothing happens. I know it works because i booted under windows and it does.I tested both movie and a data dvd. Its IDE dvd. At /etc/mtab I can't see it, and at /var/log/syslog nothing shows. I have a problem with my dvd player. I insert the dvd but nothing happens. I know it works because i booted under windows and it does.I tested both movie and a data dvd. Its IDE dvd. At /etc/mtab I can't see [16:24] it, and at /var/log/syslog nothing shows. I have a problem with my dvd player. I insert the dvd but nothing happens. I know it works because i booted under windows and it does.I tested both movie and a data dvd. Its IDE dvd. At /etc/mtab I can't see it, and at /var/log/syslog nothing shows. === Jarryd86 is now known as Jarryd861 [16:25] ActionParsnip: how to edit a file using command line? not using nano, but just a single command [16:25] This site is not working in ubuntu "http://www.grandsarovar.com/360/resturant.html" can anyone provide me a fix ?? === Jarryd861 is now known as Jarryd86 [16:25] hello [16:25] and also, editing that file requires root access [16:25] I'm sorry if this is a silly answer, you checked drivers/compatibility of the drive? Maybe its not supposed to work with Linux? [16:25] Can somebody help me??? [16:25] I'd like to perform backup twice a day: is this crontab line command correct: 05 2/0-23 * * * root mysqldump -u root? [16:25] Calquin, uhm... you repeated three times... not exactly the best idea... [16:25] Calinou: echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness [16:25] `somebody [16:25] nooo [16:25] `grub [16:26] specifically the 2/-23 part [16:26] !grub [16:26] GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) [16:26] Because nobody was paying me any attention [16:26] !somebody [16:26] A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. [16:26] Because no one knows how to help you [16:26] and 3 times because my mouse got stuck [16:26] You should maybe take your question somewhere else. [16:26] ActionParsnip: yes, but can it be edited without any kind of "sudo" since you normally need root access? [16:26] I'll try rebooting first [16:27] Calquin if you're not getting an answer, it means nobody can help you [16:27] Calinou: gksudo gedit /etc/rc.local will give write access to the file. The commands run as root, so no need for sudo [16:27] Sorry I'm not a native English speaker [16:27] Anyone? before my question gets lost :) [16:27] So does anyone know any computer distributors that will load linux or no os [16:27] ask easy and specific questions 8-) [16:27] Alrighty then back to the issue at hand. So, If I install Ubuntu on my 500GB hard drive, will Grub detect the other hard drive (1TB) that is Windows? [16:27] hello, is it posible to load music to an ios6 phone in ubuntu [16:27] ActionParsnip: I used sudo nano -w, should work fine [16:27] hash: build your own machine [16:27] 'd like see you all trying to explain technical details in spanish [16:27] Calquin: #ubuntu-es possibly? [16:28] LOL! === darkwolf is now known as d4rkw0lf [16:28] Calquin: maybe you could explain your problem in Scots Gaelic, so I can understand it better ;-) [16:28] !es [16:28] Kwayzu, I was looking into that and it cost nearly double what i would pay for a tower with windows [16:28] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [16:28] is the new release out yet? [16:28] !es [16:28] NO one? [16:28] hello I am trying to record my sound output to a file. I followed this instructional, but it does not work: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recording-internal-audio-in-ubuntu.html Specifically, the sound recorder program itself seems to not work. I click the record button, it claims to be recording but the length doesn't increment and the file it creates is empty. [16:28] hello, is it posible to load music to an ios6 phone in ubuntu [16:28] Anybody familiar with kernel tags and version number? For example, 'uname -r' return 2.6.32-33-generic and I would like to know which tag I should checkout from git. Thanks a lot in advance. [16:28] got no answers there either [16:28] binks_ is that an ipod? [16:29] iphone [16:29] Hmm, thats weird hash; where I'm from I can always build computers cheaper than I could buy one pre made. [16:29] internetN00b: soon, ask in #ubuntu+1 [16:29] Calquin: does your windows system have special drivers for your IDE controller, only think I can think of is that it's some kind of IDE raid controller that's not recognized by linux. [16:29] Kwayzu: premade computers are sometimes cheaper, even when they have windows, and I agree that sucks :/ [16:29] Calinou: whatever gets write access to the file is fine === null-undefined is now known as afallenhope [16:29] !ipod > binks_ [16:29] binks_, please see my private message [16:29] DarkStar1: try it and find out [16:30] adios [16:30] gordonjc: I'd love to... Gaelic is one of the languages I love, among others like mapundun [16:30] Kwayzu, I have the problem of going in excess sometimes [16:30] I guess it must depend on what hardware you're looking to put into the machine it makes it cheaper. [16:30] LOL! [16:30] Don't we all hash [16:30] !RockBox [16:30] rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! [16:30] Kwayzu, stop that [16:30] Stop what? [16:30] !ot | Kwayzu [16:30] Kwayzu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:31] Optiwork: I don't think so, I have it practically naked, didn't install anything particularly [16:31] having trouble getting online in ubuntu [16:31] ActionParsnip: works! thanks a lot :D [16:31] Well does anyone think it would be possible to sell a harddrive that has windows installed on it [16:32] hash thats not an ubuntu support issue [16:32] is there a ubuntu support channel? [16:32] try ##hardware hash [16:32] like #ubuntu-support or something? [16:32] afallenhope, this channel :P [16:32] afallenhope, this is the support channel [16:32] I mostly use it because I have a lexmark printer and ubuntu doesn't provide and adequate controller... [16:32] TheLordOfTime: any idea about my question then? [16:32] hi, just installed ubuntu jeos and it drops to initramfs prompt? [16:32] afallenhope, might've been lost in the cruft, but... [16:32] what should i do? [16:32] !patience | afallenhope [16:32] afallenhope: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [16:33] last questions is there any know install issues with solid state drives and ubuntu [16:33] cant get interets in ubuntu, can someone help? [16:33] hash no [16:33] this chat is too fast for my chubby fingers... [16:33] afallenhope, i don't see any question from you, btw. [16:33] at least not since i've been online. [16:33] theso, pastebin lspci for the channel [16:34] !paste | theso [16:34] theso: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:34] TheLordOfTime: Question is, I have a 1.5TB harddrive. looks like it's been partitioned for 1TB and the other 500GB . Or possibly two separate HDD. I would like to install Ubuntu on the 500GB but still keep Windows on the 1TB . [16:34] TheLordOfTime: So , the question is , will ubuntu auto detect the second hard drive? or at least the other partition? [16:34] yes [16:34] yes [16:34] afallenhope, thats perfectly fine to do === Eplemosen|away is now known as Eplemosen [16:34] that should work [16:34] afallenhope, it should autodetect [16:35] afallenhope, but careful when you partition the drive, if you do it wrong, you lose windows. [16:35] bazhang: Okay I'm currently booted in the Live CD so I'm going to try and do it now [16:35] how can i paste a screenshot if i cant get online in ubuntu? [16:35] TheLordOfTime: it's already partitioned 900GB to Windows and the other is 500GB of blankness [16:35] copy it to usb and upload to windows machine [16:36] theso: copy the screenshot to somewhere that can get online [16:36] afallenhope, so use the remaining 500GB. just make sure you choose the right options ;) [16:36] theso, we need your ethernet and wifi cards. find those and tell us then [16:36] that's all i'm saying [16:36] yep ok, whats the command to capture screen ? [16:36] hi, just installed ubuntu jeos and it drops to initramfs prompt. what should i do? [16:36] good chat, very distracting... must go work :( [16:36] theso, the command is lspci [16:36] what? [16:36] theso, then look for wireless and ethernet and type those out here [16:37] what is "lspci"? [16:37] theso: command to capture screen is "Print Screen" button [16:37] theso, in the terminal lspci [16:37] im using a windows keyboard [16:37] theso, list pci devices === matt_ is now known as Guest84405 [16:39] realtek PCI GBE Family Controller [16:39] If i tunnel my browser through SSH there is no way for my uni to see my browsing history, only the servers im connecting to right? [16:39] Optiwork: thank you any way [16:39] a111: depends where you SSH to [16:39] a111: they may be able to see your DNS requests [16:39] leaving... [16:39] Bye [16:39] Calquin: sorry [16:39] Calquin: good luck mate [16:39] theso, that does not look right [16:39] a VPS that I have ActionParsnip [16:39] thanks [16:39] a111, they can still possibly track your data, such as DNS requests (the DNS requests might not get tunnelled) [16:40] a111: if it's external to the network, then they won't see much [16:40] what ActionParsnip said too :P [16:40] you want to know all my hardware? [16:40] Q: How to update 12.04 to 12.10 beta ? possible ? thanks! [16:40] hey guys, check it out [16:40] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3ZFSss6YAY [16:40] zergut wrong chanel === karthik_ is now known as karthik [16:40] theso, you have trouble connecting by ethernet, correct? === karthik is now known as karthikBhat [16:40] a111: for better privacy, set up openvpn or something like that on your vps [16:40] yes [16:41] shwaiil: #ubuntu+1 and the howto [16:41] a111: you can configure that to tunnel all of your traffic through it, including DNS [16:41] hi, just installed ubuntu jeos and it drops to initramfs prompt. what should i do? [16:41] theso, so look for ethernet in the list [16:41] Do you know where a guide is for it? Ive never been able to get it working dougsko [16:41] MrElendig: oh tks, found this article https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta1 when is 12.10 coming out ? [16:41] shwaiil: in october most likely [16:42] their is none, only "virtual box" ethernet [16:42] shwaiil: the 28th of this month [16:42] alll, I agree with dougsko, OpenVPN is the way to go. I use it all the time to route ALL traffic of every kind through a tunnel [16:42] This month ? [16:42] the version number sort of gives it away [16:42] :p [16:42] ardchoille: thanks [16:42] yw [16:42] a111: this is a good place to start: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN [16:42] theso, this is a vbox install of ubuntu? [16:42] alll, I followed the howto right on the openvpn website [16:42] no [16:42] ok thanks [16:42] MrElendig: ardchoille do you guys think that upgrading to 12.10 will help solving any driver issues ? my wireless card is always dropping (I've been trying to fix this for days and hours, nothing, reports on launchpad of other users) [16:43] a111: yeah the docs on the openvpn site are very good [16:43] alll, in particular I found it much simpler to get a TAP (layer-2) vpn tunnel working than a TUN (layer-3) [16:43] shwaiil: no idea, there's one way to find out :) [16:43] i use TUN personally. works well [16:44] but whatever floats your boat [16:44] ill post a screen bazhang [16:44] dougsko, I have never been able to successfully use a TUN type. :( [16:46] I am trying to record my sound output to a file. I followed this instructional, but it does not work: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-recording-internal-audio-in-ubuntu.html Specifically, the sound recorder program itself seems to not work. I click the record button, it claims to be recording but the length doesn't increment and the file it creates is empty. [16:46] shwaiil, dropping from *any* network, or just specific ones? [16:46] Can anyone help? [16:46] Does UFW support rules that use hostnames listed in /etc/hosts? [16:47] http://imagebin.org/231523 [16:47] TheLordOfTime: I've got Clevo W370ET, Killer Wireless-N 1102 802.11 (atheros AR9382 wireless chipset). It's a new computer, just a few hours. installed 12.04. it's the only computer with this issue, 5m from router. i'm not at the pc atm. [16:47] um... theso, that's windows. is ubuntu running within windows? [16:48] hilo: is the correct input sound device seelcted [16:48] theso, or is it running within VirtualBox on Windows? [16:48] no [16:48] I've been trough this a few times, etc. In launchpad there's reports of this issue. tryed different things, nothing. works fine on windows, but I don't like win. [16:48] hey guys [16:48] no i can load it at startup [16:48] how i can delete ubuntu from windows xp sp3? [16:48] It's running in own partition, ubuntu 12.04, and win7 in own partition TheLordOfTime [16:48] zergut wubi? [16:48] theso, then you need to boot into that and access stuff that way, we need the data from ubuntu, not windows. [16:48] _ [16:48] theso, what you're showing us is what Windows detects. [16:48] theso, we need to see what Ubuntu detects. [16:48] i cant get online in ubuntu [16:49] MonkeyDust what? [16:49] ActionParsnip: I chose the "monitor of internal audio analog stereo" in the pulse volume control. [16:49] theso, so put the data in a text file, put that file on your win7 partition, go to win7, post that file? [16:49] no [16:49] zergut wubi is ubuntu in win xp, is that what you mean? [16:49] not wubi [16:49] theso, we can't help fix your issue(s) if you're on windows, and the issue is in ubuntu [16:49] uses the ath9k driver from what I remember [16:49] zergut then just delete the ubuntu partition [16:49] not sure if I should upgrade to beta to try fixing this issue [16:49] what info do u need to get an idea? [16:49] that's the ony thing left to do [16:50] zergut: You can use gparted to delete the partition and set your Windows XP partition back to the boot partition. [16:50] just like part? [16:50] zergut or use gparted [16:50] zergut: Google around for a tutorial on how to use gparted. It's a very powerful tool. [16:50] SegFaultAX|work was faster [16:50] ok i`ll try, thx [16:50] _ [16:50] SegFaultAX|work don't tell to use google, when people ask for help [16:51] !gparted | zergut [16:51] zergut: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [16:51] !google | SegFaultAX|work [16:51] SegFaultAX|work: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [16:51] :) [16:51] MonkeyDust: He didn't ask about gparted. He asked how to remove Ubuntu from a dual-booted machine. === Seednode_ is now known as Seednode [16:52] I have installed 12.04, but my unity 3d doesn't work, it shows a black screen with only mouse pointer, but unity 2d works fine....please help me [16:52] TheLordOfTime: Cool story. [16:52] zergut, Make sure you know how to reload the windows boot to the mbr and have a XP cd to do so, and do it before removing Ubuntu. [16:56] So I'm installing Ubuntu just to see that it doesn't detected my 1TB hard drive. I'm slightly worried but I guess we'll see [16:57] how is your hd connected to your pc [16:57] anyone there [16:57] @afallenhope how is your hd connected [16:57] just 1660 people, phoenixman [16:58] usb, sata ? [16:58] can't disable HW acceleration in flash anymore on youtube, the control panel just freezes [16:58] and I have no idea how to set that as a global setting [16:59] how to combine ubuntu splash with text mode? [16:59] lubuntu 12.04, proprietary nvidia driver [16:59] OerHeks, and no one has read my problem !!!!!!!!! [17:00] Where does the sound recorder in Ubuntu store the recording while it records? [17:00] phoenixman: That just means no one [who read it] knows the answer or cares to help. Just be patient. [17:00] SegFaultAX|work, thanks...for the advice [17:01] phoenixman: What was your question? [17:02] !nomodeset | phoenixman [17:02] phoenixman: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter [17:02] how to combine splash graphic loading system with text of its loading? [17:02] I never see anything looks like [17:02] rsser, I am not sure that I understand. are you talking about Plymouth? [17:03] it would be nice, because you would be able to step to step the loading system === truexfan81 is now known as truexfan404 === dark3n|off is now known as dark3n [17:03] OerHeks, in Unity desktop, we can use either Unity 2d or just Unity. My Ubuntu works fine...with Unity 2d..but doesn't with Unity [17:03] to follow* [17:04] bobweaver? [17:04] OerHeks, it has something to do with Nvidia drivers and Compiz [17:04] don't mocking me === truexfan404 is now known as pebkac === pebkac is now known as truexfan404 [17:04] phoenixman, one solution could be nomodeset, else fiddle around with ccsm option ? [17:05] is there any simple way of changing a 32bit install to 64bit? can I just change the kernel or is there more to it than that ? [17:05] Do server installations include drivers for audio? [17:05] davieslacker: No. [17:05] hilo: Yes. [17:05] !info plymouth-theme-text | rsser Is this what you are talking about ? [17:05] rsser Is this what you are talking about ?: plymouth-theme-text (source: plymouth): graphical boot animation and logger - text theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-2ubuntu30 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 72 kB [17:05] has anyone else got problems with Nvidia drivers and Ubuntu 12.04 (Unity 3d) [17:05] bekks: short and sweet, thanks. :) [17:05] phoenixman: Me doesnt. [17:06] phoenixman, many many people do [17:06] sorry, bobweaver, I'm really sorry. I thought other thing, you just want to help me [17:06] bobweaver, do u know the solution? [17:06] i have a issue after resuming from s2r (suspend to ram) and rebooting my OS wont start anylonger; obviously i have to unplug the powercable to get it work again; could this be any ram based issue? --> Ubuntu 12.04 precise, amd c-450, 6gb ram === truexfan404 is now known as id10t [17:07] rsser, you should be that was rude. you should take your time. I forgive you :) [17:07] Hi, im getting a gzip: compressed data--length error when gunzipping a gz file on a mdadm array. I do not get this error when doing the same thing on a normal hdd. Any ideas? [17:07] phoenixman, by a computer with out nvidia in it ? [17:08] phoenixman, it is different for each card what is your nvidia card ? === id10t is now known as error404 [17:09] I can't disable HW acceleration in flash anymore on youtube, the control panel just freezes, lubuntu 12.04 amd64, flash 11.2 proprietary nvidia driver [17:09] (can't click the buttons inside) [17:09] bobweaver, i have nvidia card...mine is GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 [17:10] Calinou, are you trying this from browser or from flash settings ? === error404 is now known as truexfan404 [17:11] I've come across an issue with my flash player that I cannot solve. Skin tones and similar colors all show a very strong blue color to them. Interestingly, embedded flash videos in facebook do not exhibit the issue, but it is everywhere else (including the same video on youtube). [17:11] phoenixman, sorry I am not sure about that card. I have only had a 8800 myself and gave it away. I am sure that there is a solution have you tried googlubuntu.com ? [17:12] !screenshot | hilo can you take a screen shot ? [17:12] hilo can you take a screen shot ?: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it. [17:13] sorry about the nickchange spam :( [17:13] no /etc/fstab in my just installed ubuntu. dropping to intiramfs. can someone help me with that? [17:13] i installed xubuntu 12.04 on a friend's notebook. he asked me greek lang to be the 1st system's lang. i installed some kde applications (dolphin,k3b, konversation) and they had greek menus. suddenly (i suppose after an auto remove command) the menus in those applications became in english lang. any idea to restore greek menus on those applications? [17:13] hilo, fullscreen the flash, then disable hw acceleration [17:14] anyone here happens to know of any cheap dedicated host providers? [17:14] !ot | TimothyA [17:14] TimothyA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [17:14] bobweaver: I cannot as I am not local to the machine right now. but this is the exact issue: http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/05/blue-people-on-youtube-video-in-ubuntu.html [17:14] bazhang: was only wondering if someone knew of a ubuntu-endorsed hosting provider, meh :P [17:15] who don't "maim" the distro [17:15] Hi. I am unable to connect to sales.liveperson.net using Firefox with Adblock disabled, but I am able to connect using a web proxy. Any ideas? [17:15] TimothyA, wrong channel to ask [17:15] bazhang, bobweaver, I have tried disabling acceleration, and purging and reinstalling [17:15] TimothyA there's ramdisk, if that's what you mean [17:15] MonkeyDust: ramdisk? [17:15] linode [17:16] bobweaver: they "maim" the distro. [17:16] lets get back on topic [17:16] TimothyA typo, i mean, ramhost http://www.ramhost.us/ [17:16] +1 bazhang [17:17] hilo, can we please do some debuging? what is your browser of choice ? [17:17] Calinou, are you trying this from browser or from flash settings ? [17:17] flash settings are frozen [17:17] even using tab keys, I can only close window not change settings [17:18] and there are no browser settings for flash, I'm using chromium [17:18] Calinou, re-install that then ? [17:18] I'll give firefox a try [17:18] hilo, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE7VzlLtp-4&webm=1 <--- blue bunny ? === karthick1987 is now known as karthick87 [17:19] !info adobe-flash-properties-gtk | Calinou this is installed ? [17:19] Calinou this is installed ?: Package adobe-flash-properties-gtk does not exist in precise [17:19] Oo [17:21] anyone knows sdl sound problems? [17:21] bobweaver he looks greyish here [17:21] Calinou, you please open a terminal and enter in" apt-cache policy adobe-flash-properties-gtk " then USE PASTE.UBUNTU.COM to paste that back for us [17:21] I tried to play redeclipse but it has no sound, as other sdl games [17:21] Hello, I can't connect to liveperson.com. How do I troubleshoot? [17:22] I can ping but I can't connect using Firefox [17:23] bobweaver: gotta add partner to the info command [17:24] trism, sorry do not follow, could you pm me with example ? [17:25] bobweaver: I would love to, I have come here for help a few times and no one could offer any suggestions. I cannot access the machine right now unfortunately though. I will have access in about 4 hours [17:25] Hi [17:25] bobweaver: nevermind -- works in firefox :) [17:25] and for some reason setting applies to chromium [17:26] Just one simple question? Does Ubuntu 12 server edition support live CD installation? [17:26] mask68, correct [17:26] you can use live cd ? I think htat is what you are asking [17:26] mask68, server has no gui [17:26] that * [17:27] mask68, server has no GUI but one can be downloaded after installation if you choose. === wilee-nilee is now known as animus [17:28] basically i want to run live cd from server version of Ubuntu 12 [17:28] mask68: there is no live modus for the server image. that sounds quote logical since most servers dont have monitors [17:29] mask68, there is also "Ubuntu-core" which is just about nothing and you have to set everything up yourself chroot ect. There is also minimal that lets you add programs during install (One of them does if not both ) [17:29] mask68: either server iso or live cd. not both possible [17:29] great. so live cd mode is available only with desktop. right? [17:29] mask68: right [17:29] mask68, correct [17:30] Thank you guys. [17:31] unless you count a console as a live cd. ;) [17:32] couldnt be too difficult to make a live cd [17:33] for ages we dident have them. then i recall knoppix and 'thinknic' came out with them [17:34] ubuntu kernel = vanilla kernel + patches? what are those patches? what is changed? [17:34] Ubuntu should have live iso server image with like flux or something super light on it Icewm or something like centos does with gnome2 [17:34] [17:35] bobweaver, Hehe you feel better now. ;) [17:36] i installed xubuntu 12.04 on a friend's notebook. he asked me greek lang to be the 1st system's lang. i installed some kde applications (dolphin,k3b, konversation) and they had greek menus. suddenly (i suppose after an auto remove command) the menus in those applications became in english lang. any idea to restore greek menus on those applications? [17:36] animus, lol yup [17:36] ;) [17:36] Hi, im getting a gzip: compressed data--length error when gunzipping a gz file on a mdadm array. I do not get this error when doing the same thing on a normal hdd. Any ideas? [17:38] Can someone help me set up television? My usb dongle is recognized ("Bus 003 Device 002: ID 14aa:022b WideView Technology Inc. WT-220U DVB-T dongle"), Kaffein can find it - but scanning for channels has no results... what can I do? (same dongle with antenna in same position resulted in channels and television on my laptop) [17:39] this must be one simplest thing but iduno if i doing something wrong .... port forwarding 8080 on this box to server thats on internal network .... from external network two different interfaces [17:41] sorry d4rk what are you trying to do? [17:41] wan > ubuntu gateway > http server .... uhmm iptables.. port forward ?? [17:42] You want to be able to access port 8080 internally? [17:42] using ubuntu's ip ... to access http server .... basically portforward 8080 to 80 on the other ip [17:43] simple enough but i cant do it [17:43] d4rkw0lf: okay, how exactly do you see this working, and how have you got it set up? [17:44] d4rkw0lf: draw a diagram and imagebin a photo, if it'll help ;-) [17:44] I know this is possible but I don't know the mechanics behind it. I've used GoDaddy and they have a service like this with their DNS [17:47] d4rkw0lf: maybe this will help? http://serverfault.com/questions/371833/changing-servers-redirect-to-new-ip-no-downtime [17:48] yeah ill read this one ive read a few of them ... [17:48] unless im just doing something wrong [17:49] It may be two steps. Redirect the IP to a different IP and then have the second server redirect port 80 to 8080 [17:49] facebook video call u 12.04 [17:49] May I ask how come you are doing this? === cesar_ is now known as Guest8007 [17:50] hello ubuntu 10.04 fails [17:50] Failed to download all the indexing databases?? [17:50] No u [17:51] I'm from Israel [17:51] why because two networks one without internet access [17:52] How can I fix it? === 92AABNLT6 is now known as Seryth [17:54] Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [17:54] ?????? [17:55] d4rkw0lf: could you just plug another cable from the router to the NIC? [17:55] and then give it different IP schema [17:55] what would that accomplish [17:55] lol [17:55] I thought the goal was to get internet on two networks? [17:55] no [17:56] make the other network see the server as its network ip [17:56] video call in firefox web browser [17:56] can anybody point me to a page where I can learn how to create a redistributable package for ubuntu? [17:56] ill figure it out :) [17:56] yeah sorry mate [17:57] Someone could help me? [17:57] facebook video call in firefox web browser [17:58] ubuntu kernel = vanilla kernel + patches? what are those patches? what is changed? [17:58] SystemTyrant, what do you mean by "redistributable package" [17:58] bobweaver, thanks to you, I am to put any splash screen with super-boot-manager. But I still have a problem how to put text information of loading system? [17:58] SystemTyrant, Single apps or a whole ubuntu remix. [17:59] rsser, I use update-alternitives [17:59] I am compiling an app and want to push it to multiple servers without having to recompile it on each one. [17:59] being my own ppa. :P [18:00] rinted worked [18:00] fuck iptables [18:00] SystemTyrant: you don't need to go so far as to make a PPA [18:00] SystemTyrant: you could just copy the package across [18:00] how so? I didn't get it, bobweaver [18:00] rsser, example sudo update-alternatives --config text.plymouth and also for default.plymouth [18:00] thx kwayzul :p [18:00] SystemTyrant, what do you mean by "redistributable package" [18:00] bobweaver, thanks to you, I am to put any splash screen with super-boot-manager. But I still have a problem how to put text information of loading system? [18:00] SystemTyrant, Single apps or a whole ubuntu remix. [18:00] * alexidoia (~alex@2a00:7180:1179:7300:21a:4dff:fe44:321) has joined #ubuntu [18:00] * alexidoia has quit (Client Quit) [18:00] script_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:00] rsser, I use update-alternitives [18:00] pick the one you want to use at that point rsser [18:00] do you have a blog, bobweaver with tutorial? [18:00] SystemTyrant, Not exactly sure I found this. http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ [18:00] so i'm curious... do people work for ubuntu? [18:00] Hey guys. I just installed a LAMP server in Precise, and my desktop has gone a lil crazy. Some fonts appear thiner, contextual menus have icons that are new (but look old) and the top bar wont change its color to white in the Radiance theme. What is going on? [18:01] rsser, sorry my blogs are fo Ubuntu for stores and stuff like that [18:01] for * [18:01] SystemTyrant, so you want to make a package to send to your own ppa ? [18:01] code is on lp yet ? [18:02] rgenito visit canonical.com [18:02] yes. [18:02] rsser, tell you what I will make video now of me using update-alternitives === PaloDelCalo is now known as NaRoccia [18:03] thank you, bobweaver, could you do that? [18:03] SystemTyrant, where is code ? what kind is it and are there any 3rd party dependency that the package uses ? [18:04] SystemTyrant, there is this that is good http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ there is also the debian new maitianers guide it is also great [18:04] I'm recompiling cluster-glue from the source. Yes it has dependancies. [18:05] Bonsoir [18:06] I've tried that one. I get to the bzr dh-make and it doesn't work. [18:07] hello every body :d [18:07] ty MonkeyDust [18:07] facebook video call in firefox web browser [18:07] a simple question 4u ..who knows wich is the most stable kernel for oneiric to upgrade? [18:07] i really want to deepen my learning in the linux world [18:08] lmn1vg6: the one that it's on official repositories [18:08] and i really like what ubuntu has going on :D especially now that unity is much better hehe [18:09] ok xangua but if for some reason i need to change the linux headers wich would be best from to choose? [18:10] is 3.3 good? [18:10] any help would be apreciated :) [18:11] rsser, ok I just made a video tutorial and will be uploading after compression will post link when done [18:11] I need help with television. scanning for channels has no results where there should be some... any ideas? [18:11] nicofs what are you using to scan and what is capture ard ? [18:11] card * [18:12] bobweaver, kaffeine and lsusb identifies the dongle as "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 14aa:022b WideView Technology Inc. WT-220U DVB-T dongle" - and on my laptop it worked... [18:12] I have mounted a share and I can see it in dolphin. How do I get to that directory in a terminal? I read that it should be ~/.cache/gvfs, but I don't have that directory? [18:13] who can help please!!!wich is the most stable kernel for oneiric to upgrade?is 3.3 any good? [18:13] ~ = home [18:13] nicofs, sorry never used kaffine but I do know how to use myth so maybe if you like .... also lsmod shows modules loaded for the capture card ? ' [18:13] daviddoria: you probably want ~/.gvfs/ [18:14] daviddoria: although if you're using kde maybe that doesn't apply [18:14] jrib, I do have ~/.gvfs, but the share I'm looking at is not in there (and yes, kde from ubuntu 12.04) [18:14] nicofs, this is all I know about tv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfrm117Ukr0 [18:15] darmok and jalad at tanagra [18:15] bobweaver, i could never get to grips with myth - far too bulky and unintuitive for "just" watching tv... module is loaded... [18:15] daviddoria: try #kubuntu or just mount it yourself again using the terminal [18:16] i installed xubuntu 12.04 on a friend's notebook. he asked me greek lang to be the 1st system's lang. i installed some kde applications (dolphin,k3b, konversation) and they had greek menus. suddenly (i suppose after an auto remove command) the menus in those applications became in english lang. any idea to restore greek menus on those applications? [18:16] !list o list [18:16] cecco: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [18:16] !warez | cecco [18:16] cecco: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [18:17] Hello Guys do you need to have server to install unrealircd [18:17] i installed ubuntu nasty narwhal on my notebook, and it doesnt work [18:17] Nilkanth: nope [18:18] Nilkanth: the only real difference between an Ubuntu server and an Ubuntu desktop is the default set of installed applications === c_melder is now known as melder [18:20] W6000: 11.04 is eol very soon, try a more recent release [18:20] hi, how can i get -I info from dpkg info option? say dpkg -I streamer. question: does dpkg only present info on what is loaded ? and if that is the case, how can i via cmdline get info of a program i wish to install on the system locally. thanks! ps, i could use ubuntu software center, but i like cmdline info too ;) [18:20] ThinkT510, i don't gnomify my ubuntu with those trashy gnome 3 [18:21] a specific package that tab completes when i type sudo apt-get install stream[tab] and completes, i figure it should be there [18:21] to me gnome 3 is trash [18:21] and it is.... [18:21] W6000: gnome2 is dead move on === dpac is now known as dpac|away [18:21] ThinkT510: gnome2 =( sniff snifff... =( [18:21] i can't work with this crap called gnome 3 [18:21] so cmdline info for streamer,,, is it deb -I streamer,,, dpkg -I streamer yeilds... dpkg-deb: failed to read archive `streamer': No such file or directory [18:21] thanks... [18:21] W6000: if you must have gnome2 then 10.04 is supported for desktop till april 2013 [18:21] So back to the general public: Anyone familiar with TV and Kaffeine? My scan for channels has no results... [18:22] PRabyte: apt-cache show package_name; [18:22] W6000: I have the same opinion.... But I've always been worked with KDE since 2.0... [18:22] even darmok on tanagra can't work with gnome 3, he said its unfuried [18:22] facebook video call in firefox web browser [18:22] rsser, it says that it is going to take 6 minutes till video is uploaded [18:22] hi, how can i get -I info from dpkg info option? say dpkg -I streamer. question: does dpkg only present info on what is loaded ? and if that is the case, how can i via cmdline get info of a program i wish to install on the system locally. thanks! ps, i could use ubuntu software center, but i like cmdline better. so cmdline info for streamer,,, is it deb -I streamer,,, dpkg -I streamer yeilds... dpkg-deb: failed to read archive `st [18:22] how can i quickly see a list of all partitions on my computer? [18:22] PRabyte: if I understood correctly, apt-file is also useful for getting info about uninstalled packages (like dpkg -S, dpkg -L) [18:22] one that isnt installed yet... [18:23] ok [18:23] ok trism [18:23] thanks [18:23] PRabyte, there is also apt-cache policy,dump,show [18:23] and dpkg-query -l [18:23] there is no apt-file in tab completion [18:23] someone told me in 20 years you may have zetabytes [18:23] ah, thanks bobweaver [18:24] udisks gives yyyyyyyyya partitions im sure [18:24] whats char is -L? [18:24] so i have to use ZFS for zetabytes? [18:24] PRabyte: apt-file isn't installed by default, apt-cache is probably what you were looking for though [18:24] or -I [18:24] Then How much i install unrealircd because when i look on youtube they have somehting like promp and they install with that [18:24] k [18:24] Must* [18:24] PRabyte, dpkg-dev is installed also ? [18:24] PRabyte: apt-file list package-name; would be like dpkg -L, apt-cache show package_name; is like dpkg -I [18:24] well thanks i will go on [18:25] thanks trism, bobweaver [18:25] that helps [18:25] dpkg -I what is the option? i or l [18:25] l lol [18:25] gordonjcp [18:25] silly me [18:26] Nilkanth: hm? [18:26] PRabyte, use help dpkg --help [18:26] yah i know [18:26] thanks [18:26] gordonjcp look this v [18:26] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj86yMdiBA4 [18:27] or man dpkg then press / the n enter search term and press enter [18:27] ciao :-)| [18:27] And you wil see it it somethig like /... [18:27] after a package is install i have no prob, its before its installed [18:27] Nilkanth: why? [18:27] also, i clear my apt-cache often lol... [18:28] Nilkanth: I'm not trying to set up an IRC server, and I don't find video "tutorials" in any way useful [18:28] gordonjcp it has something i want to know what is ? [18:28] PRabyte, make a crontab script that does that for you [18:28] That is from Ubuntu [18:28] looks like Ubuntu === Emmanuel_Chanel_ is now known as Emmanuel_Chanel [18:28] raid5 question.. got me an old scisi raid controller, drive has failed and I'm simply trying to get it to rebuild. I have "raid" column with the option "rebuild" .. assuming the card and other drivers are working fine don't I simply select this rebuild option? Could this rebuild option simply remove all the data and rebuild a blank volume? [18:28] Nilkanth: I can't understand what the guy is saying, sorry [18:29] rsser, here you go :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5aT_Uu-2rQ [18:29] oki [18:30] good ol paul vixie [18:30] Nilkanth: sorry, I just can't make him out at all, I'm not very good with accents [18:30] bobweaver: chking for dpkg-dev [18:30] quick question: if I CD to a directory, how do I delete multiple files by content, instead of file name? [18:30] yep, installed, just chking [18:30] duplicate* [18:30] Nilkanth: he's speaking English so maybe someone with better English can try it [18:31] AresTheLion: fudpes [18:31] AresTheLion: fdupes [18:31] jrib, fdupes in terminal? thank you [18:31] my update manager froze when trying to download and install a flash update, i can't remove the package via software centre because it has the job as 'applying changes' but is not doing anything! anyone got any advice? [18:31] what im looking for is the info that is stated when you say goto to Ubuntu Software Center and there is usually an info or paragraph about the program before installing, that is what im looking for in cmdline, i guess i could go to the dir and file to grep it... [18:31] thank you, bobweaver [18:31] I'll see here right [18:31] but i know i have used the cmd im talking about before with not having prog installed [18:32] ill find it, thanks guys [18:33] ubuntu kernel = vanilla kernel + patches? what are those patches? what is changed? [18:33] !kernel | smellysally [18:33] smellysally: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages) [18:33] smellysally: there's a link to the git repository in those pages [18:33] jrib: k, thanks [18:35] god i am so mad, after updating firefox I lost flash,and i am unable to get it work again [18:35] who can help please!!!wich is the most stable kernel for oneiric to upgrade?is 3.3 any good? === matt_ is now known as Guest79177 [18:36] lmn1vg6: the default kernel in the repos is the only supported one here [18:36] lmn1vg6, ^ [18:36] Also, I got fdupes working to detect the files, but I couldnt find the command to delete them [18:37] -d? [18:37] ok, i found it,,, thanks, its apt-cache show prognamehere [18:37] thanks, talk later [18:37] ok then how can i install the default beta alpha release or beta? [18:37] lmn1vg6: what? [18:37] lmn1vg6, of the kernal? you have to enable apt-get to retrieve pre-releases [18:37] anyone able to getiphone/ipod to syncronize? [18:38] i ma using 3.0.0-26-generic is there any way to upgrade to anewr alpha version ? [18:38] i mean newer [18:39] ah pre-releases interesting AresTheLion and how i managed to do it? [18:41] is there a apt-get changelog command for packages installed via ppa? [18:43] crazydip, to look at the debian/changelog file ? [18:43] bobweaver: yes from the terminal if possible -- so i don't have to hunt it down on the launchpad website [18:44] crazydip, there is dpkg-source and dpkg-gen something cant not rember of top of my head .... googleing [18:44] Hey all - anybody else using the i915 with Ubuntu 12.04? [18:45] I'm noticing a really dramatic memory leak and I suspect it's in the i915 module. [18:45] Wondering if anyone else is experiencing similar [18:45] crazydip, http://www.tin.org/bin/man.cgi?section=1&topic=dpkg-gencontrol [18:46] brb - trying a reboot with the oldest kernel I can find. [18:46] crazydip, there is also dch but you would need source package and at that poiint could just read debian/changelog [18:47] !info dch | crazydip [18:47] crazydip: Package dch does not exist in precise [18:47] :D === qos is now known as qos|away [18:47] * bobweaver pulls his hair out [18:47] dch does exist :) [18:48] the firefox on ubuntu does not recognize a .torrent file, it tries to open the "unknown content" with vlc player...i have transmission installed...whats wrong? [18:48] bobweaver: its in devscripts iirc. [18:48] !info packaging-dev | crazydip [18:48] crazydip: packaging-dev (source: packaging-dev): convenient tools to develop packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 26 kB [18:48] Hi. Is it possible to setup a 64-bit chroot in a 32-bit environment? [18:48] thanks Pici [18:48] bobweaver: aye, thanks already familiar with those :) [18:48] bobweaver, when I typed: sudo apt-cache search text.plymouth is returned nothing [18:49] How do I limit the things dash shows me when typing. I'm usually a command line guy and *never* want to be prompted for files. Seems wasteful of resources too. [18:49] oops, I got it [18:49] don't need type 'text.' preffix [18:50] can someone help....!how can i see a list of bugs that have benn fixed in a linux kernel? [18:51] you could try reading the git lot [18:51] log* [18:51] lmn1vg6: going back how far? [18:51] lmn1vg6: that's probably a *lot* of reading... [18:51] and were i can find gid log [18:51] or, you could go to http://kernel.org/ and click on the buttons that say "Changelog", there's a though [18:51] MarcN: super+a = applications only, super+f = files only, i don't know if you can set what is shown on the default screen via plain super [18:52] i just need to be sure sure when doing something you know [18:52] ... back. I downgraded to and the leak is still there :\ [18:52] lmn1vg6: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git;a=shortlog [18:52] FUcking [18:52] It won't work [18:52] thanx calrogman illl check it out man [18:52] I can't boot into a CD [18:53] Anyone have any ideas? [18:53] crazydip, thanks. That is handy to know. Been using the mouse, but keyboard is better. [18:53] GPT or MBR for a 3TB disk? [18:54] sry but can any1 give me the android channel? [18:54] Eagleman: I've heard that anything 2TB+ wants MBR [18:54] #android [18:54] MarcN: press and hold super key for shortcuts menu [18:54] Eagleman: I don't have any sources I can cite for that though - I just remember hearing that in passing [18:54] for some reason /etc/ is locking up after x hours of working.. [18:54] what's a good console-based audio mixer? [18:54] ShinyObjects isnt MBR old? [18:55] crazydip, again thanks. I've been avoiding unity by using cinnamon, but that goes wonky from time to time. [18:55] nce a remote prospect, an important barrier in disk storage has become a reality: the venerable master boot record (MBR) partitioning scheme can't fully handle disks larger than 2.2TB (2TiB). With disks as large as 3TB readily available and with much larger RAID arrays common, alternatives to the MBR partitioning scheme have become important to understand. The heir apparent is the GUID Partition [18:55] Table (GPT). [18:55] lattera: alsamixer [18:55] Hmm i think it is GPT [18:56] gordonjcp: perfect, thanks :) [18:57] crazydip, I have 2 monitors and there is the unity taskbar on the left of the left most monitor *and* a taskbar on the left of the right most monitor. Right in the middle. Anyway to turn that middle on off? [18:57] Qasaur: bad cd or your boot order is incorrect are my ideas [18:57] chunckf: I didn't change my bootorder at all, it worked before [18:57] MarcN: http://askubuntu.com/questions/107583/remove-duplicate-second-unity-launcher-on-dual-screen [18:57] chuckf: Tried 2 different CDs, both didn't work [18:58] ballz [18:58] Qasaur: then boot order is my other guess [18:58] Qasaur: and that's assuming you have 2 good CDs [18:58] MarcN: Looks like you can select it under the system settings. [18:58] MarcN: yes there is - i have a similar setup although i like to have the bar on both monitors but they are hidden until i press over the edge [18:58] Eagleman: yes, it is :\ [18:58] chuckf: I did do a proper build order [18:58] chuckf: I'll try another CD hold on [18:59] Qasaur: build order for what? [18:59] chuckf: Derp boot order [18:59] Qasaur: did you confirm the checksum on the disks? [19:00] chuckf: Hold on I'll try another disk [19:00] DaemonicApathy, looks like gconf hacking for me. Tried the GUI and now the only taskbar is the one in the middle! ha! [19:01] MarcN: You tried the Displays option, under the System Settings? [19:02] You should just be able to select the other monitor. [19:02] discografia band karate [19:03] DaemonicApathy, yup. Using nvidia and twinview and GUI looks like it should do the right thing but doesn't. [19:03] dove posso trovarla [19:03] jaka: No sé. Trate de google, no aqui. [19:04] MarcN, when you say limit you mean just the home lens ? [19:04] non cè un canale per download [19:05] bobweaver, whatever lens dash uses by default when I click on the ubuntu logo. Using super-a is a work around. Don't need to see all the DSCxxxx.JPG filenames. ever. [19:05] MarcN: Ah well, I tried. There are worse things than gconf editing. :-) [19:07] MarcN, there is a tool called gconf-editor and you can use that to tell what to load 1st in the home lens. you can also r-write unity to tell it to load the applications lens only and not the home lens let me dig up screen shot of gconf home lens ordering. though this is not going to stop the lens that you do not want it will only alter the ordering [19:08] DaemonicApathy, I've lived with worse GUIs for a long time. [19:08] s|gconf-editor| dconf-editor [19:09] bobweaver, there is no management gui for lens configuration? [19:09] guten abend zusammen. spricht man hier deutsch oder englisch? [19:09] bobweaver, well some is in 'privacy' [19:09] !de | davin [19:09] davin: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [19:09] davin: englisch [19:09] hi davin! the german group is on #ubuntu-de [19:09] thx ;) [19:10] auf vedersein [19:10] MarcN, there is not but take a look at this screen shot http://imagebin.org/231537 === andrea is now known as Guest86338 [19:10] MarcN, what do you mean by configuration ? [19:11] MarcN, are you using 2d or Unity 3d ? [19:11] has anyone used Ubuntu as a non-NAT router? [19:11] meganerd: I've used it as a router many times [19:11] ikonia: OK, to be clear, we are talking about vanilla IP routing, not NATR [19:11] bobweaver, 3d. Never displaying files/folders, just apps only. [19:11] ikonia: erm not NAT that should say [19:12] meganerd: yes [19:12] yes, IP routing [19:12] Hey Ubuntu, I need to format and change the file system of the HDD that my version of Ubuntu boots from, I can only assume the best way to do this would be by going to the Root screen, but I don't know the right commands to enter, could someone help? [19:12] MarcN, you could just remove the other lens that you do not want ? [19:12] Domincii: you can't === Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspaceloafk [19:12] ikonia: just checking, even google does not seem to accept that [19:12] Domincii: you need to copy off the data - change the file system, put the data back [19:12] how would I do that? [19:13] meganerd: it's just iptables, nothing more [19:13] Domincii: exactly that, get another disk to store your data, copy it of, format the file system with something new, put the data back [19:13] ikonia: no iptables should be required [19:13] meganerd: yes, it should, [19:13] ikonia: beyond adding 1 to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, I just need routes back to my network, correct? [19:14] meganerd: you need to use iptables [19:14] ikonia: I am connecting two lan segments, I do not see why iptables is needed (it will be used to lock down the link, but I do not see how it is required for basic routing) [19:15] meganerd: no problem then [19:15] meganerd: you can create a bridge interface for just bridging the two lans [19:15] MarcN, what is output of sudo find / -name 'Dash.cpp' [19:15] but that's not routing, that's bridging [19:15] ikonia: I am not bridging [19:16] meganerd: so what are you doing, you're not