
jonopleia2, you around?00:58
akgraneryou know that moment when you realize the hangout is being recorded and streamed - like 5 seconds after you realize you just said *that* aloud :-/02:46
mhall119akgraner: now image that for 24 hours03:00
akgranermhall119, I bet you didn't say if you could have a "Big Year" you take pole dancing lessons and do a pin-up calendar - DOH...:-/ sometimes my humor really bites me  - DOH!03:04
akgraner(might as well own it)03:04
mhall119akgraner: obviously you haven't watched all 24 hours yet :)03:09
akgranermhall119, no I haven't yet03:09
akgranerbut now I think I should03:09
=== chilicuil is now known as chilicui1
dholbachgood morning06:57
jcastro_hey popey12:27
popeyhey jcastro_12:28
jcastro_hey, 2 things12:28
jcastro_1, Jose has backups of the site if we want to move it back to your server12:28
jcastro_and 212:28
jcastro_do you know http://www.amazon.com/?tag=u1webapp-2012:29
jcastro_^^^ all the other web codes?12:29
jcastro_So if someone asks, how do I make a bookmark of the amazon thing to support Ubuntu but I don't want the clutter on my launcher12:29
popeyjcastro_, only the main site? leave marathon.u.c pointing at dholbach ?12:50
jcastro_yes please12:54
jcastro_JoseeAntonioR has the backups12:54
jcastro_also, any idea on those amazon URLs?12:57
jcastro_or is it ok to tell people just to use that one12:58
popeyhave asked..12:58
jcastro_like, if I tell my brother in Chile to use that URL, I wonder if it will work, and so on12:58
jcastro_popey, want to do a combo question on AU about  it?12:58
jcastro_JoseeAntonioR, just waiting on joey to respond now13:43
dholbachhello jono_13:51
jono_hey dholbach13:52
czajkowskipopey: who's running the whyubuntu project/page14:16
jcastro_jono_, hey, I still need that mail from cezz wrt. the plenaries, do you know if all that is finalized or am I still on hold?14:27
popeyno idea14:31
jono_jcastro_, still waiting, but I am updating the spreadsheet14:32
jono_balloons, can you join https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/c0487a11641b20408689264e636f053d60fff8ba?authuser=0&hl=en-US14:32
czajkowskipopey: see the comment on my posting of it on G+14:33
czajkowskijono_: thanks for the mail re dvds14:33
jono_czajkowski, no worries, sorry for the delay14:34
czajkowskino worries.14:34
AlanBellI ordered the UK ones, the process seemed smooth enough14:35
popeyczajkowski, typos?14:35
czajkowskipopey: yes14:36
AlanBellczajkowski: Lewis Goddard14:36
mhall119jono_: jcastro_: who usually creates the track roundtables, the track leads or us?14:46
jono_mhall119, track leads14:46
jcastro_track leads14:47
jcastro_mhall119, but for community it's usually one of us14:47
jcastro_the whole delegation thing14:47
* jcastro_ shakes fist!14:47
jono_dholbach is the community track lead14:48
jcastro_but hey I did have an idea on roundtables14:48
jcastro_I was thinking the other day14:49
mhall119jcastro_: yeah, it's dholbach now14:49
jcastro_is on the last day, instead of having a roundtable on the first hour, have it the last hour before the closing thing.14:49
jcastro_a sort of "Wrap up" session were we can summarize and get any last issues.14:49
mhall119jono_: the search functionality is there now, if you want to let the track leads know, and perhaps remind them to create and schedule their roundtable sessions (they'll need one meeting per day, but they can re-use the etherpad url)14:50
dholbachalright my friends - I've got to run16:14
dholbachsee you all tomorrow16:14
jcastro_oh popey17:29
jcastro_forgot to ask, if you made the move yet17:29
jcastro_aka. when do I start my 24 hour timer?17:29
popeyi did the change at the point when I said it...17:31
popey4.5 hours ago17:31
dakeroupps :)17:31
jcastro_jono_, british lion sounds like UFO to me17:42
=== scott-work is now known as Guest14809
* bkerensa rushes to finish omg article21:20
czajkowskiget the facts in :)21:21
czajkowskialways good to rush that in21:22
bkerensaczajkowski: We always check them with Canonical21:23
czajkowskibkerensa: fair enough some articles liek the EU law one on amazon don't read that way at all21:25
bkerensaczajkowski: I consulted with General Counsel21:26
bkerensaAmanda Brock specifically21:26
bkerensabut I also didnt write that article21:26

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