
tech1is there a way to make certain apps take a different background color? i have dark panels on my gui and this app takes the gui panel color and prints dark text on it01:41
tech1so it is very hard to read01:41
holsteintech1: i would just choose a different theme02:31
holsteinthe xubuntu ones are great. greybird or whatever02:31
tech1its ok. i found out i can route the output to terminal :)02:32
area51employeehello! i just got my laptop setup with ubuntu studio and so far it's pretty awesome!03:34
area51employeewhat sort of cable/interface should i use for my guitar to use the effects and amp modeling software?03:35
timbo_i'd be interested in thoughts on this too03:36
area51employeehello timbo_~03:38
area51employeeoopss..that should have been this !03:39
holsteinarea51employee: i might just get a simple USB thing... something like the Behringer UCA202-U-CONTROL03:40
holsteinsomething cheap that you can try and see if you want to mess with it03:40
holsteinyou'll need lower latency that most users would03:40
holsteini get really low latency with my firewire device, but that is overkill for you03:41
holsteini get around 5 or 6 ms latency with several stereo usb devices03:41
area51employeewell, i'll take super low latency since i can't really stand any delay03:41
holsteinmaybe a Behringer Guitar Link UCG10203:41
holsteinarea51employee: you wont be able to tell around 803:42
holsteinusually arond 12 is where i can kind of start to notice03:42
holsteinarea51employee: i say, get a device, play around and see for yourself03:42
timbo_i have a USB3 port - seen anything using that yet?03:42
holsteinif you want to get the wallet out... look at RM03:42
area51employeeRME? what's that? and i've heard about USB3 but it's very limited right now..there's suppose to be a new kind of port created by intel and i can't think of what it is03:43
holsteintimbo_: it not really an issue of the usb not being fast enough03:43
area51employeethanks for the link..i'll look at that soon03:44
holsteinarea51employee: for exampley, if you would like to have a nice firewire deivce with really low latency, you could drop a couple grand03:44
holsteini would just get a nice USB device with a few 1/4" or rca ins/outs03:44
area51employeeok, that's cool03:45
timbo_ditto, thanks for the info holstein03:45
holsteini used one of these... http://www.amazon.com/M-AUDIO-Transit-Resolution-Mobile-Upgrade/dp/B0000CDHP503:45
holsteingot it for under $100 a long time ago03:45
holsteinits tolerable as a live interface like that03:45
holsteini used it with the effects loop on my bass amp03:46
holsteintimbo_: sure03:46
holsteintimbo_: it really comes down to driver support... and JACK support for the hardware03:46
holsteinwhat we are talking about is pretty small.. relatively03:46
holsteinjust a pipe in and out03:46
holsteini do 8 tracks at a time in at 24/96 with the presonus firepod i have03:47
timbo_yeah my buddy runs fedora and recently got an audio interface ... which seems to be completely incompatible :D03:47
holsteinbut, you dont need that for doing live effects03:47
holsteinwell.. theres nothing about linux that is preventing companies from providing drivers for the hardware they build03:48
holsteinits all open and available03:48
area51employeei agree..come companies are just too scared to go with an open source OS03:48
holsteinsometimes a kernel version change or alsa rev can add support03:49
holsteinOR, break it03:49
area51employeegotta go guys!! thanks for the info holstein!03:50
holsteinarea51employee: anytime!03:50
area51employeeone more thing before i go..how do you send a private message? i used IRC years ago when instant messaging wasn't around yet and i've forgotten how.03:50
holsteinarea51employee: /q or /query nick03:51
holsteini think it might depend on the client you are using a bit as well03:51
holsteinyou can right-click on the nick in some cases... in irssi, /q is enough03:51
holsteinarea51employee: you can test it on me if you need03:52
Tengu_Hello, would anyone know how to bring the login prompt back on Ubuntu Studio. I originally set it up for automatic login, but that is no longer desired.07:22