routing, your not bridging ? [19:16] ikonia: I am routing [19:17] ikonia: I figured it out, I forgot to add a route back to LAN B. [19:17] ikonia: basically I have two networks, lets say and, I want to route between them but not bridge them [19:18] ikonia: I forgot to add a route on network A back to Network B. No iptables required, I just forgot the second half. Thanks for the assist. [19:19] didn't assist === alexander is now known as Guest29472 [19:19] you got there on your own [19:19] ikonia: your questions helped me spot the error [19:20] any special things to consider when choosing a graphics card for a linux/ubuntu box? does nvidia vs amd matter? [19:20] ikonia: questions are usually more useful than answers :) [19:20] no problem then [19:20] ikonia I have an SSD, which Ubuntu is technically installed on, and a HDD, which someone on here moved my /home drive to, it's now the default storage device and is mounted to /home or something [19:20] Domincii: what do you actually want to do ? [19:20] smellysally: ime, NVidia has fewer issues. [19:20] forget nvidia [19:21] Domincii: as what you've just said is nothing to do with putting a new OS on a disk [19:21] which is what you actually asked for [19:21] has no drivers [19:21] smellysally, look at cards that are not proprietary. If there are any out there [19:23] whats the diffrrence between debian and ubuntu? [19:24] ikonia, I want to install Windows, I have it on a USB, when I get to the install point I get an error message saying that the file system needs to be ntfs, all my drives are Fat32 to my knowledge, I need to format the drives, but I don't want to accidentally format them into the same file type and end up with two blank disks that I can't do anything with because they're in the wrong filesystem still === sonnyjz__ is now known as sonnyjz [19:25] bacon4435, that is a loaded question. can you give more details ? [19:25] Domincii: that is nothing to do with ubuntu [19:25] Domincii: the windows installer can/will format them [19:25] Domincii: the guys in ##windows channel will tell you how [19:26] bacon: I'm sure you can google that question [19:26] smellysally: Are you sure you need a graphics card? I find the integrated graphics on intel cpus good enough for all my needs, but having said that I am not into gaming. Also intel's drivers are not closed source like Nvidia. [19:26] Ubuntu is based out of debian [19:26] bacon4435: a very broad answer: Ubuntu is based on Debian. Debian focuses on stability, while Ubuntu focuses on ease of use. They use many of the same packages. [19:26] ikonia, thank you [19:26] bacon4435 there are many sites about it, here's one http://www.datamation.com/osrc/article.php/3890111/Debian-vs-Ubuntu-Contrasting-Philosophies.htm [19:27] Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial or howto type document for creating/destroying virtual network interfaces (bridged with the physical network such that the host can have multiple IP addresses) [19:27] rumble: using intel integrated right now, but I don't get screen tearing under control. that's why I want to try a dedicated one. [19:28] Ninja Please! [19:30] hi, i'm trying to get skype video working on my hp dv9000. the webcam turns on in the skype video settings menu, but not in actual calls. any ideas? [19:31] hi should I make swap as a primary or logical partion ? [19:31] Logical. [19:32] приветы [19:33] smellysally: Fair enough. Some people like Nvidia because it offers excellent performance including VDPAU. However, to get the most out of it you need to install a binary blob of secret code which some users do not like to do. There is an open source driver called "nouveau" but it's performance is vastly inferior to the proprietary driver from Nvidia unfortunately. [19:33] !ru | saran [19:33] saran: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [19:34] about IRQ numbers ... can i move some of them from one IRQ to another? [19:35] rumble, I beg to differ about nouveau , it's actually quite good and it's performance is very close to the nvidia-current driver ..I couldn't see much difference with my 8400GS [19:36] yo to all [19:36] <_Marcus> Is there any easy way to upgrade an installed Ubuntu system to a 64-bit Ubuntu? Besides reinstalling Ubuntu of course [19:36] rumble, I have to qualify that, my comparison is on KDE , not gnome or unity [19:37] _Marcus: keywords you said: "easy" "upgrade" "to 64-bit" and the answer is no. you must reinstall. [19:37] _Marcus, you get what you start with, as far as that goes. [19:37] What is port range triggering? [19:37] <_Marcus> :( [19:37] port range triggering is the same as port forwarding, only you set a range of ports. [19:37] Whats wrong with reinstalling? [19:37] I'm on ubuntu 12.04, I've installed plymouth. But when I reboot the system I can't see the splash, because it so fast. How to fix that? [19:38] Is it possible to program a script to tell a router to forward a specific port/socket [19:38] rsser: get a slower computer? :P (btw, i don't know) [19:38] I was reading on this website ==> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html => but the info is TOO OLD [19:38] there is such a thing as UPnP Port Forwarding [19:38] rsser you mean something like adding a sleep to the boot sequence? [19:38] crazydip, look that [19:38] CPU Info: (8 CPU's - Intel Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @, 3.41 GHz, (20% Load)) [19:39] yeah, StefanT [19:39] I guess [19:39] really? Nah, can´t believe that [19:39] its possible to change the /proc/interupts ? i want something on an different number [19:39] kelli do you mind if I ask you some questions reguarding this topic? [19:40] how does sleep work, StefanT? [19:40] I didn't get it [19:40] rsser: fyi "20% load" doesn't make any sense. load is NOT a % [19:40] if your not too busy [19:40] zykotick9, it is refering about cpu usage [19:40] gridwest: go ahead [19:40] BluesKay: Don't get me wrong - I think nouveau is a good and important project and they are working under very difficult circumstances having to reverse engineer everything, but from my experience and from benchmarks on the Phoronix site I believe there is a sizeable gap in performance. Having said that I haven't used Nvidia for a couple of years so perhaps nouveau has improved a lot. [19:41] rsser: "i" know what load is, you're a bit confused on the subject. [19:41] I'm using VM, so it is at 20%. If i'm not using VM, it would be 7% or 5% [19:42] rsser: then don't call it "load" :) load is NOT a % measurement [19:42] but I haven't written this script, zykotick9 [19:42] rumble, yes , nouveau has improved a lot . I was actually quite pleasantly surprised with it's performance on KDE , altho i don't how well it does with compiz in unity === giovanni is now known as Guest7414 [19:44] BluesKay: That is great to hear. Linus Torvalds has said that Nvidia are the worst company to deal with so if we reach a stage where Linux users are no longer reliant upon their closed source drivers that is terrific. [19:44] who wrote this script was anhilator, talk to him [19:46] rumble: BluesKaj: Linus Torvalds said: FU!"#$!" NVIDIA!! .. (that was nice!!) [19:46] rumble, well I have to admit that I'm running the nvidia-current driver atm , altho it's nice to know nouveau can be decent fallback [19:46] zm [19:47] gatuus, ?? [19:48] BluesKaj: Linus Torvalds said: F..k you NVIDIA [19:48] oh [19:48] BluesKaj: It's in you-tube [19:49] gatuus, well seems to me nvidia got the message , perhaps he should go after ati as well [19:49] BluesKaj: Right... ATI Drivers on OpenSuSE are really difficult.. (in most linux distros too) [19:51] BluesKaj: gatuus: smellysally: Is the tearing that smellysally refers to down to the integrated graphics though I wonder? Is it perhaps something to do with Xorg? I thought Ubuntu wanted to moved from XOrg to Wayland partly because of stuff like tearing with XOrg? [19:52] gatuus, yeah the fglrx driver on 12.04 is giving a lot of ppl grief and there doesn't seem to be a working alternative atm [19:52] gatuus, BluesKaj : Why Linus is awesome - Linus owns NVIDIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19jUboon5gI [19:52] Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial or howto type document for creating/destroying virtual network interfaces (bridged with the physical network such that the host can have multiple IP addresses) [19:53] hilo: vlans? openstack? [19:54] rumble, seems wayland is being worked on , but isn't even ready for a devel/user testing phase yet [19:55] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates will this install the nvidia proprietary drivers [19:56] rumble: that tearing seems to be an issue specific to HD 3000 (sandy bridge integrated). found a thread talking about a driver bug some time ago. can't find the link right now, though. === atrius is now known as atrius_away [19:57] BluesKaj: I realise Wayland is a long way off being a viable option, but the point I was making is that the tearing might not because smellysally's integrated graphics needed beefing up - the tearing could be down to XOrg. According to following article XOrg can be cause of tearing: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/unity-to-embrace-wayland-display-server [19:58] have to go. thanks for the advice. bye === atrius_away is now known as atrius [19:59] Hi I have a question I installed Ubuntu but I didn't do any updates I am not sure if I should get the proprietary driver first and then update the system ? [19:59] Question: If amazon.com is selling a Xubuntu installation CD for $20 and saying it is by a company called "Shift+Open" does that legally infringe on the GNU Public License? [19:59] AresTheLion, not at all [19:59] ardian, It shouldn't matter. === Robert_ is now known as Guest75411 [19:59] Hey people! === Sarah is now known as Aster [20:00] bobweaver, I thought it had to be shared alike though === Aster is now known as Sarah [20:00] AresTheLion, GPL does not mean can not sell. this is more of a off-topic conversation though [20:00] BluesKaj: Perhaps the SandyBridge bug depends upon which kernel you are running. I have a SandyBridge cpu which I got not long after release and I had problems but now with newer kernel works great! [20:00] I made a playlist on Rythmbox music player, but I can't sort that one.. (Like clicking title, will sort it by title, genre by genre etc.) [20:00] AresTheLion: ok will this get the proprietary driver sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates ? [20:00] Is it possible to sort playlists? and if so, how? [20:00] ardian, I'm not an expert on drivers, sorry. Someone else should know [20:01] !ot | AresTheLion [20:01] AresTheLion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:01] ok === heisenmink is now known as awestroke [20:01] AresTheLion, there is also #fsf [20:01] @nvidia driver: which one does ubuntu use by default? [20:01] Guys sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates will this get the nouveau driver or the prorietary [20:02] bobweaver, Okay, thank you [20:02] ardian, that is just a repo whatever you install will install [20:02] ardian, what are you tring to do ? [20:02] trying * [20:02] ardian: that will get you a more recent version of the proprietary than avail in the current repo... but what are you TRYING to do? [20:02] I want to install the best driver for my display for some reason I think that the non-free one is better [20:02] gatuus, starting from scratch with a clean install of ubuntu. No vlans, my network is flat (although I might break it apart soon, but still without use of vlans) [20:03] ardian: lspci -nn | grep VGA [20:03] hi, i have a problem with virsh…if i try to start a vm an error occure …internal error cannot load AppArmor profile…but AppArmor is disabled [20:03] Hi, I have 64bit ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my thinkpad with 2gb ram and the ubuntu freezes sometimes, firefox fades to dark and when I get an error message it says I cannot diagnose the error because I have insufficient amount of RAM, is that normal behavior? [20:03] L3top: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:0116] (rev 09) 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 540M] [10de:0df5] (rev a1) [20:03] vl4kn0: not "normal" [20:03] Where is the kernel configuration data stored in 12.04? [20:04] 3 [20:04] oops [20:04] ikonia: is there anything I can do about it? [20:04] ardian: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current [20:05] vl4kn0: depends why it's doing it, what point do you get the error "you don't have enough ram to debug it" [20:05] L3top: ok what will this install ? [20:05] rumble: I have tearing issues on hd 3000, too. kernel is 3.6.0-030600-generic. but I don't know, if it is the same problem as with smellysally. [20:06] Yo, I try to run this program, and I get "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0" but I do have Java? [20:07] !java [20:07] To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [20:07] I'm using lubuntu and I need to resize and image... mtpaint doesn't have that option. Please advise. [20:07] Anyone have any idea what I should do? [20:07] I have java [20:07] !info nvidia-current | ardian this [20:07] ardian this: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 295.40-0ubuntu1.1 (precise), package size 32656 kB, installed size 96034 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia) [20:07] L3top: thank you [20:08] OpenJDK Java 7 is installed [20:08] Ramtron, then check "this program" + error on the forums, i can't help with such less info. [20:08] I'm running the program through wine, could that be why? [20:08] Ramtron, then check wineHQ db [20:08] It's minecraft. and running through wine [20:08] I've checked everywhere, so now I'm here [20:09] there are tons of blogs about minecraft .. buy the installer from softwarecentre :-D [20:09] Hello, I have the following problem: Pushing the Mail hotkey tries to run thunderbird which is not installed, should run evolution. Any suggestions? [20:10] Ramtron: Most things will work with openJDK, but some things require sun java (oracle now). This is not avail in repo. You will have to install from oracle site [20:10] I'm good. I just wanna know why I get a Java Runtime error [20:10] So, install sun java? [20:10] @Ramtron - What about if you use an virtuel box with windows.iso to play mincraft or other games? [20:11] I've only tried Wine [20:11] Ramtron: I would uninstall OpenJDK first, and yes... try oracle java. I am not a minecraft guy, but that would be my first guess... however I am not telling you to do it. [20:12] There is juju for minecraft ? [20:12] Is it possible there's a problem with Wine, instead of me not having Java? [20:12] or charm I should say === andrea is now known as Guest60976 [20:12] Ramtron: If it is running in wine, it is unlikely to be using the system-installed OpenJDK [20:12] That's what I figured, so how would I install a Java for wine? [20:14] yeah there is juju charm [20:14] ? [20:14] for minecraft that is [20:14] What's that [20:14] to the discussion currently running: I am also no minecraft guy, but my experience showed the sun-java6 really makes no difficulties in contrast to any other Java interpreters. this is also true for developing Java applications as well as firefox java plugin. [20:15] Ramtron, juju is used for cloud and is super easy to use [20:15] http://marcoceppi.com/2011/11/deploying-the-minecraft-charm/ [20:15] Are there any Ubuntu 12.04 packages that will allow UPnP automatic port forwarding configuration? [20:15] ardchoille: [20:16] @all: Hello, I have the following problem: Pushing the Mail hotkey tries to run thunderbird which is not installed, should run evolution. Any suggestions? [20:16] I just don't understand what this charm is going to do [20:16] Ramtron, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTVQ9tlBo-4 , http://www.wikihow.com/Play-Minecraft-in-Ubuntu [20:16] read the 2nd link [20:16] hi [20:16] openJDK 6 Runtime seems to work Ramtron [20:16] is there an explanation of the contents apport-bug sends to launchpad.net? [20:16] i have 7, should i get 6 instead? [20:16] i have a 30gb ssd and a 500gb 7200rpm drive... what would be faster... raid or just putting / on the ssd and /home on the regular drive [20:17] How can I make the ' on my keyboard work normally? I have to press space after typing ' because otherwise, it