
alexcunnAnyone out there?01:06
cjtrimCan someone help me Im installing Ubuntu 12.04.1 64bit from a CD i burned from image...after i select language and choose install ubuntu (or any option) i just get a black screen w cursor01:11
cjtrimalready tried redownloading/burning boot disc01:12
alexcunnHave you waited to see if it loads?01:18
cjtrimyes ive given it a few minutes...shouldnt take so long should it?01:19
alexcunnAnd are you sure ur computer is 64 bit compatible?01:20
cjtrimyeah i have a intel dual core e840001:20
alexcunnI don't know all about the installer. We'll see if someone else will walk in and help01:22
cjtrimthanks alex01:22
cjtrimI thought maybe it was because i was accidentally using DVD-R for a CD image...but the result was the same for either.01:26
alexcunnI am running the install iso in a VM. does it show the ubuntu label?01:26
cjtrimtrying the instructions here: on the same machine will return if it doesnt work01:30
cjtrimAnyone help with figuring out how to get a wireless USB adapter to work on 12.04.1, please?? Its a Cysco AE2500.02:58
cjtrimIve been checking forums but havent found anything that matches my case exactly.03:00
wilee-nileecjtrim, If you have tried some methods already make sure that info is included, but here is a link. To be honest usb wifi's are cheap and there is a wiki on ones that work out of the box. http://askubuntu.com/questions/105918/cisco-linksys-ae2500-wireless-adapter-not-working03:01
wilee-nileeThis one appears to need a ndis wrapper at the least, more work than I would do.03:01
cjtrimI see. Thank you03:02
wilee-nileenot everyone has the money though I understand, but it appears this one can be made to work. ;)03:04
manwhatthis is an awkward question, but I started using Ubuntu in the past week and am really enjoying it, which leads me to the question... is there any ways in which Windows 7 is actually superior to Ubuntu?08:21
manwhatthe only thing so far I've found is that it's difficult in Ubuntu to change how much the mouse scrolls with each notch of the mouse wheel08:21
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