ailo-wTengu_: Should be an application somewhere to manage user accounts07:31
ailo-wUsers and groups. Something like that07:32
ailo-wThat's where you can set automatic login on/off07:32
Tengu_I've looked through Users and Groups. I've set it so it asks for password on login, but it doesn't seem to follow through with that setting.07:34
ailo-wTengu_: I'd ask on #xubuntu then. I at least am not very familiar with XFCE07:36
ailo-wTengu_: How were you able to change to not ask for password? During install?07:36
ailo-wTengu_: This may help in finding out the cause07:37
ailo-wTengu_: Yeah, as in you made the seting during insall?07:45
ailo-wOk, great07:46
Tengu_I believe lightdm is the login manager.07:46
ailo-wTengu_: You installed ubuntu desktop on top of Ubuntu Studio?07:47
Tengu_No, I simply installed Ubuntu Studio.07:47
ailo-wAh, yeah. Well, I guess that could be the problem. Some changes around that07:51
ailo-wAnyway, I'll look into it.07:51
Tengu_From what I understand /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf is the file, if I comment out "autologin-user=madadmin" it might work. But the file is read only.07:52
ailo-wTengu_: Sounds plausible. If it works, let me know07:55
Tengu_Well, only one way to test. Thanks for the help so far.07:55
Unit193ailo-w: It's also at http://xubuntu.org/news/faq-1204-precise/07:59
Tengu_Cool, that worked.08:00
ailo-wUnit193: Thanks08:24
Unit193Sure thing.08:24
=== _dancer is now known as MOSMarauder
studio-user982good day all!14:59
smartboyhwstudio-user982, hi14:59
area51employee1how do manage the power settings in ubuntu studio? i can't find the icon anywhere.16:01
area51employee1i hate leaving out words..you* should have been in there.16:02
area51employee1anybody here?16:03
rickbolI've loaded a dark theme in US, but Google search and some other web pages use a light grey colored typeface on white background.16:35
rickbolWhat's the recommended way to manage this issue?16:35
ailorickbol: That's a GTK theming issue, I believe. Don't think you'll find many experts on that topic here16:44
ailorickbol: Could be there are some artwork channels. Like #ubuntu-artwork, or some other channel that deals with gtk or theming16:45
rickbolok. thought audio\video ppl seeking a dark theme might already "know the ropes". thx.16:46
ailorickbol: Is it a custom theme, or one included with the instal?16:46
rickbolit's Phasex-Dark. Either included by default, or from a pkg addon.16:48
rickbolI can work around it using a Firefox setting, but it has to be don on a per-domain or per-webpage basis. I'm investigating whether or not...16:49
ailorickbol: Have you done a fresh install, or did you upgrade an existing installation?16:49
rickbolI can make the font conditional based on background color.16:50
ailoconditional sounds promising16:50
rickbolnot sure firefoxenable that possibility.16:52
ailorickbol: Can't seem to find that theme anywhere16:56
ailoThere's an audio app called phasex, but I can't seem to find the theme called phasex-dark16:57
ailoI mean, on Google even16:57
rickbolSettings->Settings Manager->Appearance, Style tab  ?16:58
ailorickbol: Yeah, I was not on XFCE a moment ago, so I naturally thought it would appear as a GTK theme.17:02
ailoIn Gnome3, that is17:02
ailoSo, it comes by default with Ubuntu Studio, and therefore also with Xubuntu17:03
rickbolwell for posterity, for Google, in the <home>/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>.default/chrome/userContent.css... "input#gbqfq.gbqfif { color: black !important; }" ...works.17:08
ailorickbol: You could ask on #xubuntu. I can't seem to find where that theme originates from. What package includes it, etc..17:09
ailoWould be good for someone to fix that17:09
rickbolI don't think conditional evaluationis supported in css17:09
rehahello, i have a question20:33
rehawith virtual midi keyboard20:33
rehathe only buttons on it are the effect buttons, and i couldn't find the way to get any sound from it20:34
rehawhat should i do after starting program20:34

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