won't appear or appear on top of a letter like: ḿ ś í ḱ ṕ [20:17] HELP; My Unity Lens won't show any applications. The application lens is there but won't show it's application content. Searching for apps doesn't help either. [20:17] * L3top gave ardian advice that isn't gonna fly... He is on an optimus chipset.... if I am not here when he returns, that is the problem he has [20:17] Ramtron, read the tutorial plz http://www.wikihow.com/Play-Minecraft-in-Ubuntu [20:17] fdsaruio: The latter. [20:17] Was not paying attention... just looking for that nvidia pciid. [20:17] I have that minecraft working though, my problem is with Minecraft.exe [20:18] What exactly is the latter half of this line saying? */10 * * * * /myscript > /path/to/logs/cron.log >/dev/null 2>&1 [20:18] Nothing is getting written to th elog [20:19] macmartine: send stderr and stdout to nowhere. Do not return text. [20:19] Ramtron, how to make a Ubuntu Mine craft server http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kyqrL2M09w [20:19] L3top: So it tells it to not write to the specified log after all? [20:19] Sorry, I just wanna get past this Java Runtime error [20:19] It tells it not to display on your screen, but instead write to the log I believe is the intent [20:19] Not create a server [20:20] L3top: Ok, so as far as you can tell this should be writing to the log? [20:20] Ramtron, what is output of sudo update-alternatives --config java [20:20] It is an odd way to do it, but yes. [20:20] Ramtron, please paste that [20:21] !pastebin | Ramtron [20:21] Ramtron: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [20:21] thanks [20:21] this is the first time i use ubuntu, and i loved it [20:21] macmartine: "2>&1" redirects stderr to stdout, and ">/dev/null" redirects stdout to /dev/null. if you want both to be written to a log file, remove the ">/dev/null" part. [20:21] L3top: Is the suggested way to just leave it at this? */10 * * * * /myscript > /path/to/logs/cron.log [20:22] hi, why don't manafctures build mobo with ssd modules embedded to notebook and computer hibernate safely? [20:22] reha, that is awesome. I must say though that this is a support channel and there are many other Ubuntu channels out there fro just chatting it up with friends. #ubuntu-ot #ubuntu-beginners #ubuntuforums ect [20:22] 8GB ssd modules would be enough [20:23] macmartine: I would use tee... it avoids all sorts of problems. [20:23] foobArrr: So that it looks like this? */10 * * * * /myscript > /path/to/logs/cron.log 2>&1 [20:23] thank you. bobweaver [20:23] macmartine: yes. that works for me at least :) [20:24] np reha and again I am supper glade that you are enjoying Ubuntu ! [20:24] hello [20:24] testing [20:24] hello i need help [20:24] how can i test a serial port in ubuntu server 12 [20:24] !enter | systems7 [20:24] systems7: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [20:25] sorry [20:26] here is my question, i have a 1u server running ubuntu 12.4 server and it has a serial port. I want to test the serial port though another computer via terminal/putty. Is there a way to do this? [20:27] systems7: "test" the serial port ? [20:27] systems7: do you mean connect to a console on the serial port ? [20:27] systems7: all you have to do is access the correct tty - see here for a howto check/user serial port: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/find-out-linux-serial-ports-with-setserial/ [20:29] macmartine: if it still doesn't write anything to the log: is this a user's crontab or root's crontab? in the first case check if you have write permissions to /path/to/logs/cron.log [20:29] !info gtkterm [20:29] gtkterm (source: gtkterm): A simple GTK+ serial port terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.7~rc1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 59 kB, installed size 214 kB [20:30] systems7: the suggestion by OerHeks above may be better for you [20:30] well here is my first question. why can't i have any sounds from midi keyboard on ubuntu studio [20:30] hello! [20:31] !details | reha [20:31] reha: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [20:31] HI all [20:31] reha type /join #ubuntustudio [20:31] How to downgrade everything? [20:31] downgrade [20:31] !downgrade [20:31] Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system. [20:31] hi Black_Daemon! Do you have an ubuntu support question? [20:32] thank you [20:32] not really, guntbert, I'm just saying hello :) [20:32] MonkeyDust: I installed something from a ppa, then deleted .list files, ran apt-get update and now want everything to roll back to initial state [20:33] Onkeltem: ppa-purge is what you need [20:33] hi I installed the driver from nvidia-current and now my resolution is 640x480 [20:33] Onkeltem there are tools like janitor and bleachbit [20:33] can't change it to anything else also the nvidia-conf isn't working [20:33] !ppapurge [20:33] ardian: That was my error. I realized after you left, that you have an optimus chipset. [20:33] !ppa-purge | Onkeltem [20:33] Onkeltem: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [20:33] L3top, I am using bumblebee for optimus [20:34] ardian: You are going to have to use bumblebee... and I do not believe that it allows you to use the nvidia driver. [20:34] Black_Daemon: have fun but please keep in mind that this channel is a support channel and very busy - so socialities should be exchanged in #ubuntu-offtopic :) [20:34] but I don't know never had this problem I usually installed the system the new repo and updated everything [20:34] I installed a package cinjfilter-ip2200series, and it was succesful. Yes when I ran the install there was no iP2200 driver available. I followed these instfuctions http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/06/download-install-canon-printer-driver.html [20:34] L3top, but right now I am not sure what to do even the effects in unity aren't working nothing umm === atrius is now known as atrius_away [20:35] ardian: as nouveau and nvidia drivers conflict, you are probably using the vesa or fbdev atm which is why the resolution is poor. You will need to apt-get remove --purge nvidia-current to use the nvidia driver [20:35] er to use the nouveau driver again [20:36] nouveau and compositing are not best friends ardian... so unity will only run at 2d I believe... [20:36] L3top, Additional Drivers aren't showing any proprietary drivers [20:36] !info gtkterm [20:36] gtkterm (source: gtkterm): A simple GTK+ serial port terminal. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.7~rc1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 59 kB, installed size 214 kB [20:36] https://gist.github.com/ba01544b01a7cb17701c [20:36] ardian: That is because you already installed them, and they will not work with bumblebee [20:36] halp [20:36] L3top, I don't have bumblebee right now installed, so does this mean that I can't use the non-free nvidia drivers ? [20:37] in this machine [20:37] !get gtkterm [20:37] hi [20:37] !here | djshotglass [20:37] djshotglass: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com [20:37] what's bumblebee? [20:38] MonkeyDust, it tries to support optimus in nvidia [20:38] MonkeyDust: something for hybrid nvidia/intel video [20:38] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee [20:38] should be a factoid somewere.. [20:38] oh, nvidia === Freeaqingme_ is now known as Freeaqingme [20:39] ardian: no... it will default to the intel card. Optimus is a huge pain... and completely unsupported by nvidia in linux. Very annoying. [20:39] ardian, there is also a #bumblebee channel here on #freenode, those guys are up2date [20:40] L3top, aha so this means that the default display will go straight to the intel one right ? [20:40] is there a way to tell which gpu is "default" my bios has no option for selecting one of my gpus as main [20:40] guntbert dont play stupid [20:41] the erros in pastebin are obv a problem [20:41] but no worries i figured it out [20:41] L3top, I removed nvidia with purge I will reboot now === atrius_away is now known as atrius [20:41] Anyone have experiance installing Canon printers in Ubuntu? [20:42] Zimm3r: yes have got a pixma ip3000 [20:42] djshotglass: I don't act anything - if you want help take the trouble to formulate your question here - many simply don't want to visit soem site just to see *if* they might be able to help [20:42] but it just works out of the box like the last 10 installs i did [20:42] I am trying to install a iP1700, from my reading I should use a iP2200 driver which I installed according to here http://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2011/06/download-install-canon-printer-driver.html yet the driver is still not listed in Ubuntu [20:43] L3top, I removed nvidia but my display is still the same what should I install now ? [20:43] sorry but I am very new in this [20:43] ardian: you will need bumblebee. [20:43] ok === laurent_ is now known as essomba84 [20:44] will install that now [20:44] do any of you think linux is a kernel and not an operating system [20:44] L3top, I saw I have a back up of the config file in /etc/X11/ [20:44] !ot | ISTguy15 [20:44] ISTguy15: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:45] ardian: you should have nouveau already, but just incase it went with the purge, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-nouveau-video (I believe) [20:45] wtf [20:45] ardian: I have to go now. Others can help you, though your best support will be in #bumblebee [20:45] !language | ISTguy15 [20:45] ISTguy15: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. [20:45] L3top, ok thank you [20:45] i had a question [20:46] it is not a support question. The factoid was clear. that is off topic here. No point in arguing. [20:46] it is a support question [20:46] ISTguy15 better ask in #ubuntu-offtopic [20:46] !details | ISTguy15 no it isn't. [20:46] ISTguy15 no it isn't.: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [20:47] ISTguy15: linux is only a kernel. gnu/linux is an operating system [20:47] wat ever [20:47] my gui dont work [20:47] !details | ISTguy15 [20:47] ISTguy15: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [20:47] ISTguy15 ok, now put that in a nice question [20:48] * gordonjcp -> popcorn [20:48] THATS MY PROBLEM [20:48] anyone have experiance with temperamental canon printers that don't have a default installed driver? [20:48] ISTguy15 and no need to shout [20:48] y doesn't my GUI work === laurent_ is now known as essomba84 [20:48] !en | ISTguy15 [20:48] ISTguy15: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [20:48] :) [20:48] what version of ubuntu... what happens... what do you mean by "doesn't work" [20:48] that is english [20:48] ISTguy15 specifiy what about it doesn't work, maybe upload some pictures [20:48] ISTguy15 start from the beginning, what were you doing and where or when did it go wrong? [20:49] it has errors non stop in a terminal windows [20:49] its a blank screen with text [20:49] what does the text say? [20:49] if it's got text, it's not blank... [20:49] lol... [20:49] how can it be a blank screen with text? [20:49] that is not logical [20:49] stop being an idiot [20:49] !attitude | ISTguy15 [20:49] ISTguy15: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [20:50] dude ur being a... [20:50] ISTguy15 what do you mean by 'blank with text'? [20:50] !en | ISTguy15 [20:50] ISTguy15: Certain Ubuntu IRC channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [20:50] can someone else plz help me [20:50] I tried asking you a follow up question ISTguy15 [20:50] ISTguy15: why do you keep typing stuff like "plz" and "ur"? [20:50] what was ur question valnour [20:50] 16:49 < valnour> what does the text say? [20:51] its non stop [20:51] i cant read it [20:51] ...logs ? [20:51] how can i access them [20:51] ISTguy15: right, what's the very last thing you see at the bottom? [20:51] you can log it when it runs to a file [20:51] ISTguy15: it might help if you even get a photo of the screen and paste it into imagebin or something [20:51] as of now there is no bottom because the errors keep coming [20:51] If I install a driver by apt-get where do I find it? [20:51] ctrl alt f2, ls /var/log [20:52] ISTguy15: ^ [20:52] Zimm3r: dpkg -L and work it out from the list of files [20:52] probably best to look at syslog and dmesg ISTguy15 [20:52] Hey guys, every time I try and install any packages they fail, they all get an error similar to this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272000/ [20:52] ok thanks [20:53] gordonjcp: thanks [20:53] dariushall21: can you pastebin a bit more, including the command you use? [20:54] dariushall21 paste a bit more please [20:54] dariushall21: did you recently upgrade/install compiz-plugins-main-default? and like gordonjcp said, more info will help a lot [20:54] Here's the entire Terminal sesion [20:54] http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272006/ [20:54] ok so how do i put the error on pastebin with out a gui [20:55] crazydip, No I haven't done anything with this computer, it doesn't have any programs installed on it other than Firefox. I've never tried installing things before. [20:55] ISTguy15: pastebinit [20:55] ISTguy15: and then the name of the file [20:56] ISTguy15: or like I said, just take a photo of the screen and upload it [20:56] ISTguy15 use pastebinit, then type the url manually here in the channel [20:56] think about what i just said... there is no gui so i cant upload it and i have no camera [20:56] no gui = no http access [20:56] .... [20:56] what? [20:56] ISTguy15: uhh that does not computer :) [20:56] ISTguy15: wat [20:56] ISTguy15 yes, you can do it with pastebinit [20:56] ISTguy15, um... [20:56] !pastebinit | ISTguy15 [20:56] ISTguy15: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [20:56] ISTguy15: why would the GUI have anything to do with network access? [20:57] lol [20:57] ISTguy15: and, you don't have a phone? [20:57] ok thanks i will upload it [20:58] gordonjcp: How can you access a webpage with out a GUI since a .html is a GUI interface [20:58] HELP; My Unity Lens won't show any applications. The application lens is there but won't show it's application content. Searching for apps doesn't help either. [20:58] HELP; My Unity Lens won't show any applications. The application lens is there but won't show it's application content. Searching for apps doesn't help either. [20:58] Anyone have ideas on me not being able to install anything? Here's my pastebin again : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272006/ [20:58] dariushall21: try this: sudo apt-get clean [20:59] Hi, everyone [20:59] you can use text based web browsers [20:59] dariushall21: I'm looking into it now [20:59] w3m [20:59] I've got a question about gnome-shell's performance on Ubuntu 12.04. [20:59] crazydip, after that, run the upgrade again? [20:59] ISTguy15 html is a file type , not a gui [20:59] dariushall21: then try : sudo apt-get -s install -f [20:59] dariushall21: and then show us the output [20:59] html displays a GUI in the web browser [20:59] ISTguy15: it's not a GUI, an .html file is a chunk of text [20:59] so u need a GUI [21:00] no, you don't [21:00] dont at all [21:00] dariushall21: no don't run upgrade run what i typed above and show us the output [21:00] dariushall21: maybe try these instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1232143.html [21:00] ahtmly2k, after installing a lens, you need to logout/login to make it work. [21:00] html is coding for the web but you need a gui to view it [21:00] ISTguy15: nope [21:00] run w3m [21:00] When I do top from a terminal, it's showing gnome-shell consuming 50 - 80% of CPU. I've got a quad-core AMD :| [21:00] ISTguy15: I'm convinced you are a troll [21:00] crazydip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272020/ [21:00] ISTguy15 there are also browsers for terminal [21:00] how [21:00] ISTguy15: and there's a hell of a lot more you can do besides look at a GUI [21:00] ISTguy15: you should really not argue because you are obviously wrong :D [21:00] ISTguy15: it's a bunch of text [21:01] This is for graphics, too. It doesn't seem to be offloading gnome-shell's graphics to my radeon GPU. Anybody have an idea what's going on? [21:01] ISTguy15: it just so happens that a couple of programs are capable of interpreting it and turning it into a GUI [21:01] im not arguing [21:01] I installed gnome from