
spook_i want to ask a question00:37
spook_can i stream my videos to my android via ubuntu 12.1000:37
spook_in the same wifi network00:37
dholbachgood morning06:57
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing#A12.10_artwork  12.10 artwork for cds for locoteams 14:07
czajkowskitoros: aloha 16:06
torosI wanted to order the Ubuntu 12.10 CDs for our LoCo team, and I got the following error message16:07
torosThis form is restricted to certain teams. You are not a member of any of those teams.16:07
czajkowskitoros: what team are you in ?16:07
torosczajkowski: ubuntu-hu16:07
torosthis one: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-hu16:07
czajkowskitoros: its an unapproved loco16:08
czajkowskionly dvd allocation for approved teams16:08
toroswhy is it unapproved?16:08
toroswhat happened?16:08
czajkowskitoros: you were sent a bug months ago re your re approval and nobody came to us 16:09
czajkowskitoros: https://launchpad.net/~tormalaszlo  that's you right 16:10
torosbut I didn't get any notification of that16:10
czajkowskiyou've been added to a bug back in 1st June 16:10
czajkowskilet me pm you the details and we can discuss it there16:10
torosczajkowski: Thank You for your quick guidance! we are already (more or less) ready with our reapproval application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HungarianTeam/ReApprovalApplication201218:38
torossorry for causing trouble, the last few months were rather hactic for us :)18:39
GatoLokodoes anybody know who should I contact if I think ubuntu.com/canonical.com email system is delivering to me emails directed to somebody else?21:20
czajkowskiGatoLoko: yes #canonical-sysadmin on freenode 21:21
czajkowskior mailing rt@ubuntu.com21:21
czajkowskiGatoLoko: what person are they being sent to 21:21
GatoLokoubuntu-br team21:21
czajkowskiGatoLoko: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-br  this team ?21:22
GatoLokoi think in this case it's some spam messages, but the mail system seems to confuse the destination, so it may do the same with legit mails21:22
GatoLokoyep, the mailing list for that team21:23
czajkowskiGatoLoko: I'm still unsure what you mean re @canonical.com address?21:24
GatoLokolooking at the mail headers, the mail passes through canonical.com servers and ubuntu.com servers21:24
bkerensaGatoLoko: This is something that all mailing lists get there is a ticket open for it already with IS but they have indicated they are doing the most they can to address it.21:25
czajkowskiGatoLoko: the folks in canonical-sysadmin should be able to help21:26
czajkowskiand there is usually someone on if you look at the topic21:26
GatoLokoi've joined the channel and am waiting for an answer21:27
GatoLokobut the topic says if nobody answer to contact with the same email you said21:27
GatoLokothanks by the way21:28
czajkowskihappy to help21:28
czajkowskithey can be working so just idle for a bit if you can 21:28
GatoLokobkerensa do you have a link for that bug report at hand?21:28
bkerensaGatoLoko: let me grab it21:30
bkerensaGatoLoko: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=2037621:30
bkerensaGatoLoko: in discussing it with the mailman maintainer who also works for Canonical his suggestion was improved fine tuning of spam filtering to include DNSBL, SORBS etc21:31
bkerensaGatoLoko: However IS indicates they dont want change the triggers to much because legitimate e-mail could be blocked21:31
bkerensaGatoLoko: but this is not unique to your mailing list it occurs for every list owner in the Ubuntu Community21:32
bkerensaand moderators21:32
* czajkowski just runs listadmin and mderates all mail every day very easily 21:33
bkerensaGatoLoko: ^21:33
GatoLokothe thing is that this mail didn't get delivered to another list, but to my personal email21:34
GatoLokoi'm the admin and moderator for another team (ubuntu-es-es@), but I have nothing to do with ubuntu-br21:35
czajkowskiGatoLoko: by any chance do you mean the contact this team mail 21:36
czajkowskiwhere the mail goes to a person rahther than the team 21:36
GatoLokosorry, i don't understand what you mean with those two last lines21:37
czajkowskiGatoLoko: just wondering is it a contact this team mail you are referring to 21:37
czajkowskia feature on LP21:37
czajkowskiwhere the mail is sent to the team but appears directly in a persons email inbox  and looks like it is addressed to them 21:38
GatoLokothe mail is sent to "ubuntu-br@lists....."21:38
GatoLokoand it's reaching "gatoloko@gmail.com"21:38
GatoLokoi'm not subscribed to that list, nor am i a moderator or admin for it21:39
bkerensaGatoLoko: is it from UPS, DHL, FedEx etc? this seems to be the #1 type of spam 21:41
GatoLokoit's from paypal, seems to be spam and unnimportant, but the thing is, it gets delivered to the wrong address21:43
GatoLokowhat if it happens with something legit?21:43
GatoLokowhat made me think about reporting it is that the "to" field and my address don't match21:44
GatoLokoTo: ubuntu-br <ubuntu-br@lists.ubuntu.com>    <---->   Delivered-To: gatoloko@gmail.com21:45
GatoLokoi've redirected the message to ubuntu-br-owner as the sysadmins told me21:53
GatoLokowith an added note telling him about the misdelivery21:53
bkerensaGatoLoko: so you are not the owner or moderator of the list?21:54
GatoLokonot that list, i'm the owner/moderator of ubuntu-es-es21:54
bkerensaGatoLoko: are you on the -br mailing list?21:54
bkerensaGatoLoko: in that case I would get the full e-mail with headers and open a new ticket or run it by someone in #canonical-sysadmin21:55
GatoLokoif i were i could have considered it a simple case of spam that "crossed the defenses"21:55
GatoLokoi've told the sysadmins as czajkowski told me21:55
GatoLoko[23:26] <GatoLoko> i think the list.ubuntu.com servers are delivering to me some messages not directed to me, who should I talk to?21:56
GatoLoko[23:27] <knome> GatoLoko, i believe communicating with the concerned list admins would be a good starting point :)21:56
GatoLoko[23:29] <GatoLoko> anything else I can do?21:56
GatoLoko[23:30] <deej> GatoLoko: If the list owner can't help you, pop back in here and ask for the vanguards whose nicks are in the topic21:56
GatoLokothat all21:56
GatoLokoso i did that21:57
GatoLokoi don't really thing this is something for the loco to fix, but for the admin21:58
GatoLokobut that's what they told me21:58
bkerensaGatoLoko: You will  need to double check with the owner of the mailing list21:59
bkerensasince they can check their settings 21:59
GatoLokoi've sent him a copy of the message with full headers, and a note telling him about the conversation with the admins22:01
GatoLokouhoh! checking my spam folder it seems i'm getting mails directed to multiple addresses (ubuntu-fr-l10n, ubuntu-fi, ubuntu-cy, ...)22:14
GatoLokothis is weird22:14

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