Ubuntu Software Center on Ubuntu 12.04 and then logged in using Gnome. [21:01] thanks you gordonjcp got my printer installed once I found the ppa in dpkg (for whatever reason Ubuntu didn't add it to its wizard of PPAs for printer models) [21:01] i've been having this problem for quite a while now. so i don't think relogging or restarting is the solution.. [21:01] let's not feed the troll, people [21:01] ISTguy15: someone suitably skilled could look at the text, and draw a picture of the web page with a pencil and paper [21:01] valnour: i do have a problem but they are giving me this crap instead of trying to help me [21:02] hi all [21:02] Hey guys. I installed a LAMP server today on a fresh Ubuntu Precise and my desktop got a little whacky. The top bar wont go white on Radiance Theme and the font looks thinner. How could I fix this? [21:02] ISTguy15: well everything anybody tells you to do, you've got some objection to! [21:02] ISTguy15 no, you're learning new things and you think it's crap [21:02] crazydip, should I try what valnour said? [21:02] Should I maybe try gnome on GimpNet? :\ [21:02] ISTguy15: you never used pastebinit, you just started arguing about stuff you don't understand. That makes you a troll [21:02] i uploaded the thing to ubuntu pastebin and typed the url already [21:03] so im done here cuz again no one has yet helped me [21:03] bye [21:03] valnour: no, that just makes him annoying, not necessarily a troll ;-) [21:03] ISTguy15: lots of people are attempting to help you [21:03] What's your problem, ISTguy15 ? [21:03] ISTguy15: you're just not listening, and constantly moaning [21:03] yes and i did wat u said [21:03] dbugger: how did you install LAMP? what did you install exactly? is this xampp? [21:03] i posted it on pastebin [21:03] like 5 min ago [21:03] ISTguy15: where's the link? [21:03] try to help someone and they get upset... [21:03] dbugger: I don't think that LAMP has anything to do with that, did you change anything else? [21:04] zykes-, I did apt-get install lamp-server^ [21:04] dariushall21: first do: "sudo apt-get autoremove" then "sudo apt-get autoclean" then "sudo apt-get -s upgrade" and show the output of that [21:04] Hi. How do I change the machine name / hostname of my Ubuntu computer? [21:04] dbugger: tab fail ;) ok, just checking. best of luck. [21:04] i already pasted it but i guess i have to go get it again [21:04] dariushall21: btw the -s flag in apt-get is for simulate which means it will run a simulation [21:04] ISTguy15 type or paste it here in the channel [21:05] ziggyzero: the /etc/hostname file - alter it to whatever name you want. [21:05] dariushall21: any luck? [21:05] valnour, no. I did it once this morning and my whole OS crashed. I had to install it again. I did it a second time, and now my Desktop looks weird as I explained [21:05] nm my bro is home he is fixing it [21:05] rumble: That's it, really? Thanks.... [21:05] thx for ur help guys [21:05] ISTguy15: you haven't pasted it in here... [21:05] and i did [21:05] looking for some help [21:05] !hostname | ziggyzero [21:05] ziggyzero: Use hostname to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. [21:06] anyone know how I can get the update mananger to actually update [21:06] crazydip, a LOT of text http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272033/ [21:06] ziggyzero: no problem. I think you might need to reboot before it adopts the new name. [21:06] rumble: you might want to see the !hostname factoid above. === JoFo_ is now known as JoFo === THEJOLLYGRIMREAP is now known as thejollygrimreap [21:06] mrlane, try upgrade after update [21:06] hey guys sorry about my bro he can be a dick sometimes [21:06] his problem is fixed now [21:07] troll fail [21:07] BluesKaj, what do you mean? [21:07] ISTguy15: what was it, as a matter of interest? [21:07] I cannot seem to get the update to work [21:07] keeps providing an error message [21:07] he somehow changed the xauthority file and made the ownership root [21:08] mrlane, update to ? [21:08] and it shouldn't be [21:08] ISTguy15: yeah, that'd cause a problem [21:08] ISTguy15: don't let your irc session open when you leave the computer - he might get you banned :-) [21:08] what guntbert said [21:08] yea he isn't an it guy [21:08] im the onle "IST guy" in my house [21:08] zykotick9: oh sorry I didn't realise it caused a problem with sudo. I don't use sudo. [21:08] When I goto System Settings -> Details it shows my Graphics driver as VESA.. Why isn't it using fglrx? [21:08] I have fglrx enabled in the restricted hardware manager thing [21:09] dariushall21: i would try sudo apt-get upgrade again [21:09] i just come on here to give support to others... i just got my CompTIA Linux+ Cert last month [21:09] for apache2 should i touch the httpd.conf file or the appache2.conf ? [21:09] so i thought i help out [21:09] Hey all, I have a question regarding Gnome-Shell… where are the "Favorites" apps stored (the app icons listed on the left when you click "Activities")? Is there a config file that stores those somewhere? I want to programmatically add apps to the Favorites. [21:09] crazydip, alright running now. [21:10] hey! so I'm having an issue with the AMD proprietary driver. Using catalyst, I can set my dual displays at different resolutions and extend my desktop to both displays. it works great. Until I restart. Is there some way I can.. "lock" the settings? so it doesn't change back to mirrored? [21:10] Actually it says "VESA:SUMO" for my driver hehe. Why no fglrx and no DRI? :( [21:10] dariushall21: why do you have so many packages to upgrade? is this a fresh install of 12.04 or something? [21:10] Gnome-shell is soooo slow haha [21:10] BluesKaj, I have not been download new apps or update existing apps for some time [21:10] this coincided with an upgrade with Ubuntu [21:11] to give myself full read write options of a folder, standing in it, and doing chmod -rw. will that do the trick ? [21:11] crazydip, I installed it and let it sit, I've never had the need to use it until today. It's the dev side of my school computer. I'm studying computer science, and I find Ubuntu a LOT easier for Java. [21:11] Plumblum: no [21:11] mrlane, open a terminal , sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade [21:11] ISTguy15 how can you give support here if you dont know the difference between html file and a GUI ? :D [21:11] crazydip, failed again. [21:12] guntbert, and the correct syntax usage is ..... :P ? [21:12] Jarryd86, that's not necessary, please refrain from such statements. [21:12] CAn anyone help me? [21:12] acyo: what do you need help with? [21:12] Jarryd86: what do you mean [21:13] dariushall21: failed at the same place? with package compiz-plugins-main-default? [21:13] crazydip, here's a paste of where it started failing http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272048/ [21:13] why was fedora slower than windows 7 at my pc? [21:13] can anyone help me, or refer me to somewhere I can get help? [21:13] fedora was 64 bit, windows was 32 bit. [21:13] crazydip, yes at 70% again. [21:13] BluesKaj, I get the following error message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: [21:13] unity : Depends: libunity-core-5.0-5 (= 5.12-0ubuntu1.1) but 5.16.0-0ubuntu1 is installed [21:13] Depends: unity-common (= 5.12-0ubuntu1.1) but 5.16.0-0ubuntu1 is installed [21:13] [21:13] hello [21:13] Plumblum: please do 1) cd .. 2) ls -ld hello how is there [21:14] Jarryd86: Html is a programming language for the web and the file is where the code is stored to make the site. GUI is the Graphical user interface that has actual pictures and graphics instead of terminal [21:14] guntbert, : drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Oct 10 18:43 [21:14] Jarryd86: they are completely different [21:14] i dont want to change owner on the folder, but my user dont have axcess to paste files in it [21:14] BluesKaj, unsure how to proceed from here [21:14] ISTguy15: he was referencing statements made earlier from your account [21:15] oh from my bro? [21:15] acyo: If Fedora was too slow, then perhaps try a more lightweight Linux. For example, one using the xfce desktop environment. [21:15] what did he say [21:15] ISTguy15 good job , you finally figured it out [21:15] ??? [21:15] anyone? [21:15] ISTguy15: read the back log - and lets keep to ubuntu support here [21:15] dariushall21: try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" [21:16] hey Jarry started it haha ok [21:16] crazydip, then what? [21:16] ISTguy15: don't continue then [21:16] dariushall21: what did you get? [21:16] is it possible to make ssh assume a certain username when connecting to a certain server [21:16] Does anyone know where the "Favorites" apps config are stored in Gnome-shell? [21:16] can nobody see my messages or something? [21:17] crazydip, nothing it just did the command and is waiting for another. [21:17] i have installed ubuntu in an encrypted LVM, then i installed windows and i lost grub, so now i have booted with a LiveCD, have opened the encrypted container and mounted the LVM root partition, i have chrooted into it, mounted proc,sys and dev, but when i run "grub-mkinstall /dev/sda" i get this error: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: erro: failed to get canonical path of /dev/mapper/ubu-root. Can anyone tell me whats failing? [21:17] !patience | flux_ [21:17] flux_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ [21:17] dariushall21: ok that means nothing to do :) [21:17] :ezio try ssh username@servername [21:17] thank you. at least I know my messages are being sent :P [21:17] crazydip, but what should I do after that, run upgrade again? [21:17] mrlane, sudo apt-get -f install , then run sudo dpkg --configure -a [21:17] dariushall21: nah it will fail just like before [21:18] I deleted my 'Desktop' folder without thinking about it too much, but now the entire contents of $HOME is displayed on my desktop. I tried creating a new folder called "Desktop," but it continues the show the contents of the home folder. I don't like it. [21:18] rumble, that's what i don't want to have to do each time [21:18] Plumblum: if the output is more than one line please use a !pastebin to show it to us [21:18] guntbert, it isnt i pasted you the singel line :) [21:19] crazydip, so now what is there to do? I'm lost. I need to install Eclipse unfortuneatley. [21:19] dariushall21: ok well do this except for the file compiz-plugins-main-default : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10010092&postcount=7 [21:19] :ezio well how about setting up an alias in your .bashrc file eg. alias ssh = "ssh username@servername" [21:19] guntbert, here you go again :P : drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data 4096 Oct 10 18:43 [21:19] Plumblum: I overlooked it :) [21:19] np [21:19] rumble, yeah that'll work [21:20] so how do i add myself to that same line :P [21:20] how can i create new icons [21:20] in the unity menu [21:20] and [21:20] the same permissions as the apache name is fine [21:20] dariushall21: whatever you do don't reboot or start any extra programs because you won't have a working unity / compiz until you reinstall that package === hasp is now known as hspencer[afk] [21:20] dariushall21: also make sure after all this to do: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [21:20] how can i see the result of current icons ... like how do i find out what program the terminal is linking to [21:21] BluesKaj, here is the error I received: Errors were encountered while processing: [21:21] unity [21:21] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [21:21] Plumblum: what are you trying to accomplish? the restrictive settings are there for a good reason [21:21] hi after moving my hd to another PC i got wlan1 and eth1 instead of wlan0 and eth0. I then edited /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules deleted previous eth0 wlan0 entries and renamed the later ones. Now ubuntu gets stuck during boot "waiting for network configuration". It eventually times out but i have to restart the network-manager to get connectivity again. Does someone know how can I fix this? thanks [21:21] Weird. Dmesg so far is showing that fglrx is loading fine.. [21:21] guntbert, as it is now im not allowed to paste files to my webserver. as my regular user ^^ and that is kinda a problem [21:21] one more try.. I've installed the AMD proprietary driver, and set up two displays at different resolutions, and extended the desktop over both. It works great, but after a reboot, it reverts to mirrored, and the previous default resolution - can anyone help, or direct me to somewhere/one who can? [21:22] Yet gnome-shell's showing VESA:SUMO and it's clearly not being offloaded to the gpu :\ === scottas is now known as zz_scottas [21:22] crazydip, in the file the person is talking about, I delete compiz because that's whats throwing the error? [21:22] dariushall21: close... the package compiz-plugins-main-default [21:23] I think i found the problem... reboot again.. [21:23] Plumblum: the usual way (for just one user) is to prepare them somewhere beneath your homedirectory and then type sudo cp * /var/www [21:23] crazydip, that's what I meant, I just didn't remember the EXACT name of the package. [21:23] dariushall21: ok because the package compiz also exists :D [21:23] is there another way to restart server from cli? [21:24] mrlane, try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [21:24] !restart [21:24] anyone/? [21:24] DarkStar1: why "another"? what did you try? [21:24] DarkStar1: shutdown -r now [21:24] crazydip, since it's read only, how do I save it? [21:24] shutdown -r now [21:24] DarkStar1: init 6 [21:25] Takes way too long to go down [21:25] dariushall21: what's read only? [21:25] guntbert, yes im aware that i can copy them from my user dir to the webserver dir, but since im doing the transfer from my other computer it seems that i could save myself a few steps by just adding the permission. also if will save me time in the future :P and im aware of the risks. [21:25] dariushall21: ahh you mean status file? [21:25] and server doesn't have much running on it [21:25] crazydip, the Status file. I can't edit it becuause it's in the dpkg file. [21:25] DarkStar1: it may take a long time [21:25] dariushall21: use sudo [21:25] rumble: Thanks. /etc/hostname worked a treat. [21:26] dariushall21: you'll probably have to use sudo to copy it over too [21:26] hi [21:26] dariushall21: copy over i meant copy the file (not move it) [21:26] if anyone picks this up i solved the problem deleting manual configuration in interfaces file [21:26] crazydip, how would I sudo edit? I don't know a lot of commands yet. [21:26] DarkStar1: there is also "reboot" [21:26] Ok [21:26] it finally went down [21:26] ziggyzero: don't mention it. Glad it helped. [21:26] crazydip, I have a copy of the file on my desktop I can edit that, but then I'd have to move it, which you can't normally do. [21:27] Plumblum: well, you need two things: 1) sudo chmod g+w /var/www 2) sudo adduser www-data, after logging out and back in you should be able to write files there, without compromising security too much [21:27] dariushall21: ok make it easier do this: gksudo nautilus [21:28] dariushall21: that will open up nautilus as root [21:29] guntbert, what i dont get is how you can mix groups ? with permissions [21:29] g+w i mean [21:29] ? [21:29] hello.. I have 10.04.. I want to do a manual TRIM. how do I install fstrim, or am I supposed to use wiper.sh instead? [21:29] dariushall21: if you do what crazydip suggested make sure you don't forget to close the nautilus session as soon as possible [21:29] does anyone know from personal experience if preload is worth it? [21:30] Plumblum: any directory belongs to a user and to a group, the 2nd command added your user to the group owning /var/www [21:30] crazydip, I deleted the package from the list, saved it, and closed the file sesion. [21:30] dariushall21: also don't copy over that system file, edit it instead you can use gksudo gedit -- if you copy over it, make sure to set permissions the way they were before [21:30] Plumblum: 1) gave the write permission to the group [21:30] crazydip, I just copied it as a backup like it was sugested in the forum post [21:31] dariushall21: ok [21:31] !permissions | Plumblum [21:31] Plumblum: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [21:31] crazydip, now what commands do I run? [21:31] guntbert, im pretty sure that www-data had read/write for /var/www the problem was that i didnt xD [21:31] guntbert, but im sure you are right so im gonna try it out [21:32] crazydip, the dpkg configure? === fgc_ is now known as fgc [21:32] Plumblum: no, the *user* www-data had it, the *group* www-data did not [21:32] dariushall21: follow the instructions in the post [21:32] guntbert, ohhh now i get it [21:32] Plumblum: :) === atrius is now known as atrius_away [21:32] dariushall21: oh except there is a type... #7 is: dpkg --configure -a [21:33] dariushall21: it's only one dpkg not two === atrius_away is now known as atrius [21:34] After each reboot, I have to correct my /etc/resolv.conf, because it adds incorrect DNS server from somewhere. Where do I have to change to make it permanent? Would be very nice to know! [21:35] dariushall21: did you by any chance add any extra repositories to that system? [21:35] crazydip, okay that all went through and worked, should I now do what it says and manually re-install the package [21:35] dariushall21: yes, and then also install ubuntu-desktop [21:35] crazydip, I haven't done anything with this computer, I installed ubuntu and let it sit until now. [21:36] BluesKaj, still getting error message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: [21:36] unity : Depends: libunity-core-5.0-5 (= 5.12-0ubuntu1.1) but 5.16.0-0ubuntu1 is installed [21:36] Depends: unity-common (= 5.12-0ubuntu1.1) but 5.16.0-0ubuntu1 is installed [21:36] E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f [21:36] dariushall21: man that's some bad luck :( someone made a mistake with that package [21:37] crazydip, this is kind of weird http://paste.ubuntu.com/1272096/ [21:37] dariushall21: why is it weird? it just says that it's already installed [21:37] !resolvconf | nyk2005 [21:37] nyk2005: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ [21:38] crazydip, becuase that's the package I deleted, isn't it supposed to reinstall it? [21:38] nyk2005, here , this file writes to /etc/resolv.conf , just ignore the warning , list your dns as nameservers , kdesudo kate /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head [21:38] guntbert: thanks a lot!! === jsec- is now known as jsec [21:39] dariushall21: maybe you already reinstalled it with sudo apt-get -f install [21:39] crazydip, alright so now should I finally do the upgrade? [21:39] nyk2005: You're welcome :) [21:40] oops nyk2005 that's my kde text showing thru use the equivalent gksudo gedit [21:40] dariushall21: wait, make sure you really did reinstall that package.. did you? [21:40] dariushall21: what i mean is, was it previously removed? [21:40] hello guys am having this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1660821 [21:41] BluesKaj: you'd edit /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head ? But my problem is that there is one *bad* name server in the list after the reboot. I guess the guy who installed the server put a wrong IP there. But I don't know where I can change it. It's not in the head file. [21:41] BluesKaj: ahh, but it's in the base file! cool [21:41] here | ubuntufangirl [21:41] crazydip, I deleted it from the status' file as the forum post stated, ran the repair command, that went, ran the install command, and that is what happened. I guess I TECHNICALLY, didn't remove it, I just removed it from the dpkg [21:41] BluesKaj: so I'll edit THAT === andrea is now known as Guest41218 [21:41] !here | ubuntufangirl [21:41] ubuntufangirl: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com [21:41] BluesKaj: cool, thanks [21:41] ubuntufangirl: most people don't want to load a webpage just to see if they CAN help with the problem. Give a summary of the problem. [21:41] nyk2005 ok , glad you found it [21:42] dariushall21: ok did you sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? [21:42] Hey guy. I've downloaded ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso several times now and can't seem to get the MD5 Hash tags to match. What am I doing wrong? [21:42] i have got bsnl broadband i cannot load some websites in ubuntu while in windows 7 all works good [21:43] crazydip, yes after the compiz thing, and it says that is the latest version. [21:43] The websites which are not opening in ubuntu are easily opening in windows 7 i have dual boot [21:43] mrlane, sorry , i'm out of ideas for fixing those dependencies ...maybe someone else knows ..anyone good with that? [21:43] I have changed the DNS servers to and but nothing is happening [21:43] Silight: maybe you've got a bad connection - use a torrent [21:44] dariushall21: try "sudo apt-get clean" then "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" [21:44] BluesKaj, thank you [21:44] network connenction --> edit connection --> dsl [21:45] mrlane, there is one more command that you can try , sudo dpkg --clear-avail [21:45] Tried a torrent this last time still came up bad. Could be my connection. Maybe I should try downloading at Starbucks. [21:46] Silight, md5sum is bad ? [21:46] hello [21:46] a torrent iso should have a bad md5sum, torrents are checked everytime a data packet is completed. [21:46] shouldnt* sorry [21:47] sudo pppoeconf still websites not opening like facebook yahoo [21:47] Blueskaj, yeah it is. I tried direct download and torrent. === puff` is now known as puff [21:47] hey, so i have a weird one here [21:48] Silight, you might need to abuse starbucks for awhile if your home-internet is bad..or has poor routing. [21:48] i use several sshfs mounts on my desktop, in fstab [21:48] every once in a while one of them will hang, and cause that mount point to not work [21:48] the weird part is that when they do, keyboard shortcuts/special keys do not work [21:48] yekoms, That seems to be the consensus. Guess I'll walk over there. [21:49] like, i cant use the volume control keys while sshfs is hung [21:49] Thanks guys, as always your wonderful [21:49] never hurts to try, whats the worse that can happen? [21:49] you atleast get a good cup of coffee out of it;p [21:50] Nice frappacino. Chai based. Now I'm thirsty. ;) [21:50] Night guys. [21:52] anybody got exp with ant? I'm trying to use env variables in my build.properties file "${env.HOME}" but it just ends creating a folder with that name in the base directory.. [21:52] k4r1m, perhaps make it an absolute path? [21:53] crazydip, everything went through and worked fine. [21:53] "/${env.HOME}" [21:53] can someone help me change file associations? Nautilus' set as default button is not there. [21:53] Juv1228, I'm trying to get my code to build on win/linux so not a good idea. I'll try that [21:53] dariushall21: awesome! hopefully you won't have that type of problem again [21:53] crazydip, thank you very very much for your time and help. Have a nice day! [21:53] dariushall21: weird cause i've been on ubuntu since the very first release and never had something like that happen [21:54] I go to Open With, and select the desired application but it does not "stick" [21:54] dariushall21: you'r every welcome! enjoy ubuntu! [21:57] Juv1228, ended up creating a directory called " [21:57] wow haha [21:57] chmod /etc [21:58] hello everyone, I am learning irc. what's it all about? [21:58] Internet Relay Chat [21:58] its about many things [21:58] depends on which corner of the tubes you land in [21:59] lol @ juv [21:59] i see [21:59] !irc | BloomingYogin [21:59] BloomingYogin: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines [21:59] err not what i wanted [21:59] IRC is just a chat protocol that people often use [21:59] can someone help me change file associations? Nautilus' set as default button is not there. [22:00] because its lightweight and easy to implement lots of communities use it for support such as Ubuntu [22:00] If you have more questions about IRC I suggest you try Google. This channel is meant for support for Ubuntu not IRC [22:01] is my question making people quit? lol [22:01] no, but it is off topic and you can actually get kicked/banned [22:01] what is the topic? [22:01] !topic | BloomingYogin [22:01] BloomingYogin: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic [22:02] bobweaver help me [22:03] BloomingYogin: read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and then read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat [22:03] BloomingYogin better go to a more 'social' channel to learn irc [22:05] yes, sirs (or mams) [22:05] Blooming, I don't know what client you are using but one I like to use is Pidgin because it does IRC, Facebook, Gmail, and others. Good luck! === Lesterwood is now known as ezel [22:09] I was highlighted. Did someone need me for something? === zz_scottas is now known as scottas [22:15] hey could someone help me install a program on ubuntu [22:15] im trying to install Java7 [22:15] format C: [22:16] ISTguy15, what is the program ? [22:16] im trying to install Java7 [22:16] ISTguy15 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#Oracle_Java_7 [22:16] guys, help. I installed a nvidia script in my ubuntu 12.04. and now. it dont pass of login screen. I choose all options, but its come back to the same screen. [22:17] it givs a option for guest users, but dont works too [22:17] ISTguy15, there is openjdk you can install from software center then there is this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html [22:18] anyone? [22:18] ISTguy15, or you can install both and use update-alternatives --config java to use different versions of java [22:19] MonkeyDust: i did what the site said and i got Unable to locate package oracle-java7-installer [22:19] ok bob ill try [22:20] xmendes, what is this "nvidia script" that you used ? [22:20] nvidia-96.run script [22:21] ISTguy15: i recommend just install openjdk-7-jre it's already in the repo [22:21] i get from the nvidia site [22:21] Ahh I see ok there is a un-install optiuon for that script also [22:21] Yay, I solved my problem with Gnome. [22:21] press ctrl+alt+f1 then log in [22:21] xmendes, ^^ [22:21] crazydip: openjdk wont work for what im doing but thanks though [22:22] ISTguy15, did you read the links that I sent ? [22:22] wait..i am getting the file name.. [22:22] bobweaver: yea its attempting to install now thanks. ill let you know how it turns out [22:22] the file name is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.34-pkg1.run [22:22] i stop x server..and use this script [22:23] yeah I know what you are talking about xmendes [22:23] it install [22:23] So it seems gnome didn't like the fglrx version that installed with the "Additional Drivers" utility in Ubuntu 12.04. [22:23] sorry by that.. im desesperated because i need work on that station [22:23] I had to download the binary package from ati.amd.com and installed it. Now Gnome's fully accelerated again, yay! :) [22:23] ne1 using lxc has seen this error, apparently the opensuse template needs zypper which isn't available on precise ... (duh, we use apt ) "/usr/lib/lxc/templates/lxc-opensuse: line 332: type: zypper: not found" [22:24] that is the propratry driver that is offed that Ubuntu has kinda we will get back to that in aa second for now. when you get to log in screen press ctrl+alt+f1 then log in and install pastebinit sudo apt-get install pastebinit [22:24] Hi. What is the default partitioning in 12.04 or where I can see it? [22:24] xmendes, ^^ [22:24] bobweaver: it worked thanks for your help [22:24] !partition > heth [22:24] heth, please see my private message [22:25] ok.. wait.i ll try here [22:25] ISTguy15, dont forget that you can change java versions with sudo update-alternatives --config java [22:25] Remstah: it's a known problem (due to opensuse): https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/lxc.html [22:25] ok thanks [22:25] i just need it to program my PLC [22:25] thx crazydip [22:27] bobweaver, pastebinit instaled. and now reebot? [22:27] Remstah: this may also help (but it's a little dated): http://www.lacerta.be/d7/content/opensuse-lxc-container-inside-ubuntu [22:27] no [22:27] xmendes, where is the script [22:28] xmendes, go to the directory that the script is located [22:28] hello all! i have a problem with randr, i have a laptot with a external monitor, laptor is LVDS1 and external monitor is VGA1, the external monitor is on the LEFT of the laptop. If i put "xrandr --output LVDS1 --left-of VGA1" the external is configured as it is in the right, if i set "xrandr --output LVDS1 --right-of VGA1" the external monitor is set as the primary and i do not want that!! any help please? [22:28] ok [22:29] xmendes, then run this command lsmod | pastebinit then give us the link [22:29] ok.. wait [22:29] ahh k, ty , i'll have a look at that. would be nice to be able to run opensuse in a lxc [22:31] there is on paste.ubuntu.com/1272182 [22:31] bobweaver ^ [22:31] xmendes, thanks now run sudo service lightdm stop [22:31] ok. [22:31] stoped [22:31] bobweaver ^ [22:32] tete: what is the resolution of your left monitor? [22:32] found a blogpost from someone, he just copied a precreated openvz template into /var/cache/lxc/ wonder if that wil work :-) [22:32] see : http://www.lacerta.be/d7/content/opensuse-lxc-container-inside-ubuntu [22:32] xmendes, now run the help part of the script ./nameor_script.run --help [22:32] xmendes, what is the uninstall option [22:32] ok.. wait [22:33] crazydip: 1366x768, both have the same resolution [22:33] lol sry, the same hit in google [22:35] tete: try this: xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --rotate normal --pos 0x0 --output LVDS1 --auto --rotate normal --pos 1366x0 [22:37] xmendes, the README file says that it is --uninstall so you must run sudo sh name_of_nvidia_script.run --uninstall after it is been removed you can install the Ubuntu nvidia driver with command sudo apt-get install nvidia-current if that driver is not up to par for you then I say look at xswats repository === html is now known as hm__ [22:38] Oh now this is slick... This is how Ubuntu should be by default hehe. I've got Unity, GNOME 3 and KDE 4 all installed heehee! [22:38] Can switch to whichever environment I want at the login screen [22:38] crazydip: tried it, the thing is the main monitor (LVDS1) is not as primary, the panel is on the left now [22:38] bobweaver , have a option to update this script and install. [22:38] will do it? [22:38] xmendes, what is the name of the script ? === Nick_Gurs is now known as NicholasGurrs [22:39] NIVIDIA-Linux-x86-304-51.run [22:39] michealPW: you can have any number of desktops and window managers installed as you want :) [22:39] NIVIDIA-Linux-x86-304.51.run [22:39] dot .. [22:39] tete: but are the monitors correctly situated? [22:40] tete: you want [ VGA1 ][ LVDS1] right? [22:40] Hmmm [22:40] xmendes, sudo sh NIVIDIA-Linux-x86-304.51.run --uninstall [22:40] Anyone tried Arch? =D [22:40] crazydip: yes, LVDS1 on the right and primary [22:41] ok [22:41] tete: what do you mean "primary" are you talking about the unity panel being on the wrong monitor? [22:41] wait 1 mun.. pls [22:41] min [22:41] ardchoille: hehe I installed something (I've been installing everything that moves in Ubuntu Software Center LOL!) and it brought along KDE with it and switched my login screen to kdm.. [22:42] tete: the "launcher"? [22:42] crazydip: yes, (xfce4) in this case [22:42] So while I was learning which Ubuntu uses by default (lightdm) and how to switch back to it, I decided it'd be a neat idea to have a bunch of different DEs installed heehee! [22:42] GNOME 3 is pretty slick. I can see why Ubuntu created Unity though :) [22:42] tete: ok so which one do you want to be primary again? [22:42] My netbook went really slow on Ubuntu (slightly better with ZRamSwap), I installed Arch, and it brought the memory usage right down... *impressed* [22:42] KDE is so good looking, though! LOL [22:43] crazydip: LVDS1. [22:43] Arch is for crazy people [22:43] LOL [22:43] try this: xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --rotate normal --pos 0x0 --output LVDS1 --primary --auto --rotate normal --pos 1366x0 [22:43] Just playin' with ya. I haven't tried Arch yet, I hear good things though :P [22:43] Maybe I'm just crazy =) [22:44] I don't want to install it on my main laptop, as it's quite a bother to configure. [22:44] crazydip: gives the right monitor without panel, and the left with the panel :( someone mentioned that xfce4 that does not support panel positioning, maybe that is [22:45] And I don't have the same problem as with my netbook (which has only 512M RAM and so struggles with Ubuntu) === Dad_ is now known as Guest98936 [22:45] Hi. I'm planning on a stepwise switch to Ubuntu from another distro. I have only one machine to work with. A friend installed Ubuntu to a new harddrive for me. Just for starters, I want to plug in that 2nd harddrive and be able to reboot only to the Ubuntu system. I'd like to do that for now without monkeying with the Grub setup on my current system. ARe there some good, beginner level docs that'd help me figure out how to do this right? I do [22:45] n't even know what the right words to search for are to narrow it down :-/ [22:45] crazydip: VGA1 is on the left, i want it as an external monitor. LVDS1 is on the right (center to be correct) i want it as primary monitor with the panel [22:46] how can I have dual boot operating systems with Ubuntu 12.10 and Windows 8 if I do a full hard drive encryption with ubuntu 12.10 ? [22:46] Guest96867 http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Precise [22:46] n1ckn4me09876543: 12.10 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 [22:47] <[twisti]> hi, with ubuntu LTS 12 server, when i use adduser to add users, they dont have color terminals, like root does. in ubuntu 10, people had color terminals by default. where can i change that ? the default behavior, i mean [22:47] hi guys, i m experiencing a wierd issue with ubuntu 10.04 lts i cant change my keyboard setting to azerty ,any help )? [22:47] tete: maybe this: xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary --auto --rotate normal --pos 1366x0 --output VGA1 --auto --rotate normal --pos 0x0 [22:47] MonkeyDust, ok, but what is EFI partition? [22:48] tete: if not try this: xrandr --output LVDS1 --primary --auto --rotate normal --pos 1366x0 --right-of VGA1 --output VGA1 --auto --rotate normal --pos 0x0 [22:49] tete: xfce4 is pretty dumb when it comes to panel placement from what i know [22:49] bobweaver , failled to uninstall script [22:49] Well, if I ever need xrandr help I know who to talk to. Wowsers. [22:49] im trying ~sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia* [22:49] xmendes, you have no nvidia driver loaded [22:49] heth https://duckduckgo.com/?q=efi+partition [22:50] yes i have.. [22:50] tete: if all those fail install and use arandr [22:50] 111mb will uninstall [22:50] WikiPedia is better at explaining things than me :D [22:50] WikiPedia's the bomb. [22:50] hi guys, i m experiencing a wierd issue with ubuntu 10.04 lts i cant change my keyboard setting to azerty ,any help )? [22:51] xmendes, once you get that crazy install script to remove its self then you can install nivida-current. but when I asked you to pastebin that lsmod I was asking that so I could see what drivers are loaded . there is no nvidia [22:51] bobweaver, when i used 11.10, the nvidia driver was installed. [22:51] I remember when my years-behind teachers were all like "WikiPedia is bad, you can't use it as a citation source!" and now they're always recommending people to use WikiPedia and they will even accept it as a cite... Argh! [22:51] hummm [22:51] crazydip: crazydip, all your querys gave me the same ouput. the panel not good. i tried arandar but is the same, can set the primary to be on the right :/ ! [22:51] but the files was there [22:51] :/ [22:52] install nvidia-current now? [22:52] crazydip: What are you trying to so? Maybe I can test it here ? [22:52] xmendes, yes that may be the case but when you tryed to use the install script it bonked it. what is the link for cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf | pastebinit [22:53] wait.. will see [22:54] hello guys i'm annoyed, i want to install vdr on ubuntu and now i always try to install modules for vdr and open the vdr x-front end but the front end just opens and closes after 2 seconds, what do i do wrong??? [22:54] tete: he wants to do the following to his displays: VGA1 on the left, LVDS1 on the right (both has 1366px width) and xfce4 panel on LVDS1 [22:55] tete: nm, i'm all out of ideas [22:55] MonkeyDust: And what topic do I look for there? [22:55] bobweaver, 1272219 === mikestewart is now known as MediaDoneRight [22:56] crazydip: i am going to move the panels manually, thanks anyway for the support!! i think is xfce4 problems. [22:56] tete: good luck [22:57] xmendes, sudo modprobe nouveau [22:58] ok .. 1min [23:00] ... Methinks it's bedtime for I. Night all! [23:00] hi. how do I copy everything -r except the svn-folder? [23:00] is there one command instead of find? [23:00] LeMike: I use mc =) [23:00] locate is faster than find [23:01] <[twisti]> but updatedb is slower than find [23:01] bobweaver, module off (not found) [23:01] But locate needs to rebuild a database every night [23:01] it runs automatically unless you want to force it with updatedb [23:02] Guest96867 what was your question? [23:02] bobweaver, module off (not found) [23:03] unless you are stupid enogh to forget your working files like twisti, otherwise for above average iq people locate is fine [23:03] <[twisti]> uh ... what ? [23:04] VnVengeance pplease don't offend people [23:04] <[twisti]> that wasnt even really dumb, it was just ... what ? [23:04] <[twisti]> it barely even makes sense [23:06] tete: crazydip To move the panel to the other monitor, you goto Settings > Panel and on the "Display" tab change the "General - Output" option from "Auto" to "LVDS-0" (or whatever the output name is) [23:06] MonkeyDust: I want to add a SATA hard drive containing an existing/bootable Ubuntu system to my current desktop. I want to reboot to Ubuntu without modifying my current system, yet. Are there, and if so specifically where, are there any beginner-level Ubuntu docs that tell you how to go about doing this? [23:06] bobweaver, u there?? [23:07] TJ-: i am using xfce4 :P [23:08] tete: And so am I [23:08] VnVengeance: `rsync` did it [23:08] Guest96867 i showed you beginner-level docs for ubuntu, must have missed part of your question [23:08] Guest96867: I would think you just have to install the HDD, and set your BIOS to boot from it. [23:08] xmendes, ok try this , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current then restart lightdm (sudo service lightdm start) [23:08] ok.. 1min [23:09] DaemonicApathy: So using the BIOS settings that I get into using F-something-or-other and selecting the 'new' drive as the 1st to boot from? Not some command at a 'console' or 'shell'? [23:09] Correct. [23:09] TJ-: ... and xubuntu! [23:10] DaemonicApathy: That won't destroy/hurt my ability to swtich back to my existing system using the same process in reverse? [23:10] Also correct. [23:10] DaemonicApathy: Thanks a lot! [23:11] Guest96867: Any time. [23:12] tete: Xubuntu has the panel applet === Guest91033 is now known as uw [23:14] hi === Guest53784 is now known as euphoria [23:15] Q: I've installed compiz manager on Ubuntu 12.04. The 3d rotating desktop, it's not actually a cube, but just a 2d Plan in a 3d space. Why is this happening ?! Thanks for looking [23:16] shwaiil: Open the compiz settings manager, under General > Desktop Size, adjust the number of horizontal desktops. === bdi_ is now known as diverdude [23:16] DaemonicApathy: thanks for looking! I'll try it :D [23:17] how do you list all versions of a package that are currently available? [23:17] hey [23:17] how do i change the login screen background in ubuntu 12.04? [23:18] bobweaver, dont initialize ubuntu. i m trying load from grub [23:18] DaemonicApathy: works! Thanks a lot :D [23:18] how do i change the login screen background in ubuntu 12.04? [23:19] Any time, shwaiil. [23:19] Bert__ you can use the 3rd party app ubuntu-tweak, it's not in the repos [23:19] ubuntu-tweak did not work MonkeyDust [23:19] Bert__, what are you using to manage your regular desktop, if anything? [23:20] Q: In OSX there's a option where you can place the mouse cursor in top left corner, bottom right corner, and you can see the desktop, or the current programs opened and so on. Can we do that in ubuntu, with compiz or something ? Tks [23:20] default install, then installed gnome-session-fallback and have unity which is not defaulted in 12.04 DaemonicApathy [23:20] not = now [23:20] meant now [23:21] solidus-river: from terminal "apt-cache policy foo" [23:21] shwaiil there's also #compiz, some 50 people there [23:21] MonkeyDust: oh tks [23:21] anyone [23:21] ??? [23:22] bobweaver, only login screen again [23:22] zykotick9: thanks :) [23:22] hello??? [23:22] I need a little help troubleshooting my Internet... All of a sudden my connection is lost. I can still connect to the router via WLAN, DHCP works and assigns an IP to my PC. But that's where it ends. ping to the router results in "Destination Host Unreachable". No Internet... [23:22] Bert__, http://imagebin.org/231567 === dark3n is now known as dark3n|off [23:23] bobweaver: UNITY GREETER DOES NOT WORK [23:23] Bert__: add your preferred background to /usr/share/backgrounds , then go to System Settings > Appearance. Add the picture in /usr/share/backgrounds as your wallpaper, and it should carry over to the login screen. [23:23] bobweaver, there some options: cairo, cairo without effects, gnome, classic gnome, ubuntu, ubuntu 2d, recovery mode. But all options returns on login screen again [23:24] i did that and it did not change a single thing DaemonicApathy - is that because i have usernames hidden [23:24] Possibly. [23:24] any ideas? [23:25] so DaemonicApathy how do i change the default background on that damn login screen [23:25] xmendes, you have to remove the stuff that you installed with the nvidia script then you have to re-install nvidia-current or add xswat repo. this is one of the many reasons why you should not use that install script [23:26] im gonna install ubuntu again man.. tks for help [23:26] Bert__, the only thing I can suggest is to check out http://goo.gl/qjGmn to confirm that you've done things correctly ith Ubuntu Tweak. [23:26] s/ith/with [23:27] xmendes, cool just dont use that install script from nvidia anymore it is not supported and there are reasons for that. [23:27] DaemonicApathy: do i have to keep on repeating myself? UBUNTU TWEAK DOES NOT WORK [23:27] DaemonicApathy: I WANT THE command line HOW-TO === lizzin is now known as Guest32380 [23:27] Bert__: I wish you luck with that. [23:27] like i had in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx DaemonicApathy [23:28] with 10.04 i had command line instructions on how to change it, and with 12.04 those do not work DaemonicApathy [23:28] google gconf settings Bert__ [23:28] bobweaver: that does not work either [23:29] i have spent amost all week on this with no luck [23:30] hello, anyone? [23:30] Bert__, you keep on saying that nothing works and then give no reasons to why it dont work [23:30] you say there is no light =dm ? [23:30] lightdm > [23:30] you have given me no reasons bobweaver [23:30] DaemonicApathy: http://helpdeskgeek.com/linux-tips/change-the-ubuntu-12-04-login-screen-using-ubuntu-tweak/ CHECK THE COMMENTS [23:31] no unity-greater no gconf settings no ubuntu tweek maybe there is nothing installed ? [23:31] DaemonicApathy: Does not work with Ubuntu 12.04 [23:32] Bert__, let me guess there is no /etc/xdg/lubuntu/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf [23:32] hi, how could i disable my alienware m11x dedicated video card [23:32] NO bobweaver [23:32] no dbus either ? === MediaDoneRight is now known as mikestewart [23:33] my alienware m11x is overheating on ubuntu 12.04 because of the dedicated video card [23:33] Seems I accidentally skipped right over Simple LightDM Manager. Have you tried it, Bert__? [23:33] what kind of regular expressions can i use in grep? [23:33] like \d doesn't seem to match a digit [23:34] and it seems like * is working but not + [23:34] how do i install simple lightdm manager? [23:34] i could not even install that because i could not even find it [23:34] moment, you can call reex in grep [23:34] man grep [23:35] moment, cat foo | grep --basic-regexp [23:36] Q: I was messing with compiz on 12.04 now I had to boot and I only see the background. Is there a way to fix this ? :X tks [23:36] then why doesn't echo hi33 | grep --basic-regexp -e "\d" match anything? [23:37] moment, try #bash "" [23:37] shwaiil, did you disable Unity? [23:37] moment, the channel that is [23:37] alright thanks [23:37] look at the "" [23:37] there is none [23:38] DaemonicApathy: hey :D lol I don't know.. I think there was like a reset to "profile" I tested to unity and I think I also tested "default" [23:38] and bammmm! [23:38] for the string that you are mixing ints with moment [23:38] I only have the background... so... not even terminal [23:39] Only having the background is usually a sign that the Desktop Manager was disabled. Does Ctrl+Alt+T bring up a terminal for you? [23:39] oh yeah [23:39] it did :D [23:39] cool, that's a nice start [23:39] i am connected to a VPN now how to route my traffic to it (ssh mostly)?? [23:39] to ppp0 i think [23:40] You can run "ccsm" without quotes, to fix anything you set incorrectly. [23:40] I'm running ccsm [23:40] let's see if I can change to unity again on the profile :X [23:42] shwaiil, if you're going to play around with compiz, and possibly break things here and there, I would personally suggest you set up a custom keyboard shortcut to open the settings manager. [23:42] DaemonicApathy: yeahh trueeee :I I'm a troll [23:47] Are users able to easily use different window managers on the same ubuntu machine? [23:47] When I login to ubuntu (12.04) there is this Icon in the top right of each user's login box with a dropdown with options like Ubuntu, Ubuntu 2D, Cairo Dock with Unity panel, etc. [23:47] restarted, and ctrl alt t doesnt bring terminal anymore :I [23:47] What are these and what do they do? [23:47] Any place I can find some info about each option? [23:48] does anyone know LonTalk? [23:48] i'm asking out of personal opinion and experience --- what would YOU suggest and prefer for encrypting files locally on your linux system .... the main and only goal is the strength of security ... so yeah what do you prefer ? or what have you had bad experience with or would say to stay away from --- and why ? === chalced is now known as chalcedony [23:49] d4rkw0lf: I use TrueCrypt, it's OSS though I use it under Windows, I think it supports *nix too. [23:50] d4rkw0lf: http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads [23:50] I use the same TrueCrypt d4rkw0lf - on Ubuntu too [23:51] and you can say it is significantly better than mcrypt -- or its just what you use? [23:52] DaemonicApathy: is there anything else I could do to reset the computer, I dont have terminal no more, only the backgruond :Z [23:53] I have never tried mcrypt. I used TrueCrypt because it is crossplatform (Linux/Win/Mac) and open source ... guess it's just what I use [23:54] d4rkw0lf: It's brilliant, great cryptography and it support crypting a drive/partition and pre-book encryption, etc. Tons of features/support and great quality. [23:54] yeah they can only be as good as they get though .... aslong as you use a good password and salt with a strong encryption ...... [23:55] d4rkw0lf: Look at the features for the two, see which one offers what you need. ;) [23:55] TrueCrypt has been great to me. [23:55] any encryption can be broken .... but if its strong enough the time it will take keeps you safe [23:55] eliteprodigy: those are the differnt desktop 'sessions' each is defined by some whatever.desktop file on the system. they basically kjust run differnt sessions. ;) [23:55] I think i'll go with truecrypt :) [23:56] dr_willis: What do you mean by "Sessions" [23:56] eliteprodigy: they are defined in /usr/share/xsession it seems. [23:56] ive just always used mcrypt cause its there and never like .... done a lot of encryptions on the file system [23:56] eliteprodigy: a desktop set of default apps. [23:57] for example the unity.desktop file runs --> Exec=gnome-session --session=ubuntu [23:57] if you need a better definition of 'session' i guess its time for a dictionary. :) [23:57] Ah, I see. Kinda. [23:57] Just diffewrnt desktop setups/enviroments [23:57] I've only recently adopted Ubuntu as a workstation. [23:58] each user can use differnt desktops [23:58] Thanks dr